Episode 21 - "Square Dance"

(Shot of a red 1969 RFK yearbook and a man's hands holding the edges. Choir music plays in the background. The man opens the book and thumbs through the pages.)
(Fade to closer shot of the pages as the camera pans across them.)
Some people pass through your life and you never think about them.
(Fade to another shot as the camera pans the other way.)
And there are some you think about, and wonder "whatever happened to them?"
(Fade to a closer shot of the pictures, as the camera pans across and stops on Randy.)
Dentist, maybe.
(Fade to a close shot of Becky.)
Gossip columnist. No - divorce lawyer.
(Fade to a wider shot of Becky, as the camera pans down to a large picture of Miss White, who has written across the page : "The love of bringing the **** and all the sweet serenity of books. All best forever. Miss White.)
Some you wonder if they ever wondered what happened to you.
(Fade to wide shot of another page as the camera moves in on the picture of a smiling girl in pigtails and glasses.)
And then there are those...you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.
(Sound of a sports whistle.)
(Choir music fades.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Gym
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip dropping the whistle from his mouth.)
MR. CUTLIP: Alright - over here! (Gestures.) Form up in two lines.
(Shot from behind Mr. Cutlip as a bunch of boys trot forward and form up.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as they take their places.)
PAUL: What's this all about? (Smiles.)
KEVIN: Beats me. (Frowns.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Today people, and all this week...
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip.)
MR. CUTLIP: We'll be studying Unit Seven...
(He holds up a book.)
MR. CUTLIP: Of your physical education curriculum handbook.
(The camera pans with Mr. Cutlip as he turns and walks off.)
(Close shot of Paul frowning and mouthing "seven?", then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul then Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
Unit Seven. It smacked of romance.
(Kevin looks off and smiles slightly.)
(Shot of a blackboard and Mr. Cutlip as he approaches it and pauses. It has a basketball diagram on it.)
Far away places.
MR. CUTLIP: Unit seven.
(He flips the board over, showing the steps for dancing.)
MR. CUTLIP: Square dancing.
(Shot of Kevin and the guys as they all frown.)
ALL: Square dancing?!
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip in front of the board, looking at the kids off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP: What is it? What can it do for you?
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as they look at each other.)
PAUL: Is this dorky, or what? (Smiles.)
KEVIN: Definitely dorky. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip in front of the board, looking at the kids off-screen.)
I mean, come on! Square dancing?
(Close shot of Paul looking toward Mr. Cutlip, then he sighs and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
What - in case we ever crash-landed in the Ozarks?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen. Kevin frowns slightly and looks off.)
(Sound of Mr. Cutlip blowing his whistle.)
(Kevin looks toward the door off-screen.)
(Wide shot of the double doors as they open. Miss Bruntley, in gym clothes, walks in, leading a group of girls in their gym clothes.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
On the other hand...
(Kevin looks at Paul, then the girls off-screen and smiles slightly.)
It might have its finer aspects.
(Shot of the approaching girls, many of whom are smiling and giggling, as they pass the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul in the group of boys. Paul is smiling as he watches the girls off-screen.)
(Shot of the legs of the girls as they approach. The camera pans across them. One girl in the rear is wearing dark shoes and dark striped socks.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul smiling, and looking at each other.)
Yep. Nothin' wrong with a little square dancin'.
(Closer shot of the girls. One smiles and waves timidly as the camera pans across them. Others are talking and smiling as they look at the boys off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at the girls off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Alright - listen up.
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley standing in front of the clipboard.)
MR. CUTLIP: Now that the ladies have joined us...
(Close shot of Kevin and Paul, and Randy behind them, looking at Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): We're going to assign partners for the week.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip as he clears his throat and looks at his clipboard.)
MR. CUTLIP: Finlan...
(He looks at Miss Bruntley's clipboard off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP: And Bryce.
(Shot of the group of girls as Finlan steps forward from the back row.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Step to the center.
(Wide shot of the squad of boys as Bryce walks across the floor.)
This was critical.
(Miss Bruntley crosses the shot and meets Bryce, guiding him off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
We were being matched for a week.
(Shot of Miss Bruntley holding the boy and girl by the shoulder.)
In seventh-grade terms...
(Miss Bruntley guides the kids who stand side-by-side.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
That translates to about eleven years.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip looking at his clipboard.)
MR. CUTLIP: Kasimir...and...
(Close shot of Kasimir walking through the front row of girls.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Reeve.
(Close shot of Kevin and Paul as Reeve walks past the camera. Paul turns to Kevin.)
PAUL: God, I sure hope I don't get a loser.
(Kevin is looking forward.)
KEVIN: I know what you mean.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip looking at his clipboard.)
MR. CUTLIP: Pfeiffer...
(Close shot of Paul looking forward with anticipation.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): And...
(Shot of a pretty girl.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Gambowski.
(Shot of Paul and Kevin as Paul makes a fist and smiles.)
PAUL: Yes!
(Kevin smiles and sighs.)
(Close shot of Heidi. She rolls her eyes as boys make catcalls and whistle. She walks past the camera.)
(Close shot of Miss Bruntley holding Paul's shoulders. Paul is smiling broadly as Heidi approaches them.)
(Miss Bruntley motions to Heidi with her finger, and Heidi walks past Paul who is smiling broadly.)
So Paul had hit the jackpot.
(Miss Bruntley holds Paul and Heidi side-by-side.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the girls off-screen.)
I wasn't worried.
(Shot of the squad of girls.)
Still plenty of fillies left in this pasture.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip looking at his clipboard.)
MR. CUTLIP: Arnold...
(He looks toward Miss Bruntley's clipboard.)
Here we go!
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
Lucky, lucky, lucky...
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip frowning as he looks at the clipboard.)
MR. CUTLIP: And...Farquhar.
(Mr. Cutlip looks up.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking wide-eyed as the camera zooms in on him, accompanied by a twang of guitar.)
And suddenly, my life was over.
(Shot of the squad of girls as they giggle, and Margaret steps forward from the back row, smiling. She is wearing glasses and pigtails.)
I'd just been partnered with Margaret Farquhar.
(Miss Bruntley puts a hand on Margaret's shoulder.)
The flagship for seventh-grade weirdness.
(Shot of Kevin, Randy, and another boy as they look at Margaret off-screen. Randy smiles and laughs to himself.)
Some people march to the beat of a different drummer...
(Shot of Margaret.)
Margaret had her own percussion section.
(Margaret raises her hand.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip standing in front of the board, holding two clipboards.)
(Shot of Margaret as she lowers her arm.)
MARGARET: Are we going to do-si-do?
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip.)
MR. CUTLIP: We'll get to that. (Nods.)
(Shot of Margaret as she raises her hand.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip frowning and looking up from his clipboard.)
(Close shot of Margaret as she lowers her arm.)
MARGARET: Why is it called do-si-do? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning, then smiling and glancing around the boys.)
(Some giggling can be heard.)
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip frowning.)
MR. CUTLIP: Because that's what it's called.
(Mr. Cutlip glances toward Kevin off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP: Arnold!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
(Close shot of Margaret as she raises a finger.)
MARGARET: Is that clockwise, or the other way around?
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip frowning as some kids giggle.)
MR. CUTLIP: Did I ask for questions?
(Close shot of Kevin looking from Margaret to Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): I always ask for questions!
That was Margaret.
(Close shot of Margaret looking toward Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
She could get on the nerves of any teacher. Including Gandhi.
(Close shot of Mr. Cutlip looking at Kevin off-screen and jerking his head.)
MR. CUTLIP: Arnold! Step to the center.
(Shot of Kevin, Randy, and Mike.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Now!
RANDY: Go get 'em, tiger!
(Randy and Mike push Kevin forward.)
(Wide shot of Miss Bruntley and Heidi as Kevin approaches them. The two other couples are behind and to the side of them.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin frowning slightly as Miss Bruntley walks off.)
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret smiling slightly at him.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Alright. First things first.
(They look toward Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley as Mr. Cutlip looks at the book.)
MR. CUTLIP: The bow...and curtsy.
(They turn toward each other. Mr. Cutlip glances at the book then nods, and they bow toward each other. Mr. Cutlip knocks his cap on her clipboard.)
(Shot of Margaret and Kevin, and the other couples behind them. Margaret bows forward. Kevin doesn't move.)
(Shot past Kevin as Margaret straightens up, smiling at Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
It was gonna be a l-o-n-g week.
(He frowns slightly, accompanied by a twang of guitar.)
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret smiling at him.)
Cut to
(Shot of the stairway as Kevin descends with Randy, Mike, and others behind him. Kevin's hair is wet. The camera rolls back with them.)
MIKE: Hey, Arnold!
Here it came. The sharks to the kill.
(They put their hands on Kevin's shoulders.)
RANDY: Looked pretty happy out there with Farquhar. (Smiles.)
(Kevin looks at Randy and frowns.)
KEVIN: Yeah. Thrilled. (Frowns.)
RANDY: Uh, excuse me, but, uh...why do they call it "do-si-do"?
(Mike taps Randy on the shoulder.)
MIKE: Duhhhh...
RANDY: Duhhhh...
(Kevin stops at his locker as the other boys smile and push each other. Kevin opens his locker. Randy smiles and reaches toward Kevin's ear.)
RANDY: Scrub behind your ears, Arnold?
(Close shot of Kevin as Randy flips his ear.)
RANDY (V/O): Gotta watch out for cooties!
(Kevin sighs and looks off.)
OK - I had to nip this in the bud. I had a reputation at stake here.
(Kevin turns toward Randy off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin lookng at Randy off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, maybe I'll be sick this week, and then one of you will have to dance with her.
(Shot of Randy and Mike as they look at each other.)
RANDY: Keep this boy healthy!
(Randy smiles and rubs Kevin's head.)
(Mike rubs Kevin's head.)
MIKE: Duhhhh...
(The boys walk away from Kevin past the camera.)
MIKE (V/O): Duhhhh...
RANDY (V/O): Duhhhh...
MIKE (V/O): Duhhhh...
(Kevin looks after them off-screen as he holds his books and closes his locker.)
OK. I'd handled that pretty well.
(Kevin sighs slightly and looks off.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the boys punching each other as they move down the hallway.)
Besides, they were just a bunch of goofy guys.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen and smiling.)
I could deal with them.
WAYNE (V/O): I hear you're in love.
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot toward the table as Wayne walks into the shot. The camera pans with him as he walks behind Jack. The TV is on.)
WAYNE: I hear you really, really, want her.
(Wayne turns to Kevin and smiles.)
WAYNE: An hour a day isn't enough, huh?
KEVIN: Shut up, Wayne.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma at the stove as Karen enters from the living room.)
KAREN: Shut up about what?
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as Wayne spoons some food from a bowl onto his plate.)
KEVIN: Nothing.
WAYNE: Kevin was square dancing in gym today.
(Shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Square dancing? What kinda sport is that? Don't they teach wrestling anymore?
(Shot of Norma and Karen as Norma approaches with a bowl of food. The camera pans with her.)
NORMA: Oh, I don't know, honey. I'm sure it teaches good...eye-foot...coordination.
(She stands next to Jack and sets the bowl down.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning and turning slightly to Norma off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): So, uh...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as Wayne smiles and elbows him.)
WAYNE: Who'd you get as a partner, Kev?
KEVIN: Some girl.
(Wayne looks at Jack off-screen.)
WAYNE: Some girl?
(Wayne turns back to Kevin and taps him on the arm and smiles.)
WAYNE: Oh, surely you're too modest.
(Shot of Norma as she sits down.)
NORMA: Well? Who was it, Kevin?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at his food and putting a forkful in his mouth.)
KEVIN: Margaret Farquhar...
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne.)
WAYNE: I didn't get that. Could you speak up? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Karen approaching.)
KAREN: Margaret Farquhar? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen as he chews.)
KAREN (V/O): Trudy Farquhar's sister?
(Shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: She's a little different, isn't she?
(Close shot of Jack as he cuts his meat and looks up.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen, then Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): Hah-hah-hah. Are you kidding? She's a joke!
(Shot of Kevin and Wayne as Wayne looks at Karen off-screen.)
WAYNE: She's a gleep!
(Wayne laughs, then frowns at Kevin.)
WAYNE: Sorry, Kevin...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Hey! I didn't pick her. And besides, first thing tomorrow...
(Kevin looks around the table.)
KEVIN: I'm gonna dump her. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Kevin!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA V/O): That's not very nice.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: You wouldn't really do that, would you?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen, and shrugging and frowning.)
KEVIN: Well...(Shrugs.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Just because she's different...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Norma and smiling slightly as he forks his food.)
NORMA (V/O): Doesn't mean you can't be nice to her.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen, then Norma off-screen and frowning.)
KEVIN: Well, look...she's just...not popular. (Shrugs.) OK?
(Shot of Norma looking up from her food.)
Uh-oh. Fatal mistake.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
I'd opened the door for the most dreaded words in the dictionary of kid-dom.
(Shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Kevin...I expect more of you than that.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Music "Turkey in the Straw" starts.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): All join hands, circle left. Promenade the hall...
Cut to
(Shot down a row of girls on one side and boys on the other. They reach out and join hands.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley in front of the blackboard, next to a record-player. They are moving slightly in rhythm to the music, as Mr. Cutlip reads from the book.)
MR. CUTLIP: Promenade - now don't be shy, grab your lady...
(Shot of a couple smiling as they approach the camera.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): And pass on by.
(They separate and pass the camera. Heidi and Paul join hands and approach, smiling, and pass the camera. Kevin and Margaret join hands and approach the camera. Margaret is smiling, but Kevin is stiff and uneasy. He glances at Margaret, then off.)
What do mothers know? Let them spend a morning on the slippery slopes of seventh-grade society.
(Kevin glances at her again and frowns slightly as they separate and pass the camera. Another couple follows.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley.)
MR. CUTLIP: Girls to the center - form a star.
(Wide shot of the kids on the floor as the girls approach each other and circle around.)
Suddenly, I felt singled out.
(The camera pans slightly and moves in on Kevin.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley.)
MR. CUTLIP: Boys to the center - same as before.
(Shot past a girl of Kevin and Margaret as Kevin steps forward.)
A marked man.
(The camera moves in slightly as the boys join hands and Kevin sighs. The camera pans with Kevin as they start to circle around.)
RANDY: Havin' fun? (Smiles.)
KEVIN: In your dreams. (Frowns.)
MIKE: Looks like love to me!
(The boys reverse directions.)
KEVIN: Are you kidding! (Frowns.) She makes me want to -
(Sound of a bell as Kevin pauses and looks off.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin...
(Kevin sighs, and continues.)
NORMA (V/O): I expect more of you than that.
(Kevin frowns as he takes his position.)
Alright, Mom.
(Margaret steps in front of him.)
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret looking at him.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin sighing and looking off.)
Summing up all the humanity I could muster...
(Kevin looks at Margaret.)
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret looking at him.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Now bow to your partners.
(Margaret smiles as they bow.)
(Sound of the needle sliding across the record.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley.)
MR. CUTLIP: Class dismissed.
(Close shot past Kevin of Margaret smiling at him.)
I fulfilled my moral responsibility.
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin sighing and looking off. Kevin looks at Margarets and waves a little.)
KEVIN: Seeya, Margaret.
(Kevin walks away.)
(Close shot of Margaret looking after him off-screen a moment, as her smile fades.)
(Shot of Randy and Mike trotting off as the boy rubs Kevin's head.)
(Close shot of Margaret looking after him off-screen a moment.)
And that was that.
(She turns and walks toward the door with the other girls.)
Cut to
(Close shot of Kevin exiting a doorway into the hallway. The camera rolls back as he approaches.)
MARGARET (V/O): Hi, Kevin!
(He glances worriedly at Margaret standing in the hallway.)
(Kevin looks forward and continues to walk.)
Keep going.
(Margaret turns after him in the background.)
MARGARET: I'm standing in the hall...
(Kevin pauses.)
No - don't turn around!
(Kevin starts to back up slowly and frowns.)
KEVIN: Uh...
MARGARET: Miss Billings sent me out here.
(Kevin turns and approaches Margaret.)
MARGARET: She says I ask too many questions. Were you in the bathroom?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin as he frowns and glances around.)
Great. I'd said three words to her, now we were gonna have to have a whole conversation.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: I have to go a lot, too. (Smiles.) When I drink too much water in the morning. Do you like bats?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin as he looks at her.)
KEVIN: Bats? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: I have a fruit bat. (Nods.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin as he frowns at her.)
Momma! This chick was weird!
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: Do you like the name "Mortimer"?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin as he frowns and shrugs.)
KEVIN: Look - I have to get to class.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: What class?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin.)
KEVIN: I gotta go. (Frowns.)
(Shot of both as Kevin starts to turn away.)
MARGARET: OK. Did you -
(Kevin waves.)
KEVIN: I gotta go, Margaret.
(The camera rolls back as Kevin frowns and starts walking away. Margaret looks after him in the background.)
Well, I'd learned one thing.
MARGARET: Bye, Kevin!
Never go to the boy's room alone.
(Kevin frowns and turns the corner, and exits.)
Stay in groups.
Cut to
(Shot of Kevin and Paul approaching, carrying trays. Paul looks at Kevin and gestures with his elbow.)
PAUL: Heidi wore perfume today - the kind I'm allergic to. But when I sneezed...she said "gezhundheit".
(They approach a table.)
PAUL: She could have just said "bless you", but she gave it to me...in German.
(Paul makes a fist and smiles. Kevin sighs and smiles.)
KEVIN: You're an animal, Paul. (Smiles.)
PAUL: Yeah...
(Paul passes behind Kevin.)
PAUL: I'm gonna go get an ice-cream sandwich. Gotta keep up that strength!
(Paul exits. Kevin smiles and starts to sit down.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Paul walking off.)
Fate had given Paul Heidi Gambowski.
(Shot of Kevin as he sits down.)
And me...
(Kevin looks off and smiles.)
Bat-girl. Heck - it was almost funny, you know...
(Margaret hurriedly sits down next to Kevin.)
(Kevin turns to Margaret.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin frowning at her.)
KEVIN: Margaret!
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret smiling at him.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin frowning at her as she turns forward.)
Uh-uh. Not acceptable. Not in public. An empty hallway, maybe.
(Kevin glances off, then back to Margaret as she unwraps her sandwich.)
But not a cafeteria.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret as she unwraps a sandwich.)
MARGARET: Do you like chili?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Wayne sitting at a table in the distance, then recognizing Kevin and sighing.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin frowning at her.)
KEVIN: Uh, you can't sit here!
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Wayne off-screen.)
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret looking at him.)
MARGARET: I almost fell down during the grand right-and-lefts today.
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin frowning at her.)
MARGARET: Did you notice?
(Kevin hesitates as Margaret adjusts her food.)
The nerve of this kid.
KEVIN: I-I have these seats saved.
(Shot across the table of both as they look at each other.)
MARGARET: I went ice-skating once...and I fell down a lot! (Gestures.) But I always think you gotta get back on that horse and ride!
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Margaret off-screen, then looking off.)
Jeez - what did I have to do here? Call Western Union?
KEVIN: Margaret!
(Sound of a bell, and Kevin pauses and looks off.)
NORMA (V/O): I expect more of you than that.
(Kevin frowns and looks off.)
OK - so I wouldn't tell her.
(Shot of Wayne laughing and pointing Kevin out to his friends, who turn and look at Kevin off-screen and laugh.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne, then Margaret off-screen, then his food.)
I'd just eat fast - very fast.
(Kevin starts to stuff food in his mouth rapidly.)
No moral law against that, was there?
(Shot across the table of both. Kevin stuffs his mouth rapidly, as Margaret looks at her food and picks at it slowly.)
MARGARET: Do you like to ice-skate?
KEVIN: Uh-guh.
MARGARET: Where were you born?
(Close shot of Kevin eating.)
KEVIN: Uh-wuh.
Don't chew! Swallow! Then get the heck out of there!
(Close shot of Margaret leaning toward Kevin off-screen.)
MARGARET: Bats don't eat breakfast, either.
(Close shot of Kevin eating.)
Almost home, now.
MARGARET (V/O): Do you think "Mortimer" is a good name for a bat?
(Shot across the table of both as Kevin stands up rapidly with his mouth stuffed. Margaret looks at him.)
KEVIN: I'll seeya!
(Kevin waves, takes his tray, and starts to walk off.)
(Margaret turns over her shoulder.)
MARGARET: But you didn't even answer my -
(Wider shot of Kevin walking away, chewing. The camera pans with him.)
There. I'd made it. No cooties on me. Right?
(Heidi and three other girls approach him, smiling.)
HEIDI: Are you and Margaret going steady now?
(The girls giggle and walk off. Kevin turns away and frowns.)
Fade to
Locker Room
(Shot of Kevin at his locker, and Randy and Mike behind him. Mike is putting on his gym shirt.)
RANDY: Hey, Romeo! (Smiles.)
MIKE: Yeah! Romeo and Farquharet!
RANDY: Oh, Romeo! Oh, Romeo! Where Farquhart thou oh, Romeo?
MIKE: Duhhhh...
RANDY: Duhhhh...
MIKE (V/O): Duhhhh...
RANDY (V/O): Duhhhh...
(The guys exit.)
I needed help.
(Kevin frowns, then takes a few steps forward to Paul at his locker.)
KEVIN: Paul, do me a favor?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul smiling at him.)
PAUL: Sure! Name it.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Let me dance with Heidi today.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul frowning at him.)
PAUL: Not on your life!
(Shot past Paul of Kevin, as Paul shakes his head and exits. Kevin frowns and sighs.)
Well, I was on my own.
(The camera rolls back as Kevin walks forward slowly.)
There was only one way to put the brakes on with Margaret.
Cut to
(Shot of Margaret as Kevin stands next to her and looks forward.)
MARGARET: Hi! (Smiles.)
(Kevin looks away.)
Snub her.
(Kevin continues to look off. Margaret looks forward.)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley "swayin' to the music" as he reads from the book and "Turkey in the Straw" plays.)
MR. CUTLIP: Now take your lady by the...hand.
(Shot of Kevin and Margaret as Margaret reaches toward Kevin.)
KEVIN: Oh...
(Kevin rubs his wrist and frowns.)
KEVIN: I-I sprained my wrist.
(Kevin and Margaret walk forward.)
(Heidi and Paul walk past the camera, approaching Kevin and Margaret. Kevin still holds his wrist as Paul and Margaret tap their hands together.)
Why hadn't I thought of this before?
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley.)
MR. CUTLIP: All join hands...
(Shot of Kevin and Margaret as Margaret reaches toward Kevin.)
MR. CUTLIP (V/O): Circle left.
(Kevin covers his mouth and coughs, then starts to walk around the circle. Margaret follows. The camera pans with Kevin as he rubs his arm.)
Yep. It was workin'.
(Kevin smiles.)
Like a charm!
(Wider shot of the kids promenading around the circle.)
(Fade to "later".)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley.)
MR. CUTLIP: Circle left around the ring. Braid parade, you're going the right way.
(Wide shot of the kids doing the "braid".)
(Shot of Mr. Cutlip and Miss Bruntley. Mr. Cutlip frowns and has trouble reading the book.)
MR. CUTLIP: Braid parade, you're...going the other way.
(Close shot of Kevin as he moves around the circle.)
(Shot of Margaret on the other side of the circle.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he moves around the circle.)
This...was gonna be tricky.
(Kevin pauses and looks at Margaret off-screen, then ducks down as Margaret approaches. She stops and looks down at Kevin off-screen.)
(Wider shot of Kevin kneeling down and tying his shoelace. Margaret looks at him, then looks off and folds her arms as the others promenade around.)
(Close shot of Kevin tying his shoelace. Margaret's lower half is behind him.)
(Shot of Margaret looking up and sighing.)
MR. CUTLIP: Alright!
(Margaret looks toward Mr. Cutlip off-screen.)
Mr. CUTLIP (V/O): Let's try again tomorrow!
(Margaret looks down at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and smiling.)
(He looks over his shoulder at Margaret. She walks past him. Kevin looks after her off-screen and smiles.)
She'd finally gotten the message.
(Kevin stands up.)
(Sound of knocking on a door.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Arnold Kitchen
(Shot of the closed door.)
KEVIN (V/O): I'll get it!
(Kevin walks past the camera and opens the door, revealing Margaret.)
MARGARET: Did you know that you only live five streets down and three across?
(She steps inside.)
Maybe one thing that made Margaret a social pariah...
(Margaret crosses the camera as Kevin closes the door.)
Was she didn't know how to take a hint.
(He turns around, frowning slightly.)
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
Subtle or otherwise.
MARGARET: I brought Mortimer.
(She holds out a shoebox.)
MARGARET: He's sleeping - do you want to see?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Margaret off-screen.)
No. Don't encourage her.
KEVIN: Margaret...
(Kevin takes a step forward and frowns.)
KEVIN: You can't stay.
(Closer shot of Margaret holding out the shoebox.)
KEVIN: I have, um...
(Kevin frowns and glances off.)
KEVIN: Homework! And...
Uh...a doctor's appointment.
(Kevin looks at Margaret off-screen and sighs.)
(Close shot of Margaret retracting the box and looking off.)
MARGARET: Do you have a water tap with water?
(Shot from behind Margaret of Kevin as she turns around, then back to Kevin.)
KEVIN: Look - I'm really, really busy. Really...really...really...busy.
NORMA (V/O): Kevin?
KEVIN: So...
(Kevin looks past Margaret.)
NORMA (V/O): Who's that at the door?
(Margaret looks over her shoulder.)
(Shot of the kitchen as Norma enters from the living room carrying a basket of laundry and pauses.)
NORMA: Margaret? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Margaret looking toward Norma off-screen as Kevin looks down.)
Uh-oh. I could see Mom's radar working overtime.
(Shot of Norma smiling at Margaret off-screen, and approaching.)
In about three seconds, she was gonna fall in love.
(Shot of Margaret and Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen, and Kevin takes a step forward.)
KEVIN: She can't stay, Mom! (Frowns.)
(Shot of Norma frowning.)
NORMA: Now, I'm sure she can stay for just a little while.
(Shot of Margaret looking toward Norma off-screen as Kevin looks at Margaret, then turns away and frowns.)
NORMA (V/O): Can't you, Margaret?
(Margaret turns toward Kevin.)
Well, fine - why don't we just adopt her?
(Shot of Norma looking at them off-screen.)
NORMA: Maybe she'd like to sit down? (Nods.)
(Shot Kevin looking at Norma off-screen, and Margaret looking at him. Kevin sighs and walks toward the chair.)
That was it.
(Kevin noisily slides the chair out.)
Margaret was in like Flynn.
(Kevin flops his arms to his sides.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin, then smiling at Margaret off-screen.)
(Shot past Norma of Margaret and Kevin as Margaret turns around and holds out the shoebox toward Norma.)
MARGARET: This is my bat. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Margaret and the shoebox of Norma looking down, slightly frightened. Sound of rustling in the box.)
But hold on here!
(Norma touches her hair and frowns slightly.)
(Shot past Norma of Margaret and Kevin.)
MARGARET: He won't go in your hair unless there's bugs there.
(Close shot past the shoebox of Norma as she smiles slightly, still worried. Sound of rustling and chirping from the box.)
(Shot past Norma of Margaret and Kevin.)
MARGARET: I would have brought Isabelle, too, but her terrarium's too hard to carry.
(Shot past Margaret and the shoebox of Norma.)
NORMA: Isabelle?
(Shot past Norma of Margaret and Kevin.)
MARGARET: My tarantula.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
Holy cow. Bats and spiders?
(Close shot past the shoebox of Norma looking at the box and nodding slightly, still worried.)
Two of Mom's personal favorites...
(Shot past Norma of Margaret and Kevin.)
MARGARET: I also have a lizard, but he's sick.
(Close shot past the shoebox of Norma smiling awkwardly.)
NORMA: Oh...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen, and smiling slightly.)
Did Margaret know what she was doing?
(Close shot past the shoebox of Norma smiling awkwardly.)
NORMA: That's too bad.
(Norma looks at the shoebox, then Margaret off-screen, makes an exaggerated face, then backs away.)
NORMA: I hope he feels better!
(Norma turns away hurriedly with the laundry toward the basement.)
Amazing. Mrs. Be-Nice-To-Everyone...
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
Had been chased out of her own kitchen.
(Shot of Margaret looking over her shoulder as the basement door slams shut.)
(She turns forward and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
MARGARET: I-I guess your mother doesn't like bats.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret, then making a face and shaking his head.)
(Kevin sighs.)
(Close shot of Margaret smiling and looking down at the shoebox.)
MARGARET: Yeah, neither does mine.
(She looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down then back to Margaret off-screen.)
(Close shot of Margaret smiling and looking at the shoebox, then getting serious and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
KEVIN: So, uh...
(Kevin looks over his shoulder toward the chair, then back to Margaret off-screen.)
KEVIN: You wanna...sit down?
(Close shot of Margaret smiling broadly at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot from behind Margaret as she approaches the table, sits down, and smiles at Kevin.)
Fade to
(Close shot of a glass as Margaret lifts it. The camera pans over to Margaret and Kevin.)
And so, I spent an hour with the most unpopular girl in school.
MARGARET: Do you know where the word "tarantula" comes from?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Unh-uh.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: Well, they had this disease in Europe...(nods)...that if you got it, it made you jerk around like you were dancing.
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin looking at her with interest.)
MARGARET: And they thought it came from spiders...
She was weird, alright. But the funny thing is, she was also interesting.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
In a weird way.
MARGARET: So, they named the spider after the dance. Tarantella...(nods)... tarantula! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Margaret? Can I ask you something?
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret as she nods.)
(Shot shot of Kevin frowning at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Why do you have three pigtails?
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret as she looks off in thought, then looks at Kevin and shakes her head slightly.)
MARGARET: Because, you never know when you're gonna need an extra rubber band.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
I never met anyone like her.
(He looks at Margaret off-screen.)
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin, then smiling.)
Not that I liked her, ya understand.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
But still...
(He smiles, then looks toward the shoebox.)
(Fade to close shot of Kevin picking up a cookie. The camera pans to Kevin.)
KEVIN: So, your dad was in the Army?
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret as she nods.)
MARGARET: We travel a lot. Do you know anyone who's been to twelve schools in eight years?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin looking at his cookie, then at Margaret.)
KEVIN: That's a lot of schools.
(Kevin holds out the plate of cookies toward her.)
(Close shot of Margaret as she takes a cookie and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
MARGARET: Bats are good travelers. (Nods.) Dogs you have to leave behind.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
(Close shot of Margaret looking down at her cookie.)
(Shot of Norma as she returns from the laundry room and smiles at them off-screen.)
NORMA: Kevin? Will your friend be staying for dinner?
(She starts to put on an apron.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off and smiling.)
Now, that was a picture. Margaret, Mortimer, Mom, and Dad...
(Kevin looks at Margaret worriedly.)
(Shot of Margaret resting her head on her hand, as Wayne fades into the shot, sitting next to her. He looks from Kevin to Margaret and smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking exaggeratedly worried and leaning forward.)
KEVIN: Margaret!
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret as Kevin hurries to the door and looks out the window, then turns to Margaret in a panic.)
KEVIN: You gotta go!
(Kevin starts to help her up.)
(Shot of Norma frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): Yes, now!
(Shot of Margaret and Kevin standing at the door.)
MARGARET: Can I have another drink of water?
(Kevin reaches for a glass from the table.)
KEVIN: Here! Here's a glass - there's a hose up the street around the corner.
(Close shot of Norma frowning heavily at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Kevin!
(Shot of Kevin and Margaret. He looks at Norma and takes a step forward past Margaret then turns toward her.)
Sorry, Mom - it was ditch her or die.
(She gathers Mortimer from the table.)
MARGARET: Maybe you can come over to my house sometime.
(She looks at Kevin.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Sure!
(Kevin opens the door.)
KEVIN: Sure!
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: If you come tonight you could meet Isabelle...
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin as he guides her toward the door.)
KEVIN: I-I'll be there!
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: Is that a promise?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin looking at her.)
WAYNE (V/O): Mom?!
(Kevin looks over his shoulder, then back to Margaret.)
KEVIN: Yeah, OK! I promise!
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: Really?! You promise?! (Smiles excitedly.)
(Kevin pushes Margaret outside.)
KEVIN: I promise!
(Kevin slams the door and turns around.)
(Shot of the dining room door as Wayne leans in.)
WAYNE: What'd I miss, here?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen worriedly.)
KEVIN: Nothing!
(Shot of Norma frowning slightly at Kevin off-screen, as Wayne approaches behind her and crosses his arms.)
Nope. Nothin'. Nothin' at all.
(Close shot of Kevin as he frowns and looks off.)
Except for one...meaningless...little promise.
(Kevin hangs his head.)
Cut to
Ext. Night - Margaret's House
(Shot across a yard of Kevin walking up the sidewalk. Sound of crickets.)
That night I went to Margaret's house. But only because I promised.
(Kevin pauses and looks toward the house off-screen.)
(Shot of the house.)
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the house, then continuing along the sidewalk as the camera rolls along the hedge.)
OK - maybe it was more than that.
(Kevin slows then continues.)
Heck - she did have a tarantula in there.
(Shot of the house as Kevin walks along the pathway to the door.)
(Closer shot of Kevin standing in the doorway.)
And it was dark...
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
No one would ever see me...
(Close shot from in front of Kevin as he rings the doorbell, then puts his hands in his polo shirt pockets.)
Unless of course, someone happened to pass by. Someone I knew...
(Kevin looks over his shoulder quickly, then forward, frowning slightly.)
Someone who knew Margaret. Someone like...
RANDY (V/O): Yoohoo!
(Shot from behind Kevin as he turns around quickly.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Mike and Randy standing in the street. Randy has a bullhorn.)
RANDY: Ke-vin!
(Randy turns away slightly.)
RANDY: Look, everybody! It's Kevin Arnold!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Closer shot of Randy and Mike as Mike takes the bullhorn.)
MIKE: Hit the floods!
(Wider shot of Randy and Mike as a bank of floodlights turns on behind them.)
(Close shot of Kevin shutting his eyes against the glare, then rubbing them.)
(Sound of laughing kids.)
(Shot of Randy and Mike as other kids join them and laugh.)
GROUP: Duhhhh....duhhhh....
(Shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen, worriedly.)
(Closer shot of the group of kids.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen, worriedly.)
(Wider shot of Kevin and the house as a helicopter can be heard, and another spotlight is beamed on him. Kevin looks up and shades his eyes.)
(Shot of the helicopter in the black sky as it approaches, shining a light into the camera.)
(Wider shot of the house and Kevin in the light.)
(Shot of the helicopter and floodlight shining into the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking up at the helicopter off-screen. He shades his eyes again.)
(Shot of the helicopter and floodlight shining into the camera.)
HELICOPTER: There he is - we see him!
(Close shot of Kevin looking up at the helicopter off-screen. Some "Police drama music" plays.)
HELICOPTER (V/O): Attention, neighborhood! Attention, neighborhood! Kevin Arnold is at Margaret Farquhar's house!
(Shot of the helicopter and floodlight shining into the camera.)
HELICOPTER: I repeat...
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the group off-screen.)
HELICOPTER (V/O): Kevin Arnold is at Margaret Farquhar's house!
(Close shot of Randy and Mike in the group.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at them off-screen, as the floodlights dim. Kevin is breathing heavily. The music ends.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the empty dark street. Sound of an owl.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward the street off-screen.)
MARGARET (V/O): Coming!
(Kevin looks back toward the door, then runs toward the camera.)
(Wider shot of the house as Kevin approaches the camera and the hedge. He slows up then runs parallel to the hedge. The camera rolls with him as he runs into the side hedge.)
KEVIN: Ugh...
(He pushes through and falls to his knees. He gets up and hurries off.)
(Shot of the front of the house as Margaret opens the door and looks out.)
(Shot of Kevin running away down the sidewalk.)
All in all...I guess I lost my nerve.
Fade to
Ext. Morning - RFK School
(Shot of the front of the school, and a bus at the curb, as a stationwagon drives by. Kids are walking toward the entrance.)
PAUL (V/O): Hey...How'd you get those scratches on your arm?
Cut to
(Shot of Kevin at his open locker. Paul is holding Kevin's arm and looking at it.)
KEVIN: I don't know.
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at Kevin's arm.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
PAUL: Looks like you ran into a pricker bush.
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Paul! (Frowns.) Where do you come up with this stuff? How do you know...(shrugs)...I didn't get into a fight with a cat, or something?
(Shot past Kevin of Paul looking at Kevin's arm.)
PAUL: Well you see...
(Paul points, and looks at Kevin.)
PAUL: These scratches are lighter...(points)...and a cat's are...you know.
(Paul frowns and shrugs.)
(Shot past Paul of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Look - I just have to be by myself for awhile. OK?
(Kevin closes his locker.)
(Shot past Kevin of Paul as he turns to his locker.)
PAUL: Sure.
(Paul removes a book.)
PAUL: But I still say you fell on a pricker bush.
(Paul closes his locker and exits.)
(Shot of Kevin looking after him off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Margaret approaching the water-fountain and drinking.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen.)
I'd made my decision.
(He looks over his shoulder.)
This couldn't go on.
(Kevin bites his lip, then walks forward slowly.)
It was time to deal with it once and for all.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective as the camera rolls toward Margaret who is still drinking.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching as the camera pulls back past her. Her pigtails are in the fountain.)
KEVIN: Margaret?
(Margaret turns her head quickly.)
(Shot of Margaret looking at him off-screen, and standing up. The camera pans slightly to include Kevin.)
MARGARET: Hi, Kevin! (Smiles.) Were you at my house last night?
(Shot from behind Margaret of Kevin glancing off quickly.)
MARGARET: My bell rang.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret.)
MARGARET: Did you ring my bell?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
That's right - pour on the old guilt, why don't ya?
(Shot of Margaret.)
MARGARET: My mother made popcorn.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
KEVIN: Margaret...
(Kevin glances off, then back.)
KEVIN: I-I can't talk to you anymore.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret as she pauses, then shrugs slightly.)
MARGARET: What? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin hesitating, then glancing around.)
And then I had an idea. A great idea.
KEVIN: Well, you know...I like you, and...I think you're really nice.
(Shot of Margaret smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): But, so - we can talk to each other. But...not at school.
(Margaret's smiles fades a little.)
KEVIN (V/O): Or at my house.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen, and frowning, slightly embarrassed.)
KEVIN: Or, in front of anybody.
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): But, ya know, we could...still be friends! You know...only...no one would have to know about it.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
KEVIN: We'd be, um...(shrugs)...secret friends. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen a moment.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Margaret off-screen.)
Zowie! Talk about a solution.
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen a moment, then shaking her head slightly.)
MARGARET: Secret friends?
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Margaret off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, yeah! (Shrugs.) Kinda.
Funny thing is...I actually believed...
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen.)
She'd jump at the opportunity.
(Margaret frowns and shakes her head slightly.)
MARGARET: You don't want to talk to me?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin looking off.)
She wasn't jumping.
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret looking at him.)
MARGARET: Why don't you want to talk to me?!
(Some kids are starting to gather behind Margaret.)
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin as he looks off and shrugs.)
KEVIN: Well, it's not that I don't want to talk to you, ya know...(Shrugs.)
(Some kids are approaching behind Kevin.)
MARGARET: You don't want me to talk to you?
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin as he looks off and frowns.)
See? She was twisting it all around...
MARGARET: How can you be friends if you don't want to talk to somebody?!
(Shot past Margaret of Kevin and the kids behind him.)
RANDY (V/O): Hey, hey, hey! What's goin' on here?
(Kevin looks over his shoulder, then back to Margaret.)
KEVIN: Uh...
(Shot past Kevin of Margaret looking at him.)
MARGARET: I don't understand this! What's so awful about talking!
(Shot of Kevin as Randy and Mike approach behind him.)
RANDY: Hey, Arnold - looks like honeymoon time! (Smiles.)
MIKE: Hey, Arnold? You pop the question yet?
KEVIN: Hah-hah. (Frowns.) Very funny.
RANDY: Hey, uh, Farky? Why do they call these things pigtails?
(Close shot of Margaret frowning at Randy off-screen, and slapping his hand away.)
It was horrible. I wanted to tell them to knock it off - leave her alone.
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen.)
And Margaret - I wanted to scream at her. Why did she have to be so weird? Why couldn't she just be normal?!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
I wanted to say something...
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen.)
But I didn't.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
I couldn't.
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen.)
RANDY & MIKE (V/O): Duhhhh...
(Close shot of the floor and Margaret's shoes as she drops her books.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
It was Margaret who did the talking.
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MARGARET: I thought you were different.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen. Mike and Randy turn to each other.)
RANDY & MIKE: Oohhh... (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen a moment. The camera pans with her as she turns and walks away down the hallway, and kids watch her leave.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after Margaret off-screen.)
Fade to
(Wide shot of the kids promenading around the circle to "Turkey in the Straw".)
(Close shot of Kevin as they come to a stop. Kevin looks toward Margaret off-screen.)
(Close shot of Margaret looking at Kevin off-screen cooly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Margaret off-screen.)
("Turkey in the Straw" fades. Light guitar music plays.)
And so, that last day of square-dancing...
(Close shot of Kevin as Margaret approaches and puts her hand on his shoulder, and they spin around. She looks off.)
I danced alone. Maybe if I'd been a little braver, I could have been her friend, but...
(Fade to high shot of the kids circling around the school seal on the gym floor. Choir voices join in as the camera pulls back.)
The truth is...in seventh-grade, who you are is what other seventh-grader's say you are.
(Fade to close, very slow-motion shot of Kevin and Margaret spinning around a few times.)
Slow Fade to
(Close shot of the open yearbook is superimposed over Kevin and Margaret as they dance. The camera pans across the pages.)
The funny thing is...it's hard to remember the names of the kids you spent so much time trying to impress.
(Fade to close shot of the picture of Margaret. The camera moves in slowly.)
But you don't forget someone like Margaret Farquhar. Professor of biology. Mother of six. Friend to bats.
(Fade to shot of the page. The camera pulls back slowly as the yearbook is closed.)
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Mr. Cutlip - Robert Picardo
Margaret - Lindsay Fisher
Randy - Michael Tricario
Heidi - Ashlie Walker
Mike - Johnny Green
"She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain"
"Turkey in the Straw" - ?

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Episode Info
Wonder Years Menu
12/26/04 18:40