Episode 13 - "Coda"

(Pachabel's Canon in D Major starts.)
Ext. Eve. - The Street
(Shot of Kevin riding his bike up the street slowly, with a playing-card flapping in the spokes.)
When you're a little kid...
(Kevin rides up onto the sidewalk.)
You're a little bit of everything. Artist, scientist, athlete, scholar...
(Kevin stops and looks toward the house off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera toward the house.)
Sometimes it seems like growing up is the process of giving those things up.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the front of the house. A group of people can be seen through the lace curtain.)
One by one.
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera toward the house.)
(Closer shot from Kevin's perspective of the group of people through the lace curtain. A boy is playing the piano.)
I guess we all have one thing we regret giving up. One thing we really miss.
(Shot of Kevin on the sidewalk, looking toward the house in the background.)
That we gave up because we were too lazy...
(Kevin looks off.)
Or we couldn't stick it out.
(Kevin looks toward the house.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera toward the house.)
Or because we were afraid.
KEVIN (V/O): He's gonna go long!
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Street
(Shot of a football in the air.)
KEVIN (V/O): What a pass!
(Shot of Paul in the street next to a parked car as he catches the pass. Music ends abruptly. Paul points up and smiles.)
PAUL: Nice spiral, Joe!
(Paul runs past the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin in the street. A bike is parked on the sidewalk in the background. The camera pans as Kevin trots forward.)
KEVIN: You guys, come in. (Gestures.) Huddle up.
The '68 Jets.
(Doug and Paul huddle around Kevin.)
We had all the moves.
(Kevin talks and gestures.)
There wasn't an imaginary team in the league that could beat us.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: OK...it's late in the fourth, the ball's on the six...
(Shot past Kevin of Paul nodding.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: And Oakland's up by three.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul frowning.)
That would be Don Maynard.
(Paul covers his mouth and nose and sneezes.)
(Shot of all three as Paul sneezes again.)
In Paul's case, the only wide-receiver in pro football that was allergic to grass.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: I want you to slant left, buttonhook, then cut the post.
(Paul nods.)
(Shot of all as Doug looks at Kevin and gestures.)
DOUG: Who am I?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: You're Emerson Booser. You provide vital pass protection.
(Shot of all as Doug frowns.)
DOUG: Blocking? Again? Well, well why do I always gotta block?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Cuz you're good at it!
(Shot of all as Doug frowns.)
KEVIN: Ready...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Break!
(Kevin stands up, and the camera pulls back as Kevin tosses the ball to Doug. They walk toward the center of the street.)
(Sound of a cheering crowd as they line up.)
PAUL: And the crowd's goin' wild...
(Paul and Doug get set.)
(Close shot past Doug of Kevin.)
KEVIN: OK...eighty-nine! Two-hundred-thirty-five!
(Shot from in front of Paul and Doug.)
KEVIN: Hut, hut, hut. Hut!
(Doug snaps the ball, and Paul runs past the camera as Kevin back-pedals.)
KEVIN: Joe "Willie" Namath...
(The camera pans with Kevin as he moves around in the "pocket".)
KEVIN: Fades back to pass...he's looking for a receiver...
(Shot of Paul running his pattern, then looking over his shoulder with his arms outstretched.)
PAUL: And Maynard breaks free in the end-zone...
(Shot of Doug blocking an imaginary opponent.)
DOUG: Oh, what a block by Booser!
(Shot of Paul standing with his arms out to his side.)
PAUL: He's all alone...
(Sound of the cheering crowd.)
Kevin: Scrambling, scrambling!
PAUL: He's wide open...!
(Shot of Kevin as he winds up and throws the ball.)
(Shot of Paul as he catches the ball.)
(Shot of Kevin raising his arms and jumping up. Crowd cheers in the background.)
KEVIN: Touchdown!
(The camera pans with him as he starts to run forward.)
(Shot of Paul running toward the camera with his arms over his head.)
(Wider shot of all three as Kevin and Paul high five and jump up.)
KEVIN: And the Jets win twenty-six, twenty-three!
(Paul and Kevin hug Doug.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin! It's four-thirty...
(Crowd noise stops abruptly.)
(The kids pause and look toward Norma off-screen.)
NORMA: Better get a move on! (Frowns.)
(Shot from the yard of the boys looking toward Norma off-screen.)
(The camera pans with Kevin as he steps onto the sidewalk and picks up his bike.)
And so the AFL championship game...
(Shot of Norma looking toward Kevin off-screen, then walking back into the house.)
(Shot from the yard as Kevin rides off on his bike, and Paul picks up the football.)
Of 1968 came to a grinding halt.
(The camera pans with Kevin as he rides past Paul, who waves, then starts to throw the ball to Doug.)
In front of 60,000 screaming fans...the league's leading passer...
(Kevin rides in slow zig-zags down the street.)
Had to go to his weekly piano lesson.
(Piano scales start.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Mrs. Carples' House
(Shot of Kevin slumped in an armchair.)
(Shot of Mrs. Carples, smoking a cigarette and looking at sheet music, sitting next to a boy playing the piano.)
Ronald Hirschmuller. He was practically a legend in our neighborhood.
(Mrs. Carples covers her mouth and coughs quietly.)
(Shot past Mrs. Carples of Ronald.)
He always practiced...forty-seven-hundred hours a week. He always played everything perfect.
(Shot of Kevin slumped in an armchair.)
His mother always bragged about him to everybody else's mother.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning.)
I hated Ronald Hirschmuller.
(Shot of Ronald looking down and smiling.)
RONALD: There.
(He turns toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
RONALD: Finished! How was that?
(Shot past Ronald of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Nobody plays scales like you, Ronald.
(Shot past Mrs. Carples of Ronald looking at her.)
RONALD: You want me to play them again? Do you want me to play them faster? I can play them faster.
(Shot past Ronald of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Go home, Ronald...
(Shot past Mrs. Carples of Ronald.)
RONALD: OK...(Shrugs.)
(Shot of Kevin holding a pillow, looking toward the ceiling.)
RONALD (V/O): Well, I guess I'll see you next week, of course.
MRS. CARPLES: Uh-huh...
(Shot of Ronald standing in front of Mrs. Carples.)
RONALD: Good afternoon, Mrs. Carples.
MRS. CARPLES: Good afternoon, Ronald.
(Wide shot of Kevin in the chair as Ronald passes the camera toward him, and pauses next to him.)
RONALD: Oh, and...
(Close shot of Ronald looking at Kevin off-screen.)
RONALD: Good afternoon to you, also, Kevin.
(Ronald turns toward the door.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after him off-screen.)
KEVIN: Seeya, Ron.
(Shot of Ronald turning around from the open door and approaching the camera.)
RONALD: Ronald. (Smiles.)
(Ronald turns toward the door.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after him off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh yeah - I keep forgetting. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples as she covers her mouth and coughs.)
Mrs. Carples.
(Wide shot of Kevin as he stands up and approaches the camera, which rolls back.)
She wasn't exactly a poster-child for the American Lung Association.
(Kevin walks behind Mrs. Carples' chair to the piano bench.)
But you could say what you thought to her...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen as he sits down.)
Which was kinda neat.
(Shot of Mrs. Carples looking toward Kevin off-screen as she adjusts the sheet music.)
MRS. CARPLES: So, how ya been this week?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Ahhh. (Frowns.) You?
(Shot of Mrs. Carples looking toward Kevin off-screen, holding a fresh cigarette.)
MRS. CARPLES: We had the same week.
(She starts to light the new cigarette with the old one.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): OK, let's get you warmed up, huh?
(Shot of Mrs. Carples as she lights her cigarette.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the keyboard and frowning.)
Uhhhh! If there was one thing I hated...
(Kevin starts to play scales.)
As much as I hated Ronald Hirschmuller...
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking toward Kevin's hands off-screen.)
It was scales.
(She smiles slightly and props her head on her fist and looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin as he plays.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hands as he plays.)
Why did I do this to myself?
Fade to "Later"
(Close shot of Kevin's hands as he plays.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he plays.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking off and smiling as she rocks in time with the music.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he plays.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking forward and holding her cigarette out as she listens.)
(Mrs. Carples looks toward Kevin off-screen as he hits a wrong chord and pauses.)
MRS. CARPLES: Keep going. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin continuing, as Mrs. Carples coughs off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hands as he plays.)
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples smiling slightly and looking off as she rocks in time with the music.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hands as he plays.)
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Ummmm....
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking down, then off.)
(She rubs her lip and sniffs, then looks at Kevin.)
MRS. CARPLES: Your playing sounded pretty good to me...I'd guess you must have practiced...
(She looks off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down and biting his lip.)
This was it.
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Ummm...
Maybe she'd overshoot.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking down.)
MRS. CARPLES: About forty-two minutes this week.
(She looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples as she reaches toward the ashtray on the piano.)
MRS. CARPLES: Ummmm...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Come on - it was longer than that. I swear!
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: I round off to the nearest minute.
(Shot past Mrs. Carples of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Oh...but you said it sounded pretty good...
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: "Pretty good" - that's not the same as "good".
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): You know, Kevin...
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples nodding slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: I'm gonna start to feel guilty for taking your parents' money if you don't put a little more effort into this.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: Have you thought about what you'd like to play for the recital this year?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: The recital? It's time for the recital, again? Already?
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: Uh, huh...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and nodding at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: I think I'm busy that night.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: I haven't told you what night, yet.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and nodding at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: I mean, um...I'm probably gonna be busy that night.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen and nodding slightly.)
KEVIN (V/O): See, I'm in junior high, now.
(Close shot of Kevin nodding at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: And there's a lot of demands for my time.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen and nodding slightly.)
MRS. CARPLES: Last years' excuse was much better.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and sighing slightly, and looking off.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Did your uncle ever pull through?
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples smiling slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and looking off.)
KEVIN: No, really...
(He looks at Mrs. Carples and shrugs slightly.)
KEVIN: I just have a lot to do besides piano, that's all. You know, I'm not like Ronald Hirschmuller.
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Uh-hmmm. (Nods.) Well, it's up to you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): So, Kevin? How was your lesson?
Cut to
Int. Eve. - Arnold Kitchen Table
(Wide shot from behind Norma and Karen.)
NORMA: You know, I bumped into Mrs. Hirschmuller in the supermarket, today. And she told me how excited Ronald was...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): About playing in the recital this year.
(Kevin sighs slightly and looks down.)
NORMA (V/O): I didn't know this years' recital was coming up.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen as she butters her bread.)
NORMA: Did you know this years' recital was coming up?
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Kevin looks toward Jack, then Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Are you gonna be playing in it?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Close shot of Wayne.)
WAYNE: Mom...(frowns)...recitals are for wusses.
(Wayne looks at Kevin, then Norma.)
WAYNE: Of course he's gonna play.
(Close shot of Karen frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN: Wayne, there is nothing feminine about playing the piano.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): And even if there was...
(Close shot of Karen nodding at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN: I think it's good that Kevin is in touch with that.
(Close shot of Kevin sighing and rolling his eyes as Wayne laughs in the background.)
KEVIN: Look. (Gestures.) I'm not going to be playing in the recital, anyway. I already told Mrs. Carples that.
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Why not?
(Close shot of Kevin as he shrugs, then looks at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Cuz I just don't feel like it.
(He glances toward Jack and Karen off-screen and gestures.)
KEVIN: Look. I'm not like Ronald Hirschmuller.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Well, that's too bad, because, you know I bumped into Mrs. Carples at the supermarket, too.
(Close shot of Kevin looking between his food and Norma off-screen.)
Jeez, Mom. Did ya bump into any food?
(Close shot of Norma smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: And she said...that you have real talent.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: She said you didn't practice enough, but that you have real talent.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at his plate.)
Real talent? OK, hold it, hold it! Act casual - get some more information. Casually.
KEVIN: Uh...(Frowns.)
(He looks at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: When did she say that?
(He takes a bite of food.)
(Shot of Norma glancing off.)
NORMA: Well...
(She looks at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: We were in the produce section - I was picking out some tomatoes for the spaghetti sauce -
NORMA: Well, that's when she said it. That you had real talent. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
Jeez - real talent.
(Kevin smiles slightly.)
NORMA (V/O): And she said it right in front of Mrs. Hirschmuller, too.
(Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen.)
A key bit of information. But there was still one thing I wanted to know.
(Kevin glances toward Jack and Wayne off-screen, then looks at his food.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Did she say I'm as good as Ronald Hirschmuller?
(Close shot of Norma pausing, then frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Well, no...I-I don't think she said that.
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: Isn't Ronald Hirschmuller like really, really good?
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen and laughing.)
WAYNE: You as good as Ronald Hirschmuller...
(Wayne points.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): Fat chance.
NORMA (V/O): Wayne!
(Wayne laughs in the background.)
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Now, no one expects you to be as good as Ronald Hirschmuller, honey...
(Close shot of Kevin as he sets his fork down and looks around the table.)
KEVIN: Look - the only reason he's so good is cuz he practices all the time. I never practice, or I'd be better than him.
(Close shot of Jack looking down at his food, and pausing.)
JACK: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Uh...did I just say that?
(Kevin looks down.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: What do these lessons cost me?
(Close shot of Kevin looking timidly at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Ten dollars, I think.
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Ten dollars? Is that ten dollars a year...
(Jack glances off and gestures, then looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Or ten dollars a week?
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: A week.
JACK (V/O): I see.
(Close shot of Jack looking off.)
JACK: And your teacher says you never practice...
(Jack rubs his mouth and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: Yeah...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen as he gestures.)
JACK: And you say you never practice.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: Well...I mean, I don't really mean...never practice...(Gestures.) It's like...
(Close shot of Jack gesturing and looking off.)
JACK: And your teacher says you have talent, but the reason you're no good is because you don't practice.
(Jack looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Am I getting that right?
(Jack looks toward Norma off-screen and gestures, then looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Is that what we're saying here?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing timidly toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: I guess...
(Close shot of Jack looking forward, holding his knife with both hands, and frowning.)
JACK: Well, then...
(Jack clears his throat and gestures.)
JACK: I'd say one of two things is possible. Either you're gonna start to practice like this...(gestures)...Ronald Hirschmuller I hear so much about...
(Jack glances at Norma, then at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Or you're just gonna quit the damn piano!
(Jack pauses, then nods slightly.)
JACK: It's your choice.
Cut to
Int. Basement
(Close shot of Kevin's hands playing the piano. The camera pans up to Kevin.)
Funny thing was...I didn't want to quit the piano. Mrs. Carples thought I had talent. And what if I didn't? What if somebody else, like say, Ronald Hirschmuller...
(Wider shot from the side as Kevin continues to play.)
Was just always better?
(Kevin hits a wrong chord, then sighs, and makes two fists.)
(Close shot of the keyboard as Kevin bangs it with his fists.)
(Close shot of Kevin sighing in frustration.)
Fade to
Int. Afternoon - Mrs. Carples
(Close shot of hands playing the piano skillfully.)
(Wider shot from behind of Ronald playing the piano. Mrs. Carples is sitting in a chair at the end of the bench, nodding her head slightly to the music. Kevin is slumped in the armchair in the far background.)
(Close shot of Kevin in the chair, with his arms crossed on a pillow.)
(Shot of Mrs. Carples as she looks at her watch.)
(Shot of Ronald in profile as he finishes playing.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Very nice...
(He turns to Mrs. Carples off-screen and smiles.)
(Shot from behind of Ronald and Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Ronald. I'll see you next week. (Smiles.)
RONALD: A Dieu, Mrs. Carples.
(Ronald starts to stand up.)
(Close shot of Ronald smiling at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
RONALD: That's farewell in French.
(Close shot of Kevin sighing and rolling his eyes.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Goodbye, Ronald.
(Shot of Mrs. Carples, as Ronald walks toward Kevin and the door in the background.)
MRS. CARPLES: Kevin...
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at Ronald off-screen as he passes by.)
KEVIN: Frere Jacques.
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): OK, Jacques...
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples behind the piano.)
MRS. CARPLES: Hit the bench. We got lots of work to do, here.
(Shot from behind Mrs. Carples as Kevin approaches.)
MRS. CARPLES: And if you try to speak French to me...
(Close shot of Kevin as he approaches, frowning slightly.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): I swear, I'll break all your fingers.
(Kevin pauses and looks toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: What's the matter?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Mrs. Carples...
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down and pausing.)
KEVIN: I know...this lesson's already paid for, and all...but, um...(shrugs)...it really doesn't make any sense to do it.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Because, um...
(Kevin looks off, then at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...(shrugs)...I'm quitting piano.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen and cocking her head slightly.)
MRS. CARPLES: You're quitting piano?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: Well, would you mind telling me why?
(Shot from behind Mrs. Carples standing at the keyboard, as Kevin leans on the front side of the piano.)
KEVIN: I-I don't know...I don't practice enough. It's a waste of money.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples shaking her head at Kevin off-screen and laughing slightly.)
MRS. CARPLES: Well, who's fault is that?
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: I don't know...
(He looks at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look. (Frowns.) I'm not gonna be like Ronald Hirschmuller!
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples standing up straighter, and shaking her head at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: Just...
(He looks at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: I'm never gonna be that good...(shrugs)...even if I practiced all the time...
(Kevin looks down and sighs.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples stooping slightly and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: He's just more talented than me.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples frowning at Kevin off-screen, and shaking her head slightly.)
MRS. CARPLES: Oh, don't give me that. You have more talent in your little pinkie...(Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen, then looking off.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Than Ronald Hirschmuller has in his whole body! Why, that kid's a machine. You have a feel for music, and you know it!
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking through a puff of smoke at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: But that's not the point - who's better, who's worse? (Shrugs.) I mean, that's not music! That's not what it's about! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Sit down!
KEVIN: Huh? (Frowns.)
(Shot from behind Mrs. Carples standing at the keyboard, as Kevin leans on the front side of the piano.)
MRS. CARPLES: Sit down. (Points.)
(Kevin picks up his music and walks around the chair.)
MRS. CARPLES: I want you to play something for me. Pachabel...Canon in D Major.
(Shot of Kevin in profile as he sets his music down.)
(Shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: It's my final request.
(Shot of Kevin as he sits down, then begins to play.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples sitting in her chair, with her fingers across her chin, watching Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he plays. He hits a wrong note, and pauses and frowns, then turns toward Mrs. Carples.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples as she points at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: Keep going.
(Close shot of Kevin looking back to the piano and playing again.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples, with cheek in her palm, watching Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he plays.)
(Wider shot from behind Kevin as he plays and she watches.)
All of a sudden...as I started to play...
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he plays.)
It was like...there was electricity flowing through my veins. Suddenly, I could do no wrong.
Fade to "Later"
(Another wider shot of Kevin in profile as he plays the last of the music, and pauses. He puts his hands on his hips and smiles slightly at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. CARPLES: There. (Nods.) That's what it's about.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
And so, I made my decision.
Fade to
Int. Day - Arnold Basement
(Canon in D Major plays throughout.)
(Shot of the stairway as Paul and Doug descend.)
(Paul mouths "Come on, Kevin - let's go".)
(Close shot of Kevin at the piano wearing a gray and white shirt. He looks over his shoulder and shakes his head.)
I would sacrifice.
(Shot of Wayne as he imitates a ballerina. The camera pans with him as he dances across the room toward Kevin, wearing a green shirt. He waves a towel in Kevin's face, then leans very close in front of him as Kevin frowns.)
Endure humiliation.
(Shot of Kevin at he piano, dressed in pajamas, as Norma approaches in her robe. She looks at Kevin as she sets a sandwich on the top of the piano. Kevin shakes his head and continues to play. Norma tosses a coaster down for Kevin's glass of milk.)
(Close shot of Wayne about to toss a dart.)
(Shot from behind Kevin, wearing a dark gray sweatshirt, as the dart flies into the dartboard on the wall above the piano.)
Grave physical danger.
(Kevin glances at it.)
(Close shot from nearly in front of Kevin as he continues to play.)
(Wide shot from behind Kevin as he plays, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. The camera moves in very slowly to the side of Kevin.)
But I would play Canon in D Major like Mrs. Carples had never heard it before. Like the world had never heard it before. Like Ronald Hirschmuller...had never heard it before.
(The camera stops moving at the side of the piano. Kevin set up for the final chord.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Mrs. Carples
(Close shot of Kevin's hands playing the final chord. The camera pans up to him as he turns toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
Alright, go ahead - take a guess.
(Kevin smiles slightly.)
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples looking off.)
MRS. CARPLES: You must have practiced a good seven hours.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling, and looking off.)
Hah! A mere six-and-a-half.
(Kevin frowns and looks at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: I don't know...I didn't really keep track.
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples looking at him, with her arms crossed.)
MRS. CARPLES: Well...it was quite a difference.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah?
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
OK - the fish are jumpin'. Cast out your line.
KEVIN: So...It sounded pretty good, huh?
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples looking at him and shaking her head.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking off.)
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples covering her mouth and coughing, then looking at Kevin.)
MRS. CARPLES: It sounded good.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly and looking off.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): It's just a shame your parents can't hear you play it at the recital.
(Kevin looks toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
You got a bite. Now, play out a little more line...
(Kevin frowns and looks off.)
KEVIN: Well...I don't think it's good enough for the recital.
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Kevin...
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin.)
MRS. CARPLES: You're playing this piece well enough right now for the recital, and you still have a whole week to practice. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: Well...I don't know...
(Kevin looks toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin.)
MRS. CARPLES: It's up to you.
(She shakes her head and gestures toward herself.)
MRS. CARPLES: I can't force ya to do it.
(Mrs Carples looks toward the sheet music and scooches forward.)
(Shot past Mrs. Carples of Kevin watching her, a little surprised, as she adjusts the music.)
Too much, too much! Start reeling in.
KEVIN: Uh, well, if you think I'm ready...
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples as she turns to him.)
MRS. CARPLES: I do. You're ready! Play in the recital.
(She put her hand on her chest.)
MRS. CARPLES: Pretty please, with sugar on top.
(Shot past Mrs. Carples of Kevin as he looks off.)
Smart fish.
KEVIN: Well...
(He looks off and back, then smiles.)
(Mrs. Carples smiles and pats his back.)
MRS. CARPLES: Oh, good...
(They look forward as she adjusts the sheet music.)
MRS. CARPLES: Alright now...Let's see...if we can polish this up a little.
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Kevin, I'm glad you decided to stick with it.
(She glances at Kevin, then down.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Basement
(Wide shot from behind Kevin as he plays.)
(Shot of Norma at the sink as she takes off her rubber gloves, and turns toward the music.)
(Close shot of Kevin playing.)
(Shot of Karen dancing to her portable radio, then pausing and pulling the headphones out. She frowns and looks toward the piano music.)
(Orchestral accompaniment joins in with Kevin's music.)
(Close shot of Kevin playing, and smiling.)
(Shot of Jack reading a newspaper at the kitchen table, then pausing and listening.)
(Close shot of Norma at the sink, smiling as she listens.)
(Shot of Wayne lying on his stomach in front of the TV, doing homework. He pauses and looks up.)
(Close shot of Kevin playing.)
(Shot of Jack switching off the TV, then listening and shrugging slightly in approval.)
(Closer shot of Kevin playing and smiling as he finishes. He closes the sheet music, then turns off the lamp.)
Cut to
Mrs. Carples' House
(Shot of Kevin smiling as he pauses in the living room.)
So this was it.
(Wide shot from Kevin's perspective of a half-dozen students milling about.)
The dress-rehersal. And I...
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
Was ready.
(Shot of Ronald talking to a girl, and two boys talking to each other. Ronald wears a suit and tie.)
Leave it to Ronald Hirschmuller...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Ronald off-screen.)
To actually get dressed up for a dress-rehersal.
(Kevin smiles as he walks past the camera.)
(Shot of Ronald leaning against the wall as Kevin approaches him.)
KEVIN: Good afternoon, Ronald.
(Closer shot past Kevin as Roanld turns toward him.)
RONALD: Oh, hello, Kevin.
(Shot past Ronald of Kevin looking at his jacket.)
KEVIN: Nice suit!
(Shot past Kevin of Ronald.)
RONALD: Thank you.
(Shot past Ronald of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Did you practice this week?
(Shot past Kevin of Ronald.)
RONALD: More than you, I'm sure. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Ronald of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Oh, I'm sure, I'm sure. So, what are you playing? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Ronald.)
RONALD: Uh, Canon in D Major.
(Shot past Ronald of Kevin. A bit of piano plays. Kevin looks off.)
Now, I'd never actually been hit by a ton of bricks...but -
(Kevin frowns at Ronald.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Shot past Kevin of Ronald.)
RONALD: Canon in D Major.
(Shot past Ronald of Kevin.)
KEVIN: But...you can't play that. (Frowns.) See, I'm playing that.
(Shot past Kevin of Ronald.)
(Shot past Ronald of Kevin.)
KEVIN: So...(Shrugs)...don't you know any other songs?
(Shot past Kevin of Ronald.)
RONALD: I know lots of other songs. But...not as well as I know Canon in D Major.
(Shot past Ronald of Kevin, as Ronald exits.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Alright! Let's everybody take your seats!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
How could she do this? She must have known...
(The camera pans with him as Kevin walks forward.)
(Shot of Miss Carples standing near the piano.)
MRS. CARPLES: What I'll do first...(gestures)...is welcome all your parents to this years' recitals. So, blah, blah...blah, blah, blah, blah...welcome. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin walking forward quickly as the camera rolls back. He turns and starts to sit in a chair.)
(Close shot of Kevin sitting down, glancing around and frowning.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): I would like to introduce our first student...Mr. Ronald Hirschmuller, who will be playing the Pachabel Canon in D Major. Ronald...
But wait a minute. What was it Mrs. Carples had said? This wasn't about competition. It wasn't about who's better, or who's worse.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Ronald standing next to Mrs. Carples, who is sitting in her chair. Ronald bows.)
MRS. CARPLES: Ronald? Play now...(gestures)...bow later.
(Ronald turns toward the piano.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing around. Ronald starts to play in the background.)
It was about music. And anyway, maybe Ronald would screw up.
(Kevin smiles and nods slightly.)
Maybe he'd screw up royally.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Ronald playing, and Mrs. Carples listening.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking optimistically toward Ronald off-screen.)
Maybe the phone would ring.
(Kevin glances off and frowns slightly.)
Maybe a fire-alarm would go off somewhere. Maybe someone would drop a ten-megaton bomb on the roof.
(Kevin looks toward the ceiling.)
China had 'em now, didn't they?
(Kevin looks toward the floor, nodding slightly, then looks toward Ronald off-screen.)
OK - sure, it sounds perfect now. But how long could he keep this up?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Ronald playing, and Mrs. Carples listening.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking up toward heaven, then glancing around.)
God, you know I don't ask for much.
(Fade to closer shot of Ronald in profile, playing.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking up toward heaven.)
OK, God, OK.
(Kevin looks down, then up again, and frowns.)
I'll never swear, I'll give my allowance to the needy...
(Kevin looks apprehensively toward Ronald off-scren.)
And I won't use that snotty tone of voice with my mother, OK? OK? Just one...lousy...mistake.
(Shot of Ronald in profile, as he plays the final chords.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he grabs his head and frowns heavily.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Ronald approaching Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Now, take a little bow, Ronald.
(Ronald pauses, then bows twice, as the students applaud lightly in the background. Ronald bows again, and Mrs. Carples puts a hand on his shoulder.)
MRS. CARPLES: Ronald, sit down.
(Ronald starts to walk toward a chair.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning.)
This was a disaster. Ronald had played his piece - my piece...perfectly.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Now, I would like to introduce our second student.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly.)
Good - I needed time to think.
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: Kevin Arnold.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly and looking toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
Now?! Back-to-back? What was she tryin' to do to me?
(Kevin looks off and frowns.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Kevin will also be playing the Canon in D Major...
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples.)
MRS. CARPLES: But I think you'll find it interesting to hear...how two different students interpret the same piece of music.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
MRS. CARPLES (V/O): Kevin...
(Kevin stands up.)
(Wider shot of Mrs. Carples standing, as Kevin passes the camera. She takes her seat as Kevin sits on the bench.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples as she taps her cigarette in the ashtray.)
MRS. CARPLES: Remember...just keep going.
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he begins to play.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples watching him off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he plays.)
Suddenly...as I started to play, I thought...maybe I could do it. Maybe I could still play it, better than Ronald. After all, I had a feel for music, right? If I could just get through it, without making a mistake.
(Kevin goofs. He pauses, and looks toward Mrs. Carples off-screen.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Carples shaking her head slightly, then nodding at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he resumes playing.)
Or, even say...if I made one little mistake.
(Kevin goofs again, and pauses.)
(Close shot of Ronald and two students sitting behind him. He is smiling, and shaking his head slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as he resumes playing.)
But then it happened.
(Kevin dinks a wrong key.)
(Shot of three girls with their mouths and eyes wide open in astonishment.)
(Wider shot of Kevin, as the camera zooms in on him quickly.)
I started to feel their eyes...boring into me.
(Kevin glances toward the students, then back to the keyboard.)
(Shot of three different girls with their mouths and eyes wide open in astonishment.)
It was like a chain-reaction.
(Very close shot of Kevin looking down as he plays.)
I couldn't stop it.
(Shot of all the students looking at Kevin off-screen. One boy is choking himself. One girl holds her nose. Another boy is sticking a finger in the back of his mouth.)
(Very close shot of Kevin looking up as he dinks another key.)
It just got worse.
(Extremely close shot of the first boy looking into the camera.)
And worse!
(Extremely close shot of the girl looking into the camera.)
It was the piano recital...
(Extremely close shot of the second boy looking into the camera.)
(Very close shot of Kevin as he looks toward the students off-screen.)
From hell.
(Extremely close shot of Ronald looking into the camera, as Kevin dinks another key.)
(Fade to wider shot of Kevin in profile as he plays - badly, and looks flustered.)
And then it was over.
(Kevin plays the final chords, then rests his hands on his legs and clears his throat, glancing toward the students off-screen.)
(Shot of the students motionless. Ronald begins to clap slowly, and shakes his head slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the students off-screen.)
(Closer shot of Ronald clapping slowly, and shaking his head slightly.)
(Fade to shot of Mrs. Carples looking at Kevin as he is putting on his jacket, about to leave.)
(Shot past Mrs. Carples of Kevin.)
MRS. CARPLES: You had a little trouble.
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples as she shrugs and sighs.)
MRS. CARPLES: OK, so you choked. But it's no big deal.
(She shakes her head slightly.)
MRS. CARPLES: You'll do better tomorrow night.
(Closer shot past Mrs. Carples of Kevin looking at her and hesitating.)
KEVIN: Yeah...
(He turns toward the door.)
(Wider shot past Kevin of Mrs. Carples looking down as Kevin exits.)
Fade to
Int. Arnold Kitchen
(Close shot of Norma in front of the refrigerator, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: You know, it's still not too late to change your mind...
(Close shot of Kevin standing near the counter, looking at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Mom...
(Kevin frowns as he turns and take a few steps.)
KEVIN: I told ya yesterday...
(He folds a small towel on the counter.)
KEVIN: I just don't feel like playing in the recital. I just don't...want to take the lessons anymore.
(Close shot of Norma looking at him off-screen.)
NORMA: But you practiced so hard! (Frowns.)
(Shot of Kevin as he gets another towel and folds it.)
KEVIN: It's no big deal.
(Close shot of Norma frowning.)
NORMA: I just don't understand why -
(Shot of Kevin as he turns quickly toward Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Mom! (Gestures.) I'm just sick of piano, OK? Dad said I didn't have to take lessons anymore...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): If I didn't want to.
(Shot of Kevin tossing a towel down, and approaching the camera.)
KEVIN: Can I go out for a while? Paul and Doug are waiting for me.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen. She hesitates and looks down, then at Kevin.)
NORMA: Well...
KEVIN (V/O): Thanks.
NORMA: Kevin!
(Wider shot of Kevin at the counter near the door, looking expectantly at Norma off-screen.)
(Wider shot of Norma looking concerned, resting on the laundry basket.)
(Shot of Kevin at the counter.)
(Shot of Norma.)
NORMA: Don't stay out too late. (Nods.)
(Shot of Kevin at the counter.)
(Kevin turns and opens the door.)
(Shot of Norma looking concerned, resting on the laundry basket.)
PAUL (as "Jim") (V/O): So, Joe...
Cut to
Ext. Afternoon - The Street
(Shot past Kevin of Paul holding a pencil as an imaginary microphone toward him.)
PAUL (as Jim): You predicted the Jets would beat the mighty Colts. And here you are, the game's MVP...Well, how does it feel?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin smiling and throwing his head back.)
KEVIN (as Joe): Oh, it feels great, Jim! I mean, I can't describe it! It's like being on top of the world! (Smiles.)
(Kevin looks toward the off-screen "interview camera", and waves and smiles.)
KEVIN (as Joe): Hi, mom!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul holding the imaginary microphone.)
PAUL (as Jim): Well, looks like it's getting a little dark here in the locker room...so I guess we'll have to wrap up...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Yeah, it's gettin' kinda late. I better start headin' back. You comin', Paul?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul.)
PAUL: Oh, no, not yet. (Gestures.) Emerson wants to be interviewed. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: OK! See ya guys later!
(The camera pans with Kevin as he turns and trots to his bike.)
PAUL (as Jim)(V/O): Oh, hey, Joe!
(Kevin pauses and looks over his shoulder.)
PAUL (as Jim) (V/O): Any last thoughts...
(Shot of Paul holding the "microphone" out.)
PAUL (as Jim): For our TV audience?
(Shot of Kevin holding his bike, looking over his shoulder.)
KEVIN (as Joe): Yeah! Tell 'em it's a night I'll never forget. (Smiles.)
(Kevin gets on his bike. The camera pans as he rides off down the sidewalk, with a playing-card clattering in the spokes.)
(Canon in D Major starts and plays throughout as Kevin turns the corner and exits.)
Fade to
Ext. Eve. - Mrs. Carples' House
(Shot of Kevin stopped on his bike, looking toward the house in the background.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective throught the window. Ronald is playing, as Mrs. Carples, and two parents listen.)
I never did forget that night. I remember the light glowing from Mrs. Carples' window.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking down.)
And I remember the darkness falling as I sat out there on the street looking in.
(Kevin looks toward the house off-screen, then down.)
(Wider shot of Kevin looking down, with the house in the background.)
And now...
(Kevin looks toward the house, then forward.)
More than twenty years later...
(Kevin looks toward the house, then forward.)
I still remember every note of the music that wandered out into the still night air.
(Close shot from in front of Kevin as he lifts his bike and starts to turn it around.)
(Wider shot of Kevin setting his bike down, and the house behind. The camera pans with him as he starts to ride down the sidewalk.)
The only thing is...
(Kevin rides into the street.)
I can't remember how to play it anymore.
(The camera pulls up and back slowly. Kevin rides down the street in lazy zig-zags.)
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Mrs. Carples - Maxine Stewart
Ronald Hirschmuller - Joseph Dammann
Doug - Brandon Crane

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12/25/04 20:25