Episode 92 - "Back to the Lake"

(Home movie clips of past Arnold summer vacations are playing. Jack and young Kevie run into the ocean water as "Pressure Drop" plays.)
When I was growing up, summer vacation meant one thing.
(Young Kevie waves at the camera.)
(Kevie runs over to Jack, who is partially buried in the sand, and pours a bucket of sand on his head.)
(Clip of the Arnold's at a picnic table.)
Two solid months...
(Clip of Kevie hopping in a burlap sack as Norma leans down and points.)
Of goofing off, hanging out...
(Clip of Norma, Kevie, and other sack-racers rolling on the grass.)
(Clip of kids playing in the street as Paul kicks a ball.)
And sleeping late.
(Paul runs the bases in the street.)
(Clip of Wayne sticking his tongue out and frowning at the camera.)
June, July and August...
(Clip of Kevin and Winnie in the street as Kevin runs forward, dodging a ball.)
Were a time when anything was possible...
(The film goes white.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot of the door as Kevin opens it and enters.)
KEVIN: Hey, everybody.
When the hardships of school were over...
(Kevin walks around Norma at the counter to the sink. Wayne and Jack are sitting at the table. Kevin turns on the faucet as Norma frowns at him slightly.)
And the promise of great times lay ahead.
(Kevin washes his hands in the sink. Music fades.)
NORMA: Honey, you're late for supper.
KEVIN: Sorry, I was playing ball. Do we have anything to eat?
NORMA: Yeah, I'll heat you up something.
(Close shot of Kevin turning from the sink and approaching the refrigerator.)
As for me that summer of 1972, I was sixteen.
(Kevin opens the refrigerator, removes the jar of orange juice, and drinks from it.)
Still young enough to bask in the pleasures of summer.
(Kevin pauses and frowns slightly as he looks off.)
The real delights...
(Shot of Wayne sulkily picking at his food.)
The harbingers of doom.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Wayne, what's the matter with you? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Norma at the sink, and Wayne and Jack at the table.)
WAYNE: None of your business, dork.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: What...is he sick? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Worse. (Nods.)
(Shot of Jack holding a newspaper, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: He got a job.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Norma at the sink, and Wayne and Jack at the table. Norma looks at Kevin.)
NORMA: Your father found Wayne a position at NORCOM. (Smiles.)
WAYNE: On the loading dock. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: You're kidding! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Wayne frowning and shaking his head slightly.)
It was grim. Within hours of his graduation...
(Wayne looks at his food.)
My brother had been Shanghai'd...
(Shot of Jack looking at the newspaper as he sips from his cup.)
By the American workforce.
(Shot of Kevin as he closes the refrigerator and looks at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, congratulations butthead. (Gestures.) I'm sure it will be good for you.
(Kevin approaches the camera.)
(Shot of Norma, Wayne and Jack as Kevin approaches the table.)
WAYNE: Shut up, scrote.
Not that I wasn't sympathetic.
(Kevin walks behind Wayne.)
Still, it was about time...
(Close shot of Wayne looking down and frowning.)
The Wayner got a taste of the old Puritan...
(Shot past Jack's newspaper as Kevin sits down.)
Work ethic.
KEVIN: Ah, come on Wayne, don't look so miserable.
(He taps Wayne on the arm off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: One more word, and I swear I'll kill you.
(Shot past Jack's newspaper of Kevin as he waggles his fingers at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Ooohh...
NORMA (V/O): Here you go, honey.
(Norma's arm sets a plate of food in front of Kevin. He looks at her off-screen and smiles.)
I mean after all...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma as she sits down.)
This was Wayne's problem...not mine.
(She smiles slightly at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin as Jack holds the folded newspaper and looks at him.)
JACK: And how about you?
(Kevin looks up at Jack slightly surprised.)
(The music of doom plays - Da Da Dummmmm!)
Until of course...
(Kevin glances at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at him.)
It was.
(Shot past Jack of Kevin facing him.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack.)
JACK: You. What are you gonna do for a summer job?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
KEVIN: Well...uh...I, uh.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack. Sound effects as he swats the folded newspaper down onto the table. The camera pans down to the newspaper.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the newspaper off-screen.)
Oh, God.
(Shot of jack's hand pushing the newspaper toward Kevin, accompanied by sound effects.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the newspaper off-screen.)
Here they came.
(Sound of gongs. Kevin looks between Jack and the newspaper.)
Those two words which meant death to summer fun.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Start lookin'.
(Wide shot of the group around the table. Wayne leans over and pats Kevin's shoulder.)
WAYNE: Eee-ee.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Basketball Court
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: "Start looking." Can you believe that? (Frowns.)
(Wider shot as he dribbles and shoots a lay-up.)
Naturally, I took my case to a higher court.
KEVIN: I mean here it is...
(Paul taps the ball toward Kevin as they walk to the free-throw line.)
KEVIN: Two days into summer...
(Kevin turns around toward Paul.)
KEVIN: And he wants me to get a job.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: It's not fair. (Frowns.)
PAUL (V/O): Well..
(Kevin looks off and nods.)
KEVIN: I mean what does he think I am, some kind of machine?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Well, you do have a good point.
KEVIN: Of course I do.
(Kevin shoots.)
(Shot from above the basket of Kevin and Paul as the ball bounces off the rim, and Paul gets the reeb.)
Yep, I was building an airtight defense, here.
(Wider shot of both as Paul dribbles toward the free-throw line and Kevin follows.)
KEVIN: Besides...it's only June, right? (Gestures.)
(Kevin stops and Paul turns toward him.)
KEVIN: There's plenty of time to look for a job, right?
(Paul dribbles forward.)
PAUL: Sure.
(Close shot of both as Kevin covers Paul.)
KEVIN: I mean we just finished finals. We deserve a little...relaxation.
PAUL: Sure.
And there it was.
(Wider shot of both as Paul turns and shoots a jumper, wich goes in.)
A manifesto worthy of the Bill of Rights.
(Shot of both as Kevin holds the ball.)
PAUL: My game.
(They walk away from the camera.)
KEVIN: Want to play again tomorrow?
PAUL: I can't tomorrow.
(Shot of both as they approach the camera.)
PAUL: I'm working. I got a job.
(Kevin slows up and sighs as Paul walks past the camera. Sound of a slamming door.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot through the bedroom doorway as Kevin and Paul approach from the livingroom. The camera pulls back as they enter.)
KEVIN: Paul, this is totally unacceptable.
(Kevin tosses the ball on the opposite bed as he sits on his.)
The rotten, no-good traitor.
(Paul picks up the ball and sits on the opposite bed.)
PAUL: Look, Kev. I didn't have a choice.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him and gesturing as Kevin ties his shoelace.)
PAUL: My father knows the owner of this restaurant, Mr. Chong.
(Kevin looks up.)
KEVIN: Wait.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: You're working at a Chinese restaurant? (Frowns.) What are you going to be doing...(gestures)...chopping onions?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Well actually I'll be functioning as Assistant Manager. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin as he frowns and sighs, and resumes tying his shoelace.)
PAUL: You know...organizing the kitchen...
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Supervising the busboys...(Smiles.)
KEVIN: Well that's great.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: I don't believe this! (Gestures.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: What?
KEVIN: Come on.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking off and gesturing, then looking at Paul.)
KEVIN: We're going to be working for the rest of our lives...(nods)...and this could be our last great summer together, right?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off and frown.)
PAUL: Well...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
What could he possible say to that?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him excitedly.)
PAUL: If you want, maybe I can get you a job with me at Mr. Chong's!
(Shot past Paul of Kevin hesitating, sighing, glancing off, then looking at Paul.)
KEVIN: Thanks, but no thanks, Paul.
(Kevin resumes working on his shoelace.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Kev...(Frowns.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: No, really, it's fine.
(Kevin frowns and snatches the ball from Paul and sets it next to himself.)
After all...
(Kevin resume working on his shoe.)
If Paul wanted to squander...
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
His youth, what did I care?
Cut to
Int. Night - Diner
(Shot of the door and jukebox as Kevin enters the diner. "Venus" - Frankie Avalon plays.)
So my days would be boring.
(The camera pulls back past customers seated at the counter as Kevin walks behind them.)
KEVIN: Winnie! (Smiles.)
That just left me more room for...
(Kevin sits on a stool at the counter and smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie holding a can of whipped cream and preparing a sundae. She turns toward Kevin.)
WINNIE: Kevin! (Smiles.)
My nights!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
Winnie Cooper. The very reason...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie as she squirts the whipped cream.)
Summer evenings were invented.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: You almost ready?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie turning toward him.)
WINNIE: Oh, what time is it? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: It's almost eight.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking down at her watch.)
KEVIN: You get off in twenty minutes, right?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
WINNIE: Well, not exactly.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him, then frowning.)
WINNIE: I have to work until eleven.
KEVIN: Eleven!
(Shot down the counter of them facing each other.)
KEVIN: Winnie, I thought we had a date tonight. (Gestures.)
WINNIE: Well, we did. But the manager asked me to switch shifts.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: What...you mean every night?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen and frowning slightly.)
WINNIE: I hope you're not mad.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...
(He glances off, then looks at Winnie off-screen.)
Hey, so we'd had a setback.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
We could work this out.
(Winnie smiles.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Winnie, just talk to him, OK? For us.
(Close shot of Winnie looking uncertain.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: I mean think about it.
(The camera moves in very slowly.)
KEVIN: We could take starlit drives...(smiles)...roll down the windows...
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
KEVIN: Turn up the radio...
(Winnie smiles slightly.)
Yeah, I was cookin' here.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Maybe...drive up to The Point and...
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie smiling at him.)
MAN (V/O): Waitress!
(Winnie frowns slightly and looks at the customer off-screen.)
(Wide shot down the counter of Kevin and Winnie, and a man in the background. Winnie looks at Kevin.)
WINNIE: Kevin, I can't.
(She turns and gets the coffee.)
KEVIN: Fine, then! (Gestures.) While you're working, what do you expect me to do?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie turning toward him, holding the coffee pot - unsanitarily.)
WINNIE: Well...
(She pauses, then smiles.)
Oh, no. Not her.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
Not Winnie. Not my...
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Best girl!
(She shrugs dramatically.)
WINNIE: Maybe you should get a job.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen as the music grinds down.)
(Kevin looks off, slightly puzzled.)
Cut to
Int. Night - Arnold House
(Shot of Kevin bent over into a closet.)
NORMA (V/O): Just sort out the junk and throw it in the trash.
(Kevin stands up with a large box and approaches the camera, which rolls back.)
NORMA (V/O): And when you finish with the closet...
(Norma is in the doorway, looking at Kevin.)
NORMA: I want you to start on the garage.
(Kevin pauses.)
(Shot of Kevin as he turns and faces the camera.)
Evidently, there was no end to this.
NORMA (V/O): Kevin...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: If you're not going to have a job it's only fair that you help with responsibilities around the house...right? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: Right.
(Wide shot of both as Norma turns and exits. Kevin turns and sets the box on his bed.)
And there you had it. The verdict was in.
(Kevin sits heavily on his bed.)
The courts had ruled.
(Shot of Kevin frowning and shaking his head slightly.)
KEVIN: I don't believe this.
I'd been sentenced to June in hell...
(He picks up a closed shoebox and sets it on his lap.)
Two months of hard labor...
(He opens the shoebox.)
Heavy lifting, chores.
(He takes out some papers and notes, and tosses some onto the bed.)
It didn't seem fair.
(He reaches into the shoebox again.)
It's not that I minded work.
(He sets some papers on the bed as he looks at them.)
I just couldn't shake the feeling that out there...
(He looks at a greeting card and frowns slightly.)
The world was full of adventure...romance.
(Kevin opens the greeting card. The camera moves in slowly.)
(Shot of the card and photograph inside. The card says: Merry Christmas. Wish you were here. Cara)
(Sounds of crickets and music as the camera moves in on the photo.)
KEVIN (V/O): Cara.
(Shot of Kevin as he looks toward the sound of knocking on his door.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin?
(Shot past Kevin as Norma hurries in. Music grinds down.)
NORMA: I want you take Wayne's sheets down to the laundry room.
(She sets the sheets next to Kevin, pats them, and looks at Kevin.)
(Shot from the doorway as Norma turns and hurries out past the camera.)
KEVIN: Wayne's sheets?!
(Kevin looks at the sheets and recoils.)
(Kevin looks toward the doorway, then the sheets again.)
Enough was enough.
(Kevin looks toward the doorway.)
Cut to
Arnold Kitchen Phone
(Shot of Kevin dialing the phone.)
I was a man at the end of his rope. It came down to this - I could spend my summer hauling sheets...
(Kevin looks off as he waits for an answer.)
Or take the softest, cushiest way out I could find.
(Kevin perks up.)
KEVIN: Hey, Paul?.....Yeah. Listen. (Frowns.) Is that job still open?
(Kevin looks off.)
I mean, after all, how bad could it possible be?
(Sound of a gong.)
Cut to
Int. - Kitchen at Chong's Chinese Restaurant
(Shot of the kitchen and a cook as Mr. Chong marches around, giving gruff orders to employees. The camera follows Mr. Chong around, and stops on Kevin, who is chopping onions.)
Stupid question!
(Shot of double-doors as Paul pops halfway though them, wearing a tie and nametag, and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Kev? How's it going?
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: How's it look like it's going? (Gestures.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul as he approaches, slightly concerned.)
PAUL: Is something wrong?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: I thought you told me I'd be doing what you're doing. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Not exactly. (Frowns.) I said I'll see what I can do on such a short notice.
KEVIN: Well, thanks...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: For nothing.
(Kevin frowns and resumes chopping as Mr. Chong comes up behind him, and starts questioning him and yelling in Chinese.)
MR. CHONG: $%^&)$*&. ^&^&&&* %$%^!
(He looks at the onions.)
MR. CHONG: ##$%^^^&^#
(Close shot of Paul looking at them off-screen, and glancing at the onions off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mr. Chong off-screen, taken aback, then frowning at Paul, and looking at Mr. Chong again.)
(Shot of Paul facing Kevin and Mr. Chong.)
Mr. CHONG: $**^$%? $%^&)$*&. ^&^&&&* %$%^!
(Mr. Chong turns and walks away, exasperated. Kevin looks after him, then turns to Paul and gestures.)
KEVIN: What he say? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: I think he said those onions should to be chopped a little finer.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin as he takes two whacks.)
KEVIN: Great.
(He glances in Mr. Chong's direction, then at Paul.)
KEVIN: Just great.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul sighing and frowning.)
PAUL: Look, Kev...don't get discouraged. Tell you what - in a few days, I'll see if you can get moved up to noodles.
(Shot from behind Paul of both.)
MR. CHONG (V/O): $^!*&!@#%&(.
(Mr. Chong approaches and points at Paul.)
MR. CHONG: ^$%%^%&!
PAUL: Yessir!
(Paul hurries past the camera. Mr. Chong looks after Paul off-screen.)
MR. CHONG: %^#$&&** . %&&^%%$%@!!!
(Shot of Paul turns at the doors.)
PAUL: Yes, sir!
(Paul goes through the doors.)
(Shot of Kevin and Mr. Chong. Mr. Chong turns toward Kevin, and gestures at the onions.)
MR. CHONG: $#% %^ #%&!
(Kevin frowns and nods as Mr. Chong gestures at the onions.)
KEVIN: Yessir.
(Mr. Chong turns away and shakes his head.)
MR. CHONG: ^$#$#. Butthead.
(Kevin looks after Mr. Chong off-screen.)
(Sound of a gong.)
Cut to
Int. Night - Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin standing in the middle of the room, bouncing the basketball.)
Fact. I had joined the ranks of the gainfully employed. And there was nothing I could do about it but - sulk.
(Kevin turns and shoots toward a trash can on the door.)
(Close shot of the can as the ball hits it, and the can falls down.)
(Shot of Kevin as a knock on the door is heard.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin? Are you alright in there?
KEVIN: Don't come in, I'm naked!
NORMA (V/O): Oh.
Things had gone from bad to miserable. My best friend was a jerk...
(He picks up papers and notes from his bed.)
My best girl was on a career track...
(Kevin flips some papers away.)
And the only person who understood me...
(Kevin pick up the greeting card and opens it.)
(Close shot of the card. Sound of crickets and music.)
Seemed a million miles away.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the card as he sits down slowly.)
Fade to
(Shot past Cara of Kevin as he moves in and kisses her Some Snuffy guitar plays.)
(Shot past Kevin as they kiss. Cara looks at Kevin as he pulls back.)
(Close shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
(Close shot past Kevin of Cara. He waits for a reaction, while she develops one. She looks at him for a few seconds, then smiles.)
CARA: I thought you were gonna to light my cigarette.
(They look at each other a second.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking relieved.)
(Close shot of Cara as she smiles again. She bends down as they light her cigarette.)
(Shot of past Cara as they look at each other a moment.)
(Shot of the truck, and lake in the background. Cara lies back against the windshield.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - Highway
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: So, I've been examining the layout to the kitchen...pretty inefficient. I mean, now just try this on for size, OK?
(The camera moves around toward Paul's side, and moves in on Kevin slowly.)
PAUL: What if we take all those jars and put them on the high shelves, then take the cans and put them in the cabinets to the back. That way the busboys won't be knocking into the sauce jars...
(His voice fades to the background.)
There are times in a young life when you have to do something for yourself.
(Shot of a highway exit sign for Route 17 as the camera approaches it.)
When you have to stand up for what you believe in.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the sign off-screen.)
When the world has closed the door on adventure.
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen. Music "On the Road Again" - Canned Heat starts. Kevin looks forward again.)
And your only choice...
(Kevin turns the steering wheel sharply.)
(Shot from behind the car as it turns sharply.)
(Wide shot from the other side of the road as Kevin's car makes an illegal U-turn across the highway median.)
Is to bust out.
(The car goes away from the camera.)
PAUL (V/O): Kevin, what are you doing?
(Shot through the windshield of Paul looking at Kevin.)
KEVIN: We're calling in sick today.
PAUL: What?
(Kevin glances at Paul.)
KEVIN: You heard me.
(They both look forward.)
PAUL: But we can't do that.
(Paul looks at Kevin.)
(Shot of the back of the car as it passes the camera. The camera drops quickly to ground level as the car speeds away.)
PAUL (V/O): Wait a minute. Where are we headed?
KEVIN (V/O): North. To the lake.
(Music fades.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - Rural Road
(Shot of a rural road as Kevin's car approaches. Sound of birds.)
It took about three hours to travel the distance from drudgery to paradise. From hard labor, to summer memories.
(Kevin stops on a small bridge.)
(Shot through Kevin's window as he opens the door and Paul frowns at him. The camera pans with him to the rail.)
Sure, it was irresponsible. But deep down, I knew it was the smartest thing I'd ever done.
(Shot of Kevin, with the lake in the background.)
PAUL (V/O): This is the dumbest thing you've ever done!
(Kevin frowns and looks over his shoulder.)
(Shot of Paul through the open driver's window.)
PAUL: Do you realize no one in the world has any idea where we are?
(Shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: So? It's part of the adventure.
(He gestures with both arms.)
(Shot of Paul through the open driver's window.)
PAUL: I don't want an adventure! I'm an Assistant Manager.
(Shot of Kevin sighing and lookoing away.)
PAUL (V/O): I want to go home.
(Kevin walks back to the car.)
Face it, the guy had all the daring-do of a newt.
(Kevin frowns as he opens the door and gets in. The camera moves down and over slightly to include Paul.)
KEVIN: Look, we came all this way so you might as well enjoy it.
(Paul frowns at him.)
KEVIN: Besides, we're not leaving until we find her.
(Kevin looks forward.)
PAUL: Who?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Cara!
(Close shot of Paul looking forward.)
PAUL: And how are we going to do that?
(He looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Don't worry. I know where to find her.
(Wide shot of Kevin's car on the bridge in the background, the lake in the middle, and a canoe in foreground. The car pulls forward.)
PAUL (V/O): Yeah, and where's that?
KEVIN (V/O): Easy. The drive-in.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Drive-In Lot
(Shot from behind Kevin's car parked in the middle of the empty lot. Sound of vultures. A tumbleweed is in the foreground, the movie screen is in background.)
PAUL (V/O): Well, at least we got good seats!
KEVIN (V/O): So we got here a little early.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Have a little faith will you. She'll show up.
PAUL: Yeah? When?
KEVIN: I dunno...(gestures)...when it gets dark.
PAUL: Great!
(Paul looks away and frowns. Kevin looks forward and smiles slightly.)
Yep! Nothing to do but sit back and wait for destiny...
(Wide shot from behind the car.)
To take its course.
(A large bulldozer drives into the shot.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul through the windshield.)
Or one 6-ton bulldozer.
(Kevin looks toward Paul as Paul frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of the dozer driver.)
DRIVER (Yelling over engine): Hey, what do you guys think you're doing here?
(Shot of Kevin leaning out his window.)
KEVIN (Yelling.): We're waiting for someone!
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of the dozer driver.)
DRIVER: Well, wait somewheres else! (Gestures.) I'm tearing this old place down!
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin looking at the driver off-screen.)
DRIVER (V/O): Now, get out of here!
(Shot past Kevin and Paul as dozer drives off.)
(Shot through the windshield of Paul looking forward.)
PAUL: Got any more great ideas?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin glancing at him, then looking off.)
KEVIN: A few...
(Wide shot from behind the the car and tumbleweed, as the car drives off across the humps.)
Well, one or two, anyway. OK, none.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Country Store
(Shot of Kevin standing next to Paul, who is in a phonebooth. Behind them is a bus bench, and steps to the store.)
PAUL: Hi, Mr. Chong? Hi, it's Paul.
(Sound of Mr. Chong's voice in background.)
PAUL: Yessir, I know I'm late, sir.
Three hours later, we called home.
(Kevin walks to the bench and sits down.)
PAUL: Yessir! No, sir. It wasn't deliberate.
It was horrible.
(Closer shot of Kevin on the bench.)
PAUL (V/O): Yessir, I still want to work for you.
After half a day of scouring the territory, we reached a dead-end. Not a sign of her anywhere.
(Kevin looks foward as the camera moves in slightly.)
My plan to bust out had turned out to be a bust. And now, there was nothing to look forward to, but...
(Cara walks out of the store and stops at the top of the steps, puffing a cigarette.)
(Kevin catches her out of the corner of his eye and turns to look at her.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera toward Cara off-screen.)
True love.
(Close shot of Cara puffing, then looking down.)
(Shot past Kevin of Cara as she drops her cigarette and goes inside.)
(Shot of Kevin standing, with Paul in the phone booth behind him.)
PAUL: Yessir, we're on our way home now.
(Kevin approaches the camera.)
PAUL: Kevin! Where are you going?
KEVIN: Nowhere.
(Shot of Paul as he leans out of the phone booth. Kevin is going up the steps in the background.)
PAUL: Kevin? Kevin!
(Shot though the doorway of Kevin coming up the steps, and pausing.)
But from now on, there was no going back.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Cara behind the counter. She turns and sees Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Hi. (Smiles.)
(He approaches the counter.)
(Shot of the Cara behind the counter as Kevin passes the camera.)
(Shot past Cara of Kevin as he stands across from her and smiles slightly.)
It was a moment worthy of great poets.
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him, surprised.)
CARA: What are you doing here? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her uncertainly.)
KEVIN: Well, you know I was just, uh...I was...
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him.)
(Close shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her and hesitating.)
KEVIN: Actually, I came to see you.
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking down.)
(Close shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: I missed you.
(Shot past Kevin of Cara as she looks at him and hesitates.)
CARA: Yeah. (Nods.) I missed you too.
(Close shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him.)
KEVIN: So, uh...
(Close shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: You think...maybe you could get off in a little while?
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him.)
It seemed like...
(Cara looks down.)
(Close shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
My whole world was riding on what she said next.
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him, glancing down, then looking at him again.)
CARA: I'll see what I can do. (Nods.)
(Close shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Great. (Smiles.)
(Wide shot of both as Kevin turns and exits past the camera.)
Fade to
Ext. Evening - Highway
(Shot through the windshield of the three of them in the car. Paul is in the back. The camera pans over toward Kevin slowly. Snuffy-music plays.)
That evening, driving through the dark, surrounded by the sounds of summer night, I was certain I'd found what Id been looking for.
(Kevin looks at Cara off-screen.)
(Shot of Cara looking off.)
Sure...Cara and I hadn't seen each other for eight months...
(Shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
But somehow...
(Kevin looks forward.)
(Shot of Kevin's car going past the camera.)
I sensed everything was right.
Cut to
Ext. Evening - Lakeside
(Shot of Kevin and Cara are sitting on an upside-down canoe, looking forward. Kevin looks at Cara. She is holding a cigarette.)
It was - perfect. The night, the stars.
(Shot past Cara of Kevin as he looks up.)
KEVIN: Look how clear the sky is. (Smiles.)
(Cara looks at the sky.)
CARA: Yeah.
(She looks down, then puffs her cigarette.)
KEVIN: Summer is great, isn't it?
(Kevin turns to her and smiles. Cara glances at him, then looks forward.)
CARA: I guess.
It was like nothing...
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking off.)
Had changed.
(Cara turns to Kevin.)
Well, almost nothing.
CARA: Did you get my Christmas card?
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
(He looks off, then back.)
KEVIN: Sure. (Smiles.) Yeah!
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him.)
CARA: You didn't write me back.
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Well...you know...
(Kevin looks off, a little embarrassed.)
KEVIN: I'm not much of a...writer - but I...
(He looks at her as she looks forward.)
KEVIN: Thought about you a lot. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Cara turning toward him.)
CARA: Kevin...(Pause.) Why are you here? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: I told you! (Pause) I drove all the way up here to be with you.
(Cara looks forward.)
My God.
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking forward.)
Didn't she understand?
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: You wanted to see me, didn't you?
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking forward.)
CARA: Yeah.
(She turns half toward him.)
CARA: It was just kind of a surprise.
(She looks at Kevin.)
CARA: I mean, its been a long time.
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
And the way she said that, the sound of her voice...
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him.)
The look in her eyes...
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
I guess I knew what had to happen next.
(Kevin leans in to kiss her.)
(Shot past Kevin of Cara as she puts her hand up.)
CARA: Wait.
(She looks down.)
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her as she looks forward.)
KEVIN: What's wrong? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Cara as she looks off and shakes her head.)
CARA: I better go home.
(She stands up.)
(Wider shot of both as Kevin stands up in front of her.)
KEVIN: What?! (Pause.) Why? (Gestures.)
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking off.)
CARA: I don't know...I have to work tomorrow.
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Well, alright, then I'll drive you home.
CARA: No. I'd rather walk.
(She walks past him.)
(Wide shot of both as he looks after her walking away from the camera.)
KEVIN: Cara, wait. (Gestures.)
(Shot of Kevin looking after her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Cara! (Gestures.)
Cut to
Ext. Night - The Car
(Shot from inside, of the door and window as Kevin approaches.)
(Shot of Paul in the backseat, looking at a map. He glances at Kevin off-screen.)
(shot of Kevin as he opens the door and gets in.)
(Shot through the windshield of both.)
PAUL: You're back.
(Kevin glances in the mirror and sighs.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
PAUL: Where's Cara?
(Kevin sighs forcefully and looks off.)
PAUL: Kev? What happened? (Frowns.)
(Paul puts the map down.)
But the problem was, I hardly knew myself.
(Closer shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: None of your business.
(Close shot of Paul frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Oh fine. (Gestures.) That's just fine!
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: I'm going to sleep.
(Wider shot of both as Kevin starts to turn in the seat.)
PAUL: What...here! (Frowns.) Kev, we are not...(points)...repeat are not, going...
(Kevin turns around irritatedly.)
KEVIN: Paul, will you just get off my case?! Look, it's late...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: And I don't feel like driving home tonight, alright! (Frowns.)
(Shopt past Kevin of Paul looking at him a moment.)
PAUL: Suit yourself. (Frowns.)
(He starts to remove his jacket.)
PAUL: Goodnight! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at him off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(He scrunches down in the front seat, and looks forward.)
(Shot of Paul frowing as he wads up his jacket as a pillow. The camera pans slowly to Kevin. Snuffy's guitar plays.)
Course that night I didn't sleep.
(Kevin glances off.)
I lay there, feeling bad about what I'd done. Running off, full of summer madness. Using Cara. Leaving Winnie. I felt like a stupid selfish adolescent...
Fade to
Ext. Morning - Country Store
(Wide shot of Kevin's car pulling up to the gas pumps.)
Which, I guess I was.
PAUL (V/O): OK. We follow this road into town.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul studying the map.)
PAUL: Then we can take a short cut to Barton's Crossing.
(Kevin looks off.)
KEVIN: Right...
(He opens the door.)
PAUL: Then it's a straight shot down I-91...
(The camera pans with him as he gets out of the car. Paul talks louder.)
PAUL (V/O: So make sure to get plenty of gas!
KEVIN: Whatever you say, Paul.
(The camera rolls with him as he walks along the pumps.)
The next morning I'd made up my mind about two things.
(Kevin frowns as he reaches for the gas pump.)
One...I was never gonna to spend another night in an Oldsmobile...
(Kevin looks toward the sound of a truck off-screen.)
(Wide shot of a pickup truck dropping off Cara across the street.)
And two.
(Cara stands at the side of the road looking toward Kevin.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Cara off-screen.)
Somehow, I was gonna have to make this right.
(Shot of Cara walking a little apprehensively toward the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin hanging up the pump, then looking at Cara off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin as Cara approaches.)
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Hey. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him.)
CARA: Hi. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Cara of Kevin glancing off, then looking at her.)
KEVIN: Listen. I'm sorry about last night. About not writing.
(He looks off.)
KEVIN: And about...coming up here and...
CARA: Yeah, well, about that...
(Shot past Kevin of Cara looking at him.)
KEVIN: No, let me finish.
It was time to tell her.
(Shot past Cara of Kevin looking at her.)
I had a life, I had a job...
(Kevin glances off, then back to Cara.)
I had a girlfriend...
KEVIN: See, Cara -
CARA (V/O): Kevin...
(Close shot of Cara looking at Kevin off-screen.)
CARA: I have a boyfriend.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: What? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Cara looking at him off-screen.)
CARA: We've been going out since February. I should have told you last night.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
CARA (V/O): I'm sorry.
(Kevin pauses and looks down, then back to Cara.)
KEVIN: Well, that's great!
(Close shot of Cara looking at him off-screen.)
CARA: You think?
(Cara smiles slightly, then frowns slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. I really do.
(Close shot of Cara looking at him off-screen, then walking forward.)
(Shot from behind Cara as she walks up to Kevin and kisses him on the cheek.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as she kisses kim, then walks past him toward the camera.)
I mean, who was I to stand in the way of true love?
(She walks past the camera as Kevin turns after her.)
(Shot of Cara as she turns at the bottom of the steps.)
CARA: Hey!
(She pauses, then smiles slightly and nods.)
CARA: Send me a Christmas card?
(Shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen. He smiles slightly and gestures.)
KEVIN: I will.
(Shot of Cara smiling at Kevin off-screen. Music "Home" - Karla Bonoff starts and continues throughout.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Cara off-screen with misty eyes. The camera moves in slowly.)
But I didn't. After all, when you're sixteen, eight months is a lifetime. And time had moved on.
(Shot of Cara smiling at him off-screen.)
For both of us.
(Cara turns and goes up the steps out of the shot.)
"Traveling at night"
(Shot of Kevin looking after her, with misty eyes. Sound of the store door closing.)
"The headlights were bright"
(Shot from behind Kevin as he turns and walks back to the car. The camera rolls parallel to him.)
"And we'd been up many an hour"
As for me, I had my own roads to travel.
"And all through my brain"
(Kevin gets in the car and closes the door.)
"Came the refrain"
(Paul looks at him.)
PAUL: Wait a minute. What about the gas?
"Of home"
KEVIN: Oh...
(He looks at the dashboard.)
KEVIN: We got enough.
"And its warming fire"
(Shot from behind Kevin's car.)
PAUL: But -
(Kevin starts the car.)
KEVIN: Paul, come on - we don't have time! We gotta get back.
"And home sings me of sweet things"
(Kevin pulls out, and drives down the road.)
"My life there has its own wings"
"To fly over the mountain"
Fade to
Int. Night - Diner
(Close shot of Kevin smiling as Winnie crosses the shot.)
"Though I'm standing still"
WINNIE (V/O): May I help you?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie behind the counter, smiling at him.)
Sure, I had a restless spirit.
But I knew what was good for me.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. How about a shake?
(Wider shot of both.)
"La, la, la, la, la, la...."
WINNIE: I get off in twenty minutes. (Smiles.)
KEVIN: I'll be here. (Gestures.)
(Music swells as Winnie turns to the counter behind her.)
And the way I saw it...
(She turns and smiles at Kevin.)
The summer was young.
(The camera slowly pulls back.)
"La, la, la, la, la, la...."
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Mr. Chong - Michael Paul Chan
Cara - Lisa Gerber
"Pressure Drop" - Toots and the Maytals > ?
"Venus" - Frankie Avalon
"Home" - Karla Bonoff

Next Episode
"Hey. Lisa."
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03/36/05 22:25