Episode 36 - "She, My Friend, and I"

(Clip of a street massed with people at night.)
(Clip of the "lighted ball" in New York City.)
Around the end of 1969, a funny thing happened.
(Crowd "three...two...one".)
(Clips of a building on the corner of Times Square(?), and a hand in the foreground gesturing.)
("Auld Lang Syne" plays.)
(Clip of a waving crowd.)
Not that anyone was paying much attention.
(Clip of several young people riding past the camera in a convertible, in daytime.)
(Clip of American soldiers scrurrying across a field as a helicopter passes by them.)
(Clip of peace demonstrators holding flags and signs.)
Still, with the new decade on the books...
(Clip of Sammy Davis, Jr. running up behing President Nixon on stage, and hugging him. Nixon is surprised, then smiles.)
Maybe it was time to heal old wounds.
(Clip of Henry Kissinger and a Chinese man shaking hands.)
Get over old hurts.
(Clip of Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew waving from a helicopter doorway.)
It was possible.
(Clip of Yoko Ono brushing John Lennon's hair in bed.)
After all...
Fade to
Winnie's Locker
I'd gotten over Winnie Cooper.
(Winnie approaches her locker. She dials her combo and looks over her shoulder.)
WINNIE: Hi, Kevin! (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin at his locker. He turns over his shoulder.)
KEVIN: Hi! (Smiles.)
(He starts to take off his jacket.)
Yep. Winnie and I were friends, now.
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I like your shirt!
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Oh...thanks.
(Kevin looks at his shirt, then his locker, then back to Winnie.)
KEVIN: Can you believe all this history homework were getting?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I know what you mean!
(Close shot of Kevin hanging up his coat while looking at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen and smiling.)
That incredible smile.
(She turns to her locker. "Winnie's Theme" plays.)
The way she tossed her hair. The heart-stopping lilt of her perfume...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
I was over that.
(Close shot of Winnie as she slams her locker. "Winnie's Theme" ends. She looks over her shoulder at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he glances away, then reaches in his locker.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: Well - seeya! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Seeya! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Winnie as she turns away.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie walking away, past Carla and Paul facing each other.)
There ya had it - hello and goodbye.
(Close shot of Kevin as he closes his locker, and looks down the hallway.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Carla and Paul facing each other. Winnie is at the stairs in the background.)
Winnie and I were just a memory now. Not like Paul and Carla.
(Carla says something to Paul.)
They had something special.
(Carla walks off. Paul doesn't move.)
Cut to
(Wide shot of Kevin and Paul at a table. Paul rests his chin in his hand and looks down.)
PAUL: She dumped me.
KEVIN: Paul!
(Close shot of Paul looking off.)
PAUL: She dumped me!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul, snap out of it!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off.)
PAUL: She...dumped...me.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Wanna talk about it?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off.)
PAUL: She said she needed more time with her friends. She said I was suffocating her.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I thought she wanted to be suffocated!
(Paul looks off and sighs.)
PAUL: What am I gonna do?
Paul was in pain.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off in thought.)
I had to come up with something sensitive.
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: You want an ice-cream sandwich? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking down, then at Kevin.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin glancing off, then looking at Paul and gesturing.)
KEVIN: How about after school we go to the movies?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul sighing and looking down.)
PAUL: Carla and I used to go to the movies...
(Paul picks up his chocolate milk.)
It was worse than I thought.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin glancing around, as Paul blows bubbles in his chocolate milk.)
KEVIN: Paul you can't let Carla see you like this! You want her to feel sorry for you?
(Close shot of Paul as he looks up excitedly.)
PAUL: You think she would? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: Nah, that's not what I meant. You just can't sit around looking pathetic! (Frowns.) You have to do something.
(Close shot of Paul as he sighs.)
PAUL: Like what?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin glancing around, as Paul blows bubbles in his chocolate milk. Kevin turns to Paul.)
KEVIN: Well, maybe...you have to make her jealous!
(Close shot of Paul as he looks up.)
PAUL: Huh?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: Maybe, uh...go out with somebody else.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off.)
PAUL: Maybe you're right. Maybe I should do it!
(Paul shrugs and smiles excitedly.)
PAUL: I can do it, can't I?
KEVIN: Of course you can.
PAUL: Yeah, I can. (Nods.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin wadding up his napkin.)
KEVIN: So. Let's see.
(Kevin smiles at Paul as he flattens his napkin on his plate.)
KEVIN: Who you gonna ask?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul as he sighs.)
PAUL: Uh...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, who do you like?
(Close shot of Paul sighing.)
PAUL: Carla...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
I was losing him.
(Close shot of Paul blowing bubbles in his chocolate milk.)
If Paul was gonna be saved, there was no time to waste.
(Sound of a sports whistle.)
Cut to
Gym Class
(Shot of the wall.)
Unfortunately, the Board of Education insisted on it.
(Mr. Cutlip cuts into the shot.)
MR. CUTLIP: In wrestling, men...the most important muscle to utilize...
(He points to his head.)
MR. CUTLIP: Is right here.
(Wider shot of the boys sitting around the wrestling mat, as Mr. Cutlip jumps to his feet.)
(Shot from Paul's side of Kevin and Paul.)
KEVIN: How about Allison Heath? I saw her watching you in English.
(Paul shakes his head and frowns.)
PAUL: Too dumb.
(Kevin looks off in thought.)
(Kevin turns quickly to Paul.)
KEVIN: Angela Lands. She's smart.
(Shot from Kevin's side.)
PAUL: Her head's too...
(Paul turns to Kevin and shrugs.)
PAUL: Ovalish.
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip sitting on the mat.)
MR. CUTLIP: OK - Johnson, Oasley - on the mat!
(He slaps the mat with his hand.)
(Wider shot of Kevin and Paul as two boys get up and walk past them.)
(Close shot of Kevin quickly turning to Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Jill Simons! She's pretty without her glasses.
(Close shot of Paul as he frowns and shrugs.)
PAUL: She reminds me of a banana.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off in thought, then Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul frowning, then looking forward.)
We narrowed it down to no stupid..
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
Oval-headed, or fruit-shaped women.
(Kevin looks off.)
(Sound of Mr. Cutlip blowing his whistle. Kevin looks up.)
(Shot of two boys as they fall to the mat. Mr. Cutlip is behind them.)
MR. CUTLIP: Concentrate!
(Shot from Paul's side of Kevin and Paul.)
KEVIN: Come on, Paul! Are you gonna put down every girl in this class?
(Shot from Kevin's side as Paul turns to him.)
PAUL: Well, no...
(Paul smiles and looks forward.)
PAUL: Not everyone.
(Shot from Kevin's side.)
KEVIN: Who did I leave off? (Frowns.)
PAUL: I'd rather not say. (Smiles.)
(Wider shot of both, as the wrestling boys cross the shot in front of them.)
(Kevin looks at the boys, then back to Paul.)
KEVIN: Why, do you like her?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul smiling and looking off.)
PAUL: Well, maybe...(shrugs)...a little...
(Shot from Paul's side.)
KEVIN: This is perfect! You gotta go out with her.
(Shot from Kevin's side as Paul turns to him and shakes his head.)
PAUL: I'm not gonna ask her out.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul, who is it? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Paul smiling and looking off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen expectantly.)
(Close shot of Paul smiling, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Winnie Cooper.
(Sound of a falling bomb.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly and looking off.)
(Fade to a nuclear explosion and a rising mushroom cloud.)
Cut to
Gym Lockers
(Close shot of Kevin standing with his back to a locker. His shirt is unbuttoned.)
KEVIN: Winnie Cooper. Really.
(He nods slightly.)
(Wide shot of the locker room. Paul is folding a towel at his locker. Kevin buttons his shirt.)
PAUL: Well, I've known her a long time, and...we're already friends.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking off.)
PAUL: So...and it wouldn't be like a "date" date.
OK - that was reasonable...
KEVIN: Well...(gestures)...maybe you should ask her out. (Smiles.)
(Wide shot of the locker room as Paul folds his towel on the bench.)
PAUL: Nah - bad idea.
KEVIN: Why? (Gestures.)
(Kevin puts his foot on the bench and starts to tie his shoelace.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul tying his shoelace.)
PAUL: For one thing, the whole idea of me and Winnie - that's ridiculous.
(Close shot of Kevin looking up and pausing.)
Uh-huh. That was true.
(Shot from the end of the bench of both facing each other.)
PAUL: And besides, there's the other thing.
KEVIN: What other thing? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul.)
PAUL: Well, aren't you...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): I mean...
(Shot past Kevin of Paul.)
PAUL: Don't you still -
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul, your telling me you wouldn't go out with Winnie...(nods)...just because you think I'm still -
(Shot past Kevin of Paul.)
PAUL: It doesn't matter. I couldn't ask her, anyway.
(Shot from the end of the bench of both facing each other, as Kevin looks at Paul.)
Well, maybe Paul couldn't...
Fade to
Ext. Day - School
(Wide shot of Kevin and Winnie walking out of the building. She is wearing her field-hockey uniform.)
But I could.
WINNIE: Ask him out?
(Winnie turns toward Kevin.)
WINNIE: You mean "ask him out" ask him out?
(A couple girls pass them and the camera.)
KEVIN: Well, yeah.
(Wider shot as they turn onto the walkway and approach the camera slowly.)
(More girls approach from behind.)
KEVIN: Well, it's kinda hard to explain - see, it's a long story.
(The girls pass them and the camera.)
KEVIN: See, Carla dumped Paul, and Paul's feeling...dumped.
(Winnie nods.)
KEVIN: And I think it would really pick him up to go out with you.
WINNIE: Well, does he know you're asking me?
(More girls and two guys approach from behind.)
KEVIN: Not exactly.
(Winnie looks off, then to Kevin.)
WINNIE: Well, why doesn't he ask me himself?
(Close shot of both as they pause.)
KEVIN: Well, Paul's kinda shy...
(Winnie gives Kevin a funny look.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her, then glancing off and back, and smiling slightly.)
KEVIN: And...he thinks I still...(Nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking slightly confused.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her and smiling slightly.)
KEVIN: You know, that you and I...(Nods.) He's got the wrong idea. Y'know, I tried to tell him! (Gestures.) But you know, it's Paul. (Nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie as she nods.)
(Winnie looks off, then back to Kevin, frowningn slightly.)
WINNIE: And you really think it's a good idea?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin smiling and shaking his head.)
KEVIN: Yeah! I think it's a great idea! (Smiles.)
And I did! At least...
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking down and nodding slightly.)
I think I did.
(Winnie looks at Kevin and shrugs slightly.)
WINNIE: OK, then. I'll ask him to the movies tonight.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Great! (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him, then glancing away and back, then turning away. "Winnie's Theme" plays.)
(Wider shot of both as Winnie walks away.)
(Kevin looks after her off-screen.)
Nicely done.
(He smiles.)
Cut to
The Bus
(Shot up the aisle as a boy walks down it. Kevin enters and pauses.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie standing next to Paul, talking to him.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling as he watches them off-screen.)
This was gonna work out great!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective as Winnie moves off to another seat. Paul looks forward, smiling.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling then walking past the camera.)
(Shot of Paul smiling and looking out the window, as Kevin walks past the camera and sits next to him and sighs heavily.)
KEVIN: So. What's up?
(Kevin folds his arms across his books and looks at Paul. Paul turns absent-mindedly.)
PAUL: Me? Nothing. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and smiling.)
Uh-huh. Like I didn't know.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking forward and smiling.)
PAUL: Winnie Cooper just asked me to the movies.
(Shot past Paul as Kevin turns and smiles.)
KEVIN: You're kidding!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off, smiling.)
PAUL: I mean, isn't this an amazing coincidence? I mean, we were just talking about her! And now she goes and asks me out.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Pretty amazing! (Smiles.)
PAUL: I mean, she asked me out!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off, smiling.)
PAUL: Winnie Cooper asked me out! (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking off.)
OK, OK - I got the picture! Heck - I painted it!
PAUL (V/O): Look, Kev...
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: If there's a problem, just say the word...and I'll just forget about the whole thing. (Gestures.)
KEVIN: Look, Paul, we've been all through this.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: I'm glad she asked you out! (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul.)
PAUL: You are? You sure?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: I'm sure.
(He smiles and gestures.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul as he looks off and smiles.)
PAUL: Great!
And it was great.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Paul off-screen.)
Great to see Paul smiling again.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul turning toward the window, smiling.)
Well, grinning, actually.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen, and raising an eye-brow.)
More like...beaming.
(Wider shot of both as Paul continues to smile.)
Uh-huh. You had to feel good about it.
(Kevin looks off and frowns.)
Cut to
Int. Night - Kevin's Bedroom
(Kevin is in bed, tossing and turning. Sound of the ticking clock.)
That night, I slept the sleep of the just...
(Kevin rolls over.)
Fade to
Int. Morning - Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin's empty unmade bed. Sound of crickets.)
Woke up bright and early the next morning...
(The camera pans across to Kevin looking out the window.)
Fade to
Ext. Morning - Arnold Front Yard
(Shot from the driveway of Jack, in his bathrobe, picking up the newspaper. Buster is at his feet. Kevin walks past Jack and Buster, holding a piece of toast in his mouth as he switches his books around. He passes the camera.)
Got a head start to beat the morning traffic...
(Jack stands and looks after Kevin off-screen.)
Fade to
Int. Morning - School Hallway
(Wide shot of a janitor polishing the floor in the background, as Kevin walks into the forground and pauses, looking around the empty hallway. He starts to take off his jacket.)
And went about the business of starting a new day.
(Kevin walks out of the shot.)
(Sound of the bell.)
Fade to
(Shot of the hallway filled with students. Paul approaches slowly, whistling.)
(Close shot of Kevin dialing the combo on his locker, and looking toward Paul off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin as Paul starts dialing his combo.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin as Paul starts to open his locker, still whistling. Kevin looks at him.)
(Close shot of Paul reaching into his locker.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin. Kevin looks at his locker and dials the combo.)
KEVIN: So, uh...
(He looks at Paul and smiles.)
KEVIN: How'd it go last night?
(Close shot of Paul looking in his locker.)
PAUL: Fine. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at Paul off-screen, and pausing.)
Fine? OK - fine was good.
(Kevin smiles, and dials.)
Fine was fine!
(Close shot of Paul turning dreamily from his locker and looking off.)
Fine was...
(Paul sighs and smiles.)
PAUL: Isn't it a great day?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Paul off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off, smiling.)
PAUL: Isn't it amazing how one day you feel like you can't get any lower, and the next day...
(Paul looks at Kevin.)
PAUL: You're great?! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Paul off-screen, then turning toward his locker. He dials - again.)
KEVIN: So...
(Kevin turns quickly to Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Heard from Carla yet? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking in his locker.)
PAUL: Huh?
(Paul turns to Kevin.)
PAUL: Oh, no. Not yet.
(He shakes his head.)
PAUL: Not a word.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: You'll probably run into her at lunch.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking in his locker.)
KEVIN: You two'll probably be back together by the weekend.
PAUL: I don't think so.
(Paul closes his locker.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin shaking his head and smiling slightly.)
KEVIN: Why not?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul turning dreamily.)
PAUL: I'm busy this weekend.
(Paul starts to walk away.)
PAUL: I got a date. (Smiles.)
(Paul walks past the camera. Kevin looks over his shoulder after him.)
Cut to
Winnie's Locker
(Close shot of Winnie at her open locker.)
WINNIE: Yes, we're going out again.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and nodding.)
KEVIN: Really...
(Close shot of Winnie as she frowns and shakes her head slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and shaking his head.)
KEVIN: Nothing. It's just...I'm...surprised, that's all. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Winnie as she frowns slightly.)
WINNIE: Kevin, what are you getting at?
(Shot of both.)
KEVIN: Nothing! (Gestures.) Just...Paul's feeling better, and...I know you don't like him, so... (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Winnie.)
WINNIE: Who says I don't like him?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing around.)
OK - wrong choice of words.
KEVIN: No - I know you like him...(nods)...it's just...
(Kevin looks at Winnie and smiles.)
KEVIN: Speaking as his friend -
(Close shot of Winnie.)
WINNIE: I'm his friend, too, ya know. He's a great guy.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
WINNIE (V/O): He's fun to be with!
(Close shot of Winnie looking off.)
WINNIE: He's smart, he's funny, he's cute...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: Cute? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie. She's a little defensive.)
WINNIE: Besides, I really don't see how this is any of your business. (Frowns.)
(Winnie turns toward her locker.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Oh, come on, Winnie! Remember? (Nods.) This was all my idea in the first place! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Winnie turning from her locker.)
WINNIE: Yes, it was, wasn't it? (Nods.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Kevin glances off and nods.)
KEVIN: I just think ya oughta...
(He looks at Winnie and pauses.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Aw, heck! Why beat around the bush? It was time to lay it on the line.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
For everyone's own good.
(Kevin looks at Winnie off-screen, and frowns and shakes his head.)
KEVIN: I don't think you should lead Paul on like this.
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen. She frowns slightly as she slams her locker, then looks at Kevin again, a little offended.)
WINNIE: Who says I'm leading him on?
(Winnie pauses, then walks past Kevin.)
(Shot from behind Winnie as she passes Kevin. He turns and looks after her.)
Well, that about did it.
(Wider shot of Kevin walking up the hallway.)
I'd appealed to Paul, I'd appealed to Winnie...if they we determined to go through with this charade, there was only one thing I could do.
(Close shot of Kevin as he pauses.)
I could...
(Bell rings.)
(The camera pans as Kevin runs into the restroom.)
Throw up.
Fade to
Int. Night - Kevin's Bedroom
(The camera pans across Kevin's empty unmade bed, and toward the window.)
After a few days...the sleep-of-the-just was beginning to take its toll.
(The camera stops on Kevin, looking out his window.)
I couldn't say exactly why.
Cut to
School Hallway
(Close shot of Paul spritzing breath-freshener in his mouth.)
Everything seemed to be fine at school.
(Shot of Paul, Kevin, and Carla approaching behind Kevin. Paul flips the breath-freshener into his locker. He smiles and puts on his glasses.)
And, Paul was working out his problems with Carla...
(Paul elbows his locker closed, and looks down the hallway. He hurries past the camera.)
(Shot of Winnie in the distance as Paul passes the camera and joins her.)
With Winnie.
(They walk off.)
(Shot of Kevin and Carla behind him.)
CARLA: Thanks, Kevin! (Frowns.)
(Closer shot of Carla frowning at Kevin.)
CARLA: Thanks a lot!
(Carla turns and walks away. Kevin looks over his shoulder after her, then turns forward.)
(Sound of a cash-register.)
Cut to
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him and gesturing.)
PAUL: Carla's a dear friend.
(Paul looks at a book.)
(Wider shot of both, as Paul flips through the book.)
KEVIN: Well, see...I'm not sure she exactly sees it that way. As a matter of fact she told me -
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at the book.)
PAUL: Here it is! (Points.) Icarus!
(Paul looks at Kevin and smiles, then looks at the book.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Paul, you're not even listening to me.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at the book.)
PAUL: Sorry, Kev. I brought this book for Winnie. Mythology. (Nods.) She really likes Greek mythology.
(Paul looks at Kevin and gestures.)
PAUL: But you probably know that. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning heavily at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Of course I know that!
(He glances off, and back to Paul.)
The fact is, Winnie never told me anything about mythology.
(Close shot of Paul looking at the book.)
PAUL: In my opinion...(nods)...the Greeks did have the best gods.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Yeah, that's great, but... (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul as he looks off, and puts his hand under his chin.)
PAUL: I wonder what she'll look like when she's old.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing around, then at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul, we really have to talk. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Sure! (Gestures.) Fire away.
(Close shot of Kevin starting to speak, as Winnie walks behind him.)
(Wider shot of Kevin adn Paul as Winnie walks past. Paul turns toward her.)
PAUL: Winnie!
(Winnie pauses and turns. Paul holds up the book.)
PAUL: Look! It's Icarus! (Points.)
(Close shot of Winnie smiling slightly at Paul off-screen, then frowning slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot from behind Kevin as he looks over his shoulder at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul as he looks from Winnie to Kevin, then back to Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot from behind Kevin as he looks over his shoulder at Winnie off-screen. He starts to stand up.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin standing up. He smiles quickly at Winnie and Paul then looks down.)
KEVIN: I have to go.
(Shopt past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Where ya goin'?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin shaking his head.)
KEVIN: I don't know.
(Shot of all three as Kevin walks off. The camera pans with him.)
All I knew is I was in no mood for mythology.
(Kevin sets his tray on a table, and walks past the camera.)
Fade to
Int. Afternoon - Arnold Living Room
(Close shot of the TV. Mr. Ed is polishing Wilbur's shoes.)
-MR. ED: If I could round up two more horses, you could get a haircut and a manicure.
(Close shot of Delores frowning and chewing her gum.)
DELORES: Look at the way he moves his lips - it's disgusting.
(Shot of Delores and Kevin on the couch. She chews her gum as Kevin frowns at her.)
DELORES: Totally unbelievable! He water skis in this one.
(She shakes her head, and works her gum around.)
KEVIN: Delores - do you mind? (Gestures.)
(Delores grabs her gum.)
(Shot of Wayne approaching from the kitchen with two bottles of soda. The camera pans with him.)
Yep. Nothin' like an afternoon with Wayne's girlfriend to clear the cobwebs.
(Shot of Delores as Wayne sits next to her, and hands her a bottle.)
WAYNE: Did I miss anything?
DELORES: Ed's got a plan.
(She works her gum around.)
(Shot of all three on the couch. Delores smacks her gum. Kevin frowns and looks at her.)
KEVIN: Do you have to do that?
(Shot of Wayne and Delores.)
WAYNE: What's the matter with him?
(Delores looks at Kevin off-screen.)
DELORES: He's just havin' a bad day.
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
(Shot of Wayne and Delores as Wayne looks at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Aw...what's the matter, Kev? (Nods.) Something wrong in Kevieland?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: None of your business, butthead!
WAYNE (V/O): My, my!
(Shot of Wayne and Delores as Wayne looks at Kevin off-screen, and Delores is watching the TV.)
WAYNE: Strong words! This wouldn't by chance have anything to do with a certain best friend, would it? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): And a certain...
(Shot of Wayne and Delores.)
WAYNE: Ex-best girl? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Who told you that?
(Shot of Wayne and Delores.)
WAYNE: Oh, news gets around.
(Wayne leans back and smiles. Delores looks at Kevin off-screen.)
DELORES: Lisa saw 'em at Winky's havin' a soda.
(Close shot of Kevin looking away.)
Great. My private hell was now a matter of public record.
(Shot of Wayne and Delores.)
WAYNE: I must say - I'm not surprised.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: What's that supposed to mean.
(Closer shot of Wayne and Delores.)
WAYNE: Nothing. Except I saw it coming.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): From a mile away.
(Close shot of Wayne and Delores, as Wayne smiles and puts his arm around her, then presses his cheek against hers. She frowns.)
WAYNE: I wonder if he takes his glasses off when they make out? (Smiles.)
(Delores sighs and pushes Wayne back.)
DELORES: I'm tryin' to watch...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look, Wayne - I don't have to take this!
(Close shot of Wayne and Delores.)
WAYNE: Sorry, sorry.
(Wayne looks down somberly, then looks at Kevin off-screen and smiles.)
WAYNE: Gotta hand it to old Pfeif, though - he's a sneaky one.
(Wayne laughs a little, then sips his soda.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
Aw, what did Wayne know?
(Kevin looks away.)
Paul wasn't a sneak.
(Kevin looks toward Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne and Delores. She pulls out a string of gum, winding it around her finger. Wayne frowns and watches.)
Besides, I was the one who set 'em up!
(Close shot of Kevin as he frowns and looks toward the TV.)
Or was I?
-WILBUR (V/O): Ed, what's the matter?
(Shot of the TV.)
-MR. ED: Is Kevin blind, Wilbur?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
(Shot of the TV.)
-MR. ED: Can't he see what Paul and Winnie are up to?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
Cut to
Gym Class
(Close shot of a boy as Mr. Cutlip presses him down on the mat in demonstration.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): The element of surprise, men.
(The camera pans up to Mr. Cutlip.)
MR. CUTLIP: The key...to any take-down.
(Wider shot of Mr. Cutlip holding the boy down. Some boys are sitting in the background.)
MR. CUTLIP: Plan your moves...know what you have to do.
(Wider shot of the circle of boys, as Mr. Cutlip stands up.)
MR. CUTLIP: As you were.
(He taps the boy with his foot.)
BOY: Ow!
(Mr. Cutlip walks to the edge of the mat.)
MR. CUTLIP: Gallo...
(Shot of Kevin and Paul from Paul's side.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Dobby. You're next.
(Kevin looks at Paul.)
OK - I'd planned my move, and I knew what I had to do.
(Shot from Kevin's side of both.)
KEVIN: Paul?
(Paul turns toward Kevin.)
(Shot of both from Paul's side.)
KEVIN: You remember what we talked about the other day? (Frowns.)
(Shot of both from Paul's side, as Paul frowns and shakes his head slightly.)
KEVIN: About Winnie?
PAUL: Sure...what part?
(Shot of both from Paul's side.)
KEVIN: Well, the part where you said - all I had to do was say the word...and then, you'd forget about the whole thing.
(Shot of both from Kevin's side.)
PAUL: Oh...
(Paul looks off.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: So, would you? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: That depends.
(Paul turns to Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Are we talking hypothetically?
(Close shot of Kevin. He frowns and shakes his head.)
KEVIN: Whatever.
(Sound of Mr. Cutlip's whistle.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
This was it.
(Paul looks forward.)
Here was Paul's chance to show where he really stood.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): I don't know...
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: A few days ago, I would have said "yes".
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh, so now you're saying "no". (Nods.)
(Close shot of Paul looking off.)
PAUL: No, that's not what I'm not saying.
(Paul looks at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I'm just saying -
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Pfeiffer!
(Paul pause and looks toward Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Arnold!
(Close shiot of Kevin turning and looking toward Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): On the mat!
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip as he frowns and slams his clipboard on the pommel-horse.)
(shot of Kevin and Paul in front of a group of boys as they stand up.)
KEVIN: You're saying "no" - why don't you just admit it?!
PAUL: Why don't you come out and admit that you like her? (Gestures.)
(Paul walks wast the camera.)
KEVIN: Because I don't!
(Shot of Paul as he turns around.)
PAUL: Good! Because I do!
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): That's enough!
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip approaching, and putting his hands on his hips.)
MR. CUTLIP: Let's see if you can exercise something other than your lips!
(Shot of Paul handing his glasses to a boy.)
PAUL: Here.
(Shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen, and taking a step closer.)
And there you had it.
(Shot of Paul taking a step forward.)
Reasonable men.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
Agreeing to disagree.
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Alright men, remember, now...
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip.)
MR. CUTLIP: Speed...
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Balance...
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Science.
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip.)
MR. CUTLIP: And...wrestle! (Gestures.)
(The camera pulls back as Kevin and Paul run up to each other, then fall to the ground and skirmish.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip frowning as he watches.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul rolling around.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Men! Men!
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip as he sighs in frustration.)
MR. CUTLIP: Boys - that's not...wrestling!
(Shot of Kevin and Paul rolling around.)
PAUL: Give!
KEVIN: Give!
PAUL: Give!
KEVIN: You give!
PAUL: You give - I'm not givin'...
(They start to bicycle around.)
(Shot from overhead of the yellow circular mat, as they continue to spin around. The camera pulls back as Mr. Cutlip hops over them and tentatively tries to separate them. The other boys crowd around, cheering.)
Fade to
(Shot of the moon, and clouds drifting past it.)
Fade to
Ext. Night - Kevin's Street
(Wide shot of the street, as a car drives past on the cross-street. Kevin is riding his bike in the distance toward the camera.)
I'd never felt so lost in my life. I tried to make sense out of what had happened. I wanted to believe that Paul had lied to me - Winnie, too. But somehow, I knew better.
(Kevin pulls to the curb.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Winnie's house off-screen.)
I'd been lying to myself.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a car backing out of the Cooper driveway. Paul and Winnie are on the porch, and sit down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Winnie's house off-screen. He rolls forward a little.)
The funny thing is, now that I was sure about my feelings for Winnie...
(Closer shot of Winnie and Paul.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul and Winnie off-screen.)
It was too late.
(Shot of Winnie and Paul as she kisses him on the cheek.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul and Winnie off-screen, then glancing down, and looking at them again.)
(Shot of Winnie and Paul.)
There they were.
(Winnie stands up, and walks toward the door.)
My best friend, and my best girl. I'd brought them together. And now I had no right to interfere.
(Winnie goes inside and closes the door.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he sighs and looks off.)
(Wide shot of Winnie's front yard as Paul stands up and walks along the house.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at him off-screen, then frowning, as he pedals forward.)
(Wide shot of Paul walking across Winnie's yard to the sidewalk. Kevin rides into the shot next to him, looking down. The camera rolls with them.)
KEVIN: Paul?
(Kevin stops and turns to Paul. Pauls stops.)
PAUL: Yeah?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
It was time to offer my congratulations.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
It was the decent thing to do.
(Paul looks down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
It's what Mr. Ed would do.
KEVIN: Look.
(Kevin looks off.)
KEVIN: I'm sorry about what happened in gym. (Shrugs.) I guess I...sorta...lost my head, ya know?
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
KEVIN (V/O): Anyway...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: And for what it's worth...
(He pauses and looks off a moment, then back to Paul.)
KEVIN: I hope you and Winnie will be very happy.
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
PAUL: She dumped me.
(Shot of Paul looking down, and Kevin beyond him.)
KEVIN: Huh? (Frowns.)
PAUL: She dumped me.
KEVIN: She did? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
PAUL: We decided just to be friends.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): Well, actually...
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
PAUL: She decided. (Shrugs.) Anyway, it's over.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: After three lousy dates? (Frowns.)
Wait a minute.
(Kevin looks off.)
What was I saying here?
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
PAUL: It's OK. Really. It wasn't personal. She just...(shrugs)...likes somebody else.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh...
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
PAUL: I should have known. I mean, it was pretty obvious. But, hey...
(Paul looks at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I had to take a shot. Right?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen, then glancing off, and back.)
(Close shot of Paul looking off.)
PAUL: The thing I can't figure is...(shrugs)...why she asked me out in the first place.
(He looks at Kevin.)
PAUL: Can you?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Kevin looks off.)
(Close shot of Paul looking down.)
KEVIN (V/O): Yeah.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: She...told me she thinks you're cute.
(Close shot of Paul looking down, then at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: She said that?
(Shot of Kevin as he nods.)
(Close shot of Paul smiling slightly, and starting to walk forward.)
(Shot of both.)
KEVIN: Paul?
(Paul pauses. Kevin hesitates and looks off.)
KEVIN: Did she say who it was?
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen, and shaking his head.)
PAUL: I can't tell you. She made me promise.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Come on, Paul, I -
(Kevin hesitates.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
But suddenly I knew. He didn't have to tell me.
(Paul looks down.)
It was written all over his face.
(Paul looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen, then looking off.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Sorry about that scissors-lock. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and gesturing.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Never felt a thing.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Yeah, sure. I heard you wimperin'.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: In your dreams! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Paul smiling at Kevin off-screen, and starting to walk off.)
(Wider shot of both. Paul walks out of the shot. Kevin smiles and watches him, then looks at Winnie's house, then the sky.)
I hadn't noticed what a beautiful night it was. Lit by starlight...the world smelled clear and clean.
(Close shot of Kevin as he looks toward the sky and smiles.)
For a minute, I didn't feel like a kid anymore.
(Kevin glances toward Winnie's house, then down.)
For the first time in along time...
(Kevin looks up again.)
Fade to
Winnie's Porch
(Shot of Kevin pausing at the end of Winnie's porch.)
I felt young.
(Kevin smiles slightly, and starts to walk forward.)
(Wide shot of Winnie's front door, as Kevin walks past the camera. He rings the bell.)
(Closer shot from behind Kevin as Winnie opens the door and smiles.)
WINNIE: Kevin!
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
(Close shot of Winnie smiling.)
It all made sense, now.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
I loved Winnie Cooper.
(Close shot of Winnie smiling.)
And she loved me.
(Winnie sighs.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Winnie? I just want you to know that...I know...
(He smiles broadly and nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie. She frowns slightly.)
KEVIN: You don't have to say anything.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as he smiles and nods.)
KEVIN: Just...know that I know. OK?
(Kevin smiles and nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie. She frowns slightly.)
WINNIE: Know what?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin smiling.)
KEVIN: Winnie! (Gestures.) Paul told me! And I'm glad he did -
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking a little shocked.)
WINNIE: Paul told you? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well, yeah! Isn't that great?! (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie frowning.)
WINNIE: Paul told you?!
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
KEVIN: He says you're crazy about me!
Listen to that exchange.
(Shot from behind Kevin as Winnie slams the door.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and sighing slightly.)
Fade to
(Sound of an owl.)
Supporting Cast
Carla Healey - Krista Murphy
Mr. Cutlip - Robert Picardo
Delores - Juliet Lewis
"Auld Land Syne" - Guy Lombardo, et al

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01/02/05 18:15