
Mr. Ed Ermin


(Ep 23 - "How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation")


(At the Cooper's party, Jack and Mr. Ermin corner Kevin.)
Mr. Ermin would like to speak to you. (Smiles.)
Oh, my gosh, Mr. Ermin! - the Genghis Khan of lawncare.
I understand you're looking for work, son. (Smiles.)

See also "Full Transcript"


(Ep 33 - "Rock-n-Roll")

(At Amy Ermin's backyard birthday bash.)
It was up to me - and I made my decision. I wasn't gonna let this dream die. If we weren't gonna play good, we were gonna play loud.

Let's do it! One...two..one...two...three!
(They play about four seconds. Mr. Ermin and two policemen approach.)
Boys! Boys?!
(They pause.)
Boys! You're gonna have to stop. The neighbors are complaining about the noise.
It was the end of the road. We'd been shut down. Busted.

See also
"Full Transcript"


(Ep 78 - "Christmas Party")

(Kevin, Wayne and Jack are putting up Christmas lights outside.)
But even iron-clad logic couldn't alter one unescapable fact.
(Mr. Ermin pulls up in a cadillac.)
The neighbors.
Heh-heh. Hey, Jack! Gettin' ready for the big shindig?
Sure am!
That was Ed Ermin. King of lawn-care. Biggest wheel on the block.
The whole damn neighborhood's lookin' forward to this party, you know! Wouldn't be the holidays without a night at the Arnold's!
You bet!
Ya-ha-ha. Seeya later, OK?!
Yeah. You bet.

(Kevin's in the kitchen as Mr. Ermin enters.)
Hey! It's some party in there, huh?
Can I get you anything, Mr. Ermin?
Uh...no, no, no...Oh! Say! Has your father finished off that basement, yet?
Uh, I'm gonna go take a look at this, 'kay?
The strange thing was, Dad had finished off that basement fourteen years ago.

ermin (Wayne and Kevin head into the basement.)
It had all gotten too weird. The only escape was...underground.
What's that smell?
(Mr. Ermin looks up, surprised.)
And that's when it happened.
Hhh-h-hh - hi there, boys!
(He hides a roach behind his back.)
Hi, Mr. Ermin.
Now, there was there something wrong about this scene...Maybe it was -
(Jack approaches.)
Wayne? Kevin? What the hell's goin' on down here? Smells like a mattress is burnin'.
Jah-ah-ah-ah, I - I, jay, Jack...! We were just chatting about, uh..., about uh...
(He burns his finger and drops the roach.)
Uh...ouch! Ouch! Mmmm!
(Norma approaches.)
Jack? (Sniffs.) Honey? (Sniffs.) What's that -
(Sitar music starts.)
And then came the dawn. After years of sowing it, growing it, and mowing it...Mr. Ermin, king of lawn-care...had decided to smoke it - in our basement.
Wayne. Kevin. Go to the garage and get some sodas.
Because I said so.
And the rest...is history.

See also "Full Transcript"


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11/28/14 13:17