Episode 114 - "Summer"

(Black-and-white slow-motion telephoto shot of a marching band, in an approaching parade.)
I guess things never turn out exactly the way you planned. I know they didn't with me.
(The scene fades to color. Some Snuffy guitar starts.)
Still, like my dad used to say - traffic's traffic. You go where life takes you.
(Fade to tighter shot of a military color-bearer leading the color-guard.)
I remember a time, a place, a particular 4th of July. The things I saw in that decade of war and change.
(Fade to close shot of the color-guard leading the parade.)
I remember how it was, growing up. Among people and places I loved. Most of all, I remember how it was...to leave.
Fade to
(News clips of two hitch-hikers sitting on the sidewalk, smiling at the camera as it goes by them. "Summertime Blues" - Blue Cheer plays throughout.)
Summer of nineteen-seventy-three was time of restless energy.
(Clip of a guitar player and a group of people.)
The first generation...
(Clip of a red VW beetle with bicycles on the back, following a yellow pickup truck along a curving road.)
To grow up on "Sgt. Pepper" was heading out...
(Clip of a hitch-hikers' arm and extended thumb.)
Into the world.
(Clip of a man on the beach throwing a frisbee.)
Searching for truth.
(Clip of two bearded youths wearing large backpacks.)
Looking to find themselves.
(Clip of a motorcycle carrying a man and a woman approaching on a curved road.)
Having a blast.
Fade to
Int. Day - Furniture Factory
(Wide shot of factory workers. The camera pans across the room.)
Me? That July, I was working in my dad's furniture factory.
(The camera zooms in on Kevin, who is holding a table leg on a belt-sander.)
Sanding the edges off about 500,000 pieces of wood per day.
(Wayne enters the shot, carrying a clipboard. Music fades out.)
WAYNE: Hey, scrote! Pick up the slack, will ya?
KEVIN: Shut up, Wayne.
(Shot of Wayne and Kevin as Wayne shakes his pencil at Kevin.)
WAYNE: That's no way to talk to your supervisor!
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at Wayne and frowning.)
KEVIN: You're not my supervisor.
(Kevin looks back to his work.)
(Close shot of Wayne making a face.)
WAYNE: If I'm not your supervisor, why am I wearing a jacket and a tie?
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Got me.
(Kevin looks down.)
(Close shot of Wayne frowning.)
WAYNE: Uh-huh...
(Wayne makes notes and walks away.)
(Shot of Kevin resuming his work.)
In what has to rate as the dumbest career move in history...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the table leg on the sander.)
I'd traded my job at Chong's Chinese...
(Shot of Kevin holding the leg up as he blows the sawdust off it.)
For a future in sawdust.
(Jack walks into the scene. He yells over the noise.)
JACK: Kevin? Your checking the machine after every load, right?
KEVIN: Right, Dad.
(Jack frowns at the machine and Kevin's work.)
JACK: And you're being careful?
KEVIN: Yeah, Dad!
(Jack walks around the sander, looking at it.)
The worst part was, for some inexplicably reason, everything my father did...
(Jack pokes under the machine.)
Irritated the heck out of me.
KEVIN: Dad, what are you doing? (Gestures.)
JACK: Checking the machine.
KEVIN: I just told you. I checked it!
JACK: I heard ya.
And vice-versa.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at his work and frowning.)
KEVIN: Well then, why'd you ask me in the first place?
(Shot of Jack leaning closer.)
JACK: What'd you say?
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Jack off-screen and gesturing with the table leg.)
KEVIN: I didn't say anything!
(Shot of both looking at each other.)
JACK: Alright, let's just get back to work...(gestures). Pay attention to what you're doing.
KEVIN: I always pay attention. (Nods.)
(Kevin carelessly sands a bit too much, and he and Jack look at the table leg.)
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking at him.)
JACK: Ah-ha.
(Jack turns away slowly.)
Face it.
(Shot of Kevin frowning, then sanding the leg again.)
Nothing was going right - my job, my future, my family...
(The camera moves in slowly.)
Not to mention the last night I'd spent with my girl.
(Kevin looks up from his work and drifts off.)
Fade to
Night - The Point
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as they sit apart in his car, lookiing forward and frowning slightly. "Sealed With A Kiss" starts on the radio. Kevin shakes his head.)
KEVIN: This song is really stupid. I mean, what is someone gonna to do - kiss an envelope or something?
WINNIE: Yeah, I guess so.
(Shot through the windshield of both. Kevin turns toward Winnie.)
KEVIN: Winnie, are you sure you want to do this?
WINNIE: Well...(shrugs)...it's a good job. (Nods.)
KEVIN: What - being a lifeguard at some stupid resort? (Frowns.)
WINNIE: Kevin, my uncle went through a lot of trouble to get me this job. Besides, what's wrong with being a lifeguard?
KEVIN: W- Nothing! It's just...
(Kevin looks off, then sighs, and looks at Winnie.)
KEVIN: You're gonna be so far away.
(Winnie smiles a little. Kevin glances away and frowns.)
KEVIN: And..
Course, what I wanted to say was...how much I'd miss her.
KEVIN: It's gonna be just - so...(frowns)...inconvenient. (Nods.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Inconvenient?! (Frowns.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as he looks off and frowns.)
KEVIN: Who's stupid idea was this anyway?
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: I think it was yours.
(Kevin turns toward Winnie.)
KEVIN: Mine?!
(Winnie nods slightly, then looks off.)
WINNIE: You were the one who said that we should spend the summer finding ourselves.
(She looks at Kevin.)
KEVIN: I didn't say that...
(Winnie frowns.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as he looks off.)
KEVIN: What I meant was...we should find ourselves...(nods)...but, you know, still be together.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him blankly.)
KEVIN: Uh, keep our space, only...
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Not really.
(Kevin looks away.)
Yeah, that was it, in a nutshell.
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Kevin, do we have to argue? This is our last night together.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her, then looking off.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at Kevin sympathetically.)
WINNIE: I'll think about you every minute.
(Kevin looks at Winnie.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
And, well, putting it that way...
KEVIN: Me too. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at Kevin and smiling slightly.)
What was I worried about?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as he puts his arm around her and they snuggle closer.)
We'd think about each other every minute.
(Winnie sighs.)
WINNIE: I have to start looking for bathing suits.
(Kevin looks at Winnie, slightly perplexed.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Furniture Factory
(Close shot of the table leg on the belt-sander, making a screeching racket.)
(Shot of Kevin daydreaming.)
JACK (V/O): Kevin!
(Kevin snaps out of his daydream, and looks toward Jack off-screen.)
(Shot of Jack frowning at Kevin.)
JACK: Kevin, I told ya to pay attention!
(Shot of Kevin frowning and looking at the machine as Wayne approaches him.)
WAYNE: Safe hands make a safe factory.
(Wayne makes a note on his clipboard.)
(Kevin frowns as he watches Wayne leave.)
KEVIN: Shut up, butthead!
Cut to
Int. Day - Diner
(Shot of Jeff entering the doorway, holding an unfolded map. The camera rolls back with him as he walks hurriedly forward.)
Oh well, so my plans for summer had turned to carpenter's glue.
(Jeff sits at a booth next to Chuck, opposite Kevin and Paul, and spreads the map out.)
At least I still had my loyal friends.
JEFF: We're leaving.
KEVIN: What?!
(Shot past Kevin of Chuck and Jeff.)
CHUCK: We're driving cross-country. We take off in three days.
(Shot past Jeff of Kevin and Paul.)
KEVIN: You're kidding!
(Jeff looks at the map and gestures.)
JEFF: Well, we're going to New York, then New Orleans, and then...(points)...San Francisco.
(Shot past Kevin of Chuck and Jeff.)
CHUCK: This town is closing in on us. (Gestures.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul looking at Chuck and Jeff off-screen.)
KEVIN: Great.
(Kevin looks at Paul, and nudges him.)
KEVIN: I guess it's just me and you this summer.
(Kevin sips his drink.)
PAUL: Yeeeeah, except, uh, I'm going to be busy with advanced summer-school courses.
JEFF (V/O): Oh, oh, yeah.
(Shot of Jeff and Chuck as Jeff chews a french fry.)
JEFF: I was gonna do that, too, but I decided to have a life.
(Chuck snorts and smiles.)
KEVIN (V/O): Terrific.
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
KEVIN: What am I supposed to do now?
(Shot of Jeff and Chuck as Jeff gestures with both arms.)
JEFF: Well...
(Jeff reaches for one of Kevin's french fries.)
JEFF: Why don't you come with us?
(Close shot of Kevin looking mildly surprised.)
CHUCK (V/O): Yeah! What do you say, Kev?
(Shot of Jeff and Chuck.)
JEFF: Oh, come on, man...we'll be on the road!
(Jeff spreads his hands expansively over the map.)
CHUCK: We'll be living by our wits.
JEFF: Go wherever we want to go. (Gestures.)
CHUCK: Do what we want to do.
(Jeff reaches for another french fry.)
JEFF: If we want to wake up in Kansas City...(Gestures.)
CHUCK: We'll wake up in Kansas City. Think about it...
(Close shot of Kevin looking interested. The camera zooms in slowly.)
And faced with the call of the open road, the song of the highway, the lure of total irresponsibility...
PAUL (V/O): You're dreamin'.
(Kevin looks toward Paul.)
(Shot of Paul smiling and shaking his head.)
PAUL: Your parents are never gonna let you go.
(Paul sips his drink.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen, and pondering.)
There was really only one reply.
KEVIN: I'm in.
(Kevin looks toward Jeff off-screen.)
Cut to
Int. Evening - Arnold Dinner Table
(Close shot of Jack frowning and pointing his fork toward Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: You're out!
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: What do you mean?
(Kevin gestures. Jack sighs.)
KEVIN: It'll be a great trip. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Norma, looking at Kevin off-screen over a forkful of food.)
NORMA: Now, where are they going exactly? (Frowns.)
(Wide shot of all around the table.)
KEVIN: New York, New Orleans, San Francisco. (Gesures.)
JACK: San Fran-cisco. (Smirks.)
WAYNE: Don't forget to put some flowers in your hair.
(Kevin looks toward Wayne, then Jack.)
KEVIN: Look, Dad, I just...don't think ya understand. I mean this trip will be good for me - I'll be out on my own.
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking at him.)
JACK: Forget it.
KEVIN: Why? (Shrugs.)
JACK: You wouldn't survive two seconds on your own.
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him and pausing.)
KEVIN: Oh, yeah?
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking at him.)
JACK: What are you gonna live on? (Gestures.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Hey, I got money saved up. (Gestures.) And besides, we'll be living on our wits. (Frowns.)
(Wayne laughs off-screen. Jack shakes his head, as Kevin turns toward Wayne.)
(Close shot of Wayne laughing at Kevin.)
(Close shot of Jack shaking his head.)
JACK: Oh, brother.
(Jack looks at Norma off-screen.)
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: You know, honey, Karen's gonna be flying in on the Fourth of July weekend, and...
(She glances at Jack off-screen, then looks at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: I thought it would be a good chance for us all to be together.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Look.
(Kevin looks toward Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): There's no sense...
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: In discussing this any further. You're not going, and that's final!
(Jack takes a forkful of food in his mouth and frowns at Kevin.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
Jeez, what was this - a family or a firing squad?
(Kevin looks around.)
KEVIN: OK. See, I don't know why I asked you anyway!
(He stands up and bangs the table with his fist.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: This is my life, and it's my decision.
(Close shot of Jack chewing and looking at Kevin.)
(Wide shot of all.)
KEVIN: And I'm gonna do what I have to do.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Arnold Front Yard
(Close shot of the back seat of Chuck's Karmann-Ghia. Kevin stuffs a sleeping bag into it.)
And so, three days later, I got up at dawn.
(Kevin walks toward the front of the car. The camera rolls back with him to include Chuck and Jeff in front.)
JEFF: Hey, thanks for letting us use your sleeping bag.
KEVIN: No problem.
To say goodbye to my friends.
(Shot of Jeff and Chuck. Jeff looks forward as Chuck looks at Kevin off-screen.)
CHUCK Hey! We'll send you a post-card from New Orleans.
(Jeff looks at Chuck.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: You're gonna have a great time. (Nods.)
(Sot of Jeff and Chuck looking forward.)
JEFF: Nah, come on, it won't be that good. (Gestures.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Shot of Jeff and Chuck looking at each other and laughing.)
J&C: Yes it will!
(Jeff bangs Chuck on the knee. Chuck looks seriously at Kevin and nods. Jeff looks at Chuck.)
CHUCK: I keep thinkin' were gonna meet these two girls, and they're both gonna fall in love with me.
(Jeff turns to Kevin and smiles tightly.)
JEFF: Hnnn!
(Shot past Chuck and Jeff of Kevin.)
KEVIN: Good luck! (Waves.)
(Jeff points forward and the car lurches off.)
JEFF: We're not eatin' till St. Louis.
(Shot past Kevin as the car lurches off away from the camera. chuck and Jeff wave their outstretched hands.)
JEFF: Seeya!
(Sound of a big car backfire, and Chuck honks.)
Fade to
Int. Day - Furniture Factory
(The camera pans across some workers.)
It came down to this...
(The camera stops on Kevin who is holding a phone to his head.)
I'd been stranded - buried in the blue-collar brigade.
KEVIN: Winnie...
(The screen splits, showing Winnie on a phone near the pool at the resort.)
WINNIE: Kevin, is everything OK?
KEVIN: Yeah. Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you. I really miss you.
WINNIE: Well, I really miss you, too.
KEVIN: You do?
WINNIE: Of course I do.
GUY (V/O): Winnie!
That's what I needed...
(Winnie smiles and waves to the off-screen guy.)
A loving voice, a sympathetic ear.
KEVIN: How's the job?
WINNIE: Great!
KEVIN: It is?
WINNIE: Well, it's pretty good. You know I still have a lot to learn here.
KEVIN: Oh. That's good! I'm really happy for ya.
WINNIE: So, how's things with you?
KEVIN: Well...
(Eric is in the pool, in the background. He splashes Winnie.)
ERIC: Hey, Winnie! Winnie!
KEVIN: You know, working for my dad isn't exactly -
(Winnie turns toward the pool and giggles.)
WINNIE: Stop it, cut it out!
ERIC: Winnie, come on!
KEVIN: Winnie?
WINNIE: Come on, stop splashing!
KEVIN: What's going on?
WINNIE: Oh, it's nothing, Kevin. But I gotta get back to my job, OK?
KEVIN: Oh, uh, yeah, sure - work.
WINNIE: I'll talk to you soon.
KEVIN: Well, sure, I just hoped -
(Winnie hangs up the phone. Sound of a dial tone. Winnie's side of the split-screen disappears. Kevin looks at the phone, frowns, and hangs up.)
KEVIN: Great.
(Kevin puts his hands on his back pockets, and frowns.)
KEVIN: Just great.
And I don't know...
(Jack is approaching from the far background.)
Maybe it was Winnie, or the noise, or the heat, but at that moment, I felt like I was going to burst.
JACK: I don't believe it - what are you doin' here?
(Kevin turns around.)
(Shot past Jack of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: I was just makin' a phone call.
(Shot past Kevin of Jack looking at him.)
JACK: You're supposed to be out there working. (Frowns.) I can't leave you for one minute!
(Shot past Jack of Kevin as Kevin walks past him.)
KEVIN: What's your problem?
(Jack turns after Kevin.)
JACK: What was that?!
(Shot from behind Kevn as he quickly turns around and looks at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Dad, get off my back! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: What?! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: You're on top of me every second, telling me how to run my life. (Gestures.) "Do this, don't do that"...(Frowns.)
(Shot of Jack frowning as Wayne approaches behind him looking concerned.)
KEVIN (V/O): I hate this job!
WAYNE: What's goin' on here?
JACK: You know what your problem is?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. I can't stand it here.
(Shot of Jack and Wayne as Jack closes his eyes and shakes his head slightly.)
JACK: Uh-uh. You think you're too good for this job.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen, mildly surprised.)
And that's when it happened. I looked at those guys, and all I saw was mediocrity...
(Shot past Kevin of Jack and Wayne looking at him.)
And hard work. And being chained down the rest of your life.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, that's right. That's right! Cuz maybe this job is good enough for you...
(He steps forward.)
KEVIN: But it's not good enough for me! (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Fine. You don't want to work here...I don't want you here.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
And after seventeen years of living under my father's thumb...
KEVIN: OK...I quit! I'm outta here.
(Kevin turns away.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching the camera. He takes the goggles off his head and tosses them aside as he walks past the camera. Jack stands with his hands in his pockets, next to Wayne with his clipboard. They turn toward each other.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Kevin's Bedroom
(Shot of Kevin getting some things from his bureau drawer.)
That next morning I took my life savings...
(Kevin closes the drawer and approaches the bed.)
Of a hundred-and-thirty bucks, and packed my bag.
(Norma appears in the doorway as Kevin puts some things in his bag.)
NORMA: Honey? I wish you wouldn't do this.
(Kevin looks over his shoulder at Norma, then continues to pack.)
KEVIN: I gotta go.
NORMA: Well, you really don't, you know. You can just put that bag away...
(Kevin turns toward Norma.)
KEVIN: I gotta be on my own. (Gestures.)
(Shot of Kevin hesitating and looking off.)
KEVIN: I gotta find myself.
(Kevin turns to his bag.)
(Close shot of Norma in the doorway, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: I know, but you can find yourself here. People don't realize it, but there's lots of places you can find yourself.
(Shot of Kevin slowly turning over his shoulder and looking at Norma off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): I mean...
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: You can go into a restaurant, lost, not knowing what you're doing. Then all of a sudden...you can find yourself.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen, then looking away as some Snuffy guitar plays.)
It was wise, and touching, and kind...
(Kevin looks at Norma off-screen.)
All at once.
(Shot of Norma smiling slightly at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: It can happen anywhere. (Nods.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen, then away.)
It came from the heart of the woman who'd loved me, and raised me.
(Kevin looks at Norma off-screen.)
(Shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
And I could only think of one thing to say.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Norma off-screen.)
KEVIN: Mom, I gotta get goin'.
(Shot of Kevin and Norma as Kevin zips up his bag, and turns toward the doorway.)
(Close shot of Norma frowning and moving back slightly as Kevin passes her.)
KEVIN (V/O): I'll call when I get someplace.
(Norma looks after Kevin off-screen.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Arnold Driveway
(Shot of Kevin's car, which faces the street, as he starts it, drives down the driveway, and turns onto the street. The camera rises and pans with the car.)
All I knew was, I was seventeen, and on my way. I was gone - and I didn't look back.
Fade to
Ext. Day - Rural Road
(Shot from the side of the road as Kevin's car approaches. "Up Around the Bend" - Creedence Clearwater Revival plays. The camera pans as Kevin drives by. It stops on some horses in a pasture, directly across the road. The horses trot around.)
(Close shot of Kevin through the windshield. He smiles as the camera moves to the passenger window.)
Freedom. It was more than just a full tank of gas, and a highway under my wheels. It was me on my own.
(Kevin glances around happily.)
With no one to answer to but the call of summer. And fun.
Cut to
Ext. Day - Resort Driveway
(High shot of asphalt. The camera pans with Kevin's car as he pulls up to the resort.)
Not that I'd taken off without a plan. I knew where I was going.
(The camera descends to eye-level as Kevin pulls into the valet area.)
(Close shot of Kevin opening the door and getting out of the car.)
ATTENDANT (V/O): Welcome to the Cascades...will you be staying?
(The camera pulls back slightly to include the attendant as Kevin drops the keys in his hand.)
KEVIN: Take care of my car.
(Kevin leans in to get his belongings. The attendant looks over the car.)
ATTENDANT: Yeah, it's a classic.
(Kevin smirks at the attendant, then turns away.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching the camera, which rolls back with him.)
Never mind that. This was perfect - fresh air, sunshine, and of course...
(Kevin looks off and pauses.)
(Shot of Winnie and two guys and a girl talking as they approach, all dressed in tennis outfits, carrying rackets.)
KEVIN (V/O): Winnie!
(The group looks toward Kevin off-screen and pauses.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Winnie! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Winnie. A bit of "Winnie's Theme" plays. She looks a little surprised and nervous.)
WINNIE: Kevin?
Cut to
Int. Day - Resort Lobby
(Shot through the lobby as Kevin and Winnie approach.)
WINNIE: I can't believe you're here!
KEVIN: Yeah. Me neither.
(The camera rolls back with them.)
WINNIE: I mean you just got in your car, and you drove all this way?
KEVIN: Well, yeah. I wanted to see you.
(The camera pans with them as they pass it.)
It was what you might call a hero's welcome.
(They stop near a clipboard at a booth. Kevin smiles as Winnie looks at the clipboard.)
(Kevin frowns slightly.)
KEVIN: Well, I mean...(gestures)...you're happy to see me, right? (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie briefly glancing toward him, then looking at the clipboard.)
WINNIE: Of course I'm happy to see you...(nods)...I'm very happy to see you.
(She frowns slightly as she looks at the clipboard.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Good. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie briefly glancing toward him, then looking at the clipboard.)
WINNIE: I just can't believe you're here, that's all.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Yeah, well. Things kinda blew up at home. I, uh, I had a fight with my dad, and...(sighs)...I kinda quit my job. (Smiles.)
(Winnie turns toward Kevin.)
WINNIE: You did?
(Kevin shrugs.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Kevin that's awful. (Frowns.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Well...not exactly. I mean...you know, I thought this way we could be together. And, you know...
(He glances off, then looks at Winnie.)
KEVIN: Maybe I could get a job here -
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Here? (Frowns.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: Well, yeah. I thought maybe you could put a word in for me or something. (Smiles.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Well, maybe, but...(frowns)...I don't really know anybody.
(She shrugs and shakes her head.)
(Wider shot of Kevin and Winnie standing face-to-face as a the group of Winnie's three friends passes by in the background.)
GUY1: Hi, Winnie.
GIRL: How ya doing?.
GUY2: See you at the pool.
(Winnie frowns. A man walks by in the background and waves.)
MAN: Hell-o, Win-nie!
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie as she looks over her shoulder, then down, and sighs.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
(Kevin frowns, then smiles.)
KEVIN: Listen, Winnie, if you don't want to do this...
(Kevin shakes his head.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: No, of course I do. Maybe I could help.
(Winnie frowns and shakes her head.)
WINNIE: What kind of a job would you want?
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking at her.)
KEVIN: It doesn't matter. (Smiles.) You know, I could be a lifeguard, or a caddy, or...(shrugs)...an assistant tennis coach...
(Close shot of Winnie looking off and frowning as she nods slightly.)
KEVIN (V/O): Or, you name it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Whatever. (Smiles.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Resort Kitchen
(Shot of kitchen employees, as Kevin approaches the camera, carrying a large serving tray of rolls. He brushes past another employee.)
KEVIN: Hey, watch it! (Frowns.)
Tennis, anyone? In another dazzling career move...
(The camera pans with Kevin, then follws him, as he pushes through the kitchen doors to the dining area.)
I'd gone from sweatshop lackey, to bottom-of-the-barrel busboy.
(The camera follows Kevin as a busboy passes by Kevin and takes a roll.)
(Kevin looks over his shoulder. Mr. Dexter approaches in the background.)
MR. DEXTER: Mr. Arnold. You ready to get to work?
KEVIN: Yes, sir. (Nods.)
(Mr. Dexter turns slightly, and gestures behind him.)
MR. DEXTER: You get to set up all these tables.
(Shot past Mr. Dexter of Kevin looking at him and nodding.)
MR. DEXTER: Got it?
(Kevin frowns as he walks past Mr. Dexter.)
KEVIN: Butthead.
(Mr. Dexter walks after Kevin.)
MR. DEXTER: What'd you say?
(Wider shot of both as they cross the restaurant.)
KEVIN: Butter! I brought some butter.
(Kevin sets the tray down next to a table where Howie is laying out silverware. Mr. Dexter looks at Howie.)
MR. DEXTER: Needleman...can't you do something about your uniform?
(Howie glances down at himself.)
HOWIE: My tux is in the cleaners. (Gestures.)
(Mr. Dexter exits, and Kevin sets some rolls on the table. Howie leans toward him.)
HOWIE: Welcome to the Cascades resort and tennis club.
(Shot past Howie of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Really. (Smirks.)
(Shot past Kevin of Howie looking at him.)
HOWIE: You should always bring out three extra baskets of rolls.
(Howie glances over his shoulder and frowns.)
HOWIE: These people are like locusts.
(Shot past Howie of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: Really?
MAN (V/O): Hey, busboy!
(Kevin looks over his shoulder.)
(Shot of a table of guests. One man is gesturing toward Kevin and Howie.)
CUSTOMER: My coffee's cold.
(Shot past Kevin of Howie as he frowns and walks past the camera. Kevin looks after him off-screen and frowns.)
MR. DEXTER (V/O): Needleman!
(Shot of Mr. Dexter approaching Howie.)
MR. DEXTER: You are battin' zero today, buddy.
(Howie continues walking with Mr. Dexter behind him, and stumbles slightly on the edge of the carpet.)
(Wide shot of Kevin. The camera rolls with him as he walks across the restaurant.)
OK. Clearly, this wasn't gonna work. So maybe it was time to present my full resume.
(Kevin approaches Mr. Dexter.)
KEVIN: Listen, Mr. Dexter?
MR. DEXTER: Yes, Arnold?
(Shot past Mr. Dexter of Kevin looking at him.)
KEVIN: This job isn't exactly what I had in mind.
(Shot past Kevin of Mr. Dexter looking off and frowning slightly.)
MR. DEXTER: Well...
(He looks at Kevin.)
MR. DEXTER: They're digging a new septic tank out back. How are you with a shovel?
(Shot past Mr. Dexter of Kevin looking at him and pausing.)
On the other hand...
KEVIN: Never mind.
(He shakes his head and frowns slightly.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Resort Pool Area
(Wide shot of the pool area. A man does a jack-knife dive of the highboard. Some "tango music" plays. The camera rolls with Kevin as he walks into the foreground, and looks toward the pool.)
Maybe it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. After all, I hadn't come up here to investigate the wonders of plumbing.
(Kevin looks toward Winnie on the lifeguard stand in the background and pauses.)
(Shot of Kevin at the patio railing looking toward Winnie off-screen.)
I'd come up here for just one reason.
(Shot of Winnie sitting on the lifguard stand. She wears a red one-piece suit, gray sweatshirt, and dark glasses. She spins her whistle while glancing around.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling.)
That would be it.
(Shot of Winnie as Eric climbs up and sits next to her. He whispers in her ear, and she laughs.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning.)
(Music ends.)
(Closer shot along the pool and lifeguard stand as Kevin approaches in the background. The camera rises to include Winnie and Eric, both twirling their whistles.)
Not that I was concerned or anything.
KEVIN: Winnie! Hi...
(Shot of Winnie and Eric as she removes her sunglasses and looks down at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: Oh! Hi, Kevin.
(Shot of Kevin looking up to Winnie off-screen, with his hands in his back pockets.)
(Shot of Winnie and Eric as she looks toward him.)
WINNIE: Kevin, this is Eric.
(Winnie looks at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: He's the head lifeguard here.
(Eric nods slightly.)
KEVIN (V/O): Hi!
(Shot of Kevin looking up toward them off-screen and gesturing with both arms.)
KEVIN: I'm the new golf pro. (Nods.)
(Shot of Winnie and Eric looking at Kevin off-screen.)
ERIC: Oh, that's a joke, right?
(Shot of Kevin looking up toward them off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Nods.)
(Shot of Winnie and Eric as he looks at her and takes off his sweatshirt.)
ERIC: I'm gonna go for a swim, OK?
WINNIE: I'll watch the pool.
KEVIN (V/O): And, uh...
(Eric hops off the stand.)
KEVIN (V/O): Don't forget to take off your sunglasses.
(Eric turns slightly toward Kevin as he walks away.)
ERIC: Gotcha.
(Eric walks away from the camera.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning slightly at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: So...(Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin and Winnie as Kevin climbs a rung of the ladder next to Winnie and looks toward the pool off-screen.)
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin as he crosses his arms and sighs. She is looking intently toward the pool area.)
KEVIN: This is a pool, huh?
(Kevin looks off. Winnie frowns and blows her whistle, and Kevin flinches.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie turning toward him.)
A woman with a whistle.
WINNIE: Listen, Kevin? (Frowns.) Employees aren't really allowed around here during the day.
(Shot past Winnie of Kevin looking up to Winnie.)
KEVIN: Sorry. (Frowns.)
(Kevin climbs down as Winnie looks toward the pool. Kevin looks up at Winnie.)
KEVIN: But, uh, I'll still see ya tonight, right? (Gestures.)
(Winnie looks forward uncertainly.)
WINNIE: Uh, sure!
KEVIN: Great! (Gestures.)
(Shot past Kevin of Winnie looking at him.)
WINNIE: Except...the lifeguards are kinda having this meeting by the lake.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and frowning.)
WINNIE (V/O): And I kinda promised that I'd -
KEVIN: Winnie, is it just my imagination...
(He looks toward Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Or am I...(gestures)...spoiling your plans, or something?
(Close shot of Winnie looking at Kevin off-screen.)
WINNIE: What are you talking about? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: You know, I came all the way up here to see you, and now I'm...(gestures)...not gonna see you.
(Close shot of Winnie frowning and looking off.)
KEVIN (V/O): You know, I just feel like I'm gettin' in the way here.
(Winnie looks at Kevin off-screen and shakes her head.)
WINNIE: No, it's not that...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: Well, then, what is it?
(Shot of Winnie looking off slightly.)
WINNIE: I was just...really surprised to see you.
(Winnie looks over the pool and bites her lip.)
WINNIE: And it's really busy around here.
(Winnie looks at Kevin off-screen and frowns.)
WINNIE: You just...gotta gimme a chance to...get used to it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
And of course, the way she said it, it sounded reasonable enough.
(He looks at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: OK...(shrugs)...sure!
(Close shot of Winnie looking at him off-screen.)
WINNIE: Thanks. (Smiles.) I really appreciate it.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: Yeah, well...
(Kevin looks at Winnie off-screen.)
KEVIN: You know, I got to unpack tonight, anyway. So, uh, I'll just...(shrugs)...hang out with the busboys, OK? (Smiles.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Busboy Quarters
(Wide shot of Kevin and three other guys in a small room. Kevin is sitting on the edge of a lower bunk, Howie sits on the top bunk clipping his toenails, Nick is looking at himself in the mirror, and Micky has just sprayed on anti-perspirant and is sniffing himself.)
So, I hung out with the guys.
(Kevin looks up at Howie.)
KEVIN: Howie, you mind moving your feet a little?
HOWIE: Yeah, no problem.
(Howie slides slightly closer to Kevin.)
And what a crew they were.
(Close shot of Kevin and Howie's feet as Howie clips his toenails and hums to himself. Kevin frowns and shifts over.)
(Shot of Nick looking at himself in the mirror.)
NICK: You guys think I look a little like Steve McQueen, eh? What do you think?
(Shot of Micky sitting on a bunk and looking at Nick off-screen.)
MICKY: Oh, yeah. I'm always getting you two mixed up. (Laughs.)
(Wider shot of all as Howie starts to laugh with Micky.)
(Close shot of Kevin and Howie's feet. Kevin frowns as Micky's laugh winds down, then Howie's laugh fades.)
Yeah, this was some fun. Kinda like living in a zoo.
(Howie clips a toenail, with a small "boing" sound effect. Kevin frowns and glances around.)
KEVIN: Hey, what do you guys do around here for fun?
(Shot of Nick combing his hair in front of the mirror.)
NICK: There's lots of things to do...
(Shot of Micky as he sprays deodorant under his arm.)
MICKY: Needleman's got a pile of magazines...
(Shot of Kevin and Howie's feet.)
KEVIN: Is there anything else? (Frowns.)
NICK (V/O): Well, yeah, ya know...
(Shot of Nick at the mirror.)
NICK: There's...poker with the band.
(Shot of Howie looking down at Kevin off-screen.)
HOWIE: But you don't want to play poker with the band.
(Shot of Micky.)
MICKY: No. (Gestures.) You definitely...don't...want to play poker...with the band. (Nods.)
(Shot of Kevin and Howie's feet. Kevin looks thoughtful.)
Cut to
Int. Eve - Resort Kitchen
(Shot of the four band members seated around a circular table. They are talking and gesturing among themselves.)
(Shot of Kevin taking a seat, with his buddies standing behind him. The camera zooms out to include the band. Kevin sighs and smiles.)
KEVIN: Mind if I sit in?
(Kevin knocks on the table with his knuckles.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the band members looking at him and pausing, then bursting out in laughter.)
(Shot of the band in the foreground, Kevin in the middle, with his buddies behind. Kevin glances around. The band is still laughing.)
(Close shot of the band leader. He gestures with an unlit cigar, and smiles at Kevin off-screen.)
BAND LEADER: Kid, you got money?
(Shot of Kevin looking at him off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, sure.
(Shot of the band leader and a band member looking at him off-screen.)
BAND LEADER: Then make yourself comfortable.
(The band leader and band member laugh, as the band member starts to deal the cards.)
BAND MEMBER #1: Here we go. (Smiles.)
(Shot of other two band members. One holds up a bottle of beer.)
BAND MEMBER #2: You want a Pepsi?
(The band laughs.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at him off-screen.)
KEVIN: No, thanks.
(Howie leans close to Kevin.)
HOWIE: You know what you're doing? This is the band!
(Nick leans in on the other side.)
MICKY: Yeah, these guys play for big stakes.
(The camera moves over to Kevin and Nick, as Kevin gestures.)
KEVIN: Yeah, yeah, don't worry. (Gestures.)
(Shot of the band leader and band member.)
BAND LEADER: Ten bucks.
(Shot of Kevin looking from the band to his cards.)
I mean, hey, who'd these jokers think they were dealing with here?
(Close shot of Kevin's cards - pair of 2's, 4, 6, 8.)
(Shot of Kevin and Howie. Kevin looks up.)
Besides a chump, with a pair of twos?
(Kevin looks up, then around. He puts a bill in the pot.)
KEVIN: I'm in.
(Shot of the band leader and band member looking at each other.)
BAND LEADER: Ay ay como un pescadito.
(Shot of the band in the foreground, Kevin in the middle, with his buddies behind. Band member #3 puts money in the pot.)
BAND MEMBER #3: I raise you twenty. (Smiles.)
Obviously the meringue business was booming.
(Another band member puts a bill in the pot.)
(Shot past Kevin of the band leader looking at him as he puts money in the pot.)
BAND LEADER: That's twenty to you, kid. (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin as Howie leans in.)
HOWIE: That's twenty to you.
(Kevin turns to Howie and gestures.)
KEVIN: I know, Howie!
(Howie straightens up as Kevin look forward again.)
(Shot of the band leader smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
My manhood was on the line.
(Shot past the band leader of Kevin looking at his cards.)
Such as it was. So...
(Kevin puts money in the pot.)
KEVIN: I'm in.
(Wider shot of all.)
MICKY: OK, Kevin!
(BAND MEMBER #1 deals some cards, then looks at Kevin.)
BAND MEMBER #1: How many?
KEVIN: Gimme three.
(Howie klooks at Nick and Mickey.)
HOWIE: He's taking three.
(Band member #1 deals out three cards to Kevin. Kevin looks around as band member #3 puts down some cards.)
After all, I knew a little bit about cards.
BAND MEMBER #2: Gimme tres.
(Close shot of Kevin's cards - 2, 2, 7, 8, J.)
One lucky draw, you're in the chips.
(Shot of Kevin and Howie looking at Kevin's cards.)
(Shot past Kevin of the band leader. The band leader puts in a bill.)
BAND LEADER: Ten bucks.
(The band leader looks at Kevin.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at the band leader off-screen.)
I could bluff.
(Kevin drops a bill onto the pot.)
KEVIN: I'll raise you twenty.
(Close shot of the band leader looking at Kevin with surprise.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking from the band leader, to the other guys.)
(Shot of two band members.)
BAND MEMBER #3: ****cito, I fold.
(He tosses his cards down.)
BAND MEMBER #2: El foldo.
(He sets his cards down.)
(Shot of band member and band leader.)
BAND MEMBER #1: I fold.
(He tosses his cards on the pot.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He looks toward the band leader.)
(Shot past Kevin of band leader looking at him, then putting a bill in the pot.)
BAND LEADER: And I raise you...twenty.
(Shot past the band leader of Kevin looking at him.)
(Shot past Kevin of the band leader looking at him.)
BAND LEADER: Wassit it gonna be, kid? You in or out?
(Wider shot of all as the camera zooms in on Kevin.)
Like they say - when the going gets tough...
(Kevin looks toward the band leader and snaps open a bill.)
The tough get going.
(Shot past Kevin of the band leader looking at him.)
KEVIN: I'll raise you twenty back.
(Twang of guitar.)
(Shot past the band leader of Kevin looking at him.)
(Close shot of the band leader glancing from Kevin off-screen to his cards, then Kevin again.)
(Wide shot of all as Kevin taps his cards on the table.)
KEVIN: Well, what do you know? (Smiles.)
(Kevin sets his cards down.)
KEVIN: The pot...is mine.
(Kevin starts to rake in the money.)
HOWIE: OK, Kevin!
(Kevin's buddies chuckle.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling smugly toward the band leader, while he organizes his money.)
MICKY (V/O): Way to go, Kev...
Cut to
Ext. Night - Outside
(Shot of Kevin excitedly hopping around on some blacktop. Music "When A Man Loves A Woman" starts.)
KEVIN: I won! Hah!
(Kevin spins around, then walks away from the camera, which rises slowly.)
And my dad said I couldn't survive. Well I was surviving just fine, thank you. I was on my own and doing alright.
(Kevin spins around again and squeals.)
Cut to
Ext. Night - Lifeguard Party
(Wide shot of a gazebo and some people, as Kevin approaches.)
There was just one more thing that could make this night perfect.
(Kevin pauses and looks toward a kissing couple near him.)
KEVIN: Excuse me. Excuse me...
(The guy turns toward Kevin.)
GUY: Huh?
KEVIN: Have you seen Winnie Cooper?
GUY: Winnie Cooper? Yeah, uh, I think she's with Eric, right?
(Guy looks toward his girlfriend.)
GIRL: Yeah, Winnie and Eric are right over there. (Points.)
KEVIN: Thanks.
(The camera rolls with Kevin as he walks a few steps forward, and pauses near a campfire, looking off.)
(Closer shot of Kevin as he smiles.)
(Shot of Eric and Winnie standing in the distance, alone, talking.)
(Shot of Kevin as his smile fades.)
(Closer shot of Eric and Winnie as they kiss, and he rubs her ear.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen. The camera zooms in slowly.)
(Shot of Eric and Winnie kissing, then pulling away and looking at each other.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen. The camera zooms in slowly.)
Fade to
Ep 115 - "Independence Day"
Supporting Cast
Jeff Billings - Giovanni Ribisi
Chuck Coleman - Andrew Mark Berman
Howie Needleman - Andy Milder
Micky Spiegle - Peter Billingsley
Nick Sadowski - Peter Asle Holden
Mr. Dexter - Kim Robilard
Band Leader - Miguel Perez
Eric - Brad Naso
"Summertime Blues" - Blue Cheer
"Sealed With A Kiss" - Brian Hyland
"Up Around The Bend" - Creedence Clearwater Revival
"When A Man Loves a Woman" - Percy Sledge

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05/15/05 10:28