Mrs. Falcinella - French
(Ep 48 - "Ninth-Grade Man")
Répétez après moi! Bonjour la classe!
Bonjour Madame!
Bonjour la classe!
Bonjour Madame!
Now, here was something hopeful. Shop was foreign to me. French was simply a language I didn't understand.
Bonjour Madame!
Class, this year we're going to try something new. From now on we are only going to speak en français. Ce bien?
(Students groan.)
Alright. Who would like to go first? Guillomme. Comment-allez vous aujourd'Hui? ("How are you, today?")
Frere Jacques? ("Brother Jacques?")
(The class giggles as Mrs. Falcinella looks on.)
Uh-huh, things were getting back to normal. And I wasn't going to miss my one o'clock "think about Winnie" promise...
Mademoiselle? Dites-moi votre nom! S'il vous plait? ("Young lady, tell me your name, please.")
Je m'appelle Madeleine. ("My name is Madeline.")
C'est excellent, Mademoiselle. ("That's excellent, Mademoiselle.")
Merci beaucoups. ("Thank you.")
Dites-nous où habitiez-vous l'année dernière? ("Tell us where you lived last year.")
Alors, j'ai habité à Lyon, à la midi de la France. J'aime beaucoup voyager avec mon père. ("Well, I lived in Lyons, in the middle of France. I really love to travel with my father.")
And suddenly I understood why French was the language of diplomacy, of poetry, of romance...
(Kevin turns toward Madeline and stands up. There is a swell of music.)
...of amore.
(A halo of light comes up behind Kevin.)
Suddenly I understood every single word.
(A halo of light glows behind Madeline as she turns to Kevin. She speaks directly to him.) ("French countryside" organ music starts.)
J'ai attendu toute ma vie pour toi. (Subtitles appear on screen: "I've waited for you all my life".)
Voulez-vous de beurre? (Subtitle: "Do you want some butter?")
A l'instant je t'ai vu, je n'ai su qu'il etait personne d'autre. (Subtitle: "The moment I saw you I knew there was no one else".)
Voulez-vous de beurre?
Mon coeur est remplit de toi. (She fingers her heart necklace.) (Subtitle: "You fill my heart".)
T'a pensé m'obsede. (Subtitle: "You haunt my mind".)
Voulez-vous de beurre?
Hey, it was the only thing I knew in French.
Kevin! (With a French accent.)
Madeline! (With an American accent.) (Music ends.)
Kevin! (Amer. accent.)
(Kevin turns around as the class laughs.)
En français, s'il vous plait!
See also Full Transcript

(Ep 51 - "It's A Mad, Mad, Madeline World")
Assez-vous, s'il vous plait!
(Mrs. Falcinella excitedly waits for the class to settle down.)
Bon jour, la classe!
Bon jour, Madame!
Class, today, we are going to be starting a new unit in French. La cuisine.
(Class shows no reaction.)
Now, for your homework, you and a partner will prepare an authentic French dish at home...and you'll bring it in here and tell us how you made it - (Raises finger and grins) - En français! Eh, c'est bien?
Say this for the teachers at RFK - They never ran out of bad ideas.
Now, to keep it fair I've put all your names into this... mixing bowl here. So, we will be choosing our partners "simplement au hasard". Marcia?
(Mrs. Falcinella holds out a bowl with names in it.)
Great. Homework wasn't bad enough.
(Marcia takes name from bowl.)
Harold Gartner (Gruntner).
Cooking wasn't bad enough. On top of it all, we were forced to put ourselves entirely in the hands of...
(Close shot of Kevin. Madeline is out-of-focus in the background.)
Kevin Arnold!
(Kevin turns in horror. Madeline holds the ballot and smiles at Kevin.)
Imminent disaster!
(Kevin has left the bracelet Winnie gave him at Madeline's house.)
But I didn't feel like the best. I felt more like...
(Cut to class.)
Mousse au chocolat. Voila!
(Kevin stands next to Madeline, in front of the class. She shows the mousse. Kevin looks uncomfortable. The class and Mrs. Falcinella applaud.)
And the worst thing was I was getting applause for it.
Très bien! Très bien! You two obviously work very well together.
(Madeline smiles.)
If only she knew.
(Kevin looks apprehensive. The bell rings and students start to get up.)
Merci. À bientôt!
See also Full Transcript

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11/27/14 17:15