Episode 8 - "Our Miss White"

Int. Day - Classroom
(Clip of Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK) at a podium. Some supporters stand behind him.)
MLK: I have a dream...that one day...this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed..."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
(Shot of students in a darkened classroom, as a film projector runs in the backround.)
(Shot across some students of Miss White looking toward the movie off-screen.)
MLK (V/O): Even the state of Mississippi...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the movie off-screen, as the projector runs behind him.)
Nineteen sixty-eight was a strange and passionate time. Things that had seemed impossible were happening all around us.
MLK (V/O): Freedom and justice.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White's empty desk and the movie screen behind it.)
MLK: I have a dream...that my four little children...will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at the movie off-screen, as the projector runs behind him.)
MLK (V/O): I have a dream today...
The events of those days brought every emotion to the surface.
(Sound of the crowd applauding the speech. Kevin looks toward Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking toward the movie off-screen. A tear is on her cheek.)
MLK (V/O): With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together...
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Miss White off-screen.)
MLK (V/O): To struggle together...
(Kevin looks toward the movie off-screen.)
MLK (V/O): To go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together...
(Close shot of the movie.)
MLK: Knowing that we will be free one day...
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the movie off-screen.)
We felt things strongly then. And we felt them together.
(Kevin slowly turns toward Miss White off-screen.)
I guess we all got caught up in it. Even me.
(Close shot of Miss White looking toward the movie off-screen. The tear is still on her cheek.)
And Miss White.
MLK (V/O): Protestants and Catholics will be able to join hands...
(Close shot of the movie.)
MLK: And sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual - "Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last."
(Shot of Kevin looking toward the movie off-screen. Sound of the crowd cheering, then of the movie-ending music. Kevin looks toward Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White blowing her nose in a handkerchief.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking dreamily at Miss White off-screen, and smiling slightly.)
(Close shot of Miss White as she starts to walk forward and the music ends.)
(Wider shot past Kevin of Miss White, and a girl opening the window blinds in the background. The camera pans with Miss White as she walks to the front of the class.)
MISS WHITE: Well, people. We certainly lost a great man last April, didn't we?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
What was it about her that affected me so profoundly?
(Kevin glances off, then back.)
Her sensitivity? Her warmth? Her intelligence?
(Close shot of Miss White talking to a student.)
MISS WHITE: What do you think, Leslie?
Maybe all of those.
LESLIE (V/O): I think...
(The camera slowly pans down her white blouse and pauses.)
Maybe more. Maybe much more.
MISS WHITE (V/O): Kevin.
(The camera quickly pans up to her face.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen, slightly startled.)
KEVIN: Uh, yes?
(He smiles slightly.)
(Shot of Miss White.)
MISS WHITE: Do you agree with Leslie that this speech helped change people's feelings about civil rights?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah! (Nods.) Uh-huh. (Nods.) Yep, I do. (Nods.)
(Wider shot from the front of the class of the students.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): How...do you think it might have changed...
(Miss White walks into the shot.)
MISS WHITE: People's opinions? Anyone?
(Shot of Kevin as he raises his hand.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin glancing off, then at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: I think that it showed a lot of people that America couldn't be as great a country as they wanted...until everybody had equal rights.
(Shot of Miss White as she tilts her head and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
Ahhhh...the look.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen. He smiles slightly and cocks his head slightly.)
I'll never forget that look. The way that she cocked her cute little head to the side...as her eyes met mine.
(Shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Very good, Kevin.
(Shot from behind Miss White of the classroom.)
MISS WHITE: What other effects do you think that this speech had on people?
(Shot of Kevin as he raises his hand.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Kevin. (Gestures.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Um, I-I think that, maybe before the speech, people thought of Negroes as a group...(shrugs)...that maybe they didn't like. But the speech made 'em realize that the Negroes are just people...(shrugs)...and they have the same feelings that all other people do.
(Shot of Miss White as she tilts her head and looks at Kevin off-screen.)
Another look! Oh! I it was too good to be true.
(Shot of Kevin smiling at Miss White off-screen.)
I was tempted to try for a third...
(Kevin glances off as he bites his lip.)
But I didn't want her to pull a muscle in her neck or anything.
(Bell rings.)
(Wide shot past Miss White of the students as they stand up, and she turns toward the blackboard.)
(Shot past the front row of students as Miss White gestures.)
MISS WHITE: People...
(The students pause, and Miss White faces them, gesturing.)
MISS WHITE: I haven't dismissed you, have I?
(The students groan and sit down, as Miss White leans against her desk.)
MISS WHITE: Now, today is the last day to sign up for the Fall play, and there are still several key roles open. Now, as you know, the play is about the civil rights movement...
(Closer shot of Miss White as she clasps her hands together.)
MISS WHITE: And I hope that today's film will inspire some of you to participate. OK?
(Wide shot of the silent class.)
(Shot of Miss White as she shrugs and throws her hands up.)
MISS WHITE: Class dismissed.
(Shot from the side of the class as the students get up and walk up the aisles. The camera pans with Kevin as he crosses in front of Miss White.)
MISS WHITE: Kevin, can I...speak with you a minute?
(One girl walks between them as she and other students exit past the camera. Kevin slows up.)
KEVIN: Sure.
(Miss White sits in her chair and crosses her legs as Kevin approaches the corner of her desk.)
MISS WHITE: I was wondering if you'd thought about...trying out for the play.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Oh, the play.
(Kevin smiles briefly, then glances off and back.)
I loved Miss White. But I hated...plays.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: It's really an exciting new play. It's never been performed before.
(She glances off.)
MISS WHITE: In fact...(sighs)...well, the truth is, i-i-it's actually, well...(smiles self-consciously)...I wrote it. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
God, she was cute, but...I hated plays.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen intently.)
MISS WHITE: You'd be perfect for the part of Robert Kennedy. (Nods.) I really think that...that you have the right presence.
(Close shot of Kevin looking off as he takes a few steps across the front of the desk.)
Well, I guess I did have kind of a...Kennedyesque thing about me...
(Kevin turns toward Miss White off-screen and smiles slightly.)
But...I hated plays.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen, and taking a breath.)
MISS WHITE: So...what do you think? (Shrugs.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking down and off.)
KEVIN: Um...
I hated the thought of acting...
(Kevin looks at Miss White off-screen and frowns slightly.)
I hated the thought of rehearsing...I hated the thought of standing up in front of 300 people and making a complete and total fool of myself.
(Kevin gestures with both arms.)
KEVIN: Sure! (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Miss White smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
(She tilts her head over, and nods slightly.)
Three looks! The hat-trick!
(Miss White sighs.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Miss White off-screen.)
It wasn't just my imagination. She felt it. She knew it. She wanted me, too.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen, and touching her neck.)
MISS WHITE: Well, guess I'll see you tomorrow. (Shrugs.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Smiles.)
(Kevin picks up his books.)
KEVIN: Seeya tomorrow.
(Kevin starts to walk toward the door.)
Cut to
Int. Eve - Dinner Table
(Shot of Jack frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: I thought you hated plays.
(Wider shot from the kitchen of Karen, Kevin, Wayne and Jack.)
JACK: Why do you want to be in a play all of a sudden?
(Close shot of Kevin looking at his food.)
KEVIN: I don't know. No reason.
(Kevin looks at Jack off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin?
(Shot of Norma approaching with a pot of coffee.)
NORMA: What play is it? (Smiles.)
(Shot of Kevin, Wayne and Jack.)
KEVIN: It's called "The Times, They Are a-Changin'".
(Shot of Norma and Karen as Norma looks at Kevin off-screen.)
KEVIN (V/O): It's about the civil rights movement and stuff like that.
(Shot of Jack looking at Norma off-screen.)
JACK: What the hell ever happened to "My Fair Lady"?
(Jack frowns as he holds his plate out.)
(Close shot of Karen looking at Jack off-screen.)
KAREN (V/O): Dad!
(Shot of Karen looking at Jack off-screen.)
KAREN: Theater's supposed to be a form of political expression.
(Close shot of Jack looking at Karen off-screen.)
JACK: Not when you're twelve.
(Shot of Karen and Norma as Karen rises.)
KAREN: Don't you understand? I mean a play like this can raise people's consciousness about racial oppression. (Frowns.) Sheesh.
(Norma gestures.)
NORMA: Watch your tone with your father.
(Close shot of Wayne looking at Karen off-screen.)
WAYNE: Yeah, and give me that potato if you're not gonna eat it.
(Wayne holds his plate out.)
(Shot past Wayne and Karen's plates of Kevin, as Wayne scoops the potato onto his plate.)
NORMA (V/O): Kevin...
(Shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen.)
NORMA: I think it sounds wonderful.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Norma and Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Um...(frowns)...we have to rehearse until five-thirty everyday. Um, can you pick me up?
(Close shot of Norma frowning.)
NORMA: Oh, gee, I don't know. I'm right in the middle of fixing dinner at five-thirty.
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Jack off-screen.)
NORMA (V/O): Jack, do you think, maybe, you could swing by school and pick him up on your way home?
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack looking from Norma to Kevin off-screen. He wipes his hands on his napkin.)
JACK: I don't get it. (Frowns.) Why do you want to be in a play?
(Jack gestures with both hands and makes a face.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
What was the matter with the man? Couldn't he see that I was pursuing a mature love relationship with a beautiful...
(Shot of Kevin, Wayne and Jack, who is looking at the TV.)
Twenty-eight year-old woman and all I needed was a ride?
JACK: OK, OK. (Gestures.) I'll pick you up.
(Shot of Jack glaring at Kevin.)
(Shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN: I mean, thanks.
Cut to
Int. Day - Auditorium
(Wide shot down the aisle of Miss White and some kids on stage. Miss White walks across the stage in front of a desk.)
MISS WHITE: The most important thing about this scene is...that it convey tension...
(Miss White turns around.)
(Closer shot of Miss White and the kids around the desk.)
MISS WHITE: Now, Kevin...remember that Kennedy was a very passionate, forceful, man...
(Closer shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Now, try to feel that passion. (Nods.)
(Shot of Kevin resting his head on his hand and looking at Miss White off-screen, somewhat bored.)
(Shot of Miss White and the kids around the desk.)
MISS WHITE: OK. (Gestures.) Let's try it again.)
(She walks in front of the desk. Others follow her and take their positions. The camera pans with them as Carley sits at her little desk. Miss White guides Kevin into position a few feet behind Carla. Carla begins to "type", and Miss White nudges Kevin. Kevin approaches Carla.)
KEVIN (As Robert F. Kennedy): I'm Attorney-General Robert Kennedy, and I'm here to see Mr. Hoover of the FBI.
(Shot of Carla at a desk. Kevin stands in front of her.)
CARLA (as a secretary): Go right in, Mr. Kennedy.
(Kevin walks forward "into" Hoover's office.)
KEVIN (As RFK): Mr. Hoover, I need...
(Kevin pauses and frowns, then looks down at the script.)
(Shot of Miss White and a girl as Miss White looks at the script.)
(Shot of Kevin as he resumes.)
KEVIN (As RFK): More support from you. The Negroes are fighting for their rights and we must help them.
(Close shot of Paul looking up from his script.)
PAUL (As J. Edgar Hoover): Are you trying to tell me how to run my agency? (Frowns.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN (As RFK): All I am saying is that we should give all the support we can to Dr. King.
(Shot of Paul sitting in a large office chair, with a boy on each side. Paul is reading from his script.)
PAUL (As JEH): That man is a threat...to the American way of life.
TWO STUDENTS (As aides): Yeah!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
KEVIN (As RFK): No, he is not. He's fighting for the cause of freedom!
(Kevin bangs the desk for emphasis.)
(Shot of Miss White and a girl as Miss White steps forward. The camera rolls back past Kevin.)
MISS WHITE: Very good, very good.
(Miss White puts her hands on Kevin's shoulders.)
(Closer shot of Kevin and Miss White's torso.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): Kevin, that was wonderful.
(She squeezes his shoulders and he glances at her hands and smiles, then looks forward.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): Good anger.
KEVIN: Thanks. (Smiles.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): Much better, Paul. And everyone else, good work. Now tomorrow, we'll rehearse the town meeting scene. So, start learning your lines.
(Miss White taps Kevin's shoulders and moves away.)
(Wider shot of the office desk, and everyone standing around Paul, who is still sitting in the chair. The camera moves in on Kevin and Paul as Miss White and a girl exit around the desk past the camera. Paul stands up.)
PAUL: Do you think I came off as unlikable?
KEVIN: Paul, you're playing J. Edgar Hoover. You're supposed to be unlikable.
(Close shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: I know. But Miss White said I should try to find the complexity in the man.
(Close shot of Kevin looking blankly at Paul off-screen.)
(Wider shot of Paul walking past Kevin.)
PAUL: That man is a threat...to the American way of life. That man is ...(gestures)...a threat to the American way of life.
(Paul starts to exit the stage toward the background.)
(Shot of Miss White sitting down at a table, looking at the script.)
PAUL (V/O): That man is a threat to the American way of life.
(The camera pans with Kevin as he walks across the stage and pauses in front of Miss White.)
KEVIN: Miss White?
MISS WHITE: Yes, Kevin?
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: I just wanted to say that I think a play like this can really raise people's consciousness about racial oppression.
(Close shot of Miss White smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Do you really? Because...that was my hope when I wrote it. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah. I've-I've always felt that...theater was supposed to be a form of political expression.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen, then smiling slightly and leaning forward slightly.)
MISS WHITE: Well, that's remarkable.
(She shakes her head slightly and looks off.)
MISS WHITE: Because so few 12-year-olds do.
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah, I know. Most 12-year-olds are...(frowns)...so superficial.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Yeah. I guess they are.
(She smiles slightly, then resumes looking at her script.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off and nodding slightly.)
Well, it was pretty clear. She didn't see me as any ordinary seventh-grader.
(Kevin looks at Miss White as she stands up.)
She saw me...
(Close shot of Miss White smiling at Kevin as she slides her purse onto her shoulder.)
As a man.
(Close shot of Kevin glancing off.)
A man who understood things like democracy and social injustice. A man who understood her deepest thoughts and feelings. A man. A man...
(Wide shot of Kevin and Miss White.)
JACK (V/O): Kevin?
(Kevin and Miss White look toward Jack off-screen.)
JACK (V/O): Ready to go?
(Shot of Jack near the front of the audience chairs, standing with his hands in his pockets.)
A man who was getting picked up by his father.
(Wide shot of Kevin and Miss White.)
MISS WHITE: Well, Kevin, is that your father?
(Kevin frowns.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Kevin approaches the camera.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack standing with his hands in his pockets as Miss White passes the camera. Jack extends his hand and they shake hands.)
JACK: Jack Arnold. Nice to meet you. (Smiles.)
MISS WHITE: Hi. Diane White. It's a pleasure. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen and frowning.)
Diane White?
(Kevin descends the steps off the stage.)
Didn't seem to fit. To me, she was more of a...Miss White.
(Closer shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack and Miss White facing each other.)
MISS WHITE: Now, I must tell you, Mr. Arnold, that Kevin is an extraordinary young man. It's a pleasure to have him in my class - and, of course, in the play.
(They look toward Kevin off-screen and smile.)
JACK: Yeah. He's a good kid.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
(Kevin looks off impatiently.)
Let's face it - I was well-liked.
(Kevin rubs his hand through his hair.)
Now-now, let's go.
(Shot of Miss White and Jack looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: He's really a natural actor.
(Jack looks from Kevin to Miss White.)
JACK: Yeah? That's funny cause I always thought he hated acting.
Let's go, let's go.
JACK: Yeah. (Laughs.) You see, in fourth grade - Kevin you remember this? (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
JACK (V/O): In fourth grade, he had to play Winnie-the-Pooh in his class play. (Laughs.)
(Shot of Jack and Miss White.)
JACK: And right in the middle of his big scene with Piglet...(gestures) - in front of the whole school with all the parents...(gestures) - his little bear suit splits wide open. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he speaks loudly.)
KEVIN: So, Jack - ready to go?
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin cooly.)
(Close shot of Jack turning from Miss White off-screen, and glaring at Kevin off-screen.)
(Twang of guitar.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking timidly at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: I mean...Dad. Mister...Dad. Sir.
Fade to
Int. Day - Auditorium
(Shot of Kevin standing on stage. Paul, Carla and others are in the background. Kevin glances toward Miss White off-screen.)
Toward the end of rehearsal the next day...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White sitting in the front row, holding her hands together, watching Kevin.)
I realized something was bugging me.
(Shot of Kevin and the other actors on stage.)
KEVIN (As RFK): I see a more compassionate America. A nation in which all people - black, white and brown - have the opportunity to build a better life for their children.
(Closer shot of Kevin as he pauses, then glances off.)
Miss White hadn't given me "the look" all day.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen thoughtfully, tapping her pencil on her chin.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he glances off.)
What was I doing wrong?
KEVIN (As RFK): An America...where all people can live free of violence and oppression.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Jack smiling and standing next to Miss White with his hands in his pockets. She turns toward him slightly, then takes the papers off her lap and stands up.)
KEVIN (As RFK)(V/O): An America...where dreams can come true.
(Jack and Miss White shake hands.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he pauses, then glances toward Miss White and Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: Miss White, was that O - ?
(Kevin pauses.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White facing Jack with her arms crossed. She looks over her shoulder.)
MISS WHITE: OK, very nice everybody.
(She claps her hands together twice.)
MISS WHITE: That's it for today.
(She crosses her arms and turns back to Jack and starts talking.)
(Wider shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen, as the other kids start to walk off the stage.)
Oh, great. Now, he was probably telling her about the time at Ocean City...
(The camera pans with Kevin as he starts to walk off stage.)
When that wave knocked my bathing suit off.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White and Jack facing each other in conversation.)
Or that time at Funland when I threw up...
(Shot of Kevin descending the steps off the stage, looking toward them off-screen.)
On the cup-and-saucer ride. Or that time at the -
JACK (V/O): Yep, two years in Korea.
(Kevin pauses.)
Wait a second.
(Closer shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White and Jack facing each other.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at them off-screen.)
I never spent two years in Korea.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White and Jack. He takes a step forward.)
JACK: Got a small piece of shrapnel in my leg but I didn't think the limp was noticeable anymore. (Smiles.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at them off-screen.)
Oh. Him.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White and Jack.)
MISS WHITE: Oh, barely. Hardly at all. Just...a little bit, really.
(She frowns and shakes her head slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he frowns. He takes a step backward.)
A question to consider...
(Kevin sits on the steps.)
Why at that moment did I wish that I had shrapnel in my leg?
(Kevin looks at his leg.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White and Jack.)
JACK: Listen, I consider myself lucky. A lot of my buddies never made it out of that place.
(Miss White looks down and sighs.)
MISS WHITE: War is such a terrible thing. Isn't it?
(Close shot of Kevin rolling his eyes and nodding.)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(Kevin pauses, then looks at them off-screen.)
KEVIN: Miss White? (Frowns.) Was I OK today? (Nods.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White and Jack as she turns slightly.)
MISS WHITE: Yes, Kevin. You were fine.
(She turns to face Jack and leans a little closer.)
MISS WHITE: Does the experience haunt you, at all?
(Jack looks down.)
JACK: Well-well sure.
(Jack takes a few steps past Miss White.)
JACK: Sure, I think about it now and again.
(Jack turns and smiles slightly, then looks off in thought.)
JACK: It's only natural. I guess nothing's ever quite the same after going through something like that.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Jack off-screen, then tilting her head.)
Wait a minute!
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
What was she doing?
(Kevin glances off and frowns heavily.)
That was my look.
(Kevin looks at them off-screen.)
She was looking at him.
(Kevin stands up quickly.)
KEVIN: Dad? Let's go.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of Miss White and Jack as they turn slightly and look at him.)
Cut to
Ext. Day - Arnold Backyard
(Shot of Kevin looking down, tossing a baseball up and down.)
Now, most people don't know this but there are two kinds of logic. There's "logic" logic...
(Kevin frowns toward Jack off-screen as he winds up to pitch - right handed...)
And then there's "12-year-old-in-love" logic.
(Shot from behind Jack, in a catchers's squat, as Kevin pitches.)
(Jack catches the ball and throws it back.)
JACK: High and inside.
(Shot of Kevin as he catches the ball.)
The way I figured it, everything had been going great with Miss White...
(Kevin winds up again.)
Until Dad came along.
(Kevin pitches the ball toward the camera.)
(Close shot of Jack as he catches the ball.)
JACK: Ball two.
(Jack starts to throw it back.)
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: What?!
(Kevin catches the ball.)
(Close shot of Jack.)
JACK: Too high...
(Close shot of Kevin frowning at Jack off-screen.)
KEVIN: That was not! (Gestures.)
(Kevin shakes his head slightly, then winds up for another pitch.)
I hated him for it.
(Kevin pitches a fastball.)
(Close shot of Jack catching the ball and frowning at Kevin off-screen.)
JACK: Ow. What are you tryin' to do?
(Jack shakes his glove-hand and starts to stand up.)
JACK: Break my hand?
(Jack smiles and tosses the ball up slightly.)
(Close shot past Jack of Kevin frowning and throwing his glove down.)
(Wider shot past Jack of Kevin as he starts to walk forward.)
KEVIN: That was a strike! And so was the last one!
(Kevin kicks his glove, then walks toward Jack.)
JACK: What's the matter with you?
KEVIN: Nothing!
(Kevin walks past Jack and the camera. Jack looks after him and frowns.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Auditorium
(Close shot of Kevin as he practices his lines, uninspired.)
KEVIN (As RFK): The, uh, the Negroes are fighting for their rights and we must help them.
(Shot of Paul at the desk, looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL (As JEH): Are you trying to tell me how to run my agency?
(Wide shot of Kevin, Paul and the two "aides" as Kevin pauses.)
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL (As JEH): I said..."Are you trying to tell me how to run my agency?"
(Shot of Kevin looking down.)
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL (As JEH): Or...are you saying that we should just try to help Dr. King...as much as we can?
(Shot of Kevin looking down.)
(Shot of Paul looking at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Cause if you are, I disagree.
(Shot of Kevin looking at Paul off-screen.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): OK, let's stop for a moment.
(Shot of Miss White as she walks toward the camera quickly.)
MISS WHITE: Kevin, do you need to go over your lines?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at her.)
(Kevin looks down.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Is something wrong?
"Is something wrong?" "Is something wrong?"
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen, then glancing off.)
Our entire relationship is fizzling like an Alka-Seltzer and you ask if something's wrong?
(Kevin looks at Miss White off-screen and frowns.)
KEVIN: Can I make a phone call?
(Close shot of Miss White as she shrugs and rolls her head.)
MISS WHITE: Well, sure.
(Wide shot of Kevin, Paul and the two boys as Kevin runs off.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): Of course.
(Miss White crosses the shot.)
MISS WHITE: Take five everybody.
(Close shot of Paul frowning at Miss White off-screen.)
PAUL: Five what?
Cut to
Ext. Day - School
(Shot of Kevin standing sideways at small phone booth, facing the camera.)
KEVIN: Is...Jack Arnold there?.........It's Kevin Arnold.......Hi, Dad. (Smiles.) It's me. I'm not going to need a ride home today.......Yeah, I got one.........Yeah, sure.......OK. I'll see you at home......Bye.
(Kevin smiles and hangs up.)
Cut to
Int. Day - Auditorium
(Shot of the audience seats as kids walk up the aisle past Kevin who is sitting in the front row, with his hands on his fists.)
PAUL: Seeya.
(Miss White passes Kevin then pauses and turns.)
MISS WHITE: Kevin, isn't your father picking you up?
(Kevin shakes his head.)
MISS WHITE: How are you getting home?
(Closer shot of Kevin in profile as he shrugs.)
KEVIN: I'll walk, I guess.
MISS WHITE (V/O): Can I give you a lift?
(Kevin turns slowly toward Miss White off-screen, and smiles slightly.)
("Just my Imagination" - The Temptations starts.)
(Close shot of Miss White smiling at Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
Fade to
Ext. Day - The Road
(Long shot down a street as Miss White's VW bug approaches the top of a small hill and continues toward the camera.)
"Each day through my window I watch her as she passes by"
(Fade to shot through the windshield of Kevin and Miss White. They look at each other and smile slightly, then look forward.)
"I say to myself, 'You're such a lucky guy'"
(Close shot of Kevin smiling slightly, then looking at Miss White off-screen.)
"To have a girl like her"
(Close shot of Miss White looking at the road, then glancing at Kevin and smiling slightly.)
"Is truly a dream come true"
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
"Out of all the fellas in the world"
(Close shot of Miss White smiling slightly, then looking forward.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen, then forward and back again, smiling slightly.)
"She belongs to you"
(Close shot of Miss White looking at the road, then glancing at Kevin and smiling slightly.)
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Miss White off-screen, then looking forward.)
(Fade to shot of the car approaching the camera up a residential street.)
"But it was just my imagination"
(The camera pans with the car as it passes and continues down the street.)
"Runnin' away with me"
(Fade to shot of the car approaching, and stopping at the curb just in front of the camera.)
"It was just my imagination runnin' away with me"
(Shot past Kevin of Miss White.)
MISS WHITE: Well, here we are.
(She looks at Kevin and smiles. Music fades out.)
(Shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(He glances off and back.)
KEVIN: Here we are.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at him off-screen, then glancing off.)
(Shot of Kevin looking off.)
I wanted something to happen.
(Kevin glances at Miss White quickly then looks out the window.)
I didn't know what.
(Kevin glances at Miss White, then looks off.)
I just knew that I couldn't leave that car until something happened.
(Fantasy - Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin seductively.)
MISS WHITE: When do you have to be home?
(Close shot of Kevin glancing at Miss White off-screen quickly.)
(Shot of Miss White turning toward Kevin.)
(Close shot of Kevin's hands, books and leg as Miss White puts her hand on his thigh.)
(Close shot of Kevin glancing down, then looking at Miss White off-screen.)
KEVIN: Thanksgiving.
(Reality - Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Kevin...are you all right? (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen slightly surprised.)
KEVIN: Yeah, fine.
(Kevin glances down.)
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
(Shot past Kevin of Miss White as she takes a breath and glances off.)
MISS WHITE: Well, you better get a good night's sleep...(Nods.)
(She smiles and glances off, then looks at Kevin.)
MISS WHITE: Because...tomorrow's the big day.
(Shot past Miss White of Kevin looking down.)
KEVIN: Yeah.
(Kevin glances at Miss White and looks off.)
KEVIN: Guess we won't be seeing each other that much anymore. (Shrugs.) At least, not professionally. (Smiles.)
MISS WHITE: Oh no, I...I guess we won't.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: There's still English class, though - you can't get out of that so easily. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)
KEVIN: Yeah. (Smiles.)
I had to make a move - some kind of move. My moment was slipping away.
(Kevin glances toward Miss White.)
KEVIN: Miss White?
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
(Snuffy's variation of "Just My Imagination" plays.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking off. He looks out the window, then looks at Miss White off-screen and smiles slightly.)
KEVIN: You're pretty.
(Close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
MISS WHITE: Thank you, Kevin. (Nods.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
MISS WHITE (V/O): Is there something you want to talk about?
No, I didn't want to talk.
(Close shot of Miss White looking expectantly at Kevin off-screen.)
I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her on the lips.
(Close shot of Kevin looking down, then at Miss White off-screen.)
I wanted it so bad I thought I would explode.
(Close shot of Miss White looking off, then turning forward.)
She was right there.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
She was two feet away. Why couldn't I do it? Why wouldn't my muscles move? After all, she was a woman and I was a...
(Kevin looks off and frowns slightly.)
And that's when I saw it.
(Shot of both through the windshield. Miss White is looking at Kevin.)
As though I was looking down from heaven at that VW bug.
(Kevin looks at Miss White.)
I saw an image of myself with Miss White. And it was ridiculous.
(Close shot of Miss White looking off.)
She was a woman...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
And I was a 12-year-old boy.
NORMA (V/O): Kevin, is that you?!
(Kevin looks out the window quickly. Music ends.)
(Shot of the car and Norma at the front door of the house in the background.)
NORMA: Honey, dinner's almost ready!
(Norma turns and goes back inside.)
(Shot past Miss White of Kevin turning toward her slowly.)
KEVIN: Well...(smiles)...I gotta go.
(Miss White nods slightly.)
KEVIN: Bye, Miss White.
(Shot past Kevin of Miss White.)
KEVIN: Thanks for the ride.
(Kevin opens the door.)
MISS WHITE: Bye, Kevin.
(Wider shot as Kevin gets out and closes the door. Miss White starts to drive past the camera.)
(Shot of Kevin at the curb, watching Miss White drive away.)
STUDENT (As MLK) (V/O): I have a dream today.
Cut to
Int. Eve - Auditorium
(Shot of Kevin standing off-stage in the right wing, looking at the student playing Martin Luther King, Jr.)
STUDENT (As MLK): I have a dream that one day...
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the student.)
STUDENT (As MLK): This nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold...
(Shot of the audience.)
STUDENT (As MLK) (V/O): These truths to be self-evident...
(Closer shot of the audience centered on Norma, Jack, Karen and Wayne.)
STUDENT (As MLK) (V/O): That all men are created equal.
(Shot from the audience's perspective of the student. Behind him is a mural depicting an electric guitar, a peace sign, the American flag, the Capitol building, RFK, MLK, a white hand shaking a black hand, and flowers.)
STUDENT (As MLK): I have a dream today, that one day, every valley shall be exalted. Every hill and mountain shall be made low.
(Close shot of Kevin.)
Waiting backstage that night, I started thinking of that first day...
(Kevin turns his head toward Miss White off-screen.)
I fell in love with Miss White...
(Shot of Miss White helping a girl with her costume.)
Back in the classroom. I thought of the way she had cried...
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Miss White off-screen.)
At Dr. King's speech.
(Kevin looks toward the student off-screen, with moist eyes.)
And I thought of the way that made me feel.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the student.)
STUDENT (As MLK): This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South.
(Shot of Kevin.)
And you know something? In my heart, I really believed...
(Kevin looks toward Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White.)
Miss White loved me, too. It wasn't something...
(Shot of Kevin looking toward Miss White off-screen.)
That could be a part of real life...
(Kevin looks toward the student off-screen.)
But that didn't mean it wasn't there.
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the student.)
STUDENT (As MLK): My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty. Of thee I sing.
(Shot of Kevin blinking several times, fighting off tears.)
And that's when I knew what was going to happen. That's when I knew what I was going to do.
PAUL (V/O): Hey, Kevin!
(Shot of Paul, as JEH, and Kevin.)
PAUL: You ready? You're almost on!
I was going...to cry.
(Close shot of Paul looking worriedly at Kevin off-screen.)
PAUL: Hey-hey, Kevin - what's the matter?
(Paul looks toward the stage, then back to Kevin off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking toward Miss White off-screen. A tear is on his cheek.)
I was about to go out to deliver a speech in front of three-hundred people...and I was gonna cry.
(Wide shot from behind the audience of the stage as "MLK" continues.)
STUDENT (As MLK): Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.
(The audience applauds loudly.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective as "MLK" turns and smiles at Kevin and exits backstage.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: OK, Kevin, this is you.
(Shot from the stage of the audience still applauding, then getting quiet.)
(Shot of Kevin and Paul.)
PAUL: You're on!
(Paul pushes Kevin gently.)
PAUL: Come on, Kev.
(Wide shot from behind the audience of the stage as Kevin walks out slowly with the spotlight on him.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he takes his position. He wipes the tear from his cheek, then looks toward the audience off-screen.)
(Shot of Norma, Jack, Karen and Wayne in the center of the audience.)
(Close shot of Kevin. He looks over his shoulder quickly.)
(Shot of Paul, and Miss White approaching behind him. They both look toward Kevin off-screen.)
(Shot of Kevin in profile, looking at Miss White off-screen. He smiles slightly.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at him off-screen. She sighs and tilts her head, smiling.)
(Wider shot of Kevin looking at Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Kevin turning forward and looking toward the audience.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the audience.)
(Close shot of Kevin.)
KEVIN (As RFK): I see a more...compassionate America. A nation in which all people - black, white and brown - have the opportunity to build a better life for their children.
(Wider shot of Kevin on stage. He has his hands together.)
KEVIN (As RFK): A nation in which all people can live free of oppression and violence.
(Close shot of Norma looking at Kevin off-screen, and squeezing Jack's arm.)
(Some light Snuffy guitar plays.)
KEVIN (As RFK): Our answer...
(The camera pans across Jack.)
KEVIN (As RFK): Is the world's hope.
(The camera pans across Karen and Wayne.)
KEVIN (As RFK): It is to rely on youth.
(Wide shot from behind the audience of Kevin on stage.)
I don't even remember how I got through that speech. I just remember all the hurt, all the anger...
(Fade to close shot of Miss White looking at Kevin off-screen.)
All the disappointment, and all the love that fused together...
(Fade to shot from Miss White's perspective of Kevin on stage.)
(Fade to close shot of Kevin.)
And surged through my 12-year-old body as I delivered it.
KEVIN (As RFK): Some men see things as they are...and ask "why?" I see things as they might be...and ask "why not?"
(A few people begin to applaud.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective as the audience begins to applaud loudly.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking over his shoulder toward Miss White off-screen.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at him off-screen. She has a tear on her cheek. She is applauding.)
(Shot of Kevin as he turns and slowly approaches the camera in Miss White's direction.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at him off-screen and applauding.)
(Shot of Kevin approaching the camera.)
(Close shot of Miss White looking at him off-screen and applauding as the camera rolls up on her. Her boyfriend Stephen quickly moves into the shot.)
STEPHEN: Dianne...
(He grabs her and kisses her.)
(Close shot of Kevin pausing and frowning slightly at them off-screen.)
(Shot of Miss White and Stephen kissing. They pull apart as they smile at each other.)
MISS WHITE: Stephen...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen as Paul and others grab him and lead him away.)
PAUL: Curtain call.
(Shot of Miss White and Stephen. The camera pulls away from them as they start to kiss.)
(Shot of Kevin, Paul, and others standing next to each other as the audience applauds loudly. Kevin looks over his shoulder toward Miss White off-screen. The line bows forward, pulling Kevin with them.)
(Shot from the front of the stage as the actors bow.)
("The Times They Are A-Changin'" - Bob Dylan starts.)
(Close shot of Kevin as he stands up, looking toward the audience off-screen.)
(Shot from Kevin's perspective of the audience applauding loudly.)
"Come gather round people"
(Closer shot of the Arnold's in the audience.)
(Close shot of Kevin looking at them off-screen.)
"Wherever you roam"
"And admit that the waters around you have grown"
(Close shot of Jack applauding emotionally as he stands up.)
"And accept it that soon"
(Wide shot from behind the audience as they rise.)
"You'll be drenched to the bone"
It was a strange and passionate time.
"If your time to you is worth savin'"
(Close shot of Jack applauding emotionally.)
Some of our dreams dissolved into thin air.
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen.)
They almost seem comical now.
"You better start swimmin'"
(Close shot of Jack applauding emotionally, and smiling slightly.)
"Or you'll sink like a stone"
But some of our dreams were lasting...
(Close shot of Kevin looking at Jack off-screen and smiling slightly.)
And real.
(Close shot of Jack applauding emotionally.)
"For the times, they are a-changin'"
(Close shot of Kevin smiling at Jack off-screen as the audience continues to applaud.)
Fade to
Supporting Cast
Miss White - Wendel Meldrum
"Martin Luther King, Jr." - E'Lon Young
"Just My Imagination" - The Temptations
"The Times They Are A-Changin'" - Bob Dylan
Thanks to Jeff Kindig for help with some dialog, editing, and direction :-)

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12/25/04 11:50