"Lisa's Bulletin Board"
This page is for comments or questions to Lisa.
The way it works is you email me at wykyleg at yahoo with the question or comment for me to post here.
At her leisure, and only if she wants to, Lisa will send me a reply to post here :-)

1. I'm interested in knowing why (Lisa) thinks she got the part, and where Cara's world-weary temperament came from. Did the producers have in mind to begin with a 14-year-old girl who had already decided that she was in a rut she could never get out of? Or was the ennui part of Lisa's interpretation of the character?
Ken, 3/1/01
Hi, Ken. Well, I'm not exactly sure why I got the part. It was between me and Alicia Silverstone (!) and at the last meeting we both met Fred to feel out the chemistry. Apparently he liked her better, but the director thought that I had a better look. I don't think the producers thought of finding a girl in a rut, I just think they wanted someone who seemed like "they didn't care" and had a certain non-chalance. As for my interpretation of the character, I didn't spend too much time interpreting. I just tried to be as natural as possible.
2. I wondered if you could comment on your character's importance to the Wonder Years, taken as a whole series. In my view, Cara was unique in that she was the only "summer fling" (for Kevin or any other character) to return in a later episode. She was also one of the few characters that made Kevin want to willingly stray from Winnie. Did you know Cara was even referenced in the series finale? During an argument between Kevin and Winnie over a guy she met while working at a resort, Winnie says, "Oh, like you never looked at somebody else? ... How about that girl last summer? At the lake." I feel that Cara's brief appearances played a major role in the series, and I'd like to hear your comments about this.
Jeff, 3/1/01
Jeff, I didn't realize the significance of my character while doing the show, but certainly after. I've heard very flattering things about my character and performance. I feel very lucky to have played such a well-written part. It may have been such a good fit because at the time, I was a bit scared to be on a set with people I had admired for so long. I was shy. That may have given me an introverted edge that worked for the character.
3. I remember the first time I saw the Wonder Years episode with Lisa Gerber...I believe it was entitled "The Lake." What a stone fox. I've never forgotten her...she lives on in my mind as THE TRUE LOVE OF KEVIN ARNOLD...forget Winnie. Kevin and Cara were meant to be.
Jennye, 3/8/01
4. Not only was Cara a babe, but more importantly, she also had a warm heart. It was very nice of her to share it with Kevin, which earned my utmost admiration and respect for her. Kevin's biggest mistake of the series was not driving the three hours on the weekend, and not sending those Christmas cards. Idiot!
Joe, 3/12/01
5. Kyle...the Lisa pictures are great. I think the one with you is actually the best and prettiest (talking about Lisa here, of course). I like that even better than the agency pictures even tho' they look more like Cara. They can do anything with a girl in those portfolio pictures, but she has to be genuinely "lovely" to come out so well in an ordinary snapshot.
Harper, 3/25/01
6. Dear Lisa, I saw your production of Johnny & Jewel in NYC. Great work! The entire ensemble worked very well together, carried by you (and the fella who played Johnny whose name escapes me). How did the run go? Was the show picked up? Are you planning on more NYC theatre work with that company of young actors? Thank You...
Eddie, 4/02/01
7. I've just seen Cara's episodes of the Wonder Years which are being repeated over here in England. I'm 15 and I thought she was stunningly beautiful, certainly the best looking girl I've ever seen of my age and in my opinion she did more than steal the show, she stole the whole series. Kevin was mad not to send her those Christmas cards. I was just wondering if she is planning to do any plays in England and whether there are any film projects on the horizon.
Chris, 6/17/01
Hey, how's it going? I'm in Boston now and would love to answer some of the latest postings but can't. You pretty much know all the answers yourself, right? No films on the horizon...I wish...and I am really and truly flattered by the comments (especially the last one). The one about Johnny and Jewel was, as I suspected, written by one of my cast mates...ha ha.
lisa, 6/17/01
Kyle's P.S. - Lisa is due to graduate in a few weeks from Emerson College, located in Boston. Emerson College is the nation's only four-year college devoted exclusively to the study of communication and performing arts.
8. Hi. I'm wondering how I could get in touch with Lisa. We were good friends once upon a time at the British Primary School in Stockholm. We used to pretend we were from Venus and we were sent to earth to study all you earthlings. Can't remember my Venutian name, nor hers either. We had this other best friend called Colleen. Wonder if they still keep in touch? She always used to send me Archie comics when I moved back to Zimbabwe. Could you forward this email to her? It would be great to hear from her and to reminisce about old times, including that georgeous Australian boy we all thought was amazing.
Shandurai, 7/10/01
Kyle, I just wanted to thank you for having that web site. I have been trying to get in touch with that girl for about 13 years. We were best friends when we were 9 and around that age. She moved to Zimbabwe when we were ten or something (her dad is some kinda diplomat) and me and Colleen haven't been able to contact her since. I'm so happy I found her! And you helped me! You're better than Sally Jesse Raphael!
Lisa, 7/10/01
9. I just watched episode 70 of the wonder years and saw this adorable and beautiful girl named Cara that Kevin met at the lake. She was gorgous for her age and I started thinking she would be in her early twenties. What happened to her? I figured she must be a goddess because she had one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. Not only was she very beautiful she could act extremely well and I started wondering where is Lisa. After I finished watching the episode I started looking on the internet for more info about her and saw she has made only a few on-screen appearances. I don't know what is wrong with Hollywood that they would not notice this incredibly beautiful girl. I wish there was more info about her, she is truly captivating.
Arthur, 8/13/01
10. The Wonder Years was and will always be my favourite TV series. Most of all I will always remember that girl by the lake with Kevin during one summer vacation. Cara was indeed quite a babe. Though she appeared in only two episodes for the entire run of the series her impact on the storyline was disproportionately high.
Esubijani, 8/22/02
11. The Wonder Year is best TV serial on the world. And the 70 part of TWY is the most wonderfull TV product that I ever see, because Lisa Gerber alias Cara is the most wonderfull girl on the World. She is the one. I want to be Kevin in this 70 part :-D . Good bye Lisa. Good Luck.
Paul Lostak Czech republic, 8/29/02
12...I just wanted to tell you I thought your website about "Cara" or Lisa Gerber is fantastic. Of course the Wonder Years is my tv favorite series ever created and I watch it whenever I am able to catch a re-run on tv. I'm 20 so I only recently began watching the show a few years back when it became syndicated. The other day I saw my favorite episode when Kevin was at the lake on summer vacation and when he met Cara. Like you and many others I began to wonder what this beautiful girl has been in since the wonder years. I came upon your website and thought it was just awesome of you to make this web page all about her. And it was great to see you reunited Lisa with one of her friends.
Mike, 10/03/02
13. Dear Lisa. Many thanks for your fine performances in the Wonder Years episodes, the second of which was screened for the first time, believe it or not, just a few days ago. I had previously seen the episode where Cara first meets Kevin over ten years ago but inexplicably the "reunion" episode was never shown throughout the show's original run. Amazing, that it took a decade before it was finally screened. It may interest you to know that The Wonder Years was a huge hit here in Australia in the early nineties and, for me, it was required viewing. They are currently showing the episodes which weren't screened the first time, on a different television network. Before I sign off I would very much like to know whether you've had much training in dialogue delivery. You delivered your lines flawlessly and with such immaculate timing. Good director?....or just innate talent?...probably the latter! Good luck with whatever it is you're up to these days, whether it be acting or something else. And thanks again.
Regards and an Aussie hello (or g'day!)
Eddy, 01/23/03
14. Basically, I grew up with the Wonder Years, it was the only show my parents would let me watch because they wanted me to understand other times and learn "good wholesome values of growing up." I always fought them on it, because I thought the show was boring, but even at the age of about 7, I remember "The Lake." These days, I love syndicated Wonder Years and it is easily my favorite show, but I have never been able to forget that episode. It touched me and showed me a new kind of love. I can't seem to shake the reality that it's just a show and it never happened. The whole scene was surreal, the music and the emotion. If Lisa decides to never act again, I want her to know that she shaped my notions of love, and gave me values that I will carry with me to my wife and my dying day. Your beauty, poise, grace and talent changed my life, and I will never in my life forget that single television episode. I'm not crazy, just breathtakingly in awe of your presence on earth.
RRONISH, 03/17/03
I read all of your posts and am extremely flattered. Not only did people appreciate my episodes more than I ever could have imagined, but you come from all over the world! It's really astounding to read these. And totally inspirational! This is really a boost and gives me confidence to stick with it. I truly had no idea when I was 13 that I would be reading all these great comments over 10 years later. All I can say is that I hope you like seeing me in the future half as much. So watch csi:miami on the 5th and let me know that you haven't lost all hope! It's a small role but I did what I could with it!
(Kyle's note: You can read Lisa'a comments about the show on the "Hey. Lisa" page.)
15. Dear Lisa. Thank you very much, that you read our letters. I wish you good luck in your future life and no problems. I loved you but now, I love another girl and I will love her forever. But you are great actress. Bye
Paul, Czech republic, 4/25/03
16. I just wanted to thank you for all your effort to get in touch with Lisa and posting those pictures. But let me introduce myself first. My name`s Dennis, born in 1983 and that makes me nineteen years old. I`m from the Netherlands (Holland - Amsterdam) and The Wonder Years were broadcast about two or three times here in the Netherlands but it never really got popular. Not many of my friends know the series but I do. I`ve read your bulletin board and it has all been said...TWY was a great series because everybody could recognize themselves in little Kevin growing up. And of course we all were in love with Cara :) For me it was not just Lisa Gerber but also the whole episode which touched me so much...I saw the series when I was about 13 or 14. The same age when you get your first crushes and stuff like that. Especially when I saw the episode after that where he returnes to the lake and everything had changed. The drive-in was almost gone, Cara moved on. It was really disappointing and although it was only a TV show, those disappointments happen in daily life also. I realised that because of the series I guess. Well I can really make this sound dramatic but I was 13 or maybe 14 at the time and it all just had a pretty big impact for a TV show :) So just thnx I guess, because I searched for some info about Lisa Gerber quite some times.
Cheers, Dennis
17. Hi there Lisa, how was it living in europe around 10 years or so. I lived in Italy for a few years and loved it. Also who eyes do you have, mom or dad's because you have beautiful eyes. Well thats about it, take care.
Peace & Love, Johnny T, 7/4/03
18. Hi! I came across your site last weekend, and I love it! I had actually been looking at this item http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2559804192 (Kyle's note - it's on the photo page) and recognized Lisa on there. I have found myself in awe of her every time I see the TWY episodes that she was on, but never knew her name, never watched the credits. I was inspired to Google her, and that's how I found your site. It's obvious that you've put a lot of effort into it. I do have a few questions, and if you feel any are appropriate for the bulletin board, hope you'll post them...Does Lisa follow any particular sports teams? How did she like Boston? My 2 sisters went to Harvard, and one still lives in that area. Is her defunct web page still viewable? How often does she get to Berkeley? (If she still does. I live in that area myself.) Cool pic with you and Lisa. What a beauty! I don't think I would've been able to eat anything if I had been there! =) Has she ever considered putting out a disc with pics/clips? I realize they may not be open to such a thing, but I know any fan of hers would be interested, and I would definitely buy one, assuming it were priced reasonably (i.e., under $4000, lol).
Michael, 9/26/2003
19. Hey just wondering what shes up to nowadays...? thanks
JuanPabloVillaGomez. 4/28/2004
(Kyle's note: She told me she will be in France for a couple months. Voulez vous de beurre?)
20. I recently purchase a bunch of Wonder Years DVDs off eBay and forgot all about the Lake episode, until it all came back to me...I was in love with that girl. I think it was every guys dream to meet someone like that. Anyway, so after the episode ended I decided to look on the Web about that beautiful girl and found your site. Great work and loved the pictures. Do you still hear from her...if so what is she up to and how is she doing?
Thanks for your time.
Dan. 7/21/2004
Hi Kyle,
Still in France...working down south. Have aspirations to buy a theater out here so Im pursuing that dream at the moment. But who knows...so thats my story!
Hope you and all the Cara fans are doing well and are happy!!
lisa, 7/23/2004
(Kyle's note: She also sent this blurb.)
As many of you know, I have been in the south of France since April working as a tour guide on gourmet barge cruises. At the beginning of the season, Mike Fenton spent a week with us loved it. So where are you all hiding? I thought surely, knowing LA, that by now the word would have been sufficiently spread. It appears not, however, because we still have some weeks available in late August, some in September and most of the month of October. So - we are now offering a promotion rate of $13,500 for a whole boat private charter (maximum of 6 passengers per barge)...or $2250 per person.
The cruise includes:
6 nights accomodation
Breakfast and one meal a day on board with fine Languedoc wines (one meal a day at guests' expense tasting regional cuisine in canalside restaurants)
Use of bicycles
Daily excursions by minivan (lead by yours truly or a dashing frenchman)
Transfers to and from the barge from nearest train station or town for arrival and departure
A cruise itinerary going from Beziers to Carcassone along the Canal du Midi
This is a really special way to spend a week. The food on board and off is Michelin style and absolutely phenomenal, the country side is gorgeous and cruising and being on board in general on the canal du midi could not be more tranquil and relaxing. I strongly encourage you to visit the website to check out the photos, details and get booking information...canalsoffrance.com...and please, spread this email around! Hope you all are having a terrific summer and I hope to see you in a few weeks!
From the Coral Springs newsletter
Date: Mon March 21, 2005 3 - 6 p.m.
Title: Kids Kabaret Spring Break Camp
Description: The Kids Kabaret Spring Break Camp for children ages 6 to 12 will be offered from March 21 - 25, (Monday through Friday), from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Gymnasium. Students work on voice, stage presentation and acting skills. Kids Kabaret Campers will learn games from the hit TV show "Who's Line is it Anyway?" They will also learn costume design, make-up techniques and much more. Campers should bring their own snacks and beverage. The cost is $65 for the five-day camp. The Camp Director is Lisa Gerber, Professional Actress, Theatrical Director and Veteran Teacher. Registration takes place daily at the Gymnasium from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, call 954-345-2200.
Thanks to Henk-Jan in Holland for this update, but...
> Hi Kyle,
> Sorry to disappoint - but that is not me. I am alive and kicking in XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
> All the best,
> Lisa
21. Hi Lisa my name is Adrian and I live in England. I grew up watching the Wonder Years and still watch the odd repeat every now and then. My favourite episodes are the ones that had you in. I kinda liked you back then. When I was older and saw the episode again I thought you were Dominique
Swain (played Lolita) so I did a search for you on the net and found you. Bet you're sick of everyone talking about the Wonder Years lol. I'm 19 by the way. I'd love to see you in more films.
anyway kind regards
Adrian T
22. Dear Lisa,
I love the the Wonder Years and have every episode on DVD. There's a lot of episodes I like, but my favorites are "The Lake" and "Back to the Lake" (I watch them over and over). There are some great clips in them, so I went on the web to look for some pics. Unfortunetly I only found two. I was wondering if you knew of any website(s) where I could find more. If you do, please e-mail me back at dmsb@xxxx. If you don't, you don't have to e-mail me, but it would be cool just to say "hi" (I'm a fan of yours).
Thanks a bunch :),
Danielle 6/1/5
First of all - thank you for your sweet note. I'm impressed that someone as young as you is so into the Wonder Years. I agree that its a very well written and good show - good job finding it.
Secondly, I didn't know there were dvds! I'd love to see them! Do they have commentary?
And lastly, I dont know anywhere that has other pictures of me besides Kyle's site. I'll let you know if I find one.
It was a delight to hear from you and nice to know I still have fans out there...:)
23. Helloooo Lisa!
How are you?? I am Eduardo from Curitiba, Brazil, and I am a great wonder years fan, and I´ve been watching the series since i was a little child (now I am 20) and guess which one is my favorite episode? heheh - yes, The Lake. Thats a really great story and I loved your acting (I dont know if thats right "acting" ) I enjoyed also seeing some of your photos as I was looking through this website, they are awesome!! What movies have you been doing now ? I wish you could anwser me and congratulations on you career and good luck!
Best Regards
Eduardo 6/2/5
24. I am 17 years old, and I live in Nekoosa Wisconsin. When I was about 11, I started watching The wonder years, and I love it. The whole
concept of the show was genius! I saw "The Lake" episode, and I saw Cara on there and i was blown away of how pretty she was (I was only 11). This was my very first "Hollywood crush". This lasted a long time, and I really didn't see the "lake episodes" anymore, and I didn't see her in anything. well recently I saw this episode on the DVD collection, and i fell in love all over again. Being older and more resourceful I typed her name into Google, and found Kyle and his web site. So i thought 'what the heck, I should email him and I'm sending this now. I guess my question to you Lisa, is why didn't we all get to see you in much other than the lake episodes? I would love to see you in a movie or something. Maybe a 2005 Wonder years reunion... just kidding well anyways I wish you well and I hope to hear from you.
Brian 7/6/05
Such flattering posts...and is it just me or are fans getting younger? Youd think they be getting older. not complaining tho...:-)
25. (Big snip) My point in writing is that *blush* Cara (Lisa Gerber) from TWY was one of my first celebrity crushes! I recently saw "The Lake" episode again -- one of the TWY classics in my humble opinion, btw -- while I've been studying and traveling down under in Australia. Needless to say, it brought back a few memories from my early teens! :) So, to Lisa, "Hey!" [Nervous pause!!] "Seems like your life has been one adventure after another!!! I think it's so cool that you're been able to live and work in so many different countries and cultures, including your current job in France. Australia is my first overseas experience, and I'm completely loving it, from the locale to being able to meet so many interesting people, it's provided a new perspective on life. Anyways, 'Vive le France!'"
Kris, 7/11/05
26. My name is Urska. I was friends with Lisa way back when she lived in Vienna - we lived a few houses apart. I came across this website and thought it would be fun to get back in touch. I'm living in California now, so not all that far away.
Urska, 7/24/05
I need to get in touch with Urska. I haven't seen her in about 20 years. It's amazing how you keep putting me in touch with all these old friends...thanks for that.
(Kyle's note: Apparently they enjoyed cutting the hair off Cabbage Patch Kids...)
27. Lisa -
The fans aren't all young. I was 13 or 14 when I first saw that episode of TWY and was absolutely in love with you. lol I recently saw the rerun of that show and wanted to see what you were up to these days and came across this site. Props to Kyle for having exactly what I was looking for. It is July '05 now and was just curious what you are up to these days? Work, marriage, kids? All of the above? Are you still living abroad? Would love to hear from you.
Jarrod 7/25/05
28. Hi Lisa, I'm your fan from Brazil. I've seen you for the first time in TWY and I was impressed with your talent. I'd liked to see you again in another sitcom or movie. Do you have a picture to send me? I want to know how is your look. Thanks! Good luck in your life!!!
Marcela S, 7/28/05
29. Lisa, you, without a doubt, had the most gorgeous eyes i have ever had the pleasure of seeing. I would like to think that all is not working out that well in France and loneliness has set in and you are in need of some inspiration from myself. Hope all is well and your life is going well, with eyes like that you really should have been destined for great things. The industry missed a gem.
Trevor, 7/30/05
30. Lisa, My name is Sergio, Im from Spain, here TWY was a success, of course I love "The lake" episode, I think everyone had to be in love with you and your expressive and amazing eyes, Im 28 and TWY became part of my life, today it still is, I´ll never forget you...that´s why I cross my fingers and I wish you all the luck in the world in your life and as an actress. Lisa (Cara) Forever. Besos.
Sergio, 9/21/05
31. Hi Lisa! Don’t know if you remember me – Maggie or even Magdalena – from your time in Vienna (I read Urska’s entry and I remember her as well!)!?! I remember crying when you had to move and the sticker album you sent me from Sweden… Unbelievable that time has past like this! Anyway, thought it would be fun to get in touch as you are (?) in Europe at the moment. I am still living in Vienna attending University and working, married and happy. Would love to hear/read from you!
Magdalena, University of Vienna, 9/27/05
32. hi lisa,
its danny mayer from french woods. remember me? i just saw this web page and wanted to just say hi! i would love to know what and how your doing. you will always have a sweet spot in my heart! hope all is well and that you are living your dreams! are you still acting? traveling? let me know how you are!
peace and love,
danny. 2/17/06
33. Dear Kyle,
hi my name is Klaus(24) from Germany and i visited your very great site about "Wonder Years". Especially the site with Lisa on it.
I read your whole history concerning your meeting and your nice contact to her. You will ask yourself now, what can a Guy from Germany wants for Lisa?
I cant describe it to you. I saw her first in Wonder Years. And i was in the same shape as Kevin. It hit me like a lightning. These wonderful eye´s and her smile. I cant describe it. This last about the last 10 years. 10 years i had lisa on my mind. And now that i know that she lived a long time in Europe, especially in my home country Germany something in me started to investigate. Especially after my father died four weeks ago on cancer. There must be something in my live which would make me happy again. And as it was a gift from god, right know when i thought nothing will be good anymore, there was she, there was Lisa. In television, in "The lake". And know i found you, who had the privileg to met her. Now to my question, it really urgent:
Can you please ask her, if you can give me her E-Mail adress to contact her? I swear by got, i am no freak, no bad man, i am just a peaceful fan with
a ten year dream of having contact to these amazing woman. Kyle you would fulfill a long dream, you would help to end an journey which began a long time ago. I would apprecitate it very much if you could give me a short call if this would be possible. Thank you very very much for your help.
Yours faithfully
Klaus, 3/9/06
(Kyle's note: I do not give out Lisa's email address to anyone, sorry. If she wants to respond directly, she can get your email addy from me.)
34. I was around the same age as her when I first saw those 2 episodes and I gotta admit that I also loved and liked Cara veryyyyyyyy much.....This may sound a bit funny to admit now but, when I first saw her I just couldnt keep my eyes off her...She looked just so beautiful and sweet .....I dreamed of her for months!!!!...Not to mention how much cuter she d become by the time I saw her second appearance......
I always wondered who that increadibly especial and good looking girl was? I mean the real person behind the character....Her charisma captured me and gotta admit I dreamed about her more than once.
Now more than 15 years later I accidentally found this page and gotta say she looks even better....Her boyfriend's a very lucky guy! :)
Mike, 3/17/06
35. Hi:
Like every true fan of lisa here, i also got struck by beauty of Lisa in 'The Lake' episode. As with every episode of twy, i m sure every boy has had a 'cara' (as a truely beautiful girl who welcomes u with her warm heart) in their life and lost her eventually in a silly way. The episodes does well to bring out the feeling of 'losing true love' and 'not every road leads home..'. Nevertheless true beauty of Cara was that of lisa's gorgeous own self. I m sure every last of cara fan (if not only me) aches lisa to be his girl (Not to be true ....sadly!). If u can put it across to lisa, tell her to at least put some words of her here. (Might be just enough for some!! )
Finally this wud not have been possible without ur effort especially with a very short lisa's on screen career. Now i feel 3 guys to be real lucky in their life - Kevin, her bf and u. Pls put some more pics and stuff about her (so that everyone who cant have lisa can have sumthing ). Thanks
Pankaj, New Delhi, India 8/13/06
36. I came across your Lisa Gerber page, and I am pleasantly surprised to know that she met with you, providing information for the web page.
I saw your note that Lisa taught acting to children this past summer. Do you know if Lisa plans on this as a career focus, or might she pursue acting once again?
Also, do you know in what city in California the country store is located? I've never been to California, but I've always thought that, at least from TV shots, that area looked rather scenic. I'd be a great place to visit, if I ever make it out to the L.A. area.
Best wishes,
Quentin P, 11/7/06
37. i remember seeing you "Lisa" on the wonder years. I was the same age as you and like "kevin" I fell for you too. I just recently started the series again and and was curious to what you were up to now days. That's how I found this site. Time sure has flown since them days. Anyways glad to see you are still doing good and look forward to finding some of your work. I always wished you could have had a bigger part. Although the super cooper was pretty you defiantly stole my heart haha. Well good luck and best wishes in future endeavors. You still got it.
Sincerely, Cara/Lisa fan Johnny C. 2/25/15
Why, thank you! FYI My new website is...www.iamlisa.net
(Kyle says it was nice to get a comment 9 years after the last one...)
38. I am writing this in the hope that this site is still active after all these years. My name is Anthony and I just recently began re-watching all of the Wonder Years episodes on DVD. Last night I began Season 5 and “The Lake” episode and after some Googling it brought me here.
The Wonder Years is my all-time # 1 favorite show, and the show meant a lot to me growing up especially because I was around the same age as “Kevin”. I was 13 when “The Lake” episode first aired in 1991 and I of course had a huge “Cara crush”. Since those were the pre-internet days, it was hard to “follow” your career so my Hollywood crush slowly disappeared. Now at almost 38, after almost 25 years, I just recently re-found my love for the Wonder Years again. Re-watching those shows now makes me feel like I’m 13 again, even if it’s only for a few hours at a time. So last night after watching your episode it was like seeing my childhood crush again at a 25 year reunion. “Cara” will always have a place in my heart. So I hope you are doing well and my question is do you perform in any of the NY comedy clubs? If so it would be an honor for me to catch your show.
All the best,
Anthony, 2/25/16
Thank you, Anthony! I appreciate that I stuck in your memory. It means a lot. Not performing in New York any time soon, but I will shamelessly plug my instagram @lisagerber11
OK, I just finished re-reading this page and noticed one email and reply is missing :-( It was from a man who named his daughter "Carra" (with 2 R's), and Lisa replied it does not get better that that. I've looked in my old emails, but don't find it, sorry. 3/1/20
39. Like most who have ended up at your site, it was coming across "The Lake" which prompted me to seek out information about Lisa. It appears as though she is out of the biz, married and settled down now. Kids? Whatever path she went down, I hope she is happy. Her performance on the show brought us a lot of enjoyment. And it goes without saying, she was the best of any of the many romantic interests that Kevin had on the show. He really botched it with her not sending that Christmas card (the show was fictional, right? ) :-)
I am 50. I started watching The Wonder Years during college and it wrapped up when I was in my early 20's. Now, I am married with 2 daughters, 14 and 12, and we have been slowly making our way through the series of Dad's favorite show on Hulu. Last night, after watching "The Lake," my youngest commented that she "really liked that episode." Me too!
Great job on the site Kyle. Almost 20 years later it's still up and running. We appreciate that. I noted you were happy to get a response 9 years later at one point. I hope you enjoy this acknowledgment 4 years after your last one.
All the best and thanks,
Mick, 4/2/20
40. Hi,
Big fan of the wonder years, though I never watched it when the series ran on TV. I saw reruns and loved the show. My wife just bought me the complete box set of CD's for Christmas. I had never seen the two episodes at "The Lake" until I watched the CD's. I loved your part in those two episodes and wish you were in more of them. I truly hope you had a great career and a wonderful life. I grew up in the the 1950's but can so easily relate to growing up in very similar time as the wonder years.
James H
Very kind of you and always so cool to hear from folks who remember the show fondly, especially new Cara discoverers!

"Hey. Lisa"
Lisa's Pictures
The Story of Meeting Lisa
Wonder Years Menu
1/19/21 14:10