Episode 73 - Frank and Denise

(Music - "Only You" starts, and plays throughout the next few scenes.)
(Shot from under a school desk of a girl's crossed legs. She sticks a wad of gum to the bottom of the desk, in the middle of a heart with the initials "R.G. + S.M" in it. )
Poets say love comes and goes in a heartbeat.
(Shot of a mop cleaning off a restroom wall, which has "Eddie loves Mary" written inside a large heart.)
Unfortunately, in high school, it goes more than it comes.
Cut to
Ext. Day - School
(Wide shot of the school as kids approach. The camera slowly lowers and pans a "No Parking" sign, toward the parking lot.)
Still, in my high school, there was one couple whose love soared above all others...
(Sound of screeching tires.)
Like a winged chariot.
(An orange-red souped-up car (Chevelle SS?) makes a quick stop in front of the camera - in the "No Parking" area.)
(Close shot of the glass-pack muffler and asphalt, as a pair of black boots and Levi's step out.)
The guy guys feared.
(Close shot of the passenger-door handle as the guy opens the door. The camera pans to the girl, who is holding a cigarette.)
The girl girls talked about.
(The camera pulls back slightly, and pans with the girl as she gets out, stands next to the guy, and puffs.)
Denise Lovell and Francis Stanavukovich.
(Denise drops the cigarette on the ground.)
FRANK: Those things'll kill ya.
DENISE: So will you.
(They hold each other and kiss.)
Better known as "Frank the Stank", and "Denise the Grease".
(Bell rings.)
Cut to
School Hallway
(Shot of Denise decending the stairs. The camera rolls back with her.)
Frank and Denise weren't the cutest couple in school, or the most popular, and they definitely weren't the most likely to succeed.
(Denise pauses near a Red Cross donation box. She takes of the white sweater draped over her shoulders, and drops it in the box.)
Cut to
Auto Shop
(Shot of Frank, in a white sleeveless T-shirt, standing next to his car, steam-cleaning the motor. The camera zooms in slowly on Frank, who has a worried look on his face.)
But they lived in a special world, where vows were made, promises kept, and hearts were never broken.
Cut to
Ext. Night - School Football Field
(Shot of cheerleaders cheering.)
(The camera rolls past them to the football team, which rises from the bench and moves onto the field.)
(Close shot of Frank in his uniform, #55. He is looking toward the stands, off-screen.)
They had a bond between them that you could almost see.
(Close shot of Denise smiling, and standing up and clapping.)
A bond that seemed to strengthen them in everything they did.
(Close shot of Frank putting on his helmet, then turning away toward the field.)
(Shot from the line of scrimmage of Frank, playing middle-linebacker, as the ball is snapped: "Hut!")
(Frank runs through the line of scrimmage, right up to the camera.)
(Shot from the line of scrimmage of the opposing quarterback. The camera rolls toward him as the QB pitches the ball to the fullback. Frank tackles the FB.)
They were a constant in a changing universe.
(Close shot of Denise standing up and smiling, holding her necklace.)
Something rock-solid.
(Close shot of Frank turning toward the stands, and raising both arms.)
(Close shot of Denise smiling, kissing the necklace, then clapping.)
A living monument to love.
(The camera pans over to Kevin and Lewis, sitting a few rows back. Kevin claps, and looks from Denise toward the field, and cheers.)
(Music ends.)
Cut to
Mr. Lemkur's Poetry Class
(Close shot of Mr. Lemkur seated at his desk, looking at his bowl of goldfish.)
MR. LEMKUR: Love? Hah! Love, my little untutored charges...
(He touches the bowl with one finger, as the camera pulls back slightly.)
MR. LEMKUR: Is a joke - a sham. And never what it appears to be.
(Mr. Lemkur opens a small book.)
Weird Mr. Lemkur. Couture by Salvation Army - posture...by Quasimodo.
(Mr. Lemkur stands up.)
(Wide shot up the aisle from the back of the classroom. Mr. Lemkur walks around to the front of his desk, and leans back on it.)
Words were his only passion. Boring us with them - his only joy.
MR. LEMKUR: And now let's see what Keats had to say on the subject, shall we?
(Mr. Lemkur looks at the book.)
With all respect to the great poets...
(Close shot of Kevin looking a little bored.)
Third-period English left one or two things to be desired.
(The camera pulls back to reveal Denise sitting in the desk in front of Kevin.)
Denise "The Grease" was both of them.
MR. LEMKUR (V/O): "Light feet, dark violet eyes and parted hair..."
(Close shot of the back of Denise's head, as the camera pans down her back.)
MR. LEMKUR (V/O): "Soft dimpled hands, ripe neck..."
(The camera moves over slightly to show...)
MR. LEMKUR (V/O): "And creamy breast..."
(Close shot of Kevin gazing forward in thought.)
MR. LEMKUR (V/O): "Are things on which the dazzled senses rest".
(Close shot of Mr. Lemkur as he stands up and puts his hands behind his back.)
MR. LEMKUR: And what was Keats saying, here, hmm?
(Mr. Lemkur glances around the room.)
MR. LEMKUR: Kevin.
(Shot from Mr. Lemkur's perspective of Denise, and Kevin behind her.)
(Close shot of Mr. Lemkur nodding.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, he's s-saying that, uh...creamy b-
(Kevin glances toward Denise, off-screen.)
(Close shot from behind Denise as she turns around and looks at Kevin.)
Oh, boy...
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: That, you know...it's, it's all kinda...dazzling.
(Shot of Mr. Lemkur.)
MR. LEMKUR: Right!
(Shot of Denise and Kevin. He smiles, as she turns forward.)
MR. LEMKUR (V/O): Now...
(Wide shot up the aisle from the back of the classroom.)
MR. LEMKUR: About the poems I assigned for your report...
(Shot from Mr. Lemkur's perspective of Denise, and Kevin behind her.)
MR. LEMKUR (V/O): Uh, Miss Lovell...would, uh, you recite what Swift has to say about amour?
(Denise stands, and approaches the camera.)
DENISE: Why not? (Smiles.)
(Shot up the aisle as Denise walks to the front of the class.)
MR. LEMKUR: I trust you intend to finish our class, this term?
DENISE: Third time's a charm.
(Close shot of Mr. Lemkur.)
MR. LEMKUR: Last year it was mono...what was it the year before...?
(Mr. Lemkur looks off in thought and shakes his head.)
(Close shot of Denise holding her open book.)
DENISE: Female problems.
(Close shot of Mr. Lemkur. He clears his throat.)
MR. LEMKUR: Ah...right...
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Denise off-screen.)
Hey, ya had to admit - she had a certain way about her.
(Shot up the aisle from the back of the classroom. Denise reads from the book.)
DENISE: "Modern love is no such thing, and what those ancient poets sing".
(Closer shot of Denise, and Mr. Lemkur beside her.)
DENISE: "A fire celestial chaste refined."
(Shot of Kevin glancing off, then back.)
And even if none of us knew what she was saying - who cared?
(Shot past Mr. Lemkur of Denise. The camera moves in on her slowly.)
DENISE: "Which having found an equal flame, unites and both become the same."
(Close shot of Kevin listening. The camera moves in slowly.)
DENISE (V/O): In different breasts together burn..."
(Close shot of Denise looking up, then back to the book. The camera moves in slowly.)
DENISE: "Together both, to ashes turn.
(Denise looks up, and a tear rolls down her cheek.)
DENISE: "But women now feel no such fire, and only know the gross desire."
(Denise looks up, in Kevin's direction. She looks down again.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking mildly concerned.)
I couldn't believe my eyes. Denise "The Grease" was crying.
(Shot of Denise looking down, as she returns to her seat. She glances at Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
(Shot of Denise and Kevin as she sits down.)
MR. LEMKUR (V/O): There...you see - you see - you see?
(Close shot of Mr. Lemkur.)
MR. LEMKUR: Swift knew what he was talkin' about! (Smiles.)
(Shot of Denise and Kevin behind her. She is looking down.)
And the strange thing was, even though I didn't know much more about her than the color of her bra-strap, I suddenly wanted to reach out and comfort her. But who was I to talk to her?
(Bell rings.)
Cut to
Kevin's Locker
(Kevin is at his open locker.)
DENISE (V/O): Calvin!
(Kevin turns around, surprised. Denise approaches him.)
Unless...she talked to you first.
DENISE: I have to do a report on that poem...you really understood it, didn't ya?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling, as he closes his locker behind him.)
Now, of course, I didn't even understand the title.
(Close shot of Denise as she puts a stick of gum in her mouth.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Uh...well, most of it!
(He shrugs and smiles.)
(Close shot of Denise.)
DENISE: Can you help me out with something?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
KEVIN: Sure!
(Shot of Kevin and Denise, as they walk toward the camera, which rolls with them.)
DENISE: You know where he says "laid on the fall to other sex..." Do you think that's the crux of what he's saying? That men and women blame each other for everything?
Lemme see here...
(Kevin looks off.)
What did "crux" mean again?
(Kevin smiles at Denise.)
KEVIN: Yeah!
(They turn a corner and continue to walk in the crowded hallway.)
Heck, I'd have said "yes" to anything. Denise "The Grease" was talking to me! Calvin Arnold.
DENISE: So if you had to sum up what Swift is saying, how would you do it?
KEVIN: Uh...well - he's just talkin' about the whole...man-woman...woman-man thing.
DENISE: Right, right.
(Frank is catching up behind them.)
DENISE: Even in Swift's time, love has always been -
(Frank barges between them, pushing Kevin out of the way.)
FRANK: Love has always been what?
(They stop walking.)
KEVIN: Uh...
DENISE: A hassle.
(Close shot of Frank. He is wearing dark-glasses.)
FRANK: Well, ya got that right!
(Frank pulls his glasses down and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
FRANK: Look, we gotta talk.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: We do?
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: Not you, dirt clod!
(Close shot of Denise frowning.)
DENISE: I know we gotta talk - I've been tellin' you we gotta talk all day!
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: So let's talk!
(Close shot of Kevin.)
Which, as I saw it, was my cue to exit...stage left.
(Kevin turns to leave.)
(Shot of all three as Denise pulls Kevin back.)
DENISE: Right now, I'm talking with my friend.
(Frank crosses his arms and looks at Kevin.)
FRANK: 'Bout what?
DENISE: About things you obviously don't understand. (Smiles.)
FRANK: Really.
(Frank takes off his glasses.)
FRANK: Try me.
DENISE: OK...We were just discussing Cadenus and Vanessa (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Frank glancing off as he hangs his glasses on his shirt.)
FRANK: Right...
(Close shot of Denise.)
DENISE: It's a poem.
(Close shot of Frank frowning.)
FRANK: Right!
(Shot past Frank of Denise and Kevin.)
DENISE: By Jonathon Swift.
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: Yeah, I know him! (Shrugs.)
(Shot past Frank of Denise and Kevin.)
DENISE: You do?
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: Yeah! Swift - he's the guy who was the guy before he became "The Flash".
(Close shot of Kevin.)
An honest mistake.
(Close shot of Denise frowning.)
DENISE: He's the guy who said "The judge discovered in her face, resentment for her late disgrace".
(Close shot of Frank frowning.)
FRANK: Alright - what is this crap?!
(Shot of all three.)
DENISE: I'm not gonna listen to that kind of language. Thanks for your help, Calvin.
(Denise exits past the camera. The guys watch her leave off-screen.)
And that was that - a fruitful exchange.
(Frank steps closer to Kevin and looks at him.)
FRANK: Denise - wait up!
(Frank exits past the camera.)
All things considered.
(Kevin looks after him off-screen.)
PURDLE (V/O): Unbelievable.
Cut to
(Shot of Lewis, Kevin and Purdle sitting at a table.)
KEVIN: What was I supposed to do? (Gestures) Ignore her?
LEWIS: Yes! Frank put a guy in the hospital just for lookin' at her at Ocean City last year.
(Wide shot of Denise a few tables away, reading, with her back to the guys.)
(Close shot of Purdle shaking his head.)
PURDLE: Unbelievable.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing from Purdle to Lewis off-screen.)
KEVIN: So this isn't America? I can't talk to who I want?
(Close shot of Lewis.)
LEWIS: It's hard to talk without your teeth.
(Close shot of Purdle shaking his head.)
PURDLE: Unbelievable.
(Shot of all three as Kevin stands up and walks off with his tray.)
Ah, what did these guys know?
(Shot of Kevin walking toward the camera, avoiding bumping into a passing girl.)
So I'd spoken to Denise - so what? After all, we had a history now.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Denise.)
We were practically...soul mates.
(Shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen as he approaches.)
And if I wanted to talk to her I would.
(Kevin passes by, and walks off past the camera.)
(Shot of Denise looking up and smiling.)
And if I didn't, then I -
DENISE: Hey, Calvin!
(Wide shot of Kevin noisily dumping his tray contents in the garbage, and Denise in the background.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: How's it goin'? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Denise and her book.)
DENISE: Not bad...The more I read it, the more I understand. It's like...like love is on trial.
(Denise stands up.)
KEVIN: Uh-huh.
(Shot of Kevin and Denise as she approaches him.)
DENISE: And-and Swift says "and mortals here to stay into love". It's like he's saying the whole thing's a sham - like there is no true love.
(Shot past Denise of Kevin.)
DENISE: Right?
(Kevin glances off.)
KEVIN: Uh...
Hey - when in doubt, say -
KEVIN: Sure! Of course!
(He nods and smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Denise.)
DENISE: I liked talkin' to you. (Smiles.)
(Shot of both as Denise exits past the camera.)
You heard it - she liked...talking...to me.
(Lewis and Purdle run up, excitedly.)
LEWIS & PURDLE: What'd she say?!
(The three guys watch Denise leave off-screen.)
Of course, a gentleman didn't discuss these things.
KEVIN: She said she liked talking to me...(Smiles.)
(Lewis sighs and sits on a chair-back.)
PURDLE: Unbelievable.
Still, the fact remained...
Cut to
(Kevin is walking up the hallway, smiling.)
I, Calvin, had talked to Denise "The Grease" and the sky hadn't fallen. No hand had reached out from the heavens and -
(An arm reaches out and grabs Kevin by the shirt, yanking him out of the scene.)
Cut to
Auto Shop
(Shot of the doorway as Frank and Kevin enter. Frank has Kevin in a head-lock. They pause near Frank's radio.)
FRANK: You talked to Denise.
KEVIN: Well...kinda...
FRANK: Shh-shh! (Gestures.) This is the my favorite part.
(High wide shot of the shop.)
("If I Were A Carpenter" plays on the radio. Franks sings along.)
FRANK: "Save my love for loneliness, save my love for sorrow, I'm giving you my onliness, give me your tomorrow".
(Close shot of Kevin and Frank, as Frank turns off the radio.)
FRANK: Love that song. Where was I? Oh, yeah - Denise.
(Frank pulls Kevin over to his car. Frank fiddles with the motor.)
FRANK: Look. Denise is out of her gourd. She won't talk to me.
(Closer shot of them as Frank shakes Kevin.)
FRANK: For some dumb-cluck reason she talks to you.
KEVIN: I'll never talk to her again - I swear!
FRANK: Yes, you will.
KEVIN: I-I will? (Frowns.)
FRANK: Yeah.
(Frank lets Kevin loose.)
FRANK: I want you to talk to her for me.
(Kevin smiles in relief.)
Oh my God.
(Kevin looks up, and pulls back as Frank slams the hood closed.)
I was gonna live.
Cut to
Fatso's Drive-in Restaurant
(Wide shot of Fatso's, as Kevin and Frank pull up to the speaker.)
Wasn't I?
(Shot of Denise at the window, as she dabs her face with make-up.)
DENISE: Hi, welcome to Fatso's - can I take your order?
(Shot of the Fatso mascot, a clownish character.)
DENISE (on the speaker): Hello...hello?
(The camera pans over to the car, as Frank sticks Kevin out the car window.)
FRANK: Get out there!
KEVIN: Hello - Denise? Hi, this is Kevin. You know, Calvin-Kevin, from...poetry class?
(Shot of Denise at the window.)
DENISE: Hey, Calvin! Whatcha doin'?
(Shot past the Fatso mascot of Kevin and Frank.)
KEVIN: Oh, just...hangin' out.
(Shot of the mascot.)
DENISE (on the speaker): So...what can I do for you?
(Close shot of Kevin and Frnk.)
KEVIN: Well, I'd like some fries...and a rootbeer...
(Frank shakes him.)
FRANK: Come on...!
KEVIN: Say! I was just wondering...why won't you talk to Frank anymore?
( Shot of Denise at the window. She checks the car with her mirror.)
KEVIN (on the speaker): Not that it's any of my business, but, it might be, you know, helpful, if you could just, maybe say, you know, why...
(Denise smiles.)
DENISE: Gee, Cal...that's kinda tough.
(Close shot of Kevin and Frank.)
DENISE (on the speaker): I guess because Frank is a big dumb fat-head, who obviously can't talk for himself.
(Kevin looks at Frank, as Frank frowns.)
FRANK: Denise!
(Frank pulls Kevin inside.)
(Shot of Denise. She puts down the order pad and turns away from the window.)
DENISE: I don't believe this.
(Shot past the mascots arm as Frank pulls forward.)
(Wide shot of the restaurant as Denise walks outside, and Frank screeches to a stop. The camera zooms in as Denise walks toward the car.)
And once again, I was about to find myself...in the middle.
(Denise gets in the car.)
(Close shot from Frank's side.)
DENISE: Just what are you trying to pull?
(Shot from Denise's side.)
FRANK: I want to know what's goin' on, Denise. Why won't you talk to me?
DENISE: There's nothing more to talk about.
(Close shot of Kevin. He glances between them.)
KEVIN: Uh, maybe I should -
(Shot from Denise's side.)
FRANK: Shut up!
FRANK: Look, what the hell is...
(Frank pauses and frowns.)
FRANK: What is the matter with you? You gonna throw away everything we got?
(Shot from Frank's side.)
DENISE: Frank - like the poet said - "she knew in our degenerate days, bare virtue could not live on praise, that meat must be with money bought". OK?
(Shot from Denise's side. Kevin and Frank frown.)
DENISE: Calvin understands, don't you?
KEVIN: Oh...well-well...the...meat...(gestures.)
FRANK: Look!
(Frank frowns and gestures.)
FRANK: Get out of here and let us talk!
(Shot from Frank's side as Denise opens the door.)
(Shot from the front of the car as Denise gets out, and lets Kevin out. Kevin walks toward the camera.)
Fine with me.
(Denise leans in the open door, and Frank and Denise start squabbling.)
After all, I'd done my part - gotten them together. So whatever the problem was, it was time for them to work it out.
(The camera rolls back as Kevin approaches it.)
DENISE: I never want to talk to you again!
(Kevin pauses and looks over his shoulder.)
(Denise slams the door.)
FRANK: Guhhhhhhh!
(Frank screeches off. Denise walks up to Kevin.)
DENISE: It's like talking to a brick wall.
And, I guess that's when I realized a horrible truth.
KEVIN: You'll patch things up.
(Denise frowns.)
DENISE: There's a lot you don't know about me and Frank. Phhh - you're gonna need a ride home.
(Denise exits past Kevin and the camera.)
Like it or not - I was along for this ride.
(Kevin walks out of the shot after her.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Kevin's House
(Shot of the house and yard. The camera zooms in close as they pull up to the curb.)
(Denise parks, turns on the radio - ("Only You"), leans back and looks down.)
(Close shot of Denise's hands unwrapping a stick of gum. The camera pans up as she puts it in her mouth.)
(The camera pans back down to her...necklace.)
DENISE: Pretty, isn't it?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Uh, uh...
(Shot from Kevin's side as Denise fingers her necklace.)
DENISE: Frank gave it to me on our first date, when I was fourteen. I never take it off - not even in the shower.
(Shot from Denise's side. She looks at the necklace, as Kevin looks off.)
KEVIN: No kidding...(Smiles.)
DENISE: And especially if there's a game.
(Close shot of Denise looking forward.)
DENISE: He says I bring him luck. Hasn't brung me much lately.
(Close shot of Kevin. He looks down.)
Course, I knew I had to do something to ease her pain.
KEVIN: Look. Frank...you know, he's a...good guy. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Denise. She looks down in thought.)
KEVIN (V/O): Really!
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: He's a...good...guy. (Nods.)
(Kevin looks off, then toward Denise.)
(Close shot of Denise. She looks down.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning forward.)
And then from somewhere, I don't know - it just came to me.
(Kevin turns quickly toward Denise.)
KEVIN: Love is a river, flowing where we know not.
(Close shot of Denise looking at Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Denise.)
Course, I felt completely idiotic.
(Shot past Kevin of Denise as she sighs.)
DENISE: That's beautiful.
(Shot past Denise of Kevin.)
On the other hand...
KEVIN: The wound is deep, yet the river is wide. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Denise. She looks off and nods faintly.)
DENISE: Yes, it is...
(Denise looks at Kevin.)
DENISE: Thanks.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Denise, then glancing away and smiling.)
DENISE (V/O): You're sweet.
And in that moment, I knew beyond a doubt...
(Close shot of Denise looking toward Kevin.)
That things were gonna be OK. For all of us.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Anyway...I'll seeya in school tomorrow, right?
(Denise leans over and kisses him, for 5 seconds, with electrical buzzing sounds.)
(Shot past Kevin of Denise as she pulls away and straightens up.)
DENISE: Take care.
(Shot through the windshield as Kevin gets out and slams the door. Denise drives off. Kevin pauses, looking forward blankly. Music continues.)
Maybe it was a dream.
(Kevin looks after Denise off-screen.)
Or maybe I was crazy.
(Kevin looks forward again.)
Maybe Denise "The Grease" only knew one way to kiss.
(The camera moves in slowly as Kevin takes Denise's gum out of his mouth.)
Or maybe...the most voluptuous girl at McKinley high...had just fallen for Calvin Arnold.
(Kevin glances after Denise, then at the gum. He puts the gum back in his mouth, smiles, and hurries out of the shot.)
(Music ends.)
Fade to
Ext. Night - School Football Game
(Close shot of Frank's football shoes. A bluesy sax version of "Only You" plays, as the camera pans up Frank, as he is ready for the snap of the ball.)
The most significant relationship at our high school was coming unglued.
(Frank looks toward the stands.)
(Shot of Denise in the middle of a crowd, as she stands up, and walks across the bleachers.)
It was hard to tell who it was tougher on...
(Close shot of Denise putting a cigarette in her mouth, and turning away.)
(Close shot of Frank looking toward the stands off-screen.)
(Frank looks forward.)
(Shot of the opposing team running toward the camera.)
(High shot of two opponents flattening Frank. Other opponents run past him.)
(Wide shot of Purdle, Lewis, and Kevin in the middle of the bleachers.)
(Closer shot of Kevin looking around, and frowning, as the crowd boos.)
Or yours truly.
DENISE (V/O): Calvin is the one...
Cut to
Poetry Class
(Close shot of Denise standing in front of the class.)
DENISE: Who helped me see what Swift is saying.
(The camera pans slightly as Mr. Lemkur, holding his goldfish bowl, moves next to her.)
MR. LEMKUR: Uh-huh, uh-huh.
(He looks at Denise as he walks behind her.)
MR. LEMKUR: And what is Mr. Swift saying, in Catullus and Vanessa?
(The camera centers on Denise as Mr. Lemkur walks out of the shot.)
DENISE: Well...
(Shot from behind Denise of the class.)
DENISE: He's saying that love is a heavenly thing, and that humans are human.
(Close shot of Kevin listening.)
DENISE (V/O): And they mess everything up...
(Shot of Denise.)
DENISE: Because they're stuck-up, and shallow...and even the gods can't fix it.
(Shot of Mr. Lemkur at the window, shaking fish-food into his hand.)
MR. LEMKUR: Which is why, personally, I never married.
(Shot of Denise looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DENISE: But I think Swift missed the boat.
(Close shot of Kevin listening.)
DENISE (V/O): I-I like what Emerson has to say.
(Shot of Denise looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DENISE: "When half-gods go, the gods arrive".
(Shot of Mr. Lemkur at the window.)
MR. LEMKUR: Uh-huh, eh, which means?
(Close shot of Denise looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
DENISE: When you lose something that means a lot, something better comes along.
(Close shot of Kevin. He glances, away then back.)
It was horrible. One little, unsolicited kiss...
(Shot from behind Denise of the class, as she walks toward her desk.)
And suddenly my life was on the line.
(Close shot of Kevin as Denise sits at her desk.)
So I determined then and there, never to tell another human being what had happened between Denise and me.
Cut to
Outside School
(Kevin, Purdle and Lewis have just exited the building. Lewis points at Kevin.)
LEWIS: You kissed Denise "The Grease"?
PURDLE: Unbelievable.
LEWIS: You don't expect us to swallow this, do you?
OK - I told two people.
(Kevin pauses and gestures.)
KEVIN: Her gum was in my mouth!
(Wider shot of them as they approach the steps. The camera moves in.)
PURDLE: Unbelievable!
(Lewis smacks Purdle with his notebook.)
LEWIS: Get off it! No way a chick like Denise is gonna go for a dingleberry like him.
(Denise approaches from the background.)
(Close shot from slightly behind the guys.)
DENISE: Calvin!
(Kevin turns, as Denise approaches past the camera.)
DENISE: I have a huge favor to ask.
(Shot past Kevin of Denise.)
DENISE: I have to go to work. I can't face him, anyway.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing down.)
DENISE: Not after that fight we had yesterday.
(Shot past Kevin of Denise, as she undoes her necklace.)
(Shot past Kevin of Denise as she puts the necklace in his hand.)
DENISE: Just give him this.
(Shot past Denise of the guys, as Kevin looks at the necklace.)
DENISE: He'll know what it means.
(Shot past Kevin of Denise.)
DENISE: I gotta go...
(Denise walks out of the shot as Kevin watches.)
DENISE (V/O): Thanks.
(Shot of the guys, as Lewis points at Kevin.)
LEWIS: You broke up "The Stank" and "The Grease".
PURDLE: Jeez, Kevin - bad karma!
(Kevin looks after Denise, off-screen.)
Cut to
Auto Shop
(Shot of Frank lowering his car of the jack.)
(Shot through the glass of the shop door of Kevin looking in.)
But it wasn't my karma I was worried about.
(Wider shot of Frank picking up a lug-wrench and moving next to the rear wheel. Kevin is behind the door in the background.)
It was my skin.
(Shot of Kevin as he opens the door to the shop.)
There was only one thing to do - have this out, man-to-man. Then, run like crazy.
(Kevin pauses inside the door.)
KEVIN: Frank?
(Shot of Frank kneeling near the rear wheel. Kevin is in the background.)
FRANK: What?
KEVIN: About Denise...
(Frank drops the lug-wrench and stands up.)
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: What about Denise?
(Close shot of Kevin as he glances down, sighs, and walks forward.)
But there was really no way to say it. The pain I felt.
(Kevin pauses and looks at Frank off-screen.)
For them...not to mention me.
(Close shot of Frank.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he raises his hand and dangles the necklace out.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as Frank looks at the necklace, then Kevin, then takes the necklace.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: I think you should talk to her. (Shrugs.) You know...put things right.
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: Talk to her?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
FRANK (V/O): Talk to her?!
(Close shot of Frank looking off, and leaning against his car.)
FRANK: I told her she was kickin' my heart's butt!
(Close shot of Kevin.)
Well, you couldn't put it more eloquently than that.
(Close shot of Frank looking down.)
Except, then Frank did.
FRANK: "There are dark bitter places, in a dark cold floor".
(Shot of Frank and Kevin. Kevin is looking off. He frowns.)
KEVIN: I beg your pardon?
(Shot from behind Kevin of Frank.)
FRANK: It's from one of her stupid books. (Sighs.) She really likes that stuff, doesn't she?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
And of course, that's when it hit me.
(Kevin looks at Frank.)
Cut to
Fatso's Drive-in Restaurant
(Shot of Denise at the window.)
DENISE: Welcome to Fatso's - can I take your order?
(Kevin and Frank are at the speaker. Frank looks at a book.)
FRANK: Uh, just read it, right?
(Kevin nods.)
DENISE (on the speaker): Hello...?
(Shot of the Fatso's mascot.)
DENISE (on the speaker): Hello...?
(Shot of Frank and Kevin. Frank turns to the speaker.)
FRANK: Uh..."Give all to love". (Gestures.)
(Frank looks at Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
If this didn't grab her, then I didn't know Denise "The Grease".
(Shot of Denise at the window, frowning.)
DENISE: Who is this? I'm not amused, jerk!
(Shot past Kevin of Frank frowning at him.)
DENISE (on the speaker): State your order or move on.
(Shot past Frank of Kevin as Frank shoves the book at him.)
FRANK: This ain't me...
(Close shot of Denise.)
DENISE: Frank?
(Close shot of Frank looking toward the speaker.)
FRANK: Look, Denise -
(Close shot of Denise.)
DENISE: I got nothin' to say to you.
(Shot of Frank and Kevin, as Frank puts his hands on the door.)
FRANK: Well, I got somethin' to say to you!
(Close shot of Denise.)
(Shot of Frank and Kevin, as Frank frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
Poetry had failed.
(Shot of Frank and Kevin, as Frank frowns and pauses.)
Frank was on his own now.
(Close shot of Denise.)
DENISE: Well, what?
(Shot of Frank and Kevin.)
FRANK: Uh...
(Frank looks forward.)
FRANK: Just this!
(Frank turns up the radio.)
(Wide shot of the car nest to the restaurant.)
(Close shot of Frank leaning toward the speaker. He sings.)
FRANK: "If I were a carpenter and you were a lady..."
(Close shot of Denise.)
FRANK (on the speaker): "Would you marry me anyway..."
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: "Would you have my baby..."
(Close shot of Denise. She says nothing. Frank stops singing.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
(Close shot of Frank.)
(Close shot of Denise. She starts to cry.)
(Shot of Frank and Kevin.)
DENISE (on the speaker): We have a special today.
(Close shot of Denise.)
DENISE: Burger, fries...and a drink, for ninety-nine cents.
(Shot of Frank and Kevin.)
FRANK: Denise, would ya?
(Close shot of Denise.)
DENISE: Jeez, Frank.
(Close shot of Frank.)
FRANK: Denise...
(Close shot of Denise. She smiles.)
DENISE: You know I would.
(Shot of Frank and Kevin, as Frank laughs. Kevin smiles.)
FRANK: Whoo-hoo!
(Shot past Kevin as Frank kisses Kevin on the neck, then starts to get out of the car.)
(Wide shot of the car next to the restaurant. Frank gets out of the car, runs forward, and hops over the railing.)
OK - so it wasn't Shelley or Keats.
(Close shot of Kevin through the windshield.)
But it got the point across.
(Shot through the windshield of Frank carrying Denise, then setting her down. They kiss.)
As for me, I was gonna miss "The Grease".
(Shot of Kevin in the car. The camera zooms in slowly.)
And I was pretty sure she was gonna miss me a little, too. But we both knew she was back where she belonged. And I finally understood. You had to really know two people and their problems...
(Shot of Frank and Denise kissing, then pulling back.)
Before you could solve them.
DENISE: By the way, Frank - false alarm...I'm not pregnant.
(Shot of Kevin looking up. The camera zooms in quickly as the music screechs off. Kevin frowns.)
KEVIN and NARRATOR: Pregnant?!
(Sound of cheering fans.)
Cut to
Ext. Night - Football Game
(Shot of the crowd in the stands. Denise is smiling in the foreground. Purdle, Lewis and Kevin are two rows back. They all rise and cheer.)
Frank and Denise got back together that day.
(Close shot of a football player as the ball is snapped.)
(Wider shot of Frank rushing through the line and leaping over the camera.)
(Shot of the opposing player as Frank tackles him.)
And our world fell back into orbit.
(Close shot of Frank standing up and taking off his helmet.)
He loved her...
(Close shot of Denise smiling and clapping.)
She loved him...
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and clapping.)
And I lived to tell the tale.
Fade to
Ext. Night - Fatso's Restaurant
(Shot of Frank and Denise looking at each other, then kissing. "If I Were A Carpenter" plays.)
"The Stank" and Denise got married that summer after graduation, and had a kid.
(They sit on the hood of the car, and Frank puts his arm around her. The camera pulls up and back slowly.)
Denise went to college, and Frank went to cosmetology school.
(Denise slides a cigarette out of her purse on the hood, and puts it in her mouth. Frank takes it and drops it on the ground.)
And even though I heard they divorced a couple of years later, I hoped - like Frank running over his shop teacher - that it was just a rumor.
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Frank - Noah Blake
Denise - Amy Hathaway
Mr. Lemkur - Roy Brocksmith
Lewis - Michael Bacall
Purdle - Parker Jacobs
"Only You (And You Alone)" - The Platters
"If I Were A Carpenter" - Tim Hardin

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Episode Info
Wonder Years Menu
03/12/05 12:15