(Ep 4 - "Angel")
Louis is here.
Yeah. He's in the living room. With Karen.
Well, don't you want to meet him?
I'm sure if your sister wants me to meet Louis, she'll introduce him. I don't want to interfere in her life.
Oh, really? Would it help you to know that this guy is screwing around with half the university system?
What's he like?
What kind of a word is that for you to use..."disturbing"?
I don't know.
What does that mean - "disturbing"? Kevin?! What does that mean?
OK, don't get mad at me!
Heh-heh-heh. If I couldn't stop this guy myself, I could at least get the troops fired up.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 12 - "Pottery Will Get You Nowhere")
(Cantwell's class.)
Tokyo earthquake, 1923. Three hundred thousand buildings completely demolished. 140,000 people crushed or burnt to death. One minute, a thriving metropolis. The next minute - bingo, a hellish nightmare of death and devastation. Bodies twisted and broken beyond recognition.
(Kevin raises his hand.)
That kind of thing couldn't happen here, could it?
Oh, it couldn't, hmmm? That would be a comforting thought, wouldn't it? But is it accurate? Is it scientific? Hmmm? Who can tell me where the most-devastating earthquake in the last 200 years took place, hmmm? 1811, Missouri. One minute, a peaceful plain of small towns and rolling farmland. The next minute - bingo, a hellish nightmare of death and devastation. Bodies twisted and broken beyond recognition.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 26 - "Wayne On Wheels")
(Kevin and Paul are sitting outside the mall, looking for the girl Kevin saw earlier.)
Hey, is that her?
(Kevin shakes his head.)
How about that one?
Paul, trust me - I'll know her if I see her.
But things were looking grim. We'd been around the mall seven times in three hours - not a sign of the girl in the window.
That's her!
And then...
Paul, it can't be -
(Kevin sees the girl in the distance.)
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 28 - "On The Spot")
No one in their right mind volunteers to be in a play.
I'm gonna try out for that play. How about you?
Says here you get outta seventh period for rehearsals.
Seventh period? Gym?
Count me in.
(A good number of kids are in the auditorium.)
Welcome. Thank you all for coming.
This guy Weber was a geek - but he was a smart geek.
Theater offers you...a chance to...surprise yourself. To find a part of you...you didn't know you have. Choose a role...that speaks to you in some way.
I'm gonna try out for the Stage Manager!
Are you crazy? That's the biggest part in the play!
Yeah. I noticed!
That was Paul for ya - part ham, mostly baloney. Me, I was looking for something with less visibility. Preferably with no lines to learn. Something simple, like -
Spotlight operator. Eat your heart out, seventh period!
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 32 - "Math Class Squared")
(Gym class.)
Gentlemen...I give you...dodge-ball.
(Mr. Cutlip winds up and throws the ball forward forcefully. Cut to dodge-ball. Kevin catches the ball, runs forward with it, and throws it. Shot of Paul and three other boys as the ball passes by Paul. A boy throws a different ball as another boy picks up the first ball. Shot of two boys in profile as they each throw a ball simultaneously. They step back, revealing Mr. Cutlip.)
Bingo - direct hit.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 40 - "Night Out")
So. Ya in?
Of course they are! All the other couples are going...
I can't believe he invited us, can you? Isn't this amazing?
Of course...
It was quite an honor. There was just...one little detail...
Isn't that the party where they...
You mean, where they make out?
Well, what's the big deal? You guys make out, don't you?
And that was the one detail.
Of course we do.
There, of course we did - I knew that! Only we hadn't yet...in real life.
Well, then...you're going to love Robbie Hudson's.
See, he's got this room downstairs, and, uh...
We got the picture, Hobson!
Great, then it's settled.
What could we say, except...
(K & W): Ho-kay...
This was like every other eigth-grade party we'd ever been to. With cookies...and punch. And Twister, and...total darkness!
Party time!
I kept hoping a fuse had blown, especially when I saw that -
But something told me this was no electrical problem.
Round and round she goes, where she stops - nobody knows. Let see, now - who's it gonna be?
You thirsty?
I think there's some water upstairs.
Funny, I'd never won anything before in my life.
Arnold and Cooper! You know the rules...into the make-out room! Come on, guys...this way...to heaven.
And suddenly Winnie was holding my hand so tightly, it could only mean one thing.
Do you...?
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 57 - "Heartbreak")
(On the parked bus, Doug feigns an illness.)
I feel sick.
What's that?
Well, maybe I'd better run and use the restroom, sir. Can I?
Alright, Mr. Porter. But don't come back if you're really ill.
Crude, but effective.
Now it's gonna be a gas.
(At the museum.)
It was time to straighten this out, one way or another.
I - ...you have beautiful eyes!
And there it was - the old smile...the old chemistry. The old...
Psst! See you guys in the ice age?
The old heave-ho.
Yeah! See you there.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 72 - "The Hardware Store")
Mr. Harris?
I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it on Saturday.
Yeah. Actually, I don't think I'll be able to come in at all anymore.
I see.
Yeah. Well, see there's this other job I might be taking.
And where is this new place of employment?
In the mall.
The mall? That's where you want to go to work - selling crap that doesn't work to people that don't need it in the first place? What would you be doing?
Working. In a restaurant. "Food service management".
Ah, what the hell.
It's a burger-joint.
And this is how you want to spend your time - flipping hamburgers and watching the girls walk by?
Bingo. He finally understood.
Then why would you do a thing like this?
Because they pay fifteen cents more an hour.
Oh, so that's it. I see. Fifteen cents an hour... I'll pay you twenty.
Just prove to me that you're worth it - sweep!
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 80 - "Road Test")
(Jessica's locker.)
Hi, Kevin!
Jessica! Hi!
Jessica Thomas. Just the kind of woman that could turn a man around.
Hi, I was wondering if I could borrow your bio notes...from yesterday?
And I had something she wanted.
Sure! So, you, uh...busy Friday night? (Smiles.)
Maybe...maybe not.
Well, there's a dance...want to go?
I'm not big on dances.
Or...we could ditch it.
I might have plans.
Cancel 'em.
OK, it was a risk, but -
Alright. I will!
So, Friday then?
Yes! I saw the mountain...and I took it.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 88 - "Carnal Knowledge")
(Kevin wants Paul to go with him to see the R-rated movie "Carnal Knowledge". Paul has other plans.)
I don't believe this. Dinner with your family?
I'd known Paul a long time. I'd seen him do a lot of unexplainable things. But this...
Kev, I told you - it was unavoidable. My mom's old college roommate's staying in town. I mean, she and her family -
So, tell 'em you're sick.
Oh, right. Look. This roommate's got a daughter who's a freshman in college. And she's studying marine biology.
Well...I'm interested in marine biology, so I thought this would be -
Wait. Paul - let me get this straight...you're giving up a perfectly good Friday night...to talk about fish?
(Paul snorts and looks off.)
There. I had him on the ropes. All I needed now was a sucker-punch.
Come on...come with us. Do it for me.
OK...maybe I can make the nine o'clock show.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 92 - "Back To The Lake")
(Kevin has gone back to the lake to see Cara.)
What are you doing here?
Well, you know I was just...I was...Actually, I came to see you.
I missed you.
Yeah. I missed you too.
So...you think...maybe you could get off in a little while?
It seemed like my whole world was riding on what she said next.
I'll see what I can do.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 94 - "Homecoming")
(The school mascot walks past Paul, Kevin and Jeff.)
That's pathetic. Look at that.
What happened?
They gave him back.
Well, that's good, right?
Well, they kept his armor, man.
Oh, fine. Be that way! I'm just saying someone ought to do something about it.
Yeah, know what, he-he's right. We could write a letter.
We should file a complaint.
Yeah, knight-napping. (Smiles.)
Or we could steal their owl. (Smiles.)
Ah, no. Forget it, man. (Frowns.) We don't even know where they keep it.
(Ricky turns to them.)
Hey, I know where they keep it. I got a friend who goes to Central.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 96 - "Scenes From A Wedding")
(At a wedding reception.)
Please?! Come on, Wayne. Let me have some of yours.
Get your own champagne!
I'd do it for you!
You know, I believe you would. I could give you this bottle. As a matter of fact, if it was up to me, I'd give it to you right now.
But, according to the State drinking law, you're underage. So if I did, I'd be committing a crime, and that would be wrong.
Suddenly my brother had become Joe Friday.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 97 - "Sex and Economics")
(In the cafeteria.)
What I needed were men. Men who took joy in their work. Solid, blue-collar men. Men like...
(Donnelly is launching a rubberband toward the ceiling.)
Jimmy Donnelly...Eddie Horvath...
(Horvath has a long string of gum hanging off his nose.)
And Joey Spinoza.
(Spinoza shoots a spitwad at a piece of paper.)
I dunno, call it instinct, but somehow, I knew I'd found my crew.
So, guys. Want to make a few dollars?
(Donnelly looks up.)
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 99 - "White Lies")
(Winnie's locker.)
Listen. I was wondering if you wanted to study for the SAT's tonight.
Tonight? (Frowns.)
Uh, yeah. I-I figured...it was about time...we started getting ready. For the test.
OK! (Smiles.) Where do you want to meet?
Uh, w-I don't know, anywhere...How about my house?
OK! (Smiles.)
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 101 - "Kevin Delivers")
So, I headed out again. After all, it was my duty to bring pork lomein and crispy noodles to...the good...
Thank God!
The bad...
Where ya been!?
And of course, the giggly...
But as the night wore on, a kind of malaise set in. Small tips and minor annoyances took their toll. Still somehow, you kept you spirits up. You stayed optimistic...because down any hallway, around any corner, could be that one...big...score.
(A guy opens the door as a cloud of smoke billows behind him.)
Oh! Wow! Chinese!
This is really weird, man. I thought I heard a bell, and then, like...here you are.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 103 - "Let Nothing You Dismay")
(Jack and the boys are bringing in a large Christmas tree.)
Don't you think you're going a little overboard, honey?
What are you talking about? Besides, it Christmas - felt like splurging.
It was incredible. It was like Santa Claus making a house-call.
Uh, Dad?
Yeah, Kev?
And I was gonna be next on his list.
Could I, uh...borrow a couple bucks?
Like say, ninety-nine, ninety-nine.
It's just, you know, I want to get somethin' for Winnie, and I'm running a little bit short, so...
Sure. No problem.
Bingo. Down the chimney he came.
Oh, honey...Charlie called while you were out. He said he won't be able to make it over tonight.
And then...
What's he getting - cold feet?
My Santa went south.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means nothing! He said everything was fine - he had a few last-minute things he has to take care of, and he'll see you at the bank on Friday.
Oh! Sure!
(Jack gives Kevin five dollars.)
Buy her somethin' special.
Right. Thanks, Dad.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 105 - "Alice In Autoland")
(At Pistol Pete Pedermeir's Used-Car Corral.)
...and this is Kevin Arnold.
Hi, sir!
He's looking for a car.
Howdy, partner! You came to the right corral!
Sorry. Uh, how much you looking to spend?
Well, I was kind of hoping, sir, for a, you know, equal trade.
A trade? Well, what have you got to trade?
An Olds. That one.
I see...
Daddy? I kind of promised Kevin a good deal. Please, Daddy?
I guess even a used-car king can't resist a daughter's batting eyes.
Well...Alright. Come back tomorrow. We got a new shipment coming in.
Sure, Kevin. Any friend of Alie's is a friend of mine.
See also Full Transcript

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