"Rock 'n Roll" - Episode 33

Opening Sequence
(Black-and-white shot of the driveway, lamp-post and house at night. The camera moves in slightly.)
On February ninth, nineteen-sixty-four...something happened that changed the course of American history.
Cut to
Int. Eve - Arnold Living Room
(Close shot of the TV, showing Ed Sullivan.)
ED: Ladies and gentlemen...(gestures)...The Beatles!
(Sound of the audience screaming.)
ED: Let's bring 'em on! (Gestures.)
(Shot of the audience applauding and screaming.)
(Wide shot of the four Beatles as they begin to play. The audience screams again.)
"Oh, yeah - I'll tell you something"
"I think you'll understand"
(Shot from behind the couch of the Arnold's watching the TV. Norma, Kevin, and Jack are on the couch, and Wayne and Karen are on the floor, looking at the TV in the background.)
"When I say that something"
Seventy-three million people sat in front of their TV sets...and looked into the future.
"I wanna hold your hand"
(Close shot of the TV as Ringo plays the drums.)
"I wanna hold your hand"
It was wild. It was exciting.
(Close shot of Karen and Wayne, and the others behind them on the couch. Jack and Norma are frowning slightly. Karen is watching open-mouthed, and Wayne is bobbing his head.)
"I wanna hold your hand"
We'd never seen anything like it.
(Close shot of the TV as John sings.)
"Oh, please say to me"
"You'll let me be your man"
(The TV image cuts to Paul as he sings.)
"And please say to me"
"You'll let me hold your hand"
(The TV image cuts to Paul, George and John.)
"You'll let me hold your hand"
Of course I was only eight years old at the time...
"I wanna hold your hand"
But in those flickering images, I sensed a new era had been born...
(The TV image cuts to Paul, George and John, and Ringo on drums in the background.)
"And when I touch you"
A seed had been planted...
(The TV image pans past Paul, George and John toward Ringo.)
"I feel happy inside"
A dream that would someday lead me from John, Paul, George and Ringo...
Fade to
Ext. Day - School
(Shot of the double-doors as Kevin pushes it open and exits toward the camera. Music fades out.)
(Kevin glances past the camera, looks off, then looks past the camera and slows up.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a boy sitting on a table, playing the guitar casually.)
That guy. The first time I laid eyes on Larry Beeman, I knew I was...
(Shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
Looking at someone...different.
(Kevin frowns slightly, and looks at Larry off-screen.)
(Close shot of Larry playing the guitar, then looking up and noticing Kevin off-screen.)
LARRY: Hey, what's happenin'?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen and shaking his head.)
KEVIN: Nothin' much. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Larry looking at his guitar as he plays.)
Sure, he was weird, but he was also kinda...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): You, there!
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
(Wide shot past Larry of Kevin as Mr. Diperna approaches past Kevin and walks slowly toward Larry with his hands in his pockets.)
Not always the best thing to be in junior high school.
MR. DIPERNA: What's goin' on here?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Mr. Diperna stopping near Larry, who is looking at his guitar. Larry looks up at Mr Diperna.)
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna looking at him.)
MR. DIPERNA: What's your name, mister?
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Larry looking at him.)
LARRY: Beeman. Larry Beeman.
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): You're new here.
LARRY: (Nods.) Just moved...from 'Frisco.
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna glancing off.)
MR. DIPERNA: Well, Mr. Beeman...
(Mr. Diperna looks at Larry.)
MR. DIPERNA: From San Francisco - let me acquaint you with our rules.
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Larry looking at him and nodding slightly.)
LARRY: Hey, that's cool.
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna looking at him.)
MR. DIPERNA: Specifically, pertaining to the playing of...
(Mr. Diperna glanced down and back to Larry.)
MR. DIPERNA: Musical instruments...
(Close shot of the guitar case on the ground as Mr. Diperna taps it twice with his foot.)
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna looking at him.)
MR. DIPERNA: In school.
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Larry looking down, then slowly at Mr. Diperna.)
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna looking at him and shaking his head slightly.)
MR. DIPERNA: It's not permissible.
(Shot of Kevin sighing and frowning at them off-screen.)
Now this was technically none of my business.
(Wider shot of Larry and Mr. Diperna as Larry lifts the strap over his head, and Mr. Diperna smoothes his shirt inside his belt.)
Crushing individual spirit was the Vice-Principal's job...
(Kevin takes a step forward and rest his hand on a railing.)
And he took it seriously.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
KEVIN: Mr. Diperna?
(Close shot of Larry frowning slightly and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Mr. Diperna looking over his shoulder at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA: Arnold.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off, then frowning at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
KEVIN: Is it permissible to play musical instruments...outside the school?
(Close shot of Mr. Diperna looking over his shoulder at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA: What are you getting at? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, technically speaking, sir...
(Kevin glances up.)
KEVIN: We are outside.
(He looks at Mr. Diperna.)
KEVIN: I mean, this is a courtyard.
(Close shot of Larry smiling slightly at Kevin off-screen, then glancing off.)
(Close shot of Mr. Diperna frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Larry looking at Kevin off-screen and smiling and nodding slightly, then looking at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
LARRY: Anything in the rules about courtyards? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna frowning at him.)
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Larry looking at him and nodding slightly.)
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna frowning at him, turning away slightly, then pausing and pointing his finger at him.)
MR. DIPERNA: You're new here. Don't let it happen again. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Larry looking at him as Mr. Diperna lowers his hand.)
(Shot past Larry of Mr. Diperna frowning and turning away, then looing at Kevin as he passes him. Kevin looks after him, then toward Larry as Mr. Diperna exits.)
(Close shot of Larry looking at Kevin off-screen.)
LARRY: Thanks, man. (Nods.) I owe ya one.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly at Larry off-screen, then looking over his shoulder, then smiling broadly at Larry as some acoustic Snuffy guitar plays.)
Cut to
Int. - School Hallway
(Shot of a door as Larry opens it and Kevin and Larry approach the camera walking side-by-side. The camera rolls back with them.)
KEVIN: So, ya really play that thing?
LARRY: Sure.
KEVIN: Like in bands, and stuff? (Smiles.)
(They turn the corner.)
LARRY: Sure. Matter of fact, I'm thinkin' of putting together a band here.
(Larry frowns and looks at Kevin.)
LARRY: You play?
(The camera pans with them as they pass it. Kevin frowns and shakes his head slightly.)
KEVIN: Oh, not exactly.
(Larry turns toward Kevin as they slow up at Larry's locker.)
LARRY: You oughtta try it. (Nods.)
KEVIN: Yeah...
(Shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: But don't ya have to practice a lot? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry frowning at him.)
LARRY: Hey, it's rock and roll, man.
(Larry glances at his locker, then back to Kevin.)
LARRY: All ya need to know is like three chords.
(Shot past Larry of Kevin looking at him.)
LARRY (V/O): Tell ya what...
(Shot past Kevin of Larry looking at him.)
LARRY: I could teach ya. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: You could? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry looking at him as he opens his locker, then smiles and looks off.)
LARRY: It's great, man.
(He looks at Kevin.)
LARRY: The music...the babes.
(Shot past Larry of Kevin looking at him.)
LARRY (V/O): Nothin' like it.
(Close shot of Larry looking at Kevin off-screen.)
LARRY: You interested?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly at Larry off-screen.)
Interested? Of course I was interested.
(Close shot of Larry looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down and frowning slightly.)
(He looks at Larry off-screen and shakes his head.)
KEVIN: I don't think so. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Larry looking at Kevin off-screen and raising his eye-brows.)
LARRY: Think about it...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Sure. (Smiles.)
(Kevin turns away.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry looking after him as he approaches the camera, which rolls back.)
But there wasn't much to think about.
(Kevin smiles slightly, and Larry turns toward his locker.)
Not really.
Fade to
Ext. Day - The Street
(Shot of Kevin riding his bike up the street, close to the camera, which rolls back with him as some acoustic Snuffy guitar plays.)
After all, I was a child of the suburbs. I'd grown up on peanut butter, and station-wagons, and Tang. The whole idea of me...
(Loud guitar feed-back is heard.)
Playing rock-and-roll guitar was...well...it just wasn't me.
(Kevin slows up and stops as a loud electric guitar is heard.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off, then smiling slightly as a dog howls.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Larry's Garage
(Close shot of the neck of a guitar as Larry's hand arranges Kevin's fingers on the strings.)
Which may be why, the next day...
(The camera pulls back to include Kevin and Larry.)
I found myself in Larry's garage.
LARRY: How's it feel, man? (Smiles.)
(He nods and taps Kevin on the shoulder.)
KEVIN: Fine. (Frowns.)
(Larry tucks his hair behind his ears.)
Still, standing there...
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Larry off-screen to the guitar.)
Actually holding that guitar...
(Kevin glances at Larry off-screen and frowns, then looks at the guitar.)
I knew I'd made a mistake.
(Shot past Kevin of Larry making adjustments, then straightening up.)
LARRY: 'Kay, man...(Nods.)
(Shot past Larry of Kevin looking at him and frowning, then looking off.)
Who was I kidding? I felt...foolish.
(Shot past Kevin of Larry looking at him.)
LARRY: Go ahead. (Nods.) Play it.
(Shot past Larry of Kevin looking at him and frowning, then looking off.)
I felt square.
(Kevin glances at Larry, then looks down.)
I felt...
(Close shot of Kevin's hand as he strums the guitar, and a loud chord plays. The camera pans up as Kevin looks off, slightly surprised.)
I felt forty billion volts of power...
(Kevin looks at Larry off-screen and smiles slightly.)
Run through my body.
(Shot past Kevin of Larry nodding.)
(Close shot of Kevin and Larry's hands as Larry makes an adjustment.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry looking at him.)
LARRY: Play it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hand as he strums the guitar and a loud chord plays.)
(Very close shot of Kevin looking slightly surprised.)
Six trillion megawatts of pure energy...
(Kevin licks his lips.)
(Shot of Kevin and Larry.)
Seared my brain.
(Larry gestures and nods slightly.)
LARRY: Let me turn up the juice. (Smiles.)
(Larry looks at the amp and adjusts it.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the amp off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin and Larry as Larry turns toward Kevin and smiles.)
LARRY: Let her go. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the amp off-screen, then down.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hand as he strums the guitar and a loud chord plays, accompanied by some "heaven" music.)
(Wide shot of Kevin standing in the middle of the garage, and Larry off to the side, sitting on the amp. The camera moves in quickly on Kevin as he looks forward, then toward Larry off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry smiling and nodding at him as he makes a fist.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking around and smiling.)
In the lingering echos of that wall of sound...I realized a new door had been opened.
(Kevin smiles at Larry off-screen, then looks down. The music ends abruptly.)
It was...
LARRY (V/O): Rock and roll, man.
(Kevin looks up, then smiles at Larry off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry smiling at him.)
LARRY: Rock and roll.
(He raises his hands.)
LARRY: Whoo!
(Shot of Kevin looking off and smiling.)
And so, I knew what I had to do.
(The camera pans down to the guitar, as some electric Snuffy guitar plays.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Kitchen
(Wide shot of the Arnold's sitting around the table.)
At least theoretically.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off uncertainly.)
KEVIN: Dad? I need a guitar.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at the TV off-screen as he takes a bite of food and chews.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Great. I'd just made an announcement that would shape a generation...
(Kevin looks toward the TV off-screen, frowning slightly.)
And what was I getting?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma as she holds a spoonful of mashed potatoes toward him.)
NORMA: More potatoes, honey? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Norma's hand of Kevin as he frowns, looks toward Karen off-screen, then holds his plate toward Norma.)
(Shot past Kevin's plate as Karen looks at him off-screen.)
KAREN: What do you want a guitar for?
(Shot of Kevin as he looks toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...I was...thinking about...
(Kevin sets his plate down and looks at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: Joining a rock-and-roll band. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Karen making a little face at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as Wayne begins to laugh.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at her food and laughing.)
Something amusing, here?
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne, as Wayne laughs and Kevin turns toward him slowly and frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off, then looking down and frowning.)
KEVIN: Look...
(He looks toward Norma off-screen and gestures.)
KEVIN: I just need to borrow the money, OK? (Nods.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma looking at him, slightly surprised.)
NORMA: What - you're not serious, are you, honey?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, I mean, you paid for my piano lessons. (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma frowning and glancing down, then looking at him.)
NORMA: Honey...that was different. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Why? Why was that different? (Gestures.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma frowning slightly and looking off.)
(She looks at Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking smugly at Norma off-screen.)
I had her stumped.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma shrugging slightly.)
NORMA: That was...real music. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Karen looking from Kevin off-screen to Norma off-screen and frowning.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking blankly at Norma off-screen, then glancing off and frowning.)
KEVIN: So, what's rock-and-roll?
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen as he lifts a forkful of food.)
JACK: Noise.
(Shot past Jack of Karen, Kevin and Wayne looking at him as he takes a bite.)
(Close shot of Jack looking from Kevin off-screen toward the TV off-screen and chewing.)
Noise?! OK, maybe that was true.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
But I wasn't gonna be derailed just by simple logic.
(Kevin glances off.)
I was determined.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: So, Dad, can I have a guitar? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen and dropping his fork, then looking at Norma off-screen and wiping his mouth with a napkin.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Here it came.
(Norma glances toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
There was only one answer I'd accept.
(Kevin crosses his arms on the table.)
(Shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen as he chews and wipes his hands with the napkin, then looks at Kevin off-screen, pauses, then shrugs.)
JACK: No. (Gestures.)
Cut to
Int. Day - School Restroom
(Shot of Kevin and Larry as Larry leans on a sink and adjusts his hair. Sound of a toilet flushing.)
LARRY: What do you mean your parents won't let you have a guitar?
(Close shot past Larry of Kevin glancing off and frowning.)
I was gonna have to educate Larry about the complexity of interpersonal family dynamics.
(Kevin shrugs slightly.)
KEVIN: My dad said no!
(Close shot of Larry's reflection in the mirror as he looks at himself.)
LARRY: Man, you're hopeless. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry as he looks at Kevin.)
LARRY: You think Jimi Hendrix asked his dad for a guitar?
(Close shot past Larry of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: So what are you saying? (Nods.) Are you saying I should go by myself, and just buy a guitar? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry as he slowly turns and looks at Kevin.)
(Close shot past Larry of Kevin. Kevin snorts and looks toward the mirror, then at Larry off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry as he smiles and nods slightly at Kevin. Twang of electric guitar.)
(Shot past Kevin of his reflection in the mirror as he looks off and smiles. Another twang of electric guitar, then "My Generation" - The Who starts.)
Cut to
Day - Music Store
(Shot past the window display of guitars as Kevin approaches the window and looks in.)
"People try to put us d-down"
"Talkin' 'bout my generation"
(Shot of the window display from outside, with Kevin reflected in the glass.)
"Just because we get around"
(Close shot past two guitars of Kevin looking in the window, then smiling slightly and exiting.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Music Store
(Shot of Kevin at the counter as he puts some money on it and the clerk watches.)
"Talkin' 'bout my generation"
And so I handed over the proceeds...
"Things they do look awful c-c-cold"
"Talkin' 'bout my generation"
(Shot past the clerk and register of Kevin smiling as he digs out some more money.)
From a summer spent mowing lawns.
"I hope I die before I get old"
(Kevin puts some change in the clerks hand.)
"Talkin' 'bout my generation"
(Shot through the window of the clerk walking along the wall of guitars, looking at them.)
It was time to declare a little independence. It was time to put the older generation on notice, and take what was rightfully mine.
(The camera pans down the neck of a quitar standing upright in near the window.)
"Why don't you all f-fade away"
Talkin' 'bout my generation"
(There is an amp sitting next to the guitar, and a sign reading "Special - Guitar & Amp" with prices of $40.99 and $39.99 crossed out, and the third price of $38.99)
I bought my first used electric guitar and amp for thirty-eight dollars and change.
Cut to
Int. Eve. - Arnold Basement
(Very close shot of the latch of the guitar case as Kevin's finger unhooks it.)
"Yeah, don't try and dig what we all s-s-say"
"Talkin' 'bout my generation"
(The camera pans over to the other latch as Kevin's hand unhooks it.)
And the moment of truth arrived.
"I'm not tryin' to cause a big s-s-sensation"
(Shot from above the case as Kevin's hand opens it.)
"Talkin' 'bout my generation"
(Wider shot of the basement as Kevin reaches into the case. The amp is on the coffee table.)
"I'm just talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-generation"
"Talkin' 'bout my generation"
(Kevin puts the strap over his shoulder.)
As I strapped on that guitar...
(Kevin looks forward and smiles slightly.)
I felt awed...
(Kevin pulls on the lead from the guitar till he gets the plug.)
To be in the presence of a rich musical tradition...that was as old...
(Kevin plugs into the amp.)
As I was.
(Kevin looks off as he grips the guitar.)
I knew something was about to happen.
(Kevin looks toward the amp.)
Something extraordinary.
(Kevin reaches toward the amp.)
(Close shot of the amp as Kevin's hand turns a control knob, and a red light comes on. The music "My Generation" cuts in and out, and the room light flickers.)
(Shot of Kevin looking off as the lights go out.)
Cut to
Ext. Eve. - Arnold House
(Shot past the lamp-post of the house as all the lights flicker and the music "My Generation" cuts in and out, then both the lights and music turn off.)
JACK (V/O): Kevin!
(Sound of a howling dog.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Larry's Garage
(Close shot of the drums as Mark plays them as the band warms up. The camera pans across.)
And so, from the humble beginnings of Larry Beeman's garage...
(Neal and Kevin are playing guitars as the camera passes very close behind Larry.)
A new musical force was born.
(Kevin is looking at Larry off-screen.)
And what a band it was.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly as he looks at Mark off-screen.)
On drums...our foundation, our support...
(Shot of Mark playing the drums, banging the cymbal, then smiling as he twirls the drumstick.)
(On PA): Mark...Bernstein!
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Mark off-screen. Sound of a cheering crowd. Kevin looks at Neal off-screen.)
On bass guitar - to know him is to love him...
(Shot of Neal wearing sunglasses, as he plucks a string and slides his hand down the neck of the guitar.)
(On PA): Neal Rhodes.
(Sound of a cheering crowd.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Larry off-screen.)
On lead guitar...
(Shot of Larry looking at his guitar as he plays.)
(On PA): Larry Beeman!
(Sound of a cheering crowd.)
(Shot past Kevin of the others.)
And...on rhythm guitar...
(Shot of Kevin looking down at his guitar.)
A man who needs no introduction...
(Kevin looks toward Mark off-screen.)
(On PA): Yours truly.
(Kevin plays a chord and smiles.)
(Wide shot of all.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera.)
We had our equipment, we knew our three chords...
(Shot of two pairs of legs and shoes.)
It was official.
(The camera pans up to two girls, about seven years old, smiling at the guys off-screen.)
We...were a rock and roll band.
LARRY (V/O): OK, let's get goin'.
(Kevin looks toward Larry off-screen.)
(Wide shot of all.)
LARRY: Let's play..."Sunshine of Your Love"...
(Shot past Larry of Neal turning toward him.)
NEAL: I don't know "Sunshine of Your Love".
(Shot of Larry nodding and looking off.)
LARRY: That's cool, cool.
(He puts his hands on his back pockets and frowns at Neal off-screen.)
LARRY: What do ya know?
(Shot past Larry of Neal looking forward.)
NEAL: Um..."Satisfaction"?
(Shot past Larry's hand of Kevin looking toward him.)
KEVIN: No, no. (Gestures.) I don't know "Satisfaction".
(Shot of Larry looking off.)
LARRY: How about...(Frowns.)
(Larry looks toward the guys off-screen.)
LARRY: "Louie, Louie"?
(Close shot of Mark looking at Larry off-screen.)
MARK: How's that go?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking off.)
OK - so it wasn't an auspicious beginning.
(Wide shot of all.)
But it wasn't gonna stop Larry.
(Shot of Larry looking toward the guys off-screen.)
LARRY: Why don't we just jam?
(Shot past Larry of Neal nodding and looking at his guitar.)
That's the spirit.
(Shot past Larry's hand of Kevin smiling and looking at his guitar.)
Rock and roll.
(Shot past Larry of Mark smiling and nodding dramatically.)
Let it all hang out.
(Shot of Larry as he raises his hand.)
(Shot of Neal looking at Larry off-screen.)
LARRY (V/O): Two!
(Shot of Mark.)
LARRY (V/O): Three!
(Shot past the head of Larry's guitar of Kevin looking at him.)
LARRY (V/O): Four!
(Kevin begins to strum his guitar as the band begins to jam.)
(Shot of Neal playing his guitar.)
(Shot of the two girls smiling at the band off-screen.)
(Shot of Mark playing the drums.)
(Wide shot of all four as they play, then wind down. A dog howls.)
(Shot past Larry of Mark frowning as he holds the cymbals, then sits back.)
(Shot past Larry of Neal looking at him and frowning slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Larry off-screen, then glancing off.)
(Shot of Larry glancing around the guys off-screen.)
LARRY: So. (Nods.) What are we gonna call ourselves?
Cut to
Int. Day - Cafeteria
(Close shot of Paul frowning.)
PAUL: "The Electric Shoes"?
(Close shot of Kevin looking up from his food toward Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Wide shot of Kevin and Winnie sitting across from each other, and Paul sitting next to Winnie. Kevin is playing with his mashed potatoes.)
PAUL: "The Electric Shoes"?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yes! (Frowns.) "The Electric Shoes"! (Gestures.) We're called "The Electric Shoes", OK?
(Shot of Winnie and Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Why?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking off, then at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Because we -
(Kevin pauses, nodding, then frowns.)
KEVIN: What difference does it make?
(Kevin looks at his food.)
(Shot of Winnie and Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Well...(gestures)...it just doesn't make any sense!
Boy! Talk about a couple of stick-in-the-muds.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning heavily at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul! Does "Strawberry Alarm Clock" make any sense? (Nods.) Does "Vanilla Fudge"...
(Close shot of Paul looking off.)
KEVIN (V/O): Make any sense?
(Paul frowns and looks at his food.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly at Paul off-screen, then shaking his head and looking at his food.)
(Shot of Winnie and Paul as Paul looks up from his food toward Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: So, ya any good? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning heavily at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look, Paul - we practiced once, awright? Do you think the Beatles sounded so great the first time they played?
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen and shrugging slightly.)
PAUL: I just hope you don't make a complete fool out of yourself.
(Shot of Winnie and Paul as she looks thoughtfully at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I don't know. I guess I could see Kevin as a musician.
(Close shot of Kevin looking up from his food toward Winnie off-screen.)
Well, well, well. What have we here?
(Kevin smiles slightly.)
Potential groupie material?
(Shot of Winnie and Paul as Winnie puts her chin on her hand and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: You know...
(She glances at Paul quickly, then looks at Kevin again.)
WINNIE: I think he kinda looks like Paul McCartney.
PAUL: He does? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly and looking from Winnie to Paul off-screen.)
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Pfeiffer!
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE (V/O): Actually...
(Paul looks at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: He looks more like Donnie Osmond. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off quickly, then looking at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I just hope you don't make a complete fool out of yourself.
(Paul shakes his head and looks at his food.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
Ah, who needed friends, anyway?
(Kevin glances between Winnie and Paul off-screen and frowns.)
I had a band!
Cut to
Int. Day - Larry's Garage
(Shot of Larry raising his hand.)
(Close shot of a drum as Mark hand hits it with a drumstick.)
LARRY (V/O): Two!
(Close shot of the bass drum and Mark's shoe as he bangs it.)
LARRY (V/O): Three!
(Cloe shot of Neal's guitar.)
LARRY (V/O): Four!
(The camera pans quickly to the bare bulb hanging from the ceiling, then to Larry's guitar as he plays it. "So You Want To Be a Rock and Roll Star" plays.)
(Shot of Larry and Neal animatedly playing.)
"So you want to be a rock-and-roll star"
"Then listen now to what I say"
(Shot past Larry of Kevin playing his quitar.)
"Just get an electric guitar"
"Then take some time and learn how to play"
(Very close shot of Neal's guitar. The camera pans up to him.)
"And with your hair swung right"
(Shot of Larry lying on his back and smiling.)
For the next two weeks...
"And your pants too tight, it's gonna be all right"
(Blurry shot as the camera quickly pans from a guitar to the bare bulb, then to Kevin and Larry as they play.)
The Electric Shoes practiced day and night.
(Shot past Mark's shoulder of the drums as he plays them.)
Well, day, anyway.
(Close shot of Kevin and Larry looking at each other and singing.)
"Then it's time to go downtown"
"Where the agent man won't let you down"
(Shot past a cymbal as Mark frowns and plays.)
We explored new rhythms.
(Shot of Kevin playing, then turning toward Larry.)
"Sell your soul to the company"
We found our sound.
(Kevin squats lower as he plays.)
"Who are waiting there to sell plastic ware"
But mostly...
(Shot past a drum of Mark playing.)
We just had fun.
(Shot of Larry and Kevin playing.)
"And in a week or two if you make the charts"
(Shot of Mark playing rapidly.)
"The girls'll tear you apart"
(Shot of Larry dramatically kneeling and bending down as he holds the microphone. Sound of a cheering crowd.)
And pretty soon...
(Wide shot of all. Larry and Kevin are standing back-to-back as they play. The camera moves in slightly. Kevin and Larry separate.)
We'd actually gotten better.
(The camera pans over slightly to Mark, then moves in on the bass drum. "So You Want To Be A Rock-and-Roll Star" fades.)
Cut to
Another Day
(Same shot of the drum as the band's music is heard. The camera pulls back, and Larry moves into the shot. The camera pulls back to include Kevin as they all play.)
(Close shot of the two girls looking at each other and frowning, then turning and leaving.)
(Wide shot of the guys as Larry claps his hands slowly above his head, then hi-five's with Neal.)
(Shot past Larry of Kevin smiling as Larry passes the camera.)
MARK: Alright!
LARRY: Yeah!
In a manner of speaking. OK...so we were lousy.
(Shot of Mark looking toward Larry off-screen.)
But who cared? No one had to listen to us...
(Shot past Larry of Kevin looking at his guitar, as Larry lifts his strap over his head.)
So what difference did it make?
(Shot past Kevin of Larry, who is sitting on something.)
LARRY: Guys - I meant to tell ya. I got us a gig.
(Close shot of Kevin looking slightly surprised.)
And suddenly, it made a difference.
(Close shot of Neal as he smiles and looks over his shoulder at Mark off-screen.)
NEAL: Yeah!
(Shot of Mark and his drums as he smiles at Larry off-screen.)
MARK: Alright!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: What'd you say? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry looking around the guys, gesturing with each word.)
LARRY: Amy Ermin's birthday party. Friday night. We're booked.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen, then glancing off and back.)
KEVIN: You're kidding, right? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Larry smiling toward Mark off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): A real party?
(Larry turns toward Kevin, and smiles and nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: With people...(Frowns.)
(Close shot of Larry smiling and nodding at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: That we know? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Larry smiling at Neal off-screen.)
LARRY: It's gonna be great, man...(Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Larry, we're not ready! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Larry looking at Kevin off-screen.)
LARRY: Hey...(frowns)...we're never gonna know, unless we get out there and do it.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off then looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, but...(Frowns.)
LARRY (V/O): Come on...
(Close shot of Larry looking at Kevin off-screen.)
LARRY: What are you afraid of? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
What was I afraid of?
(Kevin sighs, then looks off.)
How about, say...total public humiliation?
(Kevin glances toward Larry off-screen, then looks off.)
For starters.
(Kevin sighs and frowns slightly, and looks at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look, Larry...you've played in bands before...you know we just can't -
(Close shot of Larry looking off, and rubbing his neck.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Larry?
(Close shot of Larry looking off, and holding his neck, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: You have played in bands before, haven't you?
(Shot of Mark frowning slightly at Larry off-screen.)
(Close shot of Larry looking down, holding his neck, then shrugging at Kevin off-screen.)
LARRY: What difference does that make?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen.)
And then it all came clear.
(Kevin sighs and glances off.)
Paul had been right. There was potential for real disaster, here.
(Kevin looks at Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look, Larry - I'm not going to go out there and make a complete fool out of myself! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Larry looking down and frowning slightly as he nods faintly, then looks at Kevin off-screen.)
LARRY: It's up to you, man. (Gestures.) We're gonna be there. (Nods.) You're either with us...(frowns)...or you're out.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Larry off-screen, then toward Neal off-screen.)
(Shot of Neal as he takes his guitar off.)
What could I say? I wanted to be with them...
(Neal stands up and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
I wanted to take the chance and throw caution to the winds...
(Shot of Mark looking at Kevin off-screen.)
I wanted to rock and roll!
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
But the fact is...I didn't have the guts.
(Kevin looks downs and sighs.)
KEVIN: Sorry, guys.
(Kevin lifts the guitar strap up.)
(Close shot of Larry frowning slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin as he takes the strap off his shoulder and turns toward his amp.)
KEVIN: You can count me out. (Frowns.)
(The camera pans over the the amp as Kevin pulls the guitar jack out. Some acoustic Snuffy guitar plays.)
(Close shot of Larry frowning and watching Kevin off-screen.)
And so I quit the Electric Shoes.
(Larry looks toward the guys, then down, frowning slightly.)
Cut to
Int. Eve. - Arnold Living Room
(Close shot of the TV showing Mitch Miller standing close to the camera, and a large group of people behind him on stage.)
MITCH: Won't you paddle Madeline home?
(Accordion music starts, and Mitch begins conducting and singing as the lyrics appear on the screen.)
"Cause when I'm paddlin' Madeline home..."
(Close shot of Kevin sitting on the couch as he frowns and looks off.)
That Friday night, I actually felt relieved. Or, so I told myself.
(Wide shot past the TV of Jack and Norma together on the couch, and Kevin at the other end with his foot on the coffee table.)
CHORUS (On TV): "Paddlin' Madeline home..."
(Norma turns toward Kevin.)
NORMA: Don't you want some cookies, honey.
(Kevin sighs and looks at Norma.)
KEVIN: No, thanks.
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward and frowning slightly.)
I mean, playing in Larry's garage was one thing, but...risking my reputation? That was just...
(Close shot of the TV, showing a slightly wider shot of Mitch and the group behind him.)
CHORUS: "Then I keep paddlin' Madeline home..."
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the TV off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): So, Kev...
(Kevin glances toward Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): I heard you quit the old...
(Shot of Wayne approaching, holding a bottle and glass.)
WAYNE: Electric Shoes, huh?
(He sits in the chair.)
WAYNE: Thinkin' about...goin' solo? (Laughs.)
(Shot of Kevin glancing off and sighing.)
(Close shot of Jack and Norma. Jack has his arm over Norma's shoulder, holding her hand, and watching the TV off-screen as Norma turns towrd Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: You're not playing in the band, anymore?
(Shot of Kevin turning toward Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: No, Mom...(Frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack and Norma as Jack glances at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Oh. (Frowns.) That's too bad.
(Shot of Kevin looking down.)
WAYNE (V/O): Yeah...I was kinda looking forward...
(Shot of Wayne in the chair, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: To watching you crash and burn.
(Shot of Kevin frowning heavily and rolling his eyes, then looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Ooh, hah-hah! (Gestures.)
(Shot of Wayne smiling at Jack and Norma off-screen as he gestures with his bottle, then pours it into his glass.)
(Close shot of Jack and Norma as Jack looks at Wayne off-screen and Norma looks at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Well...least you got it out of your system, sweetie.
(Shot of Kevin looking forwad, then frowning and turning toward Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: What's that...(gestures)...supposed to mean? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack and Norma as Jack looks at the TV off-screen and wags Norma's hand in time to the music. Norma looks at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Well, I...just mean that...it wasn't really you. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Close shot of Jack and Norma as Jack looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: It was pretty dumb, Kevin.
(Norma looks at Jack.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN (With nar.): Dumb? (Frowns.)
Now wait a darn minute here!
(Close shot of Jack and Norma as Jack looks at the TV off-screen, and Norma looks at Kevin off-screen.)
Who were these people tellin' me who I was and wasn't?
(Shot of Kevin frowning heavily and glancing off.)
What did they know?
(Kevin stands up.)
KEVIN: I don't have to take this!
(Kevin looks toward Jack and Norma off-screen.)
(Wider shot past Kevin of Jack and Norma turning toward him.)
KEVIN: So what if it was dumb? (Nods.) What - you've never done anything dumb in your life?
(Shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen, slightly surprised.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack and Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look! (Gestures.) I'll decide what's dumb and what isn't!
(Kevin looks toward Wayne off-screen, then Jack and Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: And nobody's gonna tell me I can't do somethin' dumb, if I wanna do somethin' dumb!
Listen to that.
(He puts his hand on his hips and nods.)
Yep! I was on to somethin', here.
(Kevin glances off and frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack and Norma frowning at him, then looking at each other, puzzled. Norma looks at Kevin again.)
NORMA: Honey, what are you talking about? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing toward Wayne off-screen, then looking off and frowning heavily.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack and Norma frowning at him as Kevin gestures.)
KEVIN (V/O): Never mind!
(Wider shot of Jack and Norma looking after Kevin as he heads toward his bedroom.)
But I knew what it meant. Dumb or not, it all boiled down to one thing.
(Norma leans back as Kevin's door slams shut, and looks at Jack. Sound of an electric guitar.)
Cut to
Ext. Eve. - Amy Ermin's Back Yard
(Close shot of boots and striped bell-bottom pants. The camera pans up to Kevin. He is wearing a dark blue-and-white shirt over his purple T-shirt, and is wearing dark glasses.)
I was back.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective across the heads of some kids toward Neal, who turns over his shoulder.)
NEAL: Yeah, Kevin made it!
(Mark stands up behind Neal, and they shake their fists.)
MARK: Yeah, right. (Smiles.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and making a fist.)
I was calm.
(He approaches the camera.)
I was ready.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the kids as they spread apart in front of him.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching the camera, which rolls back with him.)
I was a man with a mission.
(Shot from behind Kevin as he approaches behind Paul and Winnie, who turn toward him.)
PAUL: Kev, is that you?
(Kevin takes off his sunglasses, glances around, and smiles.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul and Winnie frowning at him slightly.)
What do you say when finally confronted by a hero of rock-and-roll?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling sauavely.)
In the flesh.
(Shot of Paul and Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: Is that your sister's shirt? (Frowns.)
(Shot of Kevin frowning at Winnie off-screen, glancing at his shirt, then frowning at Winnie off-screen again.)
(Shot of Paul and Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen as Winnie sighs slightly.)
WINNIE: Good luck!
(Shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Thanks. (Nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul and Winnie separating as Kevin starts to walk between them, handing Paul his dark glasses.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching the camera past Paul and Winnie. They turn and look after him as he passes the camera.)
(Shot past some kids of Kevin approaching the stage area.)
As I stepped up to that patio...
(Kevin walks up a few steps.)
I felt a wildness welling up inside of me.
(Kevin sets his amp down and reaches over to "hi-five" with Mark.)
I understood what Larry had been trying to tell me all along.
(Kevin faces the crowd.)
Anything was possible up here.
(Close shot of Amy and another girl leaning closer to each other and smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
GIRLS: He's cute! (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin holding his guitar and smiling, then looking toward Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Hey, Larry.
(Kevin looks forward again and smiles.)
(Shot of Larry from behind. He is turned away.)
(Shot of Kevin and Neal as Kevin looks over his shoulder toward Larry off-screen.)
KEVIN: Larry?
(Shot of Larry from behind as he turns around slightly.)
Including stone-cold panic.
(Shot of Kevin and Neal as Neal shakes his head and frowns.)
NEAL: He's freakin', man.
(Kevin turns toward Neal.)
NEAL: We've been warmin' up for like fifteen minutes.
(Shot of Larry from behind as he turns around slightly, looking off and frowning slightly. Sound of some feedback.)
As he gazed into a sea of eight-grade faces, reality finally caught up with Larry Beeman.
(Wide shot past Kevin and Larry of the crowd as Amy steps between two kids.)
AMY: So...(gestures)...are you guys gonna play, or what?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the crowd off-screen.)
GIRL (V/O): Come on...what's up?
(Shot of Mark at his drums. He looks at Kevin off-screen in front of him, and leans forward slightly.)
MARK: What should we do? (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder at Mark off-screen.)
It was up to me.
(Kevin glances at Larry off-screen.)
And I made my decision.
(Kevin looks toward the crowd off-screen.)
I wasn't gonna let this dream die.
(Shot across the crowd as Kevin plugs into the amp.)
If we weren't gonna play good...
(Kevin turns forward and looks around him.)
We were gonna play loud.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Neal off-screen.)
KEVIN: Let's do it!
(Kevin looks toward Mark off-screen.)
(Shot of Mark smiling and nodding at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Larry, Kevin and Neal standing side-by-side as Kevin looks at Larry.)
KEVIN: One...
(Kevin looks at Neal.)
KEVIN: Two...
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: One...two...
(Shot of Mark playing the drums as everyone starts playing.)
KEVIN (V/O): Three!
(They play about four seconds.)
(Shot of Mr. Ermin and two policemen approaching the camera through the crowd. They slow up, and Mr. Ermin raises his hand near his mouth.)
MR. ERMIN: Boys?!
(Shot of Kevin and Neal looking down as they play.)
MR. ERMIN (V/O): Boys! Boys!
(Shot of Mark playing, then looking off and pausing. The music dies down.)
(Wide shot past the crowd of Larry, Kevin and Neal pausing.)
(Shot of Mr. Ermin and the policemen as Mr. Ermin looks toward the band off-screen.)
MR. ERMIN: You're gonna have to stop.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly and looking toward Neal off-screen.)
(Shot of Mr. Ermin and the policemen as Mr. Ermin looks toward the band off-screen.)
MR. ERMIN: The neighbors are complaining about the noise.
AMY (V/O): Dad-dy!
(Wide shot past Kevin and Larry of the crowd as Amy turns toward Mr. rmin off-screen and puts her hand on her hip.)
(Shot of Mark looking away and frowning heavily as some kids groan in the background.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Mr. Ermin off-screen.)
It was the end of the road. We'd been shut down.
(Shot of Mr. Ermin and the policemen as Mr. Ermin frowns and sighs slightly.)
GIRL (V/O): Just one song!
(Shot of Paul and Winnie as Winnie looks over her shoulder, then forward again, as Paul puffs out his cheeks and sighs.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Mr. Ermin off-screen.)
And then it happened.
(Kevin looks toward Amy off-screen.)
AMY? (V/O): Let them play! God, just one song...
(Shot of Paul and Winnie looking toward the crowd.)
CROWD (V/O): Let them play! Let them play!
(Wide shot past the crowd of Larry, Kevin and Neal.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly and looking around.)
(Shot past Kevin of Amy and the crowd as they raise their fists.)
CROWD (V/O): Let them play! Let them play!
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly and looking around.)
CROWD (V/O): Let them play! Let them play!
(Closer shot of Larry, Kevin and Neal as some acoustic Snuffy guitar plays throughout.)
I couldn't say exactly why it happened.
CROWD (V/O): Let them play! Let them play!
Maybe no one there could.
(Shot of Paul and Winnie shaking their fist in the air.)
CROWD: Let them play! Let them play!
Maybe it was...
(Shot past the crowd of Larry, Kevin and Neal as the crowd waves their fists and chants.)
The impatience of youth.
(The camera rolls sideways behind the crowd.)
Or maybe it was the times. It doesn't really matter.
(Close shot of Larry looking off and smiling slightly.)
For one brief moment that night...Larry Beeman and I...
(Shot of Kevin smiling and looking toward the crowd off-screen.)
Lived out...
(Kevin leans back slightly toward Larry.)
A dream.
(Kevin quickly glances at Larry, then the crowd off-screen.)
KEVIN: Rock and roll, man. (Smiles.)
(Kevin and Larry look at each other.)
KEVIN: Rock...and...roll. (Nods.)
(Larry nods and makes a fist.)
(The camera pans slightly with Kevin as he straightens up, to include Neal, and Kevin smiles at the crowd off-screen.)
CROWD (V/O): Let them play! Let them play! Let them play! Let them play!
(Wide shot from behind the crowd as they chant and shake their fists. The camera rises slowly. Some acoustic Snuffy guitar plays.)
The Electric Shoes broke up a week later. And for a time, there was talk of a reunion...but it never happened.
Fade to
Int. Night - Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin lying back on top of his bead, wearing pajamas, and looking the Beatle's "Abbey Road" album cover as Snuffy's guitar continues.)
Still, that dream never really died.
(Kevin lays the album cover on his chest.)
What we felt in those years...
(Kevin puts his hands together on top of the album cover as the camera moves in slightly and circles slowly.)
The hope, the joy, the possibilities...the sense that anything might happen - no matter who we were...
(Kevin smiles slightly.)
Will always be a part of us.
(Snuffy's guitar ends.)
After all, people said the Beatles would never last.
(Kevin smiles slightly again, and the camera pulls away slightly.)
And they were right. Except, of course...they did.
Slow Fade to
(Clip of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show. Three of them are side-by-side, and Ringo is in the background.)
"Then I'll say that something"
(Fade to close shot of John singing.)
"I wanna hold your hand"
(Kevin's image disappears.)
(Cut to close shot of Paul singing.)
"I wanna hold your hand"
(Cut to close shot of George looking down as he plays.)
"I wanna hold your hand"
(Shot of the four of them.)
"I wanna hold your hand"
(The image freezes as they hit the last note. Sound of the crowd screaming.)
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Larry Beeman - Joshua Miller
"I Wanna Hold Your Hand" - The Beatles
"My Generation" - The Who
"So You Want To Be A Rock-and-Roll Star" - The Byrds

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Episode Info
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01/02/05 12:25