Trivia and Goofs

Many people enjoy finding all the bloopers and goofs, and there are plenty of those to be found. In Ep 34 - Kevin walks into the cafeteria looking for a seat. As the camera shows the students at the tables, Kevin is already sitting in the background. Hmmm. Some, like that one, are true goofs. Some are cumulative over the course of several episodes. In Ep 4 and Ep 6 - the Arnold's watch a color TV. In Ep 9 - Wayne and Kevin badger Jack for a color TV for Christmas. Hmmm. In Ep 93 "Broken Hearts and Burgers", the restaurant shown in the opening and closing scenes are different. In Ep 91 "The Wedding", everyone leaves the church - apparently without Wayne. The list goes on and on...Peter's page lists many bloopers in the episode guide.

Wacky Winnie
The part of "Winnie" was originally supposed to be a one-episode appearance. The original narration, contrary to rumor, was not "it was the only kiss for both of us", which implied they were not together in later life. However, the narration "But I think about the events of that day again and again. And somehow I know that Winnie does too", from the beginning, also implies they were not together.
Over the course of the series, Winnie remained fairly unpredictable and sometimes "odd". Her character was subjected to the death of her brother, her parents separation (later
reconciled), and uncertainties caused by moving to a new house and going to a new school. She had some emotional problems as a result, though only vaguely evidenced: In Episode 11, she says "I wish everyone would just leave me alone - I don't know what I'm doing." In Episode 23, she is sad, telling Kevin "I miss my brother." In Episode 66 - "The Accident", wherein she hangs out with an older crowd, she shows a hint (by laughing and screaming while "cracking the whip" at a skating rink) of having a wilder side. In my opinion, she was out of Kevin's league, by being a little "too perfect" - like Mary Tyler Moore (Kevin's words and description, Ep 110) and a bit of a high-maintenance problem - Kevin deliberates on a Christmas present for her, a one-hundred-dollar sweater. And, also my opinion, they didn't have a very honest relationship. Kevin always had a roaming eye, while Winnie went for high-profile types, particularly head-lifeguards (Ep 115), Olympic-hopeful swimmers named "Chip" (Ep 23), and guys "with a dark tan in the middle of the winter, and muscles out to here" (Eps 6-11+), and a couple regular-types in between. Of course, this is TV, no matter how good. "Winnie" was, of course, a "reactive" character to whatever the story required on "Kevin's" part. Perhaps the "wackiest" aspect of Winnie was the fact that although she went to Paris, she didn't see her parents in eight years. I just find that hard to explain. (Yeah, it was $750 to fly then - but eight years? I suppose her parents could have visited her in Paris, but still...)
Finally, the most popular question is whether Kevin and Winnie "did it" in the barn in the last episode. Well, obviously they did (from the narration - "everything that mattered, I learned from Winnie" - and of course, sex "matters"). The "action" was zero, however (due to the producers being overly cautious in a G-rated show), and except for that bit of narration, I would say they did not. I mean, really! Winnie knew nothing, either. Winnie was probably even stupider than Kevin about sex (at least, she seemed not to think about it.) And, although it happens all the time, I have a hard time thinking Winnie would have un-protected sex. (I'm quite sure Kevin wasn't "carrying", and Winnie would never think of it herself - she carried gum.) My final thought is this - after being "on-again, off-again" so many times, would she have really taken Kevin back after Ep 99 - "White Lies" wherein Kevin lets a rumor spread that he and Winnie "did it"? Would they really go on as before? Kevin would still be frustrated, and if he just "gave up" all hope, why stick around with "Miss Priss"?

Kooky Kevin
Something I find amusing is Fred's ambidexterity - doing different things with each hand. He bowls as a righty, yet plays Skee-ball as a lefty. He bats and throws a baseball as a righty, yet throws a dodgeball, a football and a paperwad as a lefty, and plays basketball that way, too. He also eats and writes as a righty, but smokes as a lefty. (And I thought I was weird - I eat and write as a lefty, but am a righty for everything else.)

Same Actor - Different Character
Throughout the series, on occasion, the same actor will play differently-named characters. These include...
Michael Bacall, who plays "Joey Santana" in Ep 4 - "Angel", and "Lewis" in Ep 72 - "The Hardware Store" and Ep 73 - "Frank and Denise".
Michael Bower, who plays "Joe" in Ep 41 - "Faith", "Kid" in Ep 58 - "Denial", and "Peter Armbruster" in Ep 65 - "The Yearbook".
Willie C. Carpenter, who plays "Mr. Altman" in Ep 56 - "The Candidate" and Ep 65 - "The Yearbook", and "Mr. Glavin" in Ep 102 - "The Test" and Ep 112 - "The Little Women".
Dustin Diamond, who plays "Joey Harris" in Ep 15 - "Loosiers", and "Joey Lapman" in Ep 39 - "Glee Club".
Robin Lynn Heath, who plays "Tina" in Ep 57 - "Heartbreak", and "Lori" in Ep 70 - "The Lake".
Art Hoffman, who plays "Grimly" in Ep 15 - "Loosiers", and "Roger Dikovian" in Ep 57 - "Heartbreak" and Ep 58 - "Denial".
Laura Mooney, who plays "Girl" (actually, either "Miss Clark" or "Miss Rodino") in Ep 14 - "Hiroshima, Mon Frere", "Donna Holton" in Ep 17 - "Nemesis", and "Girl" (Winnie's bodyguard) in Ep 93 - "Broken Hearts and Burgers".
Trenton Teigen, who plays "Andy Collins" in Ep 76 - "Soccer", and "Harlan Abramson" in Ep 110 - "Eclipse".
In several cases, the character may be un-named in one episode, then appear to be a different named character in another episode. These include...
Melissa Clayton, who plays the "Girl" in Ep 10 - "Steady As She Goes", and "Karen" in Ep 16 - "Walk Out".
Sarah Dammann, who plays a "Girl" in Ep 89 - "The Lost Weekend", and "Waitress" in Ep 93 - "Broken Hearts and Burgers".
Jeremy Davies, who plays "Guy" in Ep 89 - "The Lost Weekend", and "Eddie Horvath" in Ep 97 - "Sex and Economics".
Elyse Eberstein, who plays "Girl" in Ep 26 - "Wayne On Wheels", and "Melissa Bemil" in Ep 37 - "St. Valentine's Day Massacre".
Eric Foster,who plays "Kid" in Ep 50 - "Cost of Living", and "Neal Pemish" in Ep 87 - "Lunch Stories".
Josh Peden, who plays "Student" in Ep 56 - "The Candidate", "Kid" in Ep 58 - "Heartbreak", and "Callio" in Ep 71 - "Day One".
Stefanie Scott, who played "Amy Ermin" in Ep 33 - "Rock 'n Roll", and "Girl" in Ep 52 - "Little Debbie".
Michael Weiner, who played "Recital Student" in Ep 13 - "Coda", and "Domenick" in Ep 97 - "Sex and Economics".
Justin Whalin, who played one of Eddie's buddies in Ep 18 - "Fate", and "Mark Kovinsky" in Ep 50 - "Cost of Living".
Biff Yeager, who played "Man" in Ep 22 - "Whose Woods Are These?", and "Ned" in Ep 53 - "The Ties That Bind".

Cast Birthdays

This list is not complete.
Chad Allen (Brad Patterson) 6/5/74
Brice Beckham (Nick Bott) 2/11/76
Andrew Mark Berman (Chuck Coleman) 2/24/68
Peter Billingsley (Mickey Speigle) 4/16/71
Billie Bird (Old Woman in Car) 2/28/08-11/27/02 (Alzheimer's Disease)
Noah Blake (Frank Stanavukovich) 2/1/65
Michael Bower (Peter Armbruster) 2/12/75
Jonathan Brandis (Steve) 4/13/76-11/12/2003 (Suicide by hanging)
Maia Brewton (Linda Sloan) 9/30/77
Roy Brocksmith (Mr. Lemkur) 9/15/45-12/16/01 (Kidney failure from diabetes)
William Bronder (Mr. Glidden) 6/12/30-5/6/15
David Byrd (Jeweler) c.1932-1/26/01 (Cancer)
James Caviezel (Bobby Riddle) 9/26/68
Dah-Ve Chodan (Debbie Ackerman) 11/9/74
Gordon Clapp (Bruce Leegee) 9/24/48
Julie Condra (Madeline Adams) 12/1/70
John Corbett (Louis) 5/9/62
Brandon Crane (Doug Porter) 2/26/76
Olivia d'Abo (Karen Arnold) 1/22/67
Chris Demetral (Walter) 11/14/76
Dustin Diamond (Joey Harris, Joey Lapman) 1/7/77-2/1/21 (Lung cancer)
Paul Dooley (Coach McIntyre) 2/22/28
Ellen Albertini Dow (Fanny Tambora) 11/16/1918-5/4/2015 (Pneumonia)
Lindsey Fisher (Margaret Farquhar) 11/4/74
Ami Foster (Susan) 8/5/75
Soleil Moon Frye (Mimi Detweiler) 8/6/76
Alan Fudge (Ken Stein) 2/27/44-10/10/11 (Cancer)
Melanie Gaffin (Christine Hanson) 11/12/73
Lisa Gerber (Cara) 5/7/78
Steven Gilborn (Mr. Collins) 7/15/36-1/2/09 (Cancer)
Paul Gleason (Arthur Jensen) 5/4/39-5/27/06 (Mesothelioma)
Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Brad Gaines) 3/1/74
Heather Green (Gina Pruitt) 7/7/??
Seth Green (Jimmy Donnelly) 2/8/74
Michael Gregory (Coach Meecham) 11/25/44
Lance Guest (Mike Detweiler) 7/21/60
Carla Gugino (Sandy Tyler) 8/29/71
Mike Hagerty (Liquor Store Clerk) 5/10/54-5/5/2022
Jason Hervey (Wayne Arnold) 4/6/72
Jean Speegle Howard (Jane Gustafson) 1/31/27-9/2/2000 (Heart & respiratory illness)
Hoke Howell (Loan officer) 8/27/1929-5/9/1997 (Heart failure)
David Huddleston (Albert Arnold) 9/17/30-8/2/16 (Heart/kidney disease)
Rick Hurst (Harry Detweiler) 1/1/46
Donnie Jeffcoat (Eric Antonio) 2/6/75
Salome Jens (Mrs. Stebbins) 5/8/35
Kimberley Kates (Carol) 8/11/71
Brandis Kemp (Perfume saleslady) 2/1/44-7/4/2020 (Brain cancer/Covid-19)
Michael Landes (Kirk McCray) 9/18/72
AJ Langer (Mary Jo Genaro) 5/22/74
William Lanteau (Mr. Frace) 11/17/22-11/3/93 (Heart surgery)
Dan Lauria (John Arnold) 4/12/47
Juliette Lewis (Delores) 6/21/73
Aaron Lohr (Sean) 4/2/76
Paula Marshall (Bonnie) 6/12/64
Macon McCalman /(Norma's dad Karl) 12/30/32-11/29/05 (Strokes)
Heather McComb (Cindy) 3/2/77
Crystal McKellar (Rebecca Slater) 8/16/76
Danica McKellar (Gwendolyn Cooper) 1/3/75
Wendell Meldrum (Miss White/Mrs. Heimer) 4/15/58
Breckin Meyer (Gary Cosey) 5/7/74
Andy Milder (Howie Needleman) 8/16/69
Alley Mills (Norma Arnold) 5/9/51
Bentley Mitchum (Brian Cooper) 1967
Scott Nemes (Ricky Holsenbach) 1974
Devon Odessa (Sheila) 2/18/74
Kelly Packard (Susan Fisher) 1/29/75
Harrison Page (Coach Baker) 8/27/41
Robert Picardo (Coach Cutlip) 10/27/53
John Pleshette (Charlie Barrett) 7/27/42
Lindsay Price (Lori) 12/6/76
Giovanni Ribisi (Jeff Billings) 3/31/74
Al Ruscio (Mr. Harris) 6/2/24-11/14/13 (Unknown)
Ben Savage (Curtis Hartsell) 9/13/80
Fred Savage (Kevin Arnold) 7/9/76
Josh Saviano (Paul Pfeiffer) 3/31/76
David Schwimmer (Michael) 11/12/66
Alicia Silverstone (Jessica Thomas) 10/4/76
Ben Slack (Mr. Ermin) 7/23/37-12/13/04
Lindsay Sloane (Alice Pedermeir) 6/19/77
Rebecca Staab (Miss Farmer) 7/27/61
Ben Stein (Mr. Cantwell) 11/25/44
Philip Sterling (Grampa Pfeiffer) 10/9/22-11/30/98 (Bone disease)
Maxine Stuart (Mrs. Carples) 6/28/1918–6/6/2013 (Natural causes)
Ken Swofford (Al) 1/2/32-11/1/18
Trenton Teigen (Andy Collins, Harlan Abramson) 12/16/77
Kyle Thompson (Tommy Rygot) 12/25/74
James Tolkan (Coach Silva) 6/20/31
Michael Tricario (Randy Mitchell) 2/23/75
Charles Tyner (Mr. Nestor) 6/8/25-11/8/17 (Unknown)
Kathy Wagner (Lisa Berlini) 7/1/77
Justin Whalin (Mark Kovinsky) 9/6/74
Tom Wood (Peter Rotelli) 4/19/63
Some birthdays I would like to add are...
Heather Allen (Cindy)
Kawena Charlot (Beth) ?/?/67
Amy Hathaway (Denise Lavelle) ??/??/74
Any help is appreciated.

The Variable Arnold Lamp-Post
The Arnold lamp-post varies in both style and location over the course of the series. In the opening clips for the early seasons, the Arnolds gather in front of the lamp-post which is a plain black post about 4 inches in diameter placed at the corner of the grass. In Ep 1, there is a pyramidal concrete base, about 1 foot high, around the post. In Ep 7, the lamp-post now has a white square sheath, about 8 inches across and 4 feet high, around the post, with the black post extending about 18 inches above. The lamp-post is in the corner of the grass when Kevin and Paul return at night, but next day, the post is sitting on the driveway. In Ep 26, it's back on the sidewalk. In Ep 35, the base is now a white square, instead of the concrete pyramid, and it's in the corner of the grass. In Ep 40, the lamp-post is standing on the sidewalk. In Ep 81, there is a clip of Grampa Arnold and Kevin, about age 4, and the lamp-post is in the current style, not the bare post as in the early-version opening credits.

TV Show/Movie Spoofs
Some episodes have a scene modeled on a TV show or movie, including...
Ep 6 - "Dance With Me" - "I Dream of Jeannie". Near the end, Winnie "boinks" in as "Jeannie" when Kevin is sitting outside the dance. "Oh, Master! Why so glum?"
Ep 11 - "Just Between You and Me...and Kirk and Paul and Becky and Carla" - "Star Trek". After getting punched by Becky, Kevin regains conciousness as Captain Kirk. "No, this can't be. We're human beings. Can't you understand that? We're men!"
Ep 17 - "Nemesis" - "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". As Kevin confronts Becky, the theme music from the movie plays, the wind blows tumbleweeds between them, and very tight close-ups of their faces were used. "Well, that was about the extent of my Clint Eastwood. Let's face it, if you're not gonna shoot somebody in a situation like this, all you can really do is - complain."
Ep 20 - "Brightwing" - "One-Adam Twelve". Kevin imagines Jack and Norma (as the show's main characters) have come to arrest him.
Ep 32 - "Math Class Squared" - "The Twilight Zone". When Kevin is bewildered in his advanced class, Paul assumes the persona of Rod Serling, and delivers a cryptic synopsis. "Submitted for your approval - a boy...suffering the tortures of algebra. He went looking for easy answers, but somehow it didn't add up. Let "X" equal an unknown quantity. Let "Y" go left unanswered. If six bald men...get on a train...going a hundred miles per hour - how many stops before they reach - The Twilight Zone?"
Ep 36 - "She, My Friend, and I" - "Mr. Ed". Kevin imagines Mr. Ed talking to Wilbur about Paul having Kevin set Paul up with Winnie. "Is Kevin blind, Wilbur? Can't he see what Paul and Winnie are up to?"
Ep 44 - "Cocoa and Sympathy" - "The Smothers Brothers Show". Kevin imagines he and Paul as Tommy and Dick Smothers, as Kevin complains "Mom liked you best!"
Ep 103 - "Let Nothing You Dismay" - "Let's Make A Deal". Kevin wins a donkey, 20 years at NORCOM, and a severe peptic ulcer.

Location Trivia
Another big area of interest to some is trying to determine the "actual" city portrayed on the series. For you trivia buffs hunting down clues, here are a few:
1. Definitely not Chicago. Winnie's father moved there for a time (Ep 24 - "Summer Song" & Ep 28 - "On the Spot"). Also, in Ep 4 - "Angel", the Vandover's missed Brian's funeral because they had to go to Chicago when Dick's mother had a stroke. And by inference, probably nowhere in the Central Time zone, either.
2. Not New York City, New Orleans, or San Francisco. Chuck and Jeff invited Kevin on a road trip to those destinations in Ep 114 - "Summer". Larry Beeman had just moved from "'Frisco" in Ep 33 - "Rock 'n Roll", and Karen and friends head toward San Francisco in Ep 20 - "Brightwing".
3. Not Albuquerque, NM either. In Ep 24 - "Summer Song", Teri was from there, and, "When you're thirteen, it's a long way to Albuquerque."
4. Near the beach. In Ep 46 - "Moving", Winnie moves four miles away, and goes to a school where "everybody surfs".
5. No northern-tier states like Minnesota, or northeastern states. Wrong weather. (And to a botanist, wrong plants.)
6. Not Florida. Highest elevation is less than 500 feet above sea level. No twisty mountain roads (Ep 110 - "Eclipse"). No snow skiing (Ep 104 - "New Year"). Also, Alvin goes to visit his mother in Florida (Ep 78 - "Christmas Party").
7. Not Alaska. In Ep 91 - "The Wedding", Karen's wedding cake says "Alaska or bust". See #5, also.
8. Not Maine. That is the state Winnie and her mother are going to visit in Ep 23 - "How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation". See #5, also.
9. Not Southern California. There aren't many basements in your everyday residential neighborhood, there. (Trust me.)
10. Culver City, in Southern California. In Ep 26, Wayne's driver's license shows this (partly covered by his thumb) as the city and state (but wrong street address - it's a soundstage - hah!). And, as a mutation, Chuck's license in Ep 89 - "The Lost Weekend", also said Culver City in the state of "IA" - Iowa - with a Massachussetts zip code 0255*.
11. Not near New York City, again. Although Kevin wore a New York "Jets" jacket, he had never gone to a game. It seems natural Kevin would have gone to a game had he lived anywhere near the stadium. This (plus #2, #5 and #27) would seem to rule out a good sized part of the New York-New Jersey area. (Remember, the underdog Jets beat the favored Baltimore Colts in the Superbowl, as Joe Namath, the Jet quarterback, arrogantly predicted. There were a lot of fans across the country...) And if nobody noticed, only Walter and a few others had the East Coast/NYC accent.
12. In a state whose name ends in "rnia". The Arnold car license plate is seen clearly and entirely as "California" in Ep 19 - "Birthday Boy" and Ep 30 - "The Family Car", and Miss White/Heimer's VW had a fully-visible California plate in Ep 68 - "Graduation".
13. Probably not Indiana at all, and Indianapolis very unlikely. In Ep 68 - "Graduation", Mr. Cutlip gets a job there. ("Northeast College of the Great Plains, Indianapolis Campus, Indianapolis, Indiana...post office box two-four-eight.")
14. Not Pittsburgh, PA. In Ep 53 - "The Ties That Bind", Jack has to fly there for business. And by inference, ("it's just too expensive"), probably more than one state away from Pennsylvania. Also, in Ep 100 - "Wayne and Bonnie", Jack was upset that parts were in Pittsburgh - "There is there. Here is here!"
15. California (or possibly Nevada). In Ep 110 - "Eclipse", there is a map of California and Nevada in a display case, which is labeled "Observatories in California". It would seem to be a long bus trip from Nevada, so California seems likely. See also #21.
16. Not Cincinnati, OH. In Ep 62 - "Road Trip", Jack tells Kevin about his trip there. "Rained. Cold."
17. Not Souix Falls or Rapid City, SD. In Ep 81 - "Grampa's Car", Grampa tells Kevin about driving through there on a cross-country trip, but was a little fuzzy on the geography. This also makes South Dakota, as a whole, unlikely.
18. Not Portland, OR. In Ep 59 - "Who's Aunt Rose?", Ray, from Portland, is flying in to attend Aunt Rose's funeral.
19. Not Seattle, WA. In Ep 59 - "Who's Aunt Rose?", Jack has to fly there the Thursday after Aunt Rose's funeral.
20. Not Tucson, AZ. In Ep 71 - "Day One", Stuart mentions he moved there in fifth grade.
21. Within a bus-ride from Hollywood, CA. In Ep 110 - "Eclipse", the "Hollywood" sign is visible (though hard to read) when Alice asks, "Kevin, have you seen Chuck anywhere?"
22. Not Omaha, NE. In Ep 41 - "Faith", Norma asks Jack how much his hotel bill from there was. (It was $30 per day).
23. Eastern US. In Ep 81 - "Grandpa's Car", Norma suspects Albert is late due to traffic on the turnpike. Well, I don't know how far east you have to go, but there aren't any "turnpikes" in California, at least.
24. Not Denver CO, Los Angeles CA, Memphis TN or Buffalo NY. In Ep 53 - "The Ties That Bind", Jack had to fly to Denver on business. In Ep 88 - "Carnal Knowledge", the first three cities were airline destinations posted on the board, and a flight to Buffalo was just departing.
25. Not North Carolina. In Ep 110 - "Eclipse", Louis had a cousin from there who kept him "supplied" with cherry-bombs.
26. Not Phoenix, AZ. In Ep 3 - "My Father's Office", a shipment from NORCOM to STI Phoenix was late.
27. Not Newark, NJ. From Ep 19 - "Birthday Boy": KEVIN: I said, um, where did Grampa Arnold come from? JACK: Newark.
28. Not Boston, MA. In Ep 54 - "The Sixth Man", Mr. Cutlip makes a joke: "Thompson! You want a tea party - go to Boston!"
29. Not St. Louis, MO. Douggie Sherman bought his condoms near St. Louis in Ep 70 - "The Lake".
30. 516 Hayden St. At the end of Ep 63 - "When Worlds Collide", that is the street address on Norma's application to River Community College - city not filled out.
Here is Mark B. Perry's answer (directed mainly at Al's comment about Ep 24), posted 9/19/01 to the NG:
"Interesting that you mention Myrtle Beach, SC, Albert, as that was the original inspiration for Summer Song and "Ocean City." My family used to vacation there during the 60s and early 70s, and it was in fact where my parents spent their honeymoon in the 50s.
As to the Ocean City in TWY, it was meant to be just a generic anywhere USA seaside resort. Could be Maryland, could be Jersey, could be California, could be the Pacific Northwest. Aside from a few notorious production gaffes now and again, TWY was set in Anywhere, USA."
Here is Mark's reply to my question about handling the neighborhood:
To the best of my recollection, we simply had a contract with the owners of the "Arnold House" which allowed us access in exchange for a rental fee (pretty much like any other standard location agreement, only long term). Obviously, as we were in that neighborhood quite often, the crew had to become good neighbors and try to be as invisible as possible (not an easy task). This also helped insure that the owners didn't pull the plug and leave us without a house exterior. The entire front of the house was reproduced on our soundstage in Culver City where the interior sets were located (which didn't match the real interiors of the house, by the way).
Homeowners affected in the area were paid a fee, the city granted permits, etc., and while some people always gathered to watch the filming, for the most part people made themselves scarce.
Some Location Photos

Set Info
On 2/15/01, TWY writer Mark B. Perry posted this to the group...
The exteriors of the house were shot at the real house in Burbank. The pilot episode, I believe, was shot inside the actual house as well as inside one or two other houses in the same neighborhood for the interiors.
When the series was ordered, sets were built roughly approximating what had been used in the pilot but adapted for ease of day to day shooting (walls that were easily removable to get different angles, etc.). If you look at the pilot episode versus the rest of the series, you'll see that the Arnolds are clearly in a
different house. The Arnold house set on our soundstage in Culver City was a small complete house. Kitchen, dining room, living room, Kevin's room, another door that in the first six episodes was a bathroom but later became Karen/Wayne's room, a bathroom, and Jack and Norma's room.
We had a standing set for the school including a hallway, stairwell, bathroom, and a classroom that could be redressed to be any class we needed. We also frequently shot in real schools depending on the shooting schedule for each episode.
In addition to our "standing sets" we also built sets for episodes from time to time on what was called a swing stage. A few that I remember include the motel room in "Summer Song" and
the dentist office in "Courage."

My small trivia test...
1. What is "the battle-cry of the fourteen-year old"?
2. What is "one of the most grueling rituals of childhood"?
3. What are "the three laws of junior high school"?
4. What is it that "red-blooded teenagers did best"?
5. What was "the biggest mistake any kid ever made"?
6. What is "the nightmare of family togetherness"?
7. What are "two glorious words that separate the men from the boys"?
8. What is "the living nightmare of American adolescence"?
9. "When you're thirteen years old", what is "the last thing you want to have to think about"?
10. According to adult Kevin, what is the vice-principal's job?
11. When Kevin looked Paul in the eye, what did he see?
12. What is "the question you hoped they'd never ask"?

Wonder Years Menu
1/31/21 21:47