Episode 12 - "Pottery Will Get You Nowhere"
This episode earned an award at the Canadian Festival.
Int. Afternoon - Arnold House
(Kevin is sitting on the living room couch. Jack and Norma sit at the dining room table, with papers spread out in front of them.)
In all the years I spent growing up at my parents' house, I don't think I ever heard them use the word "relationship". Not once.
JACK: Damn taxes are givin' me indigestion.
"Indigestion"..."taxes"..."damn" - these were words you heard a lot.
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot of all around the table, eating.)
I guess my mom just expected my dad to be a good man - honest, loyal, a good provider...hopefully possessed of good table manners.
(Jack burps quietly, and covers his mouth, glancing at Norma.)
JACK: Excuse me.
(Jack clears his throat. Norma smiles slightly.)
And my dad expected my mom to be a good woman - honest, loyal, a good mother -
(Jack frowns at the food on his fork.)
JACK: What is this?
NORMA: Tuna tetrazzini.
(Jack eats it slowly.)
And hopefully a good cook.
(Jack cocks his head and smiles at Norma. Norma smiles back.)
And that was about it.
Cut to
Int. Day - Hardware Store
(Kevin sits in front of a display of bathroom and floor tiles, looking off-screen.)
But if my parents didn't know much about relationships, they knew a lot about marriage.
(Jack and Norma are browsing through samples of kitchen floor tiles.)
Like how to make a joint-decision.
(Norma holds up a red-patterned tile.)
Mom would choose what she liked...
(Kevin cocks his head, apparently approving of the choice.)
Dad would choose what he liked...
(Jack holds up a black-patterned tile. Kevin cocks his head the other way, still appearing to approve.)
Then they'd settle on something...
(Norma frowns slightly, and holds up a plain yellow tile. Jack shrugs in agreement.)
No one of our species could like.
(Kevin scowls at the yellow tile.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Car
(The family is riding in the car. Music "It's Not Unusual" - Tom Jones plays.)
They could completely disagree about something, without directly contradicting each other.
(Norma holds a map.)
NORMA: That was twenty-nine.
JACK: I told you - I'm stayin' on seventeen till Abbotsville.
(Jack pauses and glances at Norma.)
JACK: You think I should have taken twenty-nine.
NORMA: I didn't say that. You can stay on seventeen.
JACK: Thank you.
(Norma pauses and points to the map.)
NORMA: But that was twenty-nine.
(Kevin and Wayne begin fighting in the back seat.)
One thing my parents would never, ever do...
(The car stops at a barricade in the road. Signs read "Dead End" and "No Entry".)
(Jack and Norma look at each other.)
Is yell at each other in front of the kids.
(Jack and Norma turn to face the back seat, and speak simultaneously.)
JACK: Kevin! Wayne! I told you to knock it off!
NORMA: Boys! That's enough!
Course, they had no problem yelling at the kids in front of each other.
(The car begins to back up from the barricade.)
Fade to
"Clips" - Arnold Backyard
(Music "When I fall In Love" - Nat King Cole plays.)
(Jack and Norma are in a swing, kissing. They look up and see the camera, and appear embarrassed. Jack aggressively kisses Norma again, ignoring the camera.)
(Norma is doing yardwork. She looks up and smiles bashfully at the camera, then resumes working.)
(Jack, Wayne and Kevin sneak up behind Norma with a trash-can full of leaves, and dumping it on her. They all continue to frolic.)
I guess I never really thought of my parents as being in love. But maybe that's the best thing for a kid - to never have to think about it.
(Jack and Norma are in the swing, kissing tenderly, ignoring the camera.)
It's just always there. Like the ground you walk on.
Cut to
Science Class
(Diagram of a cross-section of a volcano.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): The surface of the earth may look stable...
(Shot of Mr. Cantwell standing next to the slide projector.)
MR. CANTWELL: But it's in constant motion, shifted by molten forces below.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul at a table. Paul is drumming his pencil.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): The shapes of our continents...
(Shot of Mr. Cantwell.)
MR. CANTWELL: So familiar to us today, will shift and reform like so much pond scum.
(Close shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder and frowning.)
Mr. Cantwell had such a rosy view of the miracles of science.
(Kevin looks toward the screen.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): For example...
(Wide shot of the class and Mr. Cantwell.)
MR. CANTWELL: Scientists estimate that in a mere two million years, the United States...
(Shot of Mr. Cantwell.)
MR. CANTWELL: Which now looks like this...
(Shot of a diagram of the US.)
(The diagram changes.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): Will look like this.
It was a horrifing thought.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul glancing at each other.)
Our once-proud nation...shaped...
(Shot of the diagram.)
Like a wiener-dog.
(Bell rings.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): Lights up.
(Shot of Mr. Cantwell as the lights come on.)
MR. CANTWELL: Tomorrow, Section 6, of "Our Changing Planet", "Earthquake and Cataclysm."
(Shot of Kevin and Paul. Kevin gathers his books as Paul looks off, motionless.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): "Man's Dalliance with Death". Have a nice day...
(Kevin stands up and starts to walk off. He pauses and frowns.)
KEVIN: Paul, are you coming?
(Close shot of Paul looking off.)
PAUL: Why does our planet have to change?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?
(Close shot of Paul turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Why does our planet have to change?
(Paul looks off.)
PAUL: I like it the way it is.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and glancing around.)
Paul had a way of taking things a little too much to heart.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as Paul jerks upright suddenly.)
PAUL: Did you feel something?! I think I just felt something.
KEVIN: Paul. (Frowns.)
(Paul looks at Kevin.)
PAUL: I swear I felt something!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul. It's not gonna happen for billions of years - it's not like the world's gonna turn upside down overnight or something.
Cut to
Ext. Afternoon - Arnold Kitchen
(Clip of riots.)
(Close shot of Norma frowning, and looking at the TV off-screen.)
(Shot of the TV, showing riots in the streets.)
(Wider shot of Norma frowning at the TV off-screen.)
(Wider shot of Norma turning back to her bowl, as Kevin enters behind her.)
NORMA: Oh, Kevin?
(Kevin pauses and Norma turns toward him.)
NORMA: Will you look at this bowl? (Gestures.)
(Shot of an irregularly shaped brownish bowl.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking from the bowl to Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah?
(Close shot of Norma frowning and looking toward the bowl.)
NORMA: You think it's big enough for the Swedish meatballs?
(Shot of the bowl as Norma tilts it.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen, slightly puzzled.)
KEVIN: Sure.
(Kevin approaches the camera as Wayne enters from the living room.)
(Shot shot of Norma turning over her shoulder.)
NORMA: Oh, Wayne? You see that bowl?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Norma off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): Yeah.
NORMA (V/O): Will you take it over to the table?
(Close shot of Wayne frowning and shrugging.)
WAYNE: Sure.
(Wayne approaches the camera as Karen enters from the living room.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Oh, not there.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen in front of him, Norma pointing, and Jack walking past her on the way to the table.)
NORMA: Karen...That bowl there?
(Karen turns toward Norma.)
KAREN: This one?
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: Yeah. Will you put that in the middle of the table? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen.)
(Jack crosses the camera toward his chair.)
NORMA (V/O): Well...I guess that's everything.
(Shot of Norma approaching, glancing at Jack.)
NORMA: Oh, uh, Jack - could you lift up that bowl?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the bowl as Jack lifts it.)
Something about a bowl, here?
(Norma slides a trivet under the bowl.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack setting the bowl down and sighing. He pauses and looks at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing from Norma to Jack off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: What?
(Close shot of Norma smiling at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Notice anything different?
(She glances down, then looks at Jack with a straight face.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at Norma off-screen. He gestures.)
JACK: You changed your hair. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: I changed my hair three weeks ago...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: That's what I meant. (Gestures.) Three weeks ago...(Smiles.)
(Close shot of Norma smiling at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: No...(Smiles.) The bowl.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at the bowl and frowning.)
NORMA (V/O): Didn't anybody notice the new bowl?
(Close shot of Norma smiling at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: I made it!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at the bowl and raising his eye-brows.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne.)
WAYNE: Hmmm...
(Close shot of Karen.)
KAREN: How'd you make it?! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: Well, I signed up for this ceramics course at the community college.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the bowl.)
NORMA (V/O): I never would have thought of doing that...
(Kevin glances at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack frowning at the bowl.)
NORMA (V/O): But Joyce Lynn Sedakis was signing up for it...
(Shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): And she said it sounded really neat...
(Kevin looks at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): And I thought...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Why not?!
(Close shot of Jack looking down, frowning, and starting to fidget.)
NORMA (V/O): So, I didn't tell anyone...
(Jack starts to handle his cup.)
NORMA (V/O): Cuz I didn't know if I'd be really good at it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma smiling and shrugging.)
NORMA: I mean, I know it's not really good...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne. Wayne has his arms folded, looking down. Kevin looks at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): But it's just my first one.
(Wayne glances at the bowl, then Norma off-screen.)
WAYNE: It's supposed to be lopsided? (Shrugs.)
NORMA (V/O): Well, no...
(Kevin nudges Wayne.)
NORMA (V/O): I tried to...
(Close shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: I think it's cool that it's lopsided.
(Karen frowns and looks at the bowl, then back to Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: I mean, it's like...(nods)...more natural-looking.
(Close shot of Norma smiling and nodding at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: It really is kind of neat, you know.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Norma, then Jack off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): You put this piece of clay on the potter's wheel...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack frowning at the bowl, and fidgeting.)
NORMA (V/O): You flip the switch, poke your fingers into it, and it just turns into a bowl...like magic.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Jack, then Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): It's amazing to think of all the things you could do with this...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack frowning at the bowl, and fidgeting.)
WAYNE (V/O): Mom?
NORMA (V/O): And you could make...
WAYNE (V/O): That's fascinating.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne.)
WAYNE: Maybe we could talk about it over dinner. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Wayne off-screen.)
I could tell my mother was waiting for something.
(She smiles self-conciously.)
Although she wasn't gonna come right out and ask it.
(Shot of Kevin holding his plate out as Norma scoops meatballs onto it. Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking toward Norma off-screen.)
She wanted my father to say he liked the bowl.
(Jack looks toward Kevin and frowns slightly.)
And I'm sure he knew she wanted him to say he liked the bowl.
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Jack to Norma off-screen.)
(Shot of Norma looking down.)
And she knew he knew she wanted to to say he liked the bowl...
(Norma looks at Jack off-screen.)
But for some reason...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
That I don't think any of us understood...he wasn't saying it.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack as Norma approaches, holding the bowl.)
NORMA: So what do you think, honey?
(Close shot of Kevin looking them off-screen.)
A direct question.
(Close shot of Norma smiling at Jack off-screen.)
This was a bold and unexpected move.
(Close shot of Jack looking at the bowl Norma is holding up to him.)
JACK: Smells great!
(Jack glances toward Norma then the kids and smiles.)
JACK: Let's eat.
(Close shot of Norma looking away, then back to Jack, frowning slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack, slightly puzzled, then Norma, off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): Listen to this.
Cut to
Int. Day - Dining Room
(Shot of Paul and Kevin at the table. Paul moves his pencil across a book as he reads from it.)
PAUL: The entire sub-continent of India was once an island.
(Paul glances at Kevin and gestures.)
PAUL: In the early Tertiary period, it began moving toward Asia, and eventually the two collided, forcing the Himalayas violently upward.
KEVIN: Paul...(gestures)...all we have to do is find four major fault-lines, and then we'll be done.
PAUL: Where is India going?
(Paul shakes his head slightly.)
PAUL: Asia's not gonna budge! It's crazy!
(Paul looks at Kevin and gestures.)
KEVIN: Come on, Paul. (Gestures.) Fault-lines.
PAUL: Oh, you want fault-lines? There's millions of 'em.
(Paul gestures and looks at the book.)
PAUL: They're everywhere!
KEVIN: I don't care about millions of 'em. (Gestures.) We only need four.
PAUL: There could be one running right under this house - it could blow any time.
KEVIN: Paul!
PAUL: OK, um...
(Paul turns back to the book.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
PAUL (V/O): Where's the map?
But Paul was startin' to get to me. I kept thinkin' of the time we cut open the golf ball.
(Kevin glances off.)
All nice and smooth on the outside, and on the inside - all that wound up, wormy rubber. It was creepy. And, then I started to think, what if -
PAUL (V/O): Kevin?
(Kevin turns toward Paul off-screen.)
(Shot of both as Paul looks at a piece of Norma's art on the table.)
(Closer shot of Paul turning it and frowning.)
PAUL: W-what's this?
KEVIN (V/O): I don't know...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at it and frowning.)
KEVIN: I think it's...(shrugs)...a candle-holder, or something.
(Kevin looks at his book.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at the candle-holder.)
PAUL: It's weird!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: No, it's not weird. (Frowns.) My mom made it. She's taking a pottery class.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: How come?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: I don't know. (Shrugs.) Maybe she figured we needed...(gestures)...pots! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at the candle-holder, then back to his book and shaking his head slightly.)
JACK (V/O): Where's my cup?!
Cut to
Int. Morning - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot of Jack frowning as he looks in a cabinet, and reaches around inside.)
JACK: Where the hell is my cup?!
(Shot of Karen, Kevin and Wayne at the kitchen table, eating.)
WAYNE: Uh, I think Kevin used it.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: I did not!
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: I'm sorry...
(Wayne looks toward Jack off-screen and gestures.)
WAYNE: But in a situation like this...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack at a cabinet.)
WAYNE (V/O): We must explore all avenues.
(Jack puts his hands on the counter and pauses, then turns over his shoulder, to yell at Norma in another room.)
JACK: Norma?! Where's my cup?!
(Close shot of Kevin looking up from his cereal toward Jack off-screen.)
I guess I should mention, here...that my dad had this cup.
(Close shot of Jack sighing and shaking his head as he turns to the cabinets.)
It had a picture of fish playing poker on it.
(Jack kneels down and opens the cabinet under the sink.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
And it said "Greetings from Independence, Missouri".
(Close shot of Jack frowning and reaching around in the cabinet.)
He loved that cup.
(He straightens up and sighs, holding his cup. He rubs his fingers around inside it, dusting it off.)
(Shot of the dining room doorway as Norma enters, looking concerned, then pausing.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at his cup and fingering it.)
JACK: What is it doin' way back there?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma, as Norma takes a step forward, holding out another cup.)
NORMA: I made you a new one. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Jack looking apprehensively at the cup, as Norma holds it out toward him.)
JACK: Oh...
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: See? I made the handle bigger so it's easier to use.
(Close shot of Jack frowning as Norma takes his old cup, and hands him the new one.)
JACK: Oh...
NORMA (V/O): I just thought this was all stained and chipped...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking at each other, then toward Jack and Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): And I just wanted you to have a nice, new cup for a change.
(Close shot of Jack as he looks at the cup. Norma puts an arm around his shoulder. Jack looks up at her.)
JACK: But I don't wanna change. (Gestures.) I like my old cup.
(Close shot of Norma looking down at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Fine. If you don't like the cup I made...
(Shot of Jack as he stands up.)
NORMA (V/O): You don't have to use it.
(Jack sticks his hand out and pats the air.)
JACK: Oh, OK. Alright, I'll use it.
(The camera pans slightly to include Norma. She tugs on the new cup.)
NORMA: No, you don't have to!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): I don't want you to use it if you don't like it, Jack -
(Shot of Jack and Norma as they tug on the cup. Jack wins.)
JACK: I want to use it!
(Jack frowns, then approaches the camera.)
Ya notice he didn't say he liked it.
(Jack moves to the coffee-pot and sighs heavily as he pours a cup.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, maybe you could use both cups, Dad...
(Close shot of Jack frowning and turning slowly toward Kevin.)
KEVIN (V/O): See, that way, you wouldn't have to...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Get up...and...pour yourself...a...second cup.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen, then walking past the table.)
(Wide shot of the kids at the table as Jack takes a seat.)
(Karen pats another one of Norma's pottery things and looks at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: This is nice, Mom.
(Close shot of Norma looking over her shoulder and smiling slightly.)
NORMA: Yeah? You really think so?
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Norma to Jack off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Yeah! Yeah I do.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack starting to take a sip from the new cup, then hesitating and looking at it.)
KAREN (V/O): I...I think it's really interesting.
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Jack to Norma off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective past Karen holding the pottery, as Norma approaches and leans on the counter.)
NORMA: Richard said it has a real feeling of...texturality..(shrugs)...or textuality, or something. (Nods.)
JACK (V/O): Nhhhnn.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at the newspaper, and turning a page.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Dad's grunt meant "who is this Richard..."
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at the newspaper.)
"And why is he talking to my wife about textuality?".
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack, then Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Richard had to teach a blind man, once...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: How to throw pots...(nods)...so he taught himself how to do it with his eyes closed.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma then Jack off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): That's really beautiful!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack as he burps.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Jack off-screen.)
And that meant "I wonder how far I could throw this guy with my eyes closed?"
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: Now, Richard's teaching himself to pot with his feet.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Because there's this man with no hands...
(Close shot of Jack turning the page of the newspaper.)
(Close slow-motion shot of the cup at the edge of the table as Jack knocks it. Some dramatic music plays.)
(Close slow-motion shot of Jack frowning and looking at the cup off-screen, and leaning forward.)
(Close slow-motion shot of Norma frowning and looking at the cup off-screen.)
(Close slow-motion shot of the cup falling, and coffee spilling out.)
(Close slow-motion shot of Kevin looking at the cup off-screen with his mouth open.)
(Close slow-motion shot of the cup falling, and coffee spilling out.)
(Close slow-motion shot of Karen turning and looking at the cup off-screen.)
(Close slow-motion shot of Wayne pausing in mid-spoonful, and looking at the cup off-screen, as milk dribbles down his chin.)
(Regular speed shot of the cup hitting the floor and shattering.)
(Close shot of Norma frowning and straightening up, looking at the cup, then Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack glancing from the cup to Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen, then down.)
Cut to
Later at Dinner
(Wide shot of all at the table.)
That night at dinner, things were quiet.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning as he picks at his food.)
Too quiet. I couldn't even figure out what my parents were so mad about. I just wished they'd say something.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack, then Norma off-screen.)
I didn't even mind...
(Close shot of Norma looking down as she eats.)
If they yelled at me, at least it would be something they could do together.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
That was it!
(Kevin looks up and smiles slightly. He glances at Jack, then pokes in his mashed potatoes.)
If I just did something really, really bad...
(Close shot of Jack picking at his food.)
Then Dad would yell at me...
(Close shot of Norma looking down.)
Then Mom would yell at me, and then both would yell at me...
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and nodding to himself, then glancing at Jack and Norma off-screen.)
And before ya knew it they'd be thinking and feeling as one!
(Kevin turns toward Wayne.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as Kevin turns toward him, holding up the spoon.)
(Close shot of Wayne as Kevin flings the potatoes onto him.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at the boys off-screen.)
JACK: Kevin, what the hell are you doin'?!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen and smiling.)
OK. That's great.
(Kevin looks at Norma off-screen.)
Now, Mom...
(Shot of Norma looking down as she brushes her hair back. She glances at Kevin as she stands up, then walks off.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly as he looks at Norma, then Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack frowning and throwing his fork down. He stands up and tosses his napkin down.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma at the sink as Jack walks past her into the living room.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the kitchen as Wayne grabs his shirt.)
(Close shot past Kevin of Wayne.)
WAYNE: Tonight? (Nods.) Why you sleep, pal!
(Close shot past Wayne of Kevin. He smiles half-heartedly.)
Cut to
Science Class
(Close shot of Mr. Cantwell standing next to the slide-projector.)
MR. CANTWELL: Tokyo earthquake, 1923. Three-hundred-thousand buildings...
(Wide shot of the class and Mr. Cantwell.)
MR. CANTWEll: Completely demolished.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul at a table watching the slide-show.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): 140,000 people crushed or burnt to death.
(Shot of the screen, showing a drawing of a group of people on a dirt road.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): One minute, a thriving metropolis. The next minute...
(New slide of a ruined town.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): Bingo, a hellish nightmare of death and devastation.
(Close shot of Mr. Cantwell.)
MR. CANTWELL: Bodies twisted and broken beyond recognition.
(Close shot of Kevin as he raises his hand.)
(Close shot of Mr. Cantwell.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he lowers his hand.)
KEVIN: That kind of thing couldn't happen here, could it?
(Close shot of Mr. Cantwell.)
MR. CANTWELL: Oh, it couldn't, hmmm? That would be a comforting thought, wouldn't it? But is it accurate?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the slide.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): Is it scientific?
(Close shot of Mr. Cantwell.)
(Mr. Cantwell changes the slide.)
MR. CANTWELL: Who can tell me where the most-devastating earthquake...
(Shot of Kevin and Paul at a table watching the slide-show.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): In the last 200 years took place? Hmmm?
(Close shot of Mr. Cantwell.)
MR. CANTWELL: 1811, Missouri. One minute...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the slide.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): A peaceful plain of small towns...
(Shot of the screen, showing a drawing of a farm building and field.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): And rolling farmland. The next minute...
(New slide of the ruined farm.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): Bingo, a hellish nightmare of death and devastation.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the slide.)
MR. CANTWELL (V/O): Bodies twisted and broken beyond recognition.
(Shot of the screen, showing the side of a ruined building.)
(Closer shot of a crack in the wall.)
KEVIN (V/O): I glued it together!
Fade to
Int. Afternoon - Arnold Kitchen
(Very close black-and-white shot of the new cup, with a crack similar to the one in the building. Color returns as the camera pulls back, and pans up to Kevin sitting at the table.)
KEVIN: So it works, now.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack at the open refrigerator, and Norma at the sink. They look toward Kevin, uninterested.)
(Wide shot of Karen, Kevin, and Wayne at the table.)
KEVIN: So, if anyone wants to use it - it'll be right here.
(Kevin pats the cup.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack at the open refrigerator, and Norma at the sink. Jack turns toward the refrigerator, and Norma glances at him.)
(Wide shot of Karen, Kevin, and Wayne at the table.)
KEVIN: Unless it...(gestures)...gets up and walks away.
("Brrrp - Psssh!" of drums.)
(Kevin smiles slightly and looks at Wayne.)
I thought I'd close with a joke.
JACK (V/O): Don't we have any Pepsi?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking in the refrigerator, and Norma at the sink. Norma glances over her shoulder.)
NORMA: Oh, no...we're out.
JACK: Oh...
(Jack closes the refrigerator and turns toward Norma.)
JACK: You goin' to the store?
(Norma looks over her shoulder.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): I hadn't planned to...
JACK (V/O): Where are ya goin'?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack standing with his hands on his hips, as Norma puts on her coat.)
NORMA: Class.
JACK: I thought you had class on Wednesday.
NORMA: I have to take my vase out of the kiln.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Well, you gonna stop at the store on the way home?
NORMA (V/O): If you want me to...
JACK (V/O): I didn't say I wanted you to...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack turning to the refrigerator.)
(Jack half turns toward Norma.)
JACK: But if you're going to, you can get me some Pepsi.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): You want Pepsi? I'll get you Pepsi.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma looking over their shoulders at each other.)
JACK: Nah, forget it. (Frowns.) I'll drink the Fresca.
(Jack turns toward the refrigerator.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): You want Pepsi, I'll get Pepsi.
JACK (V/O): Nah, forget it.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking in the refrigerator, as Norma looks over her shoulder.)
NORMA: I said...I'll get it, OK?!
(Jack straightens up and half-turns toward Norma.)
JACK: OK! (Frowns.)
(Norma gets her purse.)
NORMA: Fine!
(She looks at Jack and approaches the camera.)
(Jack shuts the refrigerator door.)
JACK: Fine! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen looking at Norma as Norma walks to the kitchen door.)
This was gettin' weird! I'd never seen my parents like this.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen and frowning.)
The tension was becoming unbearable.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen turning forward as the door closes after Norma, and looking at Kevin.)
We all felt it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Karen to Wayne off-screen.)
(Shot of Wayne slurping cereal from his bowl.)
Each in our own way.
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward and frowning.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Living Room
(Close shot of a football game on TV.)
KEVIN (V/O): Fourth down.
(Shot of Kevin and Jack on the couch. Jack is frowning as he sips his drink. Kevin looks at Jack.)
KEVIN: Think they'll go for it?
(Kevin looks toward the TV as Jack puts his hands together and rests his chin on them, frowning.)
KEVIN: They were in the same situation last week. And they went for it. Remember?
(Kevin looks at Jack, then back to the TV.)
KEVIN: Yeah, it was really stupid. It almost cost them the game. So, what do you think they'll go with, then?
(Kevin looks at Jack, who is looking down and frowning. Kevin looks back to the TV.)
KEVIN: The draw play. (Nods.) Think that'll be their best shot, huh?
(Jack reaches toward another of Norma's creations.)
JACK: What is this? (Frowns.)
(Jack picks it up and inspects it. Kevin watches him.)
(Shot past the pottery of Kevin looking at it.)
KEVIN: It's an ashtray. (Shrugs.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning and shaking his head.)
JACK: It doesn't look like an ashtray.
(Shot of both.)
KEVIN: Well, uh, I think, um...
(Kevin puts his little finger in one of the grooves of the ashtray.)
KEVIN: These are where the cigarettes go, and...the ashes fall down here.
(Kevin swirls his hand around the center.)
JACK: What does she think? We're gonna have two-hundred people smokin' here at once?
KEVIN: I don't know...
(Kevin looks down.)
JACK: Why can't she make an ashtray that looks like an ashtray?
(Kevin looks off and wrings his hands.)
KEVIN: I don't know...
I didn't know. I didn't really know why it mattered what her ashtray looked like.
(Jack frowns and sets the ashtray down.)
But something here obviously mattered.
(Jack spins the ashtray.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning to Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: So, Dad.
(Close shot of Jack resting his chin on his hands, frowning.)
JACK: Hmmm?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Did you know that India...used to be an island?
(Close shot of Jack resting his chin on his hands, frowning.)
JACK: Hnnn...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Kitchen
(Shot of Kevin opening the refrigerator as Norma enters from the living room, with her purse and some more pottery.)
(Kevin closes the refrigerator and turns toward Norma.)
KEVIN: Hi, Mom!
(Norma holds the vase up.)
KEVIN: You made that?!
NORMA: Uh huh...(Nods.)
KEVIN: That's really nice! I like that!
(Norma smiles and looks at the vase, then sets it on the counter.)
(Close shot of Karen near the table.)
KAREN: Mom - that is beautiful. Look at this...
(Karen approaches the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin, Norma and Karen as Karen picks up the vase and looks at it.)
NORMA: Yeah - that one didn't turn out too bad, did it? (Smiles.)
KEVIN: No - it's really good! (Smiles.)
(Norma starts to take off her coat.)
NORMA: You know, I didn't follow instructions on this one. Richard told us to keep our eyes closed, and...when he shut his - I peeked. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen, and shaking her head.)
KAREN: You are turning into such a rebel. I mean tomorrow, we're gonna come home and find you burning your bras.
(Shot of Kevin, Norma and Karen.)
NORMA: Karen!
KAREN: You know, Mom, you should make more like this one. I mean, I bet you could sell 'em at the little craft store down by the movie theater.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): You really think so?
KAREN (V/O): Yeah!
(Sound of the kitchen door closing. Kevin looks toward it.)
(Close shot of Jack.)
JACK: You get the Pepsi?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen and Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Oh - I forgot. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
JACK (V/O): Great.
NORMA (V/O): Well, I'm sorry.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen, then down.)
NORMA (V/O): I just forgot.
(Close shot of Jack.)
JACK: I know...(Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
NORMA (V/O): I'm sorry...
(Shot of Karen looking at Norma, as Norma looks at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Don't get upset! I'll just go get it now. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): I'm not upset.
(Kevin looks at Norma off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): It's just you said you were going to get the Pepsi.
(Close shot of Norma turning over her shoulder toward Jack off-screen, and frowning slightly.)
JACK (V/O): If you knew you were going to forget - I would have gotten it myself.
(Close shot of Jack shrugging slightly, and looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: I mean, you shouldn't say you're gonna get Pepsi for someone...(nods)...if you're just gonna forget to get it.
(Close shot of Norma looking toward Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Oh, I see. (Nods.) I'm just supposed to know when I'm gonna forget something?
(Close shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Sure. (Nods.) I knew you were going to forget. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Time to check the score on the old ballgame.
(Kevin shrugs and rolls his eyes.)
There really wasn't much I could add to the conversation.
(Shot of Karen, Norma and Kevin, as he starts to walk toward the living room. Karen turns to Jack off-screen as Norma puts on her coat.)
KAREN: You know, Dad? Sometimes you can be such a male chauvinist pig.
(Kevin pauses and turns around.)
Karen, on the other hand...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward them off-screen and frowning.)
Somehow knew just the right thing to say.
(Shot of Norma putting on her coat as Karen and Kevin walk toward the living room.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Where're you goin'?
(Shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen, as she adjusts her coat and reaches for her purse.)
NORMA: I better get your Pepsi while it's still fresh on my mind.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Don't bother - I'll get it.
(Shot of Norma as she gestures.)
NORMA: No, that's OK, Jack!
(Close shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: No, I said I'll get it...
(Jack walks toward the camera.)
(Shot of Jack as he reaches next to the vase.)
NORMA (V/O): Don't break it!
(Norma hurries into the shot and picks up the vase.)
JACK: I'm not gonna break it, Norma! (Gestures.)
(Shot of Wayne and Karen sitting on the couch. Kevin sits on the floor in front of it, looking toward the kitchen.)
NORMA (V/O): Just because you hate my pottery is no reason to smash it to pieces!
JACK (V/O): I don't hate your pottery!
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
Notice he didn't say he liked it.
(Wide shot from the dining room of Jack and Norma in the kitchen.)
NORMA: Well, you certainly act like you hate it!
JACK: Now, what's that supposed to mean?!
NORMA: It means that from the moment I started doing this - you haven't had one nice thing to say!
JACK: Well, maybe I'm not big on pottery!
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
JACK (V/O): So sue me!
(Kevin looks toward the kitchen.)
NORMA (V/O): Well, you certainly seem fond of your stupid little fish cup! I've never seen anyone so attached to anything since Kevin had to give up his blankie!
(Kevin looks off and sighs.)
JACK (V/O): I don't want to talk about this.
(Wide shot from the dining room of Jack and Norma in the kitchen.)
NORMA: Well maybe I do, Jack! It's not fair - you're making me feel like I'm doing something wrong!
JACK: You're crazy! I'm not makin' you feel anything! (Gestures.)
(Shot of Karen looking off.)
NORMA (V/O): Oh, sure - you've been a regular "Mr. Sunshine"!
(Shot of Wayne slouched over, looking off.)
NORMA (V/O): You know, Jack, the kids all say "that's nice, Mom". My friends say "that's nice, Norma".
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the kitchen.)
NORMA (V/O): My teacher says "very good, Mrs. Arnold". And you say..."where's the Pepsi?!"
(Kevin looks down.)
(Wide shot from the dining room of Jack and Norma in the kitchen.)
JACK: I really don't have time for this.
(Jack takes a step back.)
NORMA: I spend my time trying to make something nice for the family...(gestures)...and you don't even have the common courtesy to say you like it!
JACK: Don't gimme that, Norma! (Gestures.) This family doesn't need an ashtray for two-hundred people! This family needs Pepsi! (Gestures.)
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the kitchen.)
NORMA (V/O): That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life, Jack! You should listen to yourself - "I want my Pepsi! I want my cup!"
(Kevin looks down and frowns, then looks toward the kitchen.)
NORMA: You sound like an infant!
JACK (V/O): Don't you ever - ever!...
(Kevin and Karen flinch.)
JACK (V/O): Speak to me in that tone of voice!
NORMA (V/O): I'll speak the way I want to...
(Wide shot from the dining room of Jack and Norma in the kitchen.)
JACK: Fine...don't expect me to listen to it.
(Jack turns and walks out the door. Norma puts her hand on her hip and looks down.)
(Norma turns, and walks into the living room past the camera.)
(Shot of the kids on the couch.)
(Sound of Jack starting the car.)
(Shot of Norma walking past the couch. Wayne and Karen look after her as she heads to the hallway.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
Fade to
Int. Night - Kevin and Wayne's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne in bed. Kevin is awake.)
The silence that filled our house that night - was like ice.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the ceiling.)
My dad didn't come home till after midnight.
(Kevin puts his hands behind his head.)
(Sound of the kitchen door opening, then slamming. Kevin flinches, and looks at the ceiling.)
Fade to
Int. Morning - Kitchen
(Shot of the kitchen as Norma enters from the living room with a basket of laundry, and sets it next to the ironing board.)
(Shot of Karen, Wayne and Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
(Closer shot of Norma looking down as she takes out some laundry.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down, then at Norma off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma, as Jack enters from the living room.)
(Jack pauses and looks at Norma. He moves toward a cabinet as she looks at him. Norma looks down as Jack gets a cup.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at them off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at them off-screen. He has a milk moustache.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma looking at the laundry, as Jack turns, holding a cup.)
(Norma reaches for the iron and burns her hand.)
NORMA: Ow! Damn!
(Norma shakes her hand and frowns, then hurries to the faucet and sticks her hand in the water.)
(Jack takes a step away, looking at her.)
(Norma shakes her hand and looks at it.)
(Shot of Karen, Wayne and Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma leaning on the counter and Jack looking at her, as she starts to cry.)
(Jack looks at his cup, then Norma. He sets his cup on the laundry and approaches Norma, gently putting his hands on her shoulders.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma as she turns around. They hug.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma hugging.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
I know it sounds strange - but that was the first time...I'd ever seen my parents alone together.
(Shot of Jack and Norma hugging.)
JACK: Did you burn yourself?
NORMA: Uh-huh...(Nods.)
(They separate slightly, and Jack takes her hand and looks at it.)
JACK: It's OK?
(Norma nods.)
NORMA: Yeah...
(Jack leans closer.)
JACK: That's good...
(They kiss.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen. The camera pulls back slowly past Karen and Wayne, and keeps pulling back.)
I guess sometimes the ground can shift beneath your feet. Sometimes your footing slips - you stumble. And sometimes, you grab what's closest to you, and hold on...
(The camera pulls past Jack and Norma, who are hugging.)
As tight as you can.
Fade to
(Music "When I Fall In Love" - Nat King Cole.)
(Clips of Jack and Norma in the swing, kissing. The camera approaches them, and they act embarrassed.)
(Another clip as the camera moves in. This time they ham it up and smile.)
(The camera pans over to the kids at the picnic table. Karen sits on top, as Wayne pats Kevin's hair. Kevin smooches at the camera. They dramatically hold their arms out toward each other.)
(Clips of Jack grabbing both boys in a headlock. Wayne smooches at Jack. Norma kisses Kevin on the nose.)
(Clip of Jack and Norma kissing in the swing, oblivious to the camera.)
(Cut to white film.)
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Mr. Cantwell - Ben Stein
"It's Not Unusual" - Tom Jones
"When I Fall In Love" - Nat King Cole
Next Episode
Episode Info
Wonder Years Menu
12/24/04 19:35