Episode 20 - "Brightwing"

(Clip of Timothy Leary speaking to a crowd - "Turn on, tune in, and drop out.")
(Clips of hippies dancing, playing guitar, etc.)
(Music "Subterranean Homesick Blues" - Bob Dylan plays.)
(Clip of a womans belly as she tucks flowers in her pants, and dances.)
In 1969...
(Clip of two young men wearing strange hats.)
A lot of people were doing a lot of things...
(Clip of a painted word "love" and some symbols.)
A lot of other people didn't understand.
(Wider shot of several people sitting on the ground, painting.)
(Clip of a man leading a smiling woman by a rope, across a concert field.)
(Clip of a man walking away with an American flag draped around him.)
(Clip of a man hold a blue carnation and smiling.)
(Clip of a woman sitting on the ground with flowers in her hair.)
(Clip of upraised arms, as a flower is passed along.)
"Happenings"...It was...different.
(Clip of a spaced-out young woman with "Love" painted on her forehead, looking at a piece of paper.)
It was weird.
(Clip of a large crowd spraying water at each other.)
(Clip of a man walking through a pond, and a woman holding onto his leg.)
(Clip of a packed concert crowd.)
(Music ends abruptly.)
Cut to
Ext. Evening - Arnold House
(Shot of the house and yard.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin, call your sister for dinner.
KEVIN (V/O): Karen! Dinner!
But where we lived, things were still pretty much normal.
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Kitchen
(Wide shot of Kevin, Wayne and Jack at the kitchen table. Kevin looks up.)
(Shot of the dining room door as Karen enters, "hippied" out with beads and sunglasses.)
With one exception.
(Karen walks past the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin watching Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen sitting down, and lowering her glasses.)
OK - we knew her name was Karen.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Jack and Wayne off-screen.)
But other than that...
(Shot from Karen's perspective of Wayne and Jack as they look at her and smile. Wayne shakes his head.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at them off-screen.)
She might as well have been from Mars.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at her off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking toward Jack and Wayne off-screen.)
Mars, or...Pluto.
(Karen tilts her head and makes a little face.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Kitchen
(Shot from the dining room door of Kevin at the refrigerator.)
NORMA (V/O): A "D" in math?
KAREN (V/O): Mom.
JACK (V/O) : Don't "mom" your mother.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma, Jack, and Karen sitting at the dining room table.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking over the edge of the refrigerator door toward them off-screen.)
As far as I could tell, her main function in the family was an on-going battle-of-wills with our parents.
NORMA (V/O) : You've always been good at math.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma, Jack, and Karen.)
JACK: There's gonna be plenty of math on the SAT's, believe me.
(Jack picks up Karen's report card.)
(Close shot of Karen looking down.)
KAREN: Dad, geometry has nothing to do with life! (Frowns.)
(Shot of Jack and Norma looking at her off-screen.)
JACK: "D" in math...
(Close shot of Karen looking forward.)
KAREN: You're not even listening to me! (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma, Jack, and Karen, as Karen stands and walks toward the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin next to the refrigerator holding a glass of milk, as Karen walks past the camera.)
Not that my relationship with her was entirely nil.
(A little dramatic music plays.)
Pay attention now...
(Wider shot as Karen and Kevin collide, spilling Kevin's milk. Kevin looks down, then they look at each other.)
KEVIN & KAREN: Watch it!
(Karen walks off.)
But it hadn't always been like that.
Fade to
(Snuffy's version of "Catch the Wind" plays.)
(Clip of Kevie putting on a red cowboy hat. The camera pulls back quickly, showing Kevie in cowboy boots, with a holster around his shoulders.)
(Clip of young Karen dressed in a red cowboy hat, waving at the camera. She bends down to Kevie who is playing on the floor.)
(Clip of Karen on her bed, as Kevie runs up. Karen picks him up and swings him around.)
We used to play together.
(Karen sets Kevie down and whispers in his ear.)
We used to share things. She'd tell me secrets...
(Kevie smiles.)
She'd make me laugh. We used to have fun.
(Clips of Karen swinging Kevie around.)
But that was then.
(Music ends.)
Fade to
Karen's Room
(Music "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" - Iron Butterfly plays in her room.)
(Shot of the closed door as Kevin opens it, and pauses.)
(Shot of Karen coloring in a book, on her bed. She glances at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Hey!
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: A little privacy. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off, then looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Do you mind?
KEVIN: Uh...sure!
(Close shot of Karen looking at her coloring book.)
Karen had her world...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen as he closes the door.)
And I had mine, and never the twain would meet.
(Music ends.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Street
(Shot of Kevin and Paul walking along the sidewalk.)
(Sound of squealing tires.)
(A car drives across the shot as the boys look at it.)
Until one day...
(Close shot of the driver, Julie, looking at Kevin off-screen as she stops the car.)
JULIE: Get in!
(Shot of Kevin and Paul looking at her off-screen. Kevin glances at Paul, then the car, and gestures.)
KEVIN: Us? (Frowns.)
(Shot of Karen leaning next to Julie and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: Get in - we need to talk to you.
(Close shot of Kevin looking a little surprised.)
What was this? An actual conversation in public?
(Close shot of a girl in the back seat as she opens the door.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul. Paul grins, and Kevin glances at him.)
I was suspicious.
(Paul smiles and gets in the car.)
(Shot of the back seat as Paul settles in, smiling.)
Was less so.
(Paul looks at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I think we should get in! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of the rear tire as the car squeals away.)
Cut to
On the Road
(Shot front the back seat of Julie driving. As they make a sharp turn, the tires squeal, and the girls hoot.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Julie off-screen, and frowning slightly as he hangs on.)
Well, this was different! Life in the fast-lane.
(Kevin looks at Paul off-screen.)
(Shot of Paul and Sandy as they smile.)
PAUL: Boy! Sharp turns, huh? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly as he hangs on.)
KEVIN: So where are we going?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective as Julie turns around, smiling.)
JULIE: Going crazy - want to come?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen turned toward him.)
KAREN: We need a favor.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen holding some papers.)
KAREN: We need you to drop these off for us at Tina Desario's locker.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: At your school? (Frowns.)
JULIE (V/O): First floor, end of the hall...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective as Julie turns around.)
JULIE: One-oh-seven.
(She turns forward.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning and looking at Karen off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen as she raises her eye-brows.)
KAREN: Will you do it?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: Why don't you do it? (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen. She looks toward Julie and Sandy off-screen, then to Kevin.)
KAREN: We can't - were not gonna be in school.
(Shot of Paul and Sandy as she looks at Kevin off-screen.)
SANDY: We're taking one of our free days.
(She looks at Paul.)
SANDY: Right? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
Oddly enough...I smelled a rat.
(Kevin frowns.)
KEVIN: A free day?
JULIE (V/O): It's kind of an...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Julie glancing toward Karen off-screen.)
JULIE: Independent study course.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen smiling at Julie off-screen.)
JULIE (V/O): We all take it.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling and glancing around.)
What'd they think I was? A naive little kid?
(Kevin shakes his head.)
KEVIN: I don't think I want to do it.
(Shot of Sandy and Paul.)
SANDY: Oh, come on...(Frowns.) Be cool.
(Paul looks at Sandy, then turns to Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Yeah. Come on, Kevin - be cool! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin sighing and looking off.)
Uh-oh. A cheap, obvious appeal to my sense of cool.
(Kevin looks at Karen off-screen and frowns.)
KEVIN: Well, what if somebody stops me?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen.)
KAREN: They won't. Nobody pays any attention.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Look - if it's a teacher...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen.)
KAREN: Just tell them your getting your books. If it's a student, uh...tell him it's none of his business. (Shrugs.)
(Close shot of Kevin sighing and looking off.)
KEVIN: I don't know...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen as she takes her glasses off and leans closer.)
KAREN: Look, it's just this once.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off, then toward Karen off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen.)
KAREN: Do it for me. (Smiles.) OK, Kevie?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Karen off-screen.)
Whoa - "Kevie".
(Kevin glances off.)
She hadn't called me that in years.
(He smiles and shrugs.)
(He glances at the others.)
KEVIN: But just this once.
Cut to
Int. Day - The School Hallway
(Wide shot of Kevin looking around in a hallway as the bell rings.)
(Closer shot of Kevin looking at a passing student.)
Why'd I have a bad feeling about this?
(Slow-motion low shot of students walking past the camera. Two guys pause and look down at the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin as people walk past him.)
(Shot of the lockers as Kevin walks toward them.)
OK - I said I'd do it.
(Kevin looks up at the lockers, pauses, and sighs.)
So the best thing to do is just find the locker, drop the notes, and get out while the gettin' was still good.
(Kevin slides the note in the locker slot.)
GEORGE (V/O): Need some help?
(Kevin looks toward a man at the dg of the shot.)
(Close shot of a man looking at Kevin off-screen.)
I had a decision to make. Student? Teacher?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the man off-screen.)
KEVIN: Uh...
(Kevin looks off and frowns.)
KEVIN: None of your business? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin as the man smiles, shrugs and turns away.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at him off-screen.)
(Bell rings.)
(Kevin hurries away.)
JULIE (V/O): You did it?
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Car
(Close shot of Kevin in the back seat.)
JULIE (V/O): You you really did it?
PAUL (V/O): I told you he'd do it.
(Shot of Paul and Sandy looking at each other, as Paul smiles and nods.)
JULIE: Boy! That is so cool!
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
Yeah - I was cool.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Karen smiling at him.)
After all...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
I was I was playin' with the big guys, now.
(Kevin smiles and leans forward excitedly.)
KEVIN: So! Where do we go now?
Cut to
Ext. Day - RFK Junior High
(Close shot of the front of the car as it screeches to a stop.)
(Shot of the car in front of the school as the bell rings.)
(Kevin opens the door.)
KAREN: You guys got one minute to get to class!
(Paul gets out.)
Not exactly what I had in mind.
(The car pulls away.)
(Closer shot of Kevin and Paul as the car pulls out of the shot.)
Still, Karen and I had kinda shared something.
(They look after the car and Kevin sighs.)
And there was no harm done.
(Kevin looks at Paul.)
WAYNE (V/O): Where you and Karen go in Julie's car this morning?
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Living Room
(Shot of Wayne with his arms crossed.)
WAYNE: Hmmm?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
Woops. Maybe I spoke too soon.
(Wider shot of Wayne sitting on the table next to Norma in the chair. Jack is at the dining room table in the background.)
WAYNE: Not that it's any of my business, of course.
(Shot of Karen and Kevin on the couch, looking at Wayne off-screen.)
WAYNE (V/O): I saw you at the bus-stop. So, let's just say I'm...
(Close shot of Wayne.)
WAYNE: Curious.
Leave it to Wayne...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen, a little worried.)
To ferret out potential mis-doings.
(Shot of Wayne, Norma and Jack as Wayne eats a banana.)
NORMA: You gave Kevin a ride?
(Close shot of Karen looking at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: Well, sure!
(She nods once and smiles.)
NORMA (V/O): A ride to where?
KAREN: To school...
(She frowns and nods once.)
KAREN: Right, Kev?
(She turns to Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her off-screen, a little concerned.)
KEVIN: Uh, yeah! To school.
(Close shot of Norma looking at them off-screen.)
NORMA: In...Julie's car?
(Shot of Karen and Kevin as they nod.)
NORMA: Oh. (Nods.) That was nice of you.
(Close shot of Wayne leaning toward Norma off-screen.)
WAYNE: Except...they didn't go right to school.
(Wayne looks toward Kevin and Karen off-screen.)
WAYNE: Did ya, guys?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne, then Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN: No...(nods)...we didn't, Wayne.
(Close shot of Wayne looking at them off-screen.)
WAYNE: I didn't think so.
(Close shot of Norma looking from Wayne to Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen.)
KAREN: See, Julie's car was sputtering...
(Karen frowns, nods and gestures.)
KAREN: It does that when it's low on gas...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen with mild surprise.)
KAREN (V/O): But Julie thought that we could make it to a gas-station.
(Kevin frowns.)
(Kevin looks toward Wayne off-screen.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Karen off-screen.)
WAYNE: Really...
(Close shot of Karen looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN: But then...we saw Kevin and Paul...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): So Sandy said, "Let's pick 'em up...
(Kevin looks at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): "In case we have to push".
(Kevin frowns.)
(Close shot of Wayne looking at them off-screen.)
WAYNE: And then?
(Close shot of Karen nodding at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN: And then...(gestures)...we made it to the gas-station.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): And there was this really cute guy working the pumps...
(Kevin looks at Karen then back to Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): So we stopped to talk for a while...
(Kevin looks at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KAREN: And then...we dropped Kevin and Paul off at school!
(She glances at Kevin, then looks at Wayne.)
KAREN: Right, Kev?
(She turns to Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
What was I gonna say?
(Shot of Wayne, Norma and Jack.)
This story wasn't gonna float!
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: Well...(Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma.)
NORMA: You were lucky.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen and frowning.)
KEVIN: Huh?!
NORMA: You could have been late for school. (Nods.) Both of you!
(Close shot of Wayne frowning.)
WAYNE: Mom, they didn't -
(Close shot of Jack at the table.)
JACK: Why the hell is Julie drivin' around with no gas. Didn't she ever hear...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Of checkin' the gas-gauge?
(Close shot of Wayne frowning.)
WAYNE: Dad...
(Close shot of Jack as he waves his finger.)
JACK: That funny little dial on the dashboard.
(Close shot of Wayne frowning, then sighing.)
NORMA (V/O): Maybe...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: We should give Karen some money so she can chip in for gas.
(Close shot of Kevin looking forward.)
Amazing. Karen had pulled it off.
(Kevin looks at Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen with her head tilted over, looking at Norma off-screen.)
She got them thinking like...parents!
(Karen straightens up and smiles.)
KAREN: Well, I gotta do my homework.
(Wider shot of Kevin and Karen as she stands up and walks past Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking after her.)
I was beginning to look at my sister with a new respect.
(Kevin looks off and smiles slightly.)
Cut to
Karen's Room
(Close shot of the door as Kevin opens it.)
(Some tabla music plays on her record player.)
(Kevin leans against the wall as he sighs and smiles at Karen off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen sitting cross-legged on her bed, coloring.)
(Wider shot of Kevin smiling at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: The gas-gauge.
(Kevin turns and struts over to a high-back wicker chair and sits down.)
KEVIN: That was some story. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Karen as she colors.)
KEVIN (V/O): I can't believe Mom and Dad bought it.
(Karen glances up, and shakes her head and frowns.)
KAREN: They never listen.
(Close shot of Kevin as he reaches down and picks up an album cover.)
KEVIN: Yeah...
(Kevin looks thoughtful.)
KEVIN: That was pretty fun today, huh? (Smiles.)
KAREN (V/O): What was fun?
KEVIN: Well, you know, the school and all...(Smiles.)
(Shot of Karen as she colors.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen and gesturing.)
KEVIN: I-I can't believe your lockers are the same size as ours. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Karen as she colors.)
Yep. We were really connecting now...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: So, uh...where'd ya go today? Really. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Karen looking up and frowning.)
KAREN: Kevin!
(Close shot of Kevin as he slowly spins the album cover between his hands.)
(Close shot of Karen frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: Be careful with that.
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: Sorry!
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen, and shaking her head slightly.)
KAREN: Don't you have any homework to do? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin taking a breath and looking off.)
KEVIN: Well...
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: And close the door on your way out. OK? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: OK...(Frowns.)
(Kevin sets the album cover down, stands up, looks toward Karen, then walks to the door.)
If that's the way she wanted it.
(Kevin looks at Karen off-screen.)
(Wider shot of Karen as she looks at Kevin off-screen, then sighs and look away.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he opens the door and looks at Karen off-screen.)
Anyway, that was the end of my relationship with my sister.
(Kevin closes the door.)
(Sound of a car screeching to a halt.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Street
(Close shot of Julie's car as it screeches to a stop.)
(Close shot of Sandy opening the rear door and looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen leaning over next to Julie, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: We need another favor.
(Close shot of Sandy holding the rear door open.)
PAUL (V/O): Come on, man!
(Shot of Kevin and Paul as Paul grins at him, then hurries past the camera.)
(Close shot of Karen leaning over next to Julie as they watch Paul pass them, then looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin frowning and looking off.)
(Shot of Karen and Julie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: Look - it's the last time, I promise.
(Shot of Kevin frowning at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: No way! (Gestures.) I-I-I just did you a favor last week!
(Shot of Karen and Julie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: It's really important. (Frowns.)
JULIE: Really...important.
(Shot of Paul and Sandy looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: It sounds pretty important to me!
(Closer shot of Kevin looking off-screen and frowning.)
Amazing. Did they think they could turn me on and off like a...
(Shot of Karen and Julie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
...like a...
(Shot of Paul and Sandy looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen and gesturing with both arms.)
KEVIN: Your gonna get in trouble! Karen - you're ditching school! (Frowns.) Mom and Dad are going to find out...
(Shot of Karen and Julie. Julie glances at Karen then to Kevin off-screen.)
JULIE: I guess he's not as cool as we thought. (Nods.)
(Shot of Kevin as he gestures.)
KEVIN: Fine. I'm not cool.
(Shot of Karen and Julie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: It's OK. (Frowns.)
(She shakes her head.)
KAREN: You don't have to do it. I understand. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
(Shot of Karen and Julie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Paul and Sandy looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
Aw, heck. Was I made of stone?
(Kevin sighs and nods.)
KEVIN: Let's go...
(Close shot of the rear tire as the car squeals away.)
Cut to
Int. Day - School Hallway
(Shot of Kevin walking up in the crowded hallway, frowning.)
OK...some words that come to mind, here. Sucker, stooge, push-over.
(Kevin looks off.)
(Wide shot of George approaching and smiling.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at George as he passes by.)
Still, Karen had said it was important.
(George slows and looks over his shoulder at Kevin, then walks off, as Kevin glances at the locker, and off.)
Maybe there was a reason she was skipping school. Something I wouldn't understand...
(Kevin looks down at the papers.)
Something complicated.
(Close shot of the papers as he pulls out the note.)
(Close shot of the note. "Tina - Meet me after school at the hill")
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
KEVIN: "The Hill"?!
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Hill
(Shot of Kevin riding his bike down a path through the grass. Brightwing can be heard playing the guitar.)
(Kevin slows up near the camera and looks off.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Brightwing sitting on a large boulder playing his guitar. Karen sits on the ground, painting the rock.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
I was mad.
(Closer shot of Brightwing and Karen.)
This was why I was risking thirteen year old life and limb?
(Close shot of Kevin as he gets off his bike and drops it, then walks past the camera.)
(Wider shot past Karen as Kevin approaches.)
KAREN: That's really beautiful...
(Shot from behind Kevin as he approaches them.)
KAREN: Brightwing.
(Kevin pauses.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he frowns and mouths...)
(Close shot of Karen painting the rock, and looking at Brightwing off-screen.)
BRIGHTWING (V/O): The rain'll wash it off. And then it'll be perfect.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
Gimme a break.
KEVIN: Hey! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Karen as she turns toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin walking toward the camera.)
(Shot past Kevin of Karen as he approaches.)
KAREN: Kevin...(Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: Look. We've got to talk - about the notes - about everything!
(Close shot of Karen looking at him off-screen.)
KAREN: You haven't told anyone, have you? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin shaking his head and frowning at her off-screen.)
KEVIN: No, but...!
(Kevin pauses and frowns.)
I wanted to tell her that this was wrong.
(Shot past Kevin of Karen as she stands up.)
That somebody was bound to find out. That she c-
(Karen smiles and hugs him.)
(Another Snuffy version of "Catch the Wind" plays.)
KAREN: I knew I could trust you!
(Close shot from behind Karen as Kevin frowns, then smiles and hugs her.)
(Wide shot of Kevin, Karen and Brightwing, as Karen lifts Kevin and spins him around, and they laugh.)
(Closer shot of Kevin and Karen spinning around.)
(Wide shot of Kevin and Karen spinning, then falling to the ground, laughing.)
I could always tell her tomorrow.
(Music fades.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Karen's School
(Shot of Kevin confidently walking up the hallway, chewing a big wad of gum.)
Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.
(Kevin blows a big bubble and pops it as he walks toward the locker.)
Whatever that meant.
(Kevin pauses at he locker.)
Wednesday morning's were becoming routine.
(Kevin slips the note in the locker.)
(Kevin looks off-screen, and nods slightly as he chews his gum.)
(Close shot of George looking at Kevin off-screen as he crosses his arms.)
GEORGE: George Finch. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at George off-screen. He frowns and nods slightly.)
KEVIN: Kevin Arnold.
(Close shot of George looking at Kevin off-screen.)
GEORGE: How ya doin'? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at George off-screen. He shakes his head slightly.)
KEVIN: Not bad...
(Kevin looks at him off-screen while chewing his gum.)
KEVIN: Seeya, George!
(Music - "You Can All Join In" - Traffic starts.)
(Kevin turns around and walks away.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - The Hill
(Wide shot of Kevin riding his bike down the path.)
And then after school...I was up to the hill.
(Shot of Sandy swinging on a rope.)
"Here's a little song you can all join in with"
(Close shot of Sandy doing some needlework.)
"It's very simple and I hope it's new"
(Close shot of Karen painting the rock.)
"Make your own words up if you want to"
(Close shot of Kevin holding a guitar and smiling.)
"Any old words that you think will do, yeah"
(Shot of Julie and Sandy sitting on a rock as Sandy plays the guitar.)
(Close shot of Brightwing playing the guitar.)
(Close shot of Kevin with a guitar as Julie puts her black felt hat on him.)
(Shot of Kevin, Brightwing and Karen as Kevin swings off on the rope. the camera pans with him out them back, and Karen and Brightwing catch him.)
"Yellow, blue, what'll I do"
(Shot of some tall grass. The camera pans up to Kevin in the background in a yoga lotus position, with his eyes closed.)
"Maybe I'll just sit here thinking"
(Close shot of Sandy smiling.)
"Black, white"
(Wider shot of Kevin with a guitar, and Julie and Sandy sitting on the rock.)
"Stop the fight, does one of these colors ever bother you"
(Close shot of Kevin with the guitar as the black hat gets put on his head.)
(Shot of Kevin, Brightwing and Karen as Kevin swings off on the rope. the camera pans with him out them back.)
It was fun!
(Karen and Brightwing push him off again. The camera pans with him.)
"Here's a little dance you can all join in with"
Maybe because they were big kids...and I was a little kid.
"It's very simple and I hope it's new"
(Karen and Brightwing catch Kevin as he swings back.)
Or maybe it was something else.
(Close shot past Kevin of Karen smiling at him.)
"Make your own steps up if you want to"
(Shot past Karen of Kevin laughing. He has a few dabs of paint on his face.)
"Any old steps that you think will do"
(Shot past Kevin of Karen as she rubs his head.)
(Shot past Karen of Kevin frowning and twisting his head.)
(Shot past Kevin of Karen smiling at him.)
(Shot past Karen of Kevin as she dabs a dot of paint on his nose.)
(Shot past Kevin of Karen smiling and rubbing his head.)
(Music ends abruptly.)
Cut to
Int. Afternoon - Arnold Kitchen
(Close shot of Kevin on the phone.)
(The theme from "One-Adam Twelve" plays on the TV.)
KEVIN: I'm not avoiding you, Paul. (Frowns.)....I-I just went on a ride with myself - that's all......Yeah......Alright. Seeya tomorrow.
(Kevin hangs up, takes a step toward the camera, then pauses.)
WAYNE (V/O): What's that on you face?
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne holding a carrot, standing next to Norma who faces the sink.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he looks surprised.)
KEVIN: Uh...
(He quickly rubs his nose.)
KEVIN: I was, uh...
(Kevin glances off as he breathes heavily.)
Uh-oh...Stay calm, now. How would Karen handle this?
KEVIN: Fingerpainting!
(Close shot of Wayne laughing, and glancing at Norma then back to Kevin off-screen.)
WAYNE: Fingerpainting?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Uh, yeah...in art class.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Wayne and Norma.)
WAYNE: Come on, Kevin. (Frowns.) Fingerpainting is for five-year-olds.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Wayne off-screen.)
KEVIN: Th-th-that's the idea...it was just...like, uh...an experiment.
(Close shot of Wayne.)
WAYNE: Oh, please continue.
(Wayne laughs a little.)
WAYNE: This is fascinating.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Uh...
(He rubs his nose.)
KEVIN: See...
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Kevin off-screen expectantly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
NORMA: Ugh...
(Shot past Kevin of Wayne and Norma as she bends forward and puts her finger in her mouth.)
(Norma turns toward Wayne and gestures.)
NORMA: Wayne...
(Norma tears off a paper towel.)
NORMA: Wayne - run and get me a band-aid...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen, then glancing off.)
Whoa - close call.
(Shot of Wayne and Norma looking at each other, then Wayne looks at Kevin.)
NORMA: Thank you...
(She shakes her finger.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
And suddenly I got this...
(A bit of heavenly music plays.)
Weird feeling.
(Close soft-focus shot of Norma looking down.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Close soft-focus shot of Norma looking down.)
My God - my mother was spilling her own blood, making my dinner...
(Norma looks at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
And all I was giving her in return were lies.
(Normal close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Music ends.)
NORMA: Honey? Are you OK? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Uh, s-sure, Mom.
(Normal close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: Well, you look all white. (Smiles.) It's just a little cut. It's nothing to worry about. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
(Sound of tapping. Kevin looks over his shoulder at the TV.)
(Close shot from behind Kevin as he looks over his shoulder.)
(TV Fantasy. Close shot of the TV. Black-and-white shot of Jack and Norma dressed in police uniforms, standing at a closed door.)
-JACK: Open it up! We know you're in there!
(Close shot from behind Kevin as he looks over his shoulder.)
-(Closer shot of Jack and Norma.)
-JACK: Open up! No use tryin' to hide from us...
-NORMA: We know all about your secret!
-(Norma knocks on the door.)
-NORMA: Open up, Kevin!
-(The door opens. Kevin is wearing a hippie outfit.)
-(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma looking at him, as Jack waves his night-stick.)
-(Shot past Jack and Norma of Kevin. The camera zooms in quickly and the shot fades to color. Kevin's nose is painted red.)
-KEVIN: Mom? (Frowns.) Dad? (Frowns.)
-(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma looking at him, as Jack waves his night-stick.)
-JACK: Book 'em, Norma.
-(Norma holds up a pair of hand-cuffs, and lets one drop.)
-(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
-(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Norma looking at him, as they laugh.)
Cut to
Int. Night - Kevin and Wayne's Bedroom
(Close shot of Kevin sitting up in bed, sweaty, and panting. He rubs his face and looks off.)
Suddenly, I felt in over my head.
Cut to
Int. Evening - Living Room
(Wide shot of Karen in the chair, and Kevin and Jack on the couch, watching TV.)
And then...the next night...
(Closer shot of Kevin and Jack as Kevin flexes some kind of stick.)
It happened.
NORMA (V/O): Um, Karen?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma approaching Karen.)
NORMA: Is something wrong at school?
(Shot of Kevin and Jack. Kevin is looking at Norma off-scren, and breaks the stick.)
KAREN (V/O): I don't think so.
(Jack looks at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Why?
(Close shot of Norma frowning at Jack off-screen, then at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: How's your math coming?
(Close shot of Karen looking up at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: Fine! (Nods.)
(Karen looks down, and turns a page of her notepad.)
KAREN: I'm doing it now.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Norma off-screen, then looking off and sighing.)
Phew - false alarm. Just a homework nudge.
(Kevin looks toward the TV off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): I just got a, uh, call...
(Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): From a guidance counselor...
(Close shot of Norma looking from Karen off-screen, to Jack off-screen, and back.)
NORMA: A George...something.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen and looking a little worried.)
Did she say "George"?
(A bit of music of doom plays.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: Do you know him?
(Close shot of Karen looking up at Norma off-screen and smiling.)
KAREN: Yeah! Yeah, he's cute. (Nods.) He's young.
KAREN (V/O): He looks like a student.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen.)
NORMA: George Finch.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen and looking a little worried.)
(A bit of music of doom plays.)
NORMA (V/O): He wants me to...come in for a conference, tomorrow.
(Close shot of Jack frowning toward Norma off-screen.)
JACK: What kinda conference? (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma and Karen looking at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA: I'm not sure.
(Norma looks at Karen.)
NORMA: He said we'd discuss it tomorrow.
JACK (V/O): What's this all about?
(Close shot of Kevin turning to Jack off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): I have no idea, Dad.
(Close shot of Kevin turning to Karen off-screen.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Jack off-screen.)
KAREN: Maybe he wants to talk about my future.
(Karen pauses, then looks at Norma off-screen.)
KAREN: Maybe he wants to talk about my life.
(Karen pauses, then frowns heavily at Jack off-screen.)
KAREN: Isn't that what everyone around here likes to talk about? (Frowns.) What's gonna happen to poor Karen?!
(Karen slams down her notepad and stands up.)
(The camera pans to Norma looking after Karen off-screen.)
Another great performance.
(Shot of Jack frowning as he watches Karen walk past him.)
Maybe she could pull it off!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
Anyway, now was not the time to panic.
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
(Close shot of Jack frowning and nodding at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: I'm comin' with you to that conference.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
(A bit of music of doom plays.)
(Kevin looks forward and frowns.)
Now was the time to panic.
(A bit of music of doom plays.)
Cut to
Karen's Room
(Shot of the closed door as Kevin quickly opens it, and slams it behind him.)
KEVIN: You've gotta tell 'em. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Karen reclining on her bed, coloring.)
KEVIN: We've gotta tell them, now.
(Shot past Karen of Kevin as he approaches and holds one of the bedsteads, and gestures.)
KEVIN: And they're gonna find out tomorrow, anyway!
(Shot from behind Kevin of Karen as she taps her pencil and looks at him.)
KAREN: So what?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at her and shaking his head slightly.)
Did this person have cement in her head?
KEVIN: Well, if we tell them now, they'll understand.
(He looks off and shrugs.)
KEVIN: They'll ground us for a couple of weeks...(nods)...but you know Mom and Dad...they're -
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: I hate to burst your bubble, little one...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): But Mom and Dad are not the sun and the moon.
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: They're people! Like you and me!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
(Kevin shakes his head and frowns slightly.)
They were Mom and Dad.
KEVIN: But -
(Kevin frowns.)
(Shot past Kevin of Karen as she slides her painting forward and sits up.)
KAREN: Kevin, I'm sorry I got you into this.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): But everything's gonna be OK. Now, will you trust me?
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: Only if you do something for me.
KAREN (V/O): What?
KEVIN: You've got to promise not to cut school anymore.
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: And you gotta promise to stop going to the hill. (Pause.) Will you do that?
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: OK. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: Really? (Smiles.) You promise?!
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: No school...no hill. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Karen off-screen.)
And suddenly, it was like a ten-ton weight lifted off me.
KAREN (V/O): Everything is gonna be just fine, Kevie.
(Kevin nods and smiles at Karen off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Close shot of Karen smiling and nodding at Kevin off-screen.)
KAREN: Yeah.
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Karen off-screen, then turning toward the door. He hesitates, and looks over his shoulder.)
(Some Snuffy guitar plays.)
(Wide shot of Karen smiling at him off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Karen off-screen, then exiting.)
Fade to
Int. Night - Kevin and Wayne's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin in bed, smiling.)
That night, it did seem fine.
(Kevin rolls onto his side.)
Things were back to the way they should be. It was going be OK.
Fade to
Ext. Night - Arnold House
(Shot of the house and yard. Sound of crickets.)
JACK (V/O): Now, look. It-it, I know 's two-thirty in the morning...and we're, we're just tryin' to find our daughter.
Cut to
Int. Night - Arnold Kitchen
(Close shot of Jack's torso as Kevin approaches from the dining room.)
JACK (On the phone): We thought she might be with Julie.
(Jack moves out of the shot, as Kevin rubs his head.)
JACK (On the phone): No - Julie's not here!...Who?
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O - On the phone): Sandy Potter?
(Kevin looks toward Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): No, I called her first. Maybe they're at Tina's.
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O to Norma): Who the hell is Tina...?
Karen had lied to me.
JACK (V/O - On the phone): Did you look in your garage?....The garage! Doesn't she keep that bucket of bolts in the damn garage?
It was time to face the music.
(Jack sighs heavily and paces at the edge of the frame.)
KEVIN: Uh, I-I know where she is.
JACK (V/O - On the phone): Well check it, for - !
JACK (V/O to Norma): He didn't even check his damn garage...
KEVIN: Uh, I-I've been helping her ditch school, and, and-and...
JACK (V/O - On the phone): Look, look, uh, check that Tina...
(Jack's gestures toward Norma.)
JACK (V/O - On the phone): What's-her-name's number...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma and Jack. Norma turns to her purse as Jack is on the phone.)
Karen was right - they never listened.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: I-I know where she is! She's at the hill. It-it...that's where she goes...
(Kevin shrugs slightly as he itemizes on his fingers.)
KEVIN: With Julie and Sandy and Tina!
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma and Jack.)
JACK (on the phone): A note...
(Jack looks at Norma.)
JACK (to Norma): Julie left a note.
(Norma turns around, concerned.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: I said she's at the hill! (Frowns.) That's where she goes - that's her big secret! (Frowns.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma and Jack as Jack slams the phone down, then looks at Norma.)
JACK: They took Julie's car...They've gone to San Francisco.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen, then looking away.)
NORMA (V/O): They've run away?
JACK (V/O): I'll, uh...put on some clothes.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Norma and Jack, as Jack touches Norma's arm and walks past her, then past the camera.)
(Norma looks after him off-screen, then covers her mouth and starts to cry.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen as Jack walks therough the doorway in the background. The camera moves in slowly.)
NORMA (V/O): Oh, my God...
(Kevin looks over his shoulder, then at Norma off-screen.)
I didn't sleep. I laid there...
Fade to
Wayne and Kevin's Bedroom
(Close shot of Kevin in bed, looking at the ceiling.)
Thinking about what had happened to Karen...to me...to all of us.
(Kevin yawns a little.)
About how big the world is, and how full of strangers. And how I might never see my sister again.
(Music "Catch the Wind" - Donovan starts and plays throughout.)
Fade to
(Clip of young Kevie smiling into the camera.)
"In the chilly hours and minutes"
(Karen drags him backwards across the floor.)
"Of uncertainty"
(She holds up the toy Conestoga wagon Kevie was playing with.)
"I want to be"
(She takes off her red cowboy hat and puts it on Kevie.)
"In the warmhold"
(New clip of Karen setting Kevie down and whispering in his ear.)
"Of your loving mind"
(Kevie smiles.)
"To feel you"
(Clip of Karen spinning Kevin around quickly.)
"All around me"
"And to take your hand"
"Along the sand"
(New clip of Kevin and Karen sitting on the floor as Karen takes off a cowboy boot.)
"Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind"
(Kevie puts it on as Karen removes the other boot. Karen leans forward and crawls off-screen.)
"When sundown pales the sky"
(Kevin puts on the second boot.)
(New clip of Karen wearing the red cowboy hat, and waving at the camera.)
"I want to hide awhile"
(She smiles, then kneels down next to Kevin, who is playing with the toy wagon. The camera pans to Kevie.)
"Behind your smile"
(Kevin looks toward the camera and smiles.)
"And everywhere I'd look"
(He stands up and smiles.)
"Your eyes I'd find"
(Kevie walks forward smiling, as Karen climbs on the bed.)
Fade to
Wayne and Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot past Wayne of Kevin.)
"For me to love you now"
(Sound of a car pulling up outside.)
"Would be the sweetest thing"
(Kevin gets up on his elbows. The camera moves in slowly.)
"It would make me sing"
"Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind"
(Sound of the car doors opening and closing.)
(Sound of the kitchen door opening.)
(Sound of Karen crying.)
"When rain has hung the leaves with tears"
Fade to
(Shot of Karen sitting between Jack and Norma at the table, looking down and crying. Norma has her arm around her shoulders.)
"I want you near"
"To kill my fears"
(Shot of the living room doorway as Kevin approaches and leans on it, looking toward Karen off-screen.)
"To help me to leave"
In 1969, people tried so hard...
"All my blues behind"
(Shot of Karen, Jack and Norma. Karen is looking down.)
To find themselves.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Karen off-screen, and shrugging slightly.)
Sometimes they got lost.
"For standing in your heart"
(Shot of Jack and Karen looking at each other. Jack says something and flips her lip with his finger.)
"Is where I want to be"
(Shot of Kevin leaning his head against the doorway with his arms crossed, looking at them off-screen.)
"And I long to be"
Sometimes they found their way home again.
(Close shot of Karen looking up at toward Kevin off-screen and smilimg slightly.)
"Ah, but I may as well"
(Shot of Kevin as he stands up straighter and looks at Karen off-screen.)
"Try and catch the wind"
(Close shot of Karen looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Karen off-screen. He raises his eye-brows and smiles slightly.)
"Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind"
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Julie - Kyra Stempel
Sandy - Devon Pierce
George - Darren Powell
"Subterranean Homesick Blues" - Bob Dylan
"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" - Iron Butterfly
"You Can All Join In" - Traffic
"Catch the Wind" - Donovan

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Episode Info
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12/26/04 18:15