Mrs. Ruebner - Guidance Counselor
(Ep 83 - "Private Butthead")
Ironically...while the long arm of the future was reaching out for Wayne...
(Cut to the guidance office. Mrs. Ruebner is sitting at a desk, leafing through manila folders.)
Arnold...Arnold...Arnold. Ah... (Smiles.)
The long arm of my guidance counselor was reaching out for me.
(Mrs. Ruebner looks up from the folder.)
Are you related to Wayne Arnold? (Squints.)
Very well, then...
(She sets the folders down and crosses hers arms, leaning on the desk.)
What do you plan to do with your life?
My life? (Frowns.) All of it? (Frowns.)
Yes. What are you interested in?
Let's see. There were cars...girls, sports, and...girls...
I like to read a lot. (Nods.)
Oh - anything in particular?
Let's see. There were books about cars, girls, sports, and...girls.
I like the classics. (Smiles.)
You should start thinking about what college you want to go to.
Really?! (Frowns.)
You have a chance to really do something with your life...(points)...you should start thinking about the future.
And faced with that mature logic...there was only one thing to say.
Do I need a hall pass to get back into class?
See also "Full Transcript"

(Ep 102 - "The Test")
(At the furniture factory with Jack.)
We talked furniture. We talked life. We made plans.
(Fade to the cafeteria. Students are sitting at tables, as test-administrators pass out tests.)
...sealed test booklet.
And the next morning, at eight AM, seventy-eight students gathered in the McKinley cafeteria to take what was supposed to be the most important test of their lives.
Do not break the seal until I tell you to do so.
(Chuck shakes a pencil, breaks the lead, and frowns.)
Everyone had a different way of coping that day.
(Paul picks up one of ten pencils and sharpens it.)
You'll have three hours to work on the test...
Some were more effective than others.
(Jeff rubs his eyes.)
There are five sections...
(Randy drums the table with his fingers and pencil.)
The time alloted for each section will be announced...before you begin.
(Winnie look at Kevin worriedly, then sighs.)
But for all the risks and choices, I was one step ahead of them.
(Kevin smiles at Winnie, then looks forward.)
When you have finished a section...do not - I repeat - do not turn ahead. You may now...open your pamphlets...
After all, I knew that this was just one test in thousands I'd be taking in my life. None of them final. None of them irrevocable. And the way I saw it, maybe life was a risk. But this time, I was ready.
See also "Full Transcript"

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11/28/14 21:30