Episode 30 - "The Family Car"

(Shot of two kids playing catch with a football in the street.)
Where I grew up, there was one time-honored event...
(Shot of a young boy on a bike pulling a girl on skates.)
That united families. And brought neighbor together with neighbor.
(Shot of a man and woman in the front yard as he water the lawn.)
("Stars and Stripes Forever" - John Phillip Sousa plays.)
(Shot up the street of a red car approaching past the kids.)
The arrival of a new car.
(Shot of the boy and girl pausing and looking at the car off-screen. The girl points and mouths "Look at that" as the car passes them.)
(Shot of the side of the car as the camera rolls with it.)
(Shot of a young boy trotting along the sidewalk, looking at he car off-screen.)
There was something magical about it.
(Shot from in front of the car as the camera rolls back with it.)
(Shot of the side of the car as the camera rolls with it. It passes some people looking at it.)
Kinda like a one-float parade.
(Shot of a large dog sitting on the sidewalk, looking toward the car off-screen.)
(Shot of the driveway across the street from the Arnolds as the car turns into it.)
For one shining moment, the proud owner became king...of the block.
(The driver parks and opens the door as a boy and a man approach.)
(High wide shot of the car in the driveway as more people gather around it.)
No doubt about it...
(The camera lowers slowly.)
In our neighborhood, ownership had its privileges.
(The camera lowers behind Wayne and Kevin, who are standing in their driveway, looking at the car.)
Except, of course...
(Kevin and Wayne look at each other and smile slightly.)
At the Arnold household.
(They look toward the car again.)
(Sound of a tool being thrown into a tool box. Music fades out.)
JACK (V/O): Where's my wrench?!
(Kevin and Wayne look toward the camera.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack under the car, reaching on top of the bumper.)
JACK: Dammit, where's my wrench?
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking toward Jack off-screen as people look at the car across the street.)
At the Arnold household, ownership meant...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack under the car, reaching on top of the bumper.)
JACK: Somebody hand me my wrench, will ya?
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking toward Jack off-screen as people look at the car across the street. Kevin frowns slightly.)
KEVIN: Alright, Dad.
(Kevin walks past the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hand and the wrench as Jack takes it from him.)
Course you have to understand, my dad believed your average car should last...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne standing near the car, looking down at Jack off-screen.)
Oh...thirty years, or 300,000 miles...
(Close shot of Jack as he works under the car.)
Which ever came first.
(Jack looks toward the boys off-screen.)
JACK: OK. Start 'er up.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin as Wayne exits toward the car door. The camera pans slightly with Kevin as he moves to the side of the open hood, and Jack stands up in front of the car.)
(Shot through the windshield of Wayne settling into the driver's seat and smiling slightly.)
(Shot of Norma walking slowly out of the front door as the sound of the motor cranking starts. The car sputters and dies with a clang.)
(Close shot of Jack looking slightly embarrassed and turning slowly toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot past the air-cleaner of Kevin looking at the motor.)
(Close shot of Norma leaning against the doorway, frowning slightly.)
NORMA: You think you can fix it?
(Wide shot of Kevin, Jack and Wayne looking toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Of course I can fix it! Just...(gestures)...needs a little adjustment.
(Close shot of Norma leaning against the doorway, frowning slightly.)
NORMA: Oh. Good. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Jack as he loosens something.)
I guess there was more of Jack Arnold under that hood...
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
Than in all the papers he ever shuffled...
(Kevin looks toward the motor.)
At NORCOM Enterprises.
(Wider shot of Kevin with his arms on the fender, looking at the motor as Wayne approaches, stands next to Kevin and points toward the street.)
WAYNE: Boy, it'd sure be cool...
(Close shot of Jack looking over his shoulder.)
WAYNE (V/O): To have one of those, hah?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the car across the street, and people milling around it.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking toward the car off-screen.)
But if we were seeing visions...
(Close shot of Jack looking over his shoulder.)
Dad was seeing -
(Jack turns toward the boys off-screen.)
JACK: Tin.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking toward Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): That thing's 90 percent tin...
(Close shot of Jack looking toward the boys off-screen.)
JACK: It won't last two years.
(He shakes his head and looks at he motor, then back to the boys.)
JACK: Trust me. They don't make them like this baby anymore.
(Jack looks at the motor.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne frowning at the motor off-screen.)
They sure didn't. Bald tires...
(Close shot of Jack looking toward the motor off-screen.)
Half a muffler...
(Close shot of Norma leaning against the doorway, frowning slightly.)
The sleek lines of a rhinoceros.
(She turns and sighs slightly as she enters the house.)
Nothing to be embarrassed about.
(Norma closes the door behind her.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Cafeteria
(Shot past some kids at a table of Paul approaching slowly, with a tray in one hand, and his other hand in his pocket.)
HOBSON (V/O): Hey, Pfeiffer!
(Close shot of Craig looking past the camera.)
HOBSON: Your fly's open.
(Shot of Paul as he looks down, spilling his tray on the floor.)
(Wider shot of Craig, Kevin, Winnie and others looking toward Paul off-screen, smiling. Some kids laugh and applaud.)
(Closer shot of Paul looking at Craig off-screen, then bending over.)
The stock in trade of any...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen and smiling.)
(Close shot of Winnie glancing at Kevin off-screen and smiling.)
Self-respecting eight-grader.
(Close shot of Paul kneeling, and looking at Craig off-screen.)
PAUL: Very funny, Hobson!
(Paul bends below the table.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin.)
Still, when it came to the art of raw insult...
(Kevin looks toward Winnie.)
I could hold my own.
KEVIN: So, uh, Hobson...
(Kevin looks toward Craig off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Craig a few seats away. Craig looks at Kevin.)
KEVIN: I heard you struck out with Penny Brubaker last night at the movies.
(Craig glances down.)
(Close shot of Paul rising above the table, smiling.)
(Close shot of Craig looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: Who told you that?
(Shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen and smiling slightly.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking away guiltily.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen and smiling slightly.)
KEVIN: Oh, wouldn't you like to know?
(Kevin looks toward Craig off-screen.)
(Close shot of Craig looking toward Winnie off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie as she squirms slightly.)
WINNIE: You guys are terrible.
(Winnie stands and turns.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly.)
(Kevin looks down.)
(Wider shot of Kevin and Craig, as Paul approaches next to Kevin.)
HOBSON: Say, Arnold?
(Close shot of Craig looking toward Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: Wasn't that your car I saw stalling out in front of school this morning?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Craig off-screen.)
Wait a minute...
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as Paul inspects his apple.)
What was this?
(Kevin looks off and back slowly, then frowns.)
(Close shot of Craig looking off and shrugging.)
HOBSON: Nothing. It's just...
(Craig looks at Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: It sounded like a Sherman tank.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as Paul looks at Kevin then Craig off-screen.)
PAUL: Hey, his dad keeps it running!
(Close shot of Craig looking at them off-screen.)
HOBSON: His dad keeps it runnin'...(nods)...right into the ground.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as they look at each other.)
HOBSON (V/O): Say...
(Close shot of Craig looking at them off-screen.)
HOBSON: When's you old man gonna pop for somethin' made in this century?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Craig off-screen.)
ALL (V/O): Ooooh..
(Wider shot of Craig and others as they smile and giggle.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as they look at each other.)
OK. This was getting personal.
(Closer shot of Kevin looking down.)
Ridiculous. But personal.
(Kevin looks at Craig off-screen.)
(Close shot of Craig smiling and looking down.)
It was time for a witty comeback. Something subtle.
(Kevin raises a spoon of mashed potatoes.)
KEVIN: Hobson?
(Kevin catapults the potatoes past the camera.)
(Shot of Craig frowning as the potatoes land on his shoulder.)
(Shot of Paul and Kevin.)
KEVIN: Got somethin' on your shirt.
(Kevin smiles slightly as he sticks his spoon into his food.)
(Shot past Kevin of Craig frowning at him. Others start to laugh and clap.)
(Shot of Paul and Kevin smiling.)
I'd handled it smoothly.
(They look at each other and Paul gives Kevin a "thumbs up" sign.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling as he looks toward Craig off-screen.)
As for Dad, well...
(Kevin looks off.)
I wasn't worried. He'd come through for us, when the time was right.
(Kevin raises an eyebrow slightly.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot of the door as Norma enters, carrying a bag of groceries.)
NORMA: Car died...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne at he table, looking at Norma off-screen.)
And suddenly, the time was right.
(Shot of Kevin, Wayne and Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: What happened?
(Shot of Norma walking toward the counter, looking over her shoulder.)
NORMA: It made sort of a spluttering noise...
(She sets the bags down.)
NORMA: And then it just quit on me.
(Close shot of Jack looking toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Did you pat the gas and count to five before you...(gestures)...turned the key?
(Close shot of Norma unloading a bag.)
NORMA: Yeah. (Nods.) Just like you showed me.
(Close shot of Jack looking toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: What about the...(gestures)...coil wire?
(Close shot of Norma looking toward Jack off-screen. Kevin is at a cabinet behind her.)
NORMA: It was getting dark, Jack.
(Wayne passes the camera.)
NORMA: I couldn't see very well.
(Close shot of Kevin and Wayne as Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen and pulls some Wonder bread from the bag.)
Now when Mom used that tone of voice, this was serious business.
(Shot of Norma looking down as she cuts something.)
NORMA: Anyway, the man at the service station...
(Norma looks toward Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Said it was the fuel pump.
(Close shot of Jack looking down.)
JACK: Fuel pump...
(He turns toward Norma suddenly.)
JACK: You didn't let him touch the fuel pump, did ya?
(Shot of Norma looking down as she fixes something.)
NORMA: He also said the carburetor needs adjustment.
(Close shot of Jack looking toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: I just rebuilt the damn carburetor. (Nods and frowns.)
(Wider shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen as Karen approaches from the living room.)
Seemed like Dad was missing the point, here.
(The camera pans slightly as Karen opens a cabinet.)
(Shot of Norma looking down as she fixes something, then looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: You've been putting so much time and effort into that car...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen as he pulls out some dish detergent.)
(Shot of Jack looking forward.)
JACK: I'll take a look at it. (Nods.)
(Shot of Norma sighing, then looking down as she fixes something, then at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: It's just that it's...becoming so unreliable, Jack.
(Shot of Jack looking forward, then glancing at Norma off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen, Kevin and Wayne.)
NORMA (V/O): Especially now that Wayne and Karen are driving...
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA It's getting so much use.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen, then looking away.)
(Shot of Karen, Kevin and Wayne.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen and shrugging.)
NORMA: Maybe it's time we started looking for a new car.
(Shot of Jack looking forward, then at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen and shrugging.)
(Shot of Jack looking forward, then at Norma off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen, Kevin and Wayne watching them off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack looking forward.)
JACK: OK. (Nods.) We'll look.
(Shot of Karen, Kevin and Wayne.)
KEVIN: Yes. (Smiles.)
WAYNE: Yes. (Smiles.)
KAREN: Cool. (Nods.)
Cut to
Ext. Evening - Car Lot
(Close shot of the bumper of a car as the camera pans across it slowly, and Snuffy plays his version of the "See the USA, in a Chevrolet" commercial jingle. The camera pans up to the Arnold's, who are on the far side of the car looking at it.)
And so, at last, we had our shot at the big-leagues.
(Jack edges off-screen around the front of the car.)
(Shot across the hood of Jack looking at the car critically.)
We were in the presence of the American dream, here.
(Close shot of Kevin looking past the camera.)
In the presence of...
(Shot of the saleman approaching with his hand out.)
MARVIN: Marvin Lutz, sales manager.
(Marvin shakes Jack's off-screen hand.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Marvin off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Jack Arnold.
MARVIN (V/O): Jack...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Marvin and Jack standing face-to-face on the far side of the car. Jack is resting his elbow on the roof.)
MARVIN: Can I tell you somethin'? When I saw you, and your...(gestures)...beautiful family, drive in here, I said to myself...
(Marvin puts his hands in his pockets casually and looks off, nodding slightly.)
MARVIN: "Now here...is a man who knows cars".
(Jack frowns and glances toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Look, Marvin, let's save ourselves...(gestures)...a lot of time, OK?
MARVIN: You're the customer, Jack.
(Close shot of Marvin as he turns and gestures over his shoulder. The camera pans up to a banner reading "You're the customer". "Brrp-pish!" of drums.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning and sighing.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Jack to Marvin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Marvin off-screen.)
JACK: I'm looking for a car, not a sales pitch. I'll tell you...(gestures)...what I'm looking for...you tell me what you've got.
(Close shot of Marvin as he shuts his eyes.)
(Marvin nods soberly, then opens his eyes.)
MARVIN: Am I relieved to hear you say that...
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Jack to Marvin off-screen.)
MARVIN (V/O): I can't tell you how many times I've wished when customers would come in here...
(Close shot of Marvin looking at Jack off-screen.)
MARVIN: They'd be upfront with me. Make my job a heck of a lot easier. Probably sell a lot more cars, too. (Big smile.) Hahahahah!
(Close shot of Jack looking blankly at Marvin off-screen. "Brrp-pish!" of drums.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Jack to Marvin off-screen and smiling slightly.)
You had to admit - Marv had a certain flair.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Marvin and Jack standing face-to-face.)
JACK: Yeah. So...
(Jack reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out a piece of paper.)
JACK: I have your ad right here.
(Jack and Marvin look at the ad.)
JACK: Says you have something in a basic Falcon wagon.
(Jack looks at Marvin and nods slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen slightly disappointed.)
MARVIN (V/O): Right this way.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking toward the Arnold's and shrugging slightly, then exiting.)
(Shot of Kevin, Wayne and Karen. Kevin turns toward the others.)
KEVIN: A Falcon?
(Wayne shrugs and makes a face.)
KAREN: Gross.
(Karen and Wayne start to walk off.)
(Shot across the hood of a red Falcon as the Arnold's enter the showroom from the door in the background.)
We should have known better.
(Shot of Marvin and the Arnold's as they stand at he front of the car, and Kevin leans both arms on it.)
Dad was gonna be "practical".
JACK: Good gas mileage?
MARVIN: You know, Jack, I could put you in this car tonight, and I think you'd be happy...but before you make up your mind...(Gestures.)
(Close shot of Marvin as he makes a sweeping wave and turns away slightly.)
MARVIN: Why don't you just take a look at that car?
(The camera pans to a red Mustang convertible slowly rotating in place. "Halleluja Chorus" plays.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the car off-screen.)
(Shot of the car as the camera moves in.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking toward the car off-scren and smiling.)
(Close shot of Norma looking toward the car off-screen. Her jaw drops.)
(Shot of the car as the camera moves in slowly.)
(Shot of Marvin and the Arnold's looking toward the car off-screen. Jack is looking toward the Falcon. Music abruptly ends.)
MARVIN: I mean, as long as you're here...
JACK: Hnnn...
(Marvin exits toward the Mustang.)
(Shot of Kevin, with Norma, Karen and Wayne surrounding him.)
And suddenly, it was a whole new ballgame.
(They start to walk toward the Mustang.)
(Shot across the Mustang as Marvin and the Arnold's approach from the background.)
It was awesome.
(Kevin and Wayne hurry forward.)
It was...gorgeous.
(Wayne gets in the driver's seat as Kevin follows into the passenger seat.)
It was bright red. It was...
(Close shot of Marvin smiling toward the Arnold's off-screen.)
MARVIN: The last 'sixty-nine on the floor, fully-loaded, and ready to go. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
For one brief instant, I imagined my family...
(Shot of Karen and Norma as Norma runs her hand over the hood.)
Cruising down our street.
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin as they smile.)
The wind in our hair...
(Close shot of Jack approaching the camera.)
The neighbors gawking...
JACK: No way...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
Notice I said...
(Close shot of Marvin frowning slightly.)
"Brief" instant.
(Marvin steps toward the camera.)
(Wide shot across the car as Marvin walks past Jack toward Norma.)
(Shot past Marvin of Norma and Karen.)
MARVIN: Don't you deserve it?
(Close shot of Marvin looking at Norma off-screen. Jack is watching just behind him.)
MARVIN: It's 1969. You've...(winks)...come a long way, baby. (Smiles.)
(Jack frowns and takes a few steps behind Marvin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Marvin off-screen.)
Was this guy crazy?
(Shot past Marvin of Norma and Karen. Norma smiles, mildly surprised.)
Makin' an end-run...
(Shot across the car of Marvin, Jack, Norma and Karen. Jack looks at Norma.)
Around Dad?
JACK: It's completely impractical. (Nods.)
(Shot past Jack of Norma and Karen. Norma frowns, nods and shrugs.)
NORMA: I suppose so...
(Close shot of Kevin sighing and rolling his eyes.)
MARVIN (V/O): Can I say something, Jack?
(Kevin looks toward Marvin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Marvin smiling at Jack off-screen.)
Great. What damage was he gonna do now?
MARVIN: You got a young lady headin' to college...
(Marvin looks off slightly toward Karen off-screen. He turns toward the boys off-screen.)
MARVIN: You got a young fella drivin', and one just about to - right, big guy (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Marvin off-screen as Marvin laughs.)
(Close shot of Jack and Norma looking at Marvin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Marvin looking at Jack off-screen.)
MARVIN: So...it makes ya wonder. How much longer...(frowns)...are ya gonna need a big...(nod)...family...(nod)...station-wagon?
(Close shot of Jack and Norma looking at Marvin off-screen. Jack looks off.)
For some reason, my father...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne looking toward Jack off-screen.)
Had no reply.
(Shot of Norma and Karen looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: He has a point, Jack.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen, then glancing off.)
A point? It was an irrefutable fact!
(Close shot of Marvin smiling broadly and chuckling.)
A brilliant and bold last manouever.
(Close shot of Jack looking off.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen through an office window.)
My dad...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Marvin and Jack sitting at a desk. Marvin is writing on a notepad.)
Was ready to deal!
(Shot of Wayne, Kevin and Karen in profile, looking through the window.)
WAYNE: What are they saying?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective through the window as Marvin hands the notepad to Jack.)
KAREN (V/O): Look! He's smiling, he's actually smiling!
(Shot of Wayne, Kevin and Karen in profile, looking through the window.)
WAYNE: Oh, please - oh, please!
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Jack looking at the notepad, then frowning.)
(Shot of Wayne, Kevin and Karen frowning and sighing.)
(Wider shot of the kids at the window as Norma gets up from the bench behind them and approaches the window.)
KEVIN: Alright. Dad always says never take the first offer.
KAREN: What about a second offer?
(Shot through the window of Wayne, Kevin, Karen, and Norma peering through it.)
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Jack looking at the notepad.)
(Close shot through the window of Kevin looking through it.)
(Extremely close shot of Jack's mouth as he says "What are ya gonna give me on a trade-in?".)
(Very close shot of Marvin as he wipes his forehead, and presses his fist to his mouth.)
(Close shot of an adding machine as Marvin punches some numbers.)
(Close shot of Karen and Norma frowning as the look through the window.)
(Extremely close shot of Jack's mouth.)
(Close shot of Marvin's hand as he writes on the notepad, then lifts it up.)
(Close shot through the window of Kevin looking through it.)
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Jack looking at the notepad, then smiling and nodding as he holds out his hand toward Marvin off-screen, and says something.)
(Shot of the group in profile as Kevin and Karen look at each other, and Wayne pats Kevin on the shoulder.)
(Shot through the window of the group congratulating each other excitedly and looking toward Jack off-screen.)
He'd done it! Dad had actually done it!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Jack and Marvin shaking hands and smiling.)
We were going home...
(Close shot through the window of Kevin glancing from Wayne off-screen to Jack off-screen.)
In a brand-new Mustang convertible!
(Kevin glances off, smiling.)
Maybe we could blow past Craig Hobson's house and cut a few donuts in his front yard.
(Kevin looks toward Jack.)
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Jack taking the notepad and looking at it.)
It was the kinda night where anything could happen.
(Close shot through the window of Kevin smiling.)
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Jack looking at the notepad in shock.)
And then it did.
(Jack mouths "Two hundred fifty dollars?!")
(Shot of Kevin in profile.)
KEVIN: What's he asking? (Frowns.)
(Close shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Jack looking at Marvin off-screen and saying something, then throwing up his hands and standing up.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective through the window of Marvin saying something to Jack who is walking across the office.)
KEVIN (V/O): What is it?! What's happening?!
(Shot of Norma, Wayne and Kevin facing Jack as he angrily approaches in the hallway.)
NORMA: Honey?
(Jack gestures and walks past them and the camera.)
JACK: I don't want to talk about it! We're leaving!
(Norma gestures toward the kids.)
NORMA: Just do what he says.
(The camera pans with her as she frowns and follows Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning as he looks after them off-screen. He sighs, then walks toward the camera, followed by Karen and Wayne.)
WAYNE: Dad...
Cut to
Ext. Night - Arnold Driveway
(Shot of the car approaching the driveway, and turning into it.)
We drove home in silence.
(The camera pans as the car passes it up the driveway.)
So much for the wind in our hair - this was the rain on our parade.
(Jack stops the car.)
(Shot past Norma of Jack. Jack turns off the car and leans back, looking forward. Norma turns toward him.)
(Shot past Jack of Norma.)
NORMA: What happened back there, Jack? (Frowns.) What did that salesman say?
(Shot past Norma of Jack as he turns sharply toward her.)
JACK: I don't want to talk about it.
(Jack frowns and looks off.)
(Shot of Wayne, Kevin and Karen in the back seat. Kevin glances toward Wayne.)
JACK (V/O): The guy was a moron.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma looking at each other.)
JACK: You know what he offered me for this car?! (Nods.)
NORMA: Honey? What were you expecting?
(Shot past Norma of Jack frowning.)
JACK: I can tell you this car is worth a lot more than he offered, Norma!
(Jack pauses then looks off.)
JACK: A lot more...
(Shot past Jack of Norma as she frowns slightly and looks off, then leans back.)
This was it?
(Norma looks down and frowns, then turns toward the door.)
This was the reason Dad had blown the deal?
(Norma waves her hand.)
(Shot of Wayne, Kevin and Karen as Wayne and Karen open their doors.)
I couldn't believe it!
(Wayne and Karen exit. Kevin stays put.)
So close - yet so far!
(Kevin frowns and throws down a brochure, the slides toward the door.)
(Wider shot of the car as Kevin follows Norma up the driveway.)
We'd been robbed of our dream car - all because of what?!
(Kevin leans both arms on the fender and looks at Jack.)
All because of some stupid junkheap!
(Kevin forcefully kicks the tire.)
(Shot from the back seat of Jack in the driver's seat, watching Norma and Kevin along the driveway. Sound of a hub cap spiraling in, and a dog barking. Jack makes a fist and taps it gentle on the steering wheel.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Lockers
(Close shot of Craig smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: So, what'd ya get?
(Close shot of Kevin and Paul as they look toward Craig off-screen.)
Great. Now I was in for it.
(Shot past Craig of Kevin and Paul looking at him.)
So much for shooting off my mouth about car-shopping with Dad.
(Shot past Kevin and Paul of Craig.)
HOBSON: You didn't get one, did ya?
(Shot past Craig of Kevin and Paul looking at him.)
KEVIN: Well, I didn't say that! (Frowns.) We're just...(glances off)...still looking. (Smiles.)
PAUL: For your information, Hobson, they're talking Mustang.
(Close shot of Craig looking at Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: So what's the holdup.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Craig off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, they...tried to stick it to us in the trade-in.
That's it - stun 'em with some fancy shop-talk.
(Close shot of Craig looking at Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: Pfff...I knew you weren't gonna get a new car. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Craig off-screen.)
KEVIN: Hobson...(frowns)...you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I mean, you gotta keep your head on straight when you're dealing with these guys.
There. What was he gonna say to that?
HOBSON (V/O): Face it, Arnold...
(Close shot of Craig frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
HOBSON: Your dad's cheap, that's all.
(Craig looks toward his locker.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Craig off-screen.)
KEVIN: What'd you say?
(Close shot of Craig frowning at Kevin off-screen as he closes his locker.)
HOBSON: You heard me. I'll see ya, cupcakes.
(Shot from behind Kevin and Paul as Craig walks past them and the camera. Kevin turns quickly, and Paul looks over his shoulder after Craig. Paul turns toward Kevin.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul.)
PAUL: Kev - you OK?
(Shot past Paul of Kevin glancing between Paul and Craig off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, fine. (Smiles.)
(Kevin turns around.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul behind him. Kevin frowns as he approaches the camera, which rolls back.)
Sure, I was fine. What did Hobson know, anyway?
(Paul closes his locker and walks toward the stairs in the background.)
The best thing to do was forget about the whole thing.
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Living Room
(Close shot of the TV which has a car commercial on it. Johnny Cash is sitting next to a Camaro, playing his guitar. "I drive my Camaro, cuz it's what a car should be...")
Unfortunately, forgetting about it...
(Shot of Wayne sitting about two feet in front of the TV, with Jack and Kevin on the couch. Karen is sitting on the floor and resting her arms on the coffee table, looking down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the TV off-screen.)
Wasn't gonna be easy.
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack glancing toward Kevin as he takes a toothpick from his mouth.)
COMMERCIAL (V/O): "And the mountains..."
(Jack looks toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Ahem...delicious dinner tonight, honey. (Nods.)
(Shot of Norma in the chair, frowning slightly, and resting her head on her hand. She glances at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Uh-hmmmm.
(Shot of Jack holding the toothpick, looking at Norma, then toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking off, then toward the TV and frowning.)
(Shot of Jack looking toward Karen off-screen. He looks forward as he sighs and resettles in his chair.)
Talk about playin' a tough room!
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): You know Jack...
(Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen.)
(Shot of Norma putting her hands together and looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: I've been thinking...(Shrugs.) Maybe that saleman's offer really wasn't that unreasonable.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
But hold on, here...
(Shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: What?!
(Shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Well, Frank and Betty just got less for their trade-in, and it was a 'sixty-one....
(Shot of Jack frowning as he rolls his eyes, and leans back on the couch. He glances toward Kevin, then Norma off-screen, and gestures.)
JACK: Frank doesn't know how to deal with these guys, Norma.
(Jack raises his eyebrows and nods.)
JACK: The man paid sticker price.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): I just don't think...
(Shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: It was such a bad offer.
(Shot of Jack frowning at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Are you kidding? (Gestures.) You know how much I put into that car?!
(Shot of Norma glancing off in thought.)
NORMA: Well, let's see...the fuel pump was fourteen dollars...(gestures)...the fanbelt was two dollars, and the points and the plugs...
(Shot of Jack frowning at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Were only...
JACK: What...(gestures) - are you gonna itemize here?
(Jack looks toward the kids off-screen and gestures.)
JACK: What about my time? My labor?
(Close shot of Karen as she turns toward the TV and frowns.)
But if the old man was looking for allies...
(Shot of Wayne in front of the TV, frowning at Jack off-screen, the turning toward the TV.)
(Shot of Jack frowning toward Kevin off-screen.)
He was barkin' up the wrong tree.
(Shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the TV off-screen.)
If he wanted our confidence, he'd have to come up with a new plan.
Cut to
Int. Day - Kitchen
(Close shot of the floor and Jack's shoes as a metal pail is noisily set down in front of them. The camera pans up to Jack.)
JACK: I've been thinking.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin at the kitchen table.)
JACK (V/O): We...
(Shot of Jack looking at them off-screen.)
JACK: Should wash the car.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin looking off and frowning.)
(Shot of Norma standing near the cabinet and Karen sitting on the counter.)
This was the new plan?
(Shot of Jack looking from Norma and Karen off-screen, toward Kevin and Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: Then maybe we could slap a new coat of wax on it.
(Closer shot of Kevin frowning at Jack off-screen.)
(Kevin glances off.)
Slave labor.
(Shot of Jack looking toward Kevin and Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: Then sell it.
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne perking up.)
WAYNE: Really?
KEVIN: You promise? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Norma and aren.)
NORMA: Jack!
(The camera pans slightly as Norma raises her hands up, then hugs Jack.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Jack and Norma off-screen. )
And suddenly, the long era of bad feelings was broken.
(Shot of Jack and Norma hugging. "I Can See Clearly, Now" - starts.)
A new day was dawning. Dad had finally come around.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Jack and Norma off-screen.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Driveway
(Shot through the car window of Wayne spraying it with a hose.)
"I can see clearly now"
(Wayne shoots some water straight up, and tries to catch it in his mouth.)
"The rain is gone"
It was fun.
(Close shot of Norma lying on the front seat, vacuuming the carpet.)
Washin' the old wagon for its final send-off...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne in the back of the car as they flip up the seat back and find some old red wrapper.)
"I can see all obstacles in my way"
(Closer shot of Kevin smiling.)
It was fun just being together.
(Close shot of Jack as he opens the glove compartment and pulls out some maps.)
"Gone are the dark clouds"
(Shot of the glove compartment as Jack picks off some old gum and frowns at it.)
"That had me blind"
(Close shot of the front bumber as the camera pans across it to Karen.)
"It's gonna be a bright, bright..."
(Shot of Jack as he playfully slaps Norma on the rear with a towel.)
"Bright sunshinin' day"
(Close shot of Karen wringing out a sponge in a pail of soapy water.)
"I think I can make it now"
(Close shot of Kevin as he smiles at a small white toy car.)
"The pain is gone"
(Shot of Jack as he throws a pailful of water at the camera.)
(Shot across the car as Norma stands up holding her arm out and frowning because she is now wet. She mouths "oh...")
"All of the bad feelings"
(Shot of Jack mouthing "oh..." then smiling and holding up a hand, and mouthing "I'm sorry" as he takes a step backwards.)
"Have disappeared"
(Shot of Norma as she picks up the hose and sprays it toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack getting sprayed, then running off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin in the front seat and Wayne outside. Wayne puts his mouth on the window and waggles his tongue around at Kevin.)
"Here is the rainbow"
(Close shot of Jack looking down and frowning.)
"I've been praying for"
(Jack tilts his head and shrugs slightly, then walks off. The camera pans down to Karen who is wiping off the bumper.)
(Close shot of the rear window as Jack's hands tape a "for sale sign" to it.)
"It's gonna be a bright, bright..."
(The camera pulls back, and rolls along the side of the car parked in the street, as Jack walks across the yard the the others.)
"Bright sunshinin' day"
And in the end, she looked as clean and shiny as a nine-year-old car could get. Yep, all we needed now was a reasonable offer from a reasonable human being.
(Shot of Jack and Kevin.)
Cut to
(Shot of a man who frowns and laughs.)
MAN1: You gotta be kidding.
(Shot of Jack looking at the man off-screen.)
JACK: It's a fair price.
(Shot of another man.)
MAN2: Oh, get real, buddy, where'd you get that figure?
JACK: Never mind where I get it...the price stands.
(Shot of a third man.)
MAN3: What?!
(Shot of Jack.)
MAN2 (V/O): You've gotta be out of your mind.
(Shot of Man2 as he laughs, gestures and walks away. He looks over his shoulder toward Jack off-screen and laughs again.)
(Shot of Jack looking at the man off-screen. Kevin is in the driveway holding a basketball. Jack sighs and looks down.)
The question now was...
(Closer shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Was Dad a reasonable human being?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack leaning against the car, as Man2 drives away. Jack looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack with his hands in his pockets.)
JACK: Don't worry. (Gestures) We'll find a buyer.
(Jack approaches the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin as Jack passes the camera and exits toward the house.)
Maybe. But suddenly, I was starting to get a bad feeling.
(Kevin looks off and sighs.)
Fade to
Another Day
(Shot from Kevin's perspective through the living room window of Jack and a woman near the car parked at the curb. She walks into the street toward her car.)
A very bad feeling.
(Close shot through the window as Kevin looks out.)
Suddenly it was crystal-clear.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective through his bedroom window of Jack opening the hood as the woman drives off.)
I was gonna inherit that car.
(Close shot through the window as Kevin frowns.)
My children were gonna inherit it.
(Shot of Kevin in profile.)
The Arnold family heirloom.
(Karen steps next to Kevin and looks out.)
KAREN: He's never gonna sell it.
(Shot through the window as Kevin glances at Karen.)
And the worst thing was...
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
I didn't understand why.
Cut to
(Close shot of Jack on the phone. Kevin is at the table in the background.)
JACK (On the phone): I'm nuts? Hey, check the figures in it - hello? Hello?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack holding the phone, then lowering it and frowning. He turns over his shoulder and hangs up, then looks toward the table off-screen, frowning.)
(Shot past Jack of everyone at the table looking at him.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack as he sighs and shrugs.)
JACK: Everyone's lookin' for a bargain, huh?
(Shot from the kitchen of all at the table as Jack sits down.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing from Jack to Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen frowning at Jack off-screen.)
It was horrible.
(Kevin looks down.)
Someone had to do something.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): I have an idea.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down.)
(Wide shot from the kitchen of all around the table.)
JACK: How about we all get in the car and go some ice-cream?
(Close shot of Jack looking around the table.)
JACK: Come, on. We'll all pile in and take a ride - how long's it been since we've done that? (Nods.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne.)
WAYNE: Dad, are you gonna sell the car or not? (Frowns.)
(Shot of Norma looking at Wayne off-screen.)
NORMA: Wayne!
(Close shot of Jack looking at Wayne off-screen and hesitating.)
JACK: Of course I am. (Gestures.)
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne.)
JACK (V/O): It just...
(Close shot of Jack looking off, then toward Wayne off-screen.)
JACK: Takes a little time.
(Jack looks toward the table and puts his hands together.)
JACK: Matter of fact, I've decided we should change the ad in the paper. (Gestures.)
(Jack looks toward Wayne, then Norma off-screen.)
JACK: Maybe that'll help, huh?
Did he really...
(Shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
Expect us to buy this?!
(Norma glances down, then toward Wayne off-screen.)
I mean we'd given Dad every benefit of the doubt...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
But now this awful feeling was growing in me.
(Kevin looks down.)
Maybe Craig Hobson had been right.
(Kevin glances toward Jack, then off.)
Maybe the problem really was -
KAREN (V/O): I swear, Dad....
(Kevin looks toward Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking down as she shakes her head and gestures.)
KAREN: Why are you so cheap? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking up toward Karen off-screen.)
(Shot of Norma frowning angrily toward Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: Karen! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Karen frowning and nodding at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: Well, Mom, I really think it's about time!
(Shot of Norma frowning angrily toward Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: Don't you ever talk like that in this house again!
(Close shot of Jack looking toward Karen off-screen.)
(Jack glances toward Norma off-screen then down.)
(Close shot of Karen looking down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
This was it.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking at Karen off-screen.)
It was pretty obvious from Dad's expression what was gonna happen.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
Someone...would have to die.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack as he stands up. The camera pans with him as he heads toward the door.)
NORMA: Where are you going, Jack?
(Jack pauses at the door and looks down at Karen.)
JACK: For a drive.
(Jack opens the door and exits.)
(Shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen. Sound of the door closing noisily. Norma frowns and looks down.)
(Close shot of Karen looking toward Norma off-screen, then down, then toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the door.)
I'm not really sure where Dad was planning to drive to.
(Kevin glances toward Norma off-screen.)
Maybe just around the block. Maybe for ice-cream.
(Kevin looks toward the door again.)
(Wider shot from the kitchen of all around the table.)
Or maybe...he didn't know himself.
(Sound of the car being started.)
In any event...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the door. Sound of the car spluttering and dying.)
He didn't get far.
(Shot of Norma looking toward the door. She sets her napkin down and starts to stand up.)
(Wide shot from the kitchen as Norma exits toward the door.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the door, then Wayne, then the door as it closes after Norma off-screen. He starts to stand up.)
(Wider shot as Kevin walks to the door and exits.)
Cut to
Ext. Evening - Driveway
(Shot of Kevin walking down the driveway and pausing.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma slowly approaching Jack, who has the car hood raised.)
(Shot of Kevin looking toward them off-screen and taking a few steps forward.)
(Shot past Jack of Norma as Kevin approaches in the distance and stops.)
JACK: Probably just a gasket.
NORMA: Jack.
(Norma leans on the front of the car as Jack looks at the motor.)
JACK: They have 'em down at the service station. I'll pick one up in the morning.
NORMA: Jack...I know how much you put into this car.
(Shot of Kevin looking toward them off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): We all know. All the hard work...
(Close shot past Jack of Norma looking at him.)
NORMA: It's worth ten times what you're asking.
(Norma pauses and looks at Jack.)
NORMA: But Jack...(nods)...we don't need this car anymore.
(Shot past Norma of Jack looking at the motor. He nods directionally.)
JACK: The boys can help me push it into the garage so I'll have a little more light. (Nods.)
(Close shot past Jack of Norma looking at him.)
NORMA: You've held it together longer than anyone could have expected, honey.
(Shot past Norma of Jack looking at the motor.)
NORMA: No one could have done more.
(Jack looks at Norma.)
(Close shot past Jack of Norma looking at him.)
NORMA: Now it's time to move on.
(Shot past Norma of Jack looking at her.)
(Close shot past Jack of Norma looking at him.)
(Shot past Norma of Jack looking at the motor, then at Norma.)
JACK: Think so?
(Close shot past Jack of Norma as she smiles tightly, and nods.)
NORMA: Just let it go.
(Shot past Norma of Jack looking at her, then at the motor.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward them off-screen.)
(Shot past Norma of Jack looking at the motor and nodding slightly, then at Norma emotionally.)
(Close shot past Jack of Norma as he chucks her under the chin and she smiles slightly.)
(Shot past Norma of Jack quickly looking at the motor, then her, then looking off emotionally.)
JACK: Alright.
(Jack looks at the motor, then nods slightly at Norma, then looks at the motor again.)
JACK: Alright...
(He reaches up and starts to lower the hood.)
(Shot past of Jack and Norma as Jack lowers the hood. Kevin is in the background. Jack reaches for Norma's hand, and they put an arm around each other as they slowly walk past Kevin. Kevin turns after them.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen, then toward the car off-screen.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - Arnold Driveway
(Shot of Kevin, Karen, Norma and Wayne on the curb.)
WAYNE: He's coming!
(Wayne and Norma clap their hands.)
(Shot of Jack driving a new green car as he honks and turns into the driveway. The camera pulls up and back.)
And so, we finally got our new car.
(The Arnold's pat the car as it rolls up the driveway.)
It wasn't red, it wasn't a convertible...
(Wayne runs around to the driver's side.)
Heck, it wasn't even a Mustang. But it was brand-new.
(A girl on a bike, and a few other people, approach. One guy trots across the front lawn.)
And it was pretty cool.
(Close shot of Jack as he gets out of the car and smiles. He shakes Wayne's hand.)
Course...Dad got his shot at king-for-a-day...
(Jack turns, and cocks his finger at someone off-screen and smiles. Wayne stands on the door jamb. Jack smiles at a woman approaching him.)
And we were happy for him.
(He pats her on the shoulder.)
(Shot of Kevin at the car, smiling.)
(Sound of clanging from the street. Kevin turns toward the street.)
(Shot from the street of Kevin, Norma and others as Kevin looks toward the street.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of a tow-truck lifting the rear of the old car.)
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the car as Jack turns next to him and smiles. Jack looks toward the car off-screen and puts his hand on Kevin's shoulder.)
KEVIN: Where'll they take it, Dad?
JACK: I don't know...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the tow-truck lifting the rear of the old car.)
JACK (V/O): Probably sell it for scrap.
(Shot of Kevin and Jack looking at the old car off-screen. Jack rubs Kevin's neck, then walks off. Kevin walks slowly toward the camera.)
But that afternoon, I began to understand what Dad had being going through.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the tow-truck and car.)
There was more to that old car than fuel pumps and crankshafts.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the car off-screen.)
There was part of all of us in that car.
(Shot past Kevin of the tow-truck and car.)
The places we'd gone, the things we'd done...
(Wayne and Norma pass the camera and stand next to Kevin. "Long May You Run" - Neil Young starts.)
The family we had been.
(Shot of Wayne, Kevin, Norma and Karen standing next to each other looking toward the car off-screen.)
The family that was moving on.
(Kevin glances toward Wayne, then back to the car.)
And for the first time...
(Jack approaches behind them and puts his hands on Wayne and Karen's shoulders. Norma looks at him and they smile.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the tow-truck and car.)
I understood the value of what my Dad had put into it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the car off-screen.)
And why it was so hard to let it go.
(Shot through the car windshield of the Arnold's as the car starts to get towed away. the camera pans to stay on the group.)
Fade to
(Clip of the station-wagon as Jack and Norma hold the doors open and young Karen and Wayne scramble into it.)
"We've been through some things together"
(The camera moves in as Karen climbs over Kevin, who is in the car. He holds up the white toy car.)
(Clip from the front of the car as all the Arnold's wave to the camera.)
"With trunks of memories still to come"
(Clips from Jack's window of Jack smiling at the camera. The camera pans back to Karen who smiles, and Wayne who sticks his tongue out.)
"We found things to do"
(Clips of the hood of the car, then more of it as the car backs out of the driveway, and all the Arnold's wave.)
"In stormy weather"
(Clips of the car driving off away from the camera.)
"Long may you run"
Fade to
(Shot past the Arnold's as the tow-truck pulls the car away. Norma and Jack smile at each other as she rubs his back. The camera rises slowly.)
"Long may you run"
"Long may you run"
"Although these changes have come"
"With your chrome heart shining in the sun"
"Long may you run"
Fade to
Thanks to Jeff Kindig for help with this transcript :-)
Supporting Cast
Craig Hobson - Sean Baca
Marvin Lutz - Patrick Cronin
"Star and Stripes Forever" - John Phillips Sousa
"I Can See Clearly, Now" - Jimmy Cliff
"Long May You Run" - Neil Young

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Episode Info
Wonder Years Menu
01/01/05 20:45