Dr. Valenti - McKinley Principal
(Ep 82 - "Kodachrome")
(Kevin has not gotten any help from a janitor about his locker.)
Obviously I was dealing here with strictly middle-management. What I needed was...
(Dr. Valenti steps out of a doorway to speak to a teacher.)
Dr. Valenti. Our principal - the top-dog.
Excuse me, sir.
And you are?
Kevin Arnold.
Aren't you a little late for class, there, Kevin Arnold?
Well, see, that's my problem. I can't open my locker.
Oh! Well, we'll...we'll fix that right up, uh...v
(Dr. Valenti looks off in thought.)
Finally - a man who could cut through red-tape.
The guy that could make things happen. A mover. A shaker.
Talk to Linzer. Good meeting you son!
(Dr. Valenti pats Kevin's shoulder and walks off.)
I'm glad I could help.
(Kevin and Miss Shaw are talking in the hallway. Dr. Valenti approaches.)
Excuse me, Miss Shaw? May I speak with you - for a moment?
Yes, Dr. Valenti?
I think we have to talk about your grading system...
Is there a problem?
We don't do this here.
You mean we haven't done this here.
Miss Shaw. Students don't respond without grades.
But my students are responding just fine...
(Dr. Valenti looks at Kevin. Kevin smiles.)
Why don't we discuss this in my office? (Points, and exits.)
Why not?
And there ya had it.
Attend class, Kevin...(Exits.)
So much for the great leap forward of 1972.
(Cut to classroom.)
Seemed pretty clear to me we'd been stopped in our tracks. Shut down. Busted.
(Miss Shaw enters.)
And there was nothing more to do than settle in for the bad news.
Before we dig in, I'd like to tell you about a very interesting conversation I had with Dr. Valenti, this morning. Or rather, one he had with me. I was informed that I had broken several important regulations. Now, according to policy, it is required each of you receive a traditional grade. So, therefore, I have decided all of you will be getting...traditional grades.
Miss Shaw - May I speak with you?
But then, life is full of surprises.
Well, I am in the middle of a class.
This'll just take a minute.
You heard the man - I'll be back. In the mean time, why don't you guys write me a descriptive paragraph...on anything that's on your mind.
What should it be about?
Anything you want, Felicia. And have fun! (Exits.)
Yeah. Fun. I'd like to say I wrote something profound that day, but the fact is...I didn't. I don't think anyone else did, either.
(Miss Shaw returns.)
OK, everybody...turn in your papers! I can see genius has been burning. I'll really enjoy reading these.
(She collects the papers, puts them on her desk, then turns and sighs.)
Well...I guess there's no sense in keeping you in the dark, so, here goes. (Smiles.) Dr. Valenti and I had a talk. Seems he got a call from the school board...so he set me down and explained that from now on, I must...follow State guidelines as they pertain to curriculum, grading - the whole thing. His arguments were well thought out, and reasonable. And he left it up to me to decide what I want to do.
See also "Full Transcript"
(Ep 87 - "Lunch Stories")
(Kevin and Donnelly & Co. are ditching school to see an X-rated movie.)
Boys! Where are you goin'?
What are you doing?
Who us?
Yeah, you.
Well, w-
Guess it was clear someone was gonna take the rap.
We were following him.
Yeah. Where were you taking us, Kevin?
And at that moment, I saw my entire academic career flash before my eyes. I saw my mother...wringing her hands. I saw my father...wringing my neck.
We...were just going -
Kevin! You gonna donate blood now?
That afternoon, we didn't get to see "The Devil in Miss Jones". But we did get free juice and cookies.
See also "Full Transcript"
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