Episode 95 - "Fishing"

Ext. Early Morning - Arnold House
(Shot of the porch and front door as it opens.)
Ever since there have been fathers and sons...
(Jack exits onto the porch, followed by Wayne and Kevin. Jack wears a fishing vest and hat.)
There have been father-and-son traditions...
(Wayne carries a fishing net and a bag.)
Rituals that bond man to boy.
(Wayne yawns.)
And knit boy to man.
(Kevin carries a cooler, fishing creel, and poles.)
In my family, there was one tradition...
(Kevin frowns, then passes the camera.)
That outranked all others...
(Wide shot of the yard and driveway as they walk to the back of the car.)
In sheer gross ritual tonnage.
(Jack puts the key in the trunk lock.)
The tri-annual...
(Close shot of the trunk as it is opened.)
Arnold three-day fishing trip.
(The guys unceremoniously dump everything into the trunk.)
(Shot past the trunk of the guys as Jack tosses a bag into it.)
JACK: Got everything?
WAYNE: I think so.
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Jack glances at them, then the trunk.)
JACK: Ah, lemme check.
(Jack straightens up the stuff in the trunk.)
Every few years, Dad would round up the poles and boots and his old Army tent from the attic...
(Shot of Jack bent over the trunk.)
And pack us off for a weekend at Berlinger Falls.
(Closer shot of Kevin and Wayne as Wayne yawns.)
Not that we had a choice in the matter.
(Shot of Jack as he closes the trunk.)
JACK: Looks like we got it all.
(He looks at the boys off-screen.)
JACK: Everybody ready?
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen, then Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Right, Dad. (Nods.) We're ready.
JACK (V/O): Good.
(High shot past Kevin and Wayne of Jack looking at them.)
JACK: Let's get started.
(Jack walks toward the driver's side as the boys walk to the passenger side.)
So, that fall of nineteen-seventy-two...
(Jack takes off his vest. Kevin reaches toward the door.)
We headed off for our first expedition since I was twelve.
(Shot across the car of Kevin and Wayne jostling each other.)
WAYNE: I get the front seat.
KEVIN: I get the front. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at them off-screen.)
JACK: Just get in the car!
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking at each other.)
WAYNE: Fine. Then I get the back seat. (Laughs.) Sucker.
(Shot through the window as Wayne flops into the back seat, puts his hands behind his head and laughs at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin frowning and glancing off.)
KEVIN: Butthead.
(Kevin closes the back door.)
The funny thing is...
(Shot from behind the car as Kevin opens the front door and gets in.)
Of all the trips we ever made...
(Jack starts the car and begins to pull out of the driveway.)
It's the one I remember most.
(Jack turns into the street.)
Not because it was the best...or the worst...
(The camera pans with the car as it drives off.)
WAYNE (V/O): Are we there, yet?
JACK (V/O): Wayne...
WAYNE (V/O): Hey - just asking.
But because...it was the last.
(The car makes a right turn at the end of the block.)
Fade to
Home Movies
(Shot of Kevie and Wayne waving at the camera from inside a tent.)
Berlinger Falls. Fresh air, trees...
(Shot of the tip of a fishing pole touching the water.)
A suburban outdoorsman's Valhalla.
(The camera pulls back revealing Kevie.)
Where men could kick back in the company of men.
(Wayne runs up to him and tries to take the pole from him.)
Such as they were.
(Shot of a fish on the end of a line. Shot of Jack holding up the fish and smiling.)
It was a place where dads could be dads.
(Close shot of Jack's hands holding the fish as Kevin peers at it. Jack jerks the fish toward Kevie slightly, making him pull back.)
And kids could be kids.
(Shot of Kevie looking at Jack and smiling. The camera pans to Jack and Wayne.)
(Shot of Jack, Wayne and Kevin in a tent. Jack is gesturing with his hands about two feet apart.)
Where fathers and sons could share things.
(Kevie and Wayne climb onto Jack.)
Together. Three men in a tent.
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Road
(Shot of a curving rural road as the car drives past the camera. Music "Goin' Up the Country" - Canned Heat plays.)
Trouble was, to get there, first ya had to be...
(Shot through the windshield of the guys. Kevin is looking at a Barron's SAT prep book as Jack whistles, and Wayne is looking at a magazine.)
Three men in a car.
(Wayne looks at Jack.)
WAYNE: Gee, Dad...(frowns)...you think you could drive a little bit slower?
JACK: What are ya talkin' about? (Frowns.)
(Jack looks at the dashboard.)
JACK: I'm drivin' fifty-five.
(Wayne and Kevin look at each other.)
WAYNE: Whoa...
(Kevin snorts and smiles at Jack, who frowns at Kevin.)
Not that bickering in the bucket was anything new to us.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack.)
JACK: Kevin, I said...
(Jack glances toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Turn down that music.
(Shot from Jack's perspective of Kevin looking at the SAT book, then looking at Jack off-screen and gesturing.)
KEVIN: Why? (Frowns.)
JACK (V/O): It's too loud.
(Kevin glances at the radio and shrugs.)
KEVIN: It is not. (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack frowning at him.)
Still this time...
(Shot from Jack's perspective of Kevin frowning and turning down the radio.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at a small bottle.)
It was clear something had changed. Something hard to define.
WAYNE: Who thought of this stupid trip, anyway? (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking forward.)
JACK: What's that supposed to mean?
(Close shot of Wayne sniffing the open jar and frowning.)
WAYNE: Means why are we going?
(Close shot through the windshield of Kevin looking at the book.)
Fortunately, when it came to questions...
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
Of cosmic dimensions...
(Close shot through the windshield of Jack looking forward.)
The old man was a pro.
JACK: Look. I took a day off, I got you two a day off...
(He glances off.)
JACK: And now we're goin' fishin'. And it's all I want to hear.
(Jack looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Understood?
(Close shot through the windshield of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Got it.
(Close shot of Wayne frowning and shrugging.)
And, given the circumstances...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
It was probably as good a reason as any.
(Kevin looks at the book as he closes it.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking forward and whistling.)
After all...
(Shot of Wayne dangling a fishing lure.)
This was ritual.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Ed's Bait Shop
(Shot of a phone booth at the side of the road as the car passes it. The camera pans with the car.)
This was...tradition.
(The car passes a propane tank.)
This was...
(The car pulls up to a small store.)
JACK (V/O): Ed's bait shop. Remember?
(Jack parks the car.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Ed's Bait Shop
(Shot of the doorway as Kevin and Wayne enter.)
Ed's bait shop.
(They pause as Jack enters behind them.)
The last outpost before the wild. Nightcrawlers, inchworms, grubs. What kid could...
(Closer shot of all as Jack puts his hands on the boys' shoulders and smiles.)
Forget it?
JACK: OK - fan out.
(The boys look at him.)
JACK: We need hooks, leaders, waders and lures.
(Kevin and Wayne approach the camera, then pause as Jack walks away.)
Wait a minute.
(Kevin and Wayne look at each other.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne turning and facing the camera, looking at Jack off-screen.)
WAYNE: Uh, Dad? (Gestures.) How 'bout some food? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin and Wayne of Jack looking at them.)
JACK: Food?
(Kevin and Wayne look at each other.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: You know - to eat.
JACK (V/O): What are ya talkin' about?
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin and Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: We don't need food. (Frowns.) We're gonna catch fish!
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin and Wayne off-screen. Doppler sound effect of a passing car.)
JACK: Get beans. (Frowns.)
WAYNE: Yeah. (Points.) And beer.
(Wayne turns away.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching the camera. Jack looks over his shoulder at him.)
JACK: And soda for Kevin.
(Kevin pauses. Sound of a penalty buzzer.)
(Close shot of Kevin facing the camera and looking at Jack off-screen.)
Wait a minute.
KEVIN: Dad. (Frowns.) I'm sixteen years old.
(Close shot of Jack examining a small package on a rack.)
KEVIN (V/O): So...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: I can handle a brew. (Gestures.)
Figured I'd get the priorities straight from the get-go.
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking at him.)
JACK: Fine. (Nods.)
(Kevin turns toward the camera as Jack looks at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: Get him root beer.
(Kevin pauses.)
(Shot of the counter as some items are tossed on it next to some canned goods.)
Seemed clear this tradition business...
(The camera pans up slightly as Jack sets a pair of hip waders on the counter.)
Was gonna have its drawbacks.
(Jack steps back slightly behind Kevin and Wayne.)
(Shot from behind the guys as the cashier approaches the register and looks at them.)
(She looks over the merchandise.)
CASHIER: This it? (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Jack looking blankly at the cashier off-screen.)
And not just for me.
JACK: Where's Ed?
(Close shot of the cashier looking at Jack off-screen, slightly puzzled.)
(She looks toward the merchandise and rings some up.)
JACK (V/O): You know - Ed.
(Close shot of Jack looking blankly at the cashier off-screen.)
JACK: Runs this place - nice old guy.
(Close shot of the cashier looking off and smiling slightly.)
(She looks at Jack off-screen.)
CASHIER: He's dead.
(Shot of Kevin, Jack and Wayne looking at her off-screen.)
CASHIER (V/O): Boating accident.
(Close shot of the cashier glancing at them off-screen.)
CASHIER: Couple years ago.
(She looks toward the merchandise and rings some up.)
(Shot of Kevin, Jack and Wayne looking at her off-screen.)
(Wayne looks at Kevin, then the cashier off-screen, as Jack and Kevin glance at each other.)
WAYNE: Well...send him our regards, anyway.
(Jack frowns and elbows Wayne.)
CASHIER (V/O): So...
(Close shot of the cashier glancing at them off-screen.)
CASHIER: Doin' a little fishin'.
(She looks toward the merchandise and rings some up.)
(Shot of Kevin, Jack and Wayne looking at her off-screen. Jack smiles briefly.)
JACK: Yeah.
Fortunately, not in a boat.
JACK: We're headin' up to Berlinger Falls - a little secret spot I found. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of the cashier looking off.)
(She shakes her head, then looks at Jack off-screen.)
CASHIER: Can't go up there, anymore.
(She glances up.)
CASHIER: Not by car, anyway.
(Shot of Kevin, Jack and Wayne looking at her off-screen.)
CASHIER (V/O): They closed that road last summer.
(The guys frown slightly.)
(Close shot of the cashier looking at Jack off-screen.)
CASHIER: The only way in's by foot.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen, slightly surprised.)
CASHIER (V/O): Eight miles.
(Kevin looks over his shoulder toward Jack off-screen.)
It was a major setback. For tradition...
(Close shot of Jack frowning and looking down.)
For memories.
(He looks toward the cashier off-screen, then down slightly.)
JACK: Well...
(Jack looks at the cashier off-screen.)
JACK: We're goin' anyway.
(Shot of Kevin, Jack and Wayne. Kevin looks surprised.)
But not for my father.
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Road
(Shot of the car slowly approaching on a dirt road as branches and leaves drag across it.)
After all, we were campers...
(Shot past Jack and Kevin out the windshield.)
Not hikers.
(Close shot of Wayne frowning and leaning away from the window, raising his arms slightly.)
WAYNE: I can't believe this. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Dad, you sure you know what you're doin'? (Frowns.)
JACK (V/O): What are ya talkin' about?
(Kevin ducks away as some branches pass his window.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking forward.)
JACK: It's just a few leaves.
(Jack is jostled in his seat as the car hits some bumps.)
Even though it was more like the whole forest.
(The camera pans back to Wayne.)
WAYNE: Ya know...
(Wayne rolls up the window.)
WAYNE: Maybe we oughtta...scrap this plan. Head for home. What do ya think?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, I think he's got a point. (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking forward.)
Seemed clear to us. Some things were meant to be - some weren't.
(Shot from the road of the car slowly approaching.)
JACK: Don't be ridiculous.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack glancing at him off-screen.)
JACK: We've come this far...
(Jack looks forward.)
JACK: We're not turnin' back.
(Close shot of Kevin looking out the window.)
KEVIN: But, Dad...
(He looks at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: We don't even know where we are.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking forward.)
JACK: Course we do.
(Jack glances at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: I never get lost.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
And so...
(He looks at Wayne off-screen.)
Thanks to Dad's...
(Shot of the car slowly approaching the camera through the bushes.)
Built-in compass, and a lot of good luck...
(The car bogs down to a stop.)
(Shot from behind the car as the camera rises slowly to reveal a small river and some trees.)
We finally arrived. Three hours later.
(Shot through the windshield of the guys as Jack glances around.)
JACK: Well, we're here.
WAYNE: Oh, good.
KEVIN: Yeah. (Nods.)
(Kevin glances at Jack.)
KEVIN: Great.
(Close shot of Jack looking out and smiling.)
(Jack looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: What d'ya think?
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking out.)
But what could we say?
(Kevin looks down and pulls some leaves from his shirt, as does Wayne.)
We'd been Shanghai'd from our beds...hauled through the woods and dumped here. And for what?
JACK (V/O): It's perfect, isn't it?
(Close shot of Jack looking off.)
JACK: Just like it always was.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking out.)
And the funny thing is, at that moment...
(Shot of the river and trees.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking out.)
Seeing it through Dad's eyes...suddenly that stupid little spot didn't seem all that bad.
(Wayne nods slightly.)
(Close shot of Jack looking off.)
KEVIN (V/O): Not bad.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking at each other and smiling slightly.)
And, there was only one more thing to say.
(They look toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot through the windshield of the guys. Jack smiles and nods as he looks out.)
JACK: Let's get movin'.
(He looks at the boys.)
JACK: Time to make camp. (Smiles.)
(They start to get out.)
(Shot of the ground as a rolled up tent is tossed onto it, followed by tent stakes. Snuffy's guitar plays.)
(Shot of Wayne kneeling on the ground as he unrolls the tent.)
And so, we set to work.
(Shot of Kevin kneeling as he takes the end of the tent and spreads it out.)
Carving out our place in the great outdoors.
(Shot of Jack approaching a tree and hanging a lantern on a rope tied to it.)
Following a ritual we'd known since we were kids.
(Jack wipes his hands together.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he steps backward.)
It's funny...
(Shot of the tent as it is raised.)
But setting up that old tent...
(Fade to shot from behind the guys standing side-by-side, looking at the tent in the background.)
Was kinda like...
(The camera rises slightly.)
Goin' back in time.
(Jack claps his hands on the boys shoulders.)
And somehow...
(Shot of the guys looking at the tent off-screen as Wayne puts his arm around Jack.)
Working like that...we recaptured something we'd almost forgotten.
(Shot from behind the guys of the tent in the background as the music ends.)
Cut to
Ext. Night
(Shot of a frying pan of beans on a campfire.)
(The camera pulls back slowly.)
JACK (V/O)): This is the life, isn't it?
(The camera pulls back, revealing Jack, Wayne and Kevin sitting around the fire, holding playing cards.)
JACK: Don't worry. Tomorrow we'll get up early and catch us a mess of fish. Right?
(Kevin draws a card.)
KEVIN: Sure, Dad.
(Shot of Jack and Wayne. Jack draws a card and Wayne burps loudly.)
WAYNE: Um...
(He waves his hand in front of his face and frowns.)
It was great.
(Close shot of Kevin taking a sip of soda from a bottle.)
Old times...good times...
(Kevin looks off and smiles slightly.)
Sittin' around the fire...Dad and me...
(Shot of all three.)
Skinning Wayne at cards...
(Wayne lays down his cards.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen, then Jack off-screen.)
It was kinda like finding out your pet hampster...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen and shrugging slightly.)
Could do calculus.
WAYNE (V/O): Dad...
(Close shot of Wayne looking down and frowning.)
WAYNE: Pop me a beer, will ya?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Unhhh.
KEVIN: Yeah, me too.
(Kevin looks off.)
(Shot of Jack and Wayne as they look at Kevin off-screen and frown.)
What the hey...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
It was worth a shot.
KEVIN: Never mind.
(He shrugs and smiles slightly.)
JACK (V/O): Ya know...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: I've been thinkin'. One of these days I'm gonna chuck it all...
(He looks off.)
JACK: Find us a place to retire...(nods)...like this.
(He looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: We could build us a cabin.
(Close shot of Kevin looking up at Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Logs maybe.
(Close shot of Jack frowning and shrugging slightly and looking at the fire.)
JACK: Wouldn't have to be much.
(He looks off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
It was the same old dream Dad had talked about...
(Kevin looks down.)
Since I was three years old.
(Wide shot from across the river.)
JACK: We could come here in April and stay till it snowed.
(Close shot of Jack looking off.)
JACK: We could catch fish all summer...
(Jack looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Live off what we caught. (Smiles.)
It was like a litany. We'd heard it...
(Jack looks down, then looks at Kevin and smiles.)
A hundred times before.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen, then looking at his cards.)
Still, that night, for some reason...
(Close shot of Wayne looking from his cards to Jack off-screen.)
WAYNE: Yeah, but what about your mortgage?
(Close shot of Jack looking at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: What's that gotta do with it? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking from his cards to Jack off-screen.)
WAYNE: Well...
(Wayne looks off, draws a card, then looks at Jack off-screen again.)
WAYNE: Don't ya like owe the bank a pile?
(Close shot of Jack looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): Yeah.
(Jack looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin.)
KEVIN: I mean...(gestures)...is that really practical? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): I mean, with...what you make, and everything?
(Jack looks off slightly, then at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Course, looking back...our two cents might not have been exactly in the spirit of the moment.
(Shot of Jack and Wayne as Wayne laughs, then pauses.)
WAYNE: Gin. (Laughs.)
(Jack looks at his cards.)
WAYNE: 'Nother hand, huh?
(Wayne looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Uh, I don't think so.
(Close shot of Jack looking toward Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: Maybe we oughtta hit the hay...
(Jack looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Huh?
(Wide shot from across the river.)
WAYNE: Yeah, sure!
(Jack stands up.)
KEVIN: Sure, Dad.
(Wayne and Kevin stand up. They walk away from the fire toward the tent.)
Good call. After all, if things were a little rough around the fire...
(Shot of Wayne on his hands and knees crawling into the tent.)
At least we always had the comfort...
(Wayne frowns and passes the camera as Kevin crawls in after him.)
Of the old tent.
(Shot of Wayne, Jack and Kevin trying to settle in. Kevin rolls onto his back and frowns.)
KEVIN: Hey...
(Wayne pulls a sleeping bag up.)
WAYNE: Come on...
(Kevin spreads out his sleeping bag.)
WAYNE: Watch it!
KEVIN: You watch it.
(Shot from outside as the tent sways back and forth.)
WAYNE (V/O): You can wait...
JACK (V/O): Wayne...
(Shot of the guys as Wayne pushes Kevin's arm.)
WAYNE: Hey - that's my spot. You're in my spot.
(Kevin slides onto Jack as he tries to change his position.)
WAYNE: No...
(Close shot of Jack looking down and frowning.)
JACK: Wait - wait a minute! (Frowns.) Let's think this out! (Sighs.) What happened?
(The camera pans over to Wayne as Jack looks toward him. Wayne frowns and taps the side of the tent.)
But it wasn't gonna take a genius to figure this one out.
(Wayne looks toward Jack. The camera pans back across.)
Stated simply...we were thirty-eight square feet of family...
(The camera pans to Kevin, who looks at Jack.)
(Shot from outside of the tent.)
In thirty-two square feet of tent.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing toward Jack off-screen.)
Which added up to one thing.
KEVIN: Who thought of this stupid trip in the first place?
(Kevin frowns and looks off.)
(Shot of Wayne and Jack.)
WAYNE: Knew we should have stayed in a motel. (Frowns.)
JACK: Wayne...(Frowns.)
WAYNE: Ya know, I'm gonna sleep outside.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: No - I'll sleep outside.
(Shot of all three.)
JACK: No...I'll sleep outside.
(They jostle each other as they all lean forward.)
And of course, it was the only solution.
(Sound of thunder as lightning goes off. The guys pause and look off.)
(Shot from outside of the tent as it starts to rain heavily.)
And I guess at that moment it was clear...
(Thunder and lightning go off.)
The horrible unvarnished truth.
(The guys flip the tent flaps open and look out, frowning.)
We were caught.
(Thunder and lightning go off.)
Trapped...three men in a tent.
(Wider shot from the river.)
With no way out.
(Thunder and lightning go off.)
And not only that...
(The guys close the tent flaps.)
KEVIN (V/O): Dad.
JACK (V/O): Yeah.
(Thunder and lightning go off.)
KEVIN (V/O): There's a leak.
Fade to
Ext. Morning
(Shot of the open tent. The camera pulls back slowly as the sound of a cawing bird is heard.)
The next morning, the clouds had cleared.
(Wayne, Jack and Kevin are standing along the shore, holding fishing poles.)
By some miracle of physical engineering, we'd made it through the night. Alive.
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the river as he reels in slowly.)
And as the sun rose, hope once again sprang full-blown...
(Shot of Wayne casting his line.)
In the Arnold manly breast.
(Wayne smacks a tree and looks up.)
After all...
(Shot of Jack frowning at Wayne off-screen as he reels in slowly.)
This was fishing. This was tradition. This was...
(Close shot of Kevin as he frowns and slaps his face.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning as he slaps his neck.)
(Close shot of Wayne as he frowns and slaps his neck.)
WAYNE: Does anyone have any bug-spray?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: We ran out an hour ago.
(Wider shot of Kevin reeling in slowly.)
Seemed the only thing biting around here were the mosquitos.
(Shot of Wayne and Jack.)
So it was time to fall back...
(Jack slaps his arm and frowns.)
On the oldest technique known to fishermen in times of trouble.
JACK: Kevin, ya gotta cast it out further...(gestures)...if ya wanna catch anything.
(Jack looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin turning toward Jack off-screen.)
Give the other guy advice.
KEVIN: Don't worry about me...(gestures)...I know what I'm doin'.
(Close shot of Kevin's hands as he reels in.)
Even though I didn't.
KEVIN (V/O): Dad!
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly and glancing at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Dad, I got a bite.
JACK (V/O): Ya need any help?
(Shot of Kevin and Jack as Jack looks off as he approaches, followed by Wayne.)
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the river.)
KEVIN: No - I got it.
(Kevin reels in slightly, causing his rod to bend.)
And I did. I had it.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
The first catch of the day.
(Shot past Kevin toward the river as he reels in.)
JACK (V/O): Ease 'er in. Ease 'er in...
(Shot of Kevin reeling in.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hands as he reels in.)
It was big, alright.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down toward his fishing pole.)
Big, mean, tough.
(Close shot of a car tire as it is pulled from the water.)
It was...
(Shot of Kevin holding up the fishing pole, dangling the tire.)
(Shot of Wayne and Jack frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin holding up the fishing pole, dangling the tire.)
(Shot of Wayne and Jack looking at Kevin off-screen. Wayne laughs loudly as Jack laughs as well.)
WAYNE: Personally, I'd throw it back - it's flat. (Gestures.)
(Jack looks at Wayne.)
JACK: Nah, keep it - it'll look good on the wall.
(They laugh again.)
(Shot of Kevin holding up the fishing pole, dangling the tire, then starting to swing it toward the water.)
(Shot of the tire as it hits the water.)
Pret-ty fun-ny...
(Shot of Kevin wading into the water.)
WAYNE (V/O): Hey, Kev! Hey...
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: I hear the tires are really bitin' around here. (Laughs.)
(Shot of Jack holding his fishing pole.)
KEVIN (V/O): Shut up...
(Jack smiles broadly as he reels in.)
(Wider shot of Kevin as he wades into the river, wearing hip boots.)
KEVIN: Butthead.
(Kevin steps into a hole in the river bed, nearly stumbling to his waist.)
OK, then.
(Kevin steps out of the hole.)
If that's the way they wanted to play it...
(Kevin turns his fishing pole around.)
I could play rough, too.
(Kevin slides the pole into the water.)
After all, if I couldn't catch a fish, there was always a chance I might snare myself...
(Kevin looks toward Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne trying to untangle his reel.)
A hundred-and-forty-pound...
(Wayne looks at Kevin off-screen and smiles and nods.)
Large-mouth ass.
(Shot of Kevin as he pulls the pole from the water.)
KEVIN: Hey, Wayne!
(Wide shot of Wayne in the foreground, Kevin in the mid-ground, and Jack further back. The car and tent are in the distance.)
KEVIN: Come over here - I gotta show ya somethin' - it's really cool.
WAYNE: Yeah?
(Kevin steps forward and points behind him.)
KEVIN: Yeah, ya gotta see it.
(Wayne looks at his reel as he tries to untangle it.)
WAYNE: OK - in a second.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and looking toward the hole.)
Heh-heh. It was mean.
(Kevin looks toward Wayne off-screen.)
It was rotten.
(Kevin looks toward the hole again.)
It was irresistable.
(Shot of Jack looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: What is it, Kev? (Frowns.)
(Shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder as Wayne untangles his reel in the background.)
JACK (V/O): Ya find somethin'?
KEVIN: Uh...
(Kevin glances at the hole, then Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: No, Dad...(gestures)...it's nothing. (Nods.) It's for Wayne.
(Kevin turns to Wayne.)
KEVIN: Wayne! (Gestures.)
(Wider shot of Jack approaching through the water. Some "Jaws"-like music plays.)
JACK: No, really - let me take a look.
(Close shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder.)
(Slow-motion shot of Jack's legs as he approaches. The camera pans up to Jack, who is smiling.)
(Very close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: No! Dad!
(Shot of Kevin and Jack. Jack walks past him, then makes a face as he stumbles into the hole. The camera descends to water-level as Jack puts his arms out and falls into the water.)
(Shot of Wayne looking toward Kevin and Jack off-screen with his mouth open, then laughing.)
(Shot of Jack's hat floating on the water.)
KEVIN (V/O): Dad?
(Shot of Kevin holding his fishing pole, looking toward the water.)
(Close shot of the water as several large bubbles of air break the surface.)
Cut to
The Shore
(Shot of water pouring out of wading boots. The camera pans over slightly to Jack, who is wearing a dry T-shirt and boxer shorts. Jack hold the boots up and smoothes them out.)
KEVIN (V/O): I'm really sorry, Dad.
(Jack sighs and tosses the boots down.)
JACK: Yeah.
(He glares at Kevin off-screen, then bends down.)
(Shot past the tent of Jack and Kevin. Wayne is still fishing behind them, wearing hip waders, although he is standing on the ground.)
KEVIN: Ya know, it wasn't supposed to happen like that.
(Jack wrings out his boxers.)
JACK: Uh-huh.
(Jack sets his boxers on the tent.)
KEVIN: I hope you're not mad.
(Shot of Jack at the tent.)
Course, this was my father.
(Jack picks up his wet socks.)
He of all men could appreciate the humor in this.
(Jack sets them on the tent and turns angrily toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: How could you pull a stupid stunt like that? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
JACK: Kevin, someone coulda been hurt! (Gestures.)
(Jack bends down.)
I knew what was required, here.
(Kevin glances off.)
An honest apology.
(Jack stands up.)
Straight, simple and heartfelt.
KEVIN: I'm sorry, Dad.
(Jack glances at Kevin.)
KEVIN: I tried to warn you.
(Kevin looks off and gestures.)
KEVIN: You were there, and...
(Kevin chuckles.)
KEVIN: Then you weren't. (Smiles.)
(Jack looks off and frowns.)
But maybe it was the lack of sleep...
(Jack sets his wet plaid shirt on the tent.)
Or maybe it was seeing him standing there...
(Shot of Jack standing next to the tent.)
In wet boxer-shorts...
KEVIN (V/O): And, uh...
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: I'm also...sorry about losin' your hat.
(Kevin looks toward the water and smiles.)
KEVIN: But, I bet it's caught a lot of fish by now. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Jack turning toward Kevin off-screen and frowning heavily as he wrings out his socks.)
It was awful. The madder he got...the funnier it seemed. And then...
WAYNE (V/O): Hey, you guys!
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Wayne reeling in.)
WAYNE: I got a fish - I got a fish!
(Closer shot of Wayne reeling in.)
From the brink of annihilation...
(Shot of Jack and Kevin. Jack taps Kevin on the chest.)
JACK: Get the net!
KEVIN: I'll get the net.
Came salvation.
(Jack hurries over and gets his jeans from the top of the tent as Kevin tosses some equipment aside and picks up the net.)
JACK: Get the net.
KEVIN: Get the net.
(Shot of the fish in the water, as it swims away from the camera, hooked on the fishing line.)
Suddenly, we knew to a man...
(Shot of Wayne reeling in as Kevin holds the net and opens the creel.)
Exactly why we had come.
KEVIN: I got it.
(Wayne frowns as he pulls on the pole, bending it. Kevin helps hold it.)
JACK (V/O): Lemme get my pants on.
It didn't matter that Wayne made the initial strike.
(Jack hurries next to Wayne.)
WAYNE: Oh, man - it's a big one!
We were all one unit now.
(Slow motion of the fish in the water.)
A well-oiled machine...
(Close shot of Jack, Wayne and Kevin all pulling on the pole.)
Working in harmony to bring glory to our quest.
(Shot of the fish as it is pulled into the net.)
JACK (V/O): Easy, now!
(Shot of the fish in the net as it is lifted from the water. The camera pans up to the guys. Wayne laughs, and Jack smiles as he reaches into the net.)
WAYNE (V/O): Yes!
KEVIN (V/O): We got it!
(Close shot of the open creel as Jack's hand puts the fish into it.)
(Shot of Wayne, Jack and Kevin looking at the fish off-screen.)
WAYNE: Man, look at the size of that sucker! (Points.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Wayne off-screen to the fish off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, it must be like a twelve-pounder. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Jack looking from the fish off-screen to Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: That baby's a fighter! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking from Kevin off-screen to the fish off-screen.)
WAYNE: Man, he was strong - I thought it was gonna rip off my arm!
(Shot of all three looking at the fish off-screen.)
Finally, we had what we'd been waiting for. Something we could tell our grandchildren about. The day we caught thirty-pounder.
(Close shot of the fish in the creel.)
(The fish struggles and tips the creel over, falls into the water, and swims away.)
(Shot of the three guys hurriedly leaning toward the fish, then pausing.)
(Shot of the fish swimming away from the camera.)
(Shot of the guys looking at the fish off-screen as they straighten up. Wayne and Jack look at Kevin.)
Cut to
Ext. Evening - Campfire
(Close shot of a frying pan of beans as a spoon scoops some out. The camera pans up as Jack's hand taps the spoon onto Wayne's plate. Wayne looks at Jack off-screen.)
WAYNE: I don't believe it. (Frowns.) Beans again.
(He shakes his head.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down as he stirs his beans.)
Let's face it. We were failures. As campers...
(Kevin puts a spoonful in his mouth.)
(Close shot of Jack looking toward the fire off-screen.)
As anglers...
(Wide shot of all.)
As men.
(Jack sets the spoon on the pan and reaches for his plate.)
(Close shot of Wayne frowning toward Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Well, I know...(points)...why don't we cook up Kevin's catch? Nothing like the taste of...barbeque steel-belted radial.
(He smiles and laughs.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen and frowning slightly.)
WAYNE (V/O): Or how about...fillet of Firestone?
(Close shot of Wayne smiling at Kevin off-screen and laughing.)
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
Not to mention stand-up comedians.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen and laughing, then looking down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Very funny. (Frowns.)
(Kevin sets his plate down, looks at Wayne off-screen, then Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: I hope you're all enjoying yourselves. (Gestures.)
(Wide shot of the guys as Kevin stands up as Wayne and Jack take a sip from their beers.)
Because I wasn't. I was fed up.
(Kevin reaches toward a beer on top of the cooler. Jack sticks his hand on the cans.)
JACK: Whoa...
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
JACK: Where are you goin'?
KEVIN: I'm gettin' a beer.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Kevin...
KEVIN (V/O): Dad...
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: I'm tired, I'm hot, and I'm sick of soda. (Gestures.) So I'm havin' a beer, OK?
And there it was...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
A challenge even Dad couldn't ignore.
JACK: Ya know...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack leaning out slightly and frowning slightly at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: Maybe the problem is, we've been using the wrong lures.
(Close shot of Wayne frowning at Jack off-screen as he eats.)
JACK (V/O): The stuff ya buy in the stores is no damn good.
(Close shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Tell ya somethin'...
(Shot past Kevin of Jack smiling slightly at Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: When I get my place up here, things are gonna be different. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
I couldn't believe it.
(Kevin looks over his shoulder at Wayne off-screen.)
I was trying my best to assert my manhood...
(Kevin looks off.)
And this guy was ignoring me...
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking off and smiling slightly.)
Like I was a little kid.
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
And I wasn't gonna take it anymore.
KEVIN: Get off it, Dad. (Gestures.) Will ya? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Jack looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: What?
KEVIN (V/O): All this stuff about building a cabin.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: You're never moving up here.
(Kevin shakes his head.)
KEVIN: Not in a million years. (Shrugs.)
(Shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen and hesitating.)
JACK: I see.
(Jack frowns slightly and looks down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
It was possibly the meanest thing I'd ever said to the man.
(Kevin frowns and turns away.)
(Wide shot of all as Kevin takes a beer.)
But right then, I didn't care.
(Close shot of Kevin turning and looking at Wayne off-screen.)
The way I saw it...turn-about was fair play.
(Kevin pops the top of the can, which sprays beer onto him.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen and laughing.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning slightly at Wayne off-screen, then looking down.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen and laughing, then setting his beer down and gesturing.)
WAYNE (V/O): I don't believe it!
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne approaching.)
WAYNE: That was great!
(Wayne pauses next to Kevin and smiles.)
WAYNE: Hey, Kev - this Bud's on you!
(Wayne slaps Kevin's shoulder.)
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Get your hands off me.
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne looking at him.)
WAYNE: Oh, why don't ya make me, scrote? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: I'm warning you, Wayne. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne looking at him.)
WAYNE: Oh, I'm tremblin'. (Gestures.)
KEVIN: Wayne...
(Shot of Jack looking at them off-screen.)
JACK: That's enough. (Frowns.)
(Jack stands and approaches.)
JACK: What's the matter with you two? (Frowns.)
(Jack pushes the boys apart slightly.)
JACK: I bring ya all the way up here to fish...(gestures)...and all ya do is fight! (Frowns.) Honest to God, why can't we all just try and...(gestures)...get along, the way we used to?
But the thing was...
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin looking at him.)
I don't think we could tell him, any more than he could tell us.
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Hey. There's foam on your head.
(Wayne reaches out toward Kevin.)
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin as Wayne flicks some foam off Kevin's head.)
KEVIN: That's it. (Frowns.)
(Kevin tosses the beer can down and grabs Wayne.)
(Shot of the boys falling onto the ground.)
(Shot past the fighting boys of Jack's legs.)
JACK (V/O): Hey! Break it up!
(Shot of Jack looking down at the boys off-screen.)
JACK: Knock it off! (Frowns.)
(Jack bends down toward the boys off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack trying to separate Kevin and Wayne.)
And that's when it happened.
JACK: Break it up...
(Close shot of Jack as Kevin's elbow hits him in the jaw.)
(Shot of Jack, Kevin and Wayne as Jack falls backward.)
(Shot of Jack stumbling backward several steps.)
Things got a little...
(Shot of the campfire as Jack falls down next to it.)
(Close shot of the frying pan of beans as Jack's foot kicks it.)
(Shot of the frying pan flying through the air.)
Out of hand.
(Shot of the side of a tree tent and the lantern as the frying pan bounces off it. The lantern slides down the tent rope.)
(Shot of the tent as the lantern slides against the tent.)
(Shot of Jack holding the back of his hand against his jaw, looking at the tent off-screen.)
(Closer shot of the tent as flames erupt from the lantern.)
(Shot of Jack getting to his feet.)
KEVIN (V/O): Dad!
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne standing up and dusting themselves off and joining Jack.)
(Wider shot of the the tent about half-covered in flames.)
(Shot of the guys looking at it off-screen.)
It was eighteen years of memories.
(Shot past the guys of the tent totally engulfed in flames. The camera rises slightly as Snuffy's guitar plays.)
And there was nothing we could do...but stand there. And watch.
Fade to
Home Movies
(Shot of Kevie examining Jack's fishing pole as Wayne kneels nearby.)
(Shot of young Wayne, Jack and Kevie sitting around a campfire. Jack puts his arm around Kevin and holds him a little closer as the camera moves in on them.)
Fade to
Ext. Morning - The Campsite
(Shot through the passenger window of Kevin lying in the front seat of the car as he wakes up. Wayne can be heard snoring in the back seat off-screen. Kevin sits up and opens the passenger door as the camera pulls back. Wayne has his tennis shoes sticking out the rear window. Kevin gets out and looks at Wayne off-screen, then looks over his shoulder at Jack in the background, who reaches for something on the ground and picks it up as Kevin closes the car door.)
(Close shot of the ashes of the tent as Jack picks up the frying pan. The camera pans up to him as Kevin approaches. Kevin pauses as Jack examines the frying pan, frowning.)
KEVIN: Need any help?
JACK: Nah...
(Jack flips the frying pan back toward the tent and turns away.)
(Wider shot of both as Jack dusts off his hands.)
I wasn't sure quite what to say.
(Jack sits on a large rock.)
I wanted to make things right, but...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
I knew I couldn't.
KEVIN: Sorry about the tent.
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking off.)
JACK: It's OK...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
But I knew he was lying. I knew Wayne and I...
(Kevin looks toward Wayne off-screen.)
Had let him down.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
We'd gotten older.
(Shot of Jack looking off, frowning slightly.)
And the sad thing was...it was nobody's fault.
(Jack looks at Kevin off-screen, then looks off.)
JACK: Why'd we come on this stupid trip anyway? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...(shrugs)...we planned it. (Smiles.) You got a day off, and...
(Kevin gestures toward Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: You got us a day off, so...
(Shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen then looking off.)
KEVIN (V/O): We came.
(Jack sighs.)
KEVIN (V/O): Besides...
(Close shot of Kevin glancing around.)
KEVIN: It's only Saturday.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Let's stay up here till tomorrow. (Smiles.)
(Kevin takes a step forward.)
(Shot of Jack looking off, then at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Where're we gonna sleep?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Maybe the hardest part of growing up...
(Shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Is having those you always counted on...
(Jack looks down.)
Look to you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: I don't know. (Smiles.) We'll think of somethin'.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking off and smiling, then looking at Kevin and sighing as he stands up.)
(Close shot of Kevin as Jack claps his hand on Kevin's shoulder.)
JACK: Come on.
(Shot of Jack and Kevin walking away from the camera.)
JACK: We'll see what happens, OK?
After all...
(Kevin takes a fishing pole leaning against a tree.)
KEVIN: OK. (Smiles.)
We'd come this far.
(Shot through the car window of Wayne asleep in the back seat.)
No sense turning back, now.
(Music "Fishin' Blues" - Taj Mahal starts.)
"Betcha goin' fishin' all of your time"
We fished the rest of that day.
(Kevin casts out.)
JACK: Whoa...
"Baby's goin' fishing too"
KEVIN: That wasn't bad.
We didn't catch much...
JACK: Nah, not bad.
(Wider shot of both from the water as the camera pulls back slowly.)
"Bet your life, your sweet life"
"Catch more fish than you"
Dad said he'd like to move up here, and open a bait shop. I told him it was a great idea.
"Many fish bites if ya got good bait"
I think he believed me.
"Here's a little tip I would like to relate"
And in the end...
"Big fish bites if ya got a good bait"
I guess we finally figured out why we'd come here in the first place.
"I 'a goin' fishin'"
"Yes I'm goin' fishin'"
"And my baby's goin' fishin' too"
We'd come...to say goodbye.
"I went on down to my favorite fishin' hole"
"Baby grabbed me a pole and line"
"Throw my pole on in"
"Caught a nine pound catfish"
"Now ya know I brought him on home for supper time"
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Cashier - Melanie MacQueen
"Goin' Up The Country" - Canned Heat
"Fishin' Blues" - Taj Mahal

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Wonder Years Menu
11/11/00 19:00