Episode 87 - "Lunch Stories"

(Clip of a Russian (?) spacecraft lifting off the pad.)
In March of nineteen-seventy-two, a lot of great things...
(Clip of people on the Great Wall of China.)
Were happening. Events...
(Clip of President Nixon sitting in a chair, speaking and gesturing.)
That would shape history, and alter...
(Clip of Chairman Mao Tse Tung sitting in a chair, smiling and looking off.)
The way we think.
(Clips of Governor George Wallace at a podium.)
GOV. WALLACE: Now, I bet ya Mao Tse Tung was askin' 'bout the bussin' business over here...
(Clip of presidential candidate George McGovern shaking hands with a factory worker.)
GEORGE McGOVERN: You fellas know I'm running for President...
(Clip of Edmund Muskie talking to reporters in a light snowfall.)
EDMUND MUSKIE: Good woman...
(Clip of a US bomber dropping its stick of bombs.)
Still, among all that change, there was a common thread.
(Slow motion clip of bombs exploding in the jungle.)
One experience that united us all.
Cut to
Int. Day - Cafeteria
(Shot of the double doors as they are opened and a crowd of students approaches the camera. Music "Oom, Mow, Mow" - The Rivington's plays.)
(Low shot of the legs of students as they walk past the camera.)
At twelve-oh-five PM every day...
(Shot of students approaching the camera. The camera pulls up and back slightly.)
Kids all over America piled in to high school cafeterias.
(Students find places at the tables.)
(Close shot of a stack of red plastic trays as a succession of student's hands pick one up.)
Like lemmings to the meatloaf.
(Close shot of the bins of silverware as a succession of student's hands pick them up.)
You remember.
(Close shot of a stainless-steel tray as the cover is lifted, revealing green beans.)
The sights, the sounds...
(Shot of two tables as a boy sets his tray down, followed by other students sitting in sequence toward the camera.)
And that smell. That odd combination of...
(Low shot of the chairs as students approach them and pull them away from the table.)
Wet trays, warm silverware, and...
(Close shot of a plate of food, consisting of Sloppy Joe's, green beans, mashed potatoes and a salad. A fork dips into the potatoes.)
Pale green beans.
(The fork, with potatoes, stabs into a grean bean.)
(Shot of a group of guys and a girl playing guitars as another boy on crutches hobbles past them.)
But lunch at my school, like most others...was rarely about food.
(Wide shot of a group of students as a girl and guy kiss.)
It was about drama...lust...
(Shot of two boys intently playing chess.)
(Shot of a group of guys as one launches a paper airplane.)
(Wider shot of the same group as the airplane flies past a boy holding a stack of books, causing him to drop them. Most people laugh and clap.)
Not to mention...humiliation.
(The boy bends over and picks up his books.)
(Shot of a boy wearing glasses and a pocket protector approaching the camera, carrying his tray and books. The camera rolls backward with him.)
In a way, it was kind of a stage. And we...its principle players.
(The boy approaches an empty seat next to a girl, who slides her books over to block him from sitting down.)
There were those who could never seem to find a place to sit...
(The boy frowns and turns away.)
(Shot of a long-haired guy in the distance, sitting alone.)
And those no one wanted to sit with.
(He licks some food he is holding.)
(Shot of Winnie and another girl chatting as they approach the camera.)
Those with natural charm...
(Winnie taps the girl on the arm and gestures, and they pass the camera.)
And those...
(The camera stops on Slovosky and others at a table. Slovosky holds a Sloppy Joe.)
Who had to work for it.
SLOVOSKY: OK, everybody - watch! One bite!
(Slovosky stuffs the Sloppy Joe into his mouth. The others gesture and chant.)
GUYS: Go! Go! Go!
(Slovosky raises his arms in victory.)
(Close shot of a pan of Sloppy Joe sauce as it is stirred with a big spoon.)
(Shot of Kevin at the counter as the cook puts a spoonful of sauce on his bun. Music ends.)
Me...I was just an ordinary Joe...
(Kevin takes his tray and turns toward the camera which rolls back with him.)
Being served something unidentifiable by a guy in a hair-net.
(Kevin sets his tray on the rails as he picks up a carton of milk.)
Stocking up on waxy milk...
(Kevin lifts some type of brown food onto his plate with a spatula.)
And congealed blue-plate special.
(Kevin turns toward the camera and passes it.)
(Shot of Chuck standing in the aisle, holding his tray and looking past the camera, as Kevin joins him.)
Yeah. All in all...life was good.
(Chuck smiles and shakes his head slightly.)
CHUCK: I don't believe it.
(Kevin looks at him.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a girl in the distance as she sits down at a table.)
CHUCK (V/O): Isn't she beautiful?
(Shot of Kevin and Chuck looking at each other, then Chuck looks toward the girl off-screen as two girls cross the camera.)
Chuck Coleman had one obsession in life.
(Closer shot of the girl at the table as she flips her hair over her shoulder.)
Sheila McCaffrey - clarinet player.
CHUCK (V/O): I mean, she is hot!
KEVIN (V/O): Yeah, yeah, yeah...
(Wider shot of Kevin approaching the camera, as Chuck follows and gestures.)
CHUCK: I mean, not just regular hot - I mean, she is...
(Kevin frowns and rolls his eyes upward.)
KEVIN & CHUCK: Diaphanous.
(They turn and go across a row of tables.)
For the past three weeks, Chuck had been using that word. I'm pretty sure he thought it meant..."stacked".
KEVIN: So, why don't you just ask her out? (Frowns.)
(Chuck slows up.)
CHUCK: You can't just make a move on a girl like that! (Gestures.) You have to find the precise moment!
(Shot past Chuck of Kevin looking at him.)
CHUCK: The perfect thing to say. (Gestures.) The right shirt!
(Shot past Kevin of Chuck looking at him.)
Face it. The guy was scared witless.
(Shot past Chuck of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Chuck?
CHUCK: What?
KEVIN: We're here.
(Shot past Kevin of Chuck as he looks off slightly, as Kevin sits down.)
(Shot past Kevin of Ricky sitting at the table with his arms crossed.)
CHUCK (V/O): Hey, Ricky.
RICKY: Hey, guys.
(Chuck sets his tray next to Ricky and starts to sit down.)
That was the thing about lunch...
(Shot past Ricky of Kevin smiling slightly and looking off, then smiling at Ricky.)
You always sat with the same people because...well...
(Kevin sips his milk.)
You always sat with the same people.
(Wide shot of the three at the table as Kevin takes a bite of food. Ricky looks toward Chuck's tray, then turns toward Chuck.)
RICKY: Hey - I get the pickle.
(Chuck holds some food away from Ricky.)
RICKY: Please. (Frowns.)
(Chuck gives the pickle to Ricky, who nods. Paul approaches, wearing a blue jacket and white pants.)
PAUL: Hey, guys!
(Paul sets a light tan bag over the chair back, looks at the guys who are looking at him, and pauses.)
PAUL: What?
CHUCK: Nice tie. (Nods.)
(Shot past Chuck of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: What...
(Kevin looks at Chuck.)
KEVIN: Your mom dress you again? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Oh, very funny. Look, I-I got a debate tournament this afternoon...(shrugs)...I gotta look nice.
(Shot past Chuck and Ricky of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
Now, of course, Paul was the brain of our group.
(Shot of Paul as he takes off his jacket. He is wearing a white shirt and dark tie.)
So we treated him with the respect he deserved.
(Wider shot of all as Paul sets his jacket over the back of the chair. Some kids cross the camera.)
CHUCK: Well, sit down...before somebody sees you! (Laughs.)
PAUL: Oh, remind me to laugh. (Frowns.)
(Paul sits down. Another kid crosses the camera. Ricky looks at Paul.)
RICKY: Hey, are you gonna have those mashed potatoes?
PAUL: Ricky, I just got here.
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of Ricky and Chuck, and Alice in the aisle.)
ALICE: Ricky! Ricky!
(Ricky and Chuck look at her and frown.)
ALICE: Did you do your report for *Calvin's* class?
RICKY: Uh, report...(frowns)...what report?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly and looking toward Paul off-screen.)
ALICE (V/O): The report! The one that's due...
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen, then down.)
ALICE (V/O): Today!
(Shot past Ricky of Alice looking at him.)
ALICE: A thousand words on the day in the life of a citizen of ancient Rome - and if I don't get it done, I'm gonna fail.
(She looks forward.)
ALICE: I'm gonna look like an idiot! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Ricky looking at Alice off-screen. Kevin is in the background looking at them.)
RICKY: Are you sure it's due today?
(Shot past Ricky of Alice, as a student crosses the camera.)
ALICE: Fourteen people told me it was.
(Close shot of Ricky frowning at Alice off-screen. Kevin is in the background looking at them.)
RICKY: Well, well, how come we didn't know about it?
(Wider shot from behind Kevin and Paul as Alice stands up.)
ALICE: I have to go. (Gestures.) I have to find a pencil.
(She turns and collects her things from her table. Ricky looks forward as she exits.)
RICKY: Oh, my God!
(Shot past Ricky of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Ricky! Calm down.
RICKY: A thousand words...
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of Ricky and Chuck.)
RICKY: What am I gonna do?
(Ricky opens a book nervously.)
RICKY: I-I...I don't know...
(He leafs through the book quickly.)
It was inevitable.
(Shot past Ricky of Kevin taking a forkful of food.)
Every day, somewhere between fish sticks and Jell-O...
(Kevin sips some milk and looks at Ricky.)
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of Ricky and Chuck. Chuck is holding a pen up high and waving it while looking at Ricky.)
Ricky Halsenbach would have at least one academic crisis.
(Ricky takes the pen.)
(Shot past Chuck of Paul looking at Ricky off-screen.)
RICKY (V/O): OK, OK - I can do this.
(Shot past Ricky of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen and smiling slightly as he takes a forkful of food.)
RICKY: A day...
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of Ricky and Chuck as Ricky writes.)
RICKY: In the life...
(Shot past Ricky of Kevin looking at Ricky's paper as he rubs his lip.)
RICKY (V/O): Of...ancient Rome.
(Shot past Chuck of Paul rolling his eyes.)
RICKY (V/O): By...Ricky...
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of Ricky and Chuck as Ricky writes.)
RICKY: Holsenbach.
(Ricky moves his pen quickly across each word.)
RICKY: One-two-three-four-five...
(Shot past Chuck of Paul looking at Ricky off-screen.)
RICKY (V/O): Six, seven, eight, nine, ten...
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of Ricky and Chuck as Ricky writes.)
RICKY: Ricky...
(The guys nod and mouth simultaneously with Ricky.)
RICKY: David Halsenbach.
(Chuck smiles slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and looking toward Paul off-screen.)
Sure, we weren't exactly the "A" table...
(Kevin looks past Paul.)
(Wide shot of all as the boy wearing glasses and the pocket protector pauses behind Paul and Kevin.)
BOY: Excuse me...is-is this seat...
(Paul gestures.)
ALL: Taken...
But we had our standards.
(The boy walks off slowly.)
Such as they were.
(Close shot of Chuck looking toward Sheila off-screen, as he twitches nervously.)
CHUCK: Look at her, Kev...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Sheila off-screen.)
CHUCK (V/O): Doesn't she look...
(Close shot of Chuck looking toward Sheila off-screen.)
CHUCK: Just like Ali McGraw?
(Chuck blinks nervously.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Sheila in conversation with another girl.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Sheila off-screen, then frowning slightly and rising.)
KEVIN: I'm gonna get a soda.
(Wide shot of all as Kevin aproaches the camera as Paul watches him.)
Heck. Even I needed a break from these bozos once in awhile.
(Shot from behind Kevin as he walks away from the camera toward a soda machine against the far wall. Three guys are standing near it.)
Which in this case meant - a trip to the soda machine.
(Closer shot of the three guys as they separate slightly as Kevin approaches betwen them.)
In our cafeteria, it was...
GUY: So, Arnold.
(Kevin pauses in front of the machine and looks at the guy. A girl carrying a tray crosses the camera.)
GUY: How's it hangin'? (Shrugs.)
On the other side of the tracks.
(Shot past two guys of Kevin looking at them.)
(He glances at another guy off-screen.)
(Wide shot of all as Kevin faces the machine. Two girls cross the camera.)
Jimmy Donnelly, Joey Spinoza and Neal Pemish.
(Kevin glances at Donnelly.)
(Close shot of Donnelly glancing slighty at Pemish.)
Their school motto was...
(Close shot of Spinoza looking forward blankly.)
"We came, we left."
(Spinoza frowns slightly.)
(Wide shot of all as Kevin deposits a coin into the machine, then pushes the button. Donnelly kicks the soda machine, causing a can to fall.)
(Shot past Donnelly and Pemish of Kevin looking at them.)
KEVIN: Thanks.
(Kevin glances at them again, then bends down.)
(Wide shot of all as Kevin retrieves the soda.)
DONNELLY: So, Arnold...
(Kevin stands up.)
DONNELLY: We're, uh...ditchin' fifth and sixth period.
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Good for you.
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly looking at him.)
DONNELLY: Yeah, we're gonna see "The Devil in Miss Jones".
(Shot past Donnelly and Pemish of Kevin looking at them.)
KEVIN: Yeah, right!
(Close shot of Spinoza looking at Kevin off-screen.)
SPINOZA: Uh...wh-what's that supposed to mean? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Donnelly and Pemish of Kevin looking at Spinoza off-screen.)
KEVIN: It means it's X-rated!
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly looking at him.)
DONNELLY: Ooooooooh...(Frowns.)
(He looks at Pemish.)
(Wide shot of all as Pemish gestures with both hands.)
PEMISH: Whoa...
(Donnelly put his hand on Kevin's shoulder.)
DONNELLY: That's no problem.
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
DONNELLY: My cousin works the door - figured we'd take in a matinee.
(Wide shot of all.)
PEMISH: Yeah, we thought ya might want to come along.
DONNELLY: Yeah, we like you!
(Donnelly puts his hand on Kevn's shoulder again.)
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly looking at him.)
DONNELLY: We think you're great!
(Donnelly pulls away slightly.)
DONNELLY: Everybody says you're a really cool guy.
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin glancing at the guys.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Close shot of Spinoza looing at Kevin off-screen.)
SPINOZA: Plus, you got a car.
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly glancing off and gesturing.)
DONNELLY: Look, uh...
(He looks at Kevin and shrugs.)
DONNELLY: Pemish's carburetor blew up again, and, uh...(frowns)...we really thought you'd be the kind of guy who'd want to help us out.
(He raises an eyebrow slightly.)
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Well, I'm not.
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly frowning and looking down slightly.)
(Donnelly shrugs as he rubs his ear and looks off.)
DONNELLY: We, uh, understand - you, uh...you gotta get back to your geeky friends over there. (Nods.)
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: For your information, my friends are not geeks.
(Donnelly glances off.)
(Shot of Pemish, Donnelly and Kevin as Donnelly takes a step forward, and puts his arm around Kevin's shoulders.)
DONNELLY: Oh, yeah?
(Shot of Chuck, Paul, and Ricky, as Chuck balances a straw across his lip, and Paul and Ricky tug at something.)
PAUL: No, no.
(Shot of Donnelly and Kevin as Donnelly pats him on the stomach.)
DONNELLY: Proof's in the pudding, man.
(Kevin looks at Donnelly.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Anyway...I'm not interested, OK? (Nods.)
(Donnelly puts both hands on Kevin's shoulders.)
DONNELLY: Just think about it, Arnold.
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly looking at him.)
DONNELLY: That's all we ask - just think about it.
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him, as Donnelly removes his hands.)
KEVIN: Sure.
(Kevin glances at the other guys.)
KEVIN: I'll do that. (Frowns.)
(Shot of Pemish, Donnelly and Kevin as Kevin turns and approaches the camera.)
Let's face it - I wasn't the "ditching" type. I was more your average, everyday...
(Wayne walks past Kevin and snatches his soda.)
WAYNE: Thanks, butthead.
(Kevin turns toward Wayne.)
WAYNE: I need this, OK?!
KEVIN: Buy your own!
WAYNE: It's not for me! (Gestures.)
(A girl crosses the camera.)
WAYNE: It's for...
(They slowly turn away from the camera as some dramatic music plays. The camera pans over to a long-haired guy sitting at a table in the distance, hunched over some food.)
WAYNE (V/O): Him.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin looking at him off-screen.)
We called him "Maniac". You know the type.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Maniac as the boy with glasses and the pocket protector approaches him.)
You never knew where he came from...
(The boy sets his tray on the table.)
What he was thinking...
(Maniac looks up slowly and frowns at the boy.)
How many family members he might have killed...
(The boy nervously picks up his tray and exits.)
WAYNE (V/O): Some guys...
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin looking at him off-screen, as Wayne leans a little closer.)
WAYNE: Bet me twenty bucks I couldn't...(gestures)... find out Maniac's real name. Heh-heh. (Smiles.)
KEVIN: And you think a can of soda's gonna do it?
WAYNE: Nah-nah-nah-nah.
(Wayne glances at the soda can.)
WAYNE: This's just the ice-breaker.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Maniac looking after the boy off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): You're out of your mind.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin looking at Maniac off-screen, as Wayne smiles woodenly.)
WAYNE: Hey. For twenty bucks, I'd lick the paint off our house with my tongue. Heh-heh.
(They look at each other.)
I got news for ya.
(They look at Maniac off-screen.)
A year later - he did it, for ten.
(Close shot of Maniac chewing some chicken.)
WAYNE (V/O): Ah! Here we are.
(Wayne passes the camera.)
(Maniac looks up a Wayne takes a seat opposite him.)
WAYNE: You don't know me, but, uh...
(Shot from the end of the table of both in profile. Maniac is hunched over his food, and a brown bag and some food is scattered on the table.)
WAYNE: I'm Wayne Arnold, and...(points)...you would be?
(Shot past Wayne of Maniac looking at him as Wayne holds his hand out.)
(Shot past Maniac of Wayne looking at him and retracting his hand.)
(Shot from the end of the table of both in profile.)
WAYNE: Here.
(Wayne sets the can down and slides it forward.)
(Close shot of Maniac looking at Wayne off-screen as he chews slowly.)
WAYNE (V/O): Bottoms up! Heh-heh.
(Shot of Kevin walking toward the camera. Winnie hurries from a table behind him.)
WINNIE: Kevin?
(Kevin slows up.)
WINNIE (V/O): Wait!
(Kevin and turns toward her.)
KEVIN: Hey, Winnie!
(Winnie stops in front of him.)
WINNIE: You have a minute?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
Was she kidding? For Winnie - I had a lifetime.
(Wider shot of both.)
KEVIN: You bet. (Smiles.)
WINNIE: See...
(They start to walk forward slowly, and the camera rolls back with them.)
WINNIE: I volunteered to run this drive for McKinley...and I really need people to contribute. But you know how people are.
(Kevin looks forward.)
KEVIN: Yeah, I know.
(Winnie looks forward.)
WINNIE: They're so...apathetic.
(She looks at Kevin and shrugs slightly.)
WINNIE: So, I thought...
KEVIN: Winnie! (Gestures.) Winnie...
(They slow and turn toward each other.)
KEVIN: Count me in. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Great. (Smiles.)
("Winnie's Theme" plays.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her and smiling as the camera moves in slowly.)
After all, this was the love of my life.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking down.)
(She looks at Kevin and smiles.)
The future mother of my children.
(She looks down again.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her and smiling as the camera moves in slowly.)
There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her.
KEVIN: So...(shrugs)...what am I contributing?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen. "Winnie's Theme" ends.)
WINNIE: Blood.
(Winnie nods and smiles faintly.)
(Some squeaky "Twilight Zone" music plays.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen and pausing, then taking a little step backward.)
KEVIN: Blood? (Frowns.)
WINNIE (V/O): Kevin?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie moving closer, seductively.)
WINNIE: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't...really...important.
(Close shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
Oh, God - I was caught between sex and death!
(Close shot of Winnie lookng at Kevin off-screen and biting her lip slowly.)
Sex-death, sex-death.
(Close shot past Winnie of Kevin looking down at her mouth.)
(Kevin looks Winnie in the eye and shrugs.)
KEVIN: OK, I'll do it!
(Close shot of Winnie smiling broadly.)
WINNIE: Great! See you after lunch. (Smiles.)
(Shot of both as Winnie turns and exits past the camera.)
KEVIN: Great. (Smiles.)
(Kevin glances off and frowns slightly.)
KEVIN: Great.
(Kevin approaches the camera which rolls back with him.)
GUYS (V/O): Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
(Kevin passes the camera as Kovinsky bends over several cubes of Jell-O on the table as his buddies chant, and he sucks them up.)
(Wider shot of the cafeteria as Kevin approaches his table.)
Meanwhile, back at the zoo...
(Kevin sits down.)
(Shot past Paul of Ricky looking at his paper.)
RICKY: An ancient Roman...lived in a Roman house...with a Roman wife and spoke Roman to a lot of Roman people.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Ricky off-screen.)
RICKY (V/O): What do you think so far?
(Kevin looks toward Paul off-screen.)
(Shot past Chuck of Paul looking at Ricky off-screen and hesitating.)
PAUL: Don't change a word.
(Close shot of Chuck looking toward Sheila off-screen, then Kevin off-screen.)
CHUCK: Have you noticed Sheila's skin?
(Chuck looks toward Sheila off-screen again.)
(Shot of Sheila and some other girls at their table.)
CHUCK: It's not like regular skin.
(She flips her hair over her shoulder.)
(Close shot of Chuck looking at Sheila off-screen.)
CHUCK: It's like that thin paper that we use in typing class.
(Shot past Chuck of Paul slapping something on the table and looking at Chuck.)
PAUL: Sheila, Sheila - why don't you just go talk to her?
(Close shot of Chuck looking at Paul off-screen.)
CHUCK: I can't...
RICKY (V/O): Why not?
(Chuck looks toward Sheila off-screen and shrugs.)
CHUCK: She's eating. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Chuck of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: It's a cafeteria, Chuck. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Paul of Chuck looking at him.)
CHUCK: Paul, you can't ask a girl out when she's eating! (Frowns.)
(A boy crosses the camera.)
CHUCK: It's like a landmine. What happens if she smiles, and she has all these particles of tuna on her teeth?
(Shot of all four from behind chuck and Ricky. Everyone is looking at Chuck.)
CHUCK: She'd be humiliated. You can't recover from something like that.
KEVIN: Chuck, will ya stop acting like such a geek? (Frowns.)
CHUCK: Well, what do you mean?
KEVIN: If you want to ask her out...(gestures)...ask her out. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Chuck looking down and nodding slightly.)
And, from small ideas do great decisions grow.
(He looks at Kevin off-screen as a boy crosses the camera.)
CHUCK: You're right, Kevin.
(Chuck stands up.)
(Wider shot of Chuck as he smoothes his shirt inside his pants.)
So began that long march.
(A version of "The Addam's Family Theme" (?) plays.)
(Shot of Paul, Kevin and Ricky looking toward Chuck off-screen.)
That test of fortitude and manhood.
(Shot from behind Chuck as he walks forward stiffly. The camera rolls forward with him, as he bends down out of the shot.)
PAUL (V/O): What's he doing?
(Several students cross the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin, Paul and Ricky. They are turned around in their chairs, looking at Chuck off-screen.)
KEVIN: He's tying his shoes. (Frowns.)
(Ricky puts his hand on his face.)
PAUL: But he's got loafers on. (Frowns.)
(Shot of Chuck as he stands up.)
PAUL (V/O): OK - here we go.
(The music resumes as Chuck walks forward, followed by the camera. Chuck pauses, and smoothes the back of his shirt inside his pants.)
KEVIN (V/O): Now, what?
PAUL (V/O): He's tucking in his shirt.
(Shot of Kevin, Paul and Ricky looking at Chuck off-screen. Ricky half stands and gestures.)
RICKY: It's tucked, ya doofus!
(Shot from behind Chuck as he pauses, looks off, and waves.)
PAUL (V/O): Who's he waving at?
(Chuck continues forward.)
PAUL (V/O): OK - he's gonna do it now.
(Chuck turns around, with a worried look on his face and approaches the camera, twitching nervously. The camera rolls back.)
PAUL (V/O): He's running away.
KEVIN (V/O): What's the matter with him?
(Shot past Ricky of Paul and Kevin looking at each other.)
PAUL: He did better than I thought he would...(Gestures.)
(Kevin looks toward Chuck as he approaches and reaches for his chair.)
KEVIN: What happened? (Gestures.)
RICKY: You were right there!
(Close shot of Chuck as he sits down.)
CHUCK: My part was off.
(Shot of all four from behind Chuck and Ricky.)
PAUL: You're so full of it. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Paul of Chuck looking at them.)
CHUCK: I'll ask her out later! (Frowns.)
(Shot past Chuck of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Well, if she turns you down, you can always go out with the guy...
(Shot past Paul of Chuck looking at him.)
PAUL (V/O): With the hair-net.
CHUCK: Shut up, Pfeiffer! (Frowns.)
(Shot of all four from behind Chuck and Ricky.)
PAUL: Maybe you could take him to the prom.
(Paul glances at Kevin and laughs. Kevin smiles.)
(Shot past Paul of Chuck twitching nervously.)
(Shot of all four from behind Chuck and Ricky as Paul, Kevin and Ricky laugh.)
But it was almost as if Paul's sarcasm...
(Paul picks up his Sloppy Joe.)
Had aroused the anger of the lunch gods.
(Close shot of Paul smiling as he starts to take a bite. Most of the Sloppy Joe slides out of the bun and makes a "splat" sound. Paul looks down and frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul's pants off-screen.)
(Shot past Chuck of Paul dropping his Sloppy Joe and standing up quickly. He has a 5-inch wide glob of Sloppy Joe sauce on his pants between the pocket and zipper.)
PAUL: My pants!
(Closer shot of Paul's pants.)
And they smote him down...with...
(Paul watches a boy cross the camera.)
Four ounces of ground beef...
(Paul sits down.)
And a can of tomato sauce.
(Music "Oom, Mow, Mow" plays as the guys laugh.)
(Close shot of Chuck looking at Paul off-screen and laughing.)
(Shot past Chuck of Paul looking down and frowning.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Chuck and laughing, then looking down.)
Fade to
(Clip of Henry Kissinger getting out of a car and smiling as he approaches a Chinese man. March-like music plays.)
It was halfway through lunch.
(Clip of Henry Kissinger walking though a doorway and shaking hands with a Chinese man.)
In Paris, peace talks were getting under way.
(Clip of John Erhlichman frowning as he walks next to a car in the street.)
While in Washington...
(Clip of John Haldeman speaking and nodding.)
Five campaign workers were breaking in...
(Clip of the Watergate hotel.)
To Democratic headquarters.
Cut to
Int. Day - Cafeteria
(Shot past Chuck of Paul and Kevin as Paul rubs his pants with a napkin.)
But we at McKinley had more pressing concerns.
PAUL: It's not getting any better!
(Kevin looks toward the stain, then looks forward.)
KEVIN: Paul, take it easy. (Frowns.)
(Shot of Ricky and Chuck. Ricky is looking at his paper.)
PAUL (V/O): "Easy"? How am I gonna debate this afternoon with...
(Shot of Paul and Kevin.)
PAUL: Sloppy Joe on my pants?
(Kevin looks at Paul.)
KEVIN: Paul, it's not that -
(Kevin looks toward the stain and pauses, then looks at Paul.)
KEVIN: Maybe no one'll see it.
(Shot of Wayne and Maniac. Food is scattered all around Maniac's tray. He holds a Twinkie, poking it with a pocket-knife.)
WAYNE: So, I...notice you eat alone all the time.
(Shot past Wayne of Maniac looking at his Twinkie.)
WAYNE: Bet you'd like some friends. Heh.
(Maniac looks at Wayne.)
(Shot past Maniac of Wayne looking at him.)
WAYNE: Hey, I got an idea! (Gestures.) Um, maybe if I...knew your name, I could introduce you around...(gestures)...you know...get to know some people. (Gestures.)
(Shot past Wayne of Maniac looking at Wayne.)
(Shot past Maniac of Wayne looking at him.)
WAYNE: So, you have any hobbies? (Frowns.)
(Some of Maniac's Twinkie falls onto his tray.)
(Shot of Ricky and Chuck as Ricky looks up.)
RICKY: Hey - do any of you guys know how to spell "org-y"?
(Chuck looks up and sighs.)
(Shot of Paul and Kevin looking at Ricky off-screen.)
KEVIN: It's "orgy", Ricky. "O", "R", "G", Y".
(Shot of Ricky and Chuck as Ricky looks at his paper, and Chuck looks off and frowns, shaking his head.)
CHUCK: I shoulda asked her out.
(Shot of Sheila smiling and talking to another girl at her table.)
CHUCK (V/O): I'm spineless. That's what I am.
(Shot of Ricky and Chuck.)
CHUCK: If they cut me open, I wouldn't have a spine. I blew it.
(Shot of Paul and Kevin. Paul is looking down as he works on his stain. Kevin looks at Chuck off-screen.)
CHUCK (V/O): I totally blew it.
KEVIN: Chuck, it'll be OK.
(Shot of Sheila as she stands up.)
CHUCK (V/O): Oh, no.
(She puts her purse strap over her shoulder and collects her books.)
CHUCK (V/O): Oh, no.
(Shot of Ricky looking at Chuck as Chuck looks at Shelia off-screen.)
CHUCK: Here she comes. (Frowns.)
(Shot of Paul and Kevin looking at Chuck off-screen.)
(They look over their shoulders toward Sheila off-screen.)
CHUCK (V/O): I gotta talk to her.
(Shot of Sheila holding her tray as she starts to exit.)
CHUCK (V/O): I gotta talk to her.
(Shot of Ricky looking at Chuck as Chuck looks at Sheila off-screen.)
CHUCK: I can't.
(Chuck shakes his head.)
CHUCK: I'm not ready. (Gestures.)
(Chuck looks toward Paul and Kevin off-screen.)
CHUCK: I can't do it. I got to. I can't. I can't.
(Chuck looks at Sheila off-screen.)
(Shot of Sheila and another girl approaching the camera.)
CHUCK (V/O): I got to.
(Shot of Paul and Kevin looking over their shoulders.)
CHUCK (V/O): I got to.
(They look forward.)
(Shot of Ricky writng on his paper as Chuck looks at Sheila off-screen.)
CHUCK: Uh...I can't. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't.
(Chuck starts to stand up, holding his tray.)
(Shot from behind Chuck as he steps in front of Sheila.)
CHUCK: Stop...please.
(Shot past Sheila and Chuck's trays of Paul and Kevin looking at him off-screen.)
(Close shot of Chuck looking at Sheila off-screen and swallowing nervously.)
CHUCK: Hi...
(Close shot of Sheila smiling at Chuck off-screen.)
(Close shot of Chuck looking at Sheila off-screen and nodding as he chews his gum.)
CHUCK: I'm Chuck. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Sheila looking at Chuck off-screen.)
SHEILA: Hi. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Chuck looking at Sheila off-screen as he swallows his gum and frowns slightly.)
CHUCK: I was just wondering, um...if maybe you'd like to...
(Chuck blinks nervously.)
CHUCK: Uh...go out sometime.
(Shot past Sheila and Chuck's trays of Paul and Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
Amazing. After three months, Chuck had finally done it.
(Close shot of Sheila looking off and smiling.)
SHEILA: Gee, Chuck...
(She looks at Chuck off-screen.)
SHEILA: That'd be nice. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Chuck looking at Sheila off-screen.)
And hit pay-dirt.
CHUCK: Great. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Sheila smiling at Chuck off-screen.)
(Shot past Sheila and Chuck's trays of Paul and Kevin looking at them off-screen. Chuck starts to nervously shake his tray. )
And that's when it happened.
(Shot past Chuck of Sheila looking at his tray and frowning slightly.)
(Shot past Sheila of Chuck looking at her as he shakes his tray.)
CHUCK: Uh, how about Friday?
(Shot past Chuck of Sheila looking at his tray.)
(She looks off and frowns.)
SHEILA: Uh, Friday...
(She makes a little face and looks at Chuck.)
SHEILA: I have band practice this Friday.
(Shot past Sheila of Chuck looking at her as he shakes his tray.)
CHUCK: Saturday - uh, we could go skating.
(Shot past Chuck of Sheila looking up and off.)
(She looks at Chuck.)
SHEILA: Gee...guests from out of town.
(Shot past Sheila of Chuck looking at her as he shakes his tray.)
It was horrible. Right before our eyes...
(Shot past Sheila and Chuck's trays of Paul and Kevin looking at them off-screen. The shaking increases.)
The kid was twitching his way toward total self-destruction.
CHUCK (V/O): Uh, how about next weekend?
(Shot past Chuck of Sheila looking at him.)
SHEILA: Uh, I think I'm gonna have to study that weekend.
(She starts to step sideways.)
(Shot past Sheila of Chuck stepping in front of her.)
CHUCK: The weekend after that?
(Shot past Chuck of Sheila looking past him a moment, then looking at him.)
SHEILA: I may have band festival. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Sheila of Chuck looking at her as he shakes his tray.)
CHUCK: Um, you know, maybe we should just try this, ya know, when you're not so busy.
(Shot past Chuck of Sheila looking at his tray.)
(She looks at him.)
SHEILA: It was great talking to you.
(She exits past Chuck and the camera.)
CHUCK: Yeah.
(Chuck frowns and looks after her off-screen.)
(Shot past Chuck of Sheila walking away from the camera. Chuck stops shaking his tray slowly, and looks toward the guys off-screen.)
(Shot past Chuck of Paul and Kevin looking at him.)
(Shot of Ricky as Chuck sits down and looks off. Some Snuffy guitar plays.)
And in that moment...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Chuck off-screen.)
I guess we all searched our hearts for the right thing to say.
(Shot of Ricky and Chuck. Ricky pauses in writing and looks at Paul and Kevin off-screen.)
The caring thing. The sensitive thing.
(Shot of Paul and Kevin.)
PAUL: Kev - you gotta take me to the bathroom.
(Kevin turns toward him.)
KEVIN: What?!
PAUL: I can't let anyone see me like this.
(Kevin looks off.)
KEVIN: Paul!
PAUL: Just - just - just walk in front of me.
Cut to
Int. Rest Room
(Shot of the door as Kevin enters, closely followed by Paul walking in the same stride. Kevin looks around a divider.)
KEVIN: You can come out now, Paul. (Frowns.)
(Paul leans past Kevin slightly.)
PAUL: Is anybody in here? (Frowns.)
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
KEVIN: Paul...(Frowns.)
I mean, hey...
(Kevin walks past the camera.)
I led the horse to water...
(The camera pans with Paul as he hurries to a sink and gets a paper towel from the dispenser.)
What he did now was up to him.
(Paul folds the paper towel into quarters, looks at his pants, then looks at Kevin.)
PAUL: Kev - I think it spread.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Paul - stop worrying. You'll get it out. Besides...
(Kevin glances off.)
(Shot of the doorway as Donnelly enters, followed by Spinoza and Pemish.)
KEVIN (V/O): No one's even gonna see it.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking toward the door off-screen. Paul looks over his shoulder.)
(Shot of Donnelly, Spinoza and Pemish approaching the camera.)
SPINOZA: Hey...(points)...nice stain, Pfeiffer!
(Spinoza and Pemish laugh.)
(Shot of Paul looking at his pants, then the trio, who are reflected in the mirror.)
PAUL: It's Sloppy Joe!
(Shot of Donnelly, Spinoza and Pemish. Spinoza and Pemish nod at each other as Donnelly looks at Paul off-screen.)
DONNELLY: Yeah, right.
(Donnelly looks at Kevin off-screen.)
DONNELLY: So, Arnold?
(Donnelly crosses his arms and approaches the camera.)
DONNELLY: Made up your mind, yet?
(Shot of Kevin looking at Donnelly as Donnelly pauses in front of him.)
KEVIN: About what?
(Wider shot from behind Kevin of Donnelly and his buddies. Paul looks at them from the background.)
DONNELLY: The movie. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
DONNELLY (V/O): You know, "The Devil in Miss Jones".
(Close shot of Paul looking at them as he rubs the stain on his pants.)
KEVIN (V/O): Oh.
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Listen guys. I don't think I'm gonna go.
DONNELLY (V/O): Know what your problem is Arnold?
(Donnelly steps a little closer.)
DONNELLY: You think too much, you know that?
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly looking at him.)
DONNELLY: So you miss a few classes - so what?
And faced with a logic like that...
(Shot past Donnelly of Kevin looking at him.)
There was only one thing to say.
PAUL (V/O): Kevin...
(Kevin looks toward Paul off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly turning toward Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): You can't cut school!
(Wide shot of all as Donnelly turns toward Paul, who steps toward the sink.)
PAUL: You can get into a lot of trouble that way.
(Close shot of Paul looking down as he rubs the stain.)
PAUL: Or you could get suspended. What if someone finds out?
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): What about your parents? Just think...
(Close shot of Paul looking up slightly.)
PAUL: How your mother will feel...if she found out you went to a dirty movie.
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly looking at Paul off-screen with his arms crossed, then at Kevin.)
(Shot of Paul pausing and looking up.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
And standing there, listening to a guy with chopped meat on his pants...
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Preach the ten commandments of geekdom...
(Shot past Kevin of Donnelly looking him.)
The decision seemed pretty clear.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Donnelly off-screen, then Paul off-screeen.)
KEVIN: Good luck on the debate, Paul.
(Kevin steps toward the camera.)
(Wider shot of all as Kevin pauses.)
KEVIN: Let's go, guys.
(Kevin exits toward the door. Donnelly pats Paul on the shoulder and follows Kevin to the door. Music "Peter Gunne Theme" - Henry Mancini starts.)
Cut to
School Hallway
(Shot of Kevin and Donnelly leading Spinoza and Pemish down the stairs.)
After all, I wasn't just doing this for me.
(The camera pans over to Kevin as he approaches.)
I was doing it for the reputation of my entire lunch table.
(The camera rolls back with Kevin.)
OK...I was doing it for me.
(Shot down the hallway of the trophy cases against the far wall as the guys round the corner and approach.)
Still, as we marched down that hall, I felt a thrill of exhilaration.
(Shot from behind the guys as they head for the doorway in the background.)
I was taking a walk on the wild side with guys who knew the terrain.
(Shot through the windows of the doors as the guys approach.)
It was intoxicating, dangerous...
(Dr. Valenti walks out of a side hallway behind the boys as Kevin and Donnelly push the doors open.)
(Shot from behind the boys in the doorway. The music ends.)
DR. VALENTI (V/O): Where are you goin'?
(They pause, then turn around.)
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti looking at them off-screen.)
DR. VALENTI: What are you doing?
(Shot of the four boys as they take a step forward. Donnelly presses his hands against himself.)
(Shot past Spinoza, Donnelly and Kevin of Dr. Valenti looking at them.)
DR. VALENTI: Yeah, you.
(Close shot of Donnelly looking down and frowning as he puffs out his cheeks.)
DONNELLY: Well...(shrugs)...w-
(He pauses.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Dr. Valenti off-screen to Donnelly off-screen.)
Guess it was clear someone...
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti looking at them off-screen.)
Was gonna take the rap.
(Close shot of Donnelly frowning at Dr. Valenti off-screen as he points toward Kevin.)
DONNELLY: We were following him.
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
SPINOZA (V/O): Yeah.
(Kevin looks toward Spinoza with surprise.)
(Close shot of Spinoza looking at Kevin off-screen.)
SPINOZA: W-where were you taking us, Kevin?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Dr. Valenti off-screen.)
KEVIN: Uh...
(The camera moves in slowly as heartbeats are heard.)
And at that moment, I saw my entire academic career flash before my eyes. I saw my mother wringing her hands.
(Kevin looks toward Donnelly off-screen.)
I saw my father wringing my neck.
(Kevin looks at Dr. Valenti off-screen.)
KEVIN: We...
(Kevin nods and looks at Donnelly off-screen.)
KEVIN: Were just going -
WINNIE (V/O): Kevin?!
(Kevin looks toward Winnie off-screen as the heartbeats end.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie exiting a door into the hallway and approaching, smiling tightly.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Winnie!
(Shot of Dr. Valenti looking at Winnie off-screen, slightly puzzled.)
(Close shot of Winnie approaching and smiling.)
WINNIE: Kevin! You gonna donate blood now?
(Close shot of Dr. Valenti looking at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Donnelly.)
DONNELLY: Blood? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Dr. Valenti off-screen.)
KEVIN: Blood! (Nods.)
(Kevin glances at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie smiling at Kevin off-screen as Snuffy-music starts.)
Cut to
Nurse's Office
(Wide shot of the guys sitting around a circular table. A nurse is in the background. The camera circles slowly as Kevin sips from a cup.)
That afternoon, we didn't get to see "The Devil in Miss Jones". But we did get free juice and cookies.
(The nurse approaches Donnelly.)
NURSE: Are we feeling better, Mr. Donnelly?
(Donnelly looks at the nurse, then looks forward, and faints onto the table. Sound of a cash register.)
Cut to
(High wide shot of the cafeteria.)
It was ten minutes to the hour. And the drama of lunch was hurtling toward its final curtain.
(Shot from the edge of the table of Wayne and Maniac looking at each other.)
WAYNE: Look! I'll level with you. I made a bet for twenty dollars, that I could find out your name.
(Wayne looks down and fishes in his pocket.)
WAYNE: Now, I'll give you...
(Wayne spreads a bill on the table and pats it.)
WAYNE: Ten bucks right now...(frowns)...if you will just...(gestures)...tell me your name!
(Shot past Wayne of Maniac, as a student crosses the camera.)
WAYNE (V/O): Please!
(Shot past Maniac of Wayne as he bites his nails and glances around.)
(Shot past Wayne of Maniac looking at him.)
MANIAC: Florence.
(Shot past Maniac of Wayne looking at him and pausing.)
WAYNE: Excuse me?
(Shot past Wayne of Maniac looking at the money.)
MANIAC: My name's Florence.
(Shot from the edge of the table of both as Florence slowly slides the money toward himself. Wayne frowns, then looks at him.)
WAYNE: Florence.
(Shot past Maniac of Wayne looking at him and nodding slightly.)
WAYNE: Well...(smiles)...thanks a lot! I'll never forget this, Florence! Hee-hee.
(Wayne starts to stand up.)
FLORENCE (V/O): Just one thing.
(Wayne sits down again.)
(Close shot past Wayne of Florence looking at him.)
FLORENCE: If I find out you told anyone, I swear I'll kill you.
(Shot past Florence of Wayne looking at him and pausing.)
(Close shot past Wayne of Florence frowning at him as he flips open his knife.)
(Shot past Florence of Wayne looking at him, as Florence slowly turns the knife upside down.)
(Shot from the edge of the table of both as Florence sticks the knife into the table. The music ends on a final chord.)
(Shot of Ricky and Chuck at the table as Kevin approaches. Ricky is writing. Chuck is absent-mindedly playing with a straw.)
Still, in those waning seconds...
(Kevin sits down.)
It was time for a moment of teenage compassion.
KEVIN: Hey, Chuck...
(Chuck looks up at him.)
(Shot past Chuck of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: How ya doin'?
(Shot past Kevin of Chuck looking down and shrugging slightly.)
CHUCK: OK. I guess.
(Closer shot past Chuck of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Ya know...(frowns)...I really didn't think she was that hot, anyway.
(Closer shot past Kevin of Chuck looking down and snorting slightly as he shakes his head.)
CHUCK: Yeah...
(Chuck looks off, then at Kevin as he shrugs.)
CHUCK: Neither did I. (Smiles.)
(Closer shot past Chuck of Kevin looking at him and snorting slightly.)
RICKY (V/O): There!
(Wider shot of all three as a girl crosses the camera. Kevin and Chuck look at Ricky.)
RICKY: I did it. I finished it!
(Ricky looks up and smiles at Kevin as he gathers his papers.)
(Shot past Chuck of Kevin looking at Ricky off-screen.)
KEVIN: A thousand words?
(Shot of all three as Ricky looks at his paper.)
RICKY: Yeah! Ya know, it's pretty good.
(Ricky glances at Kevin as he taps his paper.)
RICKY: I think I might actually get a "C" on this. (Smiles.)
(Ricky starts to stand up as Alice hurries to the far side of the table. Kevin stands slowly.)
ALICE: Ricky, Ricky - did you finish your report?!
(Shot past Alice of Ricky looking at his paper.)
RICKY: Yeah - I just got it done. (Smiles.)
ALICE: You did?
(Shot past Ricky of Alice frowning at him.)
ALICE: It's not fair! (Sighs.) I couldn't do mine - I drew a blank.
(Shot past Alice of Ricky looking at her.)
RICKY: I'm sorry, Alice.
(Shot past Ricky of Alice looking at him.)
ALICE: I'm gonna get an "F" - my parents are gonna kill me! I'm not gonna get into fashion school! (Frowns.)
(Shot past Alice of Ricky looking down and frowning.)
But most of all...
(Ricky looks at Alice.)
There was still time...
(Shot of all. Kevin and Chuck are standing and holding their trays.)
For heroes to emerge.
(Ricky glances at them, then his paper.)
Heroes as noble and virtuous...
(Shot past Alice of Ricky frowning as he thumbs through his paper, then looking at her.)
As the Roman gods. Or, as simple as...
RICKY: Here, Alice. Take mine. (Smiles.) I don't need to go to fashion school.
Ricky Halsenbach.
(Close shot past Ricky of Alice frowning at the paper, then Ricky.)
ALICE: You'd do that for me?
(Close shot of Ricky looking down and smiling as he sighs slightly, then looking at Alice off-screen.)
RICKY: I want to.
(Shot past Ricky of Alice slowly smiling at Ricky, then looking at the paper, and smiling at Ricky again.)
(Shot past Alice of Ricky smiling at her. Snuffy's guitar starts.)
And, there ya had it.
(Close shot of Chuck looking at them off-screen, then glancing at Kevin off-screen and smiling slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Chuck off-screen.)
Where romances bloomed and died...
(Kevin looks at Alice and Chuck off-screen.)
And returned again.
(Shot of Ricky and Alice walking off together as she smiles.)
Like last weeks leftover tuna casserole.
(They approach the camera between two tables as Alice looks at the paper, then looks at Ricky.)
ALICE: What's an "org-y"? (Frowns.)
(They turn and walk away from the camera, passing Kovosky and others at a table.)
Where the fondest dreams and aspirations of young adults...
(The camera moves in slightly on Slovosky.)
Reached their zenith...
(Slovosky points at the other guys.)
SLOVOSKY: Hey, tomorrow, guys...tomorrow - eighteen chili-dogs. And, I'm gonna go to bed without brushing my teeth.
(He slaps the table and laughs, then picks up his tray and approaches the camera, which pans with him.)
And the quest for knowledge became its own reward.
(Slovosky exits as the camera moves in on Wayne standing next to a table and frowning as he hands out some money to four guys at the table.)
(The camera pulls back as Wayne hands out money.)
Maybe all those dramas played out over lunch weren't really dramas after all.
(Kevin and Chuck walk past the camera with their trays, looking at each other. The camera continues to pull back.)
CHUCK: Did you ever notice how hot Sara Brockman looks in shorts? I mean, not just hot...but diaphanous.
(The camera rises as Snuffy's guitar plays.)
Still looking back...they sure seemed that way.
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Chuck - Andrew Mark Berman
Ricky - Scott Nemes
Alice - Lindsay Sloane
Donnelly - Seth Green
Spinoza - Demian Slade
Dr. Valenti - Richard Fancy
Florence - Richard Stay
Sheila - Laurel Moglen
"Oom, Mow, Mow" - The Rivington's

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Episode Info
Wonder Years Menu
09/22/00 11:45