(Ep 48 - "Ninth-Grade Man")
(Kevin holds Madeline's pencil as she grabs it. Sound of zapping voltage.)
Fact. Lead conducts electricity.
See also Full Transcript
(Ep 70 - "The Lake")
(Paul holds his condom package in front of Kevin's face.)
Here it is! The Red Chief Special!
You don't need to rub it in my nose! Come on. Let's get out of here.
Fact. After three and a half days of hanging out, even my best friend was starting to get on my nerves.
See also Full Transcript
(Ep 80 - "Road Test")
Fact! In the suburbs, a boy's first steps towards manhood start behind a lawnmower.
See also Full Transcript
(Ep 86 - "Hero")
(At a diner with Paul and Winnie, Kevin wants to hang out awhile with a school basketball star.)
Pfff. So we skip an hour of homework. What's the worst that could happen?
(Cut to Jack looking at Kevin's test paper.)
A "D"! How could you get a "D"?
Well, I don't know, Dad - the test was hard.
Tests are supposed to be hard, Kevin. How'd this happen?
I dunno. Maybe I was just...tired.
Maybe you we're tired because you've been hanging out too late, celebrating basketball victories. (Frowns.)
He had me nailed. This called for a brilliant tactical move on my part.
You're absolutely right, Dad.
Ya gotta be more sensible.
I will - I promise.
(Kevin gets his jacket.)
So, uh...great!
(Kevin starts to leave.)
I'll seeya later.
Where the hell are you goin'?
To the game...(Gestures.)
Fact. When you're sixteen, your sense of irony isn't particularly well-developed.
See also Full Transcript
(Ep 92 - "Back To The Lake")
Fact. I had joined the ranks of the gainfully employed. And there was nothing I could do about it but...sulk.
See also Full Transcript
(Ep 94 - "Homecoming")
(In a diner with Jeff.)
I don't believe it. How could I blow it like that? We had it...and then...I mean, I blew it! Right?
Fact! The great owl heist had been a bust.
Hey, aren't you going to say anything?
You got some ketchup on your shirt.
(Wayne approaches.)
Hey, I hear you blew it last night, huh, big guy?
Oh, it's all over town. Some bozos tried to raid Central High.
What makes you think it was me?
Oh, intuition. Plus the guard said he saw a car with some stupid dragon on the side. Nice going, "Double-Oh-Seven".
See also Full Transcript
(Ep 97 - "Sex and Economics")
Fact! This cashflow thing was beginning to cloud my judgement. And so, desperation led me to consider once-unthinkable options. In other words - I needed a second job. Preferably one that didn't require a name-tag and a shovel. Or a Baggie and a scoop.
See also Full Transcript
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07/14/99 23:10