Episode 82 - "Kodachrome"

(Close shot of the back a male teacher completing a math formula on the blackboard. Music "Both Sides, Now" - Joni Mitchell plays.)
It seemed like my high school teachers came in every conceivable shape...
(The teacher turns and looks at the class.)
Size and style.
(The teacher points to the wrong part of the equation.)
MATH TEACHER: There is your answer.
(He looks at the board, taps the wrong spot, smiles in embarrassment, then moves over and taps the right spot.)
There were the hopelessly confused...
(Shot of the female Spanish teacher looking forward blankly, tapping her hand. The camera moves in slowly.)
SPANISH TEACHER: Hablo, hablas, habla - again...
The terminally repetitious...
SPANISH TEACHER: Hablo, hablas, habla - again...
(Close shot of Mr. Raply standing in front of a map of Europe.)
The insufferably boring.
(The camera pulls back to show Mr. Raply holding a pointer.)
MR. RAPLY: The Hundred Year's War...
(He taps the map over his shoulder.)
MR. RAPLY: Year four.
Cut to
English Class
(Close shot across some books of the window, and trees outside. Music continues.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): "I saw on that ivory face..."
The camera pulls back as Miss Shaw walks across the shot, holding a book, and reading. The camera pans with her.)
MISS SHAW: "The expression of somber pride..."
(The camera stops on Kevin sitting with his hands together, and eyes closed. Randy is one desk back and over, also with his eyes closed. Miss Shaw continues to walk around.)
MISS SHAW: "Of ruthless power..."
But of all the teachers I ever had...I only ever had one...who was...a natural.
(Shot past some students as Miss Shaw turns.)
MISS SHAW: "Did he live his life again in every detail of desire and temptation..."
(She continues to walk around.)
Miss Shaw taught English 2-A. She was a year out of graduate school...
(Close shot of Kevin with his eyes closed.)
And there was something about her that was...
(Shot of Miss Shaw walking around, looking at the book.)
(Shot of a girl (Felicia) sitting with her eyes closed.)
She didn't take attendance - she didn't need to.
(Close shot of Harold leaning against a wall, with his head tilted over and his eyes closed.)
She let us sit anywhere we wanted.
(Shot of Kevin at his desk.)
And she never, ever, used the word "literature".
(The camera pans over to Miss Shaw as she continues to walk around, approaching Kevin.)
MISS SHAW: "He cried out, at some image, at a vision. He cried out twice, in a whisper that was no more...than a breath."
(She stoops slightly, next to Kevin.)
MISS SHAW: "'The horror, the horror'."
(Miss Shaw smiles as she stands up. The music fades out slowly.)
But maybe the most remarkable thing about her was...she actually liked what she did.
(She closes the book and gestures.)
MISS SHAW: OK, everyone, open your eyes.
MISS SHAW (V/O): Any questions? Comments?
(Close shot of Harold as he straightens up and opens his eyes.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Complaints?
(Close shot of Kevin as Miss Shaw pause next to him and puts a hand on her hip.)
MISS SHAW: Kevin - what do you think Conrad meant...(gestures)...by "the horror"?
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin. He glances off.)
KEVIN: Well, I think Kurtz was...seeing his life.
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: And? (Nods.)
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: And, he saw...how...horrible it was.
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw. She smiles and gestures.)
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: And...he saw the...truth.
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw. She smiles and gestures dramatically as she turns toward the class.)
MISS SHAW: Truth! The horror, everyone, is truth. (Smiles.)
(Miss Shaw leans closer to Kevin.)
MISS SHAW: Ya scare me sometimes - you know that, Kevin? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin as he smiles, and she walks away.)
Yeah. We all felt lucky we got Miss Shaw.
(Shot up the aisle from the rear of the calls as Miss Shaw approaches her desk.)
Even if some of us didn't "get" her.
(Miss Shaw turns and leans against her desk. Felicia raises her hand.)
MISS SHAW: Yes, Felicia?
(Close shot of Felicia as she lowers her arm.)
FELICIA: Are we gonna need to know this for our mid-term?
(Shot past Felicia of Miss Shaw as she glances off.)
MISS SHAW: No, Felicia...(smiles)...you need to know that...for life. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Miss Shaw as the students look at each other and giggle. Miss Shaw reaches for a book behind her.)
And the best part was...the woman never failed to surprise you.
(Wide shot from the back of the class.)
MISS SHAW: Everybody...you know what I have in my hand here? "Ivanhoe".
(The class groans.)
(Close shot of Kevin sighing, and looking off.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Seven-hundred-and-thirty-three pages that the board of education requires you read.
MISS SHAW: But I do not.
MISS SHAW (V/O): I mean, let's be honest.
MISS SHAW: It's long...it's boring...and it's old.
(She slaps the book closed, and sets it on the desk.)
MISS SHAW: But do me a favor, huh? Take one, and keep it around for appearances, ya know what I mean? (Smiles.)
(Miss Shaw starts to reach in a brown bag.)
(Felicia raises her hand.)
(Close shot of Felilcia as she lowers her hand.)
FELICIA: Are we reading it or not?
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: Not! (Frowns.)
(Miss Shaw pulls a handful of books from the bag.)
MISS SHAW: We're reading this! (Smiles.) "The Catcher in the Rye".
(Close shot of Felicia, as she raises her hand.)
FELICIA: Does the administration know we're doing this?
(Shot past Felicia of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: Not unless they find out.
(Close shot of Felicia, as she raises her hand tentatively.)
FELICIA: But what if they do?
(Shot of Kevin frowning, and looking around, then toword Miss Shaw off-screen.)
(Shot past Felicia of Miss Shaw. She leans forward and nods slightly.)
MISS SHAW: Well then...we'll just have to take our chances, won't we?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
And that was what was different about Miss Shaw.
(Bell rings.)
(Wide shot from near the door as students stand and start to leave.)
(Miss Shaw holds up a book.)
MISS SHAW: Hey, take one of each before you go!
She took chances.
(The students take books and exit.)
MISS SHAW: And enjoy it! (Smiles.)
(Kevin takes the books and approaches the camera.)
MISS SHAW: And remember...they're your parents!
(Kevin smiles, and exits past the camera.)
MISS SHAW: They can't help it.
Cut to
(Close shot of Kevin's locker as he jiggles the handle.)
In a word - she opened doors.
(The camera pans up to Kevin. He jiggles the handle again, then looks past the camera.)
KEVIN: I can't get my locker open.
(Close shot of Paul opening his locker, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: New combinations. They changed 'em over the weekend.
(Paul frowns and nods.)
PAUL: Security problems...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: Well, I have to get my books!
(Wider shot from behind Kevin. Paul looks over his shoulder at a man on a ladder behind them.)
PAUL: Maybe you should talk to Linzer. (Points.)
(Paul closes his locker and exits past the camera.)
(Kevin approaches the maintenance man.)
KEVIN: Excuse me.
(Mr. Linzer starts descending the ladder.)
Unfortunately, in high school, opening doors is no easy task.
(Shot past Mr. Linzer of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: I can't get in my locker. Do you have the key?
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Linzer.)
MR. LINZER: Uh, yeah.
KEVIN: Great!
MR. LINZER: Ya need a twenty-nine "C", though.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: A twenty-nine "C"?
(Close shot of Mr. Linzer.)
MR. LINZER: Security Authorization Form. (Nods.)
Of course...a twenty-nine "C"!
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
MR. LINZER (V/O): You can get one...
(Close shot of Mr. Linzer.)
MR. LINZER: At the administration office.
(Mr. Linzer frowns as he inspects a piece of pipe he is holding.)
MR. LINZER: Between twelve and two.
(He starts back up the ladder.)
(Shot past Mr. Linzer of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Yeah, but I have to get in my locker now!
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Linzer.)
MR. LINZER: Well, then, uh...you have a problem.
(Mr. Linzer smiles, then climbs up the ladder.)
(Shot past Mr. Linzer of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, that's what I told you!
(The camera moves past Mr. Linzer as Kevin glances around.)
Obviously I was dealing here with strictly middle-management. What I needed was...
(Dr. Valenti steps out of a doorway to speak to a teacher, behind Kevin. Kevin turns around and approaches him as Dr. Valenti starts up the hallway.)
Dr. Valenti. Our principal - the top-dog.
KEVIN: Excuse me, sir.
(Shot past Kevin of Dr. Valenti.)
DR. VALENTI: And you are?
(Shot past Dr. Valenti of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Kevin Arnold.
(Shot past Kevin of Dr. Valenti.)
DR. VALENTI: Aren't you a little late for class, there, Kevin Arnold?
(Shot past Dr. Valenti of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, see, that's my problem. (Points.) I can't open my locker.
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti.)
DR. VALENTI: Oh! Well, we'll...
(Dr. Valenti looks down the hallway.)
DR. VALENTI: We'll fix that right up, uh...
Finally - a man who could cut through red-tape.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
DR. VALENTI (V/O): Hmmm...
The guy that could make things happen.
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti frowning and looking off.)
A mover. A shaker.
(Dr. Valenti points.)
DR. VALENTI: Talk to Linzer.
(Shot past Mr. Linzer's legs of Kevin and Dr, Valenti.)
DR. VALENTI: Good meeting you son!
(Dr. Valenti pats Kevin's shoulder and walks off past the camera.)
DR. VALENTI (V/O): I'm glad I could help.
(The camera moves in on Kevin as he looks toward Mr. Linzer off-screen.)
The horror, the horror.
Cut to
The Grass
(High wide shot of the students sitting on the grass near a tree.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Alright...
(The camera moves over, revealing Miss Shaw walking toward the front of the group.)
But if school was the heart of darkness, then English 2-A was a ray of sunshine.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw holding a copy of the book.)
MISS SHAW: Why do you think Holden ended up in a mental hospital?
(Miss Shaw turns toward the class and sits down. The camera pans to a preppy-looking boy who gestures.)
BOY: Obviously, Holden Caulfield has a problem perceiving reality as it is.
(The camera pans to Ricky, who gestures.)
RICKY: Well, cuz he's nuts!
(The camera pans to Kevin, who frowns.)
KEVIN: He's not nuts! (Gestures.) He just couldn't put up with the system.
(Harold is sitting behind Ricky and Kevin, wearing dark glasses.)
HAROLD: The system stinks!
(Close shot of Randy.)
RANDY: Yeah. Kinda like school! (Smiles.)
(The class laughs.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw smiling.)
MISS SHAW: Well, that's certainly one way to look at it.
That was the great thing about Miss Shaw.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
You never had to worry about anything you said in her class.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
Everything was up for grabs.
MISS SHAW: Any other questions? Comments?
(Wide shot past Miss Shaw of the class.)
And I mean everything.
MISS SHAW: Anyone.
(Felicia raises her hand.)
MISS SHAW: Yes, Felicia?
FELICIA: Are you gonna tell us our mid-term grades...before you record them?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning toward Felicia off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw as she shakes her head.)
MISS SHAW: I wouldn't worry about grades, if I were you, Felicia. I only give two. "Pass" and "no pass".
(Close shot of Felicia as she raises her hand.)
FELICIA: Again, please?
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: I said "pass", and "no pass".
(Close shot of Felicia looking off in thought. Students behind her look at each other.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Felicia off-screen, then at Miss Shaw off-screen.)
And "no pass". It was...amazing. A ground-breaking concept.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw smiling.)
And we reacted as any tenth-grade class would.
(Close shot of Randy frowning.)
RANDY: But my dad gives me a buck for every "A".
(Close shot of Felicia as she raises her hand.)
FELICIA: But what will happen to my grade-point average?
(Shot of Ricky and Kevin.)
RICKY: You mean I'm not gonna get an "F"? (Smiles.)
With total confusion.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: This isn't a math class. There are no right or wrong answers here.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss Shaw off-screen.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Only thought.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw as she shakes her head.)
MISS SHAW: And you can't grade thought. Besides, it doesn't matter what I think about you - it matters what you think about you.
(Shot of Harold and another boy.)
So, with those words, we set out to make history.
(Close shot of Felicia glancing off.)
With...one reservation.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Can you really do this? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: I'm doing it.
Cut to
Arnold Kitchen
(Shot over Jack's shoulder as he looks at Kevin's report card, which blocks Kevin's face.)
JACK: "P". What the hell's a "P"?
(Jack moves the report card down, and looks toward Kevin.)
(Shot of Norma in the kitchen at the coffee-pot.)
NORMA: Oh, I think it means "pass", honey.
(Wide shot of Wayne, Kevin and Jack at the table. Jack turns toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: I can see it means "pass...
(Jack glances at the report card.)
JACK: What I mean is...
(Jack looks back to Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Where is his grade? (Frowns.)
KEVIN: Well, see Dad...(gestures)...Miss Shaw doesn't -
(Close shot of Norma holding the coffee-pot and approaching.)
NORMA: You know, they're starting to do this in a lot of the courses at the university.
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Great. (Frowns.) When he goes to a university...
(Jack looks at Kevin and gestures.)
JACK: On his own money...
(Jack looks back to Norma off-screen.)
JACK: He can get a "P". But as long as I'm payin' taxes...(gestures)...I want to see a grade.
(Close shot of Norma looking down as she pours.)
Hmmm. Seemed this plan wasn't playing so well in the hinterlands.
(She glances toward Kevin then Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Dad, I don't think you really understand.
(Close shot of Jack as he looks at Kevin off-screen and frowns.)
JACK: Oh, I don't?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
KEVIN: Well, I mean...
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: This isn't a math class.
(Kevin shrugs and shakes his head.)
KEVIN: There are no...right or wrong answers.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He looks at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: I mean...
(Kevin shrugs and looks at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: You can't grade people's thoughts. Or society'd turn into, uh...
(Kevin gestures and looks off. He turns toward Jack, then frowns and shrugs.)
KEVIN: An abyss of mediocrity.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen. He pauses, then looks toward Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma looking toward Kevin off-screen, then toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, besides...
(Kevin turns toward Jack off screen.)
KEVIN: It doesn't even matter what you think of me. It only matters what I think of me. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Jack looks off.)
Philosophically speaking...you couldn't argue with that.
(Jack purses his lips, then looks at Kevin.)
JACK: As long as you're living under my roof, you damn well better care what I think of you.
(Jack nods and smiles slightly, and flips the report card toward Kevin.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as Kevin looks at the report card on the table. He glances at Norma, then Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Right. (Smiles.)
(Wayne is eating cookies from a jar. He puts his hand on Kevin's. Kevin turns toward Wayne.)
WAYNE: I think you're swell.
(Wayne laughs and snorts as he eats his cookie.)
So much for philosophy.
(Kevin looks at his food.)
Cut to
School Hallway
(Shot of the hallway, as Miss Shaw comes around the corner holding books and a stack of papers. Kevin is descending the stairs in the background. He catches up to her.)
KEVIN: Miss Shaw?
(Miss Shaw pauses and glances at Kevin as she straightens her papers.)
What I needed was a little clarification.
(Miss Shaw looks at Kevin.)
MISS SHAW: Hi, Kevin (Smiles.)
(She holds out a stack of papers.)
MISS SHAW: Give me a hand with these, won't ya?
(Kevin takes them as they continue to walk up the hallway.)
KEVIN: What are they?
(They continue up the hallway. The camera rolls back with them.)
MISS SHAW: Attendance reports. A drag, isn't it?
KEVIN: Yeah.
(They look at each other.)
MISS SHAW: So, what's up?
KEVIN: Well, I was just wondering if I could talk to you about -
MISS SHAW: Your report card?
KEVIN: Yeah. (Smiles.) You see -
MISS SHAW: It didn't go over too well on the home front - right?
KEVIN: Right!
(Miss Shaw glances off as they turn another corner.)
MISS SHAW: And, your not exactly sure why we're doing this.
(She looks at Kevin.)
MISS SHAW: Hmmm? You're not the first person who's come to me.
(They pause.)
KEVIN: Oh...So why'd you do it?
(Close shot of Miss Shaw as she smiles and shrugs.)
MISS SHAW: Why not? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen, then smiling.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw smiling then turning forward.)
DR. VALENTI (V/O): Excuse me, Miss Shaw?
(Miss Shaw pauses and looks over her shoulder.)
(Shot of Dr. Valenti.)
DR. VALENTI: May I speak with you - for a moment?
MISS SHAW (V/O): Yes, Dr. Valenti?
(He approaches.)
DR. VALENTI: I think we have to talk about your grading system...
(Shot past Dr. Valenti of Miss Shaw.)
DR. VALENTI: Well...
(He shakes his head.)
DR. VALENTI: We don't do this here.
(Shot past Dr. Valenti of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: You mean we haven't done this here. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti.)
DR. VALENTI: Miss Shaw, students don't respond without grades.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw. She smiles.)
MISS SHAW: But my students...
(She glances at Kevin off-screen, then back.)
MISS SHAW: Are responding just fine. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He raises his eyebrows and smiles.)
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti.)
DR. VALENTI: Why don't we discuss this in my office?
(He backs up, and motions with a finger.)
(Shot of Miss Shaw and Kevin as Dr. Valenti exits past the camera.)
MISS SHAW: Why not?
(She holds her hands out, and Kevin hands her the papers.)
And there ya had it.
MISS SHAW: Attend class, Kevin...(Exits.)
(Miss Shaw walks past the camera.)
So much for the great leap forward of 1972.
(Kevin looks after her off-screen.)
Cut to
(Wide shot from near the door of the classroom.The girls in front are writing, Ricky is talking, and Kevin is just sitting, as the camera moves in slowly.)
Seemed pretty clear to me we'd been stopped in our tracks. Shut down. Busted.
(Close shot of Kevin. He glances from Ricky off-screen, toward the door off-screen.)
(Shot of the door as Miss Shaw enters. The camera pans with her as she walks to her desk.)
And there was nothing more to do than settle in for the bad news.
(She sets some books and papers down, then sets her purse down. She smiles at the class.)
MISS SHAW: Before we dig in...
(She walks around her desk.)
MISS SHAW: I'd like to tell you about a very interesting conversation I had with Dr. Valenti, this morning.
(She leans against the front of her desk.)
(Shot of the class listening.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Or rather, one he had with me.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: I was informed that I had broken several important school regulations.
(Close shot of Felicia. She looks down.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Now, according to policy...
(Close shot of Miss Shaw as she stands up and gestures. She paces in front of her desk.)
MISS SHAW: It is required each of you receive a traditional grade. So, therefore, I have decided all of you will be getting...traditional grades.
(Shot of the class as students groan.)
(Ricky taps Kevin on the elbow.)
RICKY: Bummer. There goes my "P".
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Ricky toward Miss shaw off-screen.)
I couldn't believe it!
MISS SHAW (V/O): With...one little wrinkle.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw. She looks at the class, with her hand on her chin, smiling slightly, then turns to the class.)
MISS SHAW: For your next report cards, each of you...will decide...your own...grade.
(She looks at the class.)
(Shot of the class from the front.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Any comments?
(Close shot of Miss Shaw. She looks toward the class, smiling slightly.)
And of course...
(Shot of the class from the front.)
We had only one.
(Shot from outside the window as the students stand and cheer.)
(Music "Both Sides, Now" - Joni Mitchell plays.)
Fade to
Class on the Grass
(Shot of the branches of a tree. The camera pans down to the students seated on the grass. One is lying on a table.)
Over the next few weeks, Miss Shaw's class took on a life of its own. The word was out.
(A few stragglers sit down.)
Things were different here. The old rules...just didn't apply.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw, Felicia, and another girl talking.)
FELICIA: Personally, I think people thrive on structure.
Instead of lectures, we actually had discussions.
MISS SHAW: Unfortunately, I think you're right.
(Close shot of Kevin looking around.)
And not just about books - about...ideas.
(Shot of preppy-boy, and some other students.)
PREPPY-BOY: I think we should stop worrying about other people's expectations.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw, Felicia, and another girl talking. Miss Shaw speaks and gestures.)
It was sorta like riding shotgun with Che Gueverra.
(Shot of Dr. Valenti approaching and pausing in the distance, with his hands in his pockets, frowning.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): So - where were we?
It was pretty cool.
MISS SHAW (V/O): Oh, yeah...
(Sound of a sports whistle.)
Cut to
Gym Class
(Close shot of Paul climbing a rope, frowning.)
PAUL: What a crock!
(Paul comes down the rope.)
Not that all the discourse was positive.
(Shot from behind Paul of Randy, Kevin and some others. Randy moves forward and grabs the rope.)
(Close shot of Paul frowning.)
PAUL: I can't believe she's letting you bozos choose your own grades.
(Shot from behind Paul of Randy, Kevin and some others.)
RANDY: Why not? We're responsible students.
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: Oh, is that so? What are you gonna give yourselves?
(Shot of Randy and Kevin.)
RANDY: Gee...
(He looks off.)
RANDY: Lemme see...I, uh, think I'll give myself an "A".
(Randy looks at Kevin. They smile.)
PAUL (V/O): I knew it.
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: It's madness!
(Shot from behind Paul.)
RANDY: OK - "A plus".
(Randy starts to climb the rope, as Kevin watches.)
Apparently, opinion on this question was divided into two camps. The revolutionaries...
(Close shot of Paul looking at Randy off-screen.)
And the slugs.
KEVIN (V/O): Come on, Paul.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
KEVIN: Admit it - you're jealous! (Gestures.)
PAUL (V/O): No, I am not!
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: I just don't think it's fair, that's all.
(Shot from behind Paul as Randy drops from the rope.)
RANDY: To who? (Frowns.)
PAUL: To "whom".
(Randy shrugs and gestures.)
RANDY: Sorry...
(Randy moves next to Paul as Kevin moves to the rope.)
PAUL: I mean, what if every teacher did something like this?
KEVIN: Well...
(Shot of Randy and Paul.)
RANDY: He's right. It would affect the curve. (Nods.)
(Randy looks toward Kevin off-screen, and points.)
RANDY: You get a "B".
(Close shot of Kevin. He smiles, and looks from Randy to Paul off-screen.)
Still, it was clear this was one issue...
(Close shot of Randy and Paul.)
That wasn't gonna just disappear.
PAUL: They're not gonna let her get away with this, ya know.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Who's not? (Gestures.)
(Shot of Paul and Randy.)
PAUL: The school. The administration?
KEVIN: Come on, Paul, get off it - she knows what she's doing.
(Shot of Paul and Randy.)
PAUL: Oh, which is?
(Shot of Kevin frowning.)
Cut to
Parking Lot
(Close shot of Miss Shaw at the open trunk of her car, a light blue-gray Karmann Ghia. Kevin approaches.)
KEVIN: Miss Shaw?
(Miss Shaw pauses and looks at Kevin.)
Obviously, I needed more clarification.
KEVIN: You got a minute?
MISS SHAW: My time is your time - what's on your mind?
KEVIN: Well, it's about..you know...
MISS SHAW: The grades?
(She smiles and puts more books in the trunk.)
KEVIN: Yeah. Ya see, people are talking about it, and, uh -
MISS SHAW: They just can't believe...
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: I'd let a bunch of bozos like you handle something like that.
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin.)
What - was this woman clairvoyant?
KEVIN: Yeah!
(She puts more books in the trunk.)
KEVIN: Well...it is kinda different, ya know.
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw. She smiles.)
MISS SHAW: And what's wrong with that?
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, nothing! Except, we can't all get "A"'s, right? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: I see. And is that what you were going to give yourself? Really?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: No...I guess not. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw. She smiles and nods.)
MISS SHAW: Big decision - right? (Shrugs.) But it makes you think - and that's good.
(She looks toward the trunk, and back.)
MISS SHAW: My guess is, when the time comes, I'm gonna have to beg you guys to break-even with "C"'s. (Smiles.)
(She reaches for the hood.)
(Wide shot of the car in the parking space as Miss Shaw walks toward the door.)
And that's when I realized...
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss Shaw as she looks at Kevin and smiles.)
She had more than a lesson plan...
(Close shot of Kevin. He smiles, then turns to leave.)
She had a whole concept.
MISS SHAW (V/O): Tell ya what...
(Kevin looks at her off-screen.)
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss Shaw as she looks at Kevin and smiles.)
MISS SHAW: Let's go get a cup of coffee.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at ther car, then Miss Shaw off-screen.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Talk it over.
KEVIN: Sure! (Smiles.)
(Wide shot of the car in the parking space, as Miss Shaw gets in. The bell rings. Kevin gets in.)
Fade to
Int. Afternoon - Coffee Shop
(Shot through the window of the car parallel parked at the curb. The camera pulls back, revealing an empty table next to the window. Music "Both Sides, Now" plays.)
That afternoon - a couple of things happened.
(The camera continues to pull back, as a waiter delivers a cappucino to Kevin and Miss Shaw, sitting at an inner table.)
MISS SHAW: Thanks.
I had my first...cappucino...
(Kevin sips.)
MISS SHAW: How is it?
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin as he looks up. He has foam on his upper lip and nose.)
KEVIN: They make 'em good here. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw as she raises her eyebrows and touches her nose, then sips her drink.)
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin as he pauses, then wipes the foam off - messily, with the back of his hand - and smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw.)
And, I got to know Miss Shaw.
MISS SHAW: So, what do you think? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin.)
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: About the class. (Smiles.) What do you think? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Oh. I like it. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw as she smiles.)
MISS SHAW: Yeah, I do, too.
(Fade to a shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin as Miss Shaw talks and gestures. The camera circles around a little bit.)
We talked for hours. About football, and dating...and of course - about books.
(They are nearly in profile. The camera circles slowly.)
MISS SHAW: My dad gave me a copy of "The Red Mask" once - I thought I'd never read a book like it. It was like...falling into another world. And I read it over, and over, until I broke the spine. My dad had to just keep taping it up...
(She gestures and smiles, then sips her coffee.)
And the amazing part was...it was never boring.
(The waiter approaches.)
WAITER: Anything else?
(Miss Shaw looks at the waiter, then points at Kevin's glass.)
MISS SHAW: You want another?
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin. He loks up toward the waiter off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh...
(He glances at his coffee, then up to the waiter.)
KEVIN: I'm good. (Smiles.)
(Kevin looks at Miss Shaw off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
The thing is, I'd never met anyone...
(Shot past Miss Shaw of Kevin smiling at her, as she continues to talk.)
Who was so right for what she did.
(Shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw as she gestures.)
MISS SHAW: It was incredible. I mean, it's - it's really...
A woman with a gift.
MISS SHAW: Well, kinda **** reading - it's a kid's story, really...
A natural.
Fade to
Int. Afternoon - Kevin's Bedroom
(Music continues. High shot of Kevin lying on his back, tossing a football to himself.)
Maybe it was the talk we had...
(Kevin catches the football and spins it in his hands.)
Or maybe it was the buzz I got off the three cappucinos - whatever...
(Kevin sits up.)
I found myself doing something I'd never thought I'd do.
(Kevin sets the football down, rises, picks up a book, and sits back down.)
I picked up that copy of "Ivanhoe"...
(Kevin looks at the spine.)
All seven-hundred-and-thirty-three pages...
(Kevin opens it and turns a few pages.)
I mean, hey - you never knew. Maybe there would be a surprise or two.
Cut to
(Shot of the classroom door. The music fades out as Dr. Valenti opens the door and leans inside.)
DR. VALENTI: Miss Shaw. May I speak with you?
(Shot from behind Kevin of Miss Shaw, and Dr. Valenti at the door in the background.)
But then, life is full of surprises.
(Miss Shaw looks toward Dr. Valenti, then the class, then back to Dr. Valenti.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw looking past the camera toward Dr. Valenti.)
MISS SHAW: Well, I am in the middle of a class.
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Miss Shaw to Dr. Valenti off-screen.)
DR. VALENTI (V/O): This'll just take a minute.
(Shot of Miss shaw, and Dr. Valenti behind her. She turns to the class.)
MISS SHAW: You heard the man - I'll be back. (Points.) In the mean time, why don't you guys write me a descriptive paragraph...(gestures)...on anything that's on your mind.
(Shot of Felicia, Kevin and other students as Felicia raises her hand.)
FELICIA: What should it be about?
(Shot of Miss shaw and Dr. Valenti behind her. Miss Shaw smiles and spreads her hands out.)
MISS SHAW: Anything you want, Felicia.
(She looks at the class, smiles, and gestures expansively.)
MISS SHAW: And have fun!
(Dr. Valenti hold the door open as she exits.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the door off-screen.)
Yeah. Fun. I'd like to say I wrote something profound that day, but the fact is...I didn't.
(Fade to shot from the front of the class. The students are in general disarray.)
I don't think anyone else did, either.
(Shot of the door as Miss Shaw looks in the window hesitantly, then enters. She smiles as she walks toward the front of the class.)
MISS SHAW: OK, everybody...turn in your papers!
(Close shot of Kevin looking up.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): I can see genius has been burning.
(Wide shot past Kevin of Miss Shaw as he hands the stack of papers to her.)
(She takes a stack from Felicia, and holds then up.)
MISS SHAW: I'll really enjoy reading these. (Smiles.)
(She takes a stack of papers from a boy at the front of another column of desks.)
(Wide shot from behind Miss Shaw's desk as she collects more papers and puts them on her desk.)
(Close shot as she turns around and sighs.)
MISS SHAW: Well...I guess there's no sense in keeping you in the dark.
(She wrings her hands, then gestures.)
MISS SHAW: So, here goes. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): Dr. Valenti and I had a talk.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: Seems he got a call from the school board...so he set me down and explained that from now on, I must...follow State guidelines as they pertain to curriculum, grading - the whole thing. (Gestures.)
(Wide shot of the class.)
MISS SHAW (V/O): His arguments were well thought out, and reasonable.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: And he left it up to me to decide what I wanted to do.
(She rubs her hands and looks down.)
And the way she said it, we all knew what it meant.
(Shot of Felicia, Randy, Kevin and Ricky, and others. Kevin glances around.)
A fight to the finish between Miss Shaw, and the system.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
A battle of right versus might.
MISS SHAW: So I've decided. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: This...is my last day.
(She turns around.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He looks surprised.)
(Shot of Miss Shaw behind her desk. She puts an empty box on the desk, and starts collecting her things.)
(Shot of Felicia, Randy, Kevin and Ricky, and others. They frown, or glance around.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw putting her purse over her shoulder, smiling slightly toward the class as she picks up the box, and turns toward the door. The camera pans with her. She pauses and looks over her shoulder.)
MISS SHAW: Thanks! (Smiles.)
(She walks to the door and exits. The door closes, and she is seen walking away through the small window.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after her glumly.)
Cut to
Parking Lot
(Shot of Miss Shaw's car in the parking space.)
KEVIN (V/O): Miss Shaw!
(Miss Shaw walks past the camera toward her car, and looks over her shoulder.)
KEVIN (V/O): Miss Shaw - wait up!
I couldn't believe it.
(Kevin hurries past the camera.)
One minute she was teaching a class, the next minute...
(She opens the trunk of her car.)
Where're you going?
(Miss Shaw looks at Kevin.)
MISS SHAW: I'm sorry, Kevin.
(She puts the box in the trunk.)
MISS SHAW: I have to do this.
KEVIN: You can't just leave, can ya?
MISS SHAW: I'm afraid they didn't give me a choice...
(She puts some papers from her purse into the trunk.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Look - if it's about the grades, that doesn't matter!
(He shakes his head.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): Give us grades - it's OK!
MISS SHAW: It's not just the grades.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, then...(smiles)...if it's "Ivanhoe" - Hey! (Gestures.) I already read it! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: Kevin, it's really very simple.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: I'm a teacher...
(She glances off, then back.)
MISS SHAW: But they don't want me to teach! Not the way I can. (Shrugs.) So...I won't.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
And then she said something I'll never forget.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw as she closes the hood, then turns to Kevin off-screen, and shrugs.)
MISS SHAW: It's just not worth it.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Not worth it? (Frowns.)
(Shot of Miss Shaw and Kevin as she moves toward the door. Students gather behind Kevin. The camera moves toward the rear of the car.)
And even though I'd heard it - I just couldn't believe my ears.
(Kevin frowns, steps forward, and puts his hands on the car.)
KEVIN: It's not worth it?!
(Close shot of Miss Shaw.)
MISS SHAW: I know you understand - don't you?
(Close shot of Kevin, and students behind him.)
Course, maybe I should have. About the hassles.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw as she looks down.)
About the frustrations.
(She looks toward Kevin, smiles slightly, gets in her car, and looks toward Kevin again.)
(Close shot of Kevin, and students behind him.)
But all I could think was...she was walking out on us.
BOY1 (V/O): What's she doin'?
BOY2 (V/O): She's sticking it to Valenti - that's what she's doing.
(Close shot of Miss Shaw looking at Kevin as she starts her car.)
(Shot from the rear of the car of Miss Shaw, Kevin, and the students behind him.)
(The students applaud.)
BOY1: Right on...
(Music "Both Sides, Now" starts.)
(Close shot of Miss Shaw looking at Kevin, then over her shoulder and backing up.)
(Shot of Kevin and the students as the camera pulls back. Some students run past the camera, still clapping.)
(Wider shot of the parking lot as the car back up, and students gather.)
That afternoon there was kind of a...celebration.
(Miss Shaw pulls away, then drives down the street. Student wave. The camera rises slightly.)
They were celebrating youth. Enthusiasm. Idealism. They were cheering for the best, and the brightest.
Fade to
(Music continues. High shot from the back of the class. Mr. Raply stands at the blackboard.)
Only they didn't know what I knew then.
(Close shot of Mr. Raply.)
But they found out.
MR. RAPLY: The hero...as defined in Aristotle's poetics is a man not pre-eminently...(gestures)...virtuous or just...
(Shot of Felicia, Kevin, and Randy in a column of desks. The camera moves in on Kevin slowly.)
MR. RAPLY (V/O): But through some...
I guess in the end, Miss Shaw did what was best for her.
(Kevin glances toward the class, then looks toward the window. The camera continues to move in slowly.)
After all, no compromises, no regrets. The only thing is - she didn't do what was best for us.
(Shot of Mr. Raply. The camera pans with him as he walks across the room, looking toward the window.)
MR. RAPLY: Whom, however...
(Mr. Raply grabs the strings of the blinds, and looks toward the class.)
MR. RAPLY: Succumbs to great misfortune...
(Mr. Raply snaps the blinds closed.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He flinches, and looks at Mr. Raply off-screen.)
(High shot from the back of the class.)
Even today...
(Mr. Raply slowly walks toward the blackboard.)
MR. RAPLY: The cause of which...
I don't know who to be angry at. Her...
Fade to
The Road
(Close telephoto shot from the rear of Miss Shaw's car as she drives away.)
Or the system that drove her away.
(The car goes over a small hill, and disappears.)
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Miss Shaw - Lanei Chapman
Felicia - Wendy Cooke
Dr. Valenti - Richard Fancy
Ricky - Scott Nemes
Randy - Michael Tricario
Harold - Josh Berman
"Both Sides, Now" - Joni Mitchell

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Episode Info
Wonder Years Menu
01/10/99 13:55