My Favorite Quotes...and writing.
Note: Not all are humorous. More quotes are in the "Clips"
That's When It Hit Me

(Ep 70 - "The Lake")
We were stranded. At a drive-in, with no car, fifty cents in our pockets, and nowhere to go but - "Planet of the Apes".
(Kevin sees a girl he'd seen before.)
KEVIN: Let's go talk to her.
PAUL: Are you crazy? We don't even know her!
Great. Mr. Condom-in-his-wallet was afraid of locals.
(In the snack bar. Kevin wants Paul to double with him.)
PAUL: I'm not going! No way on Earth. Kev - I'm your best friend. I'll do anything you want me to do. But please, don't make me do this.
It was the heart-felt cry of a dear and trusted friend. So really, I had no choice.
(Cut to Kevin and Cara in the back of a truck. Paul stands nearby.)
KEVIN: Seeya! (Waves.)
CARA: G'night, Paul.
(Dinner in the cabin.)
JACK: Here we go! Eat up.
NORMA: Fish turned out great, honey. Aren't you all proud of your father?
WAYNE: Yeah, we've got fish for days, hehehh.
WART: Yeah, hehhh, we've got fish for days.
Of course, I was more than glad to be there for Dad's moment of triumph.
KEVIN: Well, I gotta run. (Smiles.)
NORMA: Honey? Run where?
KEVIN: To the drive-in. You know, with Paul.
WAYNE: 'Fraid not, honeybunch. (Frowns.) The Pfeiffster's not going anywhere. Mr. Rubberhead's grounded for life. Hahahahah.
NORMA: Wayne!
WAYNE: Hnnnn...
KEVIN: Look, Mom, I just have something I have to do, OK?
JACK: Wait a minute. You know why I brought the whole family up here? Because I thought it might be nice for the whole family to spend a little time...together. (Frowns.) I caught that fish...so we could all enjoy it...together. And since this is our last night...I thought we'd spend it with each other...together.
KEVIN: But, Dad -
JACK: Kev! I mean it. (Nods.)
Part of me knew he was right. But another part of me knew something more.
(Kevin stands up.)
KEVIN: I can't stay, Dad.
JACK: Kevin, sit down!
JACK: Because I say so. And I'm your father.
There it was. My whole life, they'd been his final words.
KEVIN: I'm sorry. I'm goin'.
(At the drive-in with Cara.)
I had to be with Cara. I had to hold her.
(Kevin looks forward uncomfortably.)
I just couldn't bring myself to tell her...I was leaving.
KEVIN: So. What do you want to do tonight?
(Cara looks up at him, then looks forward again. Kevin glances at her, then looks off.)
CARA: You're leaving aren't you?
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Kevin looks down. Cara sits up and Kevin pulls his arm back. She looks forward.)
CARA: That's too bad.
(Kevin looks at her a moment.)
KEVIN: I'll miss you.
(Cara continues to look down. Kevin looks over her face and frowns.)
KEVIN: What's wrong?
CARA: Nothing's wrong. I'll miss you too.
KEVIN: Look...
(Kevin glances off, then looks back to Cara and smiles.)
KEVIN: We can still see each other. I mean...I get my license in a few months, I could...you know...(gestures)...drive up.
CARA (Unconvinced): Yeah.
KEVIN: On weekends. (Smiles.)
CARA: Yeah...
(Cara looks off.)
CARA: I think I gotta hang out with my brother tonight.
I was losing her. I guess I knew I had to, but...
KEVIN: Don't be like that! (Frowns.)
(Cara still looks off.)
CARA: Sorry.
(Kevin moves in a little closer, earnestly.)
KEVIN: Look, I wanna stay. You know that. You gotta know that, more than anything!
(Cara continues to look off, as Kevin looks at her.)
But there was nothing more I could say. Except...
KEVIN: I'm sorry.
(Cara turns toward Kevin and a tear rolls down her cheek.)
CARA: I'm not.
(They look at each other a few moments. Cara hold his hand then puts it on her heart. They look at each other a few moments as Cara strokes his hand. Kevin slowly moves in to kiss her. They kiss a long time as the camera pulls back.)
I wanted to stay there, in that night. More than anything I wanted before. But I knew I couldn't. I was fifteen. I slept under a roof my father owned, in a bed my father bought. Nothing was mine - except my heart and my fears. And my growing knowledge that not every road was going to lead home, anymore.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 71 - "Day One")
(Kevin and a girl a few lockers down are looking at each other. Stuart cuts between them.)
STUART: Kevin Arnold?! Stuart Carpazian. Remember me? We both had Miss Serita for fourth grade.
KEVIN: Oh, hi, Stuart.
STUART: Wow, it's good to see ya! You're probably wondering what happened to me. See, my dad got a job in Tucson when I was in fifth grade...so we moved. But, I'm back now! Jujubee?
KEVIN: No, thanks.
STUART: So, how's your mom? Hey, remember when she chaperoned our field-trip to the zoo...and the elephants are doing it?
Jeez, was this kid blind?
(The girl looks at Kevin as she closes her locker.)
Couldn't he see what was happening here?
STUART: Remember that time you came down with the Hong Kong flu?
(The girl smiles and approaches.)
Here she came.
STUART: It was right after lunch.
(Kevin smiles. The girl smiles.)
STUART: Fishsticks and peas, and ya threw up all over your desk.
(Kevin frowns. The girl frowns and walks past Kevin.)
KEVIN: Stuart!
STUART: Well, I gotta go to class now. It's been nice talking to you. Seeya later!
(Mr. Bottner is handing back papers to the class.)
MR. BOTTNER: Pathetic...fair...adequate...putrid...Arnold! You're gonna have to do yours over. Passable...marginal...
KEVIN: Wait a minute, wait a minute.
MR. BOTTNER: You have a comment?
KEVIN: Why do I have to do mine over again?
MR. BOTTNER: I'm glad you asked me that question. I can't read your writing. Your margins are off. And you didn't put the date in the upper righthand corner. Bottner's Rules.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 72 - "The Hardware Store")
KEVIN: Mr. Harris, all I do here is move cartons from one shelf to the other and listen to you talk about hardware. No one hardly comes in here anymore - no one wants to.
MR. HARRIS: Is that so! Let me tell you, the hardware business -
MRS. HARRIS: Sam! Sam, the boy wants to go.
KEVIN: You don't even need me here most of the time.
MR. HARRIS: I know that. I would like you to keep working here, but I won't try to make you stay. I've made my offer - I stand by it.
I felt him watching me, thinking how much I learned, how much he taught me. I was fifteen. I lived in a world that was new - and alive, and exciting. And everything here was old. Maybe it was stupid - that's also part of being fifteen. I traded my tie for a stupid hat and a plastic nametag at the mall. When I left a month later - no one cared.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 73 - "Frank and Denise")
MR. LEMKUR: Love? Hah! Love, my little untutored charges, is a joke - a sham. And never what it appears to be.
Weird Mr. Lemkur. Couture by Salvation Army, posture...by Quasimodo. Words were his only passion. Boring us with them - his only joy.
MR. LEMKUR: And now let's see what Keats had to say on the subject, shall we?
With all respect to the great poets, third-period English left one or two things to be desired.
(The camera moves over slightly to show Denise's "curves".)
Denise "The Grease" was both of them.
MR. LEMKUR: "Light feet, dark violet eyes and parted hair, soft dimpled hands, ripe neck, and creamy breast...are things on which the dazzled senses rest". And what was Keats saying, here, hmmm? Kevin.
KEVIN: Well, he's s-saying that, uh...creamy b-
(Denise turns around.)
Oh boy...
KEVIN: That, you know...it's, it's all kinda...dazzling.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 74 - "Full Moon Rising")
RANDY: Kevin! This is everything we ever dreamed of! We're talkin' us - the guys, in a car! Don't you get it? This is cool!
And of course, faced with logic of that caliber, there was only one thing to do.
(Cut to biology class.)
CINDY: Your grandmother?
KEVIN: Uh, yeah. I'm such an idiot I completely forgot she was coming to visit.
CINDY: Oh! Well.
KEVIN: You know, she hasn't been well. She's got this bad, uh...liver!
CINDY: Oh...
KEVIN: So her, you know, so her, liver has been acting up.
Maybe I was nervous because I was dissecting a frog, but the word "liver" seemed to pop up frequently.
KEVIN: Anyway, my mother wants us all home Friday night, to be with my grandmother, and her...liver.
CINDY: Maybe I could take a rain-check?
KEVIN: Sure, that'd be great!
CINDY: Great. (Smiles.)
There. Artfully done. Now there was nothing standing between me, the guys, and the road.
(The guys stop at a diner. Kevin orders food at the window.)
KEVIN: Four chocolate shakes, two onion rings, two fries, and extra ketchup.
And there was nothin' left to do but stand around, look good, and get noticed.
(Cindy approaches.)
CINDY: Kevin? Hi!
KEVIN: Cindy?
CINDY: What are you doing here?
KEVIN: Uh...
Somehow, I had a feeling "checkin' out the hooters" wasn't gonna fly.
KEVIN: Getting shakes. See, here they are!
CINDY: Oh...is your grandmother here?
KEVIN: My grandmother?
CINDY: Yeah.
KEVIN: Oh! No! She's back at home because of...
KEVIN: ...her liver. I'm just here with...my cousins. And we have to get back with the shakes. Look, they're melting, see?
CINDY: Well, if you're with relatives...I guess I'll see you on Monday?
KEVIN: Yeah! Monday!
After all, no reason to dally.
KEVIN: Seeya later.
The thing to do was amskray before she discovered who my cousins -
PURDLE: Hey, hey! Ba-by...!
Really were.
PURDLE: Hey, Kevin? Who's the fox? Owwwwww!
RANDY: Introduce us, man!
RICKY: Yeah. Come wait over here - we got room!
She didn't actually say anything - her face did all the talking. It said my rain-check had been revoked - permanently.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 75 - "Triangle")
It was true. While my worthless brother was hitting his stride, I seemed to be losing ground - and fast.
(In the cafeteria line, Kevin looks at the girl next to him.)
For one thing, I was in a very serious dating-slump - I'm not sure why, exactly.
KEVIN: Hey! I'd watch out for those mashed potatoes! I bet there's a lot of parasites in 'em.
GIRL: Creep!
Possibly, just possibly, it had something to do with my technique.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 76 - "Soccer")
(Kevin has just decided not to join the soccer team as the ball rolls toward him.)
CHUCK: Hey, a little help? Kick it back!
(Kevin kicks it back to Chuck, who picks it up.)
CHUCK: Wow. (Smiles.) Where'd you learn how to do that?
KEVIN: What?
LEIGH: Kick like that.
KEVIN: I don't know. (Gestures.) Lucky, I guess. (Smiles.)
CHUCK: Yeah, well...good shot, superstar...
The amazing thing was...these guys were serious.
CHUCK: So. You gonna join us?
And that's when I realized...in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
At least one thing seemed clear...when it came to coaching...this coach couldn't care less. Of course, maybe there was a reason for that. Take Nick Bott, for example. The most uncoordinated kid I ever met. Not to mention the biggest "Star Trek" fan. And Andy Collins. I never saw a lazier kid. And who could forget Chuck Coleman? "Mr. Fidget". The kid meant well enough, but he elevated annoying to an art form. And Leigh Fitzpatrick. Sweet guy, but a bundle of nerves. All-in-all, we were a team that could most-charitably be described as...
(The ball bangs into the bleachers next to the coach.)
COACH McINTYRE: What the hell was that?
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 77 - "Dinner Out")
WAITRESS: Our special tonight is a sixteen-ounce prime rib. (Smiles.)
JACK: Prime rib, huh?
Alright - this was the ticket. Mellow the guy out with a good old fashioned hunk o'...
KAREN: Dead cow. (Frowns.)
MICHAEL: Uh, Karen...
KAREN: Well, that's what prime rib is, isn't it? Cow flesh? How many innocent beasts had to be slaughtered so we could have this meal?
WAITRESS: I don't know, honey...(nods)...I just work here. I'll be back to take your orders. (Exits.)
KAREN: Who chose this place, anyway?
WAYNE: Dad did.
Which left us about, oh, five seconds from meltdown.
MICHAEL: So, uh, Mr. Arnold...how are things at...Norplant? (Frowns.) Norcorp. Norfleet. (Frowns.) Nor...
(Sound of a timer clicking as Michael looks at Karen, who mouthes "com".)
(Ding of the timer bell as Michael looks at Jack.)
MICHAEL: Norcom. (Nods.) That's-that's where you work, right - how are things there?
JACK: Work's work. (Frowns.)
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 78 - "Christmas Party")
(Slides are shown of previous Christmas parties.)
Every year when I was a kid, my parents threw a Christmas party. Everybody in the neighborhood came. Dad played the "big cheese"...Mom played "Donna Reed". And a really stupid time was had by all. It was a time when hopes were high. When the neighborhood was young. It was fun, before fun got so...complicated.
(Music and party noise ends. Fade to a close shot of a TV-dinner tray in Norma's oven-mitted hand, as she approaches.)
Before life got so...
(She places the tray on the table in front of Jack's stomach.)
NORMA: Voila!
(Shot of Jack's knife and fork as he starts to cut the food, and pauses. The camera pans up to Jack's face. He looks down, dumbfounded.)
JACK: What's this?
NORMA: Salisbury steak.
(Norma holds up the box and smiles.)
JACK: Oh...
(Jack and the boys are shopping. Jack holds up a liter-size bottle of wine, and frowns.)
JACK: Four bucks.
(Jack sets the bottle down, and walks toward more shelves.)
Meanwhile, my father was on a vigil of his own.
JACK: Four bucks for a lousy bottle of wine...
SALESMAN: Need any help?
JACK: My wife wants me to buy a bottle of white wine.
SALESMAN: Ah, well, we've got Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Chablis, Peignot Chardonnay, Reisling, Fumin Blanc...
(The saleman pauses. Jack points.)
JACK: I'll take the one with the handle.
(Kevin and Wayne are in the distance.)
While Dad was pondering economics, we were plotting our escape.
KEVIN: Who's gonna talk to him?
KEVIN: Me?! You talk to him, butthead.
WAYNE: OK, I will! (Gestures.) I'll handle this. (Frowns.)
Wait a minute...
KEVIN: Wayne? Wayne - no - I'll talk to him.
(Shot of the cashier, and Jack as he pulls his wallet out.)
After all, we were hittin' Dad where he lived. This was gonna require tact...timing...diplomacy.
KEVIN: Dad? Um, we were thing about the party...And...we've decided that -
WAYNE: We wanna get paid. (Gestures.)
(Jack hands some bills to the cashier while looking at the boys off-screen.)
JACK: Paid?
WAYNE: Yeah - for the work we're gonna do at the party. (Frowns.)
JACK: Paid...
(The cashier removes three pennies. The camera pans with her hand as she drops the coins in Jack's out-stretched hand.)
JACK: Fine! You wanna get paid?! (Frowns.)
(Jack slaps the coins in Kevin's hand.)
JACK: There! Split it up. (Gestures.)
(Jack's war-buddy has divorced Marsha, and brought a younger date, Carol.)
But it seemed there was more going on here, than just chips and dip.
NORMA: Carol seems very, uh...nice.
JACK I don't want to talk about it!
NORMA: I mean, she's very, uh...sophisticated! For her age.
JACK: "For her age"?! "For her age"?!
(Carol enters and pauses at the dining room doorway. Jack and Norma don't see her.)
KEVIN: Uh, Dad?
JACK: Norma, for God's sake! The guy's old enough to be her father!
CAROL: Hhmm!
(She touches her throat and looks toward Jack.)
CAROL: Um...I'm afraid something may be wrong with your urn. (Smiles.) This coffee's a little chilly.
And I suppose, there was really only one thing to say.
(Norma is still a little stunned.)
NORMA: I have an idea! Let's play Twister!
(Kevin and Wayne are on the basement stairs, and see Mr. Ermin in the basement. Jack enters behind them.)
JACK: Wayne? Kevin? What the hell's goin' on down here? Smells like a mattress is burnin'.
MR. ERMIN: Jah-ah-ah-ah, I - I...
(Mr. Ermin raises his eggnog.)
MR. ERMIN: Hey, hey, Jack...! The boys and I were, were...we were just chatting about, uh...
(Kevin looks at Wayne, as Wayne giggles. Jack takes a step down.)
MR. ERMIN: About, uh..uh...
(A seed in his roach pops.)
MR. ERMIN: Ouch! Ouch!
(Mr. Ermin drops the roach and puts his finger in his mouth.)
MR. ERMIN: Mmmm! (Frowns.)
NORMA: Jack? (Sniffs.) Ho-ney? (Sniffs.) What's that -
(She pauses, then glances open-mouthed at Mr. Ermin, then Jack, as sitar music starts. Mr. Ermin sucks his finger.)
And then came the dawn. After years of sowing it, growing it, and mowing it...Mr. Ermin, king of lawn-care...had decided to smoke it - in our basement.
(Kevin and Wayne are in the garage, after Jack sent them to get sodas, following the basement incident.)
WAYNE: Think Mr. Ermin...buys it, or does he grow it himself?
KEVIN: Ah, shut up!
WAYNE: S'matter with you?
KEVIN: Nothing, OK?
But there was something wrong. I knew it, Wayne knew it...
(They hear Jack and Norma outside.)
NORMA: I'm just saying, you could have handled it a little better.
JACK : Better? How was I supposed to handle it better?! Tell me.
NORMA: You simply could have asked him to leave.
Maybe Mom and Dad knew it, too.
NORMA: You've known him for twenty years, Jack.
(Kevin and Wayne peek around the doorway.)
JACK: Then he shouldn't have done somethin' so stupid!
NORMA: No - you should not have pushed him all the way up the stairs - he could have gotten hurt!
JACK: The guy's a jerk!
NORMA: No - the man is a friend!
JACK: Look, Norma! It was not my idea to have this damn party in the first place!
NORMA: Now it's my fault?!
JACK: No, it -
(Kevin and Wayne fall forward, and a bunch of stuff clatters to the ground. They pop up, as a hubcap rattles to a stop.)
KEVIN: Hi, Dad! (Smiles.)
WAYNE: Hi, Mom! (Smiles.)
JACK: Get outta here.
KEVIN: What?
JACK: Go to the store and get some soda.
WAYNE: We got sodas in the garage!
JACK: Then go get more.
(Kevin and Wayne return, and enter the livingroom.)
I wasn't sure what to expect - chaos...mayhem...
(Norma and Jack are on the couch, alone, watching the fire in the fire-place. "A Christmas Song" plays in the background.)
Or, maybe, two love-birds on a couch.
WAYNE: Ahem! We got some soda.
NORMA: Thanks, honey.
WAYNE: Well, I'll just...put 'em in the 'fridge.
In a way, it was crazy. There they sat - amidst the wreckage of a party gone wrong...and they didn't seem to care.
KEVIN: Mom? Dad? Sorry about what happened.
NORMA: Oh, it's OK, honey.
KEVIN: Maybe it'll be better next year.
JACK: Maybe...
NORMA: Uh...I guess I better clean up.
JACK: Oh...let it wait till tomorrow.
(Jack puts an arm around Norma. She smiles and settles back.)
And I guess that's when I understood. For Mom and Dad, the party hadn't been a disaster. For as much as things were changing all around them...What Jack and Norma had - what drew people to their house every Christmas for sixteen years...was still the same. The thing they started out with.
(Kevin goes to his room.)
The one they'd never lose.
(Kevin flops onto his bed and puts his hands behind his head.)
My parents never did throw another Christmas bash. And that was OK - I guess. But I still think about those parties. What they stood for.
(Shot of the crack of light under the door.)
The time before TV dinners and two-car families. And grass was green and we were young...
(The light brightens, as sounds of a party can be heard. The light reaches a little further into the room.)
And those nights when I'd lie awake in my bed...
(Shadows play across the light.)
Watching the light dance under my door. And listening...for my father's laugh.
(The camera pans across a young Wayne sleeping in bed.)
"Though it's been said..."
NORMA (V/O): Bill! Marsha!
"Many times, many ways..."
(Sound of Jack laughing.)
"Merry Christmas..."
JACK (V/O): Son of a gun...
(The camera pans across to a young Kevin sleeping in bed.)
"To you..."
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 79 - "Pfeiffer's Fortune")
(Norma has just made a toast to the Pfeiffer's good fortune.)
And in that simple moment, with those simple gestures...you could feel a burden lift.
(Everyone clinks glasses.)
It was...wonderful.
(Alvin starts to cry.)
It was...horrible.
IDA: Al...honey?
ALVIN: It's gone.
IDA: What?
ALVIN: I said it's gone. The whole investment. The whole shebang.
NORMA: Oh, God!
DEBBIE: Not the beach, Dad!
ALVIN: Under water. All of it.
His face told the tale. One phone call, and the Pfeiffer fortunes had landed on the continental shelf. So of course, being neighbors, there was only one thing we could do.
WAYNE: Waiter? Double steak sandwich - make it fast, huh?
(Cut to evening as the Arnold car approaches the driveway.)
Nobody talked much the rest of that afternoon, or on the way home. I guess we were all a little sobered by the knowledge that the fortune of an optometrist could vanish...in the blink of an eye.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 80 - "Road Test")
Fact! In the suburbs, a boy's first steps towards manhood start behind a lawnmower.
JACK: Hey, Kevin! You missed a patch.
KEVIN: Sorry, Dad.
Still for me, at sixteen, lawn care had given way to something much, much, more important - the driver's license. The thing that separates boys...
(Boy parks convertible, girl gets in and kisses him.)
KEVIN: Lucky stiff.
From the men. And so on, and so forth...
JACK: Kev! Kev!! The hell ya doin' there?
KEVIN: I was just...-
JACK: You're burnin' a hole in the yard!
KEVIN: Right, Dad!
JACK: And don't forget to put the mower away when you're finished.
KEVIN: OK, I will!
But the truth was, by the spring of tenth grade, it was time to put the mower in mothballs. Time to make the jump from two cylinders...to real horsepower.
I couldn't get to sleep that night. I kept thinking about my future - I was going to grow up, go to college, raise a family, and be the only All-Pro quarterback who had to ride his bicycle to the superbowl.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 81 - "Grandpa's Car")
POLICEMAN: You were driving on probation, sir. Probationary accidents result in the immediate suspension of driving privileges. I believe you were informed of that.
ALBERT: Well...(points)....just let me inform you of something. I have an Oldsmobile to drive here!
KEVIN: I'll drive, Gramps! (Smiles.)
After all...no sense letting a golden opportunity go to waste, here.
JACK: No you won't...(sighs)...I'll drive.
ALBERT: You most certainly will not! (Frowns.)
(Kevin turns to Jack.)
KEVIN: Well, fine...I'll drive your car, then.
JACK: You ride with your mother - we've had enough accidents for one day.
KEVIN: But, Dad! (Frowns.) I -
JACK: Kevin!
POLICEMAN: Folks? Don't forget to buckle up.
And there it was.
(The policeman puts the keys in Jack's hand, then walks toward the building.)
The final word.
(Albert points at the policeman.)
ALBERT: You can't do this, ya know!
(Cut to dinner.)
ALBERT: He can't do this, ya know. (Frowns.)
Hell hath no fury like a grandfather scorned.
JACK: Dad? He can do it...he did it...it's done.
NORMA: Come on, Albert. I made your lambchops just the way you like 'em. (Smiles.)
ALBERT: That cop wouldn't know a good driver if he got run over by one.
(Albert has asked Kevin to drive him home.)
The great overland automobile trip to Grandfather's house of 1972. Sure - it was further than I'd ever driven...and I'd have to take the bus back, but that morning, behind the wheel, I could feel the call of adventure...excitement...the unexpected.
ALBERT: Pull over.
KEVIN: Beg your pardon?
ALBERT: Stop her right here.
(Kevin pulls to the curb.)
For about a block-and-a-half.
KEVIN: Gramps - what's goin' on?
ALBERT: Get out.
KEVIN: What?
ALBERT: I'm drivin'.
KEVIN: But, Gramps...you know what Dad said. You -
ALBERT: Come on...let's go! (Smiles.) You're riding shot-gun!
KEVIN: But...
(Albert gets out and walks around the car.)
And that's when the true meaning of what was transpiring hit me.
(Albert opens the door.)
ALBERT: Move it! (Gestures.)
(Kevin slides over.)
Suddenly, I saw clearly.
(Albert gets in.)
I'd been duped by the master. Hoodwinked. Blind-sided.
ALBERT: Here we go! (Smiles.)
(The car lurches off.)
I should have know all along that my grandfather was...
ALBERT: Gangway!
Always in the driver's seat.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 82 - "Kodachome")
KEVIN: I can't get my locker open.
PAUL: New combinations. They changed 'em over the weekend. Security problems...
KEVIN: Well, I have to get my books! (Frowns.)
(Paul looks over his shoulder at a man on a ladder behind them.)
PAUL: Maybe you should talk to Linzer. (Points.)
KEVIN: Excuse me.
Unfortunately, in high school, opening doors is no easy task.
KEVIN: I can't get in my locker. Do you have the key?
MR. LINZER: Uh, yeah.
KEVIN: Great!
MR. LINZER: Ya need a 29-C, though.
KEVIN: A "29-C"?
MR. LINZER: Security Authorization Form. (Nods.)
Of course...a 29-C!
MR. LINZER: You can get one...from the administration office. Between twelve and two.
KEVIN: Yeah, but I have to get in my locker now!
MR. LINZER: Well, then, uh...you have a problem.
KEVIN: Well, that's what I told you!
Obviously I was dealing here with strictly middle-management. What I needed was...
(Dr. Valenti steps out of a doorway to speak to a teacher, behind Kevin. Kevin turns around and approaches him as Dr. Valenti starts up the hallway.)
Dr. Valenti. Our principal - the top-dog.
KEVIN: Excuse me, sir.
DR. VALENTI: And you are?
KEVIN: Kevin Arnold.
DR. VALENTI: Aren't you a little late for class, there, Kevin Arnold?
KEVIN: Well, see, that's my problem. (Points.) I can't open my locker.
DR. VALENTI: Oh! Well, we'll...we'll fix that right up, uh...
Finally - a man who could cut through red-tape.
DR. VALENTI: Hmmm...
The guy that could make things happen. A mover. A shaker.
DR. VALENTI: Talk to Linzer. Good meeting you son!
(Dr. Valenti pats Kevin's shoulder and walks off.)
DR. VALENTI: I'm glad I could help.
(Jack is looking at Kevin's report card.)
JACK: "P". What the hell's a "P"?
NORMA: Oh, I think it means "pass", honey.
JACK: I can see it means "pass"...what I mean is...where is his grade? (Frowns.)
KEVIN: Well, see Dad...(gestures)...Miss Shaw doesn't -
NORMA: You know, they're starting to do this in a lot of the courses at the university.
JACK: Great. (Frowns.) When he goes to a university...
(Jack looks at Kevin and gestures.)
JACK: On his own money...he can get a "P". But as long as I'm payin' taxes...(gestures)...I want to see a grade.
Hmmm. Seemed this plan wasn't playing so well in the hinterlands.
KEVIN: Dad, I don't think you really understand.
JACK: Oh, I don't?
KEVIN: Well, I mean...this isn't a math class. (Shrugs.) There are no...right or wrong answers. I mean...(shrugs)...you can't grade people's thoughts. Or society'd turn into uh...an abyss of mediocrity. Well, besides...it doesn't even matter what you think of me. It only matters what I think of me. (Smiles.)
(Jack looks off.)
Philosophically speaking...you couldn't argue with that.
(Jack purses his lips, then looks at Kevin.)
JACK: As long as you're living under my roof, you damn well better care what I think of you.
(Jack nods and smiles slightly, and flips the report card toward Kevin.)
KEVIN: Right. (Smiles.)
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 83 - "Private Butthead")
(Wayne and Kevin are in Wayne's car in front of the AFEES station.)
WAYNE: I better get in there.
I knew there was something I should say. Some way to tell him all the things I was feeling.
KEVIN: Good luck.
(Wayne looks at Kevin, then gets out of the car and walks toward the building.)
I guess I just didn't say it very well.
That afternoon, I thought about all the times that Wayne and I had had. When growing up was still a game. And life was what we made it. I thought about how we'd played at war, afternoons in Harper's Woods. And how every night we'd shared a room. And how much I would miss him.
(Jack's car pulls up and turns into the parking space next to Wayne's car.)
I guess...I wasn't the only one.
(Jack approaches.)
JACK: He still in there?
KEVIN: Yeah.
JACK: Takes awhile...
(They look toward the building, glance around, and wait. Wayne comes through the door. Kevin starts forward, and Jack puts his arm out.)
JACK: Kevin, uh...let me have a minute. (Frowns.) OK?
(Jack approaches Wayne. They slow up as Wayne puts his hands in his jacket pockets.)
JACK: How'd it go?
(Wayne looks down.)
WAYNE: You know...
JACK: Yeah...I remember my physical - it's a real pain in the rear. (Smiles.)
WAYNE: Is that what you came down to talk to me about?
JACK: Nah, I guess not...Wayne...you know I'm against this. I haven't prepared you for it...
WAYNE: Dad...
JACK: Let me - let me finish...I haven't prepared you for anything. You've been lookin' for my help...
(He frowns, then shrugs and shakes his head slightly.)
JACK: I don't know where I've been. I, uh...I wanted so much more for ya. I wanted -
(Wayne shrugs.)
WAYNE: I failed my physical. (Nods.) I've got psoriasis. They're afraid my back will really peel in the jungle. (Frowns.) Psoriasis...Can you believe that? (Shrugs.) I couldn't even do this right.
(Wayne glances off, then down, and shakes his head. Jack steps closer and puts his hand on Wayne's shoulder.)
JACK: It's OK...It's OK.
WAYNE: I just didn't know what else to do...
(Jack puts his arms around Wayne. They hug, and Jack rubs his back.)
Love is never simple. Not for fathers and sons. We spend our lives full of hope and expectations. And, most of the time...we're bound to fail. But that afternoon, as I watched my father sheltering his son...against a future that was so unsure...all I knew was...they didn't want to let each other down, anymore.
(Another day at the AFEES Station.)
WART: David Wirtshafter.
(The soldier gestures over his shoulder, and the Wirtshafter's walk past him. Wart approaches Wayne and Kevin.)
WART: Hey, you buttheads. (Smiles.) Hey, you take care of yourself.
(Wart and Wayne shake hands.)
WAYNE: You take care of yourself, man.
WART: Don't take any crud from anyone. (Nods.)
WAYNE: I won't. (Nods.)
WART: Wish you were coming with me! (Smiles.)
(Wart pats Wayne on the shoulder and walks past him, toward his parents waitng near the bus door. Kevin and Wayne turn to watch him.)
A few days later, Wart left for basic training. He spent two months at Fort Polk, Louisiana. And then, David Wirtshafter...was shipped to Vietnam.
(Shot of the open bus door. Wart leans out and smiles. He gives a left-handed salute.)
A big goofy kid...
(He smiles again, then moves back into the bus.)
Who didn't know what his future would be.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 84 - "Of Mastodons and Men")
(Kevin and friends are goofing off while a slide-show plays.)
SLIDE SHOW: Man. Hunter. Tool-maker. Slayer of mastodons. Armed with only his instincts and a spear...he roamed the earth, in tribes.
In a lot of ways, high school boys are a lot like primitive man.
(Ricky pulls some candy from his pocket and smiles.)
They forage for their food.
(Chuck pulls the tube from his pen and shoots spitballs.)
They fashion crude tools.
(Kevin crumples up a piece of notebook paper, and glances around stealthily.)
And of course...they hang out in groups.
(Kevin throws the paper at Chuck.)
In fact, about the only difference between my friends...and Neanderthal man was...
MRS. HERRELSON: Any questions?
Neanderthals had bigger brains.
(Kevin is at his girlfriend's house for dinner.)
The Aidem family was a model of decorum. There may have been a reason for that.
(Mrs. Aidem frowns at Mr. Aidem.)
MRS. AIDEM: Oh, Ben?
(She holds up a fork.)
MRS. AIDEM: The salad-fork.
The girls out-numbered the boys by a ratio of four-to-one. Five-to-one if you counted the pooch.
MR. AIDEM: So, Kev? Who do you like for the World Series?
KEVIN: Uh, I don't know! (Gestures.) I think I like the Tigers - or maybe the Cubs. (Smiles.)
MR. AIDEM: Oakland's gonna knock everyone else on their butts.
MR. AIDEM: Oh...(shrugs)...sorry...(Nods.) Not at the dinner table.
Still, I had to admit - I liked it there. It was nice being in a civilized home.
(Mrs. Aidem looks at Mr. Aidem, and points at her throat.)
MRS. AIDEM: Oh. Ben?
(She frowns and whispers.)
MRS. AIDEM: Fix your collar.
A home where people actually said "please"...and used butter-knives.
(Another dinner at Julie's. She expects Kevin to announce they are going steady.)
That night, I did my best to forestall the inevitable.
(Julie nudges Kevin, and nods directionally.)
JULIE: Kevin...
KEVIN: Uh...terrific pot-roast, Mrs. Aidem.
MRS. AIDEM: Thank you, Kevin.
But then, I guess they don't call it the "inevitable" for nothing.
JULIE: Kevin - don't you have an announcement to make? (Smiles.)
At least not around the Aidem household.
KEVIN: Yeah! (Smiles.)
(Kevin glances off and his smile fades.)
KEVIN: Yeah...yeah, I do.
(Kevin takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to speak.)
JULIE: Oh, Kevin...(Nods). I think you should stand up.
(Kevin pauses, then stands slowly.)
And so, we'd arrived. At the last exit. The final whistle.
KEVIN: Well...
And that's when it happened.
(Mrs. Aidem looks at Mr. Aidem and frowns, pointing to her throat.)
MRS. AIDEM: Honey? Fix your collar.
(Low music starts to play. Mr. Aidem adjusts his collar.)
It was...wierd!
(Julie is smiling at Kevin. Pooh-Pooh the dog is barking and pawing Kevin's legs.)
MRS. AIDEM: Pooh-Pooh! Stop that!
SISTERS: I thought Pooh-Pooh only barked at you, Daddy!
(Mr. Aidem smiles quickly.)
It was horrible.
JULIE: Down, Pooh-Pooh, down!
It was...amazing. Almost as if Pooh-Pooh knew I was about to join the ranks of Aidem men. And then, from out of nowhere...I swear I heard it.
(Sound of a long dog-howl. Kevin quickly looks over his shoulder toward the window behind him. Primitive drums beat, and another dog-howl is heard.)
It was a clear and clarion call. And I knew what I had to do.
(Kevin bangs the table with his fist.)
It was now or never.
KEVIN: Julie - I can't do this. I just...can't! I like wearing my...collar down! And I hate wearing striped shirts! And I don't like cookies!
(Julie glances off in bewilderment.)
KEVIN: I don't want to spend every minute with you. And I like hanging out with the guys. I'm a hunter. And a warrior. And what about the mastodons?!
OK - maybe I got little carried away about the mastodon thing.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 85 - "Double Double Date")
(Math class.)
Winnie was my ex-neighbor...Ex-girlfriend, ex- ...Well...just my ex. And, like all exes, we cared for each other...
(The bell rings. Winnie looks at Kevin, smiles, and walks away.)
KEVIN: Winnie!
And used each other for personal gain.
KEVIN: I, uh, saw you in the library today. (Smiles.)
WINNIE: You did? (Smiles.)
KEVIN: Yeah. You were with, uh...that new girl, uh...(frowns)...what's her name?
WINNIE: Inga. (Nods.)
(Kevin looks surprised.)
KEVIN: Oh, yeah, that's it. (Smiles.) Inga. (Frowns.) How do you know her, anyway?
WINNIE: Kevin, do you have the hots for Inga?
KEVIN: No! No, I just...saw you two, together, and, I-I thought it was... interesting. That's all.
WINNIE: OK. (Shrugs and exits.)
Just one more tiny detail...
KEVIN: And, maybe you could...fix us up.
WINNIE: Excuse me?
KEVIN: Well, I just thought that maybe you could...put in a good word for me. You...tell her what a nice guy I am and everything.
WINNIE: Kevin, are you sure she's your type? (Frowns.)
KEVIN: What's that supposed to mean? What's my type? (Frowns.)
WINNIE: I don't know, I just thought you'd be going out with someone a little less...
(Winnie glances off and back.)
KEVIN: Yeah?
WINNIE: Swedish. (Shrugs.)
(Kevin and Inga have a date, as do Winnie and Matt.)
(Winnie is at her locker, looking angry.)
WINNIE: What do you mean you don't wanna double?!
KEVIN: Well, I just don't think it's a good idea, that's all.
WINNIE: Well I don't particularly want to, either.
KEVIN: Terrific. Let's not do it.
KEVIN: Fine!
WINNIE: It's just Matt doesn't have a car.
Why was I surprised? The guy probably couldn't read a stop sign.
KEVIN: Well, Winnie, what if Inga and I wanna, you know...be alone! To talk? (Smiles.)
WINNIE: Kevin...Matt and I might want to be alone too - to talk! Did ya ever think of that?
Wait a minute. Did she know what kind of "talk" we were talking about here?
(Winnie closes her locker and walks up the hallway past Kevin.)
KEVIN: Winnie, this is your first date with this guy!
WINNIE: Well, it's your first date with Inga.
KEVIN: Y'well, that's different.
WINNIE: Different?! Kevin, don't worry, we're not going to cramp your style!
KEVIN: It's not a matter of cramping! (Gestures.)
Even though we were cramping all over the place.
WINNIE: Well, we have to do it, so we might as well be adult about it.
KEVIN: Fine!
(They turn away from each other and exit.)
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 86 - "Hero")
I was on first-name basis with a superstar. A guy who had the world at his fingertips. As opposed to say...my dad.
(Norma hands Jack a glass of Alka-Seltzer. He is at the table which is covered with papers.)
NORMA: Here, honey - maybe this'll help.
The only things at his fingetips were dull pencils and Alka-Seltzer.
JACK: I hate these damn reports.
NORMA: Well, do you have to do them all tonight?
JACK: If I don't do it, nobody else will.
NORMA: Well...I just hope they appreciate all the work you do.
There it was. Portrait of the worker ant. His nose to the grindstone...and the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Some heroes pass through your life and disappear in a flash. You get over it. But the good ones, the real ones, the ones who count - stay with you for the long haul. The thing is, after all these years, I couldn't tell you the score of that game. What I remember is...sitting in that diner, up late...being young...drinking coffee with the only real hero I ever knew. My Dad - Jack Arnold. Number one.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 87 - "Lunch Stories")
(Kevin is sitting at a lunch table with Ricky, Paul and Chuck.)
Heck! Even I needed a break from these bozos once in awhile. Which in this case meant - a trip to the soda machine. In our cafeteria, it was -
DONNELLY: So, Arnold. How's it hanging?
On the other side of the tracks.
Jimmy Donnelly, Joey Spinoza and Neal Pemish. Their school motto was - "We came, we left."
(Donnelly kicks the soda machine - a can falls.)
KEVIN: Thanks.
DONNELLY: So, Arnold? We're, uh...ditching fifth and sixth period.
KEVIN: Good for you.
DONNELLY: Yeah, we're gonna see "The Devil in Miss Jones".
KEVIN: Yeah, right!
SPINOZA: Uh...wh-what's that supposed to mean?
KEVIN: It means it's X-rated!
DONNELLY: Ooooooooh...
PEMISH: Whoa...
DONNELLY: That's no problem. My cousin works the door - figured we'd take in a matinee.
PEMISH: Yeah, we thought you might want to come along.
DONNELLY: Yeah, we like you! We think you're great! Everybody says you're a really cool guy.
KEVIN: Well...
SPINOZA: Plus you got a car.
DONNELLY: Look, uh...Pemish's carburetor blew up again, and, uh...we really thought you'd be the kind of guy who'd want to help us out.
KEVIN: Well, I'm not.
DONNELLY: Sure. We, uh, understand - you, uh...you got to get back to your geeky friends over there.
KEVIN: For your information, my friends aren't geeks.
DONNELLY: Oh, yeah?
(They look at Kevin's friends in the distance.)
DONNELLY: Proof's in the pudding, man.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 88 - "Carnal Knowledge")
(In the cafeteria, Chuck slaps down a newspaper ad.)
CHUCK: Here it is, guys. Our invitation...to paradise.
RICKY: What? "Bedknobs and broomsticks"?
CHUCK: Look again, doofus. "Carnal...Knowledge". (Nods.)
In adolescent terms, it meant one thing. A three-letter word, starting with "S", ending with "X"...and sandwiched in the middle...
RICKY: Ann-Margaret.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 89 - "The Lost Weekend")
(Kevin is looking at the list of chores Jack left the boys.)
KEVIN: Wayne...we have to get this stuff done!
WAYNE: Sorry - I made other plans. (Smiles.)
KEVIN: Well, I made other plans, too, ya know!
WAYNE: Like what?
KEVIN: Well...I'm having a party here, tonight.
WAYNE: You're having a party? What are you gonna do - rent a pony? (Frowns.)
KEVIN: No. (Gestures.) Just some of the guys are comin' over to play poker.
WAYNE: That's not a party! (Gestues.) That's a butthead convention!
The first rule of sophomore boys. If it's female - call it. If it answers - invite it.
(Kevin delivers Chuck's wallet to him at the liquor store, where Chuck unsuccessfully tries to buy beer.)
KEVIN: Look, Chuck...(gestures)...let's just get out of here, OK?!
CHUCK: Jeez, Kev. (Nods.) You're a little testy, tonight. (Frowns.) You know that?!
"Testy"? I was fed up.
KEVIN: Look. Chuck - I've had it! (Frowns.) This whole thing has gotten completely out of control! As a matter of fact, the minute I get home - everyone's out of there! OK?!
(Chuck nods. They walk toward their cars.)
And, that was that. Case closed.
(Chuck slows up and points into the back seat of a convertible.)
CHUCK: Look! Beer! A whole keg! (Smiles.)
GUY: Yeah...we're goin' to a great party. You guys need a lift?
CHUCK: Where is it? (Smiles.)
GUY: Uh, it's...about ten blocks from here.
(The guy looks off a little fuzzily.)
GUY: Some kid named, uh...
(Sound of a police siren in the background. The guy turns quickly to Kevin.)
GUY: Arnold.
A lot of things raced through my head, driving home that night. Things like - arrest.
(Kevin sees cars and people all over the yard, and music blaring.)
Imprisonment. Death.
RADIO: And this one goes out to all the guys and gals partying tonight at Kevin Arnold's house.
(Kevin hurries through people to the living room.)
But nothing...and I mean nothing...could have prepared me for what I saw. I, Kevin Arnold...had thrown the mother of all parties.
(Kevin frowns slightly. Fade to white. Clip of a nuclear explosion as the mushroom cloud rises slowly, the sky turns orange, then brownish-red. Fade to white. Fade to the morning after. A beer-keg lies on the floor, empty bottles are all over, and trash is everywhere. Kevin is kneeling behind the couch, rubbing it with a paper-towel.)
It was six A.M. when the last guest left. After three hours of cleaning, I'd barely scratched the surface. It was like trying to straighten up after Woodstock.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 90 - "Stormy Weather")
For the rest of that day...nobody really said much. For some reason, we all pretty much kept to ourselves. The funny thing is...you'd think a marriage proposal would bring a family together. But this was nineteen-seventy-two.
(A light shines briefly into Kevin and Wayne's bedroom. Sound of an idling motorcycle is heard.)
Things had gotten very complicated.
(Kevin gets out of bed and looks out the window. Wayne rises onto his elbow.)
WAYNE: What's goin' on?
KEVIN: I don't know. (Frowns.)
(Michael walks onto the yard carrying a tent slung over his shoulder and drops it onto the lawn.)
It was kinda like watching the Marines land at Omaha beach.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 91 - "The Wedding")
MAHARISHI: Karen and Michael, it is a joyous journey you begin today...
The next morning, I watched my sister get married...and welcomed a new brother into my family.
(Norma reads from "The Prophet", by Kahlil Gibron.)
NORMA: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. You may house their bodies, but not their souls. For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow. For life goes not backward...nor tarries with yesterday.
I watched my mother send her firstborn child out into the world. And felt her sorrow. And her joy.
MAHARISHI: And who brought Karen into being and now presents her to be united with Michael?
JACK: Her mother and I.
I watched my father give away his only girl...to a stranger he hardly knew.
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 92 - "Back to the Lake")
KEVIN: Ah, come on Wayne, don't look so miserable. (He taps Wayne.)
WAYNE: One more word, and I swear I'll kill you.
KEVIN: Ooohh...
NORMA: Here you go, honey.
(Norma brings some food.)
I mean after all, this was Wayne's problem, not mine.
JACK: And how about you?
(The music of doom plays - Da Da Dummmmm!)
Until of course, it was.
JACK: You. What are you going to do for a summer job?
KEVIN: Well...uh...I, uh.
(Sound effects as Jack swats the folded newspaper down onto the table.)
Oh, God.
(Sound effects as Jack slides the paper toward Kevin.)
Here they came.
(Sound of gongs.)
Those two words which meant death to summer fun.
JACK: Start lookin'.
NORMA: I want you take Wayne's sheets to the laundry room.
(Norma hurries out. Kevin looks at the sheets and recoils.)
KEVIN: Wayne's sheets?!
OK. Enough was enough. I was a man at the end of his rope. It came down to this - I could spend my summer hauling sheets, or take the softest, cushiest job I could find.
KEVIN: Hey, Paul? Yeah. Listen - is that job still open?
After all, how bad could it possible be?
(On a bridge on the way to the lake.)
It took about three hours to travel the distance from drudgery to paradise. From hard labor, to summer memories. Sure, it was irresponsible. But deep down, I knew it was the smartest thing I'd ever done.
PAUL: This is the dumbest thing you've ever done! You realize no one in the world has any idea where we are?
KEVIN: So? It's part of the adventure. (He spreads his arms.)
PAUL: I don't want an adventure! I'm an Assistant Manager. I want to go home.
That morning I had made up my mind about two things. One...I was never going to spend another night in an Oldsmobile...
(Cara gets dropped off across the street. Kevin sees her.)
And two.
(Cara pauses and looks at Kevin from across the street.)
Somehow, I was going to have to make this right.
(Cara walks up, a little apprehensively.)
KEVIN: Listen. I'm sorry about last night. About not writing. And about... coming up here and...
CARA: Yeah, well, about that...
KEVIN: Let me finish.
It was time to tell her. I had a life, I had a job...I had a girlfriend...
KEVIN: See, Cara -
CARA: Kevin, I have a boyfriend.
KEVIN: What?!
CARA: We've been going out since February. I should have told you last night. I'm sorry.
(Kevin glances off, then smiles slightly at Cara.)
KEVIN: Well, that's great!
CARA: You think? (Smiles, then frowns.)
KEVIN (Sincerely): Yeah. I really do.
(Cara pauses, kisses him on the cheek, then hurries past him.)
I mean, who was I to stand in the way of true love?
(Kevin looks after her, as she turns at bottom of the steps.)
CARA: Hey! (Nods.) Send me a Christmas card?
KEVIN: I will.
(Cara smiles. Kevin looks at her mistily.)
But I didn't. After all, when you're sixteen, eight months is a lifetime. And time had moved on...for both of us.
(Cara smiles, then hurries up the steps.)
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 93 - "Broken Hearts and Burgers")
By the time you've made it to age sixteen, you pretty much know all there is to know. About history, philosophy - the world. About life. There was virtually no situation you can't handle. Yeah, you're on top of your game - the pinnacle of poise, the essence of cool. No doubt about it - from the right thing to wear, to the right place to sit, to the right person to sit with. At sixteen, you pretty much learned it all. Well, almost all. OK. So there's one subject you're just as dumb about as you ever were. Yeah - love. Like I said, at sixteen - you've learned nothing. Nothing at all.
When you're twelve years old, and a guy, the whole subject of women tends to be pretty much...a mystery. Communications with the opposite sex are still kinda...rudimentary. Still, little by little, you begin to catch on. Until, by the time you leave junior high school, you're right back where you started.
And there you have it. The aweful truth, the bottom line. When it comes to love...there's no simple fix. You're out there, on you're own, and maybe all you can do is hang on...and hope for the best. And lead with your heart. When you're sixteen, passions run high. A simple misunderstanding becomes a matter of life or death. You live from moment to moment. And sometimes, when your sixteen, the only way to get your love back...is to take it.
See also "Full Transcript"

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