Episode 37 - "St. Valentine's Day Massacre"

(Flashback from the previous episode.)
-(Shot Winnie at her open door, frowning.)
-WINNIE: Paul told you?!
-(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
-KEVIN: He says you're crazy about me!
-(Shot from behind Kevin as Winnie slams the door.)
Oh, yeah...
(Close shot of a valentine poster on a classroom wall. "All You Need Is Love" plays.)
(The camera pulls back from the valentine as an older woman hands them out to little kids, and kids hand them to each other.)
Once upon a time, it was...simple.
(Clip of a young Paul(?) handing one to a girl and hugging her.)
If you liked somebody, you let 'em know.
(A girl hands one to a young Wayne(?))
And if you didn't...
(Wayne pushes the girl.)
You let 'em know.
(A girl hands one to a young Kevin.)
One way or another, you knew where you stood.
(She kisses him on the cheek and walks off. He stands there like a lump.)
But as you get older, communication gets more...
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Bus
(Shot of the bus door opening.)
(Winnie exits, followed by Kevin.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as Winnie quickly turns to face him.)
WINNIE: I told you - I never want to speak to you again!
(Shot from behind Winnie as she turns and exits past the camera.)
Let me explain that.
(Kevin walks after her. The camera rolls back with him.)
See, I knew Winnie was crazy about me. She'd said so to Paul. But for some reason, now, she was having trouble saying exactly how she felt.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie as he catches up to her. She turns around to face him.)
WINNIE: You're rude, insensitive, thoughtless, and smug!
(Shot of both as Winnie turns and exits.)
There! See what I mean?
(Paul approaches from behind and stands next to Kevin, who is looking after Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: She didn't really mean it.
(Kevin turns to Paul.)
KEVIN: Did she?
PAUL: Don't ask me - I got problems of my own.
(Paul spots Carla off-screen.)
PAUL: Carla!
(Paul hurries past the camera.)
(Shot from behind Paul as he approaches Carla, who is walking with another girl. Carla looks at Paul, then hurries off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
Things were grim.
(Shot of Paul looking down, and turning around slowly.)
Cut to
(Shot of Kevin and Paul side-by-side at a table.)
Paul and I had been set adrift in a leaky boat on the sea of love...
(They look at each other and frowns slightly.)
Or something like that.
MRS. DOUGHERTY (V/O): In honor of this very special day...
(Close shot of Mrs. Dougherty in front of a wall covered with valentines.)
MRS. DOUGHERTY: We're all going to make some little valentines. (Gestures.)
(Shot of the class looking bored, and groaning.)
(Shot from behind some students at Mrs. Dougherty walks forward.)
MRS. DOUGHERTY: Now, you'll need construction paper...(gestures)...glitter...(gestures)...and doilies.
(Shot of Hobson, and Kevin and Paul at the tables.)
Actually what we needed were enlistment papers for the Foreign Legion.
(Close shot of Hobson looking at Kevin and Paul off-screen.)
HOBSON: Man...you guys are pathetic!
(Shot of Kevin and Paul at the table.)
HOBSON (V/O): Look at you! Tearin' your guts out over a couple of chicks.
KEVIN: What do you know about it, Hobson? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Hobson looking at Kevin and Paul off-screen.)
HOBSON: I know a few things about women.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking off.)
HOBSON (V/O): You should do what I do.
(Close shot of Hobson looking at Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: Forget 'em.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
HOBSON (V/O): Heh-heh.
(Kevin shakes his head, and turns to Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: If I could just get her to talk to me.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul. Paul is working on a valentine.)
KEVIN: I mean, it's just a...misunderstanding, right?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN Paul? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul working on his valentine.)
KEVIN (V/O): What's that?
(Paul turns to Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: A valentine - for Carla.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Come on, Paul - this isn't kindergarten. (Gestures.) She's never gonna fall for that.
(Kevin looks off and frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: You got any better ideas?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: No...but that'll never work.
(Kevin looks off.)
CARLA (V/O): Oh, Paul!
Cut to
(Close shot of Carla smiling and holding the valentine to her chest.)
CARLA: This is the sweetest thing!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul smiling as Carla hugs him.)
(Wide shot of Kevin and Hobson in the hallway.)
HOBSON: Like I said - pathetic!
(Shot of Paul and Carla hugging. Paul smiles and gives Kevin the "thumbs up" sign.)
HOBSON (V/O): Look at 'em!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
HOBSON (V/O): It's embarrassing!
(Kevin looks at Hobson off-screen.)
Yep. But effective.
(Kevin hurries over to a display of valentines on the wall.)
(Close shot of a valentine as he pulls it off the wall.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as he hurries back to Hobson.)
KEVIN: Gimme a pen!
(Shot past Kevin of Hobson frowning at him.)
HOBSON: Oh, no, not you too?! Am I the last man left?
(Shot past Hobson of Kevin sighing and glancing off.)
KEVIN: Look, just gimme a pen!
(Shot past Kevin of Hobson frowning at him.)
HOBSON: Should have known. You're just as much of a doofus as he is.
(Shot past Hobson of Kevin, as Hobson exits. Kevin looks after him off-screen.)
(Kevin turns and approaches the camera.)
But least now I was a doofus with a plan.
(Kevin frowns slightly and looks glances around the hallway.)
All I needed was a little privacy.
(He pauses and looks off.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a door marked "CUSTODIAN".)
(Cut to black.)
(Wide shot of Kevin inside the custodian's room as he pulls the string to turn on the light.)
A little peace and quiet in which to think.
(He sets his books down, and starts to write on the valentine. The camera moves in.)
To ponder. To let the poetry in my soul run free. It was going to be my greatest literary effort.
KEVIN (V/O): Dear valentine. Please forgive me. Love, Kevin.
(Close shot of the valentine.)
Hey, give me a break - I was only thirteen.
Cut to
(Shot of Winnie in a crowded hallway smiling at a friend off-screen. "Winnie's Theme" plays.)
(Close shot of Kevin standing in front of the custodian room door, holding the valentine and smiling.)
Now all that remained was to give my heart to Winnie...and let poetry do the rest.
(Shot of Winnie spotting Kevin off-screen, and frowning slightly.)
(Shot of Kevin smiling as he walks up the hallway.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie and Melissa walking up the hallway. Winnie slows up as Melissa walks toward the camera.)
(Shot from behind Melissa as she steps in front of Kevin. "Winnie's Theme" grinds down.)
MELISSA: Is there something I can do for you, Kevin?
(Close shot of Melissa looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Wider shot of Melissa and Kevin, as Winnie passes them, looking off.)
KEVIN: I need to talk to Winnie.
(Kevin turns after her as he passes the camera.)
(Closer shot of Kevin as Melissa blocks him.)
MELISSA: I'm sorry, but that won't be possible.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: I just have to explain...!
(Shot past Kevin of Melissa looking at him.)
MELISSA: Gwendolyn doesn't want to speak to you right now. I hope I made myself clear.
(She turns and exits.)
(Shot of Kevin looking after Winnie off-screen.)
(Shot form Kevin's perspective of Melissa joining Winnie in the distance.)
Hmmm. It made you wonder if Longfellow ever ran into anything like this.
(Shot of Kevin looking after Winnie off-screen.)
(A little kid approaches behind Kevin, with an archery bow slung on his shoulder.)
There was only one thing to do. Pull rank.
(Kevin sticks his arm out and stops the boy.)
KEVIN: Hey, you!
BOY: Me?
KEVIN: Yeah. You a seventh-grader?
BOY: Yessir.
(Shot past the boy of Kevin frowning.)
(Shot past Kevin of the boy, who shrugs.)
BOY: I skipped a grade.
KEVIN: Well, I need you to do something for me.
BOY: Well, I'm a little late for archery practice.
KEVIN: It'll only take a second. Here.
(Shot of both as Kevin holds out the valentine.)
KEVIN: Slip this in the third locker from the end down there. Left of the stairs.
BOY: Yessir.
(The boy glances down the hallway.)
(Kevin puts his hand on the boy's chest.)
KEVIN: And don't let anyone see you!
(Shot past the boy of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Got it?
BOY: Yes, sir! (Smiles.)
(Shot of both as the boy exits past the camera. Kevin looks after him off-screen, then turns and starts to walk off.)
("Winnie's Theme" plays.)
Yep - when there's a will, there's a way.
(Kevin smiles slightly as he approaches the water-fountain. He looks after the boy off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the boy walking down the hallway.)
(Shot of Kevin smiling, looking at the boy off-screen.)
Heh-heh. Any minute now.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the boy pausing, and turning to a locker.)
(Shot of Kevin watching him off-screen, and frowning.)
KEVIN: Hey...
(Close shot of the boy approaching a locker and starting to slip the valentine in the slots.)
(Shot of Kevin watching him off-screen, and gesturing.)
(Kevin runs past the camera.)
(Shot of the boy slipping the valentine into the locker.)
KEVIN (V/O): No!
(Kevin approaches past the camera.)
KEVIN: I said left of the stairs!
BOY: This is left, sir!
KEVIN: No, it's not!
BOY: Yes it is!
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Winnie off-screen.)
BOY (V/O): Like, see...
(Shot of Winnie frowning, and walking off with her girlfriends.)
BOY (V/O): I'm the stairs...and this is my left!
(Close shot of the boy shaking his head and gesturing.)
BOY: And...
KEVIN (V/O): Never mind...
(Shot past the boy of Kevin as he glances up toward the lockers.)
KEVIN: We have to get it back!
(Kevin jiggles the handle.)
(Shot past Kevin of the boy shaking his head.)
BOY: I don't think we can, sir.
(Shot past the boy of Kevin looking at him.)
BOY: Besides...
(Close shot of the boy shaking his head.)
BOY: I gotta get to archery. Sorry.
(The boy turns and walks away.)
(Close shot of Kevin leaning against the locker, looking at the boy off-screen.)
OK - no reason to panic. I-I could handle this.
(Kevin sighs, then jiggles the locker forcefully, then pounds on it.)
(Wide shot of the hallway as the bell rings.)
(The few remaining students head off to class. Kevin looks off.)
Right after third-period history class.
Cut to
History Classroom
(Shot from behind Kevin of the teacher at the blackboard. The camera moves sideways around Kevin.)
It's funny how the Hundred Years War can take exactly one-hundred years when your heart's deepest thoughts are sitting in an unauthorized locker.
(Kevin is tapping his pencil, then glances at the clock.)
(Sound ot the bell.)
Cut to
(Shot of the Kevin leaning back against the lockers, glancing around. Other students walk past him.)
The task was simple - stake out the locker.
(Closer shot of Kevin glancing around.)
Reason with its owner, and, if necessary, kill to get back that valentine.
(Kevin frowns slightly and looks up as an arm reaches toward the locker.)
(Shot past Kevin of Tony Barbella glancing around and frowning, as he dials the combo, and mumbling to himself.)
(Shot past Tony of Kevin looking worried.)
Kill...or be killed.
(Kevin looks at Tony's hand as he tries to open the locker.)
(Close shot of Tony's hand as he jerks on the locker.)
(Close shot of Tony frowning and looking up, then shaking his head.)
(Close shot of Tony's hand as he moves to the next locker and dials the combo.)
(Shot past Tony's arm of Kevin smiling in relief. Tony opens the locker and puts some stuff inside.)
(Shot past Kevin of Tony frowning as he closes his locker, then looking at Kevin.)
BARBELLA: You got a problem? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Tony of Kevin.)
(Kevin glances off and shakes his head.)
KEVIN: Not a care in the world.
(Shot past Kevin of Tony frowning at him, then walking off.)
Aw, what did I have to worry about, really?
(Wide shot from behind Kevin as Tony walks away, singing to himself.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and looking at Tony off-screen.)
This whole thing was just a little mix-up.
(Shot from behind Kevin as Becky approaches the locker and starts to dial the combo.)
Any rational human being could understand that.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and looking at Tony off-screen, then turning around.)
(Shot past Becky dialing, as Kevin turns toward her, then looks at the locker.)
Unfortunately, this was no rational human being.
(Close shot of Becky dialing.)
This was...Becky Slater.
(Music of doom as Becky slowly turns toward Kevin off-screen.)
A face from my past.
-(Flashback to episode 10 - BECKY: "I'll give you friends!" She slugs Kevin.)
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at the locker, then at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Uh...Hi, Becky. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen cooly.)
BECKY: What do you want?
(Wider shot past Becky of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Well...
(He looks at the locker.)
KEVIN: There's this...thing...in your locker.
(Shot past Kevin of Becky as she frowns.)
BECKY: "Thing"?
(Shot past Becky of Kevin as he glances toward the locker and nods.)
KEVIN: Yeah, well...it's not supposed to be in there, and...well, I kind of need it back.
(Kevin smiles and nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Becky as she frowns.)
BECKY: What kind of thing?
(Close shot of Kevin as he hesitates, then looks toward the locker.)
KEVIN: Um...it's a...(nods)...valentine.
Listen to that line.
(He looks at Becky off-screen.)
(Close shot of Becky glancing around in mild surprise.)
BECKY: A valentine?
(Shot past Becky of Kevin as he glances off.)
KEVIN: Yeah...except, it's not...
(Becky opens her locker, and smiles slightly as she puts her books in it.)
BECKY: Oh, look!
KEVIN: Becky - you have to gimme that.
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen, then glancing at the valentine and smiling.)
BECKY: I don't have to give you anything.
(She starts to turn and close her locker.)
(Shot of both as Becky smiles and walks up the hallway toward the camera. Kevin shakes his head, then follows her as she walks past the camera.)
(Bell rings.)
KEVIN: Oh, Becky - come on! (Gestures.)
(Kevin walks past the camera.)
BECKY (V/O): By, Kevin!
Cut to
(Very close shot of a hand holding a heart-shaped box.)
PAUL (V/O): Look what Carla gave me.
(Close shot of Paul frowning and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Course, chocolates make my face swell up like a dead fish, but wasn't that sweet? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Very sweet...
(Kevin smirks and looks off.)
PAUL (V/O): You know what?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul as he holds the box and nods.)
PAUL: I think love is even better the second time around!
(Shot past Paul of Kevin smirking.)
KEVIN: Congratulations! (Nods.)
(Wider shot of both as Paul looks off.)
PAUL: There's Carla.
(Paul stands up.)
PAUL: Gotta go.
(Paul exits with his tray. Kevin looks after him off-screen.)
It wasn't fair!
(Shot of Carla smiling as Paul joins her and they walk off.)
Paul was getting chocolates...
(Close shot of Kevin looking after them off-screen and frowning.)
While all I was getting was -
BECKY (V/O): Kevin?
(Kevin turns.)
(Close shot of Becky looking at him.)
BECKY: May I sit down?
Becky Slater...
(Shot past Becky of Kevin glancing down, then at Becky.)
Out for blood.
KEVIN: Sure.
(Becky sits down.)
Sure...what was it gonna be?
(Becky opens her notebook.)
Blackmail, extortion?
(Becky takes out the valentine and holds it against herself.)
The way she was holding that note...
(Shot past Kevin of Becky looking at him.)
You could tell she had one thing on her mind.
BECKY: Kevin...I forgive you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN (With narrator): What? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen. She smiles and shakes her head.)
BECKY: I didn't know you had been carrying the secret around for so long!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN (With narrator): Huh?! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen.)
BECKY: To think...
(She looks up and sighs.)
BECKY: All this time you've been suffering! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Becky, we have to talk. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen.)
BECKY: I know...(Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: You haven't told anyone about this, have you?
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Oh please, oh please, oh please!
(She shakes her head.)
BECKY: Of course not!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Good.
(Kevin looks down.)
KEVIN: Now listen -
(Kevin leans forward and gestures.)
(Shot of both as Becky kisses him.)
(Shot past Becky as she pulls back. The camera moves in on Kevin who looks stunned, and is breathing hard.)
(Close shot of Becky smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
BECKY: I wanted you to be the first to know!
(Close shot of Kevin who is still breathing hard.)
(Kevin looks off.)
The first maybe...
(Shot fo a girl turning around, surprised, then leaning forward and whispering to the group at her table.)
But not the last.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off one way, then the other.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie chatting with friends.)
(Close shot of Kevin standing up.)
(Close shot of Becky looking after him off-screen.)
BECKY: Where are you going?
(Wide shot of Kevin hurrying past Becky, and colliding with a boy carrying a tray.)
BECKY: Kevin?
(Slow-motion shot as Kevin hurries toward the camera.)
First things first. Right now I had to beat the rumor-ripple to Winnie Cooper...
(The camera pans with students as they whisper to each other down the row.)
Before she got the wrong idea.
(Slow-motion shot as Kevin hurries toward the camera and collides with another boy.)
(The camera rolls parallel with kids as they turn and whisper.)
(Slow-motion shot as Kevin hurries toward the camera.)
(Close shot of archery-boy as Kevin runs into him.)
(Slow-motion shot of Kevins tripping and falling down.)
(Shot of the floor as Kevin lands on it.)
KEVIN: Ugh...
(Music fades.)
(Kevin looks up as Melissa's legs walk into the shot.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Melissa looking down and smiling at him.)
GIRL: Kevin? Winnie has a message for you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking up at Melissa off-screen.)
KEVIN: She does?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Melissa as Winnie approaches next to her. Melissa exits.)
WINNIE: I hope you and Becky will be very happy together.
(Winnie exits.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after Winnie off-screen, then sighs.)
"My funny valentine..."
Cut to
Ext. Day - School Bench
(Shot of Kevin sitting on a bench, frowning.)
Let's see now - where were we?
BECKY (V/O): Kevin?
(Kevin looks toward Becky off-screen.)
(Close shot of Becky smiling as she approaches.)
Oh yeah - love.
BECKY: Hi. (Smiles.)
(Shot from Kevin's side as Becky sits next to him. Kevin looks down uncomfortably.)
Yep. My valentine had had exactly the right effect - on exactly the wrong person.
BECKY: I think it's so romantic we got back together on Valentine's Day. Don't you?
(Shot from Becky's side.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Kevin looks off.)
BECKY: I mean who would have guessed in a million years that it would happen today? Would you?
(Shot from Kevin's side.)
BECKY: Susan Beecham's having a party tonight - it's couples only.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
BECKY (V/O:) I thought you could pick me up around eight...
(Kevin frowns and looks down.)
KEVIN: Becky, stop!
(Close shot of Becky.)
BECKY: Oh, yes! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
I had to put an end to this. In no uncertain terms.
(Close shot of Becky smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off and frowning slightly, then looking at Becky off-screen.)
-(Flashback to episode 10 - BECKY: "I'll give you friends!" She slugs Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Can't make it...to the party.
(Close shot of Becky frowning and sighing slightly.)
BECKY: Why not?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...(frowns)...my family...always has this...big, huge!...(gestures)...Valentine's Day...dinner.
(Close shot of Becky frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
BECKY: A Valentine's dinner?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh, yeah...(shrugs)...it's kind of a tradition in my house. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Becky frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): You know, relatives come, mom cooks.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Stuff like that. (Smiles.)
Yeah. We all stand around the piano...
(Close shot of Becky looking down and frowning.)
Singing Valentine's Day carols...
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen.)
BECKY: Well...(sighs)...OK. If you have to be there.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen as he frowns and nods.)
KEVIN: Oh, I do.
(Close shot of Becky looking at Kevin off-screen and shaking her head.)
BECKY: Who needs a stupid party, anyway? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen.)
KEVIN: Huh? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Becky smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
BECKY: I'd be happy to come! Seeya tonight! (Winks.)
(Shot past Becky of Kevin smiling as Becky stands up and walks pastthe camera. Kevin looks after her and frowns.)
And suddenly...
(Kevin looks off.)
I'd gone from "head-over-heels"...
(Kevin looks after Becky off-screen and frowns.)
To "in-over-my-head".
Cut to
(Shot of Kevin walking up the hallway.)
I needed someone with field experience.
(Kevin pauses and looks past the camera, smiling slightly.)
Someone with insight into the workings of the adolescent heart.
(Close shot of Miss White's shoes as she stands on a ladder.)
Someone like -
(The camera pans up her, accompanied by soaring chorus voices. She is pinning something on the bulletin-board in an empty classroom.)
(Close shot of Kevin approaching the doorway, looking at her off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White turning a little dizzily, and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Hello, Kevin. (Smiles.)
(Music fades.)
(Wider shot of Kevin smiling.)
KEVIN: Hi, Miss White.
(Wider shot of Miss White leaning back on the ladder.)
MISS WHITE: Mrs. Heimer. Remember?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Sure. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: So...(nods)...how's eighth-grade?
(Close shot of their hands reaching into a glass bowl filled with candy hearts.)
(The camera pans up with Miss White's hand as she puts a candy in her mouth. She is looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Miss White was someone you could talk to.
(She sighs slightly as she crunches the candy.)
(Close shot of Kevin chewing and looking at Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White chewing and looking at Kevin off-screen, then glancing down and back, smiling slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin chewing and looking at Miss White off-screen.)
(Wider shot of both as they sit at her desk.)
MISS WHITE: Kevin? Something wrong? You seem...(gestures)...troubled.
(Shot past Miss White of Kevin looking at her.)
What did I tell ya about this woman?
(Kevin glances off.)
KEVIN: I-I guess. I'm just...(nods)...a little worried, about...this...friend of my brother's.
(Kevin nods and looks off.)
(Shot past Kevin of Miss White. She frowns and nods slightly.)
MISS WHITE: Is it a girl?
(Shot past Miss White of Kevin looking off.)
How did she do it?!
(He looks at her.)
KEVIN: Well...yeah.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: See, he really likes this girl.
(Close shot of Miss White smiling and nodding slightly.)
KEVIN (V/O): Only he can't seem to find the right way to tell her.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: Because she hates him.
(He looks at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Because he did some really stupid stuff.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: I see...
KEVIN (V/O): And all he wants to do...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Is apologize, but she won't even talk to him, so -
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: "My heart has never left you for a second".
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: "And I am, and shall be..."
(Close shot of Kevin looking blankly at Miss White off-screen.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): "The one whose love for you..."
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: "Is without measure".
(Close shot of Kevin looking blankly at Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: It's from Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac".
(Shot past Miss White of Kevin glancing off.)
(Miss White stands up.)
(Wide shot as Miss White slowly walks behind her chair and around her desk.)
MISS WHITE: Cyrano...was so afraid of rejection, he wouldn't confess...
(The camera moves sideways and pans to include Kevin in the background, as Miss White looks off.)
MISS WHITE: His true love for Roxanne.
(She sits against the front of her desk.)
MISS WHITE: He chose to hide behind the written word...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): Afraid to stand face-to-face with her.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White in profile, looking off.)
MISS WHITE: So many people would rather suffer in silence.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: So, what you're saying, is...
MISS WHITE (V/O): Speak from the heart, Kevin.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White in profile, looking off.)
MISS WHITE: And never be afraid.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: And, you think that'll really work?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White in profile, looking off.)
MISS WHITE: (Nods.) Hnnn...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
(Kevin glances down.)
If she was sure of it...
(Kevin looks at her off-screen.)
I was sure of it.
KEVIN: Miss White?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White in profile, looking off.)
MISS WHITE: Mrs. Heimer.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Did it work out for them - Cyrano and Roxanne?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White in profile, looking off.)
MISS WHITE: (Sighs.) Eventually. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: What happened?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White in profile, then turning and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: He died, and she became a nun.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
Cut to
(Close shot of Winnie standing with her head bowed down. She looks up at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): Winnie? We have to talk.
(Wide shot of Winnie standing at the card-catalog looking down, and Kevin at the end of it.)
Heck - I couldn't have her livin' in a convent. Right?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: I told you - there's nothing to -
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as he gestures.)
KEVIN: Just listen to me, OK?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at him off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look -
(He glances off.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking off and frowning slightly.)
(Shot past Kevin as Becky approaches, smiling.)
BECKY: Kevin? (Smiles.) What time should I be there, tonight?
(Close shot of Winnie frowning slightly at Kevin, then Becky off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Becky, then Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Becky smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie frowning slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I'll leave you two alone.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as Winnie closes the card-catalog and walks off.)
KEVIN: Winnie!
(Kevin takes a step after her.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie walking away.)
(Shot of Kevin looking after her.)
BECKY (V/O): Kevin?
(Becky steps next to Kevin.)
BECKY: What was that all about?
(Kevin turns and frowns at Becky.)
KEVIN: I have to talk to Winnie!
(Becky frowns as Kevin looks back toward Winnie off-screen.)
BECKY: Kevin?
(She shakes her head.)
BECKY: I don't understand.
(Shot past Becky as Kevin turns to her.)
KEVIN: Becky, that valentine wasn't for you! (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Becky. Kevin turns toward Winnie.)
BECKY: Oh...
(Shot past Becky as Kevin turns to her.)
KEVIN: Look, I'm sorry, but -
(Kevin looks toward Becky's purse.)
(Shot of both as Becky pulls out the valentine, and holds it out.)
BECKY: Here...(sighs)...I can be graceful about this.
(Shot past Becky of Kevin looking at her as he takes the valentine.)
(Close shot of Becky looking Kevin in the eye, then turning away.)
(Wider shot of both as Becky exits.)
I stood there, my heart in my hand.
(Kevin looks toward Winnie off-screen.)
It was time to give it to it's rightful owner.
(Kevin looks at the valentine, then Becky off-screen, then back to the valentine.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at a book in a library aisle.)
KEVIN (V/O): Winnie?
(Winnie looks at the book.)
WINNIE: I don't want to talk to you.
(Shot of Kevin standing at the end of the bookshelf.)
KEVIN: Look, Winnie. I'm sorry everything got messed up, but we can straighten it out!
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie as she shuts the book and puts it on the shelf.)
WINNIE: Just leave me alone!
(She hurries past Kevin, and he follows her toward the camera.)
KEVIN: Winnie. Winnie!
(Kevin grabs her arm.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as Winnie turns around to face him.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: I know you like me!
STUDENT (V/O): Shhh!
(Close shot of Winnie as she glances off, then at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: Kevin...I lied to Paul.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I did tell him I liked somebody else.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Winnie off-screen.)
WINIE (V/O): He asked me who...and I said you.
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen. She shakes her head slightly.)
WINNIE: But I didn't really mean it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen and sighing.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I just wanted to let him down easy. OK?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off, then at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen, then turning around and walking away.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after Winnie off-screen.)
I never knew until that moment...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie walking away.)
How much it could hurt to lose something...
(Close shot of Kevin looking after Winnie off-screen.)
You never really had.
(Kevin looks off.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - School
(Shot of Kevin and Hobson walking out of the building.)
HOBSON: Man, what are you so miserable about?
KEVIN: Hobson, she walked out of my life!
(They approach the sidewalk and walk toward the camera, which rolls back.)
HOBSON: Like I said - what are you so miserable about?
(Shot past Kevin of Hobson as they pause and face each other.)
HOBSON: Hey, think of it this way - now you can hang out with me!
(Shot past Hobson of Kevin frowning at him.)
KEVIN: I don't think so. I...kinda want to be by myself.
(Shot past Kevin of Hobson.)
HOBSON: Man, your hopeless. (Exits.)
(Shot past Hobson of Kevin as Hobson turns and walks off.)
And there you had it.
(Kevin frowns, then puts his hand in his jacket and sighs.)
Nothin' left to do but wander home and help mom baste the old Valentine goose.
(Close shot of Kevin as he starts to walks toward the camera.)
(The camera pans 180 degrees quickly, and stops on the front wheel of a bicycle inching toward the sidewalk.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he walks toward the camera.)
After all, my story was told.
(Shot of the bicycle tire.)
It was all over.
(Close shot of Kevin as he walks toward the camera.)
(Shot of the bicycle pulling out, and sound of the bicycle bell.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he walks toward the camera.)
Almost over.
(Low shot of the bicycle zooming down the sidewalk.)
(Long shot of the bicycle approaching the camera.)
(Close shot of Becky pedalling.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he walks toward the camera. Sound of the bicycle bell. Kevin starts to look over his shoulder.)
(Wide shot from Becky's perspective of Kevin standing on the sidewalk.)
(Close shot of Becky as she pedals.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen with wide eyes.)
This is what she meant by "taking it gracefully"?
(Close shot of Becky as she pedals.)
(Long shot of the bicycle approaching the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Becky off-screen with wide eyes.)
(Long shot of the bicycle approaching the camera.)
(Shot from Becky's perspective of Kevin as archery-boy walks between them, then freezes as he sees Becky coming.)
(Close shot from Becky's perspective as she passes by archery-boy. Kevin dives out of the way.)
(Close shot of Kevin landing on the ground.)
(Wide shot from Kevin's perspective of Becky swerving onto the grass, approaching Hobson.)
(Close shot past Hobson as Becky collides with him, and they fall down.)
(Wide shot from Kevin's perspective as Becky and Hobson flounder a moment.)
(Shot of archery-boy as he peeks from behind a tree.)
(Closer shot of Hobson and Becky as they start to get up.)
(Shot of Kevin as he starts to get up, and rubs his elbow. He looks toward Hobson and Becky off-screen.)
(Shot of Hobson and Becky as they start to get up.)
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Hobson and Becky off-screen.)
I guess it was sort of a low moment - for me at least.
(Close shot past Becky of Hobson on his knees, dusting himself off.)
For Craig and Becky, however...
(He smiles at Becky off-screen.)
(Shot past Hobson of Becky smiling at him.)
It was a match made in heaven.
(Shot past Becky of Hobson smiling at her.)
(Shot past Hobson of Becky smiling at him.)
(Shot past Becky of Hobson smiling at her.)
(Shot past Hobson of Becky smiling at him.)
BECKY: I could use some help getting up.
(Shot past Becky of Hobson smiling at her as he rises.)
(Wider shot of both as he helps her up, then picks up her books.)
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Hobson and Becky off-screen.)
In a way, it was a perfect ending to a perfect Valentine's Day.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Becky taking her books, and Hobson picking up her bike.)
(Music "What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted" starts.)
(Becky smiles and takes his arm. She limps as the walk off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Hobson and Becky off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Becky and Hobson walking away.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
(Shot of a boy and girl as he leans forward and kisses her. They smile at each other.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
(Shot past a couple as Paul and Carla approach, holding hands. Paul is looking at her and smiling as they cross out of the shot.)
(Shot of Kevin holding his elbow as he rises and gathers his books.)
"As I walk this land of broken dreams"
"I have visions of many things"
(Close shot of Kevin lifting the last book, revealing the valentine.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at it.)
"But happiness is just an illusion"
(Close shot of the valentine on the ground.)
"Filled with sadness and confusion"
(Close shot of Kevin looking at it.)
(Close shot of the valentine as he picks it up.)
"What becomes of the brokenhearted"
(Close shot of Kevin looking at it.)
(The camera moves in slightly.)
(Flashback of the Ep 23 kiss.)
"Who had love that's now departed"
(Flashback of Winnie at the skating rink in Ep 10.)
"I know I've got to find some peace of mind, baby"
(Flashback of Winnie writing in the yearbook in Ep 23.)
(Flashback of Winnie turning in her yard in Ep 23.)
(Flashback of Kevin and Winie meeting in the street in Ep 2.)
(Flashback of Winnie looking at Kevin in the classroom in Ep 17.)
"The roots of love grow all around"
(Flashback of Winnie smiling after giving Kevin the present in Ep 9.)
(Flashback of of Winnie sniffing and saying "A saddle!" in Ep 23.)
"But for me they come a tumblin' down"
(Flashback of Winnie at her locker in the opening of Ep 36.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - Residential Street
(Long shot of Kevin walking up the sidewalk.)
"But happiness is just an illusion"
(Shot of Winnie walking up the opposite sidewalk, looking down.)
"Filled with sadness and confusion"
(She glances at Kevin off-screen, then looks forward again.)
"What becomes of the brokenhearted"
(Shot of Kevin walking on the sidewalk.)
(Music fades.)
WINNIE (V/O): You're such a jerk!
(Kevin pauses, then looks toward Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Huh? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie on the opposite sidewalk.)
WINNIE: Why'd you have to embarrass me in front of everyone like that?
(Shot of Kevin pausing.)
Me embarrass her?!
KEVIN: I didn't mean to! (Gestures.)
(Closer shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: You're such a jerk!
(She walks off.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin on the opposite sidewalk, as Winnie passes the camera. Kevin hesitates, then walks forward.)
(Closer shot of Kevin walking along the sidewalk. the camera pans with him.)
OK, I was a jerk! But I didn't have to take this. I'd suffered enough. It was time to tell this chick exactly what I thought of her.
(Kevin frowns and pauses, then looks at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: I like you, Winnie!
(Close shot of Winnie slowing up and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Do you...like me? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen, then looking down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
(Wide shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I lied.
(Wide shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?
(Wide shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: About Paul.
(Close shot of Winnie as she looks down and frowns, then looks at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: What I told him...was the truth. (Sighs.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen, then glancing of and back.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen, then down and back, and nodding slightly.)
WINNIE: I like you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off. He frowns and reaching in his pocket, then smiles and holds out the mangled valentine.)
KEVIN: This is yours.
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I don't have one for you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the valentine, then Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: That's OK. (Shrugs.)
(Kevin approaches the camera.)
KEVIN: We can share this one. (Smiles.)
(Kevin walks past the camera.)
(Shot of Winnie as Kevin approaches her and holds out the valentine. She takes it. Kevin adjust his books as she looks at the valentine and opens it.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
There was only one thing more to say. The simple thing...
(Close shot of Winnie turning toward Kevin off-screen and smiling slightly.)
The brave thing, the thing that was in both our hearts.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Wanna...study for our history test?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen and smiling.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Winnie off-screen.)
(Shot of both as he holds out his hand and she hands him her books.)
(Music "You're All I Need To Get By" starts.)
(Kevin puts her books on the stack under his arm.)
Face it. We were a long way from kindergarten. And maybe we were learning...
(He takes her hand and they smile at each other.)
That speaking from the heart isn't always easy.
"Like the sweet morning dew, I took one look at you"
(They walk past the camera.)
(Shot of the curving sidewalk as they walk past the camera.)
That afternoon, Winnie and I chose to leave those words hanging warm and unspoken in the winter air between us.
"And it was plain to see, you were my destiny"
But I think we both knew they were there...
(Shot from Kevin's side as Winnie turns and smiles at him.)
"With my arms open wide, I threw away my pride"
And we would get to them someday.
(Kevin smiles, then they look forward.)
The thing is, we just didn't have to hurry anymore.
(Wide shot from behind them as they walk away from the camera.)
"I'll sacrifice for you, dedicate my life for you"
"I will go where you lead, always there in time of need"
"And when I lose my will, you'll be there to push me up the hill"
"There's no, no looking back for us"
(They are nearly around the curve in the distance as archery-boy steps into the frame near the camera, and strings an arrow.)
"We got love sure enough, that's enough"
(He lifts his bow, aims, then fires.)
"You're all..."
(Fade to a black screen with a cartoon heart in the lower-left corner. A cartoon arrow flies across and sticks in the heart.)
"You're all I need to get by"
(The initials "K.A. + W.C." are drawn on the heart.)
"Oh, oh...yeah, yeah..."
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Carla Healey - Krista Murphy
Craig Hobson - Sean Baca
Melissa Bemil - Elyse Eberstein
Barbella - Tony Nittoli
Miss White - Wendel Meldrum
Becky - Crystal McKellar
Archery-Boy (Curtis Hartsell) - Ben Savage
"All You Need Is Love" - The Beatles > ?
"What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted" - Jimmy Ruffin
"You're All I Need to Get By" - Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell
Note: The producers manipulated WBOTBH lyrics. I transcribed them as used.

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01/03/05 19:30