Ep 23 - "How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation"
Compiled by Jeff Kindig. Edited by me. Used here with permission. :-)

("Clips" from a previous Cooper party are shown.)
(Music "Main Theme from A Summer Place" - Max Steiner.)
Ever since I could remember, the Cooper's annual barbecue had been the first event of summer. It was a neighborhood tradition, the herald of good times. Japanese lanterns glowed in the dusk.
("Clips" of Norma and Jack, and then of Kevin, Paul, and Winnie playing ping-pong.)
And warm breezes carried the smell of burgers sizzling on the grill, and the sounds of kids having the time of their lives.
("Clips" of Brian, as Winnie runs up from behind him and jumps on his back. He spins her around and they laugh. Kevin, Paul, and Winnie mug for the camera.)
But maybe the best thing about it was that it happened the first week of summer vacation, one day after -
(A school bell rings.)
Int. Morning - RFK Junior High School Corridor
(Kevin walks through a set of doors and surveys the scene before him.)
- the last day of school.
(Kevin walks down the hall, which is filled with the mayhem of students on their last day of school.)
It was kind of a solemn moment. Eight months of relentless education were finally erupting in a blast of summer madness.
KEVIN: Winnie!
(Shot of Winnie standing by her locker and holding her school yearbook. She looks up at Kevin.)
(Kevin walks over to her, smiling excitedly.)
KEVIN: Is this great or what?
(Winnie looks crestfallen.)
(Kevin is suddenly a little concerned.)
KEVIN: What's the matter?
WINNIE: Well, I think I'm gonna...kinda miss it.
(Kevin looks relieved, and gazes at her happily.)
Leave it to Winnie Cooper to get all sentimental about things. You had to love her.
(Kevin realizes he's staring at her and snaps out of it.)
Figuratively speaking of course.
KEVIN: So, um, sign my yearbook?
(He hands his yearbook to Winnie.)
(He waits for Winnie to ask him back, then gives up.)
KEVIN: And, maybe I could sign yours?
(Winnie hands her yearbook to Kevin.)
WINNIE: Give it back to me fourth period. Gotta go.
(She smiles demurely at him and she walks away.)
(Kevin watches her go, smiling.)
Yep, you could feel it in the air. Hope, potential...
(Winnie pauses on the staircase and looks back over her shoulder solemnly at Kevin before continuing on her way.)
Who knew what the summer breeze might bring?
(The opening strains of "Winnie's Theme" play, then trail off as a girl walks up to Kevin. She is wearing full orthodontic headgear.:-)
GIRL: Sign my yearbook?
KEVIN: Uh...sure.
(He takes her yearbook.)
GIRL: We really had a great year, don't you think?
(Kevin gives her a sideways glance, and nods.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
There was one minor problem here. I didn't have the slightest idea who this girl was.
(Kevin looks at her again, but gets nothing.)
I had to think fast. (as Kevin writes) "Have a neat...summer." OK, it was cheap. But it did have a certain flair.
(Kevin hands the yearbook back. The girl reads it, looks at him and smiles, then walks away, still looking at the book and smiling. Kevin turns and walks down the hall.)
(Cut to shot of Kevin walking in the hallway toward the camera, and past some rowdy kids. He looks toward a closed classroom door as a wet sponge hits the glass portion. An older woman's face appears in the window, and she frowns.)
Cut to
Int. Day - School Gymnasium
(Shot from behind front row of students of Mr. Cutlip pacing in front of the squad of boys. The camera rolls sideways with him.)
MR. CUTLIP: Men! We've worked together, we've played together. I'd like to think we've learned together.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul in a squad of boys.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): It hasn't been easy...
PAUL (To Kevin): This is gonna be a long one.
(They glance at each other.)
MR. CUTLIP:...I've had to push...I've had to yell. Sometimes I've had to double-knot my hard shoes and kick you square in the fanny! Heh-heh. But it's been worth it. Thirty-eight weeks ago you arrived here a rag-tag bunch of softies. Now you're leaving...a hard-boiled cadre of young athletes. That's something to be proud of. This summer, when you're...(nods his head)...out there, think back on the guy who made it all possible.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip. He is pointing his finger straight out at the class. He jerks his thumb at himself.)
MR. CUTLIP: Ed Cutlip.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul. Paul's jaw drops and he shrugs. Kevin looks skeptical.)
MR. CUTLIP: Human being, a man, an educator. Sure, maybe he didn't have a Master's degree. But he was fair...
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip looking down, as he starts to get choked up.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul with disbelief.)
KEVIN: What's he doing?
(Mr. Cutlip covers his eyes and starts crying and choking. He turns away from the class.)
Oh my God. Was it possible?
(Various shots of boys reacting and smirking. The boy on the end is rubbing his stomach.)
Cutlip was falling apart before our very eyes.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
It was horrible.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip. He has his back to the camera.)
Like watching a bug die on a window sill.
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
Someone had to stop this.
(Kevin turns quickly toward the sound.)
(Shot from in front of Mr. Cutlip, with the squad of boys behind him. Mr. Cutlip frowns and turns torward the sound. The boys are backing away from a boy on one end (un-seen) who is throwing up.)
And someone did.
(Close shot of a single boy, bent over, with his back to the camera.)
Joey Putnam.
(Shot of Joey bent over.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul and making a face.)
It was his last act of seventh grade...
(Sound of Mr. Cutlip's whistle.)
...but it was his finest.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip. He frowns.)
MR.CUTLIP: Wynan. Get a mop.
(Wynan leaves the group.)
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip.)
MR. CUTLIP: The rest of you - sixty laps. That's six-oh! - and no shirking. Let's go. Let's go!
(He claps his hands five times.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul shrugging, then the whole squad walking out of the frame.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): "...so we beat on..."
Cut to
Int. Day. - School Classroom
(Close shot of Miss White standing to one side of the room, reading from "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.)
MISS WHITE: "...boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly, into the past."
(She closes the book and holds it against her chest with both hands. She looks at the class.)
Let's face it -
(Shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen, and smiling.)
No one could press pages quite like Miss White.
(Close shot of Kevin. His glance drops from her face to...the book.:-)
(The camera is centered on "the book", and quickly pans up to Miss White's face as she speaks.)
MISS WHITE: Did you feel the sensual power of Fitzgerald's imagery?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling broadly and nodding his head.)
Yes! Yes!
(Close shot of Miss White sighing heavily, cocking her head, and smiling at Kevin.)
(Kevin smiles broadly, then looks reflective.)
OK, so maybe she was a little old for me...this year.
(Wide shot of Miss White walking to the front of the room.)
MISS WHITE: Now, before the bell rings...
But, heck, just the other day I...I coulda sworn I felt a whisker coming in.
(Kevin strokes his chin.)
MISS WHITE (V/O):...I have an announcement to make.
So, maybe, just maybe, next year -
(Shot of Miss White at the head of the class. She is leaning back against the desk, looking at Kevin.)
MISS WHITE: I'm in love with Kevin Arnold!
(Kevin looks up, and music begins to play.)
(Shot of Miss White rolling her head around, then looking at Kevin.)
MISS WHITE: And I don't care who knows it!
(The camera rolls in on Miss White.)
MISS WHITE: Oh, Kevin!
(The camera rolls in close on Kevin as he stands up quickly.)
KEVIN: Miss White!
(Music abruptly ends, along with Kevin's daydream. Miss White is still standing before the class, as if nothing has happened.)
MISS WHITE: Yes, Kevin?
KEVIN: Um...
(He sits down slowly and frowns.)
KEVIN: What did you say?
MISS WHITE: I said, I'm getting married this summer.
(She walks around her desk to the chalkboard.)
MISS WHITE: And when I come back next year, you'll all be calling me... (she speaks as she writes)...Mrs....Heimer!
(Kevin contorts his face.)
Heimer? Heimer?! What kinda name was that for Miss White?!
(Kevin looks up, and Miss White appears in a drab brown suit, with short black hair and wearing glasses.)
MISS WHITE: Class? Can you say "Heimer"?
CLASS: Heimer.
(Twang of guitar.)
(Shot of Miss White in the drab outfit.)
(Shot of Kevin as he buries his face in his hands.)
Oh, well. Maybe part of loving is learning to let go.
Cut to
Int. Day - Science Classroom
(Close shot of an old phonograph is shown, and "Ma Vie En Rose" starts. The camera pans up from Mr. Cantwell's propped up feet to show him sitting behind his desk with his arms folded. He hums along with the music (out of sync). Thanks to Ken Stephenson for the music ID:-)
(Shot of the bored class from Mr. Cantwell's perspective, as he waggles both feet and hums.)
(Shot past the students of of Mr. Cantwell.)
Four more hours, one lunch period, and a few arias...
(Shot of Kevin and Paul. Paul is balancing a pencil on his lip.)
...were all that stood between me, Paul, and summer. I wasn't gonna let anything ruin that.
(Kevin quickly turns to Paul.)
KEVIN: Got your bike ready?
(Shot of Paul still trying to balance the pencil.)
PAUL: Huh?
KEVIN: OK, so tomorrow morning we have to get my tent out of the garage.
Yep, I could feel it now. The wind in our faces, the open road ahead, our knapsacks on our backs.
KEVIN: (excited) I can hardly wait! Can you?
(Close shot of Paul. He puts down the pencil, pauses solemnly, then turns to Kevin.)
PAUL: We gotta talk.
Uh-oh. In the history of mankind, no good has ever come from those four words.
(Close shot of Kevin as he slowly turns toward Paul.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin.)
KEVIN (V/O): What do you mean you're going away?!
Cut to
Int. Day - School Corridor
(Kevin and Paul are walking up the hall together. Kevin is irritated.)
KEVIN: How come you never said anything?
PAUL: Well, the Schwartzes kept changing their minds.
KEVIN: The who?
PAUL: The people we're sharing the cabin with. And, look, it's not that bad - we'll only be there until Labor Day.
KEVIN: Paul, that's the whole summer.
(They stop at their lockers.)
PAUL: No, you see, not technically. The summer officially goes until September twenty-first.
KEVIN: Paul!
PAUL: OK, the whole summer.
(He frowns and shakes his head.)
PAUL: Anyway, I'm gonna have a lousy time.
KEVIN: Oh, yeah? Where you going?
PAUL: Lake Cohasset.
KEVIN: Oh, so basically you'll be swimming, fishing, sailing, and water-skiing.
PAUL: I guess.
KEVIN: Paul, why don't you just admit that you're gonna have a great time?
(Paul looks down, as if unsure of what to say.)
I was asking for the impossible. I'd have to try another tack.
KEVIN: OK, tell me one thing that's gonna make it lousy.
(Paul pauses, thinking.)
I had him on the ropes.
(Paul suddenly brightens.)
PAUL: Mosquitoes!
KEVIN: What?!
PAUL: Yeah, are you kidding? With all that standing water? Do you have any idea how many diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes?
The man was a master.
KEVIN: (deflated) Well, at least we'll have the barbecue tomorrow night.
PAUL: Yeah, sure. Except I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon.
KEVIN: Well how about tonight then.
(Pauls sighs, glances around, and shrugs.)
PAUL: I gotta pack.
(Kevin looks annoyed.)
Cut to
(Wide shot of students throwing food and blowing the paper sleeve off their straws.)
(Close shot of Kevin sitting by himself, looking unhappy.)
I was mad. Mad at Paul - how could he do this to me?! He was ruining my summer.
(Kevin looks over and sees Winnie sitting at another table.)
Wait a minute, I still had Winnie. Winnie wasn't the type to up and leave you, she wouldn't pull a stunt like that...she was thoughtful. Look at her - mulling over what to write in my yearbook, carefully choosing her words.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
(Shot of Winnie from Kevin's perspective. She appears to be deep in thought and squeezes her pencil.)
Wait a second, this was serious mulling. Something was definitely going on here. Sure, we'd had our ups and downs, our missteps...
(Winnie begins writing.)
...But we were older, wiser. It was time to let her know how I felt.
(Kevin picks up a pen and opens up Winnie's yearbook.)
It was time to make poetry.
(Some food splats on the table in front of Kevin, and he glares at it.)
No matter what the obstacles.
(Kevin begins writing. Part of what he writes is shown: "Winnie, Well it's been a great year hasn't it? I can hardly believe we made it through. I guess next year we won't have to be the little kids anymore. But hey! We had a pretty good year, right? Hope we're in more classes together next year... . ....December when Mrs. Lambert's wig...")
(Transcriber's note: A few more words are shown, but I couldn't make them out. Also, I'm not positive about the name "Mrs. Lambert.")
(Kevin finishes writing, then looks up and smiles.)
There. I had filled an entire page with phrases like "never change", "always stay the same", and "good luck."
(Kevin looks thoughtful.)
Still something was missing. It needed something more. Something ...
(Kevin writes again: "I LOVE YOU. Kevin.")(A few bars of "Winnie's Theme" play.)
(Close shot of Kevin thinking as he closes the book, stands, and walks out of the frame.)
OK, it was a bold and reckless move, but I was a bold and reckless guy, and these were bold and reckless times.
(Kevin picks up the yearbook and walks over to the table where Winnie is sitting. She looks up.)
KEVIN: I'm finished. I tried not to hog up too much space.
(He sets Winnie's yearbook on the table.)
WINNIE: Me, too. Here's yours.
(She hands Kevin his yearbook)
WINNIE: Well, I'll see you later.
KEVIN: (smiling) Yeah, see you later.
(Winnie picks up her yearbook and lunch tray, and walks away from the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin watching her, then walking quickly back to the table where he had been sitting.)
I couldn't wait another second.
(He sits down and quickly leafs through the pages of his yearbook.)
To read all those wonderful things Winnie had been too embarrassed to say in person. All those secret passions, and yearnings she'd kept bottled up inside for the past year.
(Kevin stops turning pages and looks stunned. The page is shown: "Have a neat summer! Winnie.")
"Have a neat summer"?!
(Kevin, looking puzzled, flips through the pages again quickly.)
(A bell rings.)
(Cut to close shot of students running wildly through the school doors toward the camera.)(Twangy guitar.)
(Medium shot from a high angle as Kevin walks out slowly, as more students, and a dog, run past him.)
(Wider shot of Kevin standing alone in front of the doors.)
I hadn't even left school grounds, and already my summer vacation was a bust.
Fade to
Int. Morning - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot of black-and-white TV. Jack LaLane's exercise program is on. He is wearing a jumpsuit and holding his arms straight out, twisting his torso, saying, "... four ... and twist ... and twist ... and twist ...")
(Kevin is shown sitting at the table, looking at the TV.)
NORMA (V/O): Hey, Kevin, it's starting to clear up.
(Shot of Norma at the sink.)
NORMA: Don't you wanna get dressed, and do something?
(Close shot of Kevin raising his eyebrows. Norma is reaching in the refrigerator.)
It wasn't fair. I was doing something - I was hiding out.
(Shot of Norma at the counter.)
NORMA: Well the barbecue tonight'll cheer you up.
KEVIN: I don't think I'm gonna go.
NORMA: What?! Why?
KEVIN: I just don't feel like it.
Wild horses couldn't drag me to that party, not after I'd made a total fool of myself all over Winnie Cooper's yearbook.
KEVIN: I just...wanna stay home, OK?
NORMA: I think you should go.
(Shot of Norma as she walks over to him.)
NORMA: Honey, they're expecting us. It really means a lot to them. Especially this year.
(Close shot of Kevin looking up.)
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: Kevin! You're gonna go - that's all there is to it. OK?
(She ruffles his hair, and walks back to the sink.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
Great, first my best friend walks out on me, now I have to die of embarrassment in front of thousands of party-goers. I couldn't take it.
(Wayne walks into the kitchen behind Kevin, and opens the refrigerator.)
KEVIN (whining): Why can't we go on vacation?
NORMA: Maybe next summer.
KEVIN: Well it's not fair. I have nothing to do.
(Jack enters the kitchen from behind Kevin.)
JACK: What was that?
KEVIN: Ah...
WAYNE: I'm not exactly sure, but I believe he said, "I have nothing to do."
JACK: "Nothing to do"?
(He walks up behind Kevin.)
(Kevin looks up at Jack.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Garage
(Shot is black until Jack raises the garage door. He is holding a broom. Kevin is at his side.)
(Wider shot from the cluttered corner of the garage. They take a few steps inside.)
JACK: All right, start in the corner, you clean out the junk, then you work your way to the center. Then you sweep it out, and hose it down.
That's all?
JACK: After that...
(Jack hands Kevin the broom.)
JACK:...we'll see about the attic.
(Jack exits.)
(Kevin rests his head on the broom handle dejectedly.)
Well, so much for madcap vacation plans.
(Wide shot from the corner of the garage as Kevin slowly enters.)
(Fade to shot of Kevin dragging a lawnchair out of the garage, past piles of junk in the driveway. Kevin is wearing a filthy swim mask. He stops on the middle of the driveway and sits down on the lawnchair.)
(Shot of Kevin from above, as he flops back flat and stares up at the sky.)
(Twangy guitar music plays intermittently. The camera moves closer on Kevin.)
I had finally hit bottom.
(Footsteps are heard approaching.)
WINNIE (V/O): Hi, Kevin.
(Shot of Winnie through the dirty mask. Kevin's breathing is heard.)
(Wide shot of Kevin and Winnie, with the garage in the background. Kevin sits up, facing away from her, and slides the mask on top of his head.)
KEVIN: What are you doing here?
WINNIE: I was just taking a walk.
(She looks toward her house.)
WINNIE: It's a little hectic at my house right now.
(She looks quickly behind her at the garage.)
(Close shot of Kevin still sitting, looking down.)
WINNIE (V/O): Do you need any help with this?
KEVIN: No, that's OK. I can handle it.(Gestures.)
(He stands and walks over to her as the camera pulls back a little.)
KEVIN: It's part of my "really neat summer".
(He makes a face and gestures with both arms.)
(Close shot of Winnie.)
(She looks down.)
"Oh"?! I'm dying of embarrassment and she gives me "oh"?!
WINNIE: Well maybe we can talk about it tonight. At the party.
KEVIN: Yeah, well I don't think I'm gonna be there.
Boy, now she was really makin' me mad.
(Shot of Kevin looking expectant.)
KEVIN: Well? Did you show it to anybody?
(Close shot of Winnie. She has a blank look.)
WINNIE: Show what?
KEVIN: Well, the yearbook.
(Close shot of Kevin taking a few steps nearer, and shrugging his shoulders.)
KEVIN: You know - what I wrote?
(Close shot of Winnie frowning.)
(She glances away.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He is getting agitated.)
KEVIN: Yeah, well you can just forget about it, OK?! 'Cause I didn't mean a word of it! I mean, you can just rip out the page and throw it in the garbage because -
(Shot of Kevin and Winnie from over Kevin's shoulder. Winnie takes Kevin by the shoulders and kisses him on the mouth. The kiss is shown in slow-motion.)
(Shot from behind Winnie. She pulls away and Kevin stares at her, wide-eyed and dumbfounded.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking blankly at Kevin for a moment, then turning away quickly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after her.)
It was amazing.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie running down the driveway, and heading toward her house.)
(Shot of Kevin, at first blank, then thoughtful.)
It was our first kiss since that day last fall in Harper's Woods, the day Winnie's brother Brian died. I'd been waiting to kiss her again all year. And now that it had happened, I felt as confused as ever. There was only one thing I was sure of - I was a man on fire!
(Kevin smiles.)
(Music "Light My Fire" starts.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold House
(Shot of the bathtub, with the shower curtain drawn shut and steam rising around it.)
(Close shot of Kevin standing at the mirror in his robe, with wet hair. He wipes steam off the bathroom mirror and combs his hair.)
(Close shot of Kevin in his bedroom, buttoning up his shirt. He buttons the top button, then changes his mind, unbuttons it, and smoothes out the collar.)
(Shot from inside the medicine cabinet as Kevin opens it. He smiles, takes out a bottle of after-shave, and closes the mirror.)
(Shot of his reflection on the mirror as he rubs some vigorously on his cheeks.)
(Shot from inside the medicine cabinet as he puts the bottle back and closes the cabinet door (to near-black).
Welcome to my summer of love.
("Light My Fire" fades out.)
Cut to
Evening - Cooper's House
(Close shot of the door to the backyard full of party guests, seen through the glass. Music "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" starts.)
(Jack walks past the camera and pulls the door open.)
(Shot of the Arnold's walking through the doorway toward the camera.)
(Kevin, Norma, Karen, and Wayne walk through the door into the yard. Jack follows.)
(Shot of a bunch of people eating, dancing, and talking.)
There was the usual crowd of people at the Cooper's that evening.
(Close shot of Kevin spotting Winnie off-screen. He smiles.)
But to me, it was strictly a two-person affair.
(Close shot of Winnie. She glances toward Kevin.)
(Shot of Kevin. He smiles and the camera rolls with him as he walks over to Winnie. She's holding a tray of food.)
(Shot of Kevin in thought, biting his lip.)
What do you say after a kiss?
(Shot of Winnie. She is looking away, then looks at Kevin thoughtfully.)
WINNIE: What's that smell?
WINNIE: It smells like...(She sniffs and glances away)...a saddle!
(Shot of Kevin looking sheepish.)
KEVIN: Oh, I...guess it's my after-shave lotion.
WINNIE: Really?
(Shot of Kevin over Winnie's shoulder. He nods.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(He nods and shrugs.)
KEVIN: Well, I mean, I didn't actually shave, I just, sorta, put it on.
(Winnie nods slightly.)
KEVIN: I...I can go wash it off -
WINNIE: Oh, no, that's OK.
KEVIN: So, um, wanna sit down?
MRS. COOPER (V/O): Winnie!
(Winnie hands the tray to Kevin.)
WINNIE: Uh, can you take this to my dad?
KEVIN: Uh, sure.
WINNIE: Thanks.
(Shot of Winnie hurrying out of the shot, toward the house.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at the tray, then taking a few small steps and pausing in thought.)
OK, so she was busy, that was understandable.
(Kevin glances in Winnie's direction, shrugs and smiles, then walk forward past the camera.)
After all, it was her parents' party.
(Medium shot of Mr. Cooper tending the barbecue. Kevin approaches him from behind the camera.)
KEVIN: Hi, Mr. Cooper!
(He holds the tray out.)
(Closer shot of Mr. Cooper. He doesn't look happy as he takes the tray, and doesn't acknowledge Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
OK, so everybody was busy. No problem - the evening was young.
(Medium shot of Kevin and Mr. Cooper as Kevin turns toward the camera. Jack and Mr. Ermin approach Kevin.)
JACK: Mr. Ermin would like to talk to you.
(Close shot of Mr. Ermin. He smiles a little at Kevin.)
Oh my gosh - Mr. Ermin. The Genghis Khan of lawn care. He had a lawn the size of Wyoming.
MR. ERMIN: I understand you're looking for work, son.
(Kevin looks at Jack as Jack squeezes his shoulder.)
(Close shot of Jack looking past the camera at Kevin and smiling.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he looks back at Mr. Ermin.)
(Close shot of Mr. Ermin. He chuckles at Kevin.)
(Shot of Kevin faking a smile. The music fades out.)
(Fade to shot from over Kevin's shoulder of guests, as Kevin turns toward the camera, holding some 45 RPM records. People are dancing in the background. Music "Never On Sunday" starts.)
This evening was heading nowhere and fast.
(Winnie enters the scene and picks up some records.)
KEVIN: Winnie.
KEVIN: Do you wanna take a walk with me somewhere?
WINNIE: I can't, I have to help out.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Come on, only for a minute.
(Mrs. Cooper approaches and hands a bag of hamburger buns to Winnie, while looking out the window.)
MRS. COOPER: Winnie, would you take these to your father?
(Shot of Mrs. Cooper and Winnie.)
WINNIE: Mom, I'm changing the records.
(Mrs. Cooper gives Winnie a stern look.)
MRS. COOPER: Honey, please!
(Winnie takes the bag, sets down the records, gives Mrs. Cooper a sharp glance, and walks away. Mrs. Cooper absent-mindedly rubs her chin and stares out the window.)
(Shot of Kevin. He smiles brightly.)
KEVIN: Um, I'll change the records!
(Mrs. Cooper, turns and walks away, without acknowledging Kevin.)
Don't mention it. Just here to help.
(Close shot of Kevin. He shakes his head, then begins sorting through the records.)
(Wider shot of him looking up, and through the window.)
(Wide shot of Mr. Cooper as Winnie approaches him. Mr. Cooper grabs the bag and walks off. Winnie quickly turns and looks after him.)
(Closer shot of Winnie. She frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin through the window. He makes a little puzzled face.)
(Music fades.)
(Cut to shot of Kevin standing at one end of a ping-pong table. He bounces a ball, then catches it.)
(Close shot of Winnie, and Mrs. Cooper behind the bar.)
In the course of the next hour, I watched Winnie wear a groove in the patio between her parents.
(Wider shot as Winnie turns toward the camera and hurries across the scene to her father. He is loading up a plate of hamburgers off the barbeque.)
(Close shot of Kevin watching Winnie off-screen.)
There was only one possible explanation - she was avoiding me.
(Shot of Winnie as Kevin approaches her.)
KEVIN: Wait a minute.
(Kevin makes a face.)
Yeah, we'd already said that.
KEVIN: Listen -
(Close shot of Winnie. Mrs. Cooper is in the background.)
WINNIE: Did you have a burger?
(Close shot of Kevin getting agitated.)
KEVIN: Winnie, are we gonna have some time alone or not?
MRS. COOPER: Win-nie!
(Focus changes to Mrs. Cooper holding up some drinks, as Winnie glances over her shoulder.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking frustrated.)
(Close shot of Winnie.)
WINNIE: OK, I promise, in a few minutes. I gotta go.
(Shot from over Kevin's shoulder as Winnie turns and hurries to her mother in the background.)
(Shot of Kevin. He is looking at her off-screen, and shakes his head.)
(Fade to shot of Kevin is sitting on a folding chair, holding a mostly-empty plate.)
(Music "I Only Have Eyes For You" plays.)
(He sets the plate down next to him, and leans back, looking dejected. The camera slowly moves in on him.)
Five burgers and three hot dogs later, I was finally fed up.
(Kevin looks up at the sky. The camera still moves slowly around, to include Winnie in the background. She is standing alone, facing away from Kevin somewhat.)
(Kevin looks over and sees Winnie.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera.)
She wasn't helping her parents, she wasn't doing anything, she was just standing there.
(Shot of Winnie from Kevin's perspective. She still looks off.)
OK, enough was enough.
(Shot of Kevin.)
The game was over, let's lay out the cards.
(The camera stays on Kevin's chair as he rises out of the frame.)
(Close shot of Winnie, as Kevin approaches from behind. He pauses, but Winnie doesn't notice him behind her. Kevin is angry.)
KEVIN: What is with you, huh?!
(Winnie turns suddenly to look at him. She looks sad and turns away.)
(Shot of Kevin. Wayne and Karen are in the background with other guests.)
KEVIN: One minute you like me and then the next minute you don't! First you kiss me, and then...you act like you don't even know me.
(Shot of Kevin from behind him. Winnie is in the background, with her back turned to the camera and Kevin.)
KEVIN: You've been doing this all year!
(Close shot of Kevin gesturing, then stepping toward the camera.)
KEVIN: I mean, if you like me, then say so. But if you don't...then...(shrugs)...don't act like you do, OK?
Listen to that.
(Winnie keeps her back turned.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
(Close shot of Winnie turning around.)
WINNIE: Kevin, I have to go away this summer.
KEVIN: What?!
(Shot of Winnie.)
WINNIE: With my mom. We're going to my aunt's in Maine.
(Shot of Kevin. He backs up and turns around. He throws up his hands in frustration.)
KEVIN: I don't believe this!
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera.)
KEVIN: I mean, what about my summer?! Paul's going away with his parents...(gestures)...and now you're going away with your mom...(gestures)...and -
(He stops abruptly, and just looks at Winnie.)
(Close shot of Winnie as she turns around. She looks at Kevin sadly, then runs out of the scene toward the house. Kevin turns to watch her off-screen.)
(Shot of Winnie running through the crowd, away from the camera into the house.)
(Close shot of Kevin. The camera moves in very slowly.)
And then, for the first time that night, I looked around.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the backyard. The camera slowly pans across the patio.)
The music was playing...couples were dancing.
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera. The camera is still moving in very slowly.)
Holding each other tight.
(Close shot of Jack and Norma dancing slowly and closely.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
But not everybody.
(Close shot of Mrs. Cooper, near the bar, unsmiling.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing toward Mr. Cooper off-screen.)
(Shot of Mr. Cooper, scraping the barbeque grill, also unsmiling.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He glances around.)
And suddenly I began to understand.
(Fade to shot of Winnie sitting on the edge of the flower bed along the front porch, staring out toward the street.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching the camera and spotting her. He pauses.)
(The music fades out.)
(Shot of Winnie as before.)
(Close shot of Kevin starting to walk toward the camera.)
(Closer shot from in front of Winnie, as Kevin passes in front of her, and stands next to her, with his hands together. She glances at him as he passes, then looks toward the street again.)
(Shot of Kevin stopping.)
I wanted to tell Winnie I understood what was happening to her family.
(Shot of Winnie. She hunches her shoulders.)
(Shot of Kevin.)
I wanted to say something that would give her comfort. Something incredibly wise.
(Kevin glances back and forth.)
KEVIN: Sorry.
(Shot of Winnie from just behind Kevin. She looks forward.)
WINNIE: Will you write to me when I'm away?
(She looks at Kevin, then forward.)
(Shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Sure.
(Kevin steps forward and sits next to Winnie. He looks at her and straightens up. Winnie is close in profile, and Kevin is on the far side of her.)
(He looks at her, then toward the street.)
(Cut to reverse angle. Kevin is in profile. Winnie turns toward Kevin.)
WINNIE: I miss my brother.
(Kevin turns toward Winnie. She is misty-eyed, and looks over Kevin's face.)
(Shot of Kevin looking down, then toward the street.)
KEVIN: Yeah...
(Shot of Winnie past Kevin. She looks away. Kevin turns slightly to look at her.)
(Music "Scarborough Fair/Canticle" plays thoughout.)
(Kevin slowly puts his arm around Winnie, and she quickly looks at him as he touches her shoulder.)
(Wide shot from nearly in front of them. Kevin keeps his hand on her shoulder, but they both look away.)
(The camera pulls back, then up and sideways slowly.)
That summer, kids everywhere swam, water-skied, and sailed - while Winnie Cooper struggled to keep her head above water, in a family torn apart by anger, and grief.
(The camera is quite high and continues to rise. Kevin and Winnie are in the center of the frame, and much of the house and roof can be seen, although the entire surroundings are dark.)
Fade to
Ext. Day. - Arnold Backyard
(Shot from a low angle of the top of a tree, then the camera pans down to laundry hanging on the clothesline.)
I pretty much stayed close to home.
(The camera starts moving sideways, showing the lawn mower sitting in the grass.)
I mowed Mr. Ermin's lawn. I went fishin' with my dad.
(The camera moves to show Kevin napping in a hammock, with his hands resting on his chest, and a comic book covering his face.)
I watched a man walk on the moon.
(Camera slowly swings around Kevin.)
I considered myself...pretty lucky.
(The camera stops moving, and Kevin gently rocks in the hammock.)
Music continues over
Supporting Cast
Bentley Mitchum - Brian Cooper
Robert Picardo - Mr. Cutlip
Wendel Meldrum - Miss White
Ben Stein - Mr. Cantwell
Lynn Milgrim - Mrs. Cooper
H. Richard Greene - Mr. Cooper
Ben Slack - Mr. Ermin
"Light My Fire" - The Doors
"Smoke Get In Your Eyes" - The Platters
"Never On Sunday" - The Chordettes
"I Only Have Eyes For You" - The Flamingos
"Scarborough Fair" - Simon & Garfunkel

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Wonder Years Menu
12/26/04 17:45