Mr. Glavin - English
(Ep 102 - "The Test")
(Clips of young Kevin at a playground with Norma.)
One thing a kid learns growing up, is that life...is a series of risks. It's a cause-and-effect relationship. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Still, with the proper guidance, we learn to deal with the risks. And pretty soon, we set out into the world, sure in our options, confident of our choices. Until, that is...
(Bell rings. Cut to class.)
"Metamorphosis". Is it "A" - transformation, "B" - integration, "C" - resurrection, or "D" - none of the above?
Eleventh grade. The year of decisions.
(Randy raises his hand.)
(Mr. Glavin frowns.)
"C" - "D"!
Around the middle of junior year, the risks increase.
I knew that.
Almost overnight, the choices get harder. One guess why.
(Mr. Glavin holds up a book.)
English comprehension. I suggest you learn this, class. It's bound to show up on you SAT's.
The scholastic aptitude test. The living nightmare of American adolescence.
(Mr. Glavin points over his shoulder.)
Alright, next word. "Pyrotechnic". Mr. Pfeiffer - would you like to take a crack at this one?
Like some kind of biblical curse, the SAT's had descended on our class, reducing even the most-intelligent among us, to a state of...flop-sweats.
I knew that.
Yeah, right.
I did.
In that case, Mr. Billings...(points)... "hirsute". Can you fill us in?
Hirsute. Uh...
It was grim. After sixteen years of hard learning, our educational futures had suddenly been pinned down to four choices...
"A", "B", "C"...and of course...
(Cut to cafeteria line.)
Pudding, or Jell-O?
Ah, we'll go with the pudding.
Hirsute! Who in the world knows what hirsute means?
Oh, great.
The truth was, potential failure loomed at every turn.
...is to...?
As the SAT's loomed closer, our brains loomed smaller.
Come on - concentrate! Anyone? Mr. Coleman...
Harassment is to intimidation as compliment is to...(gestures.)
Panic had officially descended upon my class.
I have to go to the bathroom.
But no matter where we ran for comfort...
Anybody else.
There was no escape. It was getting harder and harder to deny what was going on.
Mr. Arnold. How about you?
At times like this, there was only one thing to do.
Take a risk.
Ah...very good. Would you like to tell the class how you arrived at this answer?
I guessed. (Smiles.)
Well, you were wrong.
I knew that.
Alright, let's, uh...start with another one - now, annoy is to irate...as...
One thing was clear - it was time do buckle down and dive in.
Also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 112 - "The Little Women")
(At Winnie's locker.)
Hi. Listen, I feel really bad about what happened last night.
Me, too.
And, uh, well - I thought we can go out tonight. (Smiles.)
(Winnie perks up a bit.)
So that I can kinda make it up to you.
Okay. Sure! That sounds good. (Sighs.)
Great! (Smiles.)
I mean, no sense letting a few numbers come between us.
(Mr. Glavin approaches behind Winnie, and puts his arm around her shoulders.)
Oh, hi, Mr. Glavin!
Congratulations on those SAT's. (Gestures.) Uh, the whole faculty's talking.
(Kevin is getting a little miffed.)
You know, there's a world of opportunity for a bright young lady like you.
Yeah, I'm really excited. (Smiles.)
I bet you are. (Smiles.)
(Mr. Glavin points at Winnie with his portfolio.)
Uh, you will keep me posted, won't you?
I will.
(Kevin clears his throat, then smiles at Mr. Glavin.)
Uh...hi, Mr. Glavin.
(Mr. Glavin looks at Kevin and smiles.)
(Mr. Glavin pats Kevin's shoulder.)
How's it going, Kelly?
(Mr. Glavin walks off.)
Kelly? It was a girl's name.
Also "Full Transcript"

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01/20/05 19:45