"Wayne On Wheels" - Episode 26

Opening Sequence
(Close shot of a child's drawing of the sun. The camera pans across to the house in the drawing.)
Once upon a time, I lived in a great big house.
(Music "Pop Goes The Weasel" plays.)
With a great big yard, and a great big bedroom.
(Closer shot of the drawing showing a boy. The camera pans over to another, larger boy.)
And a great big older brother.
("Boing" of the wind-up spring breaking.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - Arnold House
But by the middle of nineteen-sixty-nine, the house and the yard and the bedroom were are all getting...
Cut to
Int. Day - Living Room
(Close shot of Kevin sitting at the end of the couch, frowning.)
TV (V/O): Inside every woman, is a woman who longs to be free.
(The camera pulls back slightly to reveal Delores making out with Wayne on the couch next to Kevin.)
Or maybe Wayne and I were getting larger.
(Kevin frowns and pushes Wayne's arm away from him.)
Cut to
(Shot of Kevin looking in the mirror as he combs his hair.)
One thing was certain.
(Wayne bursts in and stands in front of Kevin and looks in the mirror.)
We were running out of room.
(Wayne put his index fingers on his chin.)
(Closer shot of Wayne and Kevin reflected in the mirror as Wayne squeezes a zit.)
The pressure was building.
(Some dramatic music plays as Kevin frowns and starts to back away toward the door. The camera pans with him.)
Then, just when things seemed near the point of no-return...
(Kevin frowns again, and exits.)
Something happened.
(The door bangs shut.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Arnold Front Yard
(Shot past Paul looking toward the street as Kevin runs across the yard.)
Something unexpected.
(Kevin slows up and looks toward the street.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the Arnold station-wagon being driven by Wayne, with Jack riding shot-gun. Wayne turns the car sharply into the driveway, and screeches to a stop.)
(Closer shot of Jack and Wayne as Jack grips the window frame and is jerked back in his seat.)
JACK: Dammit, Wayne! (Frowns.)
WAYNE: I had my blinker on. (Smiles.)
(Jack turns toward Wayne slightly.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul standing side-by-side, looking at the car off-screen.)
PAUL: I don't believe this!
(Paul looks at Kevin.)
PAUL: Wayne is driving?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing from Paul to Wayne and back off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Kevin looks toward Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: He got his learner's permit yesterday.
(Close shot of Jack and Wayne. Jack grips the window frame and frowns, and speaks through clenched teeth.)
JACK: OK, Wayne. Slower this time.
WAYNE: Gotcha. (Smiles.)
(Wayne puts the car in reverse and begins to back up.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the car backing out of the driveway.)
PAUL (V/O): Man - clear the streets!
(Shot of Kevin and Paul looking toward the car off-screen.)
PAUL: He's a menace!
(Kevin looks off.)
Maybe that was true...
(Closer shot of Kevin looking away as the car horn sounds.)
But I couldn't be bothered with the overall threat to society.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the car pulling away.)
The fact is, this was the solution I'd been praying for.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
Simply stated, Wayne on wheels meant just one thing.
(Kevin smiles slowly.)
Wayne - out of my life!
Cut to
Int. Day - Kitchen
(Shot across the kitchen table of Wayne and Delores as Kevin enters from the living room. Pringles and Twinkies are on the table. Delores is looking at a pamphlet.)
(Kevin opens the refrigerator, and looks toward Wayne and Delores.)
DELORES: When the traffic signal is out-of-order, you should..."A", use caution and proceed through the intersection, "B", slow down then take the right-of-way, "C", treat the intersection as a four-way stop?
(Wayne rubs his forehead.)
WAYNE: Uh...
(Close shot of Kevin at the open refrigerator, looking at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): Let's see.
(Shot of Wayne and Delores, and Kevin in the background, as Wayne quickly turns toward Delores and gestures.)
WAYNE: Four-way stop.
(Delores smiles broadly.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and making a fist.)
(Kevin smiles as he looks in the refrigerator.)
It was the first time I ever rooted for my brother.
(Shot of Wayne and Delores, and Kevin in the background.)
(Wayne takes a drink from his glass. Kevin stands up slowly in the background and looks toward them.)
DELORES: The speed limit in a school zone is..."A", five miles per hour, "B", fifteen miles per hour, "C", twenty miles per hour?
The way I saw it...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen.)
It was my future hanging in the balance.
(Kevin looks toward Delores off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Delore and Wayne as Wayne gestures.)
WAYNE: Wait, wait, wait - I know this one.
(Delores sighs and flips the booklet closed.)
DELORES: It's "B", Wayne...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward them off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): "B", right...
(Shot past the back of Delores of Wayne looking down.)
DELORES (V/O): You better study harder...
WAYNE: Delores, I don't...
(Wayne starts to look at Delores.)
(Shot past Wayne's back of Delores looking at him.)
DELORES: If you don't pass this test and you don't get his license...you know what else you don't get.
(She rests her chin in her palm, makes a little face, looks off, chews her gum rapidly and blows a bubble.)
The woman was obviously a keen student...
(Delores pops the bubble.)
Of motivational dynamics.
(Shot past the back of Delores of Wayne looking down and picking up the booklet.)
WAYNE: OK, OK...(Frowns.)
(Wayne flips the pages.)
Yep - with a little luck...
(Close shot of Kevin smiling toward them off-screen and nodding.)
Wayne was on his way.
(Kevin looks off slightly.)
Leaving me on the threshold of a brave new world.
(Kevin takes a breath and looks at Wayne off-screen.)
Which in thirteen-year-old terms meant...
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Mall
(Long shot of Kevin and Paul walking toward the camera, along a row of stores. Other shoppers walk in and through the shot. Some "flute" music plays.)
The mall. Four-hundred-thousand square feet of unsupervised opportunity.
(Kevin is talking to Paul, and points to something.)
Of course, you needed a ride from Mom to get there. But once you were there...it was adolescent paradise.
(They walk past the camera.)
Cut to
Int. - Shoe Store
(Shot of two girls standing face-to-face in front of a display of shoes. Both girls are wearing a yellow windbreaker, and a pleated blue skirt with a white and yellow striped uniform.)
Girls. Exotic girls...
(One girl gestures to the other, and turns around. The back of her jacket reads "Jericho", and there is a large "J" on the front of her sweater. The girls walk across the shot, close to the camera, which pans slightly with them.)
Girls...from other schools.
(The camera stops panning and the girls exit, revealing Kevin smiling as he looks after them off-screen. He is resting near a black leather boot on display.)
PAUL (V/O): Boy! Some pair, huh?
(Kevin frowns and glances off.)
KEVIN: What?! (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul. Paul is looking at the boot. He turns to Kevin excitedly.)
PAUL: How do you think I'd look in them?
(Paul looks at the boot as Kevin frowns.)
KEVIN: Paul...(gestures)...we wasted an entire Saturday looking at shoes.
(Paul gestures with both hands.)
PAUL: I just need an opinion, OK?
(He picks up a Hush-Puppy.)
PAUL: I can play it safe with these, but...
(Paul sets the Hush-Puppy down.)
PAUL: And I want you to be perfectly honest with me, OK?
(Paul picks up the black boot.)
PAUL: What do you think of these? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
Uh-oh. This wasn't just a question about shoes.
(Close shot of Paul frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
This was a question about manhood.
PAUL: Well?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and making a fart sound as he gives Paul a thumbs down sign.)
(Close shot of Paul frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: You don't think I can carry these off?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning heavily and looking toward the window.)
(Wider shot of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: I mean, Bruce Gaines wore 'em last week...
(A girl approaches the window and looks in. Another girl is with her. Some "heavenly" music plays.)
PAUL: And he looked pretty cool.
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera toward the window, slightly surprised.)
But suddenly, Paul wasn't there anymore. It was just me...
(Kevin smiles slightly.)
(Close shot through the window of the girl glancing at Kevin off-screen.)
And a vision...
(She smiles slightly, then looks at the shoes.)
Hovering just beyond the P.F. Flyers.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the girl off-screen.)
(Close shot through the window of the girl glancing at Kevin off-screen. She mouths "Let's go" to the other girl. They turn and walk away from the camera. Kevin and the P.F. Flyers are refected in the window.)
I'd just seen my future through a shoestore window.
(Close shot of Paul frowning at Kevin off-screen. Music ends abruptly.)
PAUL: Kevin?
(Wider shot of both. Kevin taps Paul on the elbow.)
KEVIN: I gotta go.
(Kevin hurries past Paul out of the shot. Paul looks after him, then follows. Some guitar music plays into the next scene.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Mall
(Shot down the walkway in front of the shops as Kevin hurries outside. He pauses and looks off, then turns toward the camera and begins to run.)
There was no room for hesitation.
(He collides with a baby carriage.)
KEVIN: Excuse me.
It was time to seize the moment.
(Kevin passes a lady and accidentally kicks one of her packages.)
Let no obstacle stand in my way.
(Closer shot of Kevin as he looks over his shoulder and continues to run toward the camera. Paul follows in the background.)
I was chasing a fantasy...a dream...a vision.
(Kevin slows up and looks off into the distance.)
(Shot from Kevin's perpsective of a nearly empty walkway. One man is standing nearby and smoking, one man is slowly approaching, and two women are walking away. The music ends.)
That had vanished into thin air.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Kevin, what happened?
(Close shot of Kevin sighing.)
KEVIN: Never mind...
It didn't seem fair.
(Close shot of Paul frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: There's always next weekend. (Nods.)
(Shot of Kevin as he raises his eyebrows and slowly turns toward Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): The boots.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: To get 'em next weekend. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
Well, maybe Paul was right. Maybe we'd get 'em next weekend. After all...
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Kitchen
(Very close shot of Wayne's hand holding an envelope from the "Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing", addressed to "Wayne J. Arnold, 861***...(Wayne's thumb)...****den Place, C***...(thumb)...**ty, Ca. 90230)
Anything was possible.
(Wayne flips over the envelope and starts to open it.)
(Close shot of Kevin seated at the dining room table, looking up from his homework toward the kitchen.)
(Wider shot of Wayne opening the envelope as Kevin excitedly hurries in from the living room.)
Now that I was about to be a free man.
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin looking at the envelpe.)
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne frowning as he slowly pulls the letter from the envelope.)
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin frowning heavily and looking away.)
(Kevin looks at Wayne.)
(Wider shot of both as Wayne takes a few little steps in excitement.)
WAYNE: Yes! Yes! Yes!
(Kevin holds his hands out.)
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin smiling at him.)
WAYNE (V/O): Yes!
KEVIN: Yes! (Smiles.)
(Kevin puts his hands on his hips.)
WAYNE: Whoo!
It was a moment to remember. For one brief instant...
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne looking down and smiling as he taps the letter.)
My brother and I...
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin looking at him.)
Were in total agreement.
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne looking at him.)
(Wider shot of them standing face-to-face. Kevin raises his arms.)
KEVIN: Congratulations, Wayne! (Smiles.)
(Norma enters from the living room carrying a basket of laundry.)
WAYNE: Thanks, butthead.
(Wayne taps Kevin on the arm with the letter. Norma passes between them.)
NORMA: Excuse me.
(Norma passes the camera.)
And then it happened.
(Kevin and Wayne look at Norma off-screen and speak at the same time.)
KEVIN: Mom, I need a ride to the mall.
WAYNE: Mom, I gotta to go pick up Delores.
(Close shot of Norma pausing and looking over her shoulder, slightly puzzled. A box of Oxydol detergent sits on top of the laundry. A twang of guitar plays.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as they look at each other a moment. Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen and gestures.)
KEVIN: Wait, Mom - it's Saturday.
(Wayne frowns and looks up.)
KEVIN: You promised to take me to the mall.
(Wayne holds the letter up.)
WAYNE: And you said as soon as I got this...(points)...I could have the car.
(Close shot of Norma looking at the boys off-screen.)
It was a case for King Solomon.
(Norma bites her lip and looks off.)
Mom, however, rose to the occasion.
NORMA: Well, I have to take your father's suits to the cleaners. (Shrugs.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne frowning at Norma off-screen.)
K & W: Mom!
Uh-uh. Unacceptable.
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: Well, then...
(She sighs and looks up.)
Here it came...
(She looks toward the boys off-screen and squints slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he folds his arms and glances at Wayne off-screen.)
A landmark decision.
(Close shot of Norma thinking a moment.)
NORMA: I know...Wayne, you take Kevin to the mall, and then you can have the car. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne frowning at Norma off-screen.)
K & W: What?
(Close shot of Norma smiling broadly at them off-screen, then her smile fades.)
KEVIN (V/O): Mom!
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne frowning at Norma off-screen.)
WAYNE: Mom, it's totally out of my way! (Gestures.)
NORMA (V/O): But, honey...
(Shot of Norma looking at Wayne off-screen.)
NORMA: Now that you have a license...(nods), and car privileges...(nods), you have to assume...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne.)
NORMA (V/O): Some of the responsibilities...
(Close shot of Norma looking at them off-screen.)
NORMA: And one of those...is driving...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin.
(Kevin frowns, and slowly turns toward Wayne off-screen.)
This was unbelievable!
(Shot of Norma as she smiles and exits toward the basement.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he turns toward Wayne.)
A terrible twist of fate.
(Wayne approaches as stands directly in front of Kevin.)
The hoped-for boon had instantly turned into a curse.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Stonewood Mall
(Shot of a sign reading "Stonewood Mall".)
Wayne and I were thrown together once again.
(The camera pans down to the car. Wayne drives, Delores rides shotgun, and Kevin and Paul are in back. They jerk to a quick stop.)
WAYNE: OK - buttheads out! (Gestures.)
(Closer shot of Kevin and Paul looking out the window.)
KEVIN: Here?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a wide parking lot, and the mall in the distance.)
WAYNE (V/O): Hey...
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as they turn toward Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): Mom said the mall...
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne turned around in the front seat.)
WAYNE: I mean, technically...(gestures)...this is the mall.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and glancing off.)
PAUL (V/O): Come on, Kev...
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: Let's just go.
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne turned around in the front seat. He smiles.)
(Kevin opens the door and starts to get out.)
(Shot from in front of the car as Paul gets out after Kevin.)
WAYNE: Eh! (Points.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul from behind as they pause and turn around.)
WAYNE (V/O): Be on the curb at six-thirty...
(Shot past Delores of Wayne looking at them off-screen, as Delores plays with her gum.)
WAYNE: Or spend the night. (Smiles.) Have fun shopping, girls.
(Delores looks toward the boys off-screen and stretches out her gum as Wayne puts the car in gear and drives off. The camera pans with the car.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul looking after the car off-screen. Paul taps Kevin's elbow.)
PAUL: Hey, don't let it get to you. Come on - let's go get some pizza.
(Kevin glance at Paul, then looks off.)
Well, maybe he was right.
(Closer shot of Kevin looking toward Paul.)
I had other matters to attend to.
Cut to
The Mall
(Shot of Kevin and Paul sitting outside on a bench as Paul eats pizza. Paul reaches his arm across Kevin and points.)
PAUL: Hey, is that her?
(Kevin looks, frowns, and shakes his head. Paul looks off in the other direction, then nudges Kevin's elbow and points.)
PAUL: How about that one? (Smiles.)
KEVIN: Paul, trust me...(Frowns.) I'll know her if I see her. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
But things were looking grim. We'd been around the mall seven times in three hours.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
Not a sign of the girl in the window.
(Paul takes a sip of his drink through a straw, then looks off. He looks sideways, sets his drink down, and points.)
PAUL: That's her!
And then...
(Kevin frowns and sighs heavily.)
KEVIN: Paul...
(Close shot of Kevin looking sideways.)
KEVIN: It can't be!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the two girls in the distance at a theater box-office.)
(The shot jumps slightly closer. The girls walk toward the door.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the girls off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the girls entering the theater.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he smiles and runs past Paul and the camera.)
(Shot of Paul as he hurriedly stands, takes a bite of pizza, sets it down, and exits.)
(Shot of Kevin running and slowing up as he approaches the theater and the camera. He glances at the sign as he approaches the box-office window.)
KEVIN: One, please!
(He hands the teller some money.)
(Close shot of Kevin as Paul hurries past the camera.)
PAUL: Kevin, what are you doing?
(Kevin looks at Paul.)
KEVIN: I'm going in the movies.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul as he looks up.)
PAUL: It's "Romeo and Juliet".
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Yes, I know what it is.
(Kevin backs up, then turns and hurries toward the door.)
(Close shot of Paul looking after Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I'm not seeing "Romeo and Ju -". Kevin!
(Paul pauses, then looks up at the sign again. He reaches in his pocket.)
PAUL: One, please.
Cut to
Int. Theater
(Shot of the interior door as the girls entering the darkened theater. One points toward the seats and they walk down the aisle past the camera. Moments later, Kevin and Paul enter. The camera moves over slightly as they slowly walk down the aisle toward it. Paul trips on someones foot.)
PAUL: Sorry.
(They pause and look at each other.)
KEVIN (Whisper): Paul, what are you doing?
PAUL (Whisper): Sorry...
MOVIE (V/O): "Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair Verona, where we lay our scene..."
(Kevin looks toward the girls off-screen and smiles. He walks down the aisle, then slides down a row of seats.)
KEVIN (Whisper): Excuse me.
(Paul follows. The camera continues to move across with them. The camera stops, with the girls in the foreground as Kevin sits down a few rows behind them.)
MOVIE: "...their civil blood...makes civil hands unclean..."
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the girl off-screen, smiling slightly.)
At last, I had come to realize my quest.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the girls as his dream girl leans over and whispers to the other.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the girl off-screen.)
MOVIE (V/O): "A pair of star-crossed lovers...take their life..."
I had managed to turn my dream world...
(Close shot of the dream girl brushing her hair back with her hand and looking at her friend.)
Into flesh...bones...and strawberry-scented hair.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the girl off-screen, smiling slightly.)
She was mine for the taking.
(Kevin glances at Paul off-screen, then back to the girl off-screen, and smiles.)
Fade to
(Kevin yawns and leans his head on his fist in boredom.)
MOVIE (V/O): "For never was a story of more woe...than this of Juliet, and her Romeo"
(The movie ends and its theme plays. People start to rise and exit. Kevin stands up.)
KEVIN: Come on, Paul - let's go.
(Paul blows his nose in his handkerchief.)
KEVIN: Paul?
(Paul looks up at Kevin.)
PAUL: My allergies.
Cut to
Ext. Evening - Theater
(Shot of the front door as Kevin exits, followed by Paul. Kevin pauses and looks around slowly.)
PAUL: This is stupid! We could spend all night following her around. Are you gonna talk to her or not? Because if you are, you could go up and talk to her...(Gestures.) If not, then we might as well leave.
(Kevin smiles slightly and takes a few small steps toward the camera as "heavenly" music starts again.)
And then, in a flash...
(Shot of the two girls talking to each other. The camera rolls in slowly.)
Our eyes met.
(The dream girl glances toward Kevin off-screen.)
Our souls danced.
(Shot of Kevin smiling, and Paul watching him in the background.)
And all else faded to the background. It was just me...
(Close shot of the dream girl smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
My dream girl...
(Shot of Kevin smiling, and Paul watching him in the background. Kevin looks down.)
And forty feet of sidewalk.
(Kevin looks up, then walks forward. The movie theme music plays again. The camera rolls back with Kevin.)
I was going to open my mouth, and let love speak...
(Shot of both girls talking to each other. The camera rolls in slowly.)
For itself.
(Shot of Kevin approaching.)
My lips...
(Close shot of the girl glancing toward Kevin off-screen.)
Two blushing Pilgrims ready stand...
(Shot past the dream girl of Kevin as he stops in front of her, smiling.)
To smooth that rough touch...
(Close shot of the girl looking at Kevin off-screen, smiling slightly.)
With a tender kiss.
(Shot past the dream girl of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Hi...(Sighs.)
(Sound of squealing tires. The music fades as a car-horn honks.)
(Shot of Kevin and the girl looking past the camera. Paul and the other girl are in the backgrond.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen as Delores plays with her gum.)
WAYNE: Well, well, well. What do we have here - a new girlfriend ...
(Shot of Kevin and the girl. Kevin frowns, and the girl makes a face and smiles at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): Perhaps?
(Close shot of Wayne and Delores as Wayne laughs.)
WAYNE: Getting a little smoocharoo at the movies, baby brother?
(Wayne laughs and turns toward Delores.)
(Shot past the girl of Kevin sighing and frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
There was only one thing to do.
(Kevin looks at the girl.)
(Shot of Kevin and the girl as he hurries past her and the camera. Paul and the other girl are in the background.)
PAUL: Bye.
(Paul exits past the camera, and the other girl steps nearer the dream girl.)
(Wider shot of the car as Kevin approaches the back door, and Paul passes the camera. Wayne honks the horn.)
Salvage what I could of my dignity.
(Wayne scoots the car forward a few feet, and stops abruptly, while looking at Kevin.)
WAYNE: Oops! (Laughs.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing over his shoulder, then looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Wayne!
(Kevin reaches for the door handle.)
(Close shot of Wayne smiling over his shoulder toward Kevin off-screen, as he scoots the car forward again.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen as he takes a few steps forward. Wayne honks the horn and Kevin glances over his shoulder toward the girls.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the girls in the distance turning toward Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning toward Wayne off-screen and frowning.)
KEVIN: Wayne - don't do this to me.
(Close shot of Wayne as he looks off and gestures. Delores is smiling and playing with her gum.)
WAYNE: Do what? I'm just having a little trouble here with the brakes, that's all. (Gestures.) I swear, I won't do it this time.
(Wider shot of the car, Kevin and Paul as Wayne scoots forward again, then stops.)
KEVIN: Wayne!
(Kevin looks toward the girls off-screen.)
(Close shot of the dream girl turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning toward Wayne off-screen and frowning.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking "serious" as he gestures.)
WAYNE: I swear...(gestures)...I won't do it. Just get in.
(Close shot of Kevin reaching for the handle. The car scoots forward.)
(Wider shot of Wayne looking over his shoulder at Kevin as he stops the car abruptly. Kevin takes a few steps.)
KEVIN: Wayne...
(Close shot of Wayne looking over his shoulder at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Really, come on - I-I gotta get home.
(Close shot of Kevin reaching for the handle. The car scoots forward. The movie theme starts again.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking over his shoulder at Kevin off-screen.)
(Wider shot of the car and Kevin as Wayne pulls away. Kevin trots after the car.)
KEVIN: Wayne.
(Wayne makes a turn away from the camera. Kevin runs next to the car.)
KEVIN: Wayne!
(The movie theme continues as the camera rises, and Kevin runs next to the lurching car.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Arnold Kitchen
(Close shot of Jack looking glum, seated at the kitchen table holding a set of keys on a ring.)
WAYNE (V/O): I don't get it?
(Close shot of Wayne turning forward in his chair and gesturing at Jack off-screen. Norma is at a counter in the background.)
WAYNE: I mean, what's the big deal? (Gestures.) Hey - I tried...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): To pick him up - he just wouldn't get in.
(Shot of Norma holding two cups. The camera pans with her as she approaches Jack.)
NORMA: Wayne...
(The camera pulls back past Kevin as Norma turns next to Jack and faces Wayne.)
NORMA: We are very...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Wayne off-screen as he takes a cup from Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Disappointed in you.
Actually, I think Dad...
(Jack hunches forward slightly and looks forward.)
Was a wee bit more than disappointed.
(Shot of Wayne looking down.)
NORMA (V/O): A car is not a toy...
(Wayne looks toward Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Wayne off-screen.)
NORMA: And the privilege of driving is not something to be taken lightly.
(Close shot of Jack holding his cup, frowning as he looks forward, and working his lips around.)
Now, anyone with half a brain would have settled for a lecture. But...well...
(Close shot of Wayne looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
Wayne was Wayne.
(Wayne frowns, then looks toward Norma off-screen.)
WAYNE: Well...(gestures)...what good is having a license if all I get to do is drive Kevin around!
(Close shot of Jack looking forward as he smacks his cup onto the table.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking forward.)
JACK: You're right.
(Shot of Wayne looking at Jack off-screen with surprise.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: No more driving for you. Privileges suspended.
(Shot of Wayne as he frowns and gestures, then rubs his eye.)
JACK (V/O): Indefinitely.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at Wayne off-screen.)
A funny thing happens when you're thirteen and your brother gets punished...
(He smiles slightly.)
Cut to
Evening - Bathroom
(Shot of Kevin in pajamas, taking a mouthful of water from a plastic glass. Wayne enters behind him and pauses, staring at him. Kevin looks over his shoulder, then turns forward smiling slightly. He spits the water into the sink as Wayne walks away from the camera.)
You kind of enjoy it.
(Kevin has toothpaste all over his mouth as he looks over his shoulder again. Wayne is looking at Kevin. Wayne takes a step toward Kevin, who wipes his mouth with a tissue as he turns forward, grinning.)
WAYNE: What are you grinnin' at? (Frowns.)
(Wayne exits as Kevin looks after him.)
Cut to
Another Day
(Shot through the front window as Kevin approaches and looks out.)
In fact...
(Kevin smiles.)
You revel in it.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Wayne riding his bike in circles in the street.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen and smiling.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Wayne riding his bike in circles in the street. A red Corvair pulls up next to him. Delores rides in the back seat. Wayne rides forward.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
Sure, I felt some pity. But somehow I knew...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Wayne leaning against the car talking and gesturing to Delores.)
Deep down...
(The car pulls forward. Wayne runs his hand along the car as it moves away from him.)
It was him, or me.
(Wayne awkwardly straddles his bike and looks after the car off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): You're not going to believe this!
Cut to
Int. Day - School Cafeteria
(Shot of Kevin and Paul at the cafeteria tray-return window as Paul gestures.)
PAUL: It's too cool!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at him off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: Remember that girl up in the mall?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
(Kevin blinks and glances off.)
I'd spent a whole week trying to forget how idiotic I must have looked to her in that parking lot.
KEVIN: What about her?
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: Well...(smiles)...I talked to her friend...
(Paul walks away. Kevin turns and follows as the camera pans with him.)
KEVIN: You did? Where?
(Kevin stops in front of Paul.)
PAUL: I saw her walking out of the movie again.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin smiling at him.)
KEVIN: You went back to see "Romeo and Juliet"? (Nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul frowning at him.)
PAUL: Yeah - I took Carla, OK? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: So, what happened? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Well, turns out, the pretty girl, she used to go to Jericho, and her brother, John...went steady with Carla's friend, Cathy...
PAUL: Back in the sixth grade...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Paul?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Well, these two used to hang out together.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin rolling his eyes and sighing.)
PAUL: You know, they used to make mud-pies...
KEVIN: Paul, will you get to the point?!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Well...she told Carla that she's gonna be at the mall tonite...and...(smiles)...we...might kinda run into her...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Run into her...(Smiles.)
PAUL: Uh-huh...(Nods.)
KEVIN: What else did she say? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him and shrugging.)
PAUL: Nothin'.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin frowning and looking off.)
PAUL: Except...
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: The pretty one thinks you're cute.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him, slightly surprised.)
KEVIN: She said that? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul shrugging, then nodding.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off. He frowns heavily, clears his throat, and nods.)
KEVIN: Really...
(Sound of a slamming door.)
Cut to
Int. Afternoon - Arnold House
(Shot of the living room as Kevin approaches in the distance.)
(He sets his books on the lamp-table, then trots toward the kitchen and the camera.)
KEVIN: Hey, Mom? Can you take me to the...
(Kevin slows up.)
(Shot of Wayne, Norma and Jack, as Jack holds up the car keys in front of Wayne. Sound of squealing tires as the camera zooms in on the keys.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking aghast.)
KEVIN: Mall...
(Shot of Wayne, Jack and Norma looking at Kevin off-screen as Jack holds the keys up.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh, no...(Sighs.)
(Shot of Wayne, Jack and Norma.)
JACK: Wayne'll drive you.
(Jack looks at Wayne.)
JACK: Won't you, Wayne?
WAYNE: Sure...
(Wayne looks at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: I'd be glad to.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: But, I - (Frowns.)
JACK (V/O): Your brother and I had a little talk.
(Close shot of Jack holding up the keys, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: About responsibility.
(Jack looks at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: Right, Wayne? (Nods.)
(Shot of Wayne, Jack, and Norma as Wayne reaches for the keys.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Jack off-screen.)
WAYNE: Right, Dad.
(Wayne turns toward Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Ready to go, Kev? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
(Shot of Wayne, Jack, and Norma. Jack still has his hand up.)
This was nuts.
(Wayne approaches and passes the camera.)
Did they really believe Wayne...
(Shot of Kevin frowning.)
Had changed his spots?
(Wayne passes the camera and pauses next to Kevin, then puts his hand on Kevin's shoulder and smiles.)
WAYNE: Would six o'clock be OK with you, Kev?
(Wayne looks at Jack off-screen and smiles as he waves slightly.)
(Shot of Norma and Jack. Norma smiles slightly as Jack gestures slightly toward Wayne off-screen, then smiles at Norma as he crosses his arms.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as Wayne pats Kevin's shoulder and exits.)
Still, it was possible.
(Kevin frowns, raises and eyebrow, and looks toward Jack and Norma off-screen.)
Cut to
Ext. Evening - Residential Street
(Shot through the windshield of Wayne, Kevin and Paul as they lurch to a stop.)
In theory.
(Wayne turns toward Kevin.)
WAYNE: Get out!
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at Paul off-screen.)
Note I said...
(He frowns heavily.)
"In theory".
KEVIN: What?
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne as he looks down and reaches in his shirt pocket.)
WAYNE: Here. Here's ten bucks.
(Wayne pulls out a bill.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne as he holds some bills toward Kevin.)
WAYNE: Why don't you just go hang out at Paul's house for a couple hours?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: No way!
(Kevin leans foreward.)
KEVIN: We're going to the mall.
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne.)
WAYNE: No, you're not.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yes, we are. (Nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne.)
WAYNE: Look - I have a date with Delores...(gestures)...and I don't have time to drive you all the way to the mall...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, I have a date, too.
(Close shot of Wayne making a face.)
WAYNE: Yeah, right. (Smiles.) Come on - I'm already late.
KEVIN (V/O): So are we.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: We're not getting out, Wayne. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Fine. Then we'll just sit here. (Shrugs.)
(Wayne turns forward and settles back.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Fine. (Gestures.)
(Kevin turns forward and settles back.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen, then pursing his lips.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking out the window.)
Cut to
(Wide shot of the street, and the car parked at the curb. It is darker outside, and crickets are chirping.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen and waving the money.)
WAYNE: Kevin, quit foolin' around!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): Just take the money and get out!
(Kevin turns toward Wayne.)
KEVIN: No, you promised Dad!
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne smacking Kevin on the head then waving his finger sideways in front of him.)
WAYNE: I didn't get my license...
(Close shot of Paul looking at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): So I could be your chauffeur.
(Paul looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: OK...(gestures)...so what are we supposed to do? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Wayne frowning at Kevin.)
WAYNE: I'll give you a choice. Get out of the car...or die!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): Is today Friday?
(Kevin looks toward Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul frowning.)
PAUL: I just remembered...(Nods.) I-I gotta take my sister to *Kitty City*.
(Paul smiles uncomfortably and starts to slide across the seat.)
PAUL: Maybe...
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne looking toward Paul off-screen, and nodding.)
PAUL (V/O): I'll just walk home from here.
(Wayne looks at Kevin as Paul closes the door.)
WAYNE: Well?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: Just take me to the stupid mall!
(Close shot of Wayne frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Kevin, I'm not kidding!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: I'm not, either!
(Close shot of Wayne frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Get out of the damn car! (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
Maybe I should have. But I knew if I gave in now...I'd be riding a bike for the rest of my life.
(Kevin frowns.)
KEVIN: Look, Wayne - will you stop acting like a selfish jerk?
WAYNE: Fine! (Frowns.) You want to go to the mall?!
(Wayne hesitates, then smiles slightly as his nostrils flare.)
WAYNE: Well, let's go to the mall.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen. He makes a face and settles back in the seat.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen, then hurriedly turning forward and starting the car.)
(Wide shot of the car as the headlights come on and Wayne pulls away from the curb and pases the camera.)
Cut to
On The Road
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin and Wayne. Wayne looks at Kevin, who looks straight ahead.)
Instinctively, I knew I had to show no fear.
(Kevin glances at Wayne.)
(Wider shot of the car swerving back-and-forth as it approaches the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing from the road to Wayne off-screen.)
I knew Wayne would never push it past a certain limit.
(Close shot of Wayne. He turns the steering-wheel sharply as he looks at Kevin then smiles.)
(Wide shot of the car swerving back-and-forth as it approaches close to the camera.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking toward Kevin off-screen and smiling.)
I was wrong.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen, then back to the road.)
(Close shot of the car as it approaches the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a car in the middle of the road with the hood up.)
KEVIN: Wayne.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the car in the middle of the road.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking toward Kevin off-screen and laughing as he guns the motor.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward, alarmed.)
KEVIN: Wayne! (Gestures.) Look out!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the car in the middle of the road.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking forward and jerking the steering-wheel.)
(Shot from behind the car as it veers toward the left.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a cornfield in front of the car.)
(Shot from next to the car as it hops the curb and enters the cornfield.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the cornfield as they drive though it.)
(Slow-motion shot of Kevin in profile as he opens his mouth and yells, as the corn whizzes past his window.)
KEVIN: Ahhhhhhhhh!
(Slow-motion shot from Kevin's perspective of the cornfield as they drive though it.)
(Slow-motion shot of Kevin yelling.)
At that moment, all I could think of was that great big house with the great big yard...
(Slow-motion shot from Kevin's perspective of the cornfield as they drive though it.)
I'd never see again.
(Regular speed shot of the car approaching the camera through the cornfield, and coming to a stop.)
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he lurches backward in his seat. He turns toward Wayne.)
KEVIN: Wayne!
(Close shot of Wayne sitting back, with his mouth open, then blinking rapidly.)
(Shot of the car in the cornfield.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and gesturing at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Wayne! You're crazy, you know that!?
(Close shot of Wayne closing his eyes and swallowing.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: You could have got us killed!
(Close shot of Wayne blinking and opening his mouth as he looks forward.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning forward and banging his door with his fist.)
(Close shot of Wayne turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Are you OK?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing sideways, then turning toward Wayne off-screen and raising his eye-brows.)
It was the first time he had asked me that question in thirteen years.
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off, then at Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down, then at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, I think so. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking forward.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen, then forward.)
Fade to
Later - On The Road
(Wide shot fron the side of the road as the car approaches at about ten miles an hour. The front right tire is flat. The camera pans with the car.)
As we drove home in silence...
(The car passes the camera.)
We began to realize the absurdity of our situation.
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin and Wayne, each looking forward.)
We were two people, with almost nothing in common...thrown together by circumstance.
(Kevin glances toward Wayne, then back to the road.)
The harder we struggled against that fact, the more tightly we were bound together.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking toward Kevin off-screen, then forward.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen, and starting to laugh.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking toward Kevin off-screen, and starting to laugh.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen and laughing.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking toward Kevin off-screen and laughing.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen and laughing. He turns forward.)
(Shot from behind the car as it slowly drives down the road.)
That night, the gap between thirteen and sixteen...
(Sound of laughing.)
Got a little smaller.
(Sound of laughing.)
Cut to
The Arnold Driveway
(Shot across the hood of the car of Jack. He sighs and slowly walks toward the front of the car with his hands in his back pockets. The camera moves sideways behind Kevin and Wayne who stand side-by-side, as Jack takes a long breath and looks at the front of the car. Jack frowns and looks at the boys.)
JACK: What the hell happened?
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin. Each has their hands together in front of them. Kevin frowns, then glances toward Wayne, then off.)
KEVIN: The...tire blew, Dad.
(Wayne looks at Kevin.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack frowning at him.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin as Wayne turns toward Jack off-screen.)
WAYNE: The spare was flat.
(Close shot of Jack frowning.)
JACK: How fast were you goin'?
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin. Wayne frowns and looks down. He frowns again, shrugs, looks at Kevin, then rubs his hands together.)
WAYNE: Only about thirty.
(Close shot of Jack frowning and tilting his head.)
(Close shot Kevin glancing a Wayne off-screen, then frowning.)
KEVIN: Thirty-five. (Nods.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin as Wayne turns toward Kevin. They nod slightly, and Wayne turns forward again.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning heavily at the boys off-screen, then turning slightly toward the car and looking down. He hesitates, then leans forward, holds up a corn tassle and looks at it, then frowns at the boys off-screen.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin. Kevin looks at Wayne as Wayne looks off, puts his hands behind his back, and glances at Kevin, then at Jack off-screen.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - The Street
(Telephoto shot of Kevin walking along the sidewalk toward the camera.)
I didn't make it back to the mall for several weeks.
(Wayne approaches behind him in the car.)
Somehow I just didn't feel like gettin' in a car.
(Kevin looks toward the car off-screen.)
(Wider shot of the car in the street, and Kevin on the curb next to it.)
WAYNE: Want a lift?
(Shot from the car of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: No, I'll walk. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Wayne resting an arm over the steering-wheel, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Ah, come on - get in. (Smiles.)
(Shot from the car of Kevin looking forward in thought, then at Wayne off-screen and shrugging slightly as he approaches the door.)
As for Wayne and me...we'd reached a new understanding.
(Kevin shrugs and approaches the car.)
(Close shot of Wayne sticking his tongue out as he starts to pull forward.)
(Wider shot of the car and Kevin as Wayne pulls forward slightly.)
KEVIN: Wayne!
(Close shot of Wayne smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Come on - get in.
(Shot from the car of Kevin approaching the door, and reaching for the handle.)
(Close shot of Wayne smiling he starts to pull forward.)
(Wider shot of the car and Kevin as Wayne pulls forward slightly.)
We didn't have to be friends or anything.
(Kevin takes a step forward.)
KEVIN: Wayne!
WAYNE: No, no! Really!
(Kevin reaches for the handle and Wayne drives away slowly.)
(Shot from behind the car as it pulls forward several feet, then stops. Kevin walks toward it. The car pulls forward as Kevin reaches for the handle. The camera starts to rise as Kevin gestures with both arms, then walks after the car.)
But we'd always be brothers.
(Music "I Get Around" - Beach Boys starts.)
(Shot from behind the car as Wayne nudges forward and Kevin follows after him. Wayne stops the car and Kevin turns and looks at Wayne. Kevin approaches the car, and Wayne pulls forward again and stops. Kevin runs after it, then passes it. He stops and puts his hands on his hips, then walks toward the car. Wayne backs up a few feet as Kevin approaches, then pulls past him. Kevin runs forward past the car, which stops, then runs toward it again.)
Fade to
"Pop Goes The Weasel" - ?
"Romeo and Juliet" Movie Theme - ?
"I Get Around" - Beach Boys

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01/01/05 13:55