Mrs. Ritvo - Homeroom
(Ep 1 - "Pilot")
Kevin Arnold. You're Wayne's brother, aren't you? (Frowns.)
Well, well according to my mother, yes. But my own theory is...
You've got a tough row to hoe young man, a tough row to hoe.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 5 - "The Phone Call")
(Kevin is doodling in his notebook. He has drawn a large heart and arrow with "Kevin+Lisa" in it, etc.)
Mr. Arnold!
(Kevin looks up.)
Mr. Arnold, I'm waiting.
Uh, well..uh. Could...you...repeat the question, again. Please?
I asked if you were present...
(Her voice fades as music swells.)
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 6 - "Dance With Me")
(Mr. Diperna is on the public address system.)
Any skirt cut higher than two inches above the knees...will call for immediate disciplinary action.
(Kevin as he pops his cheek, and glances around as the class laughs.)
Section Two, Article Two...
Is there a problem...Mr. Arnold?
Uh, no ma'am.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 7 - "Heart of Darkness")
(Kevin is giving test answers to Gary.)
Kevin. Are you crazy? You're gonna get caught.
Paul, forget it.
Forget it? What do you mean, forget it?
(Mrs. Ritvo approaches from behind. Kevin makes warning faces at Paul.)
Ritvo's gonna nail you. She's not as stupid as she looks, you know.
(Mrs. Ritvo is standing next to Paul, looking down at him.)
Thank you, Mr. Pfeiffer.
(Paul turns and looks up at Mrs. Ritvo.)
You're welcome? (Smiles uncertainly.)
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 16 - "Walk Out)
(Mr. Diperna is on the public address system.)
Get involved in government. Remember, it's your student council, people.
Alright, class. You heard Mr. Diperna. Let's have nominations for our home room representative.
(Shot of the bored class.)
Home room elections. As a scholastic highlight, it ranked right up there with "safety week.
Alright, then - who wants to be our representative? Any volunteers? Surely there is someone in this room with enough respect for democracy to volunteer to be our representative to the student-council.
(Kevin raises his hand.)
Can I go to the bathroom?
(Kevin returns from the restroom.)
Alright - we have one vote for Mr. Ed...
(The class laughs.)
Very funny...And we have four votes for Ringo Starr.
(The class laughs.)
And we have tweny-six votes, for our new home room representative...
(Kevin leans forward to a girl and smiles.)
Who's the weenie?
Kevin Arnold.
Well, some men pursue greatness, and some men have greatness thrust upon them, while they're in the bathroom.
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 56 - "The Candidate")
Welcome everyone to the student council "meet the candidates" assembly.
And so, after three weeks of all-out war, it had come down to this.
Today, we'll be hearing the views of our two nominees. Remember, this is your opportunity for you to weigh the issues, before you make your final decision. It should never be taken lightly...
After all, I had victory in the palm of my hand.
...handed down to us through generations of Americans...
Becky's speech - my ace-in-the-hole.
So I hope we all bear in mind our profound responsibility...
So you're really gonna do it.
Hey, mind your own business, alright?
If you say so.
And now, to introduce our first candidate, his campaign manager, Paul Pfeiffer.
See also Full Transcript

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11/27/14 19:40