"Odd Man Out" - Episode 29

Opening Sequence
Ext. Night - Arnold Back Yard
(Shot of the back of the Arnold house. No lights are on. Sound of crickets. The camera pans slowly toward the back yard.)
PAUL (V/O): OK - gimme an adjective!
KEVIN (V/O): Stupid! No - slimey!
PAUL (V/O): You already used slimey.
KEVIN (V/O): OK, then...smelly.
(The camera pans over to a tan colored camping tent, illuminated from within.)
PAUL (V/O): Yeah, smelly...(giggles)...this is gonna be a good one.
(As the camera pans over, Kevin and Paul are silhouetted against the side of the tent. Paul is holding a magazine and pencil.)
The best part of having a best friend is knowing someone really understands you.
Cut to
Int. - The Tent
(Shot of Kevin and Paul sitting in the tent, facing each other. Kevin sits cross-legged on a sleeping bag, while Paul has his knees up. A Coleman lantern hangs above them.)
Paul Pfeiffer and I shared more than...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
Just the laughs and the Oreos.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul smiling broadly at the magazine.)
PAUL: Great. (Giggles.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and taking the magazine from Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Come on...
(Kevin makes a little face at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Truth or dare?
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: Ummmmm...truth.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
We shared confidences.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul frowning at him.)
PAUL: I never really told anybody this, but...(shrugs)...I kinda like Debbie Ackerman. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: No...(smiles.)...not good enough. (Gestures.) Everybody likes Debbie Ackerman. (Nods.)
(Paul holds his legs and looks off.)
PAUL: OK. Ummmmm....
(He turns suddenly toward Kevin and smiles.)
PAUL: OK, OK - here's one.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Once, when I was nine...(gestures)...I snuck up into her attic, and I saw Mrs. Anderson sunbathing next door.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin as he smiles and sighs, glancing off.)
(Shot past Kevin, looking off, of Paul smiling at him.)
PAUL: With her top off...(Smiles.)
(Kevin frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul off-screen, slightly impressed, then frowns.)
KEVIN: No way...
(Close shot of Paul nodding emphatically at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of both.)
(Kevin frowns heavily and falls sideways onto his sleeping bag, pulling a pillow over his face.)
KEVIN: I don't believe it!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him and tapping his leg.)
PAUL: OK, your turn. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin as he sits up and smiles at Paul.)
(Kevin crosses his legs, then points at Paul.)
KEVIN: You know that fire alarm that went off Thursday?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
KEVIN: Fourth period?
(Paul shrugs as he chews an Oreo.)
PAUL: Uh-hmm. (Nods.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin smiling and nodding as he looks off.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: No way!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yes, way! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen and shaking his head.)
PAUL: You're lying.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: You don't think I'd do that?
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Look me in the eye and say you'd do that. (Nods.)
In a lot of ways, Paul knew me better than I knew myself.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen, trying to look serious.)
And he wouldn't hesitate to remind me if I ever forgot.
(Kevin smiles and laughs.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I knew it. (Shrugs.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Paul off-screen.)
It was a tried-and-true relationship.
KEVIN: Alright, come on - let's get some shut-eye.
(Shot of both as Kevin reaches up and dims the lantern. They both lie down.)
Fade to
Later - Outside
(Shot of the dark tent. Snoring can be heard. A little Snuffy guitar plays.)
But like all relationships...
KEVIN (V/O): Paul?
Sometimes it got a little stale.
(The tent is jiggled slightly from inside.)
KEVIN (V/O): Paul...
Cut to
Int. Afternoon - Arnold Kitchen
(Close shot of the TV. The opening credits of the "Addam's Family" plays.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul at the table looking at the TV off-screen. Paul smiles and mimics the show's theme.)
PAUL: Nana-na-na. (Clicks fingers.) Nana-na-na. Nana-na-na. Nana-na-na. Ding-dong!
(Kevin frowns.)
PAUL: Nana-na-na. (Clicks cheek.) Nana-na-na. Zih-zing! (Smiles.)
(Kevin frowns again and turns toward Paul.)
KEVIN: Paul?
PAUL: Huh? (Frowns.)
KEVIN: I'm tryin' to watch. (Gestures.) Do ya mind?
PAUL: Hey - it's a free country! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah - but it's my house. Now I want ya to knock it off!
(Shot of both as Kevin looks toward the TV off-screen. Paul looks off a moment, and starts to hum the theme.)
When Paul and I reached a familiar deadlock of stagnation...
(Paul smiles as he starts bobbing to the theme. Kevin looks off and frowns.)
There was generally one agreed-upon solution.
(Sound of knocking. They pause, then turn toward the door off-screen. The camera pans over to the door, where Doug is smiling and looking in.)
DOUG: Hey, guys! What's happening?
Doug Porter.
(Doug smiles and waves slightly.)
(Close shot of Paul smiling slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly at Paul off-screen.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Basement
(Close shot of Doug as he rolls some dice.)
He was the most agreeable kid we'd ever met.
(Doug smiles at the guys off-screen and reaches forward.)
(Wider shot of the three guys seated around the coffee table. Doug is at the end, and Kevin and Paul are between the couch and table. A game of Monopoly is on the table. Doug moves his token.)
DOUG: Alright! Boardwalk! (Frowns.) How much is it?
(Shot of Kevin and Paul looking at Doug off-screen.)
PAUL: It's four hundred big ones. (Nods.)
KEVIN: Yeah...(frowns)...that's pretty expensive, Doug.
(Shot of Doug looking off.)
KEVIN (V/O): You sure you want to buy it?
(Shot of Kevin and Paul. Kevin looks at Paul as Paul looks at Doug off-screen.)
PAUL: Yeah...(shrugs)...look how much it costs to put hotels on it.
(Kevin looks at the game card as Paul holds it toward Doug, who takes it.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at the card and frowning.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul looking at each other.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at the card and shrugging.)
DOUG: Well, maybe you're right.
(Doug holds the card out.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as Paul takes the card back.)
PAUL: Your turn...
(Paul flips the dice toward Doug off-screen with the card.)
PAUL: You got doubles.
(Close shot of Doug shaking the dice and smiling at the guys off-screen.)
Doug's blandness was like buttered toast...
(Shot past Doug's arm of Kevin and Paul as Doug rolls the dice.)
To an upset stomach.
(Doug reaches for his token.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at the board off-screen and frowning heavily as he moves his token.)
DOUG: Vroom, vroom...vroom!
(The camera pans down slowly to the board as Doug moves his token.)
But, so long as he got to be the car in Monopoly...
(Doug moves his token along the board.)
He was happy.
DOUG (V/O): Vroom, vroom!
(Shot of Kevin and Paul glancing at each other.)
DOUG (V/O): Vroom, vroom!
And we were happy in his company.
(Kevin and Paul look at Doug off-screen and smile slightly.)
(Shot of the board as Doug moves his token.)
DOUG (V/O): Errrrk!
Fade to
(Same shot of the board, but the money, houses, and cards have changed over the course of the game.)
In small doses.
DOUG (V/O): Doubles, again!
(The camera pans up to Doug, who smiles at the guys off-screen.)
DOUG: Boy - today's my lucky day. (Smiles.)
(Doug reaches for his token.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul, both looking bored.)
DOUG (V/O): Vroom!
(They glance at each other and frown slightly.)
DOUG (V/O): Vroom! Vroom!
PAUL: Uh...I think that's about it for me, guys.
(Paul starts to stand up.)
DOUG: Huh?
(Shot of all as Paul hops over the back of the couch.)
DOUG: But...(Sighs.)
PAUL: Sorry, guys. (Gestures.) I gotta get home. (Gestures.) Ya know, stuff to do. (Nods.)
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
KEVIN: Oh, well...I'll see ya, Paul.
(Paul pauses on the stairs.)
PAUL: Yeah. (Gestures.) Seeya later.
(Paul walks up the stairs.)
(Close shot of Doug turning toward Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: You wanna play again? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin lying on the couch, looking at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Nah...
(He frowns and looks off.)
KEVIN: I gotta lot of homework to do.
(Close shot of Doug looking down.)
(Shot of both as Doug stands up, and Kevin kneels in front of the table.)
DOUG: OK. Well, um...maybe I'll see ya tomorrow. (Gestures.)
KEVIN: Yeah, maybe. Seeya.
(Doug walks toward the stairs. Kevin scoops the game into the center of the board, stands up, rolls his eyes and shakes his head.)
(Kevin lifts the board up.)
Three games of Monopoly...
(He dumps the game into the box.)
Was just about the limit with Doug.
(Kevin walks toward the stairs.)
After that...
(Kevin turns his back to the stairs and smiles.)
KEVIN: Paul?
(Paul hurries down the stairs and pauses.)
PAUL: You called?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and smiling.)
KEVIN: Hoops?
(Shot of Paul descending the stairs slowly. The camera pans with him.)
PAUL: You're on, sucker!
(Kevin tosses the ball to Paul.)
PAUL: Hah-hah!
(Kevin steps forward and puts his foot on the back of the couch and ties shis shoelace.)
We never felt wonderful about ditching the guy.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
But it was nothing personal. Doug was just kinda...
(Kevin looks up, then stands up.)
Odd man out.
(Kevin turns and clicks off the light.)
(Wider shot of both as they smile and hurry up the stairs.)
Whereas Paul and I were in for the long haul.
(They exit the shot, and the sound of the door slamming can be heard.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Arnold House
(Shot of the side of the house and window. The camera pans across to the window, where Kevin is frowning and looking out, rubbing his neck. Paul holds his head and paces in the background.)
Until that day when the haul got just a tad too long.
(Kevin walks toward the bed. He and Paul sit on it opposite each other.)
KEVIN: Alright. Here's the deal.
(Kevin picks up his baseball cards.)
(Kevin gestures with a card.)
KEVIN: I'll give ya my Marischal...
Cut to
Int. Day - Kevin's Bedroom
(Wide shot of Kevin and Paul sitting on Kevin's bed, looking at the cards between them.)
KEVIN: And...the Tiant...
(Kevin tosses down the Tiant card onto the bed, then gestures.)
KEVIN: For your McCovey, and...
(Shot past Kevin of Paul frowning at him, and gesturing with a card.)
PAUL: No, no, no. McCovey's off the table.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin frowning at him.)
KEVIN: Oh, come on, Paul!
(Kevin sets his hands onto the bed.)
KEVIN: Be reasonable!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul frowning at him, and gesturing with a card.)
PAUL: I am being reasonable. McCovey is off the table!
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking down at the cards.)
PAUL: Unless...
(Kevin looks up at him.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul smiling at him, and gesturing with a card.)
PAUL: You're willing to think about your Williams. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking off, then at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Ah, you can't be serious! (Frowns.) Willie McCovey for Ted Williams? (Shrugs.) That's an insult!
(Kevin stands up.)
(Wide shot of Kevin approaching the camera. Paul is sitting on the bed behind him.)
The McCovey trade.
(Kevin pauses in front of the camera, frowning and looking agitated. Paul gestures and puts his hands on his knees.)
A common impass.
(Kevin looks at his cards as he thumbs through them. Paul looks down.)
We'd been through this a hundred times before.
(Kevin pauses and waves backhandly toward Paul.)
KEVIN: Alright...(Frowns.)
(Shot of Kevin as he turns toward the camera.)
KEVIN: I'll tell ya what...
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen, and gestures with each card as he names them.)
KEVIN: You got the Marischal, the Tiant, and...I'll throw in Don Schwartz.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Don Schwartz? (Frowns.) You've been tryin'...
(Shot of Kevin dramatically sighing and looking off.)
PAUL (V/O): To pawn that Schwartz off on me for years.
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: When are ya gonna to give up on...(gestures)...the Don Schwartz, already?
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen and gesturing with both arms and stepping forward.)
KEVIN: What's it gonna take, Paul?! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: McCovey is off the table.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul, just bend a little on this one, huh? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: How about you bend a little? (Frowns.)
(Shot of Kevin as he frowns and sighs.)
(Wide shot of both as Kevin falls back onto Wayne's bed.)
But the fact was...
(Paul shrugs and frowns.)
That day, I was tired of bending.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the ceiling.)
I was tired of the endless effort spent hammering out compromise.
(Kevin frowns and starts to get up.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin as he sits up and looks at him.)
KEVIN: What's the matter with you, anyway? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Nothing's wrong with me - what's the matter with you?
(Close shot of Kevin looking down and frowning.)
KEVIN: Sometimes you're so weird.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I heard that! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: You called me a weirdo!
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: Alright - fine!
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen and gestures with both arms.)
KEVIN: I called you a weirdo! Satisfied?! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I'm a weirdo...I'm a weirdo?! Hey...
(Paul turns slightly and gestures.)
PAUL: I'm not the one that has cartoon figures...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): On my pillow case!
(Kevin glances toward his pillow case off-screen.)
What was this?
(Kevin looks off and frowns.)
A slanderous personal attack?
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: What did you say? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I said...at least I don't have cartoon figures...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): On my pillow case!
(Close shot of Paul as he picks up his baseball cards.)
(Wide shot of both as Paul approaches the camera.)
KEVIN: Yeah?
(Kevin stands up. Paul turns to face him.)
KEVIN: Well, at least I...(gestures)...don't have stuffed animals on my bed!
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Oh, yeah? Well, at least I don't have the hots for Winnie Cooper!
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him, then dropping his cards on the bed, and approaching slowly.)
OK. That did it.
(Kevin glares at Paul, and stops in front of him.)
KEVIN: That's...a lie. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
PAUL: Look me in the eye, and say it's a lie.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking at him.)
I looked him in the eye, alright. But all I saw was a...
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him.)
Knee-jiggling, spaghetti-slurping, gum-cracking twerp.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin glaring at him.)
Course, I'd never say so.
KEVIN: Well, at least I'm not an ugly four-eyed jerk that nobody likes!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at him a moment, then frowning and throwing his cards down, then turning toward the camera.)
(Shot of Paul passing the camera, and Kevin behind him.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul stepping through the doorway, and raising both fists.)
PAUL: Total butthead!
(Paul exits.)
(Shot of Kevin looking after him off-screen.)
KEVIN: Loser!
(Sound of the front door closing.)
(Kevin frowns, then kicks his dresser, and swats something laying on top of it. He picks up a book and 45 RPM records, then flips them toward Wayne's bed.)
Years of suppressed frustration had finally reared their ugly head.
KEVIN: Uhhh!
(Close shot of a pile of baseball cards and some 45 RPM records lying on the floor as Kevin kneels and gathers the cards. The camera pans up to Kevin as he holds up the cards and looks at them.)
I was sick of it. Why did it always have to be so difficult?
(Kevin sighs and looks off.)
Why did it have to require so much effort? Why couldn't it be more like...
(Sound of knocking. Kevin turns toward the sound. The camera pans over to the window, where Doug is looking in and waving.)
(Shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder at Doug off-screen.)
(Close shot of Doug through the window. A bit of Snuffy guitar plays.)
DOUG: Hey? Are you busy?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off, then smiling slightly.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Doug's House
(Shot of the front of the house as Kevin and Doug lay their bikes down in the front yard. Doug heads toward the door.)
DOUG: Come on in!
(Kevin follows.)
Now, under normal circumstances...
(Kevin pauses as Doug enters.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing over his shoulder.)
A visit to Doug Porter's house would have weighed in...
(Kevin looks off into the distance and frowns.)
Just under...
(Kevin turns and enters.)
The dentist's office.
(The door closes behind him.)
Cut to
Doug's Bedroom
(Wide shot of Doug in the open doorway as Kevin enters slowly and glances around.)
DOUG: Mom! Kevin Arnold's here!
These, however...
(Kevin starts to take of his jacket, and Doug follows him in.)
Were not normal circumstances.
(They start taking off their jackets.)
(Shot of a corner of the room, filled with shelves with lots of games, and a gumball machine.)
And this was definitely not...
(Close shot of Kevin looking around slowly.)
A normal bedroom.
(Shot of the corner of the room, which has a bed frame shaped like a sports car. Sitting on the bed are a model of a B-17 airplane, three smaller fighter planes, and a large figure which appears to be a baseball player. A dart board hangs on the wall.)
(Shot through the doorway as Mrs. Porter approaches carrying a plate of donuts. The door has a sign reading "Doug" and another reading "Open" on it.)
MRS. PORTER: Hello, Kevin! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh - hi, Mrs. Porter. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Doug and Mrs. Porter smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. PORTER: Doug has told me so much about you, it's about time you came to visit. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and smiling.)
Heck - maybe she was right. It was about time.
(He looks toward the Porters off-screen and smiles.)
(Shot of Doug and Mrs. Porter smiling at Kevin off-screen as she turns slightly.)
MRS. PORTER: Why don't I put these down right here?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the donuts off-screen and smiling slightly.)
MRS. PORTER (V/O): Can I get you boys something to drink?
(Shot of Doug and Mrs. Porter looking at each other.)
DOUG: Sure, Mom...
(Doug looks at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: Um...(Gestures.)
(Shot of Kevin as Doug passes the camera.)
DOUG: How about Yoohoo? You like Yoohoo?
(Kevin frowns slightly and glances at Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, if it's alright with...
(Shot of Mrs. Porter looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. PORTER: Whatever you like, Kevin. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin and Doug as Doug turns toward him. Kevin gestures and looks at Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yoohoo sounds great. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Mrs. Porter looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. PORTER: Yoohoo it is. (Smiles.)
(She walks to the door, holds the handle and smiles as she starts to leave.)
(Shot of Kevin and Doug as Kevin looks after her off-screen and smiles. Bugle fanfare from an Imperial margarine commercial plays.)
(Shot of Kevin as Doug walks behind him. Kevin looks after him off-screen.)
And suddenly, I felt like visiting royalty.
DOUG (V/O): Kev...
(Shot of Doug standing next to the gumball machine, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: Want a gumball?
(Close shot of Kevin turning toward Doug off-screen, and nodding.)
Yeah. This was more like it.
(Shot of Doug standing next to the gumball machine, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: What color? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Doug off-screen, and approaching as he shrugs.)
KEVIN: Uh...how about red?
(Shot of Doug and Kevin facing each other, with the gumball machine between them.)
DOUG: Red's definitely the best.
(Shot past Doug of Kevin looking at the gumball machine.)
Here was a guy who would listen to what I had to say.
(Kevin looks at Doug off-screen.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: OK - hold out your hands!
(Shot of both as Kevin bends over and cups his hands under the spout.)
A guy who treated me with a little respect.
(Doug turns the handle.)
DOUG: Here they come!
(About twenty gumballs roll out.)
(Close shot of Kevin bending over next to the gumball machine, then looking at Doug off-screen.)
(Close shot of doug glancing up and smiling.)
A fella who...
(Doug looks at Kevin off-screen and smiles.)
Appreciated me.
(Shot of Kevin kneeling next to the gumball machine, smiling broadly as a stream of gumballs comes out.)
Cut to
(Shot of Paul opening his locker.)
Unlike some ingrates I knew.
(Paul looks over his shoulder.)
(Shot of Kevin at his locker, looking over his shoulder. He clears his throat and looks forward. Some students walks past, and Kevin looks over his shoulder again.)
(Shot of Paul looking over his shoulder, then hurriedly looking forward.)
(Shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder and frowning.)
(Shot of Paul slamming his locker closed. The camera pans with him as he exits past Winnie. Winnie looks after him, then hurriedly appraches Kevin. The camera pans with her as she stops in front of him.)
WINNIE: What's going on between you and Paul?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Why don't you ask him? (Gestures.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: I did. He says you've really changed.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: What's that supposed to mean? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking off and sighing, then looking at Kevin.)
WINNIE: Look - I probably shouldn't get in the middle of this...but he says you said some pretty mean stuff.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
Alright - so the four-eyes remark was a little over the top. I was man enough to admit it.
(Kevin looks at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, he said some stuff of his own, too, ya know.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: All I know is you guys are really good friends. You shouldn't be fighting.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: So, what do you want me to do about it?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Just be nice if he's nice.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her and licking his lip.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him as she steps closer.)
(She exits past the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin looking off.)
"Be nice if he's nice"?
Cut to
(Shot through the window of a parked bus, of Kevin looking out.)
What was this - Romper Room?
(Kevin frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
GIRL (V/O): Hey, hurry up...
Still, there it was...
(Shot up the aisle of Paul approaching the camera.)
That old goofy smile.
(Paul slows up and smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly at Paul off-screen.)
Aw, heck - if he was willin' to make the first move, well...
(Wider shot of Kevin as he moves his books off the seat.)
I guess I could leave the porch light on for him.
(Shot of Paul smiling in Kevin's direction.)
PAUL: Hey! (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin as he opens his mouth to speak. Brady is sitting behind him.)
BRADY: Hey, man! Take a seat!
(Shot of Paul shrugging slightly, then passing the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin pausing, then frowning as Paul passes him.)
PAUL (V/O): God - I thought this day would never end.
(Wider shot of Kevin half turning and frowning as Paul sits next to Brady.)
BRADY: Same here.
(Shot through the bus window of Kevin slowly turning toward it and looking out.)
Brady Ryland? Paul was hanging out with Brady Ryland?
(Kevin frowns heavily.)
Phhh! Talk about desperate.
(Kevin shrugs slightly and glances off.)
Ryland was a total...
(Shot of Kevin as Doug passes the camera.)
DOUG: Hey, Kev!
(Doug sits next to Kevin.)
DOUG: This seat taken?
(Doug eats a cookie.)
(Shot through the bus window of Kevin slowly turning toward it and looking out.)
(Some Snuffy guitar plays as Kevin frowns and the bus pulls away.)
Fade to
School Hallway
(Shot of Brady and Paul approaching the camera. Brady is dribbling a basketball.)
Look at that.
(Paul steals the ball from Brady.)
Really pathetic.
(Paul slows slightly as he passes Kevin at his locker and laughs, then hurries past the camera. The camera pans over to Kevin, as Doug clumsily plays with a yo-yo. Kevin looks at Paul off-screen and laughs dramatically.)
KEVIN: Hah-hah-hah-hah...
(Shot of Paul and Brady as they look over their shoulders.)
Who was Paul trying to fool?
(They hurry off, and Paul tosses the ball to Brady.)
He wasn't having fun.
(Shot of Kevin frowning at Doug, who cannot master the yo-yo.)
I was having fun.
(Shot past Doug of Kevin sighing and rubbing the side of his head.)
KEVIN (V/O): OK. Who do you want for your McCovey...
Cut to
Doug's Bedroom
(Shot past Kevin of Doug looking down at the cards.)
DOUG: I don't know...
(Shot past Doug of Kevin looking at him and frowning slightly.)
Yep - I was hangin' out int the heart of fun central.
(Shot past Kevin of Doug picking up a card and looking at it.)
DOUG: How about this one?
(Shot past Doug of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Doug...(frowns)...that's a Don Schwartz.
(Shot past Kevin of Doug frowning slightly at the card, then looking at Kevin.)
DOUG: Great! (Smiles.)
KEVIN: No. No.
(Shot past Doug of Kevin taking the card and holding it up.)
KEVIN: This is a terrible trade. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Doug looking at him.)
DOUG: Sorry. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off and sighing slightly.)
There was just one problem. With Paul, everything had been a struggle.
(Close shot of Doug looking down.)
With Doug...I pushed and he fell over.
(Doug looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: What if I throw in Willie Mays to sweeten it up a little? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Doug of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: No, Doug - you're missing the point. (Gestures.) You have to bargain a little bit.
(Shot past Kevin of Doug looking down at the cards.)
DOUG: Oh, alright, OK...(gestures)...I'll throw in Mays and Johnny Bench! (Smiles.)
(Doug sets a card down.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing down, then sighing.)
It was like trying to give spine to Jell-O.
(Close shot of Doug smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward and frowning.)
KEVIN: OK. Let's forget about trading for right now.
(Kevin looks at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: What do you want to do?
(Close shot of Doug smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: I don't care...um, what do you want to do?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Isn't there anything you want to do?
(Close shot of Doug looking off, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: W-we could eat some more. (Smiles.)
(Doug starts to reach next to him.)
(Shot past Doug of Kevin looking at him.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen as he takes a bite of Twinkie and smiles.)
Fade to
(Shot of Doug standing near the shelves of toys.)
It took about two hours to realize the mission was impossible.
(He reaches for a box, and turns toward Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: How about some Tiddly-winks? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Tiddly-winks? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Doug as he sighs and turns away.)
Doug was looking desperate.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off, and leaning back against the bed.)
Nothing could salvage this relationship.
(Shot of Doug turned toward the window.)
Short of...
(Doug turns toward Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: How about we fly my dad's model airplane?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off. He raises an eye-brow.)
Did he say...
(Kevin slowly looks toward Doug off-screen.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Street
(Shot of a white model airplane against the sky. "Into The Wild Blue Yonder" plays. The airplane turns and heads toward the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin in the street, looking up.)
(Kevin looks at Doug off-screen.)
I knew it was wrong. Still, flying Mr. Porter's incredible expensive radio-controlled airplane...
(Kevin looks toward the sky.)
(Shot of the airplane against the sky as it approaches the top of a loop.)
Might be just the opportunity for me and Doug to forge a new bond.
(Shot of Kevin and Doug looking skyward, as Doug manipulates the transmitter.)
Or so I told myself.
(Kevin looks at Doug.)
KEVIN: Doug, are you sure you've done this before? (Gestures.)
DOUG: All the time. Watch. I can make it do loop-the-loops.
(Shot of the airplane against the sky as it pulls up and over, then levels out.)
DOUG (V/O): Isn't that cool?
(Close shot of Kevin looking up.)
Sure, cool.
(Kevin looks forward.)
But foolhardy.
(Shot of both as Kevin looks at Doug.)
KEVIN: Listen. I think -
(Telephoto shot of Paul and Brady approaching the camera on bikes.)
But hold on. What have we here?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
Old Paul just happens to ride by?
(Telephoto shot of Paul and Brady approaching the camera.)
On Doug's street?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen and frowning slightly.)
I think not!
(Telephoto shot of Paul and Brady approaching the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Doug, as Doug watches the airplane off-screen.)
Well, two can play this game.
KEVIN: Doug, come on.
(Kevin reaches for the transmitter.)
KEVIN: Let me have a shot at those controls, huh?
(Shot from Kevin's side of Kevin and Doug, as Kevin takes the transmitter. They both look skyward.)
(Doug looks at the radio and points.)
DOUG: Ya gotta be real careful. The stick on the left makes it go...
KEVIN: Yeah, yeah..(Nods.)
DOUG: Up and down...(Gestures.)
KEVIN: Alright, alright. (Gestuers.) I know, I know...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul and Brady off-screen and smiling.)
Looks like fun, doesn't it?
(Telephoto shot of Paul and Brady approaching the camera. Brady taps Paul on the arm and points skyward. They look up.)
Well, read 'em and weep, Pfeiffer!
(Shot of the airplane against the sky as it performs a loop.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling toward Paul and Brady off-screen.)
Tell me who's in the driver's seat, now?
(Close shot of Paul frowning, and looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul off-screen.)
DOUG (V/O): Kev! Look out!
(Shot of the street and parked cars as the plane flies about ten feet off the ground heading for the camera, then passing it.)
(Shot of Kevin and Doug frowning slightly and watching the airplane off-screen.)
(Shot of the plane flying into a tree.)
(High shot of Kevin and Doug looking toward the tree off-screen. Doug puts his hands on the top of his head.)
DOUG: Holy cow! (Frowns.)
(Shot of Paul as he taps Brady on the arm, mouthes "come on - let's go", and smiles. Brady and Paul turn their bikes around as Paul looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(High shot of Kevin and Doug looking toward the tree off-screen. Doug holds the radio, then looks at it and frowns.)
(Close shot of the "Royalair 20T" airplane in the branches of the tree. The camera pans across the limb a few feet to Doug, who is in the tree.)
DOUG: My dad is gonna kill me.
(Shot from near the top of a ladder of Kevin holding it, and looking up toward Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Uh, it won't be that bad.
(Shot up the ladder of Doug and the airplane.)
DOUG: No. You don't know my dad. His - his eyes bulge out like...(gestures)...like boiled eggs, and...
(Shot down the ladder of Kevin looking off.)
DOUG (V/O): And his forehead starts sweating...and...
(Close shot of Doug as he looks at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: He scratches his neck...(gestures)...like he's gonna rip his skin off! (Frowns.)
(Shot down the ladder of Kevin looking up at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look, Doug? Just concentrate on what you're doing, OK?
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: You're not mad, are you? (Frowns.)
(Shot down the ladder of Kevin looking off.)
I wasn't mad. I was just...
(Kevin rests his head on his arm.)
(Kevin rubs his forehead on his sleeve, then looks up at Doug off-screen.)
Of Doug...
(Close shot of Doug looking toward the airplane off-screen.)
Of the whole mess...
(Doug reaches forward.)
(Shot down the ladder of Kevin looking up at Doug off-screen.)
Time to put and end to this.
(Kevin looks off.)
(Close shot of Doug reaching for the airplane off-screen. Sound of the tree creaking.)
Time to make a clean break.
(Shot down the ladder of Kevin looking up at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Doug? I think that...
(Close shot of the airplane in the branches. Sound of a tree limb cracking.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking up.)
DOUG (V/O): Whoa...
(Kevin hurriedly ducks slightly. Sound of a thud.)
DOUG (V/O): Oh...
(Kevin slowly looks past the camera toward Doug off-screen.)
But speaking of clean breaks...
Cut to
(Close shot of a cast on Doug's arm. The camera pulls back as Kevin's hand writes "KEVIN" with a big black felt pen.)
DOUG: Uh, gee - it looks great, Kev. (Smiles.)
(Kevin puts the cap on the felt pen.)
Thirty-three Dong Dongs...
(Kevin sets the pen on the table and frowns. Doug is looking at his cast.)
Two gallons of Yoohoo...
(Kevin looks at his food and picks up his fork.)
And one radio-controlled airplane had brought me to this.
(Kevin sets his fork down, sighs, and looks at Doug.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Doug off-screen.)
I was a prisoner of guilt.
(Kevin looks down.)
(Shot past Kevin of Doug looking at him.)
DOUG: I can't wait to show it to everybody. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looing at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, sure.
(Kevin frowns slightly and looks away.)
My only consolation was that there were at least two other Kevin's in our class.
(Shot past Kevin of Doug as Doug looks over his shoulder and holds his arm up.)
DOUG: Hey, everybody - Kevin Arnold signed my cast! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin quickly looking toward Doug off-screen and grabbing his arm.)
KEVIN: Doug - Doug...
(Doug sets his arm down, and his cast bangs the table.)
KEVIN: No. Please.
(Close shot past Kevin of Doug looking down.)
DOUG: Sorry. (Frowns.)
BRADY (V/O): Kevin?
(Shot of Kevin frowning slightly and looking up next to him.)
(Shot of Brady looking at Kevin off-screen.)
BRADY: Paul has a message for you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking up at Brady off-screen, then looking toward Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: He does?
What was this?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul at another table, drinking milk, then looking at a book on the table.)
A little thaw in relations? A possible...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul off-screen, and smiling slightly.)
Break in the impass?
(Close shot of Brady glancing toward Doug off-screen. His eyes get bigger.)
BRADY: Whoa!
(Wide shot of Doug, Kevin and Brady, as Brady hurries behind Kevin, and leans on the table and Doug's chair.)
BRADY: What happened?!
DOUG: Uh, I...fell out of a tree.
BRADY: I had to wear one like that...(gestures)...for two months last year.
(Shot of Kevin looking off and frowning slightly.)
BRADY (V/O): The itching drove me nuts.
(Shot of Doug and Brady.)
DOUG: Tell me about it. (Frowns.) I've lost two plastic forks down there already.
(Shot of Kevin looking off and frowning slightly as he scratches his shoulder.)
BRADY (V/O): Try a ball-point pen.
(Kevin quickly turns toward them off-screen.)
KEVIN: Excuse me.
(Shot of Doug and Brady as Brady looks at Kevin off-screen. Doug frowns and fiddles with the end of his cast.)
KEVIN (V/O): Is there some reason you came over here in the first place?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly and looking toward Paul off-screen.)
Heh-heh. Look at him.
(Close shot of Paul in profile, sitting with his chin in his palm, looking off.)
Sittin' there, reminiscing about the good times...
(Close shot of Brady's arm, and Kevin who smiles slightly and looks off.)
Waiting for me to give him the nod...
BRADY (V/O): Oh, yeah...(Gestures.)
(Shot of Doug and Brady looking at Kevin off-screen.)
BRADY: Paul says he wants his baseball cards back.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning toward Paul off-screen. Twang of Snuffy guitar.)
KEVIN: He said what?
(Kevin turns slowly toward Brady off-screen.)
(Shot of Doug, Brady and Kevin.)
BRADY: Well...(gestures)...I'll see ya guys around. (Exits.)
OK - that ripped it.
(Kevin bangs the table and stands up.)
Once and for all.
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: Say, Kev...
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning as he breathes heavily.)
DOUG (V/O): I was thinking...
I couldn't believe it!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul as Brady sits at the end of the table near him.)
The little weasel had sent his lapdog to do his dirty work?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning as he breathes heavily.)
DOUG (V/O): The nurse said I should find someone to help me.
(Close shot of Paul speaking animatedly to Brady off-screen, and pointing to the book.)
DOUG (V/O): You know - do stuff for me around school...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen and frowning as he breathes heavily.)
He couldn't treat me like that.
(Wider shot of Doug and Kevin as Kevin picks up a straw from the table.)
DOUG: So, I was...wondering if you thought it was a good idea?
(Kevin flips the straw onto his tray.)
KEVIN: Yeah - sure. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen and frowning.)
So this was what it came to. Stabbed in the back by someone...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul and Brady talking to each other.)
Who used to call himself my - hah - best friend!
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: Great! Then you'll do it? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning toward Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
What was this guy talking about?
DOUG: Well, you know, um...(shrugs)...carry my books...help put on my jacket. And...
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning.)
DOUG (V/O): Maybe you could even help me with my homework...
(Kevin turns toward Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Doug! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Was he nuts?!
(Doug frowns slightly and looks off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning.)
Help him with his homework?!
(Kevin looks toward Doug off-screen.)
Hadn't I been humiliated enough? Who'd he think I was, anyway?
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: Well, you are my best friend.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Doug off-screen.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: Aren't you?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Paul and Brady off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul and Brady as Paul stands up, nods directionally, and walks away. Brady takes his tray and follows.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning quickly toward Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Number one - I'm not your best friend, OK?!
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): And number two...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Carry your own stupid books!
(Shot of Doug frowning as Kevin slams his tray down. Kevin crosses the shot and Doug looks after him.)
DOUG: Kev! (Frowns.)
(Shot of Kevin frowning as he approaches the camera.)
There. That felt better.
(Doug stands up in the background and looks after Kevin, as Kevin passes the camera.)
Much better.
Cut to
Int. Night - Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin tossing and turning in bed.)
That night I had a dream.
Cut to
(Shot of the tent at night. Doug and Kevin are silhouetted against the side of it. Kevin's bike and the broken model airplane lies nearby. The camera moves in.)
More like a nightmare.
DOUG (V/O): You want Milk Duds? You want Yoohoo?
Cut to
In the Tent
(Close shot of Kevin sitting in a waist-high pile of gumballs with his arms crossed, looking forward and frowing.)
DOUG (V/O): You want donuts?
(Shot of Doug in the foreground and Kevin in the background, and the gumball machine between them. Doug holds some junk food packages.)
DOUG: How about Sno-balls? How about Twinkies?
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen.)
DOUG: If I give you Twinkies, will you be my best friend? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning heavily and looking at Doug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Doug? (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen. He frowns and raises his arm as he starts to sink in the gumballs.)
DOUG: Ah...Kev!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Dug off-screen.)
KEVIN: Doug? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Doug looking at Kevin off-screen as he sinks lower.)
DOUG: Kev...help!
(Wider shot of both as Doug's head disappears into the gumballs.)
KEVIN: Doug! Doug!
(Kevin reaches toward Doug, but can't get out of the gumballs. Doug sinks out of sight as Kevin reaches after him.)
Cut to
Int. Night - Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin tossing in bed, then sitting upright.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowing slightly and looking off. His face is sweaty.)
I felt awful. What had I done? He did kinda look up to me. And the truth is, I had acted, well...badly.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Doug's House
(Shot of the front door as Kevin passes the camera and rings the bell.)
There was only one right thing to do.
(He looks over his shoulder toward the street. Mrs. Porter opens the door and he turns toward her.)
MRS. PORTER: Oh, hi, Kevin!
(Shot past Mrs. Porter of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Is Doug around?
(She looks over her shoulder slightly, then at Kevin.)
MRS. PORTER: I'm sorry...
(Shot past Kevin of Mrs. Porter looking at him.)
MRS. PORTER: He - he can't come to the door right now. Is there something you wanted?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Porter off-screen, then frowning and shrugging as he looks off.)
KEVIN: Well, uh...
(He looks at Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
I could tell by her look...
(Close shot of Mrs. Porter frowning slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
That I had all but crushed him.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Porter off-screen, then nodding and sighing slightly.)
The least I could do was show some class.
(Kevin looks down as he reaches into his jacket pocket.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Porter looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he hands the card to Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
(Shot from behind Kevin, of Kevin and Mrs. Porter as she takes the card and looks at it, then at Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
KEVIN: It's a Don Schwartz. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Porter looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
KEVIN: He...(nods)...likes Don Schwartz. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Mrs. Porter looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MRS. PORTER: I'll make sure he gets it. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mrs. Porter off-screen.)
(Shot from behind Kevin, of Kevin and Mrs. Porter as she steps back and closes the door. Kevin turns around.)
Well, there ya had it. Poor Doug - I'd let him down.
(Kevin shrugs slightly and walks past the camera. Some Snuffy guitar plays.)
(Wide shot of the yard as Kevin steps from the porch and approaches along the side of the house toward the camera, which pulls back slowly.)
I could almost see him...alone in his room...trying to figure out what he'd done wrong. Lamenting his fate.
(Kevin holds the handlebars and seat of his bike, then looks over his shoulder toward the sound of laughter.)
(Closer shot of Kevin as he pauses, then walks toward the window of Doug's room. The camera pans with him. Kevin looks in the window.)
(Shot through the window of Doug and Brady sitting on the floor, laughing, as they play a game.)
Or, having the time of his life with Brady Ryland.
(Close shot through the window of Kevin looking in.)
As I stood outside that window, I watched...
(Shot through the window of Doug and Brady as Brady tears a donut apart and gives half to Doug.)
The easy give-and-take of two new friends.
(Close shot through the window of Kevin looking in.)
And I realized something.
Cut to
Int. Doug's Bedroom
(Shot past Brady of Doug as they eat.)
Doug Porter was no longer the odd man out.
(The camera pans over to the window, where Kevin is standing, looking in.)
It was me.
(Some Snuffy guitar starts and plays throughout.)
Fade to
Ext. Afternoon - The Street
(Wide shot of Kevin riding his bike slowly toward the camera.)
But I guess in a way we're all odd men out. Until we find a match that makes us even.
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
Someone who challenges us to be our best.
(Kevin looks forward.)
(Shot of Paul approaching on his bike.)
Someone who understands us. Even at our worst.
(Shot of Kevin on his bike. The camera pans with him as he passes it.)
I was beginning to appreciate how rare a thing that was.
(Kevin slows and stops next to Paul, who is stopped in the street. They look at each other.)
PAUL: Hey.
(Close shot Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul looking off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
I wanted to tell him I was a better person for knowing him.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen, then looking off.)
That I hoped our friendship would endure the trials of a lifetime.
(Close shot Kevin glancing off, then looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well...seeya.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Yeah. Seeya.
(Paul starts to ride off.)
(Close shot Kevin looking after Paul as Paul crosses the shot, then looking forward.)
(Kevin smiles slightly.)
I knew he understood.
(Kevin looks off, then starts to ride off. More Snuffy guitar plays, slightly more upbeat.)
(Wider shot of Kevin slowly making a circle on his bike, looking at Paul off-screen.)
(Shot of Paul riding away from the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin completing the circle and riding away from the camera.)
Fade to
Ext. Night - The Tent
(Shot of the tent at night. Kevin and Paul are silhouetted against it, and each holds a handful of baseball cards. Snuffy's guitar continues.)
PAUL (V/O): I was thinking about that McCovey trade.
KEVIN (V/O): Yeah?
PAUL (V/O): Well, maybe I could do it for the Marischal and the Tiant.
KEVIN (V/O): Paul? (Gestures.) Come on - it's a bad trade. (Gestures.)
(The camera pulls back slowly.)
PAUL (V/O): Well, come on, Kevin. I really think I want that Tiant - I mean, I've wanted it for a long time.
KEVIN (V/O): For McCovey? Come on...
PAUL (V/O): Come on - don't be such a jerk about it. I want to make a trade.
KEVIN (V/O): I can't do it, Paul - it's stupid.
PAUL (V/O): Oh, so now you're calling me stupid?
(Kevin makes more gestures.)
Fade to
PAUL (V/O): McCovey is off the table.
Supporting Cast
Doug Porter - Brandon Crane
Brady Ryland - Marty Belafsky
Mrs. Porter - Dianne Hull
"Into the Wild Blue Yonder"

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01/01/05 17:55