Ep 22 - "Whose Woods Are These?"

(Shot of the tops of trees as the camera pans down them.)
YOUNG GIRL (V/O): Ready or not, here I come!
YOUNG BOY (V/O): Olly-olly-oxen-free!
Every kid needs a place to go to be a kid. For Paul and Winnie and me, that place was Harper's Woods. It was ten minutes from home if you walked it. But to us, it was a world all its own.
Fade to
("Clip" of the kids at Harper's Woods.)
(Young Winnie sits on the rock, and young Kevin stands in front of her.)
YOUNG WINNIE (V/O): No, you didn't!
YOUNG KEVIN (V/O): Did so, Winnie!
(Kevin runs off.)
YOUNG WINNIE (V/O): Did not...
(Winnie runs after him.)
(The camera moves in on the tree slowly.)
We'd grown up there together. Playing games...
(Paul runs past the tree, followed by Winnie and Kevin.)
Catching fireflies on long summer evenings. Sure, they called it Harper's Woods, but we knew better.
(The camera stops moving in.)
Those woods...belonged to us.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Arnold House
(Close low shot of the grass and an approaching lawn-mower.)
(Shot of Kevin turning at the edge of the yard, and pushing the mower toward the camera.)
Springtime, 1969.
(Kevin glances toward Winnie's house off-screen, then back to the mower.)
The grass was growin'...
(Kevin looks toward Winnie's house as he gets near the camera.)
All around me buds were popping into bloom.
(Kevin pauses, looking toward Winnie's house.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Winnie spraying the front lawn with water from a hose.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen, and licking his lips and smiling.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
Yeah...The sap was definitely rising.
(Winnie smiles slightly at Kevin off-screen, then resumes watering.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen, and smiling as he pushes the mower past the camera.)
(Sound of the mower making a racket.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down, surprised.)
(Close shot of the mower as Kevin tilts it over. A baseball drops out from the blades. Kevin picks it up. The camera pans up to him as he looks at the ball, then toward Winnie off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the corner of the house and driveway as Jack approaches.)
JACK: Hey! (Points.) Be careful, will ya?
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Winnie off-screen, to the baseball.)
JACK (V/O): I paid twelve bucks to have those blades sharpened!
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen, and frowning slightly.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack turning and walking toward the garage.)
KEVIN (V/O): Right, Dad!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the baseball, then looking at Winnie off-screen, and biting his lip.)
(Close shot of Winnie smiling slightly at Kevin off-screen, and turning around.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen and smiling, then biting his lip.)
The grass could wait. It was time to make my move.
(Kevin stands up and walks past the camera. The mower settles upright.)
(Close shot of Winnie from behind. Sound of Kevin clearing his throat.)
KEVIN (V/O): Hi!
(Winnie turns over her shoulder quickly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen, smiling slightly.)
She smelled like mist.
WINNIE: You smell like grass.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin standing with his hands together.)
KEVIN: Really?
WINNIE: It smells nice...(Nods.)
(Winnie turns forward and resumes watering.)
KEVIN: Well...(nods)...I guess I'm gettin' kinda sweaty.
(Close shot from behind Winnie as she looks over her shoulder and smiles slightly, then turns forward.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as he takes a step closer. The camera pans over to him slightly.)
KEVIN: You-you need some help with that?
WINNIE (V/O): No, I'm almost finished.
KEVIN: I don't mind.
(Kevin takes the hose and steps in front of Winnie. The camera pans with him as he smiles slightly.)
Yep - it'd been a long winter for Winnie and me...but now things were goin' fine.
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen and smiling slightly.)
More than fine.
(Close shot from behind Kevin as he turns over his shoulder.)
KEVIN: So, uh...you wanna take a walk?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: That'd be nice.
(Close shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder at Winnie off-screen and smiling.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: Where do you want to walk to?
(Close shot of Kevin look off and shrugging, then looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Phhh. Uh, I don't know...(shrugs)...anywhere, I guess.
(Kevin looks off again, and smiles slightly.)
KEVIN: Say, maybe...
(Kevin looks at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Harper's Woods?
(Close shot of Winnie smiling at Kevin.)
(Music "Trois Gymnopedies" - Blood, Sweat & Tears starts.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - Harper's Woods
(Shot of the tops of trees. The camera pans down to Kevin and Winnie walking side-by-side toward the camera.)
(They look at each other occasionally.)
(The camera pans slightly to Kevin.)
Alone at last, in Harper's Woods.
(Kevin looks at Winnie off-screen and smiles.)
It was where Winnie and I had had our first and only kiss. Centuries ago.
(Fade to flashback of kissing on the rock.)
Last September.
(They pull apart, then hug.)
That memory had haunted me.
(Fade to present.)
(Shot of the rock as Kevin and Winnie walk past the camera.)
And here we were...
(Kevin slows up and gestures toward the rock.)
Alone again.
(They sit down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen, and biting his lip.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie smiling at Kevin.)
(Shot of both looking at each other as Paul runs across the background and trips.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking toward Paul off-screen.)
(Music ends abruptly. Sound of Paul hitting the ground.)
And Paul.
(Close shot of Paul lying face-down in the leaves and dirt.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking toward Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul!
(Close shot of Paul lying face-down in the leaves and dirt, and sneezing.)
(Close shot of Winnie turning over her shoulder and looking at Paul off-screen with concern.)
(Shot of a tree as Paul jumps up and dusts himself off.)
PAUL: Guys!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen, then looking at Winnie off-screen.)
Great. Go for a little nuzzle in the woods, and what do ya get?
(Shot of Paul covering his nose with both hands, sneezing, and brushing himself off.)
An allergic best-friend.
PAUL: I've been looking all over for you guys!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, well...
(He nods and looks at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Ya found us...
(Kevin looks back to Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Paul off-screen with concern.)
WINNIE: Are you alright?
(Shot past Kevin and Winnie of Paul gesturing with both arms.)
PAUL: No - I'm trying to tell ya -
(Paul sneezes.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Paul covering his face and sneezing.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen, and raising an eye-brow.)
(Close shot of Paul covering his face and sneezing, then frowning and brushing himself off.)
Wow - a triple!
(Close shot of Kevin looking off, slightly surprised.)
We hadn't seen Paul this upset...
(Kevin glances off and smiles slightly at Winnie off-screen.)
Since the day his goldfish disappeared.
(Close shot of Winnie smiling and looking from Kevin to Paul off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin and Winnie of Paul gesturing with both arms, then approaching them.)
PAUL: There's men, and trucks...all over the place!
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Paul off-screen with mild concern.)
KEVIN (V/O): What...?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and turning forward, then back to Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: We haven't seen any trucks. (Frowns.)
(Kevin looks toward Winnie off-screen.)
No trucks.
(Very close shot of Winnie's lips and nose.)
Just lips.
(Winnie smiles. The camera pans up to her eyes.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Winnie off-screen, to Paul off-screen and frowning.)
KEVIN: Look, Paul! If this is some kind of -
WINNIE (V/O): Kevin?
(Kevin looks at Winnie off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking off, concerned.)
(Shot of Kevin and Winnie, with her hand on his arm, and Paul in the background, looking past the camera.)
(Sounds of noisy vehicles.)
(Shot of two pickup trucks approaching up a dirt road.)
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie, and Paul as Kevin stands up, and takes a few steps forward.)
Then suddenly...we'd been invaded.
(Paul and Winnie step forward.)
(Close shot of the front of a Dodge truck as it slows to a stop very close to the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie and Paul looking past the camera.)
(Shot of the pickup truck as a man jumps out of the back, and another approaches behind him.)
(Close shot of the front of the truck. The camera pans across to the foreman, who has plans laid out on the hood, and is looking off.)
FOREMAN: Alright - let's move it!
(Shot of a truck and some men.)
(Shot of Kevin and Winnie as a man walks between them. Winnie looks after him.)
It was amazing.
(Shot of the foreman looking at his plans.)
They'd just arrived, in our spot!
(Shot of the foreman looking at his plans.)
Like they owned the place!
(Close shot of Kevin, with Winnie and Paul behind him.)
(Shot of the foreman looking toward off-screen workers.)
FOREMAN: Oh, hey! (Points.) Start those stakes over there by that rock.
(He looks back to his plans.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning, and looking at the foreman off-screen.)
Like we weren't even there.
KEVIN: Hey, mister!
(Shot of the foreman looking at them off-screen, and gesturing.)
FOREMAN: Hey, you kids are gonna have to get outta here...
(He looks toward the plans.)
(Shot of Kevin frowning.)
Well, so much for introductions.
(Shot from behind Kevin, Winnie and Paul of the foreman approaching, holding plans out in both hands.)
FOREMAN: Hey, come on, guys! What - do I have to do it all myself?!
(Close shot of Kevin as the foreman walks past him. Kevin turns with him.)
FOREMAN: Come on, here!
(The foreman pauses and turns to Kevin.)
FOREMAN: I mean it.
(The foreman glances at Winnie and Paul.)
FOREMAN: Beat it, huh?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
Wait a minute - this hippopotamus was kicking us out of our own woods?
(Shot of Winnie looking at the foreman haughtily.)
WINNIE: You can't do this!
(Shot of Paul, and Kevin behind him, looking at the foreman off-screen.)
PAUL: Yeah! We have a right to be here, too.
(Shot of the foreman as he laughs, and looks at Winnie.)
FOREMAN: Is that so?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at the foreman off-screen.)
(Shot of the foreman looking toward the boys off-screen.)
FOREMAN: OK, OK. You can stay.
(The foreman smiles at Winnie.)
FOREMAN: But just until the dozers get here...
(The foreman looks over his shoulder, then turns around.)
FOREMAN: And then ya gotta go.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the foreman off-screen, and frowning heavily.)
KEVIN: What?!
Did he say...
(Kevin looks toward Winnie off-screen.)
FOREMAN: You kids are standing on a construction site.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the foreman and frowning.)
FOREMAN (V/O): Haven't you heard?
KEVIN: No...
(Shot of the foreman looking off.)
FOREMAN: Oh, amazing. (Gestures.) They don't even put up signs...
(Shot of Winnie looking toward the foreman off-screen and sighing.)
It was horrible.
(Shot of the foreman looking off.)
FOREMAN: You can say "goodbye" to your woods, kids.
(He looks toward the boys off-screen.)
FOREMAN: They're comin' down. (Shrugs.)
(Shot of Paul, and Kevin behind him, looking at the foreman off-screen.)
FOREMAN (V/O): There's gonna be a shopping center, right here...
(Paul looks up and frowns.)
(Shot of the foreman turning around.)
FOREMAN: Charlie? Give me a couple of marks on this tree...
(The foreman approaches the tree and taps it with the rolled-up plans.)
FOREMAN: This tree's comin' out.
(The camera pans slightly to Winnie, frowning at the boys off-screen.)
WORKER (V/O): Here ya go. There's more stakes in the truck.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the tree off-screen.)
(Close shot of the initials in the tree as a man spray-paints a red "X" near them.)
(Shot of Paul on Kevin looking toward the tree off-screen. Paul turns to Kevin.)
(Close shot of Paul frowning.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
We needed help - and we needed it fast.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Kevin's Sidewalk
(Shot of Paul on his bike, and Kevin and Winnie running behind him up the sidewalk.)
Funny - it had taken us twenty minutes to stroll up to those woods...
(The camera pans with Kevin as he runs across his front yard.)
We made it back in sixty-seven seconds flat.
(Kevin cuts through the hedge to the door and opens it.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot from the kitchen of the dining room doorway. Sound of the slamming front door.)
KEVIN (V/O): Mom! Dad!
(Kevin hurries to the doorway and pauses, panting.)
(Shot of Norma and Jack seated at the kitchen table, relaxing.)
NORMA: What is it, honey?
(Close shot of Kevin gesturing in front of him with both hands as he catches his breath.)
KEVIN: They're tearing down Harper's Woods.
(Shot of Norma and Jack looking puzzled.)
(Close shot of Kevin gesturing as he steps forward.)
KEVIN: Well, they're gonna bring in bulldozers!
(Shot of Norma and Jack still looking puzzled.)
(Close shot of Kevin gesturing and stepping closer.)
KEVIN: They're gonna turn it into a shopping center!
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen and frowning.)
Gee - what was it gonna take, here?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
Did I have to drop a bomb?
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Well, we know that, honey? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Close shot of Jack tossing his napkin down and standing up.)
JACK: Thought they weren't starting till next week.
(Jack walks past the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin as Jack walks past the camera.)
(Kevin looks at Jack and frowns.)
KEVIN: You know?!
(Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen as Jack walks to the refrigerator and opens it.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin? Will you wash your hands...
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: They're all...(gestures)...muddy or something. (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning heavily at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Do as your mother says.
(The camera pans over to Kevin as he looks at Jack, as Jack returns to the table.)
OK - maybe they hadn't heard me.
(Kevin walks to the sink.)
Maybe they though I said...some other woods.
(Kevin turns on the water.)
(Close shot of Jack sitting down, and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: You know you left the lawnmower out in the middle of the yard?
(Close shot of Kevin turning from the sink and looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Dad! I'm talkin' about Harper's Woods! We gotta stop them! (Gestures.) We gotta do something!
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Kevin...you haven't played up there since you were children.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
This was incredible.
(Shot of Norma and Jack looking at Kevin off-screen. Norma drinks from her glass.)
Didn't these people have souls?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
They were talking about Harper's Woods like it was some kinda -
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen and shaking his head.)
JACK: It's just a vacant lot, Kevin.
(Jack looks down.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: Wonder if there'll be a Lohman's...(Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Basement
(Wide shot of Paul, Kevin, and Winnie on the basement couch.)
PAUL: I can't believe it.
(Paul looks toward Kevin.)
PAUL: My mom's all excited that there's going to be a Yarn Barn.
(Paul looks forward.)
WINNIE: My dad said its been in the papers for months.
(Winnie settles down in the couch.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and shrugging.)
It was irresponsible. Thirteen is a busy age.
(Close shot of Paul looking forward glumly.)
Who has time to read the papers?
(Paul looks toward Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: We depend on these people for information...
(Paul frowns and shrugs.)
PAUL: And then they let you down.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie as she turns to them.)
WINNIE: Well, there's gotta be something we can do. (Nods.)
(Kevin looks at her.)
(Close shot of Paul sitting up quickly and smiling.)
PAUL: Hey! I wonder if old man Harper's heard about this?
(Shot of Kevin and Winnie looking at Paul off-screen, then each other.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at them off-screen.)
PAUL: Isn't there an old man Harper?
(Close shot of Winnie looking off.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot as Paul looks forward and settles back on the couch, frowning slightly.)
PAUL: There's no old man Harper?
The getting of wisdom is never a pretty sight.
(Close shot of Winnie turning to the boys off-screen.)
WINNIE: Well we can't just give up. We have to think.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
Winnie was right.
(Kevin glances at Paul off-screen.)
We had three keen seventh-grade minds.
(Kevin looks forward and smiles slightly.)
We could lick this.
(Wide shot of all three thinking a moment.)
WINNIE: We'll make a list!
(Winnie picks up a pad and pencil from the board-game on the table.)
WINNIE: OK. Who's first?
(Winnie looks toward the boys and prepares to write.)
(Paul and Kevin look at each other.)
Cut to
Karen's Room
(Shot of a large Jimi Hendrix poster on the closet door as it slides open.)
(Karen moves into the shot and looks at the camera.)
KAREN: I'll tell ya what to do.
(Shot of Paul, Kevin and Winnie sitting down, looking at Karen off-screen. Kevin smiles and looks at Winnie, then back to Karen.)
Well, any port in a storm.
(Close shot of Karen looking at them off-screen and shrugging.)
KAREN: This is a democracy, isn't it? (Nods.)
(Shot of Paul, Kevin and Winnie. Kevin nods.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at them off-screen.)
KAREN: Then exercise your rights!
(She turns to her open closet and reaches up to a shelf.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
Good advice.
(Close shot of Winnie frowning slightly.)
WINNIE: But how do we do that?
(Shot of Karen as she ducks down behind her bed.)
KAREN: Simple.
(A wig gets thrown into the air.)
KAREN (V/O): There's a planning board meeting every Sunday night, downtown.
(A piece of clothing gets tossed up.)
(Shot of Paul, Kevin and Winnie looking toward Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Julie's father's a member.
(Shot across Karen's bed as she pops up and looks at the kids off-screen.)
KAREN: You should go there and state your case!
(Karen straightens some clothing, then looks at the kids off-screen. The camera moves in slightly.)
KAREN: You should demand...to be heard.
(Some fife-and-drum music starts.)
(Karen stands up.)
KAREN: You should fight...(gestures)...for what's important! (Frowns.) You have to take action! (Gestures.) Kevin - we are the people!
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Karen off-screen.)
WINNIE: I think we should do it. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Karen off-screen.)
PAUL: Yeah...
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Great!
(He rises.)
KEVIN: Let's go! (Smiles.)
(Music ends.)
KEVIN: Can you give us a ride?
(Close shot of Karen frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: Not me...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
(Close shot of Karen.)
KAREN: I got a date.
(She turns and slides the closet door closed, and exits.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Planning Board Room
(Close shot of the closed door as it opens.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): Item Two...
(Kevin looks over his shoulder and frowns at Paul.)
KEVIN: Paul!
PAUL: Well, how are we getting home?
(Kevin leads Paul and Winnie into the room.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): Regards to the agency's low-interest loan...of fifty-five thousand dollars...
(Wide shot from Kevin's perspective of the audience and board panel, as a woman cuts into the shot and looks in the camera.)
WOMAN: May I help you? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie and Paul, as Winnie steps forward.)
WINNIE: We want to make a statement. About Harper's Woods...
WOMAN: Oh...
(She looks at her clipboard and frowns.)
WOMAN: I don't have that on my agenda...
(She looks at Winnie off-screen and smiles.)
WOMAN: But there'll be an open mike after the meeting.
(She smiles and exits.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): And if I can call your attention...
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie and Paul, as they look at each other and nod. Winnie and Paul walk past the camera.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): To uh, page nine of the staff report...
(Close shot of the chairman.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): It's right near the top of the page. Item number, uh, two...
(Shot of some vacant chairs, and a man and women in the back row.)
BOARD MEMBER (V/O): Weren't we supposed to get a variance on that last one?
(Winnie enters the shot and sits down, looking toward the panel off-screen.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): Yeah, I know. That gonna come up in a few minutes. I just want you to...
(Paul sits next to her.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the panel as he walks across the row.)
Alright - this was the ticket!
(Kevin sits next to Winnie.)
(Shot of the chairman.)
A place where things got done.
CHAIRMAN: You can see the position of their property, uh, uh, in regard to this project.
(The camera pans across other board-members.)
Yep. You could almost hear the wheels of democracy turning.
BOARD MEMBER (V/O): It's seventy-five thousand dollars. It's just a typo.
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie and Paul looking toward the panel off-screen.)
(Close shot of the chairman.)
CHAIRMAN: Now, Charles. We got - I think everybody got this - we got, we got a letter from Mr. and Mrs. *Carol*
(Fade to "later". The chairman has his jacket off, and shirt sleeves rolled up.)
CHAIRMAN: The energy report indicates that...this, the curent installation...doesn't necessarily, uh...
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie and Paul. Kevin and Winnie each are resting their heads on their hand, trying to stay awake.)
Of course, some wheels take longer than others.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the panel.)
CHAIRMAN: Some other things we need to talk about.
(Close shot of Kevin trying to keep his eyes open. The camera moves in slowly.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): Uh...Kevin Arnold?
(Kevin jerks up and glances around.)
KEVIN: Here...
(Close shot of the chairman looking at Kevin off-screen, then at a paper.)
CHAIRMAN: I see that you would like to speak about...
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie and Paul perking up.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): Harper's Woods.
(Close shot of the chairman looking at Kevin off-screen and gesturing.)
CHAIRMAN: Well, the, uh, floor is yours.
(Shot of Kevin, Winnie and Paul as Kevin stands up.)
PAUL: Cool...
(Kevin walks toward the aisle. Winnie and Paul look after him and smile.)
(Wide shot of the microphone, and the audience behind it, as Kevin approaches and looks up at the microphone. He looks over his shoulder, then reaches up and lowers the microphone.)
(Close shot of the chairman glancing at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin adjusting the microphone.)
(Close shot of the chairman looking at Kevin off-screen.)
CHAIRMAN: Your statement, Mr. Arnold?
(Shot of Kevin standing with his hands together.)
KEVIN: I - I came here tonight...
(He looks quickly toward Paul and Winnie off-screen.)
(Shot of Paul and Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): Because...
(Shot of Kevin turning forward timidly.)
KEVIN: I have something to say.
(Close shot of the chairman looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: There's a little piece of land, not far from here. A place called Harper's Woods. Ya might have passed it on your way here or there.
(Shot of Paul and Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): It's not much to look at.
(Shot of Kevin shrugging and looking off.)
KEVIN: A few acres of trees, some boulders...a couple squirrels and some birds.
(Kevin is lit by a spotlight as the lights dim.)
KEVIN: But there's something you didn't see, I'll wager. Something you can't see.
(The camera moves in slowly.)
KEVIN: Cuz there's something in those woods...that you can't see with your eyes - you have to look with your heart.
(Shot of Paul and Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen. They look at each other and smile.)
(Close shot of Kevin in the spotlight.)
KEVIN: It's my childhood.
(Shot from behind Kevin as he turns over his shoulder quickly.)
KEVIN: And his...(Points.)
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot from behind Kevin looking over his shoulder.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): And hers...
(Shot from behind Kevin looking over his shoulder.)
(Shot from in front of Kevin as he turns forward.)
KEVIN: Ours is a world...too careless with its memories. Please, I beg of you...
(Close shot of the dimly-lit chairman looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Don't take our childhood.
(Wider shot of Kevin as the foreman stands up in the back row.)
(Closer shot of the foreman in a spotlight.)
FOREMAN: Kevin's right! What's wrong with us?!
(The foreman holds up the plans and rips them.)
(Music - "Happy Days Are Here Again" plays.)
(Wider shot of Kevin looking toward the foreman as the house-lights come up. The audience stands up, many with posters, and cheers as the foreman tosses the plans down. Kevin turns toward Paul and Winnie off-screen and smiles.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): Order. Order.
(Shot of Winnie and Paul smiling as a red balloon descends between them.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): May we have order?
(Shot of Kevin smiling at them off-screen, as he is congratulated and a man shakes his hand.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): This is highly irregular!
(Shot of Winnie and Paul. She smiles at Kevin off-screen and shakes her head.)
(Close shot of the chairman gesturing and frowning in futility.)
(Wide shot of people congratulating Kevin.)
(Shot of Winnie and Paul smiling as Paul makes a fist.)
CHAIRMAN (V/O): I mean it now! Order!
(Shot of the foreman smiling.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling as balloons drift by him.)
(Close wide-angle shot of the chairman looking in the camera, frowning.)
(He sits back at his desk and swings a large gavel down.)
(Music ends abruptly.)
(Close shot of Kevin with his hand on his head, and his eyes closed. He sits up and opens his eyes slowly.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the panel.)
CHAIRMAN: Uh, everything's in order...
(The chairman bangs his gavel.)
CHAIRMAN: This meeting's adjourned.
(Close shot of Kevin rising.)
KEVIN: What?! (Frowns.)
(Shot of Winnie and Paul. They open their eyes and Paul lifts his head off Winnie's shoulder.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the panel as some members stand up.)
KEVIN: Wait, wait!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: We have something to say!
WOMAN (V/O): Well, of course you do...
(The woman approaches behind Kevin, and he turns toward her. The camera pans up to her.)
WOMAN: But, perhaps you'll come back next week.
(She smiles and rubs Kevin's head, and walks off.)
(Kevin turns forward.)
Next week?!
Cut to
Ext. Night - Arnold House
(Shot of a large truck approaching up the street.)
(Shot of the outside of Kevin's window as he opens the shutters and looks out.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the truck passing by, with a bulldozer on the back. The camera pans with it.)
(Closer shot through the window of Kevin looking after the truck.)
Somehow, I didn't think we had that long.
Fade to
Int. Day - Lockers
(Shot of the hallway as Kevin rounds the corner, followed by Winnie and Paul.)
PAUL: Hey! You fell asleep first!
KEVIN: I didn't.
WINNIE: I think you did, Kevin.
KEVIN: Winnie - I did not fall asleep first!
(Kevin frowns and nods as they pause at their lockers.)
(Close shot of Paul starting to dial his combo.)
Something was happening to us.
PAUL: Did so...
(Paul turns and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
Just when we needed each other the most...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin frowning and looking in his open locker.)
Paul and Winnie and I were...falling apart.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie frowning and walking toward the lockers.)
WINNIE: We should pour sand down the gas-tanks...
(She bangs a locker.)
WINNIE: Of those bulldozers.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Winnie? Please...
PAUL (V/O): Hey, we could hijack 'em!
(Shot past Kevin of Paul making a fist and smiling.)
PAUL: Bet I could start one of those babies up!
(Shot past Paul as Winnie steps between them, turns, and frowns at Paul.)
WINNIE: Paul, that is so lame.
(She walks past Paul.)
PAUL: Oh, you have a better idea?
WINNIE: I couldn't have a worse one...
This had to stop.
(Kevin frowns and looks off, then to Winnie.)
KEVIN: Winnie, don't be so mean.
(Kevin looks back at his locker.)
KEVIN: Just cuz it was a stupid idea...
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: What's wrong with my idea? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin frowning and nodding at him.)
KEVIN: Like we're really gonna hijack a bulldozer?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking off.)
It was like a fire...spreading in a forest.
WINNIE (V/O): What we should do...
(Shot past Paul of Kevin looking toward Winnie off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie.)
WINNIE: Is sneak into their office and steal their plans.
(Close shot of Paul frowning at Winnie off-screen.)
PAUL: Talk about stupid!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Don't call her stupid!
(Close shot of Winnie frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: I can speak for myself, Kevin.
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: Yeah! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Shut up, Paul.
(Kevin looks toward Winnie off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): You shut up!
(Close shot of Winnie frowning at them off-screen.)
WINNIE: I don't need this!
(She turns and walks off.)
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: I don't either!
(Shot of the hallway as Winnie and Paul pass the camera and walk away quickly side-by-side.)
Great. All we wanted was for someone to listen.
(Close shot of Kevin looking after them off-screen.)
Now we weren't even listening to each other.
(Kevin frowns as he turns to his locker and closes it, then looks after them again.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as he turns and leans back against his locker and sighs.)
It wasn't fair. Men with bulldozers...parents...planning commissions that meet at four A.M.
(Kevin starts to walk toward the camera.)
It made you wonder...were they in this together?
(A boy bumps into Kevin and continues past him as Kevin frowns.)
Yeah - that was it. Them against us.
(Kevin walks toward the camera. Kevin frowns and turns a corner.)
Just one big heartless...
(Kevin collides with a man, and steps back, slightly stunned. The camera pans up from the man's stomach to his face.)
Assistant principal.
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Kevin shrugging slightly, then starting to walk past Mr. Diperna.)
(Mr. Diperna puts his hand out and stops Kevin.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): Whoa.
(Kevin looks up, then steps back as Mr. Diperna pushes him back slightly.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): Halt.
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Diperna.)
MR. DIPERNA: Is that the way we turn blind corners in school corridors? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Kevin frowning and sighing, and looking off.)
KEVIN: No, sir...
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Diperna.)
MR. DIPERNA: Well then, suppose you go back around the corner...(gestures)...and show me the proper way to do it.
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Kevin frowning and looking at him.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Diperna.)
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Kevin frowning, as Mr. Diperna reaches for Kevin's shoulder. Kevin pushes his hand away.)
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Diperna frowning at him.)
Like I said - them...against us.
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Kevin frowning at him.)
KEVIN: Hey, bud - get off my back!
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Diperna frowning at him.)
Cut to
Mr. Diperna's Office
(Close shot of Mr. Diperna's desk and nameplate as he taps a letter-opener on the desk slowly.)
(The camera pans up to Mr. Diperna looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot across the desk of Kevin slouched in a chair, glancing around.)
Rule number one of junior high school. For every action...
(Shot of Mr. Diperna looking at Kevin off-screen.)
There's a reaction.
(Mr. Diperna leans back in his chair, holding the letter-opener.)
MR. DIPERNA: We seem to have a problem here, Kevin.
(Shot across the desk of Kevin glancing around, and biting his lip.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): You agree?
KEVIN: Um...
Rule number two. Avoid trick questions.
(Kevin looks at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
KEVIN: I'm not sure, sir. (Frowns.)
(Shot of Mr. Diperna looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Mr. Diperna holds the letter-opener on the desk as he stands up, and looks at Kevin.)
(Shot across the desk of Kevin glancing around.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): I've been watching you, Kevin.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Mr. Diperna pacing slowly behind his chair.)
MR. DIPERNA: I see things...I hear...
(Mr. Diperna looks at Kevin.)
MR. DIPERNA: And, in this case...
(Mr. Diperna pauses next to his chair and rests his arm on the back.)
MR. DIPERNA: I think I know what the problem is.
(Shot across the desk of Kevin looking off and nodding slightly.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Mr. Diperna half-sitting on the back of his desk and nodding slightly.)
MR. DIPERNA: I think I know what's bothering you.
(Shot across the desk of Kevin looking at Mr. Diperna off-screen, slightly surprised, and frowning.)
KEVIN: You do?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Mr. Diperna looking at him and nodding.)
And just for a second...
(Shot across the desk of Kevin looking off, then at Mr. Diperna off-screen, and smiling slightly.)
I almost liked the guy.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Mr. Diperna looking off a moment, then looking at Kevin.)
MR. DIPERNA: You think you're special.
(Shot across the desk of Kevin, as Mr. Diperna tosses the letter-opener down.)
Just for a second, though.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Mr. Diperna looking at Kevin as he stands and turns away.)
(Shot across the desk of Kevin looking at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
(Shot from the back of the room, past a row of trophies, as Mr. Diperna walks along and looks at them. The camera moves sideways with him.)
MR. DIPERNA: I've been assistant principal of this school for over twenty years.
(Shot past Mr. Diperna of Kevin looking at him.)
MR. DIPERNA: And in that time...
(Shot of Mr. Diperna pausing and leaning against a trophy case, looking at them.)
MR. DIPERNA: I've seen people like you...
(Mr. Diperna looks over his shoulder at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA: Come and go...every single year.
(Mr. Diperna looks back to the trophies.)
MR. DIPERNA: Hundreds of 'em.
(Mr. Diperna looks over his shoulder at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA: Maybe thousands.
(Close shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): You walk the halls...you go to class...
(Shot of Mr. Diperna looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA: And then you're gone...
(He shakes his head slightly.)
MR. DIPERNA: Just like that!
(Mr. Diperna snaps his fingers.)
MR. DIPERNA: Gone with the wind.
(Shot across the desk of Kevin looking at Mr. Diperna off-screen.)
(Shot of Mr. Diperna approaching around the desk. He looks down at Kevin.)
MR. DIPERNA: I'm gonna leave you...
(Close shot of Kevin in the chair. Mr. Diperna's hand rests on the back of the chair.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): To think about what I've said.
(Kevin tilts his head back and looks up.)
(Close shot of Mr. Diperna looking down at Kevin off-screen.)
MR. DIPERNA: And when you think you understand...
(The camera pans down to Kevin, who is looking forward.)
MR. DIPERNA (V/O): You can go. I'll be outside...
(Mr. Diperna moves toward the door.)
(Shot of Mr. Diperna looking over his shoulder at Kevin off-screen as he opens the door. He pauses and smiles slightly, then exits.)
(Shot across the desk of Kevin looking off as the door closes behind him.)
(Kevin smiles.)
Was this guy joking?
(Kevin sits up, then picks up the letter-opener. He pauses, then looks off and frowns.)
"Gone with the wind". That's a movie, right?
(Kevin starts tapping the table with his hand and the letter-opener.)
Sure, I'd think about it - for about one nanosecond.
(Kevin taps various objects around the desk with the letter-opener.)
(Shot from behind him as he taps more objects.)
(Shot across the desk as he chuckles, then pauses again, looks at the letter-opener, then looks off.)
And then a funny thing happened.
(Shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder past the camera.)
I started to think about it.
(Close shot of a plaque on the wall.)
Who were all those people?
(Shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder past the camera.)
Did anyone know - did anyone remember?
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
It was weird. Sitting there in the middle of a crowded school...
(Close shot of a plaque of engraved initials. The camera pans down them.)
I suddenly felt...completely alone.
Fade to
(Close shot of Kevin looking down, absent-mindedly doodling with the letter-opener. Mr. Diperna opens the door behind him. Kevin quickly looks over his shoulder.)
(The camera pans up to Mr. Diperna, who frowns, shuts the door, and approaches Kevin, looking down at the desk.)
(The camera zooms in closely on the desk, which has "K.A." scratched into it.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down, surprised, then glancing at the letter-opener.)
(Close shot of Mr. Diperna looking down at Kevin off-screen and frowning.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking up at Mr. Diperna.)
KEVIN: I-I...didn't do that. Did I?
(Close shot of Mr. Diperna looking down at Kevin off-screen and frowning.)
Rule number three.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking at the desk.)
Never write something...
(Kevin licks his fingers.)
You can't erase.
(The camera pans down slightly as Kevin rubs the desk a few times.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Kevin and Wayne's Bedroom
(Shot of Jack, and Wayne peeking over his shoulder.)
JACK: You're grounded, buster!
(Wayne smiles and points.)
JACK: You hear me? No parties...
(Close shot of Kevin sitting on his bed.)
JACK (V/O): No friends!
(Shot of Jack and Wayne.)
JACK: You're grounded! (Frowns.)
(Jack turns toward the door. Wayne crosses his arms and smiles at Jack as Jack exits and slams the door.)
(Wayne smiles at Kevin off-screen and gives him the "thumbs up" sign.)
WAYNE: Nice goin', dorkface!
(Close shot of Kevin sighing and looking off.)
(Close shot of Wayne pointing and frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: It was a real dumb stunt. (Smiles.)
(Wayne turns toward the door.)
KEVIN (V/O): Wayne!
(Wayne half-turns and laughs as he opens the door and exits.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning slightly.)
Wayne was right. The fact was, I wasn't sure myself why I'd done it. Except that nothing seemed...permanent, anymore. Harper's Woods...Paul and Winnie...our friendship. What'd it all mean?
(Shot of the closed door as Wayne opens it and frowns at Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Grow up, butthead.
(Wayne closes the door.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
Well, there ya had it - in a nutshell. The plain, unvarnished truth. It was time for me to stop acting like a child. It was time to face facts. It was time...
(Kevin reaches for his jacket on the bed.)
To take a walk.
(Kevin stands up. The camera pans with him as the walks to his window and slides the shutters open.)
Fade to
Ext. Night - Harper's Woods
(Wide shot of Kevin approaching through the trees, carrying a flashlight.)
That night, I went to say goodbye to Harper's Woods.
(Kevin pauses and looks off.)
(Wide shot of the rock and tree.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the tree off-screen, then looking around.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the parked bulldozer as Kevin shines his flashlight on it.)
(Close shot of Kevin walking past the camera.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as he approaches the tree, shining the light on it.)
(Close shot of Kevin pausing and looking at the tree off-screen, and sighing.)
(Shot from behind Kevin as a light shines across him. He turns over his shoulder quickly.)
(Shot of a flashlight flaring into the camera lens, then of Paul as he lowers the flashlight. Winnie approaches and stands next to him.)
(Shot of Kevin as he turns toward the tree, then turns slightly and looks down.)
(Wide shot of from behind Kevin and the tree as Winnie and Paul approach him.)
(Close shot of Kevin in profile as Winnie stands next to him on the far side. Paul follows and stands next to him on the near side. They look toward the tree.)
(Close shot of the tree, initials, and the red "X".)
(Shot of the three in profile.)
WINNIE: Remember when we carved those?
KEVIN: Yeah. Third grade.
(Kevin smiles slightly, and Winnie frowns slightly.)
WINNIE: I thought it was second grade.
PAUL: No, it was fourth grade - I remember it distinctly.
Well, one of those grades.
(The camera moves toward Kevin and Winnie.)
WINNIE: We heard about what you did in Diperna's office.
(She looks at Kevin.)
WINNIE: Pretty stupid.
(The camera pans to Paul.)
PAUL: Really stupid. (Nods.)
(Shot from behind Paul and Kevin as Kevin turns.)
KEVIN: OK, I'm stupid - can you just forget about it?! (Gestures.)
(Kevin walks behind Paul. The camera pans with him as he walks to the rock and sits down.)
PAUL (V/O:) Kev?
(Wide shot of all as Winnie walks behind the rock.)
PAUL: We have a plan.
(Paul holds up a bicycle lock, as Winnie sits on the rock.)
(Close shot of Winnie smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: It just might work.
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Winnie to Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Really? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Winnie smiling at Paul off-screen.)
PAUL (V/O): See, first...
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: We chain Winnie to the bulldozer. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Close shot of Paul shrugging.)
PAUL: Well, ya see, it works better if it's a girl.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Are you crazy?!
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: And then tomorrow, when they try to start it up -
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Paul!
PAUL (V/O): We...
KEVIN: Will you stop it?
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: Well, what? (Shrugs.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, I mean...
(Kevin stands up.)
KEVIN: In the first place, it's not gonna work!
(Shot of all three as Kevin gestures with both arms and steps away from them.)
KEVIN: And...
(Kevin half-turns toward them and waves an arm.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: They're just gonna cut that thing with bolt-cutters, then you'll be out two-fifty for a new lock.
(Kevin paces sideways while looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: And in the second place...(Gestures)
(Kevin looks at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Winnie's gonna get in trouble.
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): If she doesn't freeze to death, first!
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): And in the third place...!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen, pausing, then turning away.)
KEVIN: It doesn't matter.
(Kevin looks down.)
(Close shot of Paul.)
PAUL: Huh?
(Shot of Kevin as he turns to them off-screen. He glances off and smirks, then looks at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well look around!
(Kevin frowns and gestures expansively.)
KEVIN: It's just a vacant lot. In a couple of years, we won't even remember!
(Kevin looks at Winnie then Paul off-screen.)
(Close shot of Winnie looking down, then standing up.)
I guess I wanted Paul and Winnie to face the facts, too.
(The camera pans with Winnie, then stops as she walks past Paul.)
Wasn't gonna be easy.
(Paul looks down, then toward Kevin off-screen.)
Maybe growing up never is.
(Shot from behind Winnie as she walks to the tree, puts her hand on it, and leans her head on her hand.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen, then down.)
WINNIE (V/O): One...Two...
(Kevin frowns.)
(Shot of Winnie at the tree, and Paul looking at her.)
WINNIE: Three...Four...
(Paul turns quickly to Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE (V/O): Five...Six...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN: What is she doing?
(Wide shot of Paul and Winnie.)
WINNIE: Seven...
(Winnie lifts her head slightly.)
WINNIE: You better get going!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: Forget it!
(Shot of Paul.)
PAUL: Come on!
(Paul hurries off.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: I'm not gonna do this.
(Kevin crosses his arms.)
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen, expectantly.)
WINNIE (V/O): I'm only gonna count to twenty. Eight...
PAUL: Let's go, come on!
(Close shot of Kevin looking off petulantly.)
Maybe every human soul deals with loss and grief in its own way.
(Kevin looks toward Paul off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul dancing around anxiously.)
PAUL: Let's go!
(Close shot of Kevin looking off, then at Paul off-screen.)
Some curse the darkness...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul starting to run off, then turning back.)
PAUL: Kevin!
WINNIE (V/O): Twelve...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
WINNIE (V/O): Thirteen...
(He hesitates, then smiles broadly and runs past the camera.)
(Wide shot of Paul as Kevin passes the camera.)
PAUL: Yes!
(Paul runs off as Kevin follows.)
Some play hide-and-seek.
(Close slow-motion shot of Winnie counting at the tree.)
WINNIE (Silently): Seventeen...
That night, Paul and Winnie and I...
WINNIE (Silently): Eighteen...
Found something we'd almost lost.
WINNIE (Silently): Nineteen...
(Slow-motion shot as Winnie pulls away from the tree and smiles.)
WINNIE (Silently): Twenty!
(Music "In My Life" starts.)
WINNIE (Silently): Ready or not - here I come!
(Slow-motion shot as Winnie runs off away from the camera, which pans with her.)
"There are places I'll remember"
We found our spirit. The spirit of children.
"All my life"
(The camera stops on a cement-mixer as Winnie runs off behind the tree.)
"Though some have changed"
The bond of memory.
"Some forever"
(Winnie reappears, headed the other direction behind the cement-mixer.)
"Not for better"
(Winnie crosses out of the shot.)
"Some are gone"
And the next day...
"And some remain"
They tore down Harper's Woods.
"All these places"
Fade to
Ext. Day - The Mall
(Shot of some people strolling on the sidewalk next to a row of shops, next to a park bench and a row to trees.)
"Had their meanings"
(The camera pans with two boys approaching on skateboards.)
"With lovers and friends"
"I still can recall"
(The camera pans down to the skateboard as the lead boy steps off of it.)
"And some are living"
(He picks it up as the camera pans down onto the sidewalk. Kevin, Winnie and Paul's initials are scratched in the cement in the same configuration as they were on the tree, surrounded by two wilted flower petals and a dried leaf.)
"In my life, I've loved them all"
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Foreman - Madison Mason
Planning Board Chairman - Matthew Faison
"Trois Gymnopedies" - Erik Satie > Blood, Sweat & Tears (Instrumental)
"Happy Days Are Here Again" - C. Milton Ager & Jack Yellen
"In My Life" - Lennon/McCartney > Judy Collins
Note: Judy Collins' lyrics vary slightly from the original version.

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Episode Info
Wonder Years Menu
02/24/99 12:20