Episode 62 - "Road Trip"

("Clip" of Jack on the front yard, catching a football, then running forward.)
The biggest thing in a young boy's world...
(A young Wayne and Kevie, in football helmets, run up and try to tackle him. Kevie falls down, losing his helmet. He gets up, and each of the boys grabs one of Jack's legs.)
Is his dad.
(Closer shot of Jack falling down as the kids tackle him, and Jack smiles at Kevie.)
(Jack pushes a power lawn-mower out of the garage, looking over his shoulder at Kevie, who pushes a smaller 2-wheeled rotary mower.)
The "big enchilada".
(Jack motions Kevie forward.)
You do what he says.
(Shot from the garage as Kevie runs ahead of Jack, pushing the mower onto the grass.)
You do what he does.
(In the bathroom, Jack sets Kevie up in front of the mirror, and lathers him up with a shaving-brush.)
He's your guide through the mysteries of manhood - your confidant.
(Closer shot of both as Jack assembles an (empty) safety-razor. Kevie smiles, and Jack shaves Kevie's cheek. Kevie says "I want it" and Jack holds the razor out. Kevie takes it and starts to shave.)
Your pal. Until the day comes when -
(Clips end.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Bathroom
(Close shot of Kevin looking in the mirror, with wet hair, and a towel around his neck. He starts to comb his hair.)
(Shot of the bathroom door opening.)
(Shot of Kevin quickly turning toward it.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack pausing in surprise, holding a cross-word puzzle.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Uh...
(Shot past Kevin of Jack, smiling, embarrassed.)
JACK: You in here?
(Closer shot of Jack as his smile fades and he glances off.)
For some reason...
(Shot past Jack of Kevin in mild surprise.)
Things change.
(Shot past Kevin of Jack, as he looks off, and taps his chest with the cross-word puzzle. He turns away whistling, and closes the door.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Living Room
(Wide shot of Kevin and Jack on opposite ends of the couch, looking toward the TV.)
Your confidant becomes...that guy on the other end of the couch.
(Closer shot of Jack disinterestedly watching. Sound of TV laughter.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he glances toward Jack off-screen, then back to the TV off-screen.)
You stop communicating.
(Close shot of Norma sitting in the chair, looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
Except through an interpreter.
NORMA: Kevin, how'd you do on your test today?
(Shot of Jack and Kevin.)
KEVIN: Fine, Mom. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Norma smiling toward Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: You hear that, honey? Kevin did well on his French test.
(Closer shot of Jack with his hand on his jaw, watching TV off-screen. He glances toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Good goin'.
(Close shot of Kevin as he nods and smiles slightly, then looks forward.)
(Close shot of Norma gesturing slightly, as she looks toward Jack.)
NORMA: Jack, did you tell Kevin about your trip to Cincinnati?
(She nods slightly.)
(Sound of TV laughter.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and turning toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Rained.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Uh-huh.
(Close shot of Jack.)
JACK: Cold.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Uh-huh.
(Close shot of Norma. She pats her leg.)
NORMA: Well, I guess that roasting-pan has soaked long enough.
(She smiles and stands up.)
(Shot past Norma as she exits, of Jack and Kevin on the couch.)
But even a skilled mediator can't always bridge the widening gulf.
(Close shot of the TV. Go-go dancers are dancing to a song.)
(Close shot of Jack smiling and chuckling.)
(TV song: "You're really, really, very groovy, baby")
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the TV, then glancing toward Jack off-screen.)
(TV song: "You really, really, turn me on, baby")
(Close shot of Jack smiling, then glancing toward Kevin off-screen. He looks back to the TV somberly.)
Truth is, when you're fourteen...
(Close shot of Kevin turning from Jack toward the TV somberly.)
The absolute worst part of being with your dad...
(Shot of the go-go dancers on TV. "I can't stand it". "Honey, keep your groovin' movin', baby")
Is being with your dad.
(Shot of Jack and Kevin. Kevin turns toward Jack quickly.)
KEVIN: I gotta study.
JACK: I gotta work.
(They stand simultaneously, step toward each other, and pause.)
And most of all...
(Kevin turns and walks off. Jack pauses.)
You never, ever...
(Jack walks off.)
Want to be alone with each other.
(Kevin crosses behind the couch.)
(Close shot of the go-go dancers on TV, as the trumpet has its final wind-up blast. The audience applauds.)
Cut to
Int. Morning - Kitchen
(Close shot of Norma standing in the kitchen, reading a newspaper ad.)
NORMA: Oh, my goodness! Look at this!
(Wide shot from behind Norma of Kevin, Wayne and Jack at the table. Jack's reading the newspaper, the kids are eating breakfast.)
NORMA: It's hard to believe!
KEVIN: What is it?
(Close shot of Norma looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: It's a sale.
(She looks back to the paper.)
NORMA: On suits, at Randolph's. Route 9-B in Millbrook.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking at each other.)
Course, when you're fourteen...
(They look back to Norma off-screen.)
Almost any situation can be fraught with potential peril.
(Close shot of Norma looking at the paper.)
NORMA: They're slashing prices!
(Norma glances toward Kevin, then Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: "Everything must go"!
(Norma smiles as she glances back to the paper, then Jack.)
NORMA: Jack, what do you say?
(Shot of Kevin, Wayne, and Jack. Jack has the paper in front of his face.)
JACK: 'Bout what?
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: About these suits!
(Closer shot of Jack, looking at the paper.)
Fortunately, this was Dad's problem.
JACK: I got all the suits I need...
Not ours.
(Close shot of Norma frowning.)
NORMA: No - I meant for Kevin.
(She nods and looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning from Jack to Norma off-screen, and pausing.)
KEVIN: What?
(Kevin looks toward Jack, then back, then gestures.)
KEVIN: Why me?!
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: Well, you're getting older, honey - you don't have one that fits you.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
NORMA (V/O): And, you look so manly in a suit.
(Close shot of Norma as she smiles, and points at the paper.)
NORMA: And besides...they come with two pairs of pants!
(Norma studies the paper.)
Powerful reasoning...
(Close shot of Kevin turning toward Jack, then toward Norma.)
Requiring a powerful response.
KEVIN: Mom, I don't want a suit, OK? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Norma studying the paper.)
NORMA: They're open till five.
(Norma looks at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: And they're only an hour away.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
(Close shot of Norma looking toward Jack off-screen, as she frowns and shrugs slightly.)
NORMA: What do you think, Jack?
(Close shot of Jack looking at his newspaper.)
JACK: Kid needs a suit...kid needs a suit.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne, as Wayne stands and laughs.)
WAYNE: Have fun, sucker!
(Wayne exits toward the door, laughing. Kevin wipes his mouth with a napkin and stands up.)
(Kevin walks past Norma, frowning.)
A whole Sunday down the tubes. What could be worse?
NORMA: So, what time will you two fellas be leaving?
(Kevin pauses.)
(Close shot from behind, as he turns with a worried look on his face.)
(Close shot of Jack behind the newspaper, as he flips it forward at the crease, looking shocked.)
JACK: Hah?
(Shot of Norma, and Kevin behind her.)
NORMA: To buy that suit!
(Kevin points toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
NORMA (V/O): Why not?
(Close shot of Norma turning to Kevin.)
NORMA: A boy should buy his suit...
(Norma turn back toward Jack.)
NORMA: With his father.
(Close shot of Jack as he laughs.)
JACK: Norma...(Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he smiles and shrugs.)
KEVIN: Mom...
(Kevin takes some breaths. He looks toward Jack off-screen and frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack looking off and growling.)
It was pretty clear this idea wasn't gonna float.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning toward Jack off-screen.)
Not in a month of Sundays.
(Kevin looks at Norma off-screen. He smiles and shrugs.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Driveway
(Shot past Kevin of Norma looking in the car window.)
NORMA: Now - you sure you know how to get there?
JACK: Course I know how to get there.
(Shot past Norma of Jack and Kevin.)
NORMA: You take 15...to the exit for 22-B, and then...
(Jack looks off and sighs.)
JACK: Norma? I know how to get there. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Norma smiling.)
NORMA: Well, then...you two have a good time! (Winks.)
(Shot of the car as Norma approaches the camera, looking at the guys.)
(Shot of Kevin and Jack. Kevin smiles as he looks at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Dad, we don't have to do this, you know.
(Jack smiles slightly as he looks toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: The hell we don't.
(Shot through the windshield of Norma waving a towel.)
NORMA: Bye-bye!
(Shot of Kevin and Jack as they smile and wave. Jack starts the car.)
(Shot though the windshield of Kevin and Jack. Jack turns over his shoulder and backs out of the driveway.)
Yep - this was gonna be some fun.
(Kevin smiles toward Norma off-screen.)
Me and the big guy...sharin' a little quality-time.
(The car pulls away, out of the shot.)
Cut to
The Road
(Shot of the car approaching on the highway as the camera pans with it.)
Still, out here on the open road...
(Shot of Kevin and Jack through the windshield. Kevin is smiling slightly.)
Maybe this was a chance to re-establish communications.
(Jack glances toward Kevin.)
JACK: So...how's school?
KEVIN: Good!
JACK: Paul?
KEVIN: Good!
(They look forward.)
Bounce around philosophies. Sink our teeth into the big questions.
(Close shot of Kevin turning to Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: How's work?
(Close shot of Jack looking at the road, frowning.)
JACK: Lousy.
(Close shot past Jack, of Kevin nodding and turning forward.)
KEVIN: Uh-huh.
(Shot from the passenger window of Kevin and Jack.)
The thing is, I knew it was just a matter of finding a common ground. Something we were both passionate about.
(Shot from the driver's window of Jack and Kevin.)
Something like...
(Jack looks toward the radio, and leans forward to turn it on. Jack leans back and smiles. Kevin looks at him.)
"Easy listenin'" music.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down and frowning. He turns toward Jack.)
KEVIN: You mind if we turn that down?
JACK (V/O): What?
(Kevin shrugs and smiles.)
KEVIN: Never mind!
(He looks forward.)
At least it solved the communication problem.
(Kevin glances toward Jack, then looks forward.)
(Shot through the windshield of the sign for Exit 22-B, as they pass it.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as he looks over his shoulder.)
If not the navigational one.
(Shot from the driver's window of Kevin and Jack, as Kevin turns to him.)
(Jack turns down the radio.)
JACK: What is it, now?
(Kevin frowns and points his thumb over his shoulder.)
KEVIN: I think we just passed our exit.
(Shot from the passenger window of Kevin and Jack. Jack is looking forward.)
JACK: Nah...
(Kevin looks over his shoulder toward the sign.)
(Kevin looks forward.)
KEVIN: Remember, Mom said take the 15 to the 22-B and -
(Kevin turns toward Jack and gestures. Jack frowns.)
JACK: What are ya talkin' about?!
(Jack looks toward the odometer and points.)
JACK: It's not for another eight miles...I'm trackin' it, here.
(Shot past Jack of Kevin. He frowns and nods.)
KEVIN: Yeah, but Mom said -
JACK (V/O): Hey!
(Close shot of Jack turning toward Kevin off-screen and frowning.)
JACK: Your mother never drove a half-track halfway across Korea, OK?
(Close shot of Kevin turning forward.)
Maybe so.
(Shot from the passenger window of Kevin and Jack, as Kevin looks out.)
But unless I was mistaken, this was not Korea.
(Kevin shakes his head and gestures as he turns to Jack, who is looking forward.)
KEVIN: Dad, I really think -
JACK: Trust me.
(Jack turns to Kevin, smiling and nodding slightly.)
JACK: It's the next one.
(Close shot of Kevin. He looks forward and shakes his head, then looks toward Jack.)
KEVIN: Whatever you say...
(Kevin looks forward and frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack whistling to the music on the radio.)
Cut to
End of the Road
(Shot of a rural winding road, as the car approaches around the bend.)
So...we took the next exit.
(The car slows and stops in front of the camera.)
(Close shot through the window of Jack frowning.)
(Shot through the windshield of a "dead-end" sign on a fence in front of the car.)
(Close shot through the window of Jack frowning and glancing off.)
JACK: What's this?
(He looks back toward the sign.)
(Shot through the windshield of the "dead-end" sign.)
(Shot past the steering-wheel of Kevin turning toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: I think it's a dead-end.
(Close shot of Jack glancing around suspiciously, slightly shaking his head.)
JACK: This isn't supposed to be here.
(Shot from the driver's window of Jack and Kevin looking forward.)
True - theoretically speaking.
KEVIN: Well...maybe we should just...turn around.
(Kevin looks at Jack.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Turn around?!
(Shot past the steering-wheel of Kevin turning toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. You know, go back to the highway...
(Kevin gestures.)
KEVIN (V/O: and follow Mom's directions.
(Close shot of Jack frowning and looking off, shaking his head.)
JACK: I'm not turnin' around.
KEVIN (V/O): Well, we can't keep going, can we?
(Close shot of Jack frowning heavily at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack frowning heavily at Kevin off-screen.)
(Jack looks off.)
Seemed we'd reached a stand-off, here.
(Shot through the windshield of the "dead-end" sign.)
The irresistable force.
(Close shot of Jack frowning with his tongue in his cheek, as he glances off in thought.)
The immovable object.
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot through the windshield of Jack looking down in thought.)
Till the immovable object...
(Jack raises his finger and starts to smile as he looks off.)
JACK: Hand me a map.
Of course!
(Shot past Jack of Kevin reaching toward the glove-box.)
(Shot over Kevin's shoulder as he opens the glove-box.)
(Shot across the car-hood as Jack opens the door and steps out.)
(Shot over Kevin's shoulder as he opens the glove-box and starts thumbing through a stack of maps.)
My father had charts of every street, every town, every county in the known free world.
(Shot through the windshield as he holds up a map and smiles.)
KEVIN: Got it!
(Kevin starts to open the door.)
(Wide shot of the car as Kevin gets out. Jack is standing next to it. Kevin trots around the front of the car to Jack.)
(Shot across the roof of the car of Jack as Kevin approaches. )
It was time to scout-out the terrain. Together.
(Jack takes the map and spreads it on the roof of the car.)
JACK: Let's...take a look.
(Shot past Jack's arm, as Kevin tries to look at the map.)
One little problem.
KEVIN: Dad? I can't see it.
(Close shot of Jack in profile as he studies the map.)
JACK: What do you need to see it for?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, I just...thought I'd -
JACK (V/O): Let's see...
(Close shot of Jack in profile as he studies the map.)
JACK: We must be near to Loudenville...
(Shot past Jack's arm, as Kevin tries to look at the map.)
It was hard to tell, standing four feet below sea-level.
KEVIN: Hhh - Come on, Dad! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Huh?
(Shot past Jack's arm of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Can I help?
(Shot past the roof of the car of Jack and Kevin.)
JACK: Oh - sure!
(Jack turns back to the map.)
(Close shot of Jack as he slides the map off the car roof.)
JACK: Fold it up for me, will ya?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling, then frowning, as he takes the map.)
KEVIN: But, I -
JACK (V/O): Come on - we're wastin' time.
(Shot of Kevin looking at the map as Jack opens the door and gets in.)
(Shot across the roof of the car of Kevin trying to fold the map.)
Now, we all know map companies hire guys who specialize in making map-folding a physical impossibility.
(Shot of Kevin next to the car, folding the map.)
(Close shot past the map through the windshield of Jack glancing from the map, to Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): Oh, here!
(Jack glances away again and frowns. He looks back to Kevin off-screen, and frowns as he starts to get out.)
(Shot of Kevin next to the car, trying to fold the map.)
KEVIN: See if this way'll work...
(Jack reaches past the door and takes the map.)
JACK: Get in - we gotta go.
(Jack starts to fold the map.)
(Close shot of the map and Kevin, as he looks down.)
(Shot of Jack and Kevin. Jack finishes folding the map as Kevin picks up the other maps from the car-hood.)
(Wide shot of the car as Kevin opens the door.)
(Close shot through the windshield as Kevin sits and closes the door.)
(Shot through the windshield of Jack and Kevin, as Jack looks at him.)
JACK: Two rights, three lefts, and we're back in business - right, sport?
(Jack put the car in reverse, and looks over his shoulder as he backs up.)
KEVIN: Right, Dad.
Maybe so...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
Maybe not.
(Kevin glances toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking over his shoulder.)
Seemed pretty clear, it was time for me and the big guy...
(Close shot past Jack, of Kevin glancing forward, then over his shoulder as they back up.)
To have a chat.
JACK: Hmmm?
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Can we talk?
(Close shot of Jack turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: 'Bout what?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: It's just...
(Kevin looks off, then to Jack.)
KEVIN: I wanted to fold the map.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen, and frowning.)
(Low shot from behind the rear corner of the car as it backs into a mud-puddle and stops.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking worriedly at Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning in surprise at Kevin off-screen.)
And I guess that kinda...summed it up.
(Shot from behind the rear corner of the car as Kevin leans out the window and looks at the mud-puddle, as the wheel spins.)
(Shot through the windshield of Jack frowning at Kevin, as Kevin looks at Jack.)
In a word...
KEVIN: I think we're stuck.
JACK: We're not stuck!
(Jack looks forward.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack, then away and back, as Jack guns the motor - and going nowhere.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at Kevin off-screen, then looking forward.)
(Close shot of the wheel spinning in the mud-puddle.)
But we were.
Fade to
(Shot of the car approaching on the road.)
By two o'clock, we were on our way again.
(The car slows as Jack turns into a driveway.)
Muddier, but wiser.
(The camera pans with the car as Jack pulls next to a gas-pump. The camera moves over in front of the car. The attendant trots around the rear of the car.)
Still, at least, now we knew where we were.
(Shot from the passenger window of Jack and Kevin, as Jack rolls down his window. Jack turns to Kevin and smiles.)
JACK: Loudenville...
(The attendant bends down to look at Jack.)
ATTENDANT: Welcome to Hillsdale - can I help you!
(Jack turns forward slowly.)
(Shot past the attendant of Jack and Kevin.)
KEVIN: Uh, yeah, please. We need some -
(Jack is looking forward, frowning.)
JACK: Gas. Fill it up.
(Shot from the passenger window of Kevin, Jack, and the attendant.)
KEVIN: And some -
JACK: Oil. Check it.
(The attendant gives the "thumbs up" sign, and hurries away.)
(Wide shot of the car as the attendant starts to pump gas.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning toward Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Dad - shouldn't we ask for directions? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Jack turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Why? We know where we are.
(Jack sighs, and looks forward.)
JACK: Hillsdale.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing away from Jack and frowning.)
Course I should have known better. My father would rather face a firing-squad...
(Shot of Jack looking forward as the attendant returns.)
Before asking a qualified stranger for information.
(The attendant wipes off the side-view mirror and points.)
ATTENDANT: Say - you know, that front right tire of yours -
JACK: Tire's fine! (Frowns.)
(Jack looks at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Come on! Let's wash up.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen as he opens the door.)
Fine with me.
(Wide shot of the car as Jack walks around the front. Kevin and Jack walk out of the shot.)
Anything was better than sitting in that car together.
(The attendant glances over his shoulder at the pump as he holds the nozzle in the tank.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Diner
(Shot of Jack and Kevin as they enter, and approach the camera.)
Besides, here, in this humble inn, we could refresh our weary spirits - sit down as equals.
(They pause.)
JACK: Get me some coffee, huh?
(Jack turns and walks toward the restroom.)
(Kevin glances over his shoulder and frowns as he walks forward.)
KEVIN: What do I look like - your slave?
(Shot across the counter as Kevin talks a seat. A man is reading a newspaper on the far end. Kevin sighs and looks down as the waitress approaches.)
WAITRESS: Can I get you something?
KEVIN: One coffee, please.
(Close shot of the waitress as she smiles.)
WAITRESS: Sure, handsome.
(Shot past the waitress as a twang of guitar plays, and Kevin looks up.)
(Close shot of the waitress as she turns and walks toward the serving counter.)
Hold the phone...
(A bit of Hill's Brother's (?) coffee "bubble music" plays.)
(The camera pans down to her rear-end.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he smiles slightly and shrugs.)
KEVIN: Make that...two coffees.
(Shot of the waitress's rear-end as the camera pans up. She looks over her shoulder.)
WAITRESS: Are you from around here?
(Close shot of Kevin gazing toward her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Uh...
(Shot of the waitress looking over her shoulder.)
WAITRESS: Haven't seen you in here before.
(Close shot of Kevin looking up and hesitating.)
KEVIN: Well...I...mostly hang out...somewhere else.
Like - junior high school.
(Shot past Kevin as the waitress brings the coffee-pot.)
But why quibble?
(The waitress smiles as she puts a cup on the counter.)
(Shot past the waitress's arm of Kevin as she pours.)
WAITRESS (V/O): Two coffees...
(Close shot of the waitress smiling.)
WAITRESS: Anything else?
(Shot past the waitress's arm of Kevin looking at her.)
Hmmmmmm....let's see, here...
(Close shot of a plate of food, and the waitress's hand as she points.)
WAITRESS (V/O): Scrambled eggs...bacon, crisp...
(Wider shot of the waitress and Kevin.)
WAITRESS: Wheat toast...home fries...applesauce...
(Close shot of the waitress setting down a small plate of muffins.)
WAITRESS: And a couple of corn muffins.
(Close shot of Kevin as he smiles and nods.)
KEVIN: Uh-huh.
(Close shot of the waitress's, uh, name-tag region. The camera pans up to her face.)
(She leans forward on the counter and smiles.)
WAITRESS: Can I warm that up for you?
(Shot past the waitress of Kevin as he hesitates, glances down at the coffee, then back.)
KEVIN: Oh...thanks.
(He smiles and nods as the waitress exits toward the coffee-pot.)
So I'd gone a little overboard - true love does that to you.
(Wide shot of the counter and Kevin, as Jack approaches with his hands in his pockets. Kevin watches him approach.)
And, I knew Dad would understand.
(Jack pauses and looks at the food.)
JACK: What the hell is all this?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning, and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he nods toward the waitress, then looks toward her off-screen. The waitress is humming to herself.)
(Close shot of Jack looking toward the waitress off-screen.)
(Shot of the waitress as she reaches up for the coffee-pot.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning, then raising his eye-brows.)
JACK: Oh...
(Jack smiles and shrugs slightly toward Kevin off-screen, and starts to sit down.)
JACK: Huh, well...
(Shot of Kevin and Jack, as Jack sits down. Kevin smiles.)
And suddenly, we were...connecting.
(Kevin looks at Jack, as Jack picks up his coffee.)
(Shot of the waitress as she approaches with the coffee-pot.)
This was something that went beyond mere words...
(Shot past the waitress of Jack looking up, and Kevin smiling.)
The thing guys understand.
(Shot of the waitress smiling at Jack off-screen.)
WAITRESS: Hi, handsome.
(Shot past the waitress of Jack and Kevin. Jack smiles broadly as he puts his elbow on the counter and leans slightly in front of Kevin. Kevin looks at Jack.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin.)
The thing Greek tragedies are made of.
(Close shot of the waitress.)
WAITRESS: Can I warm that up for you? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Jack.)
JACK: Oh - sure...
(Close shot of the waitress smiling as she pours.)
(Shot of Jack and Kevin, as Jack looks at his coffee, and nods toward Kevin.)
JACK: And, uh, get the kid a ginger-ale.
"Kid"? "Ginger-ale"?
(Kevin glances toward the waitress off-screen, then turns toward Jack.)
KEVIN: Dad - I'm drinking coffee, OK?
(Jack pauses in surprise, then glances toward Kevin.)
(Close shot of Jack glancing at the waitress off-screen, then turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Oh - right.
(Jack turns to the waitress off-screen and smiles.)
JACK: He's drinking coffee...
(Jack smiles and winks.)
(Close shot of the waitress smiling and giggling.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the waitress off-screen.)
I couldn't believe it!
(Kevin turns toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack chuckling at the waitress off-screen, then sipping his coffee.)
The big lummox had sold me out!
(Close shot of Kevin.)
OK, then. If he wanted to play rough...
KEVIN: So, Dad?
(Shot of Kevin looking at Jack, as Jack eats.)
JACK: Hmmm?
KEVIN: Think Mom's expecting us?
(Jack pauses and looks at Kevin.)
JACK: Huh?
(Shot past Jack, of Kevin looking at him. Kevin raises his voice.)
KEVIN: You know. My mom...your wife?!
(Kevin glances toward the waitress off-screen.)
(Shot from behind Kevin of Jack frowning.)
JACK: What are you talkin' about?
(Shot past Jack of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Of course, you can't get us home...
(Kevin glances at the waitress off-screen.)
(Shot of the waitress as she turns over her shoulder.)
KEVIN (V/O): Because you got us lost!
(Shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen, frowning.)
KEVIN (V/O): Right?!
(Jack turns toward the waitress off-screen. He smiles and chuckles, embarrassed.)
(Shot of the waitress as she smiles, then turns away.)
(Shot of Kevin smiling toward the waitress off-screen.)
(Kevin turns toward Jack off-screen.)
Take that!
(Close shot of Jack smiling toward the waitress, then turning toward Kevin off-screen, and frowning heavily.)
(A few notes of "Jaws" music plays.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking worried.)
(Kevin closes his mouth and opens his eyes wider.)
Cut to
Parking Lot
(Close shot of the front of the car as it turns sharply in the parking lot.)
(Shot of the rural highway as the car goes down the road. Sound of a cow mooing, and a rattling hubcap.)
Cut to
Main Highway
(Shot of the car approaching.)
("Champagne music" is on the car-radio.)
(The car passes the camera.)
And so...the battle-lines were drawn.
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin and Jack.)
Words had failed us. Negotiations had broken down.
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin.)
Hostilities had broken out.
(Kevin leans forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Kevin's hand pushes a button - R&R guitar.)
(Shot from the passenger window of Kevin and Jack.)
(Shot from the driver's window of Jack and Kevin, as Jack frowns and changes the station - "Moon River".)
(Close shot of Kevin. He looks toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack whistling as he drives.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off, then leaning forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Kevin's hand pushes a button - R&R guitar.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at the radio, then Kevin off-screen.)
(Jack leans forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Jack's hand pushes a button - "Moon River".)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen, and leaning forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Kevin's hand pushes a button - R&R guitar.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning and glancing at Kevin, then leaning forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Jack's hand pushes a button. - A "Ken-L Ration" jingle plays - "My dog's better than your dog" - the rest goes "My dog's better than yours...my dog's better cuz he eats Ken-L Ration, my dog's better than yours" :-)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen, and leaning forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Kevin's hand pushes a button - Country rock guitar.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning at the radio, then leaning forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Jack's hand pushes a button - An excited country DJ.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen, and leaning forward.)
(Close shot of the radio as Kevin's hand pushes a button - R&R sax.)
(Very close shot of Kevin glancing sideways.)
(Very close shot of Jack glancing sideways.)
(Very close shot of the radio as Jack's hand pushes a button -"Largo al Factotum" from the opera "Barber of Seville" plays, in Italian.)
(Very close shot of Jack glancing sideways.)
(Very close shot of Kevin glancing sideways.)
(Very close shot of Jack glancing sideways.)
(Shot from the passenger window of Kevin and Jack, as Jack stares at Kevin, frowning.)
(Shot from the driver's window of Jack frowning as he drives. Kevin glances at him, then forward.)
And this time...no one was blinking.
(The Italian opera continues into the next scene, louder.)
Fade to
Ext. Evening - Clothes Store
(Shot of the building, as the manager flips the "open" sign to "closed", and steps outside.)
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin and Jack, both frowning. The opera is winding through the crescendo.)
Three hours, six wrong turns, and two gas-stations later...
(Shot past the car of the building, as the manager walks away.)
(Final blast of opera.)
(Close shot of the right-front tire as it pops, hissing out air, and flattening.)
(Shot through the windshield of Kevin and Jack, as the car lists to one side. Kevin looks at Jack, as Jack frowns.)
JACK: I'll get the jack.
(Jack sighs and looks off.)
(Close shot of the car-jack, as Jack pumps it up and down.)
KEVIN (V/O): You need any help with that?
(The camera pans up to Jack.)
JACK: I can handle it.
(Wide shot of Kevin standing next to the car as Jack moves toward the tire.)
KEVIN: Dad, can't you just lower -
JACK: I said I can handle it!
(Jack kneels and pops off the hubcap, which rattles to a stop.)
I stood there, feeling like...a fifth-wheel.
(Closer shot of Jack kneeling in the foreground, and Kevin standing in the background.)
Not even that.
(Jack glances toward Kevin, then looks at the tire.)
JACK: Awright...gimme some room here...
(Jack strains on the lug-wrench.)
(Close shot of the tire and Jack's hands as he tries to unloosen the lug-nut.)
(Shot of Jack kneeling in the foreground, and Kevin standing in the background. Jack sets the lug-wrench down and frowns.)
JACK: Great. Lug-nut's jammed.
(Close shot of the tire and Jack's hands as he puts the lug-wrench back on and tries to loosen the lug-nut.)
JACK (V/O): Damn thing won't budge!
(Shot of Jack kneeling in the foreground, and Kevin standing in the background, as Jack strains.)
JACK: Might as well be...welded on...solid.
(Jack sighs heavily and stands up.)
(Shot from behind Kevin of Jack turning toward him and sighing.)
JACK: How could this have happened?
(Jack looks toward the wheel.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin glancing at the wheel off-screen.)
Course, he probably meant that to be rhetorical. Still...
KEVIN: Maybe because you didn't listen to that guy back at the gas-station! (Nods.)
(Close shot of Jack wiping his forehead slowly, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin.)
I seemed to feel the need to shoot off my big mouth.
(Close shot of Jack as he frowns.)
JACK: What?!
(Shot past Jack of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well...you should've.
(Close shot of Jack.)
JACK: Let me tell ya something, Kevin! We wouldn't be here...
(Shot past Jack of Kevin as Jack shakes the lug-wrench.)
JACK (V/O): If it wasn't for that damn suit of yours!
KEVIN: My suit?! (Frowns.)
(Kevin glances away quickly.)
KEVIN: Look - I didn't even want to come here!
(Close shot of Jack frowning.)
JACK: Well, neither did I! Travellin' half-way around the country!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: Yeah, well...(gestures)...that's just 'cause you got us lost!
(Kevin frowns heavily and gestures with both arms.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning.)
JACK: I did not get us lost!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and nodding.)
KEVIN: Did so!
(Close shot of Jack frowning.)
JACK: I did not!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and nodding.)
KEVIN: Did so!
(Close shot of Jack frowning.)
JACK: Dammit!
(Jack turns away and points with the lug-wrench.)
JACK: Does this look like we're lost?!
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
(Wide shot of Jack and Kevin next to the car, as Jack glances around.)
But the aweful truth was...we were.
(Jack turns toward Kevin.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
He knew it...
(Close shot of Kevin.)
And I knew it.
(Wide shot of Jack and Kevin next to the car.)
We were lost - in a way that had nothing to do with Rand-McNally, or Route 22-B.
(Jack drops the lug-wrench and walks a few steps past Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin as Jack walks past him.)
(Wide shot of Jack and Kevin next to the car, as Jack mills around with his hands in his pockets.)
And I guess that's when I knew what I had to do.
(Kevin picks up the lug-wrench as Jack turns around. Kevin kneels down.)
JACK: What are you doing?
(Shot past Jack of Kevin as he looks up at Jack.)
KEVIN: I'm changing the tire.
(Kevin looks at the tire.)
JACK: What?!
(Kevin looks up and gestures.)
KEVIN: You heard me!
(Close shot of Jack frowning.)
JACK: Are you out of your mind?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
Maybe I was...
(Kevin turns toward the tire.)
But I didn't care.
(Shot of Kevin and the tire, and Jack in the background, as Kevin puts the lug-wrench on, and braces himself.)
I was gonna budge that lug-nut...
(Kevin strains.)
If it was the last thing I ever did.
(Shot of the tire and Kevin's arms.)
(Shot of Kevin and the tire, and Jack in the background, as Kevin strains.)
I was gonna budge it...or die trying.
(The camera moves in on Kevin slightly, as a chord of eerie music plays.)
Budge it...or give up the ghost.
(Kevin pauses and pants, and glances toward Jack. He strains again.)
And then, something completely unexpected happened.
(Close shot of the tire as the lug-wrench rotates out of Kevin's hand.)
KEVIN (V/O): Ah!
(Close shot of Kevin as he sprawls backwards.)
(Shot of the tire as the lug-wrench spins in front of it and clatters to the ground.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the tire off-screen.)
(Wide shot of Kevin, Jack and the car, as Jack takes a step closer and looks at the tire.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the tire off-screen.)
I budged the lug-nut.
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking a bit surprised, then bending down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the tire off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack as he turns the lug-nut with his hand.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the tire, then Jack off-screen.)
It was kind of a big moment.
(Shot past Kevin of Jack, as Jack holds his hand out.)
(Close shot of Kevin and Jack's hand. Kevin looks at Jack's hand, then Jack off-screen. He grabs Jack's hand and rises.)
(Shot of Kevin and Jack.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin holding the lug-wrench to him.)
(Jack gestures.)
JACK: Go ahead...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen, then smiling and kneeling down.)
("Teach Your Children" starts and plays throughout.)
(Shot of Kevin kneeling down, looking at the tire off-screen. Jack is in the background, watching.)
(Kevin loosens another lug-nut. He looks at Jack and they both smile.)
Fade to
The Road
(Wide shot of the car approaching in the far distance, on a dark wet road.)
"You, who are on the road, must have a code, that you can live by"
(Fade to shot through the windshield of Kevin and Jack. Kevin is looking forward somberly. Jack glances at him.)
"And so..."
We didn't talk any more on the way home than we did on the way out.
"Become yourself, because the past..."
(Jack looks forward and smiles slightly.)
But maybe we listened a little bit more...
(Kevin glances at Jack, then forward.)
To what was being said in the silence.
"Is just a good-bye"
Fade to
Ext. Night - Arnold House
(Shot of the street as the car approaches.)
"Teach your children well, your father's hell did slowly go by"
(Jack pulls to the curb across the street.)
(Shot from the driver's window as Jack looks toward the house, and Kevin yawns.)
"And feed them on your dreams"
(Jack looks at Kevin.)
JACK: Tired?
"The one they picks"
KEVIN: A little. (Smiles.)
JACK: Hmmm. (Nods.)
"The one you'll know by"
(Jack looks toward the house.)
JACK: Your mom's gonna kill us, comin' home without a suit.
"Don't you ever ask them why"
JACK: Guess we'll have to face the music, though.
"If they told you, you would cry"
KEVIN: Yeah...
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective as Jack looks forward.)
JACK: Huh.
"So just look at them and sigh"
(Jack smiles slightly, then turns toward Kevin.)
JACK: I'll tell ya what...I heard of this place...(nods)...out on the highway.
"And know they love you"
JACK: Supposed to have great apple pie.
(Jack looks off.)
JACK: Maybe we'll go and try it.
(Jack frowns and nods slightly, then turns to Kevin.)
JACK: We could get our stories straight - have a cup of Joe.
"And give of tender years"
JACK: What do ya say?
"Can't know the fears"
"That your elders grew by"
(Shot from the driver's window as Kevin pauses, then reaches down for a map and starts to open it.)
(Shot from the passenger window as Kevin looks at the map.)
(Shot from the driver's window.)
"And so please"
JACK: What's that for?
"Help them with your belief"
(Kevin looks at Jack.)
KEVIN: In case we get lost.
"They seek the turf"
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective, as Jack glances off and chuckles, then smiles at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: We won't need it.
"Before they can die"
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack.)
JACK: We'll find our own way. (Nods.)
(Music gets a little louder.)
"Teach your parents well"
"The children's hell"
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Jack off-screen. He folds up the map, and looks back to Jack off-screen.)
(Shot from the passenger window of them looking at each other.)
Maybe he was right.
"Will slowly go by"
(Shot from the sidewalk as the car pulls away from the curb. The camera pans with it.)
Where we were headed, there were no maps. It was uncharted territory.
"And feed them on your dreams"
From now on...
"The one they picks"
We were flying by the seat of our pants.
(The camera rises and moves to the center of the road as the car recedes near the end of the block.)
"The one you'll know by"
"Don't you ever ask them why"
"If they told you, you would cry"
"So just look at them and sigh"
"And know they love you"
Fade to
"Largo al Factotum" from "The Barber of Seville" - Gioacchino Antonio Rossini
"Teach Your Children" - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Supporting Cast
Waitress ("Melanie") - Melora Walters
Gas-station Attendant - J. Andrew Bilgore

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12/15/98 17:15