Episode 91 - "The Wedding"

(Music "You Can All Join In" - Traffic plays. Clip of a train car (?), with young people riding on top.)
In nineteen-seventy-two...
(Clip of a crowd of people clapping with upraised arms around a banner reading "Police Line Do Not Cross".)
The "me" decade was dawning.
(Clip of a line of men holding hands in the background as one shirtless man in the foreground spins around, dancing.)
And people everywhere were doing their own thing.
(Clip of three adults approaching the camera in the woods. The nearest, a bearded man, carries a naked child on his shoulders.)
(Clip of a crowd around two pantomimes.)
"Here's a little song you can all join in with"
"It's very simple and I hope it's new"
Letting it all hang out.
(Clip of two long-haired bearded men, one of which mugs for the camera.)
"Make your own words up if you want to"
And setting out to find themselves.
(Clip of a couple - a black man and white woman - walking in a field past the camera, with others in the background. The man gestures slightly at the camera.)
"Any old words that you think will do, yeah"
The world was...
(Clip of a man lying down on the ground.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - City Street
(Shot of the front of a VW van. It has teeth and lips painted on the (missing) bumper area, and eyes and eyelashes painted around the headlights. The car backfires as the camera pans up to Karen and Michael, as Michael drives and Karen looks over her shoulder. The music fades out.)
And my family was right in the middle of it.
(Shot of Michael driving and Karen turned around in her seat. Michael grinds the gears.)
KAREN: So, what do you think? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin, Norma and Jack sitting in the back seat, behind a bead curtain. Norma wears a nice dress, and the guys wear suits, all looking somewhat uncomfortable. Norma moves some beads aside. The car backfires.)
NORMA: It's...nice honey. (Smiles.)
KAREN (V/O): Yeah! We got a real deal on it.
(Jack skeptically examines some hanging decor.)
(Shot of Michael driving and Karen turned around in her seat.)
KAREN: Michael's gonna paint it and fix it up.
(Shot of Kevin, Norma and Jack behind the bead curtain as Norma smiles.)
KAREN (V/O): Aren't you, Michael?
(Shot of Michael driving and Karen turned around in her seat, looking at him.)
MICHAEL: Uh, yeah.
(Michael glances at Karen.)
(Shot of Norma and Jack as Wayne leans forward between them.)
WAYNE: Well...whatever you do...don't get rid of the mattress back here.
(Wayne makes a little face, and and "OK" sign with his fingers.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
Face it. The Arnold family was undergoing...
(Shot of Norma, Wayne and Jack as Wayne sits back.)
A radical shift.
(Shot of Michael driving and Karen turned around in her seat, smirking at Wayne off-screen. Michael grinds the gears.)
MICHAEL: Everybody comfortable?
(Karen turns forward.)
(Shot of Kevin, Norma and Jack shifting around uncomfortably.)
We were in a period of readjustment. A state of...flux.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Street
(Shot of the VW approaching.)
After all, after twelve months of turmoil, we were back together again.
(The VW pulls up to the curb with a screech.)
There was, of course...
(Sound of church bells.)
A reason.
(The camera pans over to the front of a white church.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Church
(Shot of a bearded minister looking at the group off-screen.)
MINISTER: Ah, the lovely bride and groom-to-be. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Karen and Michael standing closely together. They smile and shrug.)
My sister was getting married. At last.
(Shot of the minister facing Jack, Norma, Karen and Michael.)
MINISTER: I'm always pleased to bring together a man and wife.
(Shot of Karen and Michael. Karen frowns slightly and glances off.)
KAREN: You mean...man and woman. (Nods.)
(Close shot of the minister looking at Karen off-screen.)
MINISTER: Well, of course.
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at Karen off-screen, smiling slightly.)
Not that it was gonna be simple.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin sitting in a pew. Wayne yawns, and Kevin nudges him.)
When it came to my family, nothing ever was.
(Close shot of the minister looking at Karen off-screen.)
MINISTER: What kind of a ceremony do we have in mind?
(Shot of Karen and Michael.)
KAREN: Well, we haven't really...(gestures)...talked about it, but...
(Karen and Michael look at each other.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma.)
NORMA: We thought...(gestures)... something simple. But, traditional. (Smiles.)
(Norma looks toward Karen and Michael.)
(Shot of Karen and Michael. Karen frowns slightly at Norma off-screen as Michael looks at her.)
MICHAEL: We did?
NORMA: (V/O): You know...
(Shot of Jack and Norma.)
NORMA: Something with flowers, and music...
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin sitting in the pew.)
NORMA (V/O): And hymns...
(Close shot of Norma looking off and frowning.)
NORMA: Not too formal, but...
(Norma looks at the minister off-screen.)
NORMA: Kind of...elegant. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of the minister smiling uncertainly at Norma off-screen.)
Of course the whole thing was still...
(Close shot of Norma looking at the minister off-screen.)
In the planning stages.
KAREN (V/O): Uh, Mom?
(Norma looks toward Karen off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen and Michael.)
KAREN: Uh, Michael and I were actually...thinking of something a little less...(Gestures.)
(Michael smiles slightly as he moves his head back and forth slightly and shrugs.)
NORMA (V/O): Well, that's OK, honey...
(Shot of Jack and Norma as Norma looks at Karen and Michael off-screen and gestures.)
NORMA: Whatever you want. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Karen and Michael smiling slightly.)
KAREN: Good...good, good.
(Shot of Jack and Norma as Norma looks at the minister off-screen.)
NORMA: We don't...(gestures)...have to have the hymns. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
MINISTER (V/O): Excellent!
(Shot of Karen and Michael frowning and glancing at each other.)
MINISTER (V/O): Now...
(Karen looks toward the minister off-screen.)
(Close shot of the minister looking at Karen off-screen.)
MINISTER: When shall we schedule our pre-marital counselling sessions?
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking from the minister off-screen toward Karen and Michael off-screen.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin glancing at each other. Wayne laughs.)
(Shot of Karen and Michael looking down. Some dramatic organ music plays.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Church
(Shot of the church doors as Karen pushes them open. She and Norma exit, followed by Michael and Jack.)
KAREN: Pre-marital counselling. What is this? The stone-age?
(They pause at the top of the steps. Karen puts her hands on her hips and looks off. Michael and Jack look at each other.)
It was a classic case of apples and oranges.
NORMA: Well, honey...
(Norma taps Karen on the elbow, then gestures.)
NORMA: Maybe we can find another church.
KAREN: You don't understand. (Gestures.)
(Wider shot of the church steps and door as they all descend toward the sidewalk.)
KAREN: I don't want my wedding in some musty old chapel.
NORMA: Well, then...how about something...Unitarian?
(The camera rolls with Karen and Norma as they walk along the sidewalk.)
Trouble was, the oranges seemed to be winning.
KAREN: I don't believe this. (Frowns.)
(The camera pans back to Jack, Michael and Kevin as the women walk past the camera.)
NORMA (V/O): But, honey...
KAREN (V/O): Mom...
MICHAEL: Mr. Arnold?
(The guys slow up.)
MICHAEL: Do you think you could...(Gestures.)
(Jack raises both arms.)
JACK: Ah, ah, ah. Don't ask me - I just pay the bills.
(Jack walks past the camera. Kevin and Michael look after him off-screen.)
MICHAEL: This is going great, so far - don't you think?
KEVIN: Mmmmm. I know what you mean.
(Kevin looks at Michael.)
KEVIN: You want me to talk to him?
(Michael looks at Kevin.)
MICHAEL: No. (Frowns.)
(Michael looks after Jack off-screen.)
MICHAEL: It doesn't make sense. Why can't we just get married...(gestures)...and go on with our lives? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin as Michael walks past him.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
But even I knew enough about weddings to know they weren't about getting married.
Cut to
Int. - Tuxedo Rental Store
(Sound of a small bell. Shot of Kevin facing a full-length mirror, adjusting the tie and collar of a suit.)
They were more about...
KEVIN: I feel like a monkey. (Gestures.)
Making total fools of ourselves.
(The camera pulls back slowly. Wayne faces the mirror, next to Kevin, pulling the collar around his neck.)
WAYNE: You look like a monkey.
(The camera pulls back. Jack faces the mirror next to Wayne, and adjusts his tie.)
In public.
JACK: Just do this...for your sister.
(Kevin turns slightly toward Jack.)
KEVIN: But...
(Jack looks at Kevin.)
JACK: It'll make her happy. (Frowns.)
The trouble was...
(Sound of a small bell.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Living Room
(Close shot of the train of a white dress.)
The more we all made Karen happy...
(The camera pans up the dress, which Karen is wearing. Norma kneels behind her, making a tailoring adjustment.)
The more miserable she looked.
(Karen looks off uncomfortably.)
NORMA: There...
(Shot from behind Norma and Karen as Norma stands up. They face the guys at the dining table in the background.)
NORMA: Done. It's beautiful - don't ya think?
(Shot of Karen and Norma. Norma smiles with her hands on her hips, as Karen looks down, unenthused.)
KAREN: It's gorgeous, Mom.
(Karen looks off.)
KAREN: It's also yours.
(Norma fluffs out the train, then steps next to Karen, and looks at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: What do you think, Jack? (Smiles.)
(Closer shot of Kevin, Wayne and Jack at the table.)
JACK: Well...
(Jack leans back in his chair. Wayne stands up and puts his hand on Jack's arm.)
WAYNE: Don't ask him...(gestures)...he just pays the bills. (Gestures.)
(Wayne exits toward the kitchen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Karen off-screen.)
And there ya had it. Between Dad's wallet and Mom's good...
(Shot of Karen and Norma as Norma makes another adjustment on the dress.)
(The camera pans with norma as she turns and gets the veil from the chair.)
NORMA: Now let's try the veil.
(Wider shot of Kevin and Jack at the table as Michael enters from the kitchen, carrying a beer.)
Things were getting a tad out of hand.
(Shot of Karen and Norma. Norma looks at Michael off-screen.)
NORMA: Michael! (Frowns.)
(She looks at Karen in mild shock, then steps in front of her and holds her arms out slightly.)
NORMA: You're not supposed to see the bride in her wedding dress. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Michael looking off and shrugging slightly, then turning toward the kitchen.)
KAREN (V/O): Mom...
(Shot of Norma and Karen.)
KAREN: He's seen me naked.
(Close shot of Michael looking off and shrugging, then walking toward the table again.)
(Wider shot of Kevin, Michael and Jack. Jack flips through a invitation sample book (?) as Michael sits down and looks at him.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning slightly at Michael off-screen.)
(Close shot of Michael looking off and sighing slightly as Jack growls off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Michael off-screen.)
KEVIN: So, Michael...how are things going up at the house?
(Close shot of Michael raising his beer, then pausing and looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Michael looks off.)
MICHAEL: Well, I've just about finished up the carpentry work.
(Michael looks toward Karen off-screen, then looks down.)
MICHAEL: So...the owner's gonna try to sell it.
(Michael smiles and shrugs slightly.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning slightly at Michael off-screen.)
JACK: You mean ya gotta move out? What are ya gonna do for a job?
(Close shot of Michael looking down.)
MICHAEL: Well, I've been...
(Michael pauses and looks at Karen off-screen.)
MICHAEL: Looking around.
(Michael glances at Jack off-screen, then looks at Karen off-screen.)
MICHAEL: For other work.
(Shot of Karen and Norma looking at Michael off-screen as Norma adjusts the veil.)
MICHAEL (V/O): In fact, we've...
(Close shot of Michael looking at Karen off-screen, then glancing off and frowning heavily, then looking at Jack off-screen.)
MICHAEL: Actually...(gestures)...we've been meaning to -
(Shot of Karen and Norma. Karen looks at Michael off-screen as Norma adjusts the veil.)
KAREN: Michael! (Frowns.)
Now, it was pretty clear something was up, here.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Karen off-screen, frowning slightly.)
Something big.
(Jack frowns again and glances at Michael off-screen, then Karen off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen and Norma. Norma looks Michael off-screen.)
NORMA: Why haven't you told us?
(Norma looks at Michael off-screen.)
And as usual...
(Norma looks at Karen, then Michael off-screen.)
Mom nailed it.
(Close shot of Michael sighing, then looking at Karen off-screen.)
MICHAEL: Well...
(Shot of Karen and Norma looking at Michael off-screen.)
NORMA: Cause if you two need a place to stay...
(Norma glances at Karen, then looks at Michael off-screen.)
NORMA: You can stay with us. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen.)
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen and Norma looking toward Jack off-screen, and taking a step forward.)
NORMA: Jack...maybe you could check for openings at NORCOM...
(Close shot of Michael looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Michael off-screen, slightly worried, as he stands up.)
JACK: Uhhh...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Karen off-screen.)
And that's when the lid blew off.
(Kevin looks toward Michael off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen looking toward Jack and Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: Mother, no! (Frowns.)
(She removes the veil.)
KAREN: I can't do this!
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): I-I can't wear this dress...
(Shot of Karen looking toward Jack and Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: And I can't have this kind of wedding! We have to do it our own way. (Frowns.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Can't you understand that?!
And finally...
(Shot of Michael looking at Karen off-screen.)
The truth had been told.
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: This...isn't what you want?
(Shot of Karen looking off, and shrugging as she shakes her head slightly.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
And with that, the great Arnold prenuptial crisis...
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at each other.)
Of nineteen-seventy-two...
(Jack touches Norma's arm as Norma looks at Karen off-screen.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Curb
(Close shot of Michael's hand turning the igniton key and starting the car. The camera pans up to Michael. The van is now painted red.)
Passed into history.
(Michael looks at Kevin off-screen and smirks slightly, then looks off and puffs out his cheeks.)
(Close shot of Kevin at the open passenger door, looking at Michael off-screen as he lifts an aluminum foil-covered bowl toward Michael.)
KEVIN: This must be a relief, huh?
(Shot of Michael looking at him off-screen.)
(Michael sets the bowl on the floor, and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): I mean, making your own plans. Having the wedding at your house, and all.
(Michael looks forward and leans back.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Michael off-screen.)
Heck. Seemed to me, the lines of communication...
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen facing Norma and Jack on the porch.)
Had been firmly re-established.
MICHAEL (V/O): Karen!
(Close shot of Michael leaning toward the open passenger door, looking at Karen off-screen.)
MICHAEL: You ready?!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen, Norma and Jack looking toward the car.)
KAREN: I'll be right there! (Gestures.)
(They face each other again.)
(Close shot of Michael glancing at Kevin off-screen, then looking toward Karen off-screen.)
In fact, the only one who didn't seem convinced...
(Michael looks off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Michael off-screen.)
Was the groom-to-be.
(Close shot of Michael looking down.)
KEVIN (V/O): Michael? You OK?
(Michael looks at Kevin off-screen, then Karen off-screen, then Kevin again.)
MICHAEL: Can you keep a secret?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off and frowning slightly.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Kevin looks at Michael off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Michael looking down, then at Kevin off-screen.)
MICHAEL: I got a job.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Michael off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...that's great! (Smiles.)
And it was.
(Close shot of Michael glancing up, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
At least I thought it was.
MICHAEL: There's just one thing. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Michael off-screen.)
(Close shot of Michael looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MICHAEL: It's in Alaska.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Michael off-screen.)
KEVIN: Alaska? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Michael looking at Kevin off-screen and nodding.)
KAREN (V/O): OK, Michael!
(Michael looks toward Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): I'm ready.
(Shot of Kevin as Karen walks in front of him.)
KAREN: Bye, Kev. (Smiles.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Smiles.)
(Karen gets in the car and looks at Michael off-screen as she closes the door.)
(Shot of Karen and Michel as they look at each other.)
KAREN: Ready?
(Michael looks past Karen toward Kevin off-screen, then backs up the car. Some Snuffy guitar starts.)
And right about then...
(Close shot of Kevin looking after the car off-screen.)
I knew for sure what I should have guessed all along.
KAREN (V/O): Take care!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the car as it starts to pull forward.)
We weren't gaining an in-law...
(Karen waves as the car drives out of the shot.)
(Closer shot of Jack and Norma smiling and waving from the porch. Norma puts a hand on Jack's chest and they look at each other.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after the car off-screen.)
We were losing a family.
(Kevin sighs slightly and looks off.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - The Street
(Shot of the Arnold car approaching.)
That weekend we set off for the first marriage in my family's brief history.
(The camera pans with the car as it passes.)
(Shot through the windshield of Jack and Norma, and Kevin and Wayne in back.)
NORMA: You know, Jack...maybe it's better that Karen's having the kind of wedding she really wants.
(Jack glances at Norma, then looks forward.)
JACK: I think so.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen, then glancing off.)
Little did my parents know their only daughter...
(Close shot through the windshield of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
Was about to be whisked away to an igloo, in the...
(Close shot through the windshield of Norma looking off.)
Land of the midnight sun.
(Norma turns toward Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Do you have the check, honey?
(Shot through the windshield of Jack and Wayne as Jack pats his jacket pocket.)
JACK: Right here.
(Wayne leans forward.)
WAYNE: Check? What check? (Frowns.)
JACK: For Karen and Michael. A little wedding gift.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward them off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): How much is it?
JACK (V/O): Never mind.
(Shot through the windshield of Jack and Wayne.)
JACK: It's for a down payment when they find a house.
(Wayne sighs and looks down, then leans back.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack and Wayne off-screen.)
But as much as I wanted to stay out of this...
(Kevin glances off.)
I knew somebody had to break the news.
(Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen.)
(He looks toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot through the windshield of Norma turned toward her window.)
KEVIN (V/O): Listen.
(Norma looks forward.)
NORMA: Yeah?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: About...Karen and Michael.
(Shot through the windshield of Jack turning slightly toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: What about 'em?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen, then Norma off-screen, and back.)
KEVIN: Great gift. (Smiles.)
(Shot of all through the windshield as Jack and Norma look at each other, then smile and nod.)
It just didn't seem like my place to tell them.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Karen and Michael's House
(Close shot of Jack at the door as he knocks on it.)
And so, we arrived.
(Wide shot of Wayne, Kevin and Norma facing Jack as he turns from the door, puts his hands in his pockets, and looks down.)
NORMA: Well? This is it.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: I just...hope this whole thing is legal.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Oh, don't worry, honey. (Smiles.) Karen said she found an ordained minister.
(She shrugs and smiles slightly.)
(Close shot of Jack looking off.)
JACK: Yeah...
(Jack steps forward.)
(Wider shot of all as Jack steps between Kevin and Norma as the door opens.)
(Close shot of a maharishi - a bearded man in a white shirt and maroon turban - raising his arms. He speaks with a heavy accent.)
MAHARISHI: Ah...welcome, welcome. (Gestures.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma frowning at him off-screen, Norma slightly puzzled, Jack more so.)
MAHARISHI (V/O): To the happiness and joy that was...
(Close shot of the maharishi looking at them off-screen.)
MAHARISHI: And is to be.
(The maharishi turns his head slightly.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma frowning at him off-screen as some sitar music starts.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne frowning at him off-screen.)
Cut to
Int. Day - The Kitchen
(Shot past Jack of the maharishi with his eyes closed, holding his arms up and gesturing.)
MAHARISHI: Ahhhh, yes? Your aura is one of paternal love.
(Shot past the maharishi of Jack looking at him in disbelief.)
MAHARISHI: It is a very strong vibration. (Gestures.)
(Jack looks off.)
Clearly, we were...
(Shot past Norma of the maharishi as he steps over to her.)
In new territory, here.
MAHARISHI: Karen's mother.
(Shot past the maharishi of Norma smiling at him.)
MAHARISHI: So like the fountain springs of *Kalu*.
(The maharishi steps over in front of Kevin and raises his hands.)
NORMA (V/O): Thank you.
MAHARISHI: Brotherly love.
(Shot past the maharishi of Kevin looking at him.)
MAHARISHI: Positive supportive vibrations.
(Shot past Kevin of the maharishi shaking his hand near his head.)
MAHARISHI: Very good.
(Shot past the maharishi of Kevin looking at him, the raising his hand and shaking it.)
KEVIN: Yeah...(Frowns.)
(Shot past Wayne as the maharishi steps in front of him and raises his hands.)
(Shot past the maharishi of Wayne looking at him expectantly.)
(Shot past Wayne as the maharishi frowns, and the sitar music ends with a gong.)
MAHARISHI: Nice to meet you.
(The maharishi turns and exits through the doorway and up the stairs.)
Let's put it this way...
Cut to
(Shot of a hippie couple in the doorway. The camera pans with Karen as she passes them.)
KAREN: And these are my friends...Rainbow and Wind.
(Karen turns and stands between Wayne and Jack.)
KAREN: My family. (Gestures.)
(Karen puts her hands on Jack and Wayne's back.)
(Close shot of Rainbow and Wind smiling at the Arnold's off-screen.)
We were kinda like strangers in a strange land.
(Close shot of Norma and Jack as they look at each other, then Norma looks at the man off-screen.)
NORMA: It's...nice to meet you...Wind.
(Close shot of the man and woman looking at the Arnold's off-screen.)
RAINBOW: No, no...(gestures)...I'm Rainbow.
(He smiles and gestures at the woman.)
RAINBOW: This is Wind.
(Wind blows some air out, gestures in a rolling motion, and smiles.)
WAYNE (V/O): Oh, yeah?
(Close shot of Kevin and Wayne as Wayne gestures with his thumb.)
WAYNE: And this is Butthead. (Smiles.)
(Kevin nudges Wayne, who looks at him. Music "You Can All Join In" - Traffic starts. They look at Rainbow and Wind off-screen, and Kevin smiles self-consciously.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Yard
(Shot of Michael carrying a picnic table bench, and talking to another man.)
Still, that afternoon...
(Jack sees Michael, and helps him set the bench down.)
A funny thing started to happen.
(Shot of Norma sitting in a lawn chair and smiling as two young women put flowers in her hair.)
Little by little...we were drawn in to Karen's world.
(Shot of a woman sitting against a tree, nursing a baby, as Wayne circles around and looks over her shoulder, then looks off and frowns.)
(Closer shot of Jack and a young woman as they spread out a table cloth.)
For the first time in a long time....Mom and Dad...
(Closer shot of Norma smiling in the lawn chair as the women put flowers in her hair.)
Actually smiled. I mean really smiled.
(Shot of Michael, Jack and another man as they turn away from the picnic table. Michael taps the man on the shoulder as he exits.)
Maybe there was a reason.
(Michael and Jack look at each other. Jack raises and drops his arms, and nods. Michael turns around.)
Maybe it had to do with...family.
Cut to
Ext. Afternoon - Front Steps
(Shot of Karen sitting at the side of the steps, looking off, as Kevin stands on the other side looking at her. The music fades.)
(Karen looks at Kevin.)
Still, by around four o'clock...
(She picks a flower and looks at it.)
I was beginning to feel time running out.
(Kevin glances over his shoulder.)
KEVIN: It's a great party.
(Close shot of Karen looking forward and nodding, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: Yeah. (Smiles.)
(Karen looks forward and frowns slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
I'd never been real good with interpersonal dialog with my sister.
(Kevin smiles slightly, then looks off.)
So I figured...approach this sensitively.
(Kevin looks at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: So, when are you gonna tell 'em?
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen, slightly surprised.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: Mom and Dad.
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): About Alaska.
KAREN: Oh...(Nods.)
KEVIN (V/O): I mean, what are ya gonna do?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: S-send 'em a post-card...
(Kevin looks at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: With a...polar bear on it?
(Close shot of Karen looking off.)
KAREN: No, I just...I haven't found the right moment, yet.
(She looks at Kevin off-screen and frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Besides...
(Close shot of Karen frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: You know how they are. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen as Snuffy's guitar starts.)
And that was the problem.
(Wider shot of Karen looking down, and Kevin looking at her.)
Unfortunately, I did.
(Karen puts her head in her hands.)
Cut to
Ext. Night - The Yard
(Wide shot of the Arnold's and others sitting at a V-shape of picnic tables in the background as other people walk out of the shot in the foreground.)
That night, we joined together to celebrate the next day's wedding.
(A man walks behind the tables, playing a guitar.)
Sure, maybe it wasn't exactly the kind...
(Closer shot of Michael and Karen talking to each other casually.)
Of bash my parents had in mind.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin as Kevin holds up a forkful of some unknown food and Wayne frowns at it.)
But in its own funky way...
(Shot of Jack and Norma as Jack holds up a forkful of food and frowns at it.)
It was...classic.
(Norma turns toward Michael and Karen off-screen. Snuffy's guitar ends.)
NORMA: The food is wonderful, Michael. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Michael and Karen looking at Norma off-screen.)
MICHAEL: Oh, thanks, Mrs. Arnold. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin as Wayne reaches across him.)
WAYNE: Yep - the grub is great.
(Wayne takes a bite from a piece of bread.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma as Norma looks at Karen off-screen and gestures with her fork.)
NORMA: You'll have to teach me these recipes, honey.
(Close shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: Sure...(Nods.)
(Karen looks down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Karen off-screen.)
Still, I couldn't help noticing the bride looked a little...
(Close shot of Karen looking down, then looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking toward Kevin off-screen, then at Norma off-screen, and putting her hands on the table.)
KAREN: Mom...
(Close shot of Norma turning toward Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Listen...
(Shot of Karen as she open her mouth to speak. Sound of a spoon tapping a glass.)
(Wider shot of Jack and Norm as Jack stands up.)
JACK: Excuse me...(gestures)...but I have something I have to say.
(Close shot of Karen looking down, then at Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Uh...ya know...this has been...
(Shot of Jack and Norma, as Jack stands with his hands in his pockets, looking at Karen off-screen.)
JACK: A heck of a day. (Smiles.)
(Jack glances at Norma.)
JACK: I mean...
(Jack looks at Karen off-screen.)
JACK: Seein' the way you live...
(Jack looks toward some people sitting nearby.)
JACK: And meetin' your friends...
(Closer shot of Jack as he looks down as he turns, then looks at Karen off-screen.)
JACK: I guess we never really had the time before...(nods)...but I hope that can change, now. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma smiling at Karen off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): You know...
(Close shot of Jack looking down and hesitating, then looking at Karen off-screen.)
JACK: I don't know when you grew up, Karen. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Jack off-screen and smiling slightly, then looking off.)
JACK (V/O): But we're very proud of the way you did.
(Karen looks at Michael off-screen, then Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma as Jack looks at Norm and puts his hand on her back.)
JACK: And, Michael...
(Norma puts her hand on his and looks at him as he looks at Michael off-screen.)
JACK: Norma and I both feel...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen and smiling slightly.)
JACK (V/O): Lucky...that you're joining our family.
(Norma looks at Michael and Karen off-screen.)
All in all, it may have been...
(Shot of Michael and Karen as Michael looks down and smiles slightly, squeezing Karen's hand.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
The best speech Dad ever made.
(Wayne looks at Kevin, then Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma.)
JACK: So...we, um...
(Jack pauses and Norma looks at him. Jack perks up and gestures.)
JACK: We have a little something...
(Jack reaches down for his jacket.)
JACK: To help you get started.
(Jack clears his throat, and reaches into the jacket pocket.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
WIND (V/O): OK...here it comes...
(Kevin looks toward the voices off-screen.)
And that's when it happened.
GIRL (V/O): OK, come on...
(Shot of Rainbow carrying a large white cake with sparklers burning on it, as Wind and other women lead and follow him from the house.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking over their shoulders.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin looking toward Rainbow off-screen. Snuffy's guitar plays.)
(Shot past Jack and Norma of Rainbow and the others approaching.)
Of course, it all seemed innocent enough.
(The camera pans with Rainbow as he sets the cake between Norma and Michael.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the cake off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective past Michael of Norma smiling at the cake.)
NORMA: What's this?
WIND: It's homemade.
(Norma looks over her shoulder at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Oh, Jack! (Smiles.)
(Norma looks at the cake again.)
NORMA: Isn't that lovely?
(Close shot of Jack looking at the cake off-screen and smiling.)
And it was.
(Jack frowns slightly, looking at the cake off-screen.)
(Close shot of the cake. The frosting has a design of the state of Alaska and the words "Alaska or bust", a small bride and groom figurine on it, and some burning sparklers. The music fades.)
A work of art. A creation of joy...and celebration.
(The sparklers go out.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the cake off-screen and frowning, then looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack looking down and frowning at the cake off-screen.)
I think we all saw it at about the same moment.
(Close shot of Norma smiling, then leaning over and reading the cake.)
NORMA: "Alaska or bust"?
(Norma looks at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: Honey...
(Norma glances at the cake, then looks at Karen again off-screen.)
NORMA: What's that mean? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at the cake off-screen.)
KAREN: Uh...
(Karen glances at Michael off-screen, then at Norma off-screen.)
But Karen's face...said it all.
(Close shot of Norma looking off and frowning.)
NORMA: I don't understand.
(Norma looks at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Wider shot of Jack and Norma as Norma looks down. Jack is frowning, slightly puzzled.)
It was pretty clear...she did.
(Norma stands up slowly.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: Mom...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen, then looking down, then turning toward Jack.)
(Wider shot of Jack and Norma as Norma steps past him and exits.)
(Shot of Michael and Karen as Michael stands up, looking at Jack off-screen.)
MICHAEL: Mr. Arnold...(Gestures.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Michael off-screen, then Karen off-screen, then turning away. Snuffy's guitar plays.)
(Shot past Jack of Michael, Karen, Wayne and Kevin in the background as Jack approaches the camera.)
But somehow...
(Jack passes the camera. Michael looks at Karen.)
It was just too little...too late.
(Sound of the screen door opening and closing.)
Cut to
Int. Night - The Kitchen
(Shot of the kitchen doorway as Kevin enters and pauses.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma washing dishes at the sink, and Jack leaning back against the counter next to her, hands in his pockets, and frowning.)
(Kevin clears his throat off-screen, and Norma looks at him off-screen. The music fades.)
(Shot of Kevin in the doorway, looking at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: I, uh...(Gestures.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma as she looks at Kevin.)
I wasn't quite sure what to say.
(Shot of Kevin in the doorway.)
Except maybe...
(Wayne brushes past him, looks at Norma off-screen, and points to his plate of cake.)
WAYNE: Is there any ice cream in here? (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma. Norma looks at the dishes as Jack looks off and shakes his head slightly.)
KEVIN (V/O): Shut up, butthead.
WAYNE (V/O): Oh...
(Shot of Wayne at the table, and Kevin looking at Jack and Norma off-screen. Wayne looks at Jack and Norma off-screen, then at Kevin.)
KEVIN: Listen...if you guys need any help...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma as they look at him.)
KEVIN (V/O): I mean, with...
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
KEVIN: Dishes, or anything...
(Kevin looks at them off-screen, then looks off.)
But, hell - what did I have to offer?
(Wide shot of all.)
I couldn't fix this.
(Karen enters. the screen door closes off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at them off-screen, then Kevin off-screen, then Jack and Norma again.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen, then Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking over his shoulder at Karen off-screen, then forward.)
(Wider shot of Karen as she steps forward slowly, then gestures.)
KAREN: I didn't mean for you to find out this way. (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma as they look at Karen off-screen.)
JACK: When were you gonna tell us? (Frowns.)
(Norma looks at Jack, then Karen off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen with her hands together, looking at them off-screen.)
KAREN: I don't know. (Smiles.) Tonight.
(She sighs and raises her eyebrows.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma as they look at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking down emotionally.)
KAREN: I just...I didn't want to spoil everything.
(She looks at them off-screen, slightly tearfully.)
NORMA (V/O): Karen!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma as they look at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: We're your parents. (Gestures.) Don't you think we have a right to know? (Nods.)
(Jack puts a hand on her shoulder.)
KAREN (V/O): Mom!
(Close shot of Karen looking at them emotionally off-screen.)
KAREN: This doesn't change anything. Michael and I have a life. You have to let us go.
(Closer shot of Jack and Norma. Jack looks down, as Norma looks off tearfully.)
In a way, it was a plea.
(Close shot of Karen looking at them off-screen.)
From a child who'd grown up...
(Close shot of Jack looking down, and Norma looking off, then sighing and frowning.)
And who's parents could never understand.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack and Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack and Norma.)
JACK: Know what I remember?
(They look at each other.)
JACK: I moved you a thousand miles away from home.
(Close shot of Norma turning away and frowning tearfully, then looking at Jack off-screen. She looks down again, then at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at them off-screen, then dropping her head and looking down.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: Look, honey...(sighs)...if you have to leave...we're not gonna stop you.
(She shakes her head slightly.)
(Close shot of Karen looking down, then at Norma off-screen tearfully.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: But wherever you are...we will never, ever...let you go.
(She shakes her head slightly, on the verge of tears.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen on the verge of tears. Music "Wedding Song" - Paul Stookey starts.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma, as Norma looks at Karen off-screen, and Jack looks down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack and Norma off-screen.)
MICHAEL (V/O): Karen?
(Close shot of Karen smiling at Jack and Norma off-screen, as Michael enters behind her.)
MICHAEL: They, uh...
(Michael looks at Jack and Norma off-screen as he pauses behind her.)
MICHAEL: Want us, outside.
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at Karen off-screen. Norma smiles and nods slightly.)
(Close shot of Karen and Michael looking at Jack and Norma off-screen as she smiles. They turn away.)
(Wide shot of all as Karen and Michael pause in the doorway, look back, then exit.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - The Yard
(Close shot of joined hands.)
"He is now to be among you"
(Fade to a shot of Wind, Rainbow, and four women sitting on the grass. the camera pans over to some flowers.)
"At the calling of your hearts"
(Fade to a shot of the maharishis upraised hands as he puts them together above his head.)
"Rest assured this troubador"
(The camera pans down to the maharishi, and Karen and Michael, who approach each other and stand face-to-face.)
"Is acting on His part"
MAHARISHI: Karen and Michael, it is a joyous journey you begin today...
(Shot past Karen of Kevin standing slightly behind her.)
"The union of your spirits, here"
The next morning...
(The camera moves in on him slightly.)
I watched my sister get married...
"Has caused Him to remain"
(Shot past Karen of Michael looking at her.)
And welcomed a new brother into my family.
"For whenever two or more of you"
(High shot of all. Jack and Norma stand behind Michael, and Kevin stands behind Karen, within a large circle of flowers. Others sit on the grass outside the circle.)
"Are gathered in His name"
"There is Love"
(Fade to a shot of Norma and Jack. Jack has his hands together, and Norma reads from "The Prophet", by Kahlil Gibron. The camera moves in on Norma very slowly.)
NORMA: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.
(Shot of Karen and Michael looking at Norma off-screen and smiling slightly. They briefly turn toward each other.)
"There is Love"
NORMA (V/O): You may house their bodies, but not their souls.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off as the camera moves in slowly.)
NORMA (V/O): For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow...
(Close shot of Norma looking at the book.)
NORMA: For life goes not backward...
(Norma looks at Karen and Michael off-screen.)
NORMA: Nor tarries with yesterday.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen.)
"Well, a man shall leave his mother"
I watched my mother send her first-born child out into the world.
"And a woman leave her home"
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen and Michael off-screen.)
And felt her sorrow.
"And they shall travel on"
(Norma closes the book and holds it against herself.)
And her joy.
"To where the two shall be as one"
(Fade to a shot of Michael and the maharishi.)
MAHARISHI: And who brought Karen into being and now presents her to be united with Michael?
(Shot of Jack, Karen and Norma.)
"As it was in the beginning"
JACK: Her mother, and I.
"Is now and till the end"
(Karen and Norma hug.)
"Woman draws her life from man"
(Karen turns toward Jack, and hugs him as he pats her on the back.)
I watched my father give away his only girl...
"And gives it back again"
(The camera pans slightly as Karen takes a few steps, and Michael approaches her. Wayne and Kevin circle around behind Michael. Jack and Norma stand behind Karen.)
"And there is love"
To a stranger he hardly knew.
(Fade to shot of Kevin holding a ring in each hand.)
I said goodbye, myself.
"There is love"
KEVIN: Although they are separate, they will always be together.
(Shot of Michael and Karen as Kevin's hands hold the rings toward them, and Michael takes them.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
"Well then what's to be the reason"
(Shot of Michael and Karen facing each other as Michael holds the rings.)
MICHAEL: We are as one.
(Karen takes a ring, and looks at Michael.)
KAREN: One pain, one joy.
"For becoming man and wife"
(Close shot of Jack and Norma looking at them off-screen. Norma rubs Jack's hand.)
MICHAEL (V/O): One coming together, for all our lives.
(Shot of Michael and Karen facing each other.)
"Is it love that brings you here"
KAREN (V/O): One dream of tomorrow.
MICHAEL: It is more than love.
"Or love that brings you life"
"Well, if loving is the answer"
KAREN: It is life.
(Karen slides the ring on Michael's finger, then looks at him.)
KAREN: One life.
"Then who's the giving for"
(Michael slips the ring on Karen's finger.)
"Do you believe in something"
MICHAEL: One being.
(He looks at her.)
MICHAEL: Together.
"That you've never seen before"
(High shot of Michael and the Arnold's. The camera pulls back slowly as the outer group sways back and forth with joined hands, as do the Arnold's. The maharishi circles around the central group.)
Looking back, maybe it all seems a little silly.
"Oh, there's love"
But being there, in those passing moments...
"There is Love"
I saw that something real and important was happening. Not just for Michael and Karen...but for all of us.
Fade to
Ext. Day - The Sidewalk
(Shot past the front of the VW of Jack, Norma, Wayne and Kevin looking toward Karen in the car. Friends trot down the steps behind them.)
In our small and fragile, almost-insignificant...
(Shot of Karen and Michael in the VW as she smiles.)
Suburban family.
(Close shot of Jack holding Norma as they look at Karen off-screen. Jack waves, Norma blows a kiss, and friends throw rice and flower petals.)
(Close shot of Karen looking toward Jack and Norma off-screen, then toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen, then at Jack and Norma off-screen, with tears in her eyes.)
(Shot past the front of the VW of Jack, Norma, Wayne, Kevin and friends looking toward Karen in the car.)
After all, those were...
(Close shot of Karen smiling and waving as the VW pulls away.)
Passionate times...
(Karen looks over her shoulder and waves.)
When children were pioneers...
(Close shot of Kevin looking after her off-screen and smiling.)
(Shot of the car going down the street, with streamers trailing it. "Just Married" is written in white on the back of it. It is pulling Michael's motorcycle on a trailer.)
On the road to find out, wherever that road might take them.
(Wider shot of the Arnold's and friends. Jack holds Norma, who blows a kiss. Wayne puts his arm around Kevin's shoulder.)
(Shot of the car turning the corner. Sound of the horn as the van exits.)
Fade to
Ext. Night - The Street
(Shot of Kevin standing near the sidewalk, looking toward the street, and stepping forward.)
When brothers and sisters, looking back...
(The camera rolls back past Jack, who is looking off, as Kevin stands next to him.)
Wished they'd known each other better.
(Jack looks at Kevin, then off again.)
JACK: What are you doin' out here?
(Kevin shrugs and looks off.)
KEVIN: I don't know...
(Kevin glances up, then at Jack.)
KEVIN: Nice night. (Smiles.)
(Jack nods slightly.)
JACK: Yeah.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Which way is Alaska, anyway? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking forward.)
JACK: That way. (Points.)
(Jack glances at Kevin, uncertainly.)
JACK: I think.
(Shot from behind them as Jack puts his arm around Kevin's shoulder. Music "The Wedding Song" plays.)
JACK: Sounds like a pretty good place, huh?
KEVIN: Yeah.
(The camera rises slowly.)
And parents...filled with love and despair...held on to the past...
(The camera rises past Kevin and Jack, looking over the houses.)
And kept a quiet vigil, for the future.
(The camera stops rising, looking past the houses toward the lights in the distance.)
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Michael - David Schwimmer
Maharishi - Gerry Bedknob
"You Can All Join In" - Traffic
"The Wedding Song" - Noel Paul Stookey

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09/11/00 22:35